目前所有已知的 Wii U 漏洞(例如 Nintendo Switch RCM 漏洞)都可以被通过更新系统失效。 虽然 Wii U 不再会得到任天堂官方的技术支持,但任天堂仍然可以为其发布新的系统更新。 Namely, the updates 5.5.3, 5.5.4 and 5.5.5 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action.
?> 这种方法比上面那种简单一些,推荐小白做这种方法。 然而这个方法会影响 eShop 的功能。 This can be worked around by running [NNUPatcher](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/nnupatcher.zip) before starting the eShop.