# 阻止更新 --- 目前所有已知的 Wii U 漏洞(例如 Nintendo Switch RCM 漏洞)都可以被通过更新系统失效。 虽然 Wii U 不再会得到任天堂官方的技术支持,但任天堂仍然可以为其发布新的系统更新。 Namely, the updates 5.5.3, 5.5.4 and 5.5.5 were all released after the Wii U was discontinued, so blocking updates is still a recommended action. ### 简介 {docsify-ignore} Currently, three ways exist to block updates on the Wii U system: #### **Tiramisu Autoboot** ### Tiramisu Autoboot ?> When autobooting into the the PayloadLoader, updates are automatically blocked. To enable autobooting into the PayloadLoader follow [this](../docs/user-guide/tiramisu/autoboot). #### **Deleting Update Folder** ### Deleting Update Folder ?> This method of update blocking is a bit more advanced than DNS Blocking and uses a homebrew app to modify system files. However, it has the advantage that the eShop's functionality will not be restricted. 1. 将 SD 卡插入电脑。 1. 下载并解压 [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine/releases) 到你的 SD 卡根目录。 1. 将 SD 卡插回 Wii U 并将其开机。 1. 启动 Homebrew Launcher。 1. 移动 Homebrew Launcher 并启动 UFDiine app。 1. 按下 A 键删除更新文件夹。 1. 确认它提示 `Update folder is deleted`。 你现在已阻止系统更新。 #### **DNS Blocking** ### DNS Blocking ?> This method is the easier method and is recommended to less advanced users. It does, however, prevent the eShop from working. This can be worked around by running [NNUPatcher](https://wiiubru.com/appstore/zips/nnupatcher.zip) before starting the eShop. 1. 将 SD 卡插入电脑。 1. 复制 `nnupatcher.zip` 里的文件到你的 SD 卡根目录。 如果有覆盖提示,请点击覆盖所有已存在的文件。 1. Plug the SD Card into your Wii U console and power it on. 1. 进入的 Wii U 的系统设置,并移动至`互联网(Internet) > 连接至互联网(Connect to the Internet) > 接入点列表(Connection List) >` `你的 WiFi 接入点(Your WiFi connection) > 更改设置(Change Settings) > DNS` 然后设置选项为 `不自动获取(Do not auto-obtain)`。 1. 你会被分别要求输入一个首先 DNS 和备用 DNS。 输入以下 IP 地址: - 首选 DNS: - 备用DNS: DNS 屏蔽 1. 点击确认。 1. You are now blocking updates. 如果你想要启动 eShop,则你需要在 Homebrew Launcher 里运行 NNUPatcher 程序后再启动 eShop。