# Unblocking Updates --- This is needed if you ever need to perform a System Update. ### Instructions {docsify-ignore} <!-- tabs:start --> #### **Recreating Update Folder** ### Recreating Update Folder 1. Plug your SD Card into your Computer. 1. Download and extract [UFDiine](https://github.com/GaryOderNichts/UFDiine/releases) to the root of your SD Card. 1. Plug the SD Card into your Wii U console and power it on. 1. Enter the Homebrew Launcher. 1. Navigate the Homebrew Launcher and run the UFDiine app. 1. Press the A button to create the update folder. 1. Confirm that it says `Update folder exists`. You are no longer blocking updates. #### **Removing DNS Blocks** ### Removing DNS Blocks 1. Enter the Wii U's system settings and navigate to `Internet > Connect to the Internet > Connection List >` `Your WiFi connection > Change Settings > DNS` and set the option to `Auto-obtain`. 1. You are no longer blocking system updates. <!-- tabs:end -->