# Aroma {docsify-ignore-all}

## 浏览器漏洞

请确保你的 Wii U 在做到这里之前可以连接到互联网。

### 操作步骤

1. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。
2. Launch the Internet Browser and navigate to the website `wiiuexploit.xyz`.
3. Click on `Run Exploit!` and hold the B button until you see a screen that says `Please choose your payload:`, this will be necessary for the next steps.
   - 如果你的 Wii U 卡住不动或白屏了,请等一会。 If nothing happens, reboot the console, [reset the browser's save data](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history) and try again.
   - If you see the EnvironmentLoader, you did not hold down B long enough. Try again.