# Tiramisu ## 浏览器漏洞 {docsify-ignore} We first need to launch the Homebrew Launcher through the browser exploit. 请确保你的 Wii U 在做到这里之前可以连接到互联网。 ### 步骤 {docsify-ignore} 1. 把 SD 卡从电脑中弹出并插入 Wii U 主机。 1. 启动 Wii U 的浏览器,然后访问 `wiiuexploit.xyz` 网站。 1. 点击 `Run Homebrew Launcher!`。 - 如果你的 Wii U 卡住不动或白屏了,请等一会。 如果什么都没有发生,那就重启主机后[重置浏览器保存的数据](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history),然后再来一次。 1. The Environment selector should open up: navigate to `tiramisu` and press Y to set this to your default envrionment, then press A to launch into `tiramisu` - To open the Environment selector in the future, you have hold X while executing the exploit. 1. Now the Tiramisu boot menu should open up: navigate to `Wii U Menu` and press Y to set this to your autoboot title, then press A to launch into the `Wii U Menu` - To open the Tiramisu boot menu in the future, you have hold START (+) while launching the tiramisu environment. ?> Once you're booted into the Tiramisu environment, you can open the Mii Maker at any time to get into the Homebrew Launcher.
To get back into the Mii Maker, simply press the HOME button while in the Homebrew Launcher.