# Archive - Mocha - Indexiine

**CURRENT METHOD IS AVAILABLE [HERE](../../../introduction)**

## 浏览器破解 {docsify-ignore}

Now that you have your NAND backup in case anything goes wrong later, you can install Indexiine on your system.

?> In case you haven't plugged your SD Card back into your Wii U after copying your NAND backup to a computer, do so now.

### 步骤 {docsify-ignore}

1. 打开你的 Wii U。
1. 启动 Wii U 的浏览器,打开 `wiiuexploit.xyz` 。
1. 点击 `Run Homebrew Launcher!`。 然后你的主机应该就启动到 Homebrew Launcher 了。
    - 如果你的 Wii U 卡住不动或白屏了,请等一会。 如果什么都没有发生,那就重启主机后[重置浏览器保存的数据](https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/1507/~/how-to-delete-the-internet-browser-history),然后再来一次。
1. 移动 Homebrew Launcher 至 `Indexiine Installer` 程序并启动。
1. 按下 A 键安装 Indexiine。
1. 当进程完成后,请关闭 Homebrew Launcher 来返回你的 Wii U 主菜单。

The Homebrew Launcher will now be launched every time you launch the Internet Browser even without an internet connection. If you want to visit another website, open it before Indexiine triggers the exploit.

?> In case you ever want to uninstall Indexiine, see the [Uninstall Indexiine](../../../uninstall-indexiine) page