# Dumping Original Wii Discs
Dumping your Discs allows you to: play them on a Wii emulator (namely Dolphin), play them using a USB/SD Card loader such as Wiiflow, make Virtual Console injects that can be installed on a Wii U formatted USB drive or the NAND and launched from the Wii U Menu.

?> Dumping Wii games require a working Homebrew setup on vWii, so make sure to finish the [vWii Modding guide](vwii-modding) beforehand.

### What You Need

1. The latest release of [CleanRip](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip)
1. The [wii.dat](https://github.com/emukidid/cleanrip/releases/download/2.1.1/wii.dat) file

### Instructions

1. Insert your Wii U's SD Card into your computer
1. Copy the `apps` folder from the `CleanRip-v2.1.1.zip` file to the root of your SD Card
1. Copy the `wii.dat` file to the root of your SD Card
1. Take the SD Card out of your computer and plug it into your Wii U console.

### Dumping The Disc

1. Turn on your Wii U then choose the Wii Menu icon to boot up in vWii
1. Launch the Homebrew Channel
1. Launch CleanRip
1. Read the Disclaimer then press A
1. Select Yes to enable Checksum Calculations
1. Select either USB or SD Card depending on which device you want to use for the dumping process
 - Please note that the device you will choose needs to be formatted either in FAT32 or NTFS
1. Press A to continue
1. Select No on the screen that asks you to download redump.org DAT files
1. Insert your disc then press A
1. Go [on this page](https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Category:Dual_Layer_Disc_games) to see if your disc is dual-layered
1. Set everything to match the following:
 - Dual Layer `Yes/No` (Select `Yes` if your game's disc is dual-layered)
 - Chunk Size `Max`
 - New device per chunk `No`
1. If you want to dump multiple discs, select Yes to remember your settings. If not, select No.

?> Be prepared to wait a while. The dumping process can take 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on your SD Card's speeds.

### Joining Split Files

?> If you dumped the disc on a FAT32 formatted, device, you should've got at least 2 files that end with `.partX.iso`. They need to be joined up.

1. Copy all the files that share the same name and end with `.partX.iso` in a folder on your computer
1. Open up a Command Prompt window
1. Use the `cd <path>` command and replace `<path>` by the path to your `.partX.iso` files
1. Use the following command as is: `copy /b *.part?.iso game.iso`