2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
title: "BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)"
{% include toc title="Indice" %}
### Lettura necessaria
Per eseguire un dump dei DSiWare di sistema, approfittiamo di una falla di sicurezza nella sezione Gestione Nintendo DSiWare dell'applicazione Impostazioni della console.
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
Per realizzare l'obiettivo, utilizziamo la chiave di cifratura della tua console (movable.sed) per generare un backup DSiWare che induce la console a creare un dump dell'applicazione Impostazioni Internet DSi nella directory principale della scheda SD.
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
Una volta ottenuto un backup DSiWare, si può initiettare nella "Modalità download" un titolo DSiWare utilizzabile per installare un custom firmware.
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
Queste istruzioni sono solo per le console taiwanesi (come indicato da una T alla fine della versione di sistema, ad esempio 11.15.0-39T)! Se la tua console proviene da qualsiasi altra regione, [scegli un altro metodo](seedminer#next-steps).
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
{: .notice--warning}
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
### Cosa serve
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
- Il tuo file `movable.sed` dalla sezione [Seedminer](seedminer)
- L'ultima versione di [Luma3DS](https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases/latest)
- L'ultima versione di [b9stool](https://github.com/zoogie/b9sTool/releases/latest)
- L'ultima versione di [Frogminer_save](https://github.com/zoogie/Frogminer/releases/latest)
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
#### Sezione I - Controllo del CFW
1. Spegni il tuo 3DS
1. Premi il pulsante (Select)
1. Accendi la tua console continuando a tenere premuto il pulsante (Select)
1. Se il controllo è andato a buon fine, verrà avviato il menu HOME e potrai procedere con questa guida
Se visualizzi un menu di configurazione, hai già un CFW e continuando con queste istruzioni potresti BRICKARE la tua console! Procedi con la [Verifica del CFW](checking-for-cfw) per aggiornare il tuo CFW esistente.
{: .notice--danger}
#### Sezione II - Preparazione
1. Spegni il tuo 3DS
1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer
1. Copia i file `boot.firm` e `boot.3dsx` dall'archivio `.zip` di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ La directory principale della scheda SD è la cartella della tua scheda SD in cui è possibile visualizzare la cartella Nintendo 3DS, ma non il suo interno
1. Copia il file `boot.nds` (B9STool) nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
1. Copia la cartella `private` presente nell'archivio `.zip` di Frogminer_save nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
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1. Tieni la scheda SD nel tuo computer - ci sono altre cose da fare nella prossima sezione
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
![]({{ "/images/screenshots/fredtool-root-layout.png" | absolute_url }})
{: .notice--info}
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
#### Sezione III - BannerBomb3
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Apri il sito [DSIHaxInjector V2](https://jenkins.nelthorya.net/job/DSIHaxInjector%20v2/build?delay=0sec) sul tuo computer
1. Sotto il campo "Username" inserisci un nome alfanumerico qualunque (senza spazi o caratteri speciali)
1. Sotto il campo "MovableSed", carica il tuo file `movable.sed` cliccando sull'opzione "Browse..."
1. Clicca "Build"
1. Attendi alcuni secondi, quindi fai clic su "Last build (#number) x sec ago"
1. Clicca il link "output_(name).zip"
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Nella tua scheda SD, entra in `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare`
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
+ `<ID0>` è lo stesso utilizzato in Seedminer
+ `<ID1>` è una cartella dal nome lungo 32 caratteri all'interno di `<ID0>`
+ Se la cartella `Nintendo DSiWare` non esiste, creala
1. Se la cartella `Nintendo DSiWare` contiene qualcosa, spostalo altrove per sicurezza
1. Apri il file `.zip` output_(nome) e naviga su `China_Taiwan` -> `output_setup`
1. Copia tutti i sei file `.bin` nella cartella `Nintendo DSiWare`
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console
1. Accendi la console
1. Avvia "Impostazioni della console"
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Entra in `Gestione dati` -> `DSiWare` -> `Scheda SD` -> (pagina 2)
1. Prendi nota del numero sul titolo DSiWare nella seconda pagina (sarà un numero compreso tra 1 e 6)
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Spegni il tuo 3DS
1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer
1. Nella tua scheda SD, entra in `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare`
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Apri il file `.zip` output_(nome) e naviga su `China_Taiwan` -> `output_hax`
1. Copia il file `.bin` con lo stesso numero di quello nella seconda pagina del menu "Gestione Nintendo DSiWare" nella cartella `Nintendo DSiWare`, e sovrascrivi quando richiesto
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Accendi la console
1. Avvia "Impostazioni della console"
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Entra in `Gestione Dati` -> `DSiWare` -> `Scheda SD`
1. Attendi
+ Dovrebbero succedere in ordine le seguenti cose: Una barra di caricamento, un breve blocco, lo schermo inferiore viola, l'arresto della musica, infine la console mostrerà un errore e si riavvierà
+ Se non hai visto lo schermo viola, qualcosa è andato storto
1. Ora dovresti avere il file `42383821.bin` nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
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1. Nella tua scheda SD, entra in `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare`
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Elimina tutti i file `.bin` dalla cartella `Nintendo DSiWare`
#### Sezione IV - Fredtool
1. Apri il sito [DSIHaxInjector_new](https://jenkins.nelthorya.net/job/DSIHaxInjector_new/build?delay=0sec) sul tuo computer
1. Sotto il campo "Username" inserisci un nome alfanumerico qualunque (senza spazi o caratteri speciali)
+ Ti conviene inserire un nome diverso per differenziarlo dall'output di BannerBomb3
1. Sul campo "DSiBin", carica il tuo file `42383821.bin` usando la prima opzione "Browse..."
1. Sul campo "MovableSed", carica il tuo file `movable.sed` usando la seconda opzione "Browse..."
1. Sul campo "InjectionTarget", imposta l'obiettivo dell'iniezione su `DSdownloadplay` (NON memorypit)
1. Clicca "Build"
1. Attendi alcuni secondi, quindi fai clic su "Last build (#number) x sec ago"
1. Clicca il link "output_(name).zip"
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Nella tua scheda SD, entra in `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare`
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Copia il file `484E4441.bin` dalla cartella `hax` dall'archivio DSiWare appena scaricato (`output_(name).zip`) nella cartella `Nintendo DSiWare`
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console
1. Accendi la console
1. Avvia "Impostazioni della console"
1. Entra in `Gestione dati` -> `DSiWare`
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1. Nella sezione "Scheda SD", scegli il titolo "Haxxxxxxxxx!"
1. Seleziona "Copia", quindi "OK”
1. Esci da Impostazioni della console
1. Avvia Download Play sulla tua console (l'icona arancione con un 3DS)
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1. Seleziona "Nintendo DS"
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Se l'exploit ha avuto successo, la tua console avrà caricato la versione JPN di Flipnote Studio
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2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
#### Sezione V - Exploit Flipnote
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
Se desideri una guida visiva per questa parte, è disponibile [qui](https://zoogie.github.io/web/flipnote_directions/).
{: .notice--info}
1. Completa la configurazione iniziale del gioco finché non avrai raggiunto il menu principale
+ Seleziona l'opzione di sinistra quando richiesto durante la configurazione
1. Con il touch screen, seleziona il riquadro grande a sinistra, poi il riquadro con l'icona di una scheda SD
1. Al termine del caricamento del menu, scegli l'icona col volto, poi premi l'icona in basso a destra per proseguire
1. Premi (X) o (SU) sul D-Pad a seconda di cosa sia visualizzato sullo schermo superiore
1. Seleziona il secondo pulsante in cima, con l'icona di una pellicola
1. Scorri a destra fino a visualizzare la bobina "3/3"
1. Seleziona il terzo riquadro con la lettera "A" all'interno
1. Scorri a sinistra fino a visualizzare la bobina "1/3"
1. Seleziona il quarto riquadro con la lettera "A" all'interno
1. Se l'exploit ha avuto successo, la tua console avrà caricato b9sTool
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1. Usando il D-Pad, vai su "Install boot9strap”
+ Se salti questo passaggio, la console si riavvierà nel menu HOME senza aver installato boot9strap, e sarà necessario riaprire l'applicazione Modalità download DS e ricominciare dall'inizio di questa sezione
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1. Premi (A), quindi premi START e SELECT contemporaneamente per avviare il processo
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1. Al termine, quando lo schermo inferiore presenterà la scritta "done.", esci da b9sTool, quindi spegni la console
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
+ Potresti dover forzare lo spegnimento tenendo premuto il pulsante di accensione
New Crowdin updates (#2034)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Finnish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Czech)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Czech)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Czech)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (German)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (German)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (German)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Greek)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Greek)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Italian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Italian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Italian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Japanese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Japanese)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Japanese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Korean)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Italian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Polish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Polish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Polish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Korean)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Korean)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Korean)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Korean)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Dutch)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Polish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Polish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Russian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Swedish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Swedish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Swedish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Swedish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Turkish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Russian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Russian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Russian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Turkish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Turkish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Thai)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Thai)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Thai)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Malay)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Malay)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Thai)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Croatian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Croatian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Croatian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Malay)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Dutch)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Dutch)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Dutch)
2022-06-07 04:45:17 -07:00
+ If your device shuts down when you try to power it on, ensure that you have copied `boot.firm` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card
+ If you see the Luma Configuration screen, press (Start) to reboot, then continue with the guide
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
New Crowdin updates (#2034)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Finnish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Czech)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Czech)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Czech)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (German)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (German)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (German)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Greek)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Greek)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Italian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Italian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Italian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Japanese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Japanese)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Japanese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Korean)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Italian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Polish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Polish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Polish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Korean)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Korean)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Korean)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Korean)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Dutch)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Polish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Polish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Russian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Swedish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Swedish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Swedish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Swedish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Turkish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Russian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Russian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Russian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Turkish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Turkish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Thai)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Thai)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Thai)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Malay)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Malay)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Thai)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Croatian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Croatian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Croatian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Malay)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Dutch)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Dutch)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Dutch)
2022-06-07 04:45:17 -07:00
#### Section VI - Luma3DS Verification
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
New Crowdin updates (#2034)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Finnish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Czech)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Czech)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Czech)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (German)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (German)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (German)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Greek)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Greek)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Italian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Italian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Italian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Japanese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Japanese)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Japanese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Korean)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Italian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Polish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Polish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Polish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Korean)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Korean)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Korean)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Korean)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Dutch)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Polish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Polish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Russian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Swedish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Swedish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Swedish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Swedish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Turkish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Russian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Russian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Russian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Turkish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Turkish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Thai)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Thai)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Thai)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Malay)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Malay)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Thai)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Croatian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Croatian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Croatian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Malay)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Dutch)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Dutch)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Dutch)
2022-06-07 04:45:17 -07:00
1. Spegni il tuo 3DS
1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer
1. Verify that a `luma` folder exists and that `config.ini` is inside of it
+ The existence of these folders and files confirms that Luma3DS is installed
+ If you do not see the `luma` folder or `config.ini`, [follow this troubleshooting guide](https://github.com/zoogie/b9sTool/blob/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md)
At this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+ Luma3DS non è diverso dal normale menu HOME. Se la console avvia il menu HOME, vuol dire che sta eseguendo il custom firmware.
+ On the next page, you will install useful homebrew applications to complete your setup.
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
#### Sezione VII - Ripristino della Modalità Download DS
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Nella tua scheda SD, entra in `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare`
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Copia il file `484E4441.bin` dalla cartella `clean` dall'archivio DSiWare appena scaricato (`output_(name).zip) nella cartella `Nintendo DSiWare`
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console
1. Accendi la console
1. Avvia "Impostazioni della console"
1. Entra in `Gestione dati` -> `DSiWare`
2022-03-31 14:51:06 -07:00
1. Nella sezione "Scheda SD", scegli il titolo "Haxxxxxxxxx!"
1. Seleziona "Copia", quindi "OK”
1. Esci da Impostazioni della console
2022-03-22 01:48:26 -07:00
1. Spegni il tuo 3DS
### Prosegui con il [Completamento dell'installazione](finalizing-setup)
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