elseif(sslothable(minor.value,nver.value)){//check for versions that are not cartupdated, cartupdated consoles cannot access the browser, see troubleshooting for solution
elseif(sslothablekor(minor.value,nver.value)){//check for versions that are not cartupdated, cartupdated consoles cannot access the browser, see troubleshooting for solution
//else if (sslothable(minor.value, nver.value)) { //check for versions that are not cartupdated, cartupdated consoles cannot access the browser, see troubleshooting for solution
// window.location.href = "installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)"; //OTHERAPP BROKEN FOR TWN/CHN 11.4+ ATM
else{//seedminer does still work for the latest version on E/U/J/K/T/C, but can only be chained on E/U/J/K/T
elseif(region.value==="C"){//chn stuff
if(major.value<11||minor.value<4){//soundhax works on all consoles for 1.0-11.3
//else if (sslothable(minor.value, nver.value)) { //check for versions that are not cartupdated, cartupdated consoles cannot access the browser, see troubleshooting for solution
// window.location.href = "installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)"; //OTHERAPP BROKEN FOR TWN/CHN 11.4+ ATM
else{//seedminer does still work for the latest version on E/U/J/K/T/C, but can only be chained on E/U/J/K/T, so CHN cannot be modded atm without additional hardware