1. Copy kartdlphax's `plugin.3gx` to the following directory on the **source 3DS**'s SD card, depending on the **region of your copy of Mario Kart 7**:
- If the source 3DS freezes at this point and you are using a cartridge, try [installing the cartridge to the system](dumping-titles-and-game-cartridges#installing-a-game-cartridge-directly-to-the-system)
1. On the **target 3DS**, open the Download Play application (![]({{ "/images/download-play-icon.png" | absolute_url }}){: height="24px" width="24px"}), then select "Nintendo 3DS"
1. Join the group created by the **source 3DS**
1. Select "Start" on the **source 3DS** once it has detected the **target 3DS**
1. Once multiplayer has loaded, navigate to `Grand Prix` -> `50cc` -> (any driver) -> `Mushroom Cup`
1. Wait a while (a percentage should be displayed on the **source 3DS**)
1. If the exploit was successful, the **target 3DS** will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller