This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to decrypt any DSiWare eShop title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application. This requires you to already own (or download / buy) a DSiWare game from the eShop.
Dies ist eine zurzeit funktionierende Implementation des "FIRM Partitions Known-Plaintext"-Exploits. Details findest du [hier](
To extract the `.7z` and `.rar` files linked on this page, you will need a file archiver like [7-Zip]( or [The Unarchiver](
### Was du brauchst
* Any eShop DSiWare game
+ JPN region users can download the free title "ほぼ日の健康手帳™" ([{: height="24px" width="24px"})]({{ "/images/qrcodes/50010000005133.png" | absolute_url }})
+ USA region users can download the free title "Nintendo Fan Network" ([{: height="24px" width="24px"})]({{ "/images/qrcodes/50010000013696.png" | absolute_url }})
* Your `movable.sed` file from completing [Seedminer](seedminer)
* The latest release of [Frogminer_save](
* The latest release of [b9sTool](
* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( *(the `.7z` file)*
* The latest release of [the Homebrew Launcher](
1. Copy the `42383841.bin` file from the `output/hax/` folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (``) to the `Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<32-character-id>/Nintendo DSiWare/` folder on your SD card
+ Unter Umständen musst du das Ausschalten der Konsole erzwingen indem du den Power-Knopf gedrückt hälst
+ If you see the Luma Configuration screen, continue with the guide without powering off
#### Schritt IV - Luma3DS konfigurieren
1. Starte deinen 3DS während du (Select) gedrückt hälst, um in die Luma3DS-Konfiguration zu gelangen
+ If you encounter issues launching the Luma configuration menu, [follow this troubleshooting guide](
1. Benutze den (A) Knopf und das Steuerkreuz, um Folgendes zu aktivieren:
+ **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"**
1. Drücke (Start) zum Speichern und neustarten
+ Wenn du einen schwarzen Bildschirm siehst, [Folge diesen Anweisungen](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap)
1. Copy the `42383841.bin` file from the `output/clean/` folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (``) to the `Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<32-character-id>/Nintendo DSiWare/` folder on your SD card