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3DS Hacks Guide
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<li>If your device does not yet have custom firmware, <strong>do NOT update to the latest version</strong>, as installation methods may be more difficult.</li>
<li>If your unmodified device is ALREADY on 11.17.0, you can use <ahref="https://troubleshoot.uwuu.ca/seventeen/">this page</a> to see if a method is available for your device.</li>
<li>Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join <ahref="https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp">Nintendo Homebrew on Discord</a>.</li>
<summary><u>我目前裝的系統為最新版本。 Is my device hackable without any external hardware/prerequisites?</u></summary>
<p>It depends on your console model. At the moment, New 3DS / New 3DS XL / New 2DS XL is able to be modded on 11.17.0 without any prerequisites (e.g. eShop titles, physical items), while 3DS / 3DS XL / 2DS is not.</p>
<p>Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).</p>
<p>Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. 授予使用者空間的系統權限允許您執行基本的自製程式和模擬器,但較難或甚至無法讓您修改遊戲或轉儲卡帶。 這些漏洞也不太穩定,自製程式經常直接死當並需要完全重啟主機。 自製韌體授予更高的系統存取權限,同時也比自製軟體的入口點更加穩定。</p>
<p>如果你正在使用 Luma3DS,你的自製韌體加載器(boot9strap)<strong>永遠不會</strong>因為更新系統而被移除。 過去曾有更新導致 Luma3DS 在啟動時當機,因此建議您過幾個小時後再更新,以確保不會暫時導致主機在 Luma3DS 更新之前無法使用。 System updates can be performed the same way as they are on an unmodified 3DS: through System Settings, Safe Mode, or the update prompt when the update is automatically downloaded.</p>
<summary><u>How do I upgrade my SD card?</u></summary>
<p>Copy and paste your SD card contents to a new SD card formatted as FAT32. For 128GB cards, an allocation size of 65536 is recommended. 目前已知較大的 SD 卡可能會造成 GBA 和自定義主題的相關問題,因此不建議使用大於128GB的SD卡。</p>
<summary><u>Can I system transfer with CFW?</u></summary>
<p>Yes, system transfers can be performed through the official System Transfer function to other consoles with CFW (inconsistencies may occur if the target console is unmodified). Tickets for illegitimate titles (homebrew) will not transfer, but the titles can be made to reappear with <ahref="https://github.com/ihaveamac/faketik/releases/latest">faketik</a>. Make sure that you do not perform a wireless transfer, as this will delete illegitimate titles. CFW will remain on both consoles.</p>
<summary><u>How do I change the system language of a Japanese 3DS?</u></summary>
<p>The only way to change the system language of a Japanese 3DS to a language other than Japanese is to perform a <ahref="region-changing">region change</a>. 請注意,這很可能會造成您主機無法正常使用 eShop,這也代表您將無法更新您的遊戲,無論它們是在主機區域內還是在區域外。</p>
<summary><u>How do I update homebrew applications?</u></summary>
<p>It depends on the format of the homebrew application. Generally speaking:</p>
<li><strong>CIA 格式</strong>的自製程式:只需要直接安裝更新版本的 CIA 即可,通常舊的會被直接替換。 如果舊的 CIA 沒有被替換掉你也可直接去資料管理 (Data Management) 中刪除舊版的程式,就像你刪其他程式或遊戲一樣。
<strong>3DSX 格式</strong>的自製程式:替換 <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">/3ds/</code> 資料夾內的 3DSX 檔案即可。 If the homebrew application includes additional assets, you may need to place that folder somewhere else. Refer to the documentation of the homebrew application.</li>
<li>For updating Luma3DS, see <ahref="restoring-updating-cfw">this page</a>. For updating GodMode9, see <ahref="godmode9-usage#updating-godmode9">this page</a>.</li>
<summary><u>How do I update my games?</u></summary>
<p>You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.</p>
<p>If the game is not from the same region as the console, you will need to <ahref="dumping-titles-and-game-cartridges">dump the updates</a> from a 3DS that has the updates installed. The Nintendo eShop only contains updates for the console’s region (a Japanese 3DS will only have updates for Japanese games).</p>
<summary><u>救命! Something bad happened and my 3DS won't boot to HOME Menu...</u></summary>
<p>Please look at the <ahref="troubleshooting#boot-issues-on-devices-with-custom-firmware">troubleshooting guide</a>. <strong>Uninstalling CFW when your device is in an unbootable state is not recommended, as it is very likely to lead to a brick</strong>.</p>
<summary><u>I modded my device (x) years ago, so it already has some sort of homebrew. What should I do?</u></summary>
<p>It is recommended that you upgrade your setup to a modern, boot9strap-based one. Follow the <ahref="checking-for-cfw">Checking for CFW</a> guide to see how to upgrade your setup.</p>
<summary><u>My setup works for me. Why should I upgrade it?</u></summary>
<p>The vast majority of modern homebrew (such as Checkpoint and BootNTR Selector) have only been tested on modern, boot9strap-based setups and may not work entirely (or at all) on older setups based on menuhax, A9LH, or Gateway. In addition, depending on your setup, you may be unable to safely update to the latest firmware. Modern, boot9strap-based setups allow for a greater level of system access than previous hacks, including the ability to dump your console’s bootrom.</p>
<summary><u>Will I lose anything if I upgrade my setup?</u></summary>
<p>Your old setup (including your EmuNAND, if you have one) can usually be directly migrated to boot9strap with no data loss. If you have data that is particularly important to you, it would be a good idea to make a decrypted backup of your save data before upgrading your setup with a tool like <ahref="https://github.com/J-D-K/JKSM/releases/tag/12%2F20%2F2018">JKSM</a>.</p>
<summary><u>How do I move saves from an existing Gateway setup to a more modern setup?</u></summary>