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2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
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2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
2023-06-06 12:29:30 +00:00
< li style = "display: none;" data-name = "finalizing-setup" > < a href = '/zh_CN/finalizing-setup' > Finalizing Setup< / a > < / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
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< h1 id = "page-title" class = "page__title" itemprop = "headline" > Installing boot9strap (Frogtool)
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< div class = "notice" > < b > 如果有疑问并且懂英语的话,可以到 < a href = "https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp" > Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器< / a > 上使用英文寻求帮助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,你可能需要通过科学上网来访问 Discord)
你也可以到译者的 < a href = "https://stray-soul.site/index.php/qqgroup" > QQ 群< / a > 寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。< / b > < / div >
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< li > < a href = "#你需要准备点啥" id = "markdown-toc-你需要准备点啥" > 你需要准备点啥?< / a > < ul >
< li > < a href = "#第一步--检查自制固件" id = "markdown-toc-第一步--检查自制固件" > 第一步 – 检查自制固件< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#第二步--准备工作" id = "markdown-toc-第二步--准备工作" > 第二步 – 准备工作< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#section-iii---patching-ds-download-play" id = "markdown-toc-section-iii---patching-ds-download-play" > Section III - Patching DS Download Play< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#section-iv---flipnote-exploit" id = "markdown-toc-section-iv---flipnote-exploit" > Section IV - Flipnote Exploit< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#第四部分--配置-luma3ds" id = "markdown-toc-第四部分--配置-luma3ds" > 第四部分 — 配置 Luma3DS< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#第七步--还原-ds-连接设置ds-connection-settings" id = "markdown-toc-第七步--还原-ds-连接设置ds-connection-settings" > 第七步 – 还原 “DS 连接设置( DS Connection Settings) ”< / a > < / li >
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< li > < a href = "#继续至完成安装" id = "markdown-toc-继续至完成安装" > 继续至完成安装< / a > < / li >
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< details class = "notice--info" >
< summary > < em > 技术细节(选看)< / em > < / summary >
< p > For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see “DSiWare_Exports CTCert verification” and “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” < a href = "https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws" > here< / a > .< / p >
< / details >
< p class = "notice--warning" > To use the < a href = "https://wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnet_URI_scheme" > magnet< / a > link for < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > frogcert.bin< / code > on this page, you will need a torrent client like < a href = "https://www.qbittorrent.org/download.php" > qBittorrent< / a > or < a href = "http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/Download" > Deluge< / a > . < br / >
If you are unable to install one, follow < a href = "bannerbomb3" > Bannerbomb3< / a > instead.< / p >
< h3 id = "你需要准备点啥" > 你需要准备点啥?< / h3 >
< ul >
< li > Your < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > movable.sed< / code > file from completing Seedminer or nimhax on the root of your SD card< / li >
< li > < i class = "fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden = "true" title = "这是一个磁力链接。 Use a torrent client to download the file." > < / i > < a href = "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:d12278ea50bb3574f1fbd327f3d0e2292c70941f&dn=frogcert.bin&tr=https%3a%2f%2ftracker.fastdownload.xyz%3a443%2fannounce&tr=https%3a%2f%2fopentracker.xyz%3a443%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2fopen.trackerlist.xyz%3a80%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ft.nyaatracker.com%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.tiny-vps.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fopen.demonii.si%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.port443.xyz%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.vanitycore.co%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.torrent.eu.org%3a451%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fretracker.lanta-net.ru%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fthetracker.org%3a80%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftorrent.nwps.ws%3a80%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.coppersurfer.tk%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.iamhansen.xyz%3a2000%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fbt.xxx-tracker.com%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2f0d.kebhana.mx%3a443%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fexodus.desync.com%3a6969%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.opentrackr.org%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker4.itzmx.com%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.justseed.it%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=http%3a%2f%2ftherightsize.net%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fretracker.hotplug.ru%3a2710%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2ftracker.internetwarriors.net%3a1337%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2f9.rarbg.com%3a2800%2fannounce&tr=https%3a%2f%2f2.track.ga%3a443%2fannounce&tr=udp%3a%2f%2fbigfoot1942.sektori.org%3a6969%2fannounce" > frogcert.bin< / a > (magnet link)< / li >
< li > The latest release of < a href = "https://github.com/zoogie/Frogtool/releases/latest" > Frogtool< / a > < / li >
< li > The latest release of < a href = "https://github.com/zoogie/b9sTool/releases/latest" > b9sTool< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< h4 id = "第一步--检查自制固件" > 第一步 – 检查自制固件< / h4 >
< p > As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like < a href = "ntrboot" > ntrboot< / a > ).< / p >
< ol >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Power off your console< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< li > 按住 “Select” 键< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Power on your console while still holding the (Select) button< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< li > If the check was successful, you will boot to the HOME Menu and you may proceed with this guide< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Power off your console< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< / ol >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< p class = "notice--danger" > If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your console! Follow < a href = "checking-for-cfw" > Checking for CFW< / a > to upgrade your existing CFW.< / p >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< h4 id = "第二步--准备工作" > 第二步 – 准备工作< / h4 >
< ol >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Power off your console< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< li > 将你的 SD 卡插入到电脑< / li >
< li > 解压 Luma3DS < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > .zip< / code > 里的 < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > boot.firm< / code > 和 < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > boot.3dsx< / code > 到你 SD 卡的根目录< / li >
< li > Copy < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > boot.nds< / code > (b9sTool) from the b9sTool release < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > .zip< / code > to the root of your SD card< / li >
< li > Copy < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > Frogtool.3dsx< / code > to the < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > /3ds/< / code > folder on your SD card< / li >
< li > Copy < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > frogcert.bin< / code > to the root of your SD card< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Reinsert your SD card into your console< / li >
< li > Power on your console< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< / ol >
< h4 id = "section-iii---patching-ds-download-play" > Section III - Patching DS Download Play< / h4 >
< ol >
< li > Open the Homebrew Launcher through your method of choice (likely the Internet Browser)< / li >
< li > Launch Frogtool from the list of homebrew< / li >
< li > Select the “INJECT patched DS Download Play” option< / li >
< li > Frogtool will automatically run and inject the JPN version of Flipnote Studio into your DS Download Play< / li >
< li > Once this operation has finished, read the screens and check if the process was successful< / li >
< li > Tap the touch screen, then select “BOOT patched DS Download Play”< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > If the exploit was successful, your console will have loaded the JPN version of Flipnote Studio
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< ul >
< li > If you get stuck on a black screen, follow < a href = "https://wiki.hacks.guide/wiki/3DS:TWLFix#Homebrew_Launcher-0" > this< / a > page, then try again< / li >
< / ul >
< / li >
< / ol >
< h4 id = "section-iv---flipnote-exploit" > Section IV - Flipnote Exploit< / h4 >
< p class = "notice--info" > If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available < a href = "https://zoogie.github.io/web/flipnote_directions/" > here< / a > .< / p >
2023-05-23 22:19:21 +00:00
< p > In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.< / p >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< ol >
< li > Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
< ul >
< li > Select the left option whenever prompted during the setup process< / li >
2023-05-23 22:19:21 +00:00
< li > If you encounter an issue while doing this section, < a href = "troubleshooting#installing-boot9strap-fredtool" > check this troubleshooting guide< / a > for your issue< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< / ul >
< / li >
< li > Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon< / li >
< li > Once the menu loads, select the face icon, then the bottom right icon to continue< / li >
< li > Press (X) or (UP) on the D-Pad depending on which is shown on the top screen< / li >
< li > Select the second button along the top with a film-reel icon< / li >
< li > Scroll right until reel “3/3” is selected< / li >
< li > Tap the third box with the letter “A” in it< / li >
< li > Scroll left until reel “1/3” is selected< / li >
< li > Tap the fourth box with the letter “A” in it< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > If the exploit was successful, your console will have loaded b9sTool< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< li > Using the D-Pad, move to “Install boot9strap”
< ul >
2023-06-07 20:08:10 +00:00
< li > If you miss this step, the system will exit to HOME Menu instead of installing boot9strap and you will need to open DS Download Play and start over from the beginning of this section< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< / ul >
< / li >
< li > Press (A), then press START and SELECT at the same time to begin the process< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Once completed and the bottom screen says “done.”, exit b9sTool, then power off your console
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< ul >
< li > You may have to force power off by holding the power button< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > If your console shuts down when you try to power it on, ensure that you have copied < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > boot.firm< / code > from the Luma3DS < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > .zip< / code > to the root of your SD card< / li >
< li > If you see the Luma Configuration screen, power off your console and continue to the next section< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< / ul >
< / li >
< / ol >
< h4 id = "第四部分--配置-luma3ds" > 第四部分 — 配置 Luma3DS< / h4 >
< ol >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Press and hold (Select), and while holding (Select), power on your console< / li >
< li > Your console should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< ul >
< li > Luma3DS 配置菜单用于设置 Luma3DS 自制固件的可选功能 其中有许多功能可用于个性化或调试< / li >
< li > For the purpose of this guide, < strong > leave these options on the default settings< / strong > (do not check or uncheck anything)< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > If your console shuts down when you try to power it on, ensure that you have copied < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > boot.firm< / code > from the Luma3DS < code class = "language-plaintext highlighter-rouge" > .zip< / code > to the root of your SD card< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< / ul >
< / li >
< li > 按下 “Start” 键保存设置并重启< / li >
< / ol >
< p > At this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.< / p >
< ul >
< li > Luma3DS does not look any different from the normal HOME Menu. If your console has booted into the HOME Menu, it is running custom firmware.< / li >
< li > On the next page, you will install useful homebrew applications to complete your setup.< / li >
< / ul >
< h4 id = "第七步--还原-ds-连接设置ds-connection-settings" > 第七步 – 还原 “DS 连接设置( DS Connection Settings) ”< / h4 >
< ol >
< li > 运行“下载通信( Download Play) ”程序< / li >
< li > 等到你看到两个按钮
< ul >
< li > Do not press either of the buttons< / li >
< / ul >
< / li >
< li > 同时按下 “L” + “↓” + “Select” 键来打开 Rosalina 菜单< / li >
< li > 选择 “Miscellaneous options”< / li >
< li > 选择 “Switch the hb. title to the current app.”< / li >
< li > 按 “B” 键继续< / li >
< li > 按 “B” 键返回 Rosalina 主菜单< / li >
< li > 按 “B” 键退出 Rosalina 菜单< / li >
< li > 按下 “Home” 键,然后关闭“下载通信(Download Play)”< / li >
< li > Relaunch the Download Play application< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Your console should load the Homebrew Launcher< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< li > Launch Frogtool from the list of homebrew< / li >
< li > Select the “RESTORE patched DS Download Play” option< / li >
< li > Once this operation has finished, read the screens and check if the process was successful
< ul >
< li > If there are any errors or missing files, correct the problem and try again< / li >
< / ul >
< / li >
< li > If the process was successful, tap the touch screen, then press START to exit< / li >
2023-06-09 19:15:54 +00:00
< li > Power off your console< / li >
2023-04-08 21:08:31 +00:00
< / ol >
< hr / >
< h3 class = "notice--primary" id = "继续至完成安装" > 继续至< a href = "finalizing-setup" > 完成安装< / a > < / h3 >
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