2017-05-21 16:39:40 -04:00
2018-01-20 16:07:08 -05:00
title: "Kezdeti lépések"
2017-05-21 16:39:40 -04:00
2018-01-20 16:07:08 -05:00
{% include toc title="Tartalomjegyzék" %}
2017-09-29 07:29:26 -04:00
2018-01-20 16:07:08 -05:00
### Fontos tudnivalók
2017-09-29 07:29:26 -04:00
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
Válaszd ki a te verziódhoz tartozó oldalt a lenti táblázatból. Vedd figyelembe, hogy a "min." és a "max." mezőkbe a határok is beleértendők. Ez azt jelenti, hogy például a "minimum 9.0.0, maximum 9.2.0" sorba a 9.0.0, a 9.1.0 és a 9.2.0 is beleértendő.
2017-05-21 16:39:40 -04:00
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
Ezen kívül vedd azt is figyelembe, hogy a táblázat utolsó két oszlopa a rendszerverziód végén található számra utal (ami pedig a böngésződ verzióját jelzi). Ha ez a verziószám -0, akkor nincsen böngésződ, míg minden annál nagyobb szám azt jelzi, hogy rendelkezel böngészővel.
Például, ha a verziód "5.0.0-0U", akkor a "nincs böngésző" oszlopot kell követned és a "min. 5.0.0, max. 5.1.0" sort, mert a rendszerverziód abba az intervallumba esik, de nincs böngésződ telepítve.
Az eszközöd verziója megtalálható a System Settings-ben, a felső képernyő jobb alsó sarkában.

{: .notice--info}
2018-09-29 17:40:52 -04:00
**Ha nem tudod követni a készüléked verziószámához tartozó utasításokat, mert a hozzájuk tartozó követelményeket nem teljesíted, akkor vagy frissíts a legfrissebb verzióra vagy lásd a "Minden verzió" című sort, ahol olyan módszereket találsz, amelyek rendszerverziótól függetlenül működnek.**
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
Minden verzió esetében lehetőséged van [kártyáról](cart-update) (vagy sima System Update-tel) frissíteni egy jelenleginél újabb verzióra, hogy az ahhoz tartozó útmutatót követhesd, maradva a megfelelő oszlopban.
2017-05-21 16:39:40 -04:00
2018-03-30 15:28:56 -04:00
Ha már hackelted a 3DS-edet korábban, és rendelkezel EmuNAND-ra telepített CFW-vel, csak kövesd a soron következő utasításokat SysNAND használatával. Közben cserélj le bármilyen fájlt, ami már létezik. Az adataidat átköltöztetjük majd az EmuNAND-ról az új B9S installációd alá a legvégén. Ha menuhax-szet használsz, az útmutató megkezdése előtt azt el kell távolítanod; ehhez [töröld a Home Menu extdata-ját](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata).
2017-05-21 16:39:40 -04:00
2018-01-20 16:07:08 -05:00
Ez az oldal boot9strap gyári állapotú 3DS-re vagy 2DS-re történő telepítéséhez ad útmutatást. Ha már rendelkezel telepített arm9loaderhax-szel, és szeretnél boot9strap-re frissíteni, kövesd az [A9LH-ről B9S-re](a9lh-to-b9s) című útmutatót.
2017-08-12 19:26:54 -04:00
{: .notice--primary}
2017-05-21 16:39:40 -04:00
2018-01-20 16:07:08 -05:00
Mielőtt belekezdenénk, a Windows felhasználóknak engedélyezniük kell a fájlkiterjesztések mutatását a [Fájlkiterjesztések (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows)) útmutató szerint!
2017-05-21 16:39:40 -04:00
{: .notice--info}
2018-01-20 16:07:08 -05:00
Mielőtt elkezdenéd, tanácsos leellenőriztetni az SD kártyádát valamelyik programmal az alábbiak közül: [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), vagy [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))!
2017-05-21 16:39:40 -04:00
{: .notice--warning}
2017-05-26 19:20:59 -04:00
{% capture notice-1 %}
2018-01-20 16:07:08 -05:00
Kaptunk visszajelzéseket kitiltási hullámokról, melyeket a Nintendo a CFW-t használóknak osztogatott. Ahhoz, hogy megvédd magadat, kérjük kövesd az alábbi lépéseket még az útmutató megkezdése előtt:
2017-05-26 19:20:59 -04:00
2018-01-20 16:07:08 -05:00
1. Menj a System Settings-be, ott válaszd ezt: "Internet Settings", majd ezt: "SpotPass", végül ezt: "Sending of System Information"
1. Kapcsold ki a "Sending of System Information" opciót
1. Lépj ki a System Settings-ből
1. Válaszd a Friend List opciót (a [narancsszínű fej ikon]({{ "/images/friend-list-icon.png" | absolute_url }}) a Home Menu felső sávján)
+ Ha hibaüzenetet kapsz, és visszadob a menübe, a Friend List már vagy korábban letiltásra került, vagy a konzolod nem tud csatlakozni a Nintendo szervereihez (kitiltás, vagy kapcsolódási hiba miatt)
1. Itt menj a beállításokba (Settings), ott válaszd ezt: "Friend Notification Settings", majd ezt: "Show friends what you're playing"
1. Kapcsold ki a "Show friends what you're playing" opciót
1. Lépj ki a Friend List-ből
2017-05-26 19:20:59 -04:00
{% endcapture %}
<div class="notice--danger">{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}</div>
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
### Verziótáblázat
2017-11-03 22:54:20 -04:00
2017-06-15 18:32:09 -04:00
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
<col span="1" style="width: 10%;">
<col span="1" style="width: 10%;">
<col span="1" style="width: 40%;">
2017-06-15 18:32:09 -04:00
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
<th style="text-align: center">min.</th>
<th style="text-align: center">max.</th>
<th style="text-align: center">nincs böngésző</th>
<th style="text-align: center">van böngésző</th>
2017-06-15 18:32:09 -04:00
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">1.0.0</td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">2.0.0</td>
2019-10-07 21:31:00 -04:00
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">Update to latest firmware or use an "All Versions" Method</td>
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">2.1.0</td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">8.1.0</td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" colspan="2"><a href="installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)">boot9strap telepítése (Soundhax)</a></td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">9.0.0</td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">11.3.0</td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" colspan="2"><a href="homebrew-launcher-(soundhax)">Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)</a></td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">11.4.0</td>
New Crowdin translations (#1724)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (French)
* New translations home.txt (French)
* New translations get-started.txt (French)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (French)
* New translations get-started.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(mset).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations region-changing.txt (French)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (French)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (French)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (French)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (French)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (German)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (German)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (German)
* New translations file-extensions-(windows).txt (German)
* New translations en_US.yml (Dutch)
* New translations en_US.yml (Finnish)
* New translations en_US.yml (German)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (German)
* New translations region-changing.txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Korean)
* New translations faq.txt (Korean)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Korean)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Korean)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(nds).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Korean)
* New translations f3-(linux).txt (Malay)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Japanese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Japanese)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Japanese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Malay)
* New translations en_US.yml (Korean)
* New translations en_US.yml (Japanese)
* New translations en_US.yml (Hungarian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Hebrew)
* New translations en_US.yml (Greek)
* New translations faq.txt (Malay)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Malay)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(mset).txt (Greek)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations en_US.yml (Norwegian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(dsi).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (Swedish)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (Swedish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Swedish)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (Swedish)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (Swedish)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Swedish)
* New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Swedish)
* New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Swedish)
* New translations h2testw-(windows).txt (Swedish)
* New translations f3x-(mac).txt (Swedish)
* New translations f3-(linux).txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Spanish)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (Spanish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations f3x-(mac).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(nds).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Turkish)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Turkish)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-multi-system).txt (Turkish)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(dsi).txt (Turkish)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (Turkish)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (Turkish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Turkish)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations donations.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations donations.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations donations.txt (Croatian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations donations.txt (Arabic)
* New translations donations.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations donations.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Arabic)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations donations.txt (German)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Finnish)
* New translations donations.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Greek)
* New translations donations.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (German)
* New translations donations.txt (Greek)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Czech)
* New translations donations.txt (Danish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Croatian)
* New translations donations.txt (Czech)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Dutch)
* New translations donations.txt (Finnish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Danish)
* New translations donations.txt (Dutch)
* New translations donations.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Korean)
* New translations donations.txt (Korean)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Japanese)
* New translations donations.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations donations.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations donations.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations donations.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Italian)
* New translations donations.txt (Japanese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations donations.txt (Italian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations donations.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations donations.txt (Spanish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Russian)
* New translations donations.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Swedish)
* New translations donations.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Spanish)
* New translations donations.txt (Swedish)
* New translations donations.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations donations.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Romanian)
* New translations donations.txt (Russian)
* New translations donations.txt (Romanian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations donations.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations donations.txt (Turkish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Turkish)
* New translations donations.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Arabic)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Dutch)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Finnish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Croatian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Danish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Czech)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Italian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (German)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Greek)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Japanese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Korean)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Spanish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Swedish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Russian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Romanian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Turkish)
2020-04-15 20:18:47 -04:00
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">11.11.0</td>
2019-10-07 21:31:00 -04:00
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">Update to latest firmware or use an "All Versions" Method</td>
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
New Crowdin translations (#1724)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (French)
* New translations home.txt (French)
* New translations get-started.txt (French)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (French)
* New translations get-started.txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(steelhax).txt (French)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(mset).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (French)
* New translations seedminer.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations region-changing.txt (French)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (French)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (French)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (French)
* New translations site-navigation.txt (French)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (German)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (German)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (German)
* New translations file-extensions-(windows).txt (German)
* New translations en_US.yml (Dutch)
* New translations en_US.yml (Finnish)
* New translations en_US.yml (German)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (German)
* New translations region-changing.txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Korean)
* New translations faq.txt (Korean)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Korean)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Korean)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(nds).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Korean)
* New translations f3-(linux).txt (Malay)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Japanese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Japanese)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Japanese)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Malay)
* New translations en_US.yml (Korean)
* New translations en_US.yml (Japanese)
* New translations en_US.yml (Hungarian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Hebrew)
* New translations en_US.yml (Greek)
* New translations faq.txt (Malay)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Malay)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(mset).txt (Greek)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations en_US.yml (Norwegian)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(dsi).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (Swedish)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (Swedish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Swedish)
* New translations godmode9-usage.txt (Swedish)
* New translations troubleshooting.txt (Swedish)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Swedish)
* New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Swedish)
* New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Swedish)
* New translations h2testw-(windows).txt (Swedish)
* New translations f3x-(mac).txt (Swedish)
* New translations f3-(linux).txt (Swedish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt (Spanish)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (Spanish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations region-changing.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations f3x-(mac).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(nds).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations ntrboot.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-single-system).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations en_US.yml (Turkish)
* New translations ctrtransfer.txt (Turkish)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(3ds-multi-system).txt (Turkish)
* New translations flashing-ntrboot-(dsi).txt (Turkish)
* New translations uninstall-cfw.txt (Turkish)
* New translations bannerbomb3.txt (Turkish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations move-emunand.txt (Turkish)
* New translations a9lh-to-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations donations.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations donations.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations donations.txt (Croatian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations donations.txt (Arabic)
* New translations donations.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations donations.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Arabic)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations donations.txt (German)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Finnish)
* New translations donations.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Greek)
* New translations donations.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (German)
* New translations donations.txt (Greek)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Czech)
* New translations donations.txt (Danish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Croatian)
* New translations donations.txt (Czech)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Dutch)
* New translations donations.txt (Finnish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Danish)
* New translations donations.txt (Dutch)
* New translations donations.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Korean)
* New translations donations.txt (Korean)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Japanese)
* New translations donations.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations donations.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations donations.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations donations.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Italian)
* New translations donations.txt (Japanese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations donations.txt (Italian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations donations.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations donations.txt (Spanish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Russian)
* New translations donations.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Swedish)
* New translations donations.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Spanish)
* New translations donations.txt (Swedish)
* New translations donations.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations donations.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Romanian)
* New translations donations.txt (Russian)
* New translations donations.txt (Romanian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations donations.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations donations.txt (Turkish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Turkish)
* New translations donations.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Catalan)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Afrikaans)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Arabic)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Dutch)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (French)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Finnish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Croatian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Danish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Czech)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Italian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (German)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Greek)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Japanese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Malay)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Korean)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Polish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Spanish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Serbian (Cyrillic))
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Thai)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Swedish)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Russian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Romanian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations privacy-policy.txt (Turkish)
2020-04-15 20:18:47 -04:00
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">11.12.0</td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;">11.13.0</td>
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" colspan="2"><a href="seedminer">Seedminer</a></td>
2018-08-02 01:10:42 -04:00
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" colspan="2">MINDEN VERZIÓ<br></td>
<td style="text-align: center; font-weight: bold;" colspan="2"><p style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 1.3em; width: 47%"><a href="ntrboot">ntrboot</a><br><sub>(Kompatibilis flashkártya szükséges)</sub></p><p style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 1.3em; vertical-align: super; width: 6%">or</p><p style="display: inline-block; margin-top: 1.3em; width: 47%"><a href="installing-boot9strap-(hardmod)">boot9strap telepítése (Hardmod)</a><br><sub>(Forrasztás szükséges)</sub></p></td>
2017-06-15 18:32:09 -04:00
2019-01-13 21:18:30 +01:00