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<header><h4class="nav__title"><iclass="fas fa-file-alt"></i> Table des matières</h4></header>
<li><ahref="#notes-de-compatibilité"id="markdown-toc-notes-de-compatibilité">Notes de compatibilité</a></li>
<li><ahref="#ce-dont-vous-avez-besoin"id="markdown-toc-ce-dont-vous-avez-besoin">Ce dont vous avez besoin</a><ul>
<li><ahref="#section-i---préparatifs"id="markdown-toc-section-i---préparatifs">Section I - Préparatifs</a></li>
<li><ahref="#section-ii---mset9"id="markdown-toc-section-ii---mset9">Section II - MSET9</a></li>
<li><ahref="#section-iii---installation-de-boot9strap"id="markdown-toc-section-iii---installation-de-boot9strap">Section III - Installation de boot9strap</a></li>
<li><ahref="#section-iv---removing-mset9"id="markdown-toc-section-iv---removing-mset9">Section IV - Removing MSET9</a></li>
<li><ahref="#continuer-vers-finalisation-de-linstallation"id="markdown-toc-continuer-vers-finalisation-de-linstallation">Continuer vers Finalisation de l’installation</a></li>
<p><ahref="https://github.com/zoogie/MSET9">MSET9</a> is an exploit for the System Settings application developed by <ahref="https://github.com/zoogie">zoogie</a>. It exploits a flaw where the ID1 (the second 32-character folder name inside of the Nintendo 3DS folder, inside of the ID0) can be <em>any</em> name as long as it is 32 characters. Performing a specific sequence of actions results in the console executing the instructions that are encoded into the ID1 folder name, which can be used to grant full control over the 3DS.</p>
<h3id="notes-de-compatibilité">Notes de compatibilité</h3>
<pclass="notice--warning">This page requires a computer running Windows, Linux, or macOS. If you have an Android phone/tablet or a Chromebook, follow <ahref="installing-boot9strap-(mset9-play-store)">Installing boot9strap (MSET9 Play Store)</a> instead. If you do not have access to any of these devices, you will need to use an <ahref="https://wiki.hacks.guide/wiki/3DS:Alternate_Exploits">alternate exploit</a>.</p>
<h2id="ce-dont-vous-avez-besoin">Ce dont vous avez besoin</h2>
<li>The latest release of <ahref="https://github.com/zoogie/MSET9/releases/latest">MSET9</a> (the Release <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">.zip</code> file)</li>
<li>Any 3.x version of <ahref="https://www.python.org/downloads/">Python</a><strong>installed on your computer</strong>
<li>If you are on Linux or macOS, you may already have Python 3. Check by opening a Terminal window and entering <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">python3 -V</code>. If this returns a version number, it will work for this guide.</li>
<pclass="notice--info">On this page, you will use the MSET9 script, which is used to trigger MSET9. If you get a numbered error (e.g. Error 01) when running the script, the solution to that error can most likely be found on the <ahref="troubleshooting#installing-boot9strap-mset9">troubleshooting</a> page.</p>
<h4id="section-i---préparatifs">Section I - Préparatifs</h4>
<p>In this section, you will prepare the SD card data necessary for the MSET9 exploit to trigger.</p>
<li>Power on your console <strong>with your SD card inserted</strong></li>
<li>Open Mii Maker</li>
<li>Wait for your console to reach the “Welcome to Mii Maker” screen, then exit Mii Maker
<li>You may see <ahref="/images/screenshots/mset9/mii-extdata.png">this screen</a>, which indicates the necessary data has been created</li>
<li>If you just reach the normal Mii Maker screen, exit Mii Maker and continue to the next step</li>
<li>Éteignez votre console</li>
<li>Insérez votre carte SD dans votre ordinateur</li>
<p>Copy everything from the Release <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">.zip</code> to the root of your SD card, overwriting any existing files</p>
<li><strong>macOS</strong>: Double-click <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">mset9.command</code> and enter your password if prompted</li>
<li><strong>Linux</strong>: open a Terminal window, <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">cd</code> to the root of your SD card, then type <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">python3 mset9.py</code> and press Enter</li>
<li>If you get “Error 10: Database(s) malformed or missing!”, follow the instructions <ahref="/images/screenshots/database-reset.jpg">here</a>, then go back to Step 7 of this section</li>
<li>Réinsérez votre carte SD dans votre console</li>
<li>Power on your console</li>
<h4id="section-ii---mset9">Section II - MSET9</h4>
<p>In this section, you will trigger MSET9 to launch SafeB9SInstaller (the custom firmware installer).</p>
<pclass="notice--danger">These instructions must be followed <strong>EXACTLY</strong>, so double-check EVERYTHING you are doing to avoid errors!</p>
<li><strong><ahref="/images/screenshots/mset9/hover-settings.png">Hover over</a></strong> the System Settings icon using the D-Pad (do not select it yet)</li>
<li><strong>macOS</strong>: Double-click <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">mset9.command</code> and enter your password if prompted</li>
<li><strong>Linux</strong>: open a Terminal window, <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">cd</code> to the root of your SD card, then type <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">python3 mset9.py</code> and press Enter</li>
<li>Type the number corresponding to your console model and version, then press Enter</li>
<li>In the MSET9 window, type <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">2</code>, then press Enter to inject MSET9
<li>You should see “MSET9 successfully injected!”</li>
<li>Press Enter to close the MSET9 script</li>
<li>Reinsert your SD card into your console <strong>without pressing any buttons or touching the screen</strong></li>
<li>Si l’exploit a réussit, vous devriez avoir démarré dans SafeB9SInstaller
<li>If you get a red screen or the console gets stuck on a loading screen, follow the <ahref="troubleshooting#installing-boot9strap-mset9">troubleshooting guide</a></li>
<h4id="section-iii---installation-de-boot9strap">Section III - Installation de boot9strap</h4>
<p>In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your console.</p>
<li>Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
<li>Si une étape sur l’écran du bas a du texte rouge, et que vous n’êtes pas invité à entrer une combinaison de touches, <ahref="troubleshooting#issues-with-safeb9sinstaller">suivez ce guide de dépannage</a></li>
<li>Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your console</li>
<li>Your console should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
<li>Le menu de configuration de Luma3DS sert à régler les paramètres du custom firmware Luma3DS. Beaucoup de ces paramètres peuvent être utiles pour la personnalisation ou le débogage</li>
<li>Pour les besoins de ce guide, <strong>laissez ces options sur les paramètres par défaut</strong> (ne cochez ni ne décochez rien)</li>
<li>If your console shuts down when you try to power it on, ensure that you have copied <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">boot.firm</code> from the Luma3DS <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">.zip</code> to the root of your SD card</li>
<li>Appuyez sur (Start) pour enregistrer les modifications et redémarrer</li>
<h4id="section-iv---removing-mset9">Section IV - Removing MSET9</h4>
<p>In this section, you will remove MSET9 to prevent further issues. (This will not remove the custom firmware that you just installed.)</p>
<pclass="notice--danger">Do NOT skip this section! If you skip it, applications may crash unexpectedly and you will encounter errors on the next page!</p>
<li>Éteignez votre console</li>
<li>Insérez votre carte SD dans votre ordinateur</li>
<li><strong>macOS</strong>: Double-click <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">mset9.command</code> and enter your password if prompted</li>
<li><strong>Linux</strong>: open a Terminal window, <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">cd</code> to the root of your SD card, then type <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">python3 mset9.py</code> and press Enter</li>
<li>Type the number corresponding to your console model and version, then press Enter</li>
<li>In the MSET9 window, type <codeclass="language-plaintext highlighter-rouge">3</code>, then press Enter to remove MSET9
<li>You should see “Successfully removed MSET9!”</li>
<li>Press Enter to close the MSET9 script</li>
<p>À partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.</p>
<li>Luma3DS ne présente aucune différence visuelle avec le menu HOME normal. Si votre console a démarré dans le menu HOME, elle exécute un custom firmware.</li>
<li>Sur la page suivante, vous installerez des applications homebrew utiles pour compléter votre configuration.</li>
<pclass="notice--danger">Did you follow Section IV (Removing MSET9)? That section is MANDATORY!</p>
<h3class="notice--primary"id="continuer-vers-finalisation-de-linstallation">Continuer vers <ahref="finalizing-setup">Finalisation de l’installation</a></h3>