If you have already hacked your device before and have a EmuNAND based CFW setup, this guide deals exclusively with SysNAND and you should follow all instructions from within or applying to SysNAND. Zauważ, że terminy EmuNand i RedNAND odnoszą się do nieco innych implementacji [tej samej idei] (http://3dbrew.org/wiki/NAND_Redirection).
+ If it freezes, just force the console to power off by holding the power button, then relaunch OCS to try again
+ If you get a "PM INIT FAILED" error, try replacing the `safehax.3dsx` file in the `/3ds/` folder on your SD card with the one from the [r19 release of safehax](https://github.com/TiniVi/safehax/releases/tag/r19)