2016-10-29 19:02:14 -04:00
layout: default
{% include base_path %}
{% if page.header.overlay_color or page.header.overlay_image or page.header.image %}
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2017-04-19 22:30:17 -04:00
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2016-10-29 19:02:14 -04:00
< div id = "main" role = "main" >
< article class = "splash" itemscope itemtype = "http://schema.org/CreativeWork" >
{% if page.title %}< meta itemprop = "headline" content = "{{ page.title | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}" > {% endif %}
{% if page.excerpt %}< meta itemprop = "description" content = "{{ page.excerpt | markdownify | strip_html | strip_newlines | escape_once }}" > {% endif %}
{% if page.date %}< meta itemprop = "datePublished" content = "{{ page.date | date: " % B % d , % Y " } } " > {% endif %}
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< section class = "page__content" itemprop = "text" >
2017-05-10 16:05:51 -04:00
< hr >
{% assign split_path = page.path | split: "/" %}
{% assign locale = split_path[1] %}
{% for link in site.data.navigation[locale].bottom %}
{% if link.url contains 'http' %}
{% assign domain = '' %}
{% else %}
{% assign domain = site.url | append: site.baseurl %}
{% endif %}
< div class = "notice" > < b > {{ link.title }}< / b > < / div >
{% endfor %}
2017-05-15 17:03:24 -04:00
< hr >
< div class = "notice--danger" >
The /r/3dshacks moderation team (specifically < a href = "https://www.reddit.com/user/deadfracture99" > LOCAP< / a > ) have attempted to have GitHub take down < a href = "https://3ds.guide" > 3ds.guide< / a > .
< br >
They attempted to get the sum of thousands of hours of work, by me and dozens of people, taken down for < i > spite< / i > .
< br > < br >
(< a href = "https://0bin.net/paste/jzokYUcQ8fngF-PQ#wvhaNjdwCjMwAxZa0iArfSYvPoYLYYhBam7l9pA5Ols" > Relevant Logs< / a > )
< / div >
< div class = "notice--danger" >
(< a href = "{{ base_path }}/recent-community-events" > Recent Community Events< / a > )
< br > < br >
(I know this is not the best place for this, but I have no other options. I apologize to anyone who does not care and just wants to hack their 3DS.)
< / div >
2017-05-10 16:05:51 -04:00
< hr >
2016-10-29 19:02:14 -04:00
{{ content }}
< / section >
< / article >
2017-05-10 16:05:51 -04:00
< center >
2016-10-29 19:02:14 -04:00
2016-11-01 21:41:31 -04:00
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<!-- Guide -->
2017-04-24 19:43:41 -04:00
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data-ad-format="auto">< / ins >
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2016-10-29 19:02:14 -04:00
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