Your device may not show your installed games after the CTRTransfer. Això és degut al fet que els tickets són eliminats durant la transferència, raó per la qual en fem una còpia de seguretat. Aquests seran restaurats al final de la guia.
{: .notice--info}
To use the [magnet]( links on this page, you will need a torrent client like [Deluge](
{: .notice--info}
Because the point of the 9.2.0 CTRTransfer is to troubleshoot issues caused by the existing NAND, these steps, unlike the 2.1.0 CTRTransfer, will have you backup only the tickets. Oblidar aquesta còpia de seguretat comportarà la PÈRDUA de totes les vostres partides guardades i jocs que tingueu instal·lats!
{: .notice--danger}
#### Què necessiteu
* La darrera versió de [GodMode9](
* The latest release of [FBI](
* The 9.2.0 CTRTransfer image for your device and region
*(si la vostra consola no pertany a cap d'aquestes regions, senzillament escolliu-ne una que es correspongui al model del vostre dispositiu)*:
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Això és un enllaç magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [New 3DS 9.2.0 - EUR - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:fed7bfeec0e52b42a77467cfb6ffd3e9dd2d5a70&
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Això és un enllaç magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [New 3DS 9.2.0 - JPN - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:b22d67fd02b3b0e30ac991e451db0f2d32e7beca&
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Això és un enllaç magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [New 3DS 9.2.0 - USA - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:985d47442dc470d1b9f908256bed041c63885f60&
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Això és un enllaç magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [Old 3DS or 2DS 9.2.0 - EUR - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:8d6142313971b08f92257e7fb1c1d5689e34ed78&
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Això és un enllaç magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [Old 3DS or 2DS 9.2.0 - JPN - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:24ad2b85e67013ef1f91178dca7ad2e40663b9b2&
+ <i class="fa fa-magnet" aria-hidden="true" title="Això és un enllaç magnet. Use a torrent client to download the file."></i> - [Old 3DS or 2DS 9.2.0 - USA - CTRTransfer](magnet:?xt=urn:btih:1dc79a2a0babb45497961888f369423a93135e2b&
#### Instruccions
##### Section I - Prep Work
1. Power off your device
1. Insert your SD card into your computer
1. Create a folder named `cias` on the root of your SD card if it does not already exist
1. Press (A) on `FBI.cia` to select it, then select "CIA image options...", then select "Mount image to drive"
1. Press (A) on the `.app` file, then select "NCCH image options", then select "Inject to H&S"
1. Press (A) to unlock SysNAND (lvl1) writing, then input the key combo given
1. Press (A) to continue
1. Press (Start) to reboot your device
1. Si en obrir l'aplicació de salut i seguretat us trobeu amb la versió de fàbrica i havíeu fet un downgrade amb Gateway, [seguiu aquesta guia](troubleshooting#gw_fbi)
##### Section IV - Reinstalling Tickets
If you had no `eshop` or `unknown` folders earlier, skip this section.
{: .notice--info}
1. Launch Health and Safety (which is now FBI)
1. Navigate to `SD` -> `cias`
1. Select "FBI.cia"
1. Select the "Install" option, then press (A) to confirm
1. Return to the SD directory with (B)
1. Select "gm9out"
1. Do the following process for either the `eshop` folder, `unknown` folder, or both
+ Navigate to the folder
+ Select "\<current directory>"
+ Select "Install and delete all tickets"
+ Wait. El sistema podria no respondre momentàniament, doneu-li temps.
+ Press (A) to confirm
+ Press (B) to decline installing tickets from CDN.