This is an add-on section for formatting an SD card to work with the 3DS.
If the 3DS already recognizes the SD card, this guide is not required.
Αυτή η σελίδα είναι μόνο για χρήστες Windows. If you are not on Windows, check out the [Formatting SD (Linux)](formatting-sd-(linux)) or [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) pages.
* **For SD cards 32GB or smaller:** the latest version of [SD Formatter](
* **For SD cards 64GB or larger:** The latest version of [guiformat](
+ Your SD card write-protection switch may be [enabled](/images/sdlock.png). The lock must be flipped upwards to allow writing to the SD card (including formatting).
+ Your SD card may be partitioned or have unallocated space. Follow the instructions [here]( to reformat your SD card.