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title: "Installing boot9strap (USM)"
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### Lettura necessaria
In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3.
To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile to your connections list.
Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
Queste istruzioni funzionano su console americane, europee, giapponesi e coreane, indicate rispettivamente dalle lettere U, E, J o K dopo la versione del sistema operativo.
If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use a [Legacy Method](legacy-methods). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp) and ask, in English, for help.
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### Cosa serve
* Il tuo file `movable.sed` dalla sezione [Seedminer](seedminer)
* L'ultima versione di [Luma3DS](https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/latest)
#### Sezione I - Preparazione
1. Open [unSAFE_MODE-bb3 tool](https://usm.bruteforcemovable.com/) on your computer
1. Carica il tuo file movable.sed scegliendo l'opzione "Choose File"
1. Click "Download unSAFE_MODE-bb3 archive"
+ This will download an exploit DSiWare called `F00D43D5.bin` and a SAFE_MODE exploit data file called `usm.bin` inside of a zip folder (`unSAFE_MODE-bb3.zip`)
1. Se la tua console è accesa, spegnila
1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer
1. Copia i file `boot.firm` e `boot.3dsx` dall'archivio `.zip` di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
1. Copy `usm.bin` from the USM archive (`unSAFE_MODE-bb3.zip`) to the root of your SD card
1. Nella tua scheda SD, entra in `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID a 32 caratteri>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare`
+ Questo `<ID0>` sarà lo stesso che hai utilizzato in [Seedminer](seedminer)
+ Se la cartella `Nintendo DSiWare` non esiste, creala
1. Se ci sono file di backup DSiWare esistenti (`<ID a 8 caratteri.bin>`) nella cartella, spostali sul tuo PC
+ Così facendo la cartella Nintendo DSiWare verrà svuotata. Moving the files to your PC ensures you don't delete any intentional backups
1. Copy the `F00D43D5.bin` file from the USM archive (`unSAFE_MODE-bb3.zip`) to the `Nintendo DSiWare` folder
#### Section II - BannerBomb3
1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console
1. Accendi la console
1. Avvia "Impostazioni della console"
1. Entra in `Gestione dati` -> `DSiWare`
1. Clicca sulla sezione Scheda SD
+ Your bottom screen should flash Red and then the system will reboot to home menu a few seconds later. This means the exploit profile was successfully copied
1. Spegni il tuo 3DS
#### Section III - unSAFE_MODE
1. With your system still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power)
+ Release the buttons after a few seconds. Your console will boot into Safe Mode
1. Press "OK" to accept the update
+ There is no update. This is part of the exploit
1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions
1. The update will eventually fail, with error code `003-1099`. This is intended behaviour
1. When asked "Would you like to configure Internet settings?", select "Yes"
1. On the following menu, navigate to `Connection 1` -> `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `Proxy Settings` -> `Detailed Setup`
1. Once you see `B9S install SUCCESS` on the top screen, press any button to reboot to Luma Configuration
#### Sezione IV - Configurare Luma3DS
1. Your device should automatically show the Luma Configuration menu
1. Usa il pulsante (A) e il D-Pad per abilitare le seguenti opzioni:
+ **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"**
1. Premi (Start) per salvare e riavviare il 3DS
+ La console dovrebbe avviare il menu HOME dopo un po'. Se ottieni uno schermo nero per più di 5 minuti, [segui questa guida per risolvere il problema](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap)
#### Section V - Restoring WiFi Configuration Profiles
1. Avvia "Impostazioni della console"
1. Entra in `Gestione dati` -> `DSiWare`
1. Clicca sulla sezione Scheda SD
+ Your bottom screen should flash Green and then the system will reboot to home menu a few seconds later. This means your WiFi configuration profiles were successfully restored
1. Power your system off
1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer
1. Nella tua scheda SD, entra in `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID a 32 caratteri>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare`
+ Questo `<ID0>` sarà lo stesso che hai utilizzato in [Seedminer](seedminer)
1. Delete `F00D43D5.bin` from your Nintendo DSiWare folder
1. Continue to Finalizing Setup
### Prosegui con il [Completamento dell'installazione](finalizing-setup)
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