This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application.
This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed [here](
You should only be able to get to this page if you are running version 11.17.0. If you are on any firmware other than 11.17.0 or 11.16.0, STOP as these instructions WILL LEAD TO A BRICK on other firmwares!!
{: .notice--warning}
### Was du brauchst
* Your `movable.sed` file from completing [Seedminer](seedminer-(alternate))
* Your DSiWare backup from completing [Dumping eShop DSiWare](dumping-eshop-dsiware)
* The latest release of [Frogminer_save]( (``)
* **11.16.0 or 11.17.0 users**: The v6.1.1 release of [b9sTool](
In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
1. Stecke deine SD-Karte in deinen Computer
1. Öffne die [DSIHaxInjector_new]( Webseite auf deinem Computer
1. Bei dem "Username" Feld, gib irgendeinen normalen Namen (keine Leerzeichen oder Sonderzeichen) an
1. Under the "DSiBin" field, upload your DSiWare backup file (e.g. 42383841.bin) from the root of your SD card using the first "Browse..." option
1. Wähle beim "MovableSed" Feld deine `movable.sed` Datei mit der "Browse..." Option aus
1. Under the "InjectionTarget" field, set the injection target to `DSinternet` (NOT memorypit)
In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
Falls du eine visuelle Anleitung für diesen Abschnitt brauchst, findest du diese [hier] (
+ If your console does not load the JPN version of Flipnote Studio, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#installing-boot9strap-fredtool-inject)
In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in an earlier section.
1. Navigiere zu `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare` auf deiner SD-Karte
1. Copy the `42383841.bin` file from the `clean` folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the `Nintendo DSiWare` folder, replacing the existing one