2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2022-09-25 10:45:23 -07:00
title: "Boot9strap telepítése (Fredtool)"
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
{% include toc title="Tartalomjegyzék" %}
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
2022-10-03 10:51:58 -07:00
<summary><em>Technikai részletek (opcionális)</em></summary>
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
<p>This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your <code>movable.sed</code> file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application. This requires you to have a DSiWare backup, which you should have gotten in the previous section.</p>
<p>This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed <a href="https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws">here</a>.</p>
{: .notice--info}
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
### Amire szükséged lesz
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
* A DSiWare Backup, normally `42383841.bin` (You should have one on the root of your SD card from following [BannerBomb3](bannerbomb3))
2020-11-12 22:44:40 -08:00
* A `movable.sed` fájlodra a [Seedminer](seedminer)-ből
2022-06-11 14:38:36 -07:00
* A [Frogminer_save] legújabb kiadása (https://github.com/zoogie/Frogminer/releases/latest) (`Frogminer_save.zip`)
* A [b9sTool] legújabb kiadása (https://github.com/zoogie/b9sTool/releases/latest) (`boot.nds`)
* A [Luma3DS](https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases/latest) legújabb kiadása (a Luma3DS `.zip` fájl)
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2021-09-04 16:58:24 -07:00
#### I. rész - CHF ellenőrzés
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like [ntrboot](ntrboot)).
2021-09-04 16:58:24 -07:00
1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked
1. Nyomd le és tartsd nyomva (Select) gombot
1. Kapcsold be az eszközöd, miközben nyomva tartod a (Select) gombot
2022-02-13 04:00:05 -08:00
1. Ha az ellenőrzés sikeres volt, be fogsz bootolni a HOME Menübe és végrehajthatod ezt az útmutatót
2021-09-04 16:58:24 -07:00
2022-02-13 04:00:05 -08:00
Ha a konfigurációs menüt látod, már van CFW-d és az útmutató folyatása BRICKELHETI az eszközödet! Kövesd a [CFW ellenőrzését](checking-for-cfw) a már meglévő CFW-d frissítéséhez.
2021-09-04 16:58:24 -07:00
{: .notice--danger}
#### II. rész - Előkészületek
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2022-10-01 03:48:02 -07:00
1. Nyisd meg a [DSIHaxInjector_new](https://jenkins.nelthorya.net/job/DSIHaxInjector_new/build?delay=0sec/) oldalt a számítógépeden
1. A "Username" mező alatt adj meg egy tetszőleges alfanumerikus nevet (nem lehet benne szóköz vagy speciális karakter)
1. A "DSiBin" mező alatt töltsd fel a `42383841.bin` fájlod az első "Browse..." opció használatával
1. A "MovableSed" mező alatt töltsd fel a `movable.sed` fájlod a második "Browse..." opció használatával
1. Az "InjectionTarget" mező alatt válaszd ki az injection target-et `DSinternet`-re (NEM memorypit)
1. Kattints a "Build"-re
+ Várj néhány másodpercet a build folyamat befejezésére
1. A Build History szekcióban a bal oldalon gépeld be a felhasználónevet (Username) a "Filter Builds" mezőbe
1. Kattints az első keresési találatra
+ Ennek kell a legutolsó időbélyeggel rendelkeznie
1. Kattints az "output_(name).zip" linkre
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
1. Helyezd az SD kártyád a számítógépbe
2020-11-10 19:49:19 -08:00
1. Navigálj a `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare` mappába az SD kártyán
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
+ `<ID0>` is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in [Seedminer](seedminer)
+ `<ID1>` is a 32-letter folder inside of the `<ID0>`
2022-10-01 03:48:02 -07:00
1. Másold a `42383841.bin` fájlt az `hax` mappájából a letöltött DSiWare csomagból (output_(name).zip) a `Nintendo DSiWare` mappába
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
![]({{ "/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-location-4.png" | absolute_url }}){: .notice--info}
1. Másold át a `boot.firm` és `boot.3dsx` fájlt a Luma3DS `.zip`-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe
+ Az SD kártya gyökere a kezdőkönyvtárt jelenti az SD kártyán, ahol látható a Nintendo 3DS könyvtár, de nem vagyunk benne
1. Másold a `boot.nds` (B9STool) fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe
1. Másold át a `private` mappát a Frogminer_save `.zip`-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe
![]({{ "/images/screenshots/fredtool-root-layout.png" | absolute_url }})
{: .notice--info}
#### Section III - Overwriting DS Connection Settings
In this section, you will copy the hacked DS Connection Settings DSiWare to internal memory, which will temporarily replace it with Flipnote Studio.
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
1. Kapcsold be a készülékedet
1. Lépj be a System Settings-be a készülékeden
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
1. Navigate to `Data Management` -> `DSiWare`-> `SD Card` ([image](/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-management.png))
1. Select the "Haxxxxxxxxx!" title
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
1. Válaszd a "Copy"-t, majd az "OK"-t
2020-11-12 22:44:40 -08:00
1. Térj vissza a System Settings főmenüjébe
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Nintendo DS Connections`, then select "OK" ([image](/images/screenshots/fredtool/dsconnection.png))
2020-11-12 22:44:40 -08:00
1. Ha az exploit sikeres volt, a készülékednek ezt követően be kell töltenie a JPN verzióját a Flipnote Studio-nak
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2021-09-04 16:58:24 -07:00
#### IV. rész - Flipnote Exploit
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2020-11-12 22:44:40 -08:00
Ha inkább egy vizuális útmutatót szeretnél ehhez a fejezethez, [itt](https://zoogie.github.io/web/flipnote_directions/) elérhető egy.
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
{: .notice--info}
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
2020-11-12 22:44:40 -08:00
1. Fejezd be a kezdeti telepítését az elindított játéknak, amíg el nem éri a fő menüt
+ Válassza a bal opciót, ha kérdezi a telepítési folyamat során
1. Az érintőképernyőt használva válaszd ki a bal nagy dobozt, majd válaszd a dobozt az SD kártya ikonnal
1. Ha a menü betöltött válaszd az arc ikont utána, pedig a jobb alsó ikont a folytatáshoz
2020-11-10 19:49:19 -08:00
1. Nyomj (X)-et vagy (Fel)-t a D-Pad-on, attól függően mi jelenik meg a képernyőn
1. Válaszd a második gombot a film-szalag ikonnal
2020-11-12 22:44:40 -08:00
1. Görgess jobbra, amíg a 3/3 filmtekercs kiválasztásra kerül
2020-11-10 19:49:19 -08:00
1. Nyomd meg a harmadik dobozt benne az "A" betűvel
2020-11-12 22:44:40 -08:00
1. Görgess balra, amíg a 1/3 filmtekercs kiválasztásra kerül
2020-11-10 19:49:19 -08:00
1. Nyomd meg a negyedik dobozt benne az "A" betűvel
2020-11-12 22:44:40 -08:00
1. Ha az exploit sikeres volt, a készülékedek ezt követően be kell töltenie a b9sTool-t
2020-11-10 19:49:19 -08:00
1. A D-Pad-dal menj az "Install boot9strap" opcióra
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
+ If you miss this step, the system will exit to HOME Menu instead of installing boot9strap and you will need to open System Settings, then start over from Step 7 of Section III
2020-11-10 19:49:19 -08:00
1. Nyomj (A)-t majd ezt követően START-ot és SELECT-et egyszerre a folyamat elkezdéséhez
1. Ha végzett és az alsó képernyő azt mondja "done." lépj ki a b9sTool-ból, majd kapcsold ki eszközöd
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
+ Elképzelhető, hogy kényszerítened kell a leállást a bekapcsológomb lenyomva tartásával
2022-06-11 14:38:36 -07:00
+ Ha a készüléked kikapcsol amikor bekapcsolod, bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy átmásoltad-e a `boot.firm` fájlt a Luma3DS `.zip` fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébe
+ Ha a Luma konfigurációs képernyőjét látod, nyomj (Start) gombot a reboot-hoz, majd folytasd az útmutatót
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2022-06-11 14:38:36 -07:00
#### V. rész - Luma3DS ellenőrzés
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
Due to the nature of the exploit used, it is occasionally (but rarely) possible for boot9strap to not actually get installed. This section will therefore verify that boot9strap was successfully installed by seeing if some files that are normally automatically generated by Luma3DS were created.
New Crowdin updates (#2034)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Finnish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Finnish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Finnish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Czech)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Czech)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Czech)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Czech)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (German)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (German)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (German)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (German)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (German)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Greek)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Greek)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Greek)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Italian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Italian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Italian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Italian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Japanese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Japanese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Japanese)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Japanese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Korean)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Italian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Hebrew)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Hebrew)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Hungarian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Hungarian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Polish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Polish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Polish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Polish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Korean)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Korean)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Korean)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Korean)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Korean)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Dutch)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Norwegian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Polish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Polish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Russian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Swedish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Swedish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Swedish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Swedish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Swedish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Swedish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Turkish)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Russian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Russian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Portuguese)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Russian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Russian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Chinese Traditional)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Turkish)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Turkish)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Turkish)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Turkish)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Ukrainian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Chinese Simplified)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Vietnamese)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Thai)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Thai)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Indonesian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Thai)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Thai)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Malay)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Malay)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Thai)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Croatian)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Croatian)
* New translations restoring-updating-cfw.txt (Croatian)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Croatian)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Croatian)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Malay)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Malay)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Malay)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Pirate English)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt (Dutch)
* New translations finalizing-setup.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller).txt (Dutch)
* New translations updating-b9s.txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(pichaxx).txt (Dutch)
* New translations installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt (Dutch)
* New translations bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn).txt (Dutch)
2022-06-07 04:45:17 -07:00
1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked
1. Helyezd az SD kártyád a számítógépbe
2022-06-11 14:38:36 -07:00
1. Ellenőrizd, hogy a `luma` mappa létezik-e és hogy megtalálható-e benne a `config.ini` fájl
+ Ezen mappák és fájlok létezése megerősíti azt, hogy a Luma3DS telepítve van
+ Ha nem látod a `luma` mappát vagy `config.ini` fájlt, [kövesd a hibaelhárítási útmutatót](https://github.com/zoogie/b9sTool/blob/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md)
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
2022-06-11 14:38:36 -07:00
Ezen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
2022-02-13 04:00:05 -08:00
+ A Luma3DS nem néz ki másként, mint a normál HOME Menü. Ha a konzolod bebootolt a HOME Menübe, akkor egyedi firmware-t futtat.
2022-06-11 14:38:36 -07:00
+ A következő oldalon hasznos homebrew alkalmaásokat telepítünk, hogy teljessé tegyük a telepítésedet.
2021-09-04 16:58:24 -07:00
#### VI. rész - A DS Connection Settings visszaállítása
2019-02-11 05:25:49 +01:00
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in Section III.
1. Navigálj a `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` -> `Nintendo DSiWare` mappába az SD kártyán
1. Copy the `42383841.bin` file from the `clean` folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the `Nintendo DSiWare` folder, replacing the existing one
2019-02-11 05:25:49 +01:00
1. Tedd vissza az SD kártyád a készülékedbe
1. Kapcsold be a készülékedet
1. Lépj be a System Settings-be a készülékeden
2022-10-02 14:57:17 -07:00
1. Navigate to `Data Management` -> `DSiWare`-> `SD Card` ([image](/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-management.png))
1. Select the "Nintendo DSi™" title
2019-02-11 05:25:49 +01:00
1. Válaszd a "Copy"-t, majd az "OK"-t
2019-02-10 22:32:33 +01:00
### Tovább a [telepítés véglegesítésére](finalizing-setup)
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