Page Not Found +
+ + + ++ + + + + + +
+ +
Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist.
+ + +diff --git a/.nojekyll b/.nojekyll new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e69de29bb2 diff --git a/404.html b/404.html new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5536f70ec1 --- /dev/null +++ b/404.html @@ -0,0 +1,523 @@ + + + + + +
+ + +Sorry, but the page you were trying to view does not exist.
+ + +This page is for existing arm9loaderhax users to update their devices to boot9strap.
+ +All future releases of Luma3DS will only be made in the .firm
format, which will only be compatible with boot9strap and sighax. This means that to continue receiving the latest updates of Luma3DS, you should use this page to update your installation.
To extract the .7z
files linked on this page, you will need a file archiver like 7-Zip or The Unarchiver.
While we believe that custom firmware is safe for online use, there have been online network bans in the past, primarily for cheating and suspicious eShop behavior.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
+ +Note that, only on New 3DS, secret_sector.bin
is needed to revert the arm9loaderhax exploit, which is why it is not needed for the installation of boot9strap on a stock console. If you do not have a New 3DS, you do not need secret_sector.bin
file)For all steps in this section, overwrite any existing files on your SD card.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the latest version Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
from the v7.0.5 Luma3DS .7z
to the root of your SD cardSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD card
+ luma
or payloads
folder doesn’t exist, create them.bin
payloads (GodMode9.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
, etc.) in the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD card as they will not be compatible with boot9strap compatible Luma3DS versionsboot9strap
on the root of your SD cardboot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your SD cardNew 3DS Users Only: Copy secret_sector.bin
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your SD card
folder on your SD card and try again'+result.length+' Result(s) found
'); + for (var item in result) { + var ref = result[item].ref; + if(store[ref].teaser){ + var searchitem = + ''+store[ref].excerpt.split(" ").splice(0,20).join(" ")+'...
'+ + ''+store[ref].excerpt.split(" ").splice(0,20).join(" ")+'...
'+ + ''+result.length+' Result(s) found
'); + for (var item in result) { + var ref = result[item].ref; + if(store[ref].teaser){ + var searchitem = + ''+store[ref].excerpt.split(" ").splice(0,20).join(" ")+'...
'+ + ''+store[ref].excerpt.split(" ").splice(0,20).join(" ")+'...
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To dump system DSiWare, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system to dump the DSi Internet Settings application to the SD root.
+ +Once you have a DSiWare backup, an exploitable DSiWare title can be injected into DS Download Play, which can be used to install custom firmware.
+ +These instructions are for Taiwanese consoles ONLY (as indicated by a T at the end of the system version, e.g. 11.16.0-39T)! If your console is from any other region, choose the other method.
+ +movable.sed
file completing
)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) to the root of your SD cardprivate
folder from the Frogminer_save .zip
to the root of your SD cardmovable.sed
using the “Browse…” optionNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
on your SD card
+ <ID0>
will be the same one that you used in Seedminer<ID1>
is a 32 character long folder inside of the <ID0>
Nintendo DSiWare
inside of the <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD
file and navigate to China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
files to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
-> (page 2)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD
file and navigate to China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
file that is the same number as the one that was on the second page of the DSiWare Management menu to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, and overwrite when promptedData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
on the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card.bin
files in the Nintendo DSiWare
file using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
file using the second “Browse…” optionDSdownloadplay
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card484E4441.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderData Management
-> DSiWare
If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card484E4441.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderData Management
-> DSiWare
To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here.
+These instructions work on USA, Europe, Japan, and Korea region consoles as indicated by the letters U, E, J, or K after the system version.
+ +If you have a Taiwanese console (indicated by a T after the system version), follow this page instead.
+ +movable.sed
file from completing SeedminerIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +F00D43D5.bin
and a payload called bb3.bin
inside of a zip archive (
to the root of your SD card
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
on your SD card
+ Nintendo DSiWare
inside of the <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD cardF00D43D5.bin
file from
to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderIn this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your device. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page.
+ +If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.
+ +If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (USM)
+ +If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (Fredtool)
+ + +This is an add-on section to check if your console already has a modern custom firmware.
+ +If your console already has an arm9loaderhax or boot9strap based custom firmware, you will need to follow the instructions indicated to upgrade your setup to a modern one.
+ +If your console has a menuhax-based CFW setup, you should clear HOME Menu’s extdata, then follow all instructions on your SysNAND. You probably have a menuhax-based setup if your system version when booting without an SD card is 9.2.0-20.
+ +If your console boots to the normal HOME Menu, return to Get Started
+ +If you see a Luma3DS version of 7.0.5 or lower, continue to A9LH to B9S
+ +If you see a Luma3DS version of 7.1, continue to Updating B9S
+ +If you see a Luma3DS version of 8.0 or greater, continue to Restoring / Updating CFW
+ +If you see something not described by the above options, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ + +We’re glad that you’d like to contribute to! Here are a few ways that you can do so:
+ +This guide is open-source - its repository is available here. If you feel there is an issue with the guide, you can file an issue to make us aware, or file a pull request to have your changes merged into the guide.
+ +If you’d like to translate this guide into other languages (or help keep the translations up-to-date), check out our Crowdin.
+ +A number of files on this guide are only available as torrents. If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip
file containing all our .torrent
files: (last updated 2023-03-16)
There is also an RSS feed that may be updated for future torrents, which you can subscribe to.
+ +Maintaining this guide (as well as our support channels) is primarily a volunteer effort, but if this guide has helped you in some way, donations are greatly appreciated.
+ + + + + +Special thanks to Plailect, the original creator and maintainer of the guide!
+ +Special thanks to all of #Cakey on Freenode for being awesome!
+ +Special thanks to all of the translators for being awesome!
+ +If I forgot you here, contact me and I’ll add your name.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
This is an add-on section for installing an 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image to your device.
+ +This page assumes that you have already installed Luma3DS and boot9strap. If you followed this website to the end (Finalizing Setup), you have Luma3DS and boot9strap.
+ +As a part of this process, your system configuration will be reset to its defaults. This includes things such as your username, country, and language. Installed games and their save data will not be affected.
+ +To download the CTRTransfer images on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
on the root of your SD card if it does not already existGodMode9.firm
from the GodMode9 .zip
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD cardgm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD card.bin
from the CTRTransfer .zip
to the /gm9/
folder on your SD cardFBI.3dsx
to the /3ds/
folder on your SD card[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
to select itNintendo 3DS
and Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIf the script found no user tickets and told you to skip this section, you can skip this section.
+ +eshop
folder, unknown
folder, or both
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
to delete it[1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND
-> data
-> <ID0>
-> sysdata
+ <ID0>
will be a folder with a 32 character length random-looking name. You may recognize this from Seedminer, if you used that method00010017
, press (X) to delete itEntschuldige, aber die angeforderte Seite existiert nicht.
+ + +Diese Seite ist für Benutzer von arm9loaderhax, die ihre Geräte auf boot9strap updaten wollen.
+ +Alle zukünftigen Versionen von Luma3DS werden nur im .firm
- Format sein, welches nur mit boot9strap und sighax kompatibel ist. Das bedeutet, dass du diese Seite zum Updaten deiner Installation nutzen solltest, falls du weiterhin Updates von Luma3DS erhalten möchtest.
Um die .7z
Dateien, welche auf dieser Seite verlinkt sind, entpacken zu können, benötigst du ein Archivprogramm wie zum Beispiel 7-Zip oder The Unarchiver.
Obwohl wir glauben, dass die Nutzung von Custom Firmware online sicher ist, gab es in der Vergangenheit schon einige Online-Banns, hauptsächlich für Cheating und verdächtigen eShop-Content.
+ +Um die magnet-Links auf dieser Seite zu verwenden, benötigst du einen Torrent-Client, wie qBittorrent oder Deluge.
+ +Beachte, dass auf dem New 3DS die secret_sector.bin
benötigt wird, um den arm9loaderhax-Exploit umzukehren, deswegen ist diese Datei nicht nötig um boot9strap auf einer unmodifizierten Konsole zu installieren. Wenn du keinen New 3DS hast, brauchst du die secret_sector.bin
Datei nicht.
Datei)Überschreibe für alle Schritte dieses Abschnitts bereits vorhandene Dateien auf der SD-Karte.
+ +boot.firm
und boot.3dsx
von der Luma3DS .zip
ins Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
aus der Version v7.0.5 Luma3DS .7z
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte.SafeB9SInstaller.bin
von der SafeB9SInstaller .zip
in den Ordner /luma/payloads/
auf deiner SD-Karte
+ luma
oder payloads
Ordner nicht existiert, erstelle sie.bin
-Payloads (GodMode9.bin
, *Decrypt9WIP.bin,
Hourglass9.bin, usw.) im
/luma/payloads/`-Ordner deiner SD-Karte, da sie mit den Luma3DS Versionen, die boot9strap unterstützen, nicht mehr kompatibel sindboot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteNur New 3DS Nutzer: Kopiere secret_sector.bin
in den /boot9strap/
Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte
Ordner auf deiner SD Karte und versuche es erneutUm ein DSiWare-Backup erstellen zu können, nutzen wir eine Schwachstelle im DSiWare-Datenverwaltungs-Fenster der Systemeinstellungen aus.
+ +Um das zu erreichen, werden wir die Verschlüsselung (movable.sed) nutzen, um ein DSiWare-Backup zu erstellen, das das System dazu bringen wird, die DSi Internet Einstellungs-Software zur SD-Karte zu kopieren.
+ +Wenn du ein DSiWare-Backup hast, kann ein ausnutzbarer DSiWare-Titel in DS Download Play injiziert werden, der dann genutzt wird, um Custom Firmware zu installieren.
+ +Diese Anleitung ist NUR für taiwanesische Konsolen (erkennbar an dem T am Ende der Systemversion, zum Beispiel 11.16.0-39T)! If your console is from any other region, choose the other method.
+ +movable.sed
-Key, welchen du durch den Seedminer runtergeladen
)Als zusätzliche Sicherheitsmaßnahme führen wir eine zusätzliche Überprüfung auf Custom Firmware durch. Das liegt daran, dass die Verwendung dieser Methode, wenn Custom Firmware bereits installiert ist, das Risiko birgt, die Konsole zu bricken (und sie ohne Wiederherstellungsmethoden wie ntrboot unbrauchbar zu machen).
+ +Wenn du ein Konfigurations-Menü siehst, oder sich die Konsole direkt ausschaltet, hast du schon Custom Firmware und wenn du jetzt mit der Anleitung fortfährst, kann das dein Gerät BRICKEN! Folge Prüfe auf CFW, um deine bestehende CFW zu aktualisieren.
+ +boot.firm
und boot.3dsx
von der Luma3DS .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte
+ private
Ordner von der Frogminer_save .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Kartemovable.sed
Datei mit der “Browse…” Option hochNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1> auf deiner SD-Karte
+ <ID0>
ist dieselbe die du bei Seedminer verwendet hast<ID1>
ist ein 32 Zeichen langer Ordner innerhalb der <ID0>
Nintendo DSiWare
innerhalb der <ID1>
+ Wenn du bereits den Ordner hattest, und du hast schon DSiWare Backup Dateien darin hast (<8-Charakter-ID>.bin
), kopiere sie zu deinem Computer und lösche sie von deiner
Datei und gehe zu China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
Dateien in den Nintendo DSiWare
OrdnerData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
-> (Seite 2)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
auf deiner
Datei und gehe zu China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
Datei mit der gleichen Nummer wie die auf der zweiten Seite des DSiWare Management Menüs zum Nintendo DSiWare
Ordners, überschreibe, wenn du gefragt wirstData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
Datei im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte habenNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
auf deiner SD-Karte.bin
Dateien im Nintendo DSiWare
Datei mit der “Browse…” Option ausmovable.sed
Datei mit der “Browse…” Option ausDSdownloadplay
(NICHT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
auf deiner SD-Karte484E4441.bin
Datei von dem hax
Ordner des heruntergeladenen DSiWare-Archives (output_(name).zip) in den Nintendo DSiWare
OrdnerFalls du eine visuelle Anleitung für diesen Abschnitt brauchst, findest du diese [hier] (
+ +In diesem Abschnitt führst du eine Reihe sehr spezifischer Schritte innerhalb von Flipnote Studio aus, die wenn korrekt ausgeführt, den boot9strap (Custom Firmware) Installer startet.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
auf deiner SD-Karte484E4441.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderTo launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here.
+Diese Anleitung funktioniert mit den folgenden Konsolenregionen: USA, Europa, Japan und Korea. Diese werden mit den Buchstaben U, E, J oder K nach der Systemversion angezeigt.
+ +Falls du eine Taiwanesische Konsole besitzen solltest (gekennzeichnet durch ein T nach der Systemversion), folge dieser Anleitung.
+ +movable.sed
-Key, welchen du durch den Seedminer runtergeladen hastIn diesem Schritt wirst du die Dateien, die zum Auslösen des Bannerbomb3 Exploits benutzt werden, auf die SD-Karte deiner Konsole kopieren.
+ +F00D43D5.bin
und einen Payload namens bb3.bin
in einer zip Datei herunterladen (
von der
in das Stammverzeichnis der SD-Karte
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
auf deiner SD-Karte
+ Nintendo DSiWare
innerhalb der <ID1>
+ Wenn du bereits den Ordner hattest, und du hast schon DSiWare Backup Dateien darin hast (<8-Charakter-ID>.bin
), kopiere sie zu deinem Computer und lösche sie von deiner SD-KarteF00D43D5.bin
Datei aus
in den Nintendo DSiWare
OrdnerIn this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your device. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page.
+ +If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.
+ +Wenn deine Konsole in den Safe Mode gestartet hat, fahre mit boot9strap installieren (USM) fort
+ +Wenn deine Konsole NICHT in den Safe Mode gestartet hat, fahre mit boot9strap installieren (Fredtool) fort
+ + +If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, go back to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the New 3DS series and the 2DS), regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device , you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +This is an add-on section to check if your console already has a modern custom firmware.
+ +If your console already has an arm9loaderhax or boot9strap based custom firmware, you will need to follow the instructions indicated to upgrade your setup to a modern one.
+ +If your console has a menuhax-based CFW setup, you should clear HOME Menu’s extdata, then follow all instructions on your SysNAND. You probably have a menuhax-based setup if your system version when booting without an SD card is 9.2.0-20.
+ +If your console boots to the normal HOME Menu, return to Get Started
+ +If you see a Luma3DS version of 7.0.5 or lower, continue to A9LH to B9S
+ +If you see a Luma3DS version of 7.1, continue to Updating B9S
+ +If you see a Luma3DS version of 8.0 or greater, continue to Restoring / Updating CFW
+ +If you see something not described by the above options, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ + +Wir sind froh, dass du zu beitragen möchtest! Hier sind ein paar Möglichkeiten, wie du das tun kannst:
+ +Diese Anleitung ist open-source - das Repository ist hier verfügbar. Wenn du der Meinung bist, dass ein Problem mit der Anleitung besteht, kannst du ein Problem Melden, oder eine pull request einreichen, damit deine Änderungen in die Anleitung übernommen werden.
+ +Wenn du gerne diese Anleitung in andere Sprachen übersetzen möchtest (oder helfen möchtest, die Übersetzungen aktuell zu halten), schau dir unser Crowdin an.
+ +Ein Teil der Dateien in dieser Anleitung sind nur als Torrents verfügbar. If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip
file containing all our .torrent
files: (last updated 2023-03-16)
Es gibt auch einen RSS feed den du abonnieren kannst, der für zukünftige Torrents aktualisiert werden kann.
+ +Diese Anleitung(und unsere Support-Kanäle) werden hauptsächlich von Freiwilligen instandgehalten, aber wenn diese Anleitung dir in irgendeiner Weise geholfen hat, kannst du gerne spenden.
+ + + + + +Besonderer Dank an Plailect, dem ursprünglichen Ersteller und Betreiber der Anleitung!
+ +Vielen Dank an alle Nutzer aus #Cakey auf Freenode! Ihr seid großartig!
+ +Vielen Dank an alle Übersetzer! Ihr seid großartig!
+ +Sollte ich vergessen haben, dich hier aufzuführen, dann kontaktiere mich und ich füge deinen Namen hinzu.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
Dies ist ein zusätzlicher Abschnitt, um ein 11.15.0 CTRTransfer-Image auf deinem Gerät zu installieren.
+ +Beachte: Sollten noch weitere Dateien als nur dieGodMode9.firm
Datei im /luma/payloads/
Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte sein, starte das “Chainloader Menu”, indem du beim Starten der Konsole die (Start) Taste gedrückt hältst und in welchem du dann das D-Pad und die (A) Taste verwenden musst um “GodMode9”, für die Anleitung, auszuwählen.
Du MUSST bereits eine installierte Version von Luma3DS und boot9strap haben um diese Anleitung benutzen zu können.
+ +Die Durchführung eines CTRTransfer kann die Spiele im erweiterten Speichermodus (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sonne/Mond) auf Old 3DS/2DS Geräten stören. Wenn dies geschieht, musst du die Konsole formatieren (mittels TinyFormat oder Systemeinstellungen), um das Problem zu beheben.
+ +Um die magnet-Links auf dieser Seite zu verwenden, benötigst du einen Torrent-Client, wie qBittorrent oder Deluge.
+ +zip
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte falls er noch nicht existiertGodMode9.firm
von der
-Datei nach /luma/payloads/ auf deiner SD-Kartegm9
aus der GodMode9 .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte.bin
Datei von der CTRTransfer .zip
zum /gm9/
Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteFBI.3dsx
in den /3ds/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
, um diese auszuwählenNintendo 3DS
and Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardFalls das Skript keine User-Tickets gefunden hat und dir sagt, dass du diesen Abschnitt überspringen sollst, kannst du ihn überspringen.
+ +eshop
Ordner, unknown
Ordner, oder für beide
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
um es zu löschenFor support (in English) with GodMode9, as well as help with scripting and to get updates and info, join GodMode9 on Discord.
+ +Aside from creating and restoring NAND backups, GodMode9 has the functionality to dump installed titles to an installable .cia
file, to dump game cartridge data to a .3ds
ROM file, and to directly install a game cartridge to the system.
These instructions are written for use with GodMode9 v2.0.0 or later. If you have an older version of GodMode9, follow these instructions to update it.
+ +GodMode9.firm
von der
-Datei nach /luma/payloads/ auf deiner SD-Kartegm9
aus der GodMode9 .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-KarteInsert the game cartridge you intend to dump into your device
format[C:] GAMECART
to select it[TitleID].nds
to select it
+ .3ds
oder .nds
Datei wird sich im /gm9/out/
Ordner auf deiner SD Karte befindenThis will only work for 3DS games; it is not possible to install an NDS game cartridge to the system as a title.
This should only be used if Installing a Game Cartridge Directly to the System does not work.
to select it, then select “NCSD image options…”, then select “Build CIA from file”.cia
formatted file will be outputted to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardThis allows dumping of both System- and User-installed digital titles, such as ones downloaded from the eShop.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
formatted file will be outputted to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardDas Spiel wird auf der SD-Karte unter /gm9/out/
mit dem Dateinamen <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
To identify a <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
file’s Title ID, you can get a listing of all games on the system and their corresponding Title IDs by pressing (Home) to bring up the action menu, selecting Title manager
, and selecting [A:] SD CARD
auszuwählenTo identify a <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
file’s Title ID, you can get a listing of all games on the system and their corresponding Title IDs by pressing (Home) to bring up the action menu, selecting Title manager
, and selecting [A:] SD CARD
-> gm9
auszuwählenFor organizational purposes, copy each .cia
file you wish to encrypt / decrypt to the /cias/
folder on your SD card
-> cias
file to select it, then select “CIA image options…”.cia
file in the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card.cia
file in the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card.cia
file with an encrypted version.cia
file with a decrypted version.cia
will be outputted to the desired locationDies ist ein Add-on-Abschnitt für die Überprüfung Ihrer SD-Karte für Fehler mit h2testw.
+ +Basierend auf der Größe der SD-Karte und der Geschwindigkeit deines Computer kann dieser Prozess mehrere Stunden dauern!
+ +Diese Seite ist nur für Linux-Nutzer gedacht. Falls du kein Linux-Nutzer bist, schaue dir stattdessen H2testw (Windows) oder F3X (macOS) an.
in das f3-Verzeichnismake
, um F3 zu kompilieren./fwrite <Dein SD-Karten-Einhängepunkt>
$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <your sd card mount point>
$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
Wenn der Test das Ergebnis Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
anzeigt, ist deine SD-Karte in Ordnung und du kannst alle .h2w
-Dateien von deiner SD-Karte löschen
Falls es jedoch ein anderes Ergebnis anzeigen sollte, ist deine SD-Karte möglicherweise beschädigt. Du solltest diese möglicherweise austauschen!
+ +Dies ist ein Add-on-Abschnitt für die Überprüfung Ihrer SD-Karte für Fehler mit h2testw.
+ +Basierend auf der Größe der SD-Karte und der Geschwindigkeit deines Computers kann dieser Prozess mehrere Stunden dauern!
+ +Diese Seite ist nur für macOS-Nutzer. Wenn du nicht einen Mac benutzt, sieh dir H2testw (Windows) oder F3 (Linux) an.
+ +Wenn du einen Mac auf macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) und höher hast, folge F3XSwift (Mac).
+ +Die neueste Version von F3X
+ +zip
-DateiWenn der Test das Ergebnis Success! Your Card is ok!
anzeigt ist deine SD-Karte einwandfrei und du kannst alle .h2w
Dateien von deiner SD-Karte löschen
Falls der Test jedoch ein anderes Ergebnis anzeigen sollte, ist deine SD-Karte möglicherweise korrupt oder beschädigt. Du solltest diese möglicherweise austauschen!
+ +This is an add-on section for checking your SD card for errors using F3XSwift.
+ +Basierend auf der Größe der SD-Karte und der Geschwindigkeit deines Computer kann dieser Prozess mehrere Stunden dauern!
+ +Diese Seite ist nur für macOS-Nutzer. Wenn du nicht einen Mac benutzt, sieh dir H2testw (Windows) oder F3 (Linux) an.
+ +F3XSwift is only compatible with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and above. If you have an older version of macOS, follow F3X (Mac) instead.
+ +Wenn der Test das Ergebnis Success! Your card is ok!
, your SD card is good and you can delete all .h2w files on your SD card
Falls es jedoch ein anderes Ergebnis anzeigen sollte, ist deine SD-Karte möglicherweise beschädigt. Du solltest diese möglicherweise austauschen!
+ +Yes, you can still install custom firmware on your 3DS, even after the closure of eShop.
+ +The latest 3DS firmware is 11.16.0. Hier ist, was du wissen solltest:
+ +Yes! Die neuste Firmware (11.16.0) besitzt eine kostenlose Methode namens Seedminer, um CFW zu installieren.
+The instructions are the same for all retail 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, and New 2DS XL devices. Wenn deine Systemversion als “0.0.0-0” angezeigt, hast du möglicherweise eine Entwicklereinheit.
+Bricks are now effectively impossible unless you are purposely trying to brick your device.
+Yes! Diese Anleitung wird nützliche Homebrew-Apps instalieren, darunter den Universal-Updater (siehe, eine Art Homebrew App Store.
+Yes; Luma3DS will automatically ignore the region check for cartridges and installed titles. Some games may need to make use of Luma’s locale emulation feature in order to work properly on out-of-region devices.
+No. Devices with custom firmware can still play online and run physical cartridges as any other 3DS can.
+Your NNID (if you have one) will not be affected by this guide. Konsolen mit KOR, CHN, oder TWN Region haben sowieso keine NNID Funktionalität und sind daher nicht betroffen.
+There was a ban wave in May 2017 that banned CFW users from online play (eShop access, NNIDs, and Nintendo Accounts were unaffected), seemingly at random. Seitdem hat man so eine Ban-Welle nicht gesehen. Trotzdem wissen wir nicht, was wir von Nintendo in Zukunft erwarten können. Im Moment denken wir nicht, dass Bans etwas sind, dass du beachten musst.
+Yes! All you need is the ability to put files on a compatible SD card.
+You will need at least 1.5GB of free SD card space to follow this guide in its entirety. Während der 3DS offiziell mit SD-Karten bis zu 32GB kompatibel ist, können größere SD-Karten verwendet werden, wenn sie manuell als FAT32 formatiert werden. Es wird nicht empfohlen, SD-Karten größer als 128GB zu verwenden, da bekannte Probleme mit GBA-Grafiken und benutzerdefinierten Designs auftreten.
+No. Custom Firmware kann kostenlos auf der neusten Firmware ohne zusätzliche Hardware installiert werden. Darüber hinaus sind 3DS-mode Flashkarten wie Gateway und Sky3DS nicht empfohlen, da sie veraltet sind und Ban- und Brickrisiken mit sich bringen können.
+Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).
+ +Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. Das mit Userland gewährte Niveau des Systemzugriffs erlaubt es dir, grundlegendes Homebrew und Emulatoren zu benutzen, hat dir aber nicht erlaubt, Spiele (einfach) zu modifizieren oder Cartridges zu dumpen. Es war auch viel instabiler, alles ist öfters gecrasht und brauchte einen vollen Neustart. Custom Firmware erlaubt ein viel besseres Niveau des Systemzugriffes und ist auch viel stabiler als Nur-Homebrew Entrypoints.
+ +If you are using Luma3DS, your custom firmware loader (boot9strap) will never be removed when performing a system update. Es gab Updates in der Vergangenheit, die Luma3DS beim Hochfahren zum Crashen gebracht haben, also ist es eine gute Idee, ein paar Stunden zu warten, um sicherzustellen, dass das Update sicher ist, damit deine Konsole nicht temporär nicht mehr funktioniert bis Luma3DS geupdated ist. Ein System Update kann genau wie auf einer regulären Konsole durchgeführt werden: System Einstellungen, Recovery-Modus oder durch die Update-Notifikation wenn das Update schon heruntergeladen ist.
+Copy and paste your SD card contents to a new SD card formatted as FAT32. Für 128 GB Karten wird eine Allocation Unit Size von 65536 empfohlen. SD-Karten größer als 128GB werden aufgrund bekannter Probleme mit GBA-Grafiken und benutzerdefinierten Designs nicht empfohlen.
+Yes, system transfers can be performed through the official System Transfer function to other consoles with CFW (inconsistencies may occur if the target console is stock). Tickets für unechte Titel (Homebrew) werden nicht übertragen, aber die Titel können mit faketik wieder erscheinen. Überprüfe nochmals, dass du keinen drahtlosen Datentransfer machst, da dies unechte Titel löschen wird. CFW wird auf beiden Konsolen erhalten bleiben.
+The only way to change the system language of a Japanese 3DS to a language other than Japanese is to perform a region change. Beachte, dass dies sehr wahrscheinlich die Funktionalität des Nintendo eShop auf deinem Gerät beschädigt. Dies bedeutet, dass du deine Spiele nicht mehr aktualisieren werden kannst, obgleich du dich innerhalb oder außerhalb der Region befindest.
+ +It depends on the format of the homebrew application. Allgemein gesagt:
+ +/3ds/
mit einer neuen Kopie aktualisiert werden. Wenn die Anwendung zusätzliche Assets enthält, musst du diese vielleicht in einem anderen Ordner ersetzen. Lies dafür die Dokumentation der Homebrew Anwendung.You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.
+ +If the game is not from the same region as the console, you will need to dump the updates from a 3DS that has the updates installed. Der Nintendo eShop enthält nur Updates für die Region der Konsole(ein Japanischer 3DS wird nur Updates für japanische Spiele haben).
+Please look at the troubleshooting guide. Das Deinstallieren von CFW wenn dein Gerät in einem unbootbaren Zustand ist, wird nicht empfohlen, da es sehr wahrscheinlich zu einem Brick führen wird.
+It is recommended that you upgrade your setup to a modern, boot9strap-based one. Follow the Checking for CFW guide to see how to upgrade your setup.
+The vast majority of modern homebrew (such as Checkpoint and BootNTR Selector) have only been tested on modern, boot9strap-based setups and may not work entirely (or at all) on older setups based on menuhax, A9LH, or Gateway. In addition, depending on your setup, you may be unable to safely update to the latest firmware. Moderne, boot9strap-basierte Setups erlauben einen höheren Grad an Systemzugriff als frühere Hacks, einschließlich der Möglichkeit, die Bootrom deiner Konsole zu dumpen.
+Your old setup (including your EmuNAND, if you have one) can usually be directly migrated to boot9strap with no data loss. Wenn du Daten hast, die dir sehr wichtig sind, ist es eine gute Idee eine entschlüsselte Kopie von deinen Speicherdaten mit einem Tool wie JKSM zu erstellen bevor du ein Setup upgradest.
+A: Lies diesen Thread.
+Dies ist ein Add-on-Abschnitt für das Deaktivieren des Windows Standart-Verhalten, Dateierweiterungen zu verstecken.
+ +Dies wird es einfach machen die benötigten Dateien in diesem Guide zu finden.
+ +Click “File name extensions” to enable it
+ + +Checken sie das Kontrollkästchen mit der Bezeichnung “Datei Dateinamenerweiterungen”
+ + +Suchen Sie nach “Ordneroptionen” und wählen Sie das entsprechende Ergebnis aus
+ + +Deaktivieren Sie das Kontrollkästchen “Erweiterungen bei bekannten Dateitypen ausblenden”
+ + +The file boot.firm
is what is launched by boot9strap itself after it finishes loading off of NAND. In this case, we are using Luma3DS by LumaTeam to patch the device, allowing it to run homebrew software.
On this page, we will make critical system file backups and install the following homebrew programs:
+ +It is not recommended to skip downloading any of these applications, as many of them will be used later on this page. At the end of this page, your SD card will be cleaned up by removing unnecessary installation files.
+ +If your New 3DS was on version 2.1.0 before following this guide, you should restore your NAND backup before continuing. This likely doesn’t apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
+ +If your previous CFW setup was EmuNAND-based and you wish to move the contents of your EmuNAND/RedNAND to SysNAND, follow Move EmuNAND before following this page. If you don’t know what an EmuNAND is, this doesn’t apply to you.
+ +.cia
and .3dsx
Datei)In this section, you will copy the files necessary to follow the rest of the instructions on this page.
+ +cias
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte falls er noch nicht existiertAnemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, FBI.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
, and Universal-Updater.cia
) to the /cias/
folder on your SD card3ds
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte falls er noch nicht existiert
+ FBI.3dsx
in den /3ds/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-Kartepayloads
im Ordnerluma
deiner SD-Karte, falls er noch nicht existiertGodmode9.firm
von der Godmode9 .zip
nach /luma/payloads/
auf deiner SD Kartegm9
aus der GodMode9 .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-KarteThe screenshots below indicate the minimum SD card layout that is required to follow this page. You may have extra files or folders on your SD card, depending on your previous setup or the method that you followed.
+ + + + + +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is safe to do with custom firmware.
+ +In this section, you will temporarily replace Download Play with Homebrew Launcher (which we need to launch FBI). Download Play will automatically go back to normal once you reboot your device.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
and Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will sync your 3DS internal clock with the actual time and dump the sound firmware (which is necesssary for some homebrew software to use sound properly).
+ +In this section, you will install several useful homebrew applications to HOME Menu.
+ +SD
-> cias
In this section, you will use a script to copy some of Luma3DS’s files to internal memory so that they can be accessed, even without an SD card inserted.
+ +GodMode9.firm
is in /luma/payloads/
and that payloads
is correctly spelledIn this section, you will use a script to remove some unnecessary files from your SD card.
+ +In this section, you will make backups of files that can be used to recover from software bricks or to recover data.
to select it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it
+ /luma/backups/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computerYou’re done! Custom firmware is now fully configured on your device.
+ +Hello! We’re looking for feedback on the overall experience of following our guide. If you’d like to help out, check out the survey here (only available in English). Thanks!
+ +Here are some key combos that you should know:
+ +/luma/payloads/
, the Luma3DS chainloader.See here for some suggestions on things to do with custom firmware.
+ +For information on using GodMode9’s various features, check out the GodMode9 Usage and Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges pages.
+ + +Bevor du fortfährst solltest du sicherstellen, dass du alle Informationen zu ntrboot gelesen hast
+ +Diese Methode erfordert den temporären Zugriff auf ein zweites System der 3DS-Familie, auf dem boot9strap schon läuft. Dies erfordert nicht, dass deine Flashcart die 3DS-Version unterstützt.
+ +In seltenen Fällen ist kann es sein, dass während des Flashens einer gefälschten Flashkarte diese gebrickt wird und somit permanent unbenutzbar wird. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap_ntr.firm
und boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap ntr .zip
-Datei in den /ntrboot/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-Kartentrboot_flasher.firm
in den /luma/payloads
Ordner auf der Quell-3DS SD-KarteBevor du fortfährst, stelle sicher, dass du alle Informationen zu ntrboot gelesen hast
+ +Diese Methode erfordert nichts weiter außer deinem ungehacktem 3DS und einer kompatiblen Flashkarte. Diese Methode verwendet eine Flashkarte zum Ausführen der Ntrboot Flasher “.nds” Datei auf deinem 3DS. Dies bedeutet, dass deine Flashkarte das Ausführen von “.nds” Dateien auf deiner 3DS Version unterstützen muss. Schaue in der Flashcart Tabelle auf ntrboot für weitere Informationen.
+ +In seltenen Fällen ist kann es sein, dass während des Flashens einer gefälschten Flashkarte diese gebrickt wird und somit permanent unbenutzbar wird. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
on the root of your flashcart’s SD cardboot9strap_ntr.firm
from the boot9strap ntr .zip
to the /ntrboot/
folder on your flashcart’s SD cardntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
to your flashcart’s SD cardntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
on your device using your flashcartBevor du fortfährt stelle sicher, dass du alle Informationen zu ntrboot gelesen hast
+ +Diese Methode erfordert temporären Zugriff auf einen Nintendo DSi, welcher mit deiner Flashcart kompatibel ist. Diese Methode verwendet eine Flashkarte zum Ausführen der Ntrboot Flasher “.nds” Datei auf deinem DSi. This means that your flashcart must support launching .nds
files on your DSi’s version. Schaue in der Flashcart Tabelle auf ntrboot für weitere Informationen.
In manchen seltenen Fällen ist es möglich, dass während des Flashens einer gefälschten Flashkarte diese gebrickt wird und somit permanent unbenutzbar wird. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
auf die SD-Karte deiner FlashkarteBevor du fortfährt stelle sicher, dass du alle Informationen zu ntrboot gelesen hast
+ +Diese Methode erfordert temporären Zugriff auf einen Nintendo DS oder Nintendo DS Lite, welcher mit deiner Flashcart kompatibel ist. Diese Methode verwendet eine Flashcart zum Ausführen der Ntrboot Flasher “.nds” Datei auf deinem NDS.
+ +In manchen seltenen Fällen ist es möglich, das während des Flashens einer gefälschten Flashkarte diese gebrickt wird und somit permanent unbenutzbar wird. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
on the root of your flashcart’s SD cardboot9strap_ntr.firm
from the boot9strap ntr .zip
to the /ntrboot/
folder on your flashcart’s SD cardntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
to your flashcart’s SD cardntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
on the source NDS / NDSL using your flashcartThis is an add-on section for formatting an SD card to work with the 3DS.
+ +If the 3DS already recognizes the SD card, this guide is not required.
+ +Diese Seite ist nur für Linux-Nutzer gedacht. If you are not on Linux, check out the Formatting SD (Windows) or Formatting SD (Mac) pages.
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
is set to 1, make sure the lock switch is not slid downsudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 128 -F 32
+ This is an add-on section for formatting an SD card to work with the 3DS.
+ +If the 3DS already recognizes the SD card, this guide is not required.
+ +Diese Seite ist nur für macOS-Nutzer. If you are not on Mac, check out the Formatting SD (Windows) or Formatting SD (Linux) pages.
+ +Select your SD card in the left panel
+ +Make sure you choose the correct device, otherwise you might accidentally erase the wrong drive!
+Select your SD card in the left panel
+ +Make sure you choose the correct device, otherwise you might accidentally erase the wrong drive!
+This is an add-on section for formatting an SD card to work with the 3DS.
+ +If the 3DS already recognizes the SD card, this guide is not required.
+ +Diese Seite ist nur für Windowsnutzer gedacht. If you are not on Windows, check out the Formatting SD (Linux) or Formatting SD (Mac) pages.
+ +SD Card Formatter Setup
(the .exe
file) in the downloaded .zip
file with Administrator privileges, then install the programSD Card Formatter
from the Start MenuSelect your SD card’s drive letter for “Select card”
+ +Make sure you choose the correct drive letter, otherwise you might accidentally erase the wrong drive!
Select your SD card’s drive letter for “Drive”
+ +Make sure you choose the correct drive letter, otherwise you might accidentally erase the wrong drive!
+Bevor wir diese Anleitung starten, werden wir sehen, ob Custom Firmware bereits installiert ist und überprüfen Sie die aktuelle Systemversion Ihres Geräts.
+ +Wenn du ein ungewöhnliches Menü siehst, STOP - du hast bereits Custom Firmware! Fahre hier fort.
+ +To find the correct method for your device, please enter the system version you found in Section II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +If possible, you should follow the method given by the prompt above.
+ +Otherwise, methods that work on all versions are available, but require additional hardware:
+ +For information on dumping cartridge or SD card content, see Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges.
+ +For support (in English) with GodMode9, as well as help with scripting and to get updates and info, join GodMode9 on Discord.
+ +GodMode9 ist ein Vollzugriffsdateibrowser für die Nintendo 3DS Konsole und gibt dir Zugriff auf deine SD Karte, auf die FAT Partitionen in deinem SysNAND und EmuNAND und im Grunde alles andere auch. Unter anderem kannst du Dateien kopieren, löschen, umbenennen und Ordner erstellen.
+ +Beachte: Sollten noch weitere Payload-Dateien als nur dieGodMode9.firm
Datei im /luma/payloads/
Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte sein, starte das “Chainloader Menu”, indem du beim Starten der Konsole (Start) gedrückt hältst und in welchem du dann das D-Pad und (A) verwenden musst um “GodMode9”, für die Anleitung, auszuwählen.
GodMode9 ist eine mächtige Software, mit dem Potential alles mögliche an der Konsole verändern zu können. Obwohl viele dieser Modifikationen durch ein Berechtigungssystem gesperrt sind, und es unmöglich ist, versehentlich gefährliche Aktionen ausführen, ohne bewusst Berechtigungen zu entsperren, solltest du dennoch die Anweisungen sorgfältig befolgen und Backups für den Notfall bereit haben.
+ +Einige der folgenden Anweisungen sind nur in der neuesten Version von GodMode9 zu finden, deshalb solltest diesen Schritten folgen, um deine Version zu aktualisieren, bevor du weiter machst. Ersetze dabei alle bereits existierenden Dateien.
+ +GodMode9.firm
von der
-Datei nach /luma/payloads/ auf deiner SD-Kartegm9
aus der GodMode9 .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
from your computer to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardFür organisatorische Zwecke kopiere die .cia
-Datei, die du initiieren willst, in den /cias/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte
Beachte, dass es nicht möglich ist, Dateien in die +Gesundheit & Sicherheitsinformationen zu injizieren, die größer sind als die eigentliche App (einschließlich Spiele und andere große Anwendungen)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
um sie auszuwählen, und wähle dann “CIA image otions…” und dann “Mount image to drive”.app
-Datei, dann wähle “NCCH Image options” und danach wählst du “Inject to H&S”Dies wird nur funktionieren, wenn die Injektion in Gesundheit & Sicherheit von GodMode9 durchgeführt wurde (nicht bei Decrypt9 oder Hourglass9).
+ +**Beachte dies wird alles von deiner SD karte entfernen
+ +GM9SD
zu akzeptieren
+ Dies ist ein Add-on-Abschnitt für die Überprüfung Ihrer SD-Karte für Fehler mit h2testw.
+ +Je nach Größe deiner SD-Karte und der Schnelligkeit deines Computers, kann dieser Prozess bis zu mehreren Stunden dauern!
+ +Diese Seite ist nur für Windowsnutzer gedacht. If you are not on windows, check out the F3 (Linux) or F3XSwift (Mac) pages.
+ +h2testw.exe
aus der
auf dein Desktoph2testw.exe
Falls der Test das Ergebnis Test finished without errors
anzeigt, dann ist deine SD Karte in Ordnung und du kannst alle .h2w
Dateien von deiner SD Karte löschen
Falls der Test ein anderes Ergebnis anzeigt, dann ist es möglich, dass deine SD-Karte defekt oder beschädigt ist und dass du sie ersetzen solltest!
+ +This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) to run SafeB9SInstaller.
For information on PicHaxx itself, see here.
+ +These instructions work on USA, Europe, and Japan consoles as indicated by the letters U, E, or J after the system version.
+ +You will need a Nintendo Network ID to download Pokémon Picross.
+ +This process will overwrite your Pokémon Picross save file, if you have one. If you wish to preserve your Pokémon Picross game data, you should make a backup of your 00000001.sav
file before overwriting it.
Datei vom
file)In this section, you will copy some of the files that will be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card
+ 3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD
’s otherapps_with_CfgS
folder to the root of your SD card and rename it to otherapp.bin
In this section, you will create a hacked Pokémon Picross save file that, when used, will load the Homebrew Launcher on your device.
+ +movable.sed
Datei ausNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> title
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
on your SD card
+ <ID0>
ist dieselbe die du bei Seedminer verwendet hast<ID1>
is a 32 character long folder inside of the <ID0>
file to the data
folder on your SD card
+ Lies alle Einleitungsseiten gründlich durch (einschließlich dieser), bevor du fortfährst.
+ +Custom Firmware (“CFW”) ist eine vollständige Software-Modifikation zu deinem 3DS, vergleichbar mit dem “Administrator-Zugriff” auf einem Computer. Es erlaubt dir, alles zu tun, was der 3DS physisch tun kann, anstatt von Nintendo eingeschränkt zu sein.
+ +Beliebte Anwendungsmöglichkeiten für Custom Firmware beinhalten:
+ +Diese Anleitung wird:
+This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application.
This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +movable.sed
Datei vom
Datei)Als zusätzliche Sicherheitsmaßnahme führen wir eine zusätzliche Überprüfung auf Custom Firmware durch. Das liegt daran, dass die Verwendung dieser Methode, wenn Custom Firmware bereits installiert ist, das Risiko birgt, die Konsole zu bricken (und sie ohne Wiederherstellungsmethoden wie ntrboot unbrauchbar zu machen).
+ +Wenn du ein Konfigurations-Menü siehst, oder sich die Konsole direkt ausschaltet, hast du schon Custom Firmware und wenn du jetzt mit der Anleitung fortfährst, kann das dein Gerät BRICKEN! Folge Prüfe auf CFW, um deine bestehende CFW zu aktualisieren.
+ +In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu and copy the resulting file dump to your computer so that you can use it on the next section.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +42383841.bin
file from the root of your SD card using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
Datei mit der “Browse…” Option ausDSinternet
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
auf deiner SD-Karte
+ <ID0>
ist die, die du beim Seedminer verwendet hast<ID1>
ist ein 32 Zeichen langer Ordner in der <ID0>
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder42383841.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
+ boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) to the root of your SD cardprivate
folder from the Frogminer_save .zip
to the root of your SD cardSchalte deine Konsole an
+ + +In this section, you will copy the hacked DS Connection Settings DSiWare to internal memory, which will temporarily replace it with Flipnote Studio.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connections
, then select “OK” (image)Falls du eine visuelle Anleitung für diesen Abschnitt brauchst, findest du diese [hier] (
+ +In diesem Abschnitt führst du eine Reihe sehr spezifischer Schritte innerhalb von Flipnote Studio aus, die wenn korrekt ausgeführt, den boot9strap (Custom Firmware) Installer startet.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastboot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in Section IV.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
auf deiner SD-Karte42383841.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, replacing the existing oneData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found here.
+ +This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console.
+ +Um die magnet-Links auf dieser Seite zu verwenden, benötigst du einen Torrent-Client, wie qBittorrent oder Deluge.
+ +Um die .7z
Dateien, welche auf dieser Seite verlinkt sind, entpacken zu können, benötigst du ein Archivprogramm wie zum Beispiel 7-Zip oder The Unarchiver.
Dies funktioniert auf mit New 3DS, New 2DS, Old 3DS und Old 2DS auf allen Versionen, für die du eine entsprechende .firm
-Datei hast.
*Deine NAND-Sicherheitskopie, welche du mit Hilfe deines Hardmods erstellt hast
benutzen, während Mac und Linux-Benutzer [Python 3] ( installiert haben müssen, um die .py
file that isn’t source code).firm
entsprechend deiner Konsole und Firmware:Version(en) | +Kernel | +Old 3DS oder Old 2DS | +New 3DS oder New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
In this section, you will download the necessary files for the hardmod and dump the NAND image in preparation to install custom firmware.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD
auf deinen Computer.firm
in den hardmod-b9s-installer-Ordner auf deinem PC.firm
in dem hardmod-b9s-installer-Ordner auf deinem PC zu current.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den hardmod-b9s-installer-Ordner auf deinem PChardmod-b9s-installer
auf deinem Computer und benenne es um in NAND.bin
In this section, you will install custom firmware to the dumped NAND image, and then install this NAND image back onto the device to install custom firmware on it.
+ +install-b9s.exe
, den NAND deines Geräts, indem du dein Hardmod verwendetboot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +In this section, you will use Homebrew Launcher to launch slotTool, which will overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Then, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +boot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn diesem Abschnitt du wirst in den Safe Mode (eine Funktion, die auf allen 3DS Geräten verfügbar ist) starten und zu einem Menü navigieren, in dem unSAFE_MODE ausgelöst wird, die deine Konsole in den boot9strap (Custom Firmware) Installer starten wird.
+ +003-1099
fehlschlagen. Dies ist so vorgesehenVerbindung 1
-> Einstellungen ändern
-> Nächste Seite (rechter Pfeil)
-> Proxy-Einstellungen
-> Detailliertes Setup
(Bild)In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+In diesem Abschnitt wirst du den Homebrew Launcher (diesmal mit Custom Firmware) betreten, sodass du die in Abschnitt I überschriebenen Wi-Fi Slots wiederherstellen kannst.
+ +In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin.
+ +This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +In order to follow these instructions, you will need the following:
+ +If the (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons on the target 3DS do not work, you will not be able to follow these instructions. For further assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +On the source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware):
+ +plugin.3gx
)On the target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify):
file)In this section, you will set up your source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware) for delivery of the exploit data to the target 3DS.
+ +boot.firm
to the root of the source 3DS’s SD card, replacing any existing file
+ plugin.3gx
to the following directory on the source 3DS’s SD card, depending on the region of your copy of Mario Kart 7:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
and 00040000...
folders if they do not already existIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify)’s SD card.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the standard Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD card3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD cardIn this section, you will use Download Play to transfer the exploit data from the source 3DS to the target 3DS, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Local Multiplayer
. A menu should pop up
+ Use settings
and skip the next 3 steps. If they are incorrect, select Change settings
and proceed.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
and modify them accordinglyCreate Group
+ Grand Prix
-> 50cc
-> (any driver) -> Mushroom Cup
-> OK
Section III - kartdlphax
Section III - kartdlphax
. If this doesn’t work, ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord)You will not need to use your source 3DS to complete any further steps on this guide. Any further steps should only be completed on the target 3DS.
+ +In diesem Abschnitt du wirst in den Safe Mode (eine Funktion, die auf allen 3DS Geräten verfügbar ist) starten und zu einem Menü navigieren, in dem unSAFE_MODE ausgelöst wird, die deine Konsole in den boot9strap (Custom Firmware) Installer starten wird.
+ +003-1099
fehlschlagen. Dies ist so vorgesehenVerbindung 1
-> Einstellungen ändern
-> Nächste Seite (rechter Pfeil)
-> Proxy-Einstellungen
-> Detailliertes Setup
(Bild)In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+In diesem Abschnitt wirst du den Homebrew Launcher (diesmal mit Custom Firmware) betreten, sodass du die in Abschnitt I überschriebenen Wi-Fi Slots wiederherstellen kannst.
+ +Um die magnet-Links auf dieser Seite zu verwenden, benötigst du einen Torrent-Client, wie qBittorrent oder Deluge.
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD card and rename it to boot.firm
+ boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your console’s SD cardboot9strap
on the root of your console’s SD cardCopy boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your console’s SD card
In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.
+ +boot.firm
aus dem Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+Das Folgende ist optional und erlaubt es dir, deine Flashkarte in den Ursprungszustand zu versetzen (für das Verwenden ihrer Standardfunktionen).
+ +Beachte, dass die Acekard 2i ihre Fähigkeit behält, .nds
-Dateien zu starten, selbst während der ntrboot-Exploit installiert ist. Dies gilt nur, wenn die Acekard 2i in einem NDS oder einem 3DS mit Custom Firmware ist! Während der ntrboot-Exploit auf der Acekard 2i installiert ist, kann diese keine .nds
-Dateien auf DSi oder unmodifizierten 3DS-Konsolen starten.
Folge diesen Schritten erst, wenn du den Rest der Anweisungen auf dieser Seite abgeschlossen hast.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)Flashkarte | +Hardware Revision | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | Fehlt | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | Fehlt | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +Fehlt | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +Fehlt | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +Fehlt | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | Fehlt | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte.bin
-Datei von deiner Flashrom-Backup .zip
in den Ordner /ntrboot/
auf dem Stammverzeichnis der SD-Kartepayloads
im luma
-Ordner auf deiner SD-Kartentrboot_flasher.firm
in den /luma/payloads
Ordner der SD-KarteFor technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +Soundhax (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0 through 11.3.0 in all regions.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
in das Stammverzeichnis der SD-Karte
+ otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Starte die Nintendo 3DS Sound App
+ + +/SDCARD
und spiele die Datei “<3 nedwill 2016” ab
+ In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0-0 through 11.10.0-36 in all regions. If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or more than 37, Soundhax is patched and won’t work.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
in das Stammverzeichnis der SD-Karte
+ otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Starte die Nintendo 3DS Sound App
+ + +/SDCARD
und spiele die Datei “<3 nedwill 2016” ab
+ In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with Korean systems on versions where the two numbers before the region in the system version string are lower than 33.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
in das Stammverzeichnis der SD-Karte
+ otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Starte die Nintendo 3DS Sound App
+ + +/SDCARD
und spiele die Datei “<3 nedwill 2016” ab
+ In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version.
+ +A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check.
+ +Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job.
+ +For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (SSLoth) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.
+ +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both browserhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
+ .bin
extension, do not add it to the end of the filenameboot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will change your Internet connection settings to use a proxy network designed to bypass the browser version check, allowing the browser to function without a system update. This will allow you to access the browser exploit webpage in the next section.
+ +If you haven’t already, make sure you have a working Internet connection set up on your console.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
Detailed Setup
, and the Port to 8080
In this section, you will visit the browser exploit webpage, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +
)In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+In this section, you will restore the Internet settings back to normal.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
Um die SAFE_MODE Firmware unseres Systems auszunutzen, müssen wir ein präpariertes WiFi-Profil einfügen.
+ +Wir können dies mit einem bestehenden Exploit, BannerBomb3, tun.
+ +Um dies zu erreichen, verwenden wir den Verschlüsselungsschlüssel deines Systems (movable.sed). Dieser Key wird benötigt, um ein DSiWare-Backup zu erstellen, welches das System ausnutzt, um das ausgenutzte WiFi-Profil in deine Verbindungsliste zu injizieren.
+ +Wenn das WiFi-Profil injiziert wurde, nutzen wir SAFE_MODE, ein Recovery-Feature, welches auf allen 3DS Konsolen existiert, um das präperierte WiFi-Profil zu aktivieren.
+ +Für eine mehr technische Erklärung, lies die folgenden Links für Informationen zu den BannerBomb3 und unSAFE_MODE Exploits: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Diese Anleitung funktioniert mit den folgenden Konsolenregionen: USA, Europa, Japan und Korea, welche anhand den Buchstaben U, E, J oder K nach der Systemversion erkennbar sind.
+ +Wenn deine (Rechts/Links-Schulter), (Steuerkreuz oben) oder (A) Tasten nicht funktionieren, musst du einem alternativen Zweig von Seedminer folgen. Um Hilfe in dieser Angelegenheit zu erhalten, trete dem Nintendo Homebrew auf Discord bei und frage in Englisch nach Hilfe.
Datei)In diesem Schritt wirst du die Dateien, die zum Auslösen des unSAFE_MODE Exploits benutzt werden, auf die SD-Karte deiner Konsole kopieren.
+ +usm.bin
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot.firm
und boot.3dsx
von der Luma3DS .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte
+ boot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In diesem Abschnitt du wirst in den Safe Mode (eine Funktion, die auf allen 3DS Geräten verfügbar ist) starten und zu einem Menü navigieren, in dem unSAFE_MODE ausgelöst wird, die deine Konsole in den boot9strap (Custom Firmware) Installer starten wird.
+ +003-1099
fehlschlagen. Dies ist so vorgesehenVerbindung 1
-> Einstellungen ändern
-> Nächste Seite (rechter Pfeil)
-> Proxy-Einstellungen
-> Detailliertes Setup
(Bild)In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.
+ +boot.firm
Datei aus der
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert hastAb diesem Punkt wird deine Konsole standardmäßig Luma3DS starten.
+In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit a second time so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section II.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
auf deiner SD-KarteF00D43D5.bin
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder and from your computer. This file will not be needed anymoreIf this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, and New 2DS XL/LL, regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device, you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +Dies ist ein Zusatzabschnitt zum Verschieben des Inhaltes eines vorherigen EmuNAND in die neue SysNAND CFW plus Entfernung des alten EmuNAND. Beachte, dass die Begriffe EmuNAND und RedNAND sich auf leicht unterschiedliche Implementierungen des selben Konzepts beziehen.
+ +Beachte: Sollten noch weitere Dateien als nur dieGodMode9.firm
Datei im /luma/payloads/
Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte sein, starte das “Chainloader Menu”, indem du beim Starten der Konsole die (Start) Taste gedrückt hältst und in welchem du dann das D-Pad und die (A) Taste verwenden musst um “GodMode9”, für die Anleitung, auszuwählen.
Du MUSST bereits eine installierte Version von Luma3DS und boot9strap haben um diese Anleitung benutzen zu können.
+ +GodMode9.firm
von der
-Datei nach /luma/payloads/ auf deiner SD-Kartegm9
aus der GodMode9 .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-KarteWenn du noch keine DSiWare-Spiele oder Spielstände hast, überspringe diesen Abschnitt.
-> title
, um ihn auszuwählen und wähle dann “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”
+ Überspringe diesen Abschnitt, falls du keine GBA VC Spiele oder Spielstände besitzt.
+ +Diese Schritte sind nicht notwendig für andere Virtual Console Spiele (GBC, NES, etc.)
+ +Das Spiel wird auf der SD-Karte unter /gm9/out/
mit dem Dateinamen <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Um die passend Title ID einer <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Datei zu finden, kannst du dir eine Liste aller Spiele und der zugehörigen Titel IDs der auf dem System installierten Spiele anzeigen lassen.
+Markiere dazu [A:] SYSNAND SD
während du (R) und (A) zeitgleich drückst. Danach betätigst du “Search for titles”.
auszuwählen[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
, um es auszuwählen, wähle dann “NAND image options…”, dann wähle “Restore SysNAND (safe)”Überspringe diesen Abschnitt, falls du kein Backup für deine DSiWare Spielstände erstellt hast.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
-> title
Wenn du keine GBA VC Spielstände früher gesichert hast, überspringe den Abschnitt.
+ +Um die passend Title ID einer <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Datei zu finden, kannst du dir eine Liste aller Spiele und der zugehörigen Titel IDs der auf dem System installierten Spiele anzeigen lassen.
+Betätige dazu zeitgleich die Tasten (R) und (A) im GodMode9 Hauptmenü und wähle dann “Search for titles”.
-> gm9
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying itGM9SD
zu akzeptieren
+ boot.firm
auf deiner SD-Karte durch eine aus deinem BackupIf your flashcart comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (or you have already flashed ntrboot to your flashcart), you can skip to Installing boot9strap (ntrboot) for instructions on how to use it.
+ +Um boot9strap mit ntrboot zu installieren benötigst du eine kompatible DS / DSi Flashkarte, worauf du ntrboot installieren kannst. Beachte dass manche Flashcarts schon mit ntrboot geliefert werden.
+ +While the ntrboot exploit works independently of the system version, the ntrboot flasher (which installs the exploit to the cart) is not. Das heißt, abhängig von der Version und dem Gerät, welches von der Flashkarte unterstützt wird, werden nur bestimmte Methoden für dich verfügbar sein.
+ +Karten mit ‘Time Bomb’ sind nicht länger in der Lage ‘.nds’ Dateien zu starten, wenn sie erkennen das die System Uhr ein Datum überschritten hat, welches von der Flashkartenfirmware bestimmt wurde. Eine Methode das zu umgehen ist, die System Uhr auf ein früheres Datum zu setzen.
+ +Flashcart Name | +Derzeitiger Preis | +“Time Bomb”? | +3DS Versionen? | +DSi Versionen? | +Anmerkungen | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +$15.99 | +September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot; can be flashed back to an NDS flashcart. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (internal switch to switch between ntrboot and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Acekard 2i | +$20.99 | +Nein | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +$9.99 | +No | +None | +None | +Only models with certain flash chips are compatible with ntrboot. | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +All RTS revisions are compatible. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +$13.99 | +1.85b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (external switch to switch between ntrboot (“3DS”) and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | Nein | +Keine | +Keine | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | No | +<= 4.3.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Unknown | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Stelle sicher dass deine Flashkarte in der Lage ist ‘.nds’ Dateien zu starten bevor du beginnst. Einige Flashcarts erfordern dass eine Firmware oder ‘‘kernel’’ Dateien vorher auf die SD der Flashcart kopiert werden. Siehe deine spezielle Flashkarten-Betriebsanleitung ein, um mehr Informationen diesbezüglich zu erhalten.
+ +Beachte jedoch, dass einige Methoden zusätzliche Kompatibilitätsinformationen enthalten.
+ +The usage of this exploit, regardless of the flashing method, requires access to a small magnet if the target device is of a folding style (any 3DS family system that is not the old 2DS with a sleep switch). Das ist nötig, weil der Exploit erfordert, dass dein Gerät in den Schlafmodus geht, ohne den Zugang zu den Tasten zu verlieren.
+ +Um zu testen ob ein Magnet funktionieren wird, halte es auf oder in die Nähe der (A)(B)(X)(Y)-Tasten während die Konsole eingeschaltet ist, um zu sehen ob der Schlafmodus ausgelöst wird. Wenn dies der Fall ist, werden beide Bildschirme solange schwarz bleiben wie der Magnet an der Stelle gehalten wird.
+ +Beachte dass die Flashkarte nicht in der Lage ist, ihre Standardfunktionen auszuführen, solange der ntrboot exploit installiert ist (Ausnahme ist die Acekard 2i, welche weiterhin funktioniert auf NDS und 3DS Custom Firmware Systemen). This means that, for most flashcarts, it will not even display on the HOME Menu. Am Ende der ntrboot flashen Anleitung findest du optional weitere Schritte, welche dir erklären, wie du ntrboot wieder von deiner Flashkarte entfernen und diese wieder wie gewohnt nutzen kannst.
+ +In manchen seltenen Fällen ist es möglich, dass während des Flashens einer gefälschten Flashkarte diese gebrickt wird und somit permanent unbenutzbar wird. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Um die Chance zu verringern, dass eine gefälschte Flashkarte gekauft wird, empfiehlt es sich die Karte bei einem seriösen Händler zu erwerben (z.B. NDS Card)
+ +Diese Methode erfordert nichts weiter außer deinem ungehacktem 3DS und einer kompatiblen Flashkarte. Diese Methode verwendet eine Flashkarte zum Ausführen der Ntrboot Flasher “.nds” Datei auf deinem 3DS. Dies bedeutet, dass deine Flashkarte das Ausführen von “.nds” Dateien auf deiner 3DS Version unterstützen muss. Siehe die Flashkarten Tabelle weiter oben für mehr Informationen.
+ +Fortfahren mit ntrboot flashen (Einzelnes 3DS-System)
+ +Diese Methode erfordert einen temporären Zugriff auf ein zweites System der 3DS-Familie, das boot9strap schon hat. Dies erfordert nicht, dass deine Flashcart die 3DS-Version unterstützt.
+ +Fortfahren mit ntrboot flashen (Mehrere 3DS-Systeme)
+ +Diese Methode erfordert temporären Zugriff auf einen Nintendo DS oder Nintendo DS Lite, welcher mit deiner Flashkarte kompatibel ist. Diese Methode verwendet eine Flashcart zum Ausführen der Ntrboot Flasher “.nds” Datei auf deinem NDS.
+ +Fortfahren mit ntrboot flashen (NDS)
+ +Diese Methode erfordert temporären Zugriff auf einen Nintendo DSi, welcher mit deiner Flashcart kompatibel ist. Diese Methode verwendet eine Flashkarte zum Ausführen der Ntrboot Flasher “.nds” Datei auf deinem DSi. This means that your flashcart must support launching .nds
files on your DSi’s version. Siehe die Flashkarten Tabelle weiter oben für mehr Informationen.
Fortfahren mit ntrboot flashen (DSi)
+ + +Diese Webseite verwendet Cookies, um Benutzern die Navigation durch die Anleitung zu erleichtern. Cookies ermöglichen es der Leiste an der Seite der Seite, den aktuellen Fortschritt auf der Website anzuzeigen, damit es Benutzern leichter fällt sich in der Anleitung zurechtzufinden.
+ +This site may include embedded content (e.g. videos, images, articles, etc.). Embedded content from other websites behaves as if the user has visited the other website.
+ +These websites may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with that embedded content, including tracking your interaction with the embedded content if you have an account and are logged in to that website.
+ +This site uses Google Analytics to monitor and analyze traffic. This site is hosted by Github Pages, which may collect data about you, use cookies, embed additional third-party tracking, and monitor your interaction with this site. For more information about Github Pages as it relates to user privacy, see the GitHub Privacy Statement.
+ +This site does not collect personal information. This site may collect usage information in order to analyze interest in the content and to provide advertisers with information on an aggregate basis. No personally identifiable information is shared with third-party advertising companies.
+ +This site may link to other sites for users to use or reference. This site is not responsible for the privacy policies of other sites. Users should be aware that the privacy policies of other websites may differ from this one.
+ +The contents of this Privacy Policy may be altered at any time and for any reason.
+ + +This is an add-on section for region changing your CFW SysNAND. This is done by installing the 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image for the region you want to switch to. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).
+ +Note that region changing is almost completely unnecessary since Luma3DS supports out-of-region games and individual title Locale Emulation. Additionally, running NDS games with alternative out-of-region languages is supported by TWiLight Menu++.
+ +Beachte: Sollten noch weitere Dateien als nur dieGodMode9.firm
Datei im /luma/payloads/
Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte sein, starte das “Chainloader Menu”, indem du beim Starten der Konsole die (Start) Taste gedrückt hältst und in welchem du dann das D-Pad und die (A) Taste verwenden musst um “GodMode9”, für die Anleitung, auszuwählen.
If you change the region of your device:
+ +Du MUSST bereits eine installierte Version von Luma3DS und boot9straps haben, um diese Anleitung benutzen zu können.
+ +Performing a region change may break extended memory mode games (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sun/Moon) on Old 3DS/2DS devices. Wenn dies geschieht, musst du die Konsole formatieren (mittels TinyFormat oder Systemeinstellungen), um das Problem zu beheben.
+ +Um die magnet-Links auf dieser Seite zu verwenden, benötigst du einen Torrent-Client, wie qBittorrent oder Deluge.
+ +zip
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte falls er noch nicht existiertGodMode9.firm
von der
-Datei nach /luma/payloads/ auf deiner SD-Kartegm9
aus der GodMode9 .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte.bin
Datei von der CTRTransfer .zip
zum /gm9/
Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteFBI.3dsx
in den /3ds/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
, um diese auszuwählenNintendo 3DS
and Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardFalls das Skript keine User-Tickets gefunden hat und dir sagt, dass du diesen Abschnitt überspringen sollst, kannst du ihn überspringen.
+ +eshop
Ordner, unknown
Ordner, oder für beide
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
um es zu löschenThis page has been moved to Restoring / Updating CFW.
+ + +This page prepares consoles with an existing modern boot9strap installation for reinstallation and/or updating of custom firmware applications. It can also be used in the event of a lost or corrupted SD card.
+ +Your SD card must be formatted as FAT32 to follow this guide, or else the 3DS will be unable to recognize it. If your SD card is not yet properly formatted, use one of these pages to format it, depending on your operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux.
and boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card, replacing any existing files
+ The latest version of Luma3DS has now been installed on your SD card and on internal memory.
+If you wish to re-install or update other homebrew applications, continue to Finalizing Setup
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
folder if you have itIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
folder if you have itIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3
+ + +Beliebt
+ + + +Alles
+ +Diese Seite gibt Anweisungen und Lösungen für oft auftretende Fehler. Wenn diese Seite das Problem nicht lösen kann, tritt bitte Nintendo Homebrew on Discord und beschreibe dein Problem, zusätzlich mit dem, was du schon versucht hast.
+ +Used on multiple pages:
+Guide pages:
+Probleme nach der Installation:
+Dir fehlt die boot9strap.firm
und die boot9strap.firm.sha
Datei im boot9strap
Ordner, oder der boot9strap
Ordner ist falsch bennant. Lade dir neuste Version von boot9strap herunter und platziere boot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
in deinen boot9strap
Es liegt ein Problem mit den ‘boot9strap.firm’ und ‘boot9strap.firm.sha’ Dateien vor. Lade dir neuste Version von boot9strap herunter und platziere boot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
in deinem boot9strap
Dir fehlt die secret_sector.bin
Datei im boot9strap
Ordner, oder dein boot9strap
Ordner ist falsch benannt. Lade secret_sector.bin mit einem Torrent Client herunter, und platziere sie in deinem boot9strap
Tritt Nintendo Homebrew auf Discord bei und beschreibe die Nachricht, die du siehst.
+Das passiert, wenn du deine SD-Karte in mehreren 3DS-Konsolen benutzt und existiert, um das Zusammenprallen von Daten zu verhindern, die dein Gerät nicht benutzen kann. Um herauszufinden, welcher der langen Ordner der richtige ist, folge diesen Anweisungen:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
Ordner zu BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
umNintendo 3DS
OrdnerBACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Ordner zu Nintendo 3DS
umDie Webseite hat deine movable.sed
mit deiner Freundescode- und ID0-Kombination bereits herausgefunden. Du kannst die movable.sed
Datei benutzen, die dir die Seite gibt.
Dein Freundescode wurde von dem Bot blockiert, da dein 3DS es nicht geschafft hat, den Bot als Freund hinzuzufügen. Stell sicher, dass dein 3DS korrekt mit dem Internet verbunden ist, und bitte in Nintendo Homebrew on Discord auf Englisch um eine Entperrung.
+Die Webseite hat festgestellt, dass deine movable.sed
nicht brute-forcebar ist. Stell sicher, dass du der Seite die richtige ID0 gegeben hast. Wenn deine ID0 korrekt ist, dann kannst Du Seedminer nicht verwenden und musst eine alternative Methode verwenden, die zusätzliche Spiele oder Geräte erfordert.
This can occur if you’ve used multiple SD cards on a 3DS and then merged the contents of the SD cards together. This is done to prevent conflicting, valid data from being merged together.
+ +To fix this, you will need to determine which folder contains your data. Usually, this will be the larger (or largest) of the folders. Backup and delete the smaller one(s), then create a Nintendo DSiWare
folder in the one that remains and move F00D43D5.bin
to that location.
Stelle sicher, dass F00D43D5.bin
die einzige Datei in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>->
Nintendo DSiWare` ist. Falls ja, dann erstelle sie mit dem Bannerbomb3 Injektor erneut.
Stelle außerdem sicher, dass bb3.bin
im Stammverzeichnis der SD-Karte liegt. Wenn es fehlt, dann lade die neuste Version von Bannerbomb3 herunter (direkter Download) und kopiere die bb3.bin
Datei in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte.
Wenn keine dieser Lösungen dieses Problem behebt, dann wurde auf dieser Konsole möglicherweise Custom Firmware auf eine Weise deinstalliert, die diese Methode unmöglich macht. Wenn das der Fall ist, trete dem Nintendo Homebrew on Discord Server bei und frage, auf Englisch, nach Hilfe.
fehlt in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. Stelle sicher, dass Nintendo DSiWare
korrekt geschrieben und Leerzeichen enthält. Groß-/Kleinschreibung spielt hierbei keine Rolle.
Möglicherweise gibt es ein Problem mit deiner F00D43D5.bin
Datei (sie kann beschädigt oder für den falschen 3DS bestimmt sein). Erstelle deine F00D43D5.bin
Datei mit dem Bannerbomb3 Injector neu, und stelle sicher, dass du die movable.sed
Datei für deine Konsole benutzt.
unSAFE_MODE ist nicht installiert. Folge der Anleitung um es zu installieren.
+Die Datei usm.bin
fehlt oder ist falsch platziert. Lade die neueste Version von unSAFE_MODE herunter und platziere usm.bin
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte. Füge die .bin
Erweiterung nicht hinzu, wenn du sie noch nicht siehst.
Es besteht auch die Möglichkeit, dass die Konsole deine SD-Karte nicht liest. Stelle sicher, dass sie korrekt hineingesteckt und formatiert ist.
+Die Datei SafeB9SInstaller.bin
fehlt oder ist falsch platziert. Lade die neueste Version von SafeB9SInstaller herunter, entpacke sie und platziere SafeB9SInstaller.bin
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte. Füge die .bin
Erweiterung nicht hinzu, wenn du sie noch nicht siehst.
Sichere deine Daten und formatiere deine SD-Karte als FAT32 mit dem empfohlenen Werkzeug je nach Betriebssystem (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard und das HP Formatierungswerkzeug (HPUSBDisk) sind bekannt für Probleme mit 3DS SD-Karten.
+ +Wenn dies nicht gelingt, benutze eine andere SD-Karte.
+Stelle sicher, dass deine movable.sed
und das DSiWare-Backup von derselben Konsole stammen. Eine Unterschied führt zu einem Fehler.
Du hast vergessen F00D43D5.bin
von der SD-Karte zu löschen. Navigiere zu Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
auf deiner SD-Karte und lösche die F00D43D5.bin
Es gibt ein Problem mit deiner 42383821.bin
Datei (sie ist falsch, fehlt komplett, falsch platziert oder beschädigt). Erstelle deine Dateien mit der DSIHaxInjector_new Seite neu und stelle sicher, dass du die 42383821.bin
-> hax
in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
wurde nicht von deiner SD-Karte in deinen Systemspeicher kopiert.
Deine DS Verbindungseinstellungen sind defekt, und du wirst den Homebrew Launcher benötigen, um dieses Problem zu beheben. Trete Nintendo Homebrew auf Discord für mehr Hilfe bei.
+Flipnote kann eine Weile benötigen, bis es deine Karte einsortiert hat, wenn du eine große SD-Karte benutzt. Warte für ein paar Minuten.
+Du hast den private
Ordner von der Frogminer_save .zip
nicht in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte kopiert.
Möglicherweise hast du versehentlich den Touchscreen berührt, während du in dem modifizierten Flipnote gewesen bist. Starte die Nintendo DS-Verbindungen erneut und versuche es nochmal. Überprüfe, dass du nicht versehentlich den Touchscreen verwendest.
+Die Datei boot.nds
fehlt oder ist falsch platziert. Lade die neueste Version von b9stool herunter, und platziere boot.nds
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte und ersetze die vorhandene Datei.
Es gibt ein Problem mit deiner boot.nds
Datei. Lade die neueste Version von b9stool erneut herunter, und platziere boot.nds
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte und ersetze die vorhandene Datei.
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and explain what has happened.
+If your device is on system version 9.4.0, 9.5.0, or 9.6.0, you may be encountering a bug with an old version of universal-otherapp. Download the latest version from here.
+ +If your device is not on those firmwares, it likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. You should check for CFW.
+There is an issue with your otherapp.bin
file (it is missing, misplaced, or corrupted). Download the latest release of universal-otherapp and place it on the root of your SD card.
You have the wrong Soundhax file for your device and region, or your device is incompatible with Soundhax. In the latter case, you should update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+Die Datei SafeB9SInstaller.bin
fehlt oder ist falsch platziert. Lade die neueste Version von SafeB9SInstaller herunter, entpacke sie und platziere SafeB9SInstaller.bin
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte. Füge die .bin
Erweiterung nicht hinzu, wenn du sie noch nicht siehst.
Sichere deine Daten und formatiere deine SD-Karte als FAT32 mit dem empfohlenen Werkzeug je nach Betriebssystem (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard und das HP Formatierungswerkzeug (HPUSBDisk) sind bekannt für Probleme mit 3DS SD-Karten.
+ +Wenn dies nicht gelingt, benutze eine andere SD-Karte.
+This likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. You should check for CFW.
+The file arm11code.bin
is missing or misplaced. Lade die neuste Version von universal-otherapp herunter, platziere otherapp.bin
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte und benenne die Datei zu arm11code.bin
um. Füge die .bin
Erweiterung nicht hinzu, wenn du sie noch nicht siehst.
There is an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Lade die neuste Version von universal-otherapp herunter, platziere otherapp.bin
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte und benenne die Datei zu arm11code.bin
um. Füge die .bin
Erweiterung nicht hinzu, wenn du sie noch nicht siehst.
Browser based exploits (such as this one) are often unstable and crash frequently, but they can sometimes be fixed by doing the following steps.
+ +The SSLoth proxy was incorrectly configured. Re-do the SSLoth section on the page.
+Follow these steps in order:
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
First, make sure you entered the correct proxy for the connection you’re using. If not, go back to Section II. If the proxy is correct, then your device has been cart-updated, which means an alternate exploit will need to be used.
+ +Method 1
+If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or less than 36 (e.g. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), you can follow Soundhax. When prompted to select a firmware to generate the sound file, use:
Method 2 (Old 3DS only)
+If you have an Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, you can try a Safe Mode update, which will trigger an alternate exploit:
If these methods didn’t work (or do not apply to you), update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+ +Die Datei SafeB9SInstaller.bin
fehlt oder ist falsch platziert. Lade die neueste Version von SafeB9SInstaller herunter, entpacke sie und platziere SafeB9SInstaller.bin
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte. Füge die .bin
Erweiterung nicht hinzu, wenn du sie noch nicht siehst.
There may be an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Re-download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place it on the root of your SD card, and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Füge die .bin
Erweiterung nicht hinzu, wenn du sie noch nicht siehst.
If you have a Taiwanese unit (with a T in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##T), you will not be able to follow these instructions, and you will need to update your console and follow Seedminer instead.
+ +If you have a Mainland Chinese unit (with a C in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##C), join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Trete Nintendo Homebrew auf Discord für mehr Hilfe bei.
+Sichere deine Daten und formatiere deine SD-Karte als FAT32 mit dem empfohlenen Werkzeug je nach Betriebssystem (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard und das HP Formatierungswerkzeug (HPUSBDisk) sind bekannt für Probleme mit 3DS SD-Karten.
+ +Wenn dies nicht gelingt, benutze eine andere SD-Karte.
+The steps below can be attempted in any order, but are listed from easiest to hardest to perform.
+ +Download this alternate config.ini and place it in /luma/
. This will change the Rosalina key combination to (X) + (Y).
There is an issue with your boot.3dsx
file (it is missing, misplaced, or corrupted). Download the latest release of the Homebrew Launcher and place boot.3dsx
on the root of your SD card, replacing any existing file.
You did not copy the gm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD card. Download the latest release of GodMode9 and place the gm9
folder on the root of your SD card, merging it with the existing one.
Make sure you have at least 1.3GB available in your SD card. If you don’t have enough space, follow these steps:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder from the root of your SD card to your computergm9/out
on your SD to a safe location on your computer<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
files from the SD card, keeping essential.exefs in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
folder from your computer to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folder from your computerIf you have enough space on your SD card, your SD might be corrupted or faulty. Check your SD card for any errors by following the guide according to your computer’s operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+The steps detailed here generally assume that your device has a modern custom firmware setup (boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 or greater). If your console is running an older homebrew setup (for example, something based on arm9loaderhax or menuhax), you should update your setup before trying these instructions.
+ +There is an issue with your boot.firm
file. If you’re running boot9strap 1.4, your 3DS notification LED may flash a certain color. This color is used to diagnose issues involving your boot.firm
file on SD card or internal memory. On older versions of boot9strap, the blue light will power off almost immediately when trying to turn on the device.
If the notification LED flashes:
+ +boot.firm
on your SD card or on internal memory.boot.firm
on your SD card. It was able to find boot.firm
on internal memory, but the file is corrupted.boot.firm
on both your SD card and on internal memory, but both files are corrupted.You can get a new boot.firm
file by downloading the latest release of Luma3DS, extracting it, and placing boot.firm
on the root of your SD card. If your boot.firm
file is consistently being detected as corrupted, you may want to check your SD card for errors (Windows, Linux, or macOS). Also, note that the 3DS tends to have issues with files extracted using WinRAR.
If you hear a “popping sound”, potentially accompanied with the backlight turning on for a split second, there is a hardware issue with your device (such as a disconnected backlight cable). You may be able to get your device to boot by holding it at certain angles.
+The steps below can be attempted in any order, but are listed from least to most time-consuming.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
folder on your SD card to Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
, then attempt to boot. If your device successfully boots, there is some issue within your Nintendo 3DS
folder. Try clearing HOME Menu extdata:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Delete the corresponding folder for your 3DS region:
+ 00000098
Your Luma3DS version is outdated. Download the latest release of Luma3DS and place boot.firm
on the root of your SD card, replacing any existing file. Make sure you are extracting the ZIP file with any tool other than WinRAR, as it is known to cause issues with 3DS-related files.
There are a number of reasons as to why this could be happening. In any case, this error can usually be fixed by following the CTRTransfer guide.
+ARM11 exception handlers are disabled, or custom firmware is not installed. Try enabling ARM11 exception handlers:
+This could be caused by various reasons, but most likely because your SD card is not being read by the system. +You can check if your SD is being read by holding SELECT on boot and checking the yellow text on the bottom screen; if it says “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, then your device is booting from the internal memory and not from the SD card. +If this is the case, attempt the steps below, which are listed from easiest to hardest:
from the
and place it on the root of your SD card (replacing any existing file)Your device is likely hard-bricked. You will need to buy an ntrboot flashcart to reinstall boot9strap in order to attempt to fix your device. This may also indicate a hardware issue that cannot be fixed. In any case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Please take a photo of the error and join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte falls er noch nicht existiertTWLFix-CFW.3dsx
to the /3ds/
folder on your SD cardYour device is running Luma3DS 6.6 or older, likely via arm9loaderhax. You should follow A9LH to B9S to update your device to a modern custom firmware environment.
+This can occur after a CTRTransfer or region change on Old 3DS / 2DS. You will need to system format your device to fix this issue.
+Look for your exception screen in this page. +If you weren’t able to find your error or the instructions didn’t work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for further assistance.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
folder on your SD card00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
folder on your SD card000002ce
You can disable the Parental Controls feature by going to System Settings -> Parental Controls and inserting the PIN, then pressing “Clear Settings”, then “Delete” to remove it. +However, if you do not know the PIN and therefore cannot access the device’s settings, you will need to disable it. In order to do this, you need to obtain your device’s master key (mkey):
+This will completely remove CFW from your device, including boot9strap and Luma3DS, for the purpose of restoring the device to stock.
+ +Any unsigned (illegitimate) games will be rendered unusable and will be removed during this process. Use a save manager to back up any saves that you care about.
+ +If you’re removing CFW because:
+ +STOP!!! Uninstalling custom firmware is an unnecessary risk that will at best waste your time and at worst BRICK your console. A better idea would be to ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
+If you have done ANY of the following:
) of the consolethen uninstalling CFW WILL BRICK YOUR CONSOLE. If this applies to you, restore a clean NAND backup before continuing.
+These instructions will only work on devices with a Luma3DS version of 8.0 or higher. If you have an older version of Luma, you must upgrade your setup before following these instructions. Follow this page to find your upgrade instructions.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardGodMode9.firm
von der
-Datei nach /luma/payloads/ auf deiner SD-Kartegm9
aus der GodMode9 .zip
in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-KarteDSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
to the /3ds/
folder on your SD cardsafety_test.gm9
to the /gm9/scripts/
folder on your SD cardThe purpose of this section is to check whether built-in DS mode applications will continue to work once CFW is uninstalled. If you skip this section, DS mode or its functions may be inaccessible until CFW is reinstalled.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connection Settings
, then click OKIf either of these tests has failed, DS mode, DS Download Play, and/or DS Connection Settings may be inaccessible once CFW is uninstalled! You should fix DS mode before continuing.
+ +The purpose of this section is to verify that the console will boot and that critical system functions, like System Settings and the keyboard, will work once CFW is uninstalled. If you skip this section, you may BRICK your device!
+ +If you do NOT boot into the regular 3DS HOME Menu, or System Settings / your keyboard is inaccessible, DO NOT continue with these instructions! Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you.
+ +This section will remove illegitimate content, like homebrew and dumped cartridges. If you have save data that you care about, back it up with a save manager before continuing!
+ +This section will ensure that all illegitimate tickets are removed, allowing eShop to work normally. This will remove all content from the 3DS and log you out of your NNID. Keep in mind that your console’s encryption key will be shuffled, meaning that any old data will be rendered inaccessible, even if you have a backup of your SD contents.
+ +This is your final opportunity to verify that all safety steps above have been followed! Please ensure that you have followed all sections on this page, especially Section III - Safety Test
, before continuing.
Die gesamte Custom Firmware ist von deinem Gerät entfernt worden.
+ +You can now remove any extra files and folders from the root of your SD card that are not the Nintendo 3DS
, or private
Diese Seite ist für Nutzer, die bereits boot9strap nutzen, jedoch ihre Installation auf die aktuellste Version aktualisieren wollen.
+ +Obwohl wir glauben, dass die Nutzung von Custom Firmware online sicher ist, gab es in der Vergangenheit schon einige Online-Banns, hauptsächlich für Cheating und verdächtigen eShop-Content.
Datei)Überschreibe für alle Schritte dieses Abschnitts bereits vorhandene Dateien auf der SD-Karte.
+ +boot9strap
im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karteboot9strap.firm
und boot9strap.firm.sha
aus der boot9strap .zip
in den /boot9strap/
-Ordner auf deiner SD-KarteSafeB9SInstaller.firm
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD card and rename it to boot.firm
+ boot.firm
existiert, ersetze sieStecke deine SD-Karte nun wieder in deinen 3DS
+ + +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card, replacing the existing fileFor support (in English) with GodMode9, as well as help with scripting and to get updates and info, join GodMode9 on Discord.
+ +Aside from creating and restoring NAND backups, GodMode9 has the functionality to dump installed titles to an installable .cia
file, to dump game cartridge data to a .3ds
ROM file, and to directly install a game cartridge to the system.
These instructions are written for use with GodMode9 v2.0.0 or later. If you have an older version of GodMode9, follow these instructions to update it.
+ +GodMode9.firm
from the GodMode9 .zip
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD cardgm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD cardInsert the game cartridge you intend to dump into your device
format[C:] GAMECART
to select it[TitleID].nds
to select it
+ .3ds
or .nds
formatted file will be outputted to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardThis will only work for 3DS games; it is not possible to install an NDS game cartridge to the system as a title.
to select it, then select “NCSD image options…”, then select “Install game image”This should only be used if Installing a Game Cartridge Directly to the System does not work.
to select it, then select “NCSD image options…”, then select “Build CIA from file”.cia
formatted file will be outputted to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardThis allows dumping of both System- and User-installed digital titles, such as ones downloaded from the eShop.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
formatted file will be outputted to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardThe game will be outputted to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card with the name <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
To identify a <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
file’s Title ID, you can get a listing of all games on the system and their corresponding Title IDs by pressing (Home) to bring up the action menu, selecting Title manager
, and selecting [A:] SD CARD
to select itTo identify a <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
file’s Title ID, you can get a listing of all games on the system and their corresponding Title IDs by pressing (Home) to bring up the action menu, selecting Title manager
, and selecting [A:] SD CARD
-> gm9
file you wish to restore to copy it[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
to select itFor organizational purposes, copy each .cia
file you wish to encrypt / decrypt to the /cias/
folder on your SD card
-> cias
file to select it, then select “CIA image options…”.cia
file in the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card.cia
file in the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card.cia
file with an encrypted version.cia
file with a decrypted version.cia
will be outputted to the desired locationLo sentimos, la página que intentas ver no existe.
+ + +Esta página es para los usuarios actuales de arm9loaderhax que deseen actualizar sus consolas a boot9strap.
+ +Todas las versiones futuras de Luma3DS serán sólo en formato .firm
, el cual será únicamente compatible con boot9strap y sighax. Esto significa que para continuar recibiendo las últimas actualizaciones de Luma3DS, deberás utilizar esta página para continuar con tu instalación.
Para extraer los archivos .7z
enlazados esta página, necesitarás un gestor de archivos como 7-Zip o The Unarchiver.
Si bien se considera seguro el custom firmware para funciones en línea, ha habido baneos de funciones en línea en el pasado, principalmente por trampas y movimientos sospechosos en la eShop.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
+ +Ten en cuenta que sólo en la New 3DS, secret_sector.bin
es requerido para revertir el exploit de arm9loaderhax, y por ello no se necesita para la instalación de boot9strap en una consola sin modificar. Si no tienes una New 3DS, no necesitas el secret_sector.bin
file)Para todos los pasos en esta sección, sobreescribe cualquier archivo repetido en tu tarjeta SD.
+ +boot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
+ de la última versión de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
desde el .7z
de Luma3DS v7.0.5 a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la carpeta/luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SD
+ luma
o payloads
no existen, créalas apropiadamente.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
, etc.) existente en la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SD ya que no serán compatibles con versiones de Luma3DS que funcionan en boot9strapboot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSólo para usuarios de New 3DS: Copia secret_sector.bin
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SD
folder on your SD card and try againPara volcar una aplicación DSiWare del sistema, aprovecharemos un fallo en la ventana de Gestión de datos DSiWare de la aplicación Configuración.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system to dump the DSi Internet Settings application to the SD root.
+ +Once you have a DSiWare backup, an exploitable DSiWare title can be injected into DS Download Play, which can be used to install custom firmware.
+ +These instructions are for Taiwanese consoles ONLY (as indicated by a T at the end of the system version, e.g. 11.16.0-39T)! If your console is from any other region, choose the other method.
+ +movable.sed
file completing
)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
+ +boot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDprivate
contenida en el .zip
de Frogminer_save a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDmovable.sed
using the “Browse…” optionNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
on your SD card
+ <ID0>
en cuestión es la misma que usaste en Seedminer<ID1>
es una carpeta con un nombre compuesto por 32 caracteres, dentro de <ID0>
Nintendo DSiWare
inside of the <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD
file and navigate to China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
files to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
-> (page 2)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
en tu tarjeta
file and navigate to China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
file that is the same number as the one that was on the second page of the DSiWare Management menu to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, and overwrite when promptedData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
on the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
en tu tarjeta SD.bin
files in the Nintendo DSiWare
file using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
file using the second “Browse…” optionDSdownloadplay
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
en tu tarjeta SD484E4441.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderData Management
-> DSiWare
If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
en tu tarjeta SD484E4441.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderData Management
-> DSiWare
To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here.
+Estas instrucciones funcionan en consolas de las regiones USA, Europa, Japón y Corea, indicado por las letras U, E, J o K después de la versión del sistema.
+ +If you have a Taiwanese console (indicated by a T after the system version), follow this page instead.
+ +movable.sed
proveniente de haber completado SeedminerIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +F00D43D5.bin
and a payload called bb3.bin
inside of a zip archive (
to the root of your SD card
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
on your SD card
+ Nintendo DSiWare
inside of the <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD cardF00D43D5.bin
file from
to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderIn this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your device. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page.
+ +If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.
+ +If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (USM)
+ +If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (Fredtool)
+ + +If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, go back to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the New 3DS series and the 2DS), regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device , you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +Esta es una sección complementaria para comprobar si tu consola ya tiene un custom firmware moderno.
+ +Si tu consola tiene un custom firmware basado en arm9loaderhax o boot9strap, tendrás que seguir las instrucciones indicadas para actualizar tu instalación a una más moderna.
+ +If your console has a menuhax-based CFW setup, you should clear HOME Menu’s extdata, then follow all instructions on your SysNAND. You probably have a menuhax-based setup if your system version when booting without an SD card is 9.2.0-20.
+ +If your console boots to the normal HOME Menu, return to Get Started
+ +Si ves una versión 7.0.5 o inferior de Luma3DS, continúa a A9LH a B9S
+ +Si ves una versión 7.1 de Luma3DS, continúa a Actualizar B9S
+ +Si ves una versión 8.0 o superior de Luma3DS, contunúa a Restaurar/Actualizar CFW
+ +Si ves algo no descrito por las opciones anteriores, únete al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew y pide a alguien que te ayude, en inglés.
+ + +¡Nos alegra que quieras contribuir a! Estas son algunas maneras en las que puedes hacerlo:
+ +This guide is open-source - its repository is available here. Si consideras que hay algún problema con la guía, puedes reportar un problema (issue) para hacérnoslo saber, o proponer un pull request para que tus cambios sean añadidos a la guía.
+ +Si quieres traducir esta guía a otros idiomas (o ayudar a mantener las traducciones actualizadas), ve a nuestro Crowdin.
+ +Varios archivos de esta guía sólo están disponibles como torrents. If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip
file containing all our .torrent
files: (last updated 2023-03-16)
There is also an RSS feed that may be updated for future torrents, which you can subscribe to.
+ +Mantener esta guía (así como nuestros canales de apoyo) es principalmente un esfuerzo voluntario, pero si esta guía te ha ayudado de alguna manera, las donaciones son muy apreciadas.
+ + + + + +¡Un agradecimiento especial a Plailect, el creador original y el mantenedor de la guía!
+ +¡Un agradecimiento especial a todos los de #Cakey en Freenode por ser +asombrosos!
+ +¡Agradecimientos especiales a todos los traductores por ser asombrosos!
+ +Si te olvidé, puedes contactarme para añadir tu nombre.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
This is an add-on section for installing an 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image to your device.
+ +Ten en cuenta que si tienes archivos de payloads distintos de GodMode9.firm
en la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SD, al mantener (Start) al inicio se desplegará un “chainloader menu” donde tendrás que usar el D-Pad y pulsar (A) para seleccionar “GodMode9”, para esas instrucciones.
Ya DEBES tener instalado Luma3DS y boot9strap para usar esto.
+ +Realizar un CTRTransfer puede romper los juegos de modo de memoria extendida (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokémon Sol/Luna) en consolas Old 3DS/2DS. Si esto ocurre, necesitarás formatear el dispositivo (usando TinyFormat o la Configuración de la consola) para solucionar el problema.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD, si aún no existeGodMode9.firm
desde el .zip
de GodMode9 a la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SDgm9
contenida en el .zip
de GodMode9 al directorio raíz de tu tarjeta SD.bin
from the CTRTransfer .zip
to the /gm9/
folder on your SD cardFBI.3dsx
a la carpeta /3ds/
de tu tarjeta SD[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
del CTRTransfer para seleccionarloNintendo 3DS
y Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIf the script found no user tickets and told you to skip this section, you can skip this section.
+ +eshop
, unknown
, o ambas
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
de CTRTransfer para borrarlaPara ayuda (en inglés) con GodMode9, así como ayuda con la creación de scripts y obtener actualizaciones e información, únete al Discord de Soporte de GodMode9.
+ +Además de crear y restaurar copias de seguridad de la NAND, GodMode9 tiene la funcionalidad de extraer los juegos instalados en la consola a un archivo de instalación .cia
, volcar el juego de un cartucho a un archivo .3ds
, y también directamente instalar el juego de un cartucho en la consola.
Estas instrucciones están escritas para ser usadas con GodMode9 v2.0.0 o superior. Si tienes una versión anterior de GodMode9, sigue estas instrucciones para actualizarlo.
+ +GodMode9.firm
desde el .zip
de GodMode9 a la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SDgm9
contenida en el .zip
de GodMode9 al directorio raíz de tu tarjeta SDInserta en la consola el cartucho de juego que deseas extraer
para seleccionarlo
+ +Cartucho de juego NDS Presiona (A) sobre [TitleID].nds
para seleccionarlo
+ .3ds
o .nds
no instalable será guardado en la carpeta /gm9/out/
de tu tarjeta SDEsto solo funciona para juegos de 3DS; no es posible instalar un cartucho de DS como software de 3DS.
para seleccionarlo, luego selecciona NCSD image options...
, y luego Install game image
Esto sólo debiera seguirse si Instalar un cartucho de juego directamente a la consola no funciona.
para seleccionarlo, luego selecciona NCSD image options...
, y luego ` Build CIA from file`.cia
será guardado en la carpeta /gm9/out/
de tu tarjeta SDEsto permite la extracción de tanto software del Sistema como juegos/software digitales instalados por el usuario, como aquellos descargados de la eShop.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
será guardado en la carpeta /gm9/out/
de tu tarjeta SDEl juego será almacenado en la carpeta /gm9/out/
de tu tarjeta SD con el nombre <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Para identificar el Title ID de un archivo <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, puedes revisar una lista de todos los juegos en la consola y sus Title IDs correspondientes presionando (Home) para mostrar el menú de acciones, seleccionando Title manager
y luego [A:] SD CARD
para seleccionarloPara identificar el Title ID de un archivo <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, puedes revisar una lista de todos los juegos en la consola y sus Title IDs correspondientes presionando (Home) para mostrar el menú de acciones, seleccionando Title manager
y luego [A:] SD CARD
-> gm9
que deseas restaurar para copiarlo[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
para seleccionarloPara mantener orden, copia cada .cia
que quieras encriptar/desencriptar a la carpeta /cias/
en tu tarjeta SD
-> cias
para seleccionarlo, luego selecciona “CIA image options…”.cia
seleccionado en la carpeta /gm9/out/
de tu tarjeta SD.cia
seleccionado en la carpeta /gm9/out/
de tu tarjeta SD.cia
seleccionado con uno encriptado.cia
seleccionado con uno desencriptado.cia
encriptado/desencriptado será guardado en la ubicación seleccionadaEsta es una sección adicional para revisar tu tarjeta SD en busca de errores usando F3.
+ +Dependiendo del tamaño de tu tarjeta SD y la velocidad de tu computadora, ¡este proceso podría tardar varias horas!
+ +Esta página es solo para usuarios de Linux. If you are not on Linux, check out the H2testw (Windows) or F3XSwift (Mac) pages.
de f3cd
al directorio f3make
para compilar F3./f3write <el punto de montaje de tu tarjeta sd>
$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <el punto de montaje de tu tarjeta sd>
$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
Si el test muestra el resultado Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
, tu tarjeta SD está en perfectas condiciones y puedes eliminar todos los archios .h2w
de tu tarjeta SD
Si la comprobación muestra otro tipo de resultado, ¡tu tarjeta SD puede estar corrupta o dañada y tendrás que reemplazarla!
+ +Esta es una sección adicional para revisar tu tarjeta SD en busca de errores usando F3X.
+ +Dependiendo del tamaño tu tarjeta SD y la velocidad de tu computadora, ¡este proceso puede tardar varias horas!
+ +Esta página es sólo para usuarios de Mac. Si no eres usuario de Mac, revisa las páginas H2testw (Windows) o F3 (Linux).
+ +Si estás usando una Mac con macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) o una versión superior, mejor continúa con F3XSwift (Mac).
Si la comprobación muestra el resultado Success! Your card is ok!
tu tarjeta SD está bien y puedes borrar todos los archivos .h2w
de tu tarjeta SD
Si la comprobación muestra otro tipo de resultado, ¡tu tarjeta SD puede estar corrupta o dañada y tendrás que reemplazarla!
+ +Esta es una sección adicional para buscar errores en tu tarjeta SD usando F3XSwift.
+ +Dependiendo del tamaño de tu tarjeta SD y la velocidad de tu computadora, ¡este proceso podría tardar varias horas!
+ +Esta página es sólo para usuarios de Mac. Si no eres usuario de Mac, revisa las páginas H2testw (Windows) o F3 (Linux).
+ +F3XSwift sólo es compatible con macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) o superior. Si tienes una versión anterior de macOS, sigue F3X (Mac).
+ +Si la comprobación muestra el resultado Success! Your card is ok!
tu tarjeta SD está bien y puedes borrar todos los archivos .h2w
de tu tarjeta SD
Si la comprobación muestra otro tipo de resultado, ¡tu tarjeta SD puede estar corrupta o dañada y tendrás que reemplazarla!
+ +Yes, you can still install custom firmware on your 3DS, even after the closure of eShop.
+ +The latest 3DS firmware is 11.16.0. Esto es lo que deberías saber:
+ +Yes! The latest firmware (11.16.0) has a free method for getting CFW named Seedminer.
+The instructions are the same for all retail 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, and New 2DS XL devices. Si la versión del sistema se muestra como “0.0.0-0”, entonces podrías tener una unidad de desarrollador.
+Bricks are now effectively impossible unless you are purposely trying to brick your device.
+Yes! Esta guía instalará algunas aplicaciones homebrew incluyendo Universal-Updater, que actúa como una tienda de aplicaciones homebrew.
+Yes; Luma3DS will automatically ignore the region check for cartridges and installed titles. Algunos juegos podrían necesitar hacer uso de la función de emulación local (info en inglés) de Luma para poder funcionar apropiadamente en consolas fuera de su región.
+No. Devices with custom firmware can still play online and run physical cartridges as any other 3DS can.
+Your NNID (if you have one) will not be affected by this guide. Devices with a region of KOR, CHN, or TWN do not have NNID functionality to begin with and are thus unaffected.
+There was a ban wave in May 2017 that banned CFW users from online play (eShop access, NNIDs, and Nintendo Accounts were unaffected), seemingly at random. Desde ese entonces, no se ha visto una ola de baneos de tal magnitud. Dicho esto, no sabemos lo que Nintendo tenga preparado para nosotros en el futuro. En este momento, no creemos que los baneos sean algo de lo que tengas que preocuparte.
+Yes! All you need is the ability to put files on a compatible SD card.
+You will need at least 1.5GB of free SD card space to follow this guide in its entirety. Si bien la 3DS es oficialmente compatible con tarjetas SD de hasta 32 GB, se pueden usar tarjetas SD más grandes, siempre y cuando sean reformateadas manualmente en formato FAT-32. Se recomienda NO usar tarjetas SD de tamaño mayor a 128GB debido a problemas conocidos con gráficos en juegos de GBA y temas personalizados.
+No. El Custom Firmware se puede instalar de manera gratuita, en la versión del sistema más reciente y sin usar ningún hardware adicional. De hecho, los flashcarts de 3DS como Gateway y Sky3DS se desaconsejan debido a que son obsoletos y acarrean posibles riesgos de baneo o brickeo de la consola.
+Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).
+ +Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. The level of system access granted with userland allowed you to run basic homebrew and emulators but did not allow you to (easily) modify games or dump cartridges. También era muy inestable, a menudo sucediendo que el homebrew se crasheaba y requería apagar y encender la consola. El Custom firmware otorga un nivel mucho mayor de acceso al sistema, al mismo tiempo que es más estable que lo que permite el homebrew de usuario.
+ +If you are using Luma3DS, your custom firmware loader (boot9strap) will never be removed when performing a system update. Ha habido actualizaciones en el pasado que han causado que Luma3DS muestre un error al iniciar, por lo que es buena idea esperar un par de horas para asegurarse de que la última actualización no haga que la consola no se pueda utilizar temporalmente hasta que Luma3DS sea actualizado. Las actualizaciones del sistema se pueden realizar de la misma manera que en una 3DS normal: a través de Configuración de la consola, el Modo Seguro, o el aviso de actualización que aparece cuando esta se descarga automáticamente.
+Copy and paste your SD card contents to a new SD card formatted as FAT32. Para tarjetas de 128GB se recomienda un tamaño de asignación de 65536 bytes. Las tarjetas SD de tamaño mayor a 128GB no se recomiendan debido a problemas conocidos con gráficos en juegos de GBA y temas personalizados.
+Yes, system transfers can be performed through the official System Transfer function to other consoles with CFW (inconsistencies may occur if the target console is stock). Tickets for illegitimate titles (homebrew) will not transfer, but the titles can be made to reappear with faketik. Asegúrate de no realizar una transferencia inalámbrica, ya que esto también eliminará el software ilegítimo en sí. El CFW permanecerá en ambas consolas.
+The only way to change the system language of a Japanese 3DS to a language other than Japanese is to perform a region change. Ten en cuenta que es muy probable que esto corrompa la Nintendo eShop en tu consola, lo que significa que no podrás actualizar tus juegos, ya sea los que son de región japonesa o los que no.
+ +It depends on the format of the homebrew application. En general:
+ +/3ds/
con la nueva versión. Si la aplicación homebrew incluye recursos adicionales, puede que necesites colocarlos en otro lugar. Ante la duda, consulta la documentación de la aplicación.You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.
+ +If the game is not from the same region as the console, you will need to dump the updates from a 3DS that has the updates installed. La Nintendo eShop sólo contiene actualizaciones para la región de la consola (una consola japonesa sólo tendrá actualizaciones para juegos japoneses).
+Please look at the troubleshooting guide. Se recomienda NO desinstalar CFW cuando la consola no enciende, ya que es muy probable que termine con un brickeo.
+It is recommended that you upgrade your setup to a modern, boot9strap-based one. Sigue la guía de Comprobación de CFW para ver cómo actualizar tu setup.
+The vast majority of modern homebrew (such as Checkpoint and BootNTR Selector) have only been tested on modern, boot9strap-based setups and may not work entirely (or at all) on older setups based on menuhax, A9LH, or Gateway. Además, dependiendo del setup, es posible que no puedas actualizar con seguridad a la última versión del sistema. Modern, boot9strap-based setups allow for a greater level of system access than previous hacks, including the ability to dump your console’s bootrom.
+Your old setup (including your EmuNAND, if you have one) can usually be directly migrated to boot9strap with no data loss. Si tienes datos que son especialmente importantes, sería una buena idea hacer una copia de seguridad de tus datos de guardado antes de actualizar tu setup, por medio de una herramienta como JKSM.
+R: Echa un vistazo a este hilo (en inglés).
+Esta es una sección adicional para desactivar el comportamiento por defecto de Windows de ocultar las extensiones de archivos.
+ +Esto te facilitará encontrar los archivos referenciados en el resto de esta guía.
+ +Click “File name extensions” to enable it
+ + +Marca la casilla que dice “Extensiones de nombre de archivo”
+ + +Busca “Opciones de carpeta” y selecciona el resultado con el mismo nombre
+ + +Desmarca la casilla que dice “Ocultar las extensiones de archivo para tipos de archivo conocidos”
+ + +The file boot.firm
is what is launched by boot9strap itself after it finishes loading off of NAND. In this case, we are using Luma3DS by LumaTeam to patch the device, allowing it to run homebrew software.
On this page, we will make critical system file backups and install the following homebrew programs:
+ +It is not recommended to skip downloading any of these applications, as many of them will be used later on this page. At the end of this page, your SD card will be cleaned up by removing unnecessary installation files.
+ +If your New 3DS was on version 2.1.0 before following this guide, you should restore your NAND backup before continuing. This likely doesn’t apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
+ +If your previous CFW setup was EmuNAND-based and you wish to move the contents of your EmuNAND/RedNAND to SysNAND, follow Move EmuNAND before following this page. If you don’t know what an EmuNAND is, this doesn’t apply to you.
+ +.cia
and .3dsx
file)In this section, you will copy the files necessary to follow the rest of the instructions on this page.
+ +cias
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD, si aún no existeAnemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, FBI.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
, and Universal-Updater.cia
) to the /cias/
folder on your SD card3ds
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD, si aún no existe
+ Nintendo 3DS
que genera la consola automáticamenteFBI.3dsx
a la carpeta /3ds/
de tu tarjeta SDpayloads
dentro de la carpeta luma
en tu tarjeta SD si aún no existeGodMode9.firm
desde el .zip
de GodMode9 a la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SDgm9
contenida en el .zip
de GodMode9 al directorio raíz de tu tarjeta SDThe screenshots below indicate the minimum SD card layout that is required to follow this page. You may have extra files or folders on your SD card, depending on your previous setup or the method that you followed.
+ + + + + +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is safe to do with custom firmware.
+ +In this section, you will temporarily replace Download Play with Homebrew Launcher (which we need to launch FBI). Download Play will automatically go back to normal once you reboot your device.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
y Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will sync your 3DS internal clock with the actual time and dump the sound firmware (which is necesssary for some homebrew software to use sound properly).
+ +In this section, you will install several useful homebrew applications to HOME Menu.
+ +SD
-> cias
In this section, you will use a script to copy some of Luma3DS’s files to internal memory so that they can be accessed, even without an SD card inserted.
+ +GodMode9.firm
esté en /luma/payloads/
y que payloads
esté escrito correctamenteIn this section, you will use a script to remove some unnecessary files from your SD card.
+ +In this section, you will make backups of files that can be used to recover from software bricks or to recover data.
para seleccionarlo<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it
+ /luma/backups/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computerYou’re done! Custom firmware is now fully configured on your device.
+ +Hello! We’re looking for feedback on the overall experience of following our guide. If you’d like to help out, check out the survey here (only available in English). Thanks!
+ +Here are some key combos that you should know:
+ +/luma/payloads/
, the Luma3DS chainloader.See here for some suggestions on things to do with custom firmware.
+ +For information on using GodMode9’s various features, check out the GodMode9 Usage and Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges pages.
+ + +Antes de continuar, asegúrate de haber leído toda la información en ntrboot
+ +Este método requiere acceso temporal a un segundo dispositivo de la familia 3DS que ya se está ejecutando boot9strap. Esto no requiere que tu flashcart soporte las versiones de cada consola.
+ +Ten en cuenta que en raras ocasiones, es posible que realizar el proceso de flasheo en un clon de flashcart podría dejarla permanentemente inutilizable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Para reducir la posibilidad de recibir una tarjeta clon, se recomienda que utilices un sitio con buena reputación para comprar tu flashcart (como NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap_ntr.firm
y boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
desde el archivo .zip
de bootstrap ntr a la carpeta /ntrboot/
en tu tarjeta SDntrboot_flasher.firm
a la carpeta /luma/payloads
en la tarjeta SD de la 3DS de origenAntes de continuar, asegúrate de haber leído toda la información en ntrboot
+ +Este método tan sólo requiere de tu consola 3DS sin modificar y un flashcart compatible. Este método utiliza la flashcart para ejecutar el archivo .nds
del flasher de ntrboot en tu 3DS. Esto significa que tu flashcart debe ser capaz de ejecutar archivos .nds
en la versión de tu 3DS. Consulta la tabla de flashcarts en ntrboot para más información.
Ten en cuenta que en raras ocasiones, es posible que realizar el proceso de flasheo en un clon de flashcart podría dejarla permanentemente inutilizable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Para reducir la posibilidad de recibir una tarjeta clon, se recomienda que utilices un sitio con buena reputación para comprar tu flashcart (como NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
en la raíz de la tarjeta SD de tu flashcartboot9strap_ntr.firm
desde el .zip
de boot9strap ntr a la carpeta /ntrboot/
en la tarjeta SD de tu flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
a la tarjeta SD de tu flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
en tu consola usando tu flashcartAntes de continuar, asegúrate de haber leído toda la información en ntrboot
+ +Este método requiere de acceso temporal a una consola Nintendo DSi que sea compatible con la flashcart a utilizar. Este método utiliza la flashcart para ejecutar el archivo .nds
del flasher de ntrboot en tu DSi. Esto significa que tu flashcart debe ser capaz de ejecutar archivos .nds
en la versión de firmware de tu DSi. Consulta la tabla de flashcarts en ntrboot para más información.
Ten en cuenta que en raras ocasiones, es posible que realizar el proceso de flasheo en un clon de flashcart podría dejarla permanentemente inutilizable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Para reducir la posibilidad de recibir una tarjeta clon, se recomienda que utilices un sitio con buena reputación para comprar tu flashcart (como NDS Card)
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
a la tarjeta SD de tu flashcartds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
en la DSi de origen usando tu flashcartAntes de continuar, asegúrate de haber leído toda la información en ntrboot
+ +Este método requiere de acceso temporal a una consola Nintendo DS o Nintendo DS Lite que sea compatible con la flashcart a utilizar. Este método utiliza la flashcart para ejecutar el archivo .nds
del flasher de ntrboot en tu NDS.
Ten en cuenta que en raras ocasiones, es posible que realizar el proceso de flasheo en un clon de flashcart podría dejarla permanentemente inutilizable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Para reducir la posibilidad de recibir una tarjeta clon, se recomienda que utilices un sitio con buena reputación para comprar tu flashcart (como NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
en la raíz de la tarjeta SD de tu flashcartboot9strap_ntr.firm
desde el .zip
de boot9strap ntr a la carpeta /ntrboot/
en la tarjeta SD de tu flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
a la tarjeta SD de tu flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
en la NDS/NDSL de origen utilizando tu flashcartEsta es una sección adicional para formatear una tarjeta SD para trabajar con la 3DS.
+ +Si la 3ds ya reconoce la tarjeta SD, esta guía no es necesaria.
+ +Esta página es solo para usuarios de Linux. Si no eres usuario de Linux, revisa estas páginas: Formatear SD (Windows), o Formatear SD (Mac).
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
está establecido en 1, asegúrate que el interruptor de bloqueo de la tarjeta no se deslizó hacia abajosudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 128 -F 32
+ Esta es una sección adicional para formatear una tarjeta SD para trabajar con la 3DS.
+ +Si la 3ds ya reconoce la tarjeta SD, esta guía no es necesaria.
+ +Esta página es sólo para usuarios de Mac. Si no eres un usuario de Mac, revisa las páginas Formatear una tarjeta SD (Windows), o Formatear una tarjeta SD (Linux).
+ +Selecciona tu tarjeta SD en el panel izquierdo
+ +¡Asegúrate de elegir el dispositivo correcto, de lo contrario podrías formatear accidentalmente la unidad equivocada!
+Selecciona tu tarjeta SD en el panel izquierdo
+ +¡Asegúrate de elegir el dispositivo correcto, de lo contrario podrías formatear accidentalmente la unidad equivocada!
+Esta es una sección adicional para formatear una tarjeta SD para trabajar con la 3DS.
+ +Si la 3ds ya reconoce la tarjeta SD, esta guía no es necesaria.
+ +Esta página es sólo para usuarios de Windows. Si no eres un usuario de Windows, revisa las páginas Formatear una tarjeta SD (Linux), o Formatear una tarjeta SD (Mac).
+ +SD Card Formatter Setup
(the .exe
file) in the downloaded .zip
file with Administrator privileges, then install the programSD Card Formatter
from the Start MenuSelect your SD card’s drive letter for “Select card”
+ +¡Asegúrate de elegir la unidad correcta, de lo contrario podrías borrar el contenido de otra unidad por error!
Selecciona la letra de la unidad de tu tarjeta SD en el campo “Drive”
+ +¡Asegúrate de elegir la unidad correcta, de lo contrario podrías borrar el contenido de otra unidad por error!
+Before starting this guide, we will see if custom firmware is already installed and check the current system version of your device.
+ +If you see an unusual menu, STOP - you already have custom firmware! Continue from here.
+ +To find the correct method for your device, please enter the system version you found in Section II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +If possible, you should follow the method given by the prompt above.
+ +Otherwise, methods that work on all versions are available, but require additional hardware:
+ +For information on dumping cartridge or SD card content, see Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges.
+ +Para ayuda (en inglés) con GodMode9, así como ayuda con la creación de scripts y obtener actualizaciones e información, entra al Discord de GodMode9.
+ +GodMode9 es un explorador de archivos con acceso completo para la consola 3DS de Nintendo, dando acceso a la tarjeta SD, las particiones FAT dentro de tu SysNAND y EmuNAND, y básicamente a cualquier otra cosa. Entre otras funciones, te permite copiar, eliminar, renombrar archivos y crear carpetas.
+ +Ten en cuenta que si tienes archivos de payloads distintos de GodMode9.firm
en la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SD, al mantener (Start) al inicio se desplegará un “chainloader menu” donde tendrás que usar el D-Pad y pulsar (A) para seleccionar “GodMode9”, para esas instrucciones.
GodMode9 es una potente herramienta que tiene la capacidad de modificar básicamente todo en tu consola. Aunque muchas de estas modificaciones están restringidas por un sistema de permisos y es imposible realizar acciones peligrosas de forma accidental sin activar los permisos deliberadamente, debes seguir cuidadosamente las instrucciones y mantener copias de seguridad por cualquier cosa.
+ +Algunas de las siguientes instrucciones sólo son aplicables a la última versión de GodMode9, y como tal debes seguir esta sección para actualizar tu instalación antes de continuar. Sobrescribe cualquier archivo que te indique.
+ +GodMode9.firm
desde el .zip
de GodMode9 a la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SDgm9
contenida en el .zip
de GodMode9 al directorio raíz de tu tarjeta SD<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
from your computer to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardPara mantener el orden, copia el archivo .cia
que deseas inyectar a la carpeta /cias/
en tu tarjeta SD
Ten en cuenta que no es posible inyectar archivos en Salud y Seguridad que sean más grandes que esta aplicación (incluyendo juegos y otras aplicaciones de gran tamaño)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
para seleccionarlo, después selecciona “CIA image options…”, y luego selecciona “Mount image to drive”.app
, después selecciona “NCCH image options”, y luego selecciona “Inject to H&S”Esto sólo funcionará si la inyección sobre Salud y Seguridad fue realizada con GodMode9 (no con Decrypt9 u Hourglass9).
+ +¡Ten en cuenta que esto eliminará el contenido de tu tarjeta SD!
+ +GM9SD
+ Esta es una sección adicional para revisar tu tarjeta SD en busca de errores usando h2testw.
+ +Dependiendo del tamaño tu tarjeta SD y la velocidad de tu computadora, ¡este proceso podría tardar varias horas!
+ +Esta página es sólo para usuarios de Windows. If you are not on windows, check out the F3 (Linux) or F3XSwift (Mac) pages.
+ +h2testw.exe
contenido en el .zip
de h2testw al escritorioh2testw.exe
Si se muestra el resultado Test finished without errors
, significa que tu tarjeta SD está en buen estado y puedes borrar todos los archivos .h2w
de tu tarjeta SD
Si la comprobación muestra otro tipo de resultado, ¡tu tarjeta SD puede estar corrupta o dañada y tendrás que reemplazarla!
+ +This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) to run SafeB9SInstaller.
For information on PicHaxx itself, see here.
+ +These instructions work on USA, Europe, and Japan consoles as indicated by the letters U, E, or J after the system version.
+ +You will need a Nintendo Network ID to download Pokémon Picross.
+ +This process will overwrite your Pokémon Picross save file, if you have one. If you wish to preserve your Pokémon Picross game data, you should make a backup of your 00000001.sav
file before overwriting it.
proveniente de haber completado
file)In this section, you will copy some of the files that will be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
+ +boot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD
+ 3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD
’s otherapps_with_CfgS
folder to the root of your SD card and rename it to otherapp.bin
In this section, you will create a hacked Pokémon Picross save file that, when used, will load the Homebrew Launcher on your device.
+ +movable.sed
Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> title
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
+ <ID0>
en cuestión es la misma que usaste en Seedminer<ID1>
es una carpeta con un nombre compuesto por 32 caracteres, dentro de <ID0>
recién descargado a la carpeta data
dentro de tu tarjeta SD
+ Lee detenidamente todas las páginas de introducción (incluido ésta) antes de proceder.
+ +Custom Firmware (Abreviado “CFW”) es una modificación completa de software a tu 3DS, comparable a los “permisos de administrador” en una computadora. Te permite hacer cualquier cosa que la 3DS sea físicamente capaz de hacer, en lugar de estar limitada por lo que Nintendo te permita hacer.
+ +Los usos populares para custom firmware incluyen:
+ +This guide will:
+This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application.
This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +movable.sed
proveniente de haber completado
file)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
+ +In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu and copy the resulting file dump to your computer so that you can use it on the next section.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +42383841.bin
file from the root of your SD card using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
file using the second “Browse…” optionDSinternet
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
en tu tarjeta SD
+ <ID0>
is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in Seedminer<ID1>
is a 32-letter folder inside of the <ID0>
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder42383841.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
+ boot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDprivate
contenida en el .zip
de Frogminer_save a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDEnciende tu consola
+ + +In this section, you will copy the hacked DS Connection Settings DSiWare to internal memory, which will temporarily replace it with Flipnote Studio.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connections
, then select “OK” (image)If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in Section IV.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
en tu tarjeta SD42383841.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, replacing the existing oneData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found here.
+ +This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
+ +Para extraer los archivos .7z
enlazados esta página, necesitarás un gestor de archivos como 7-Zip o The Unarchiver.
Esto funcionará en New 3DS, New 2DS, Old 3DS, y Old 2DS en todas las versiones para las cuales tengas su archivo .firm
compilado, mientras que los usuarios de Mac y Linux necesitarán tener Python 3 instalado para ejecutar el .py
file that isn’t source code).firm
correspondiente a tu consola y versión:Versión(es) | +Kernel | +Old 3DS u Old 2DS | +New 3DS o New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
In this section, you will download the necessary files for the hardmod and dump the NAND image in preparation to install custom firmware.
+ +boot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta
de hardmod-b9s-installer a tu computadora.firm
descargado a la carpeta hardmod-b9s-installer en tu computadora.firm
descargado en la carpeta hardmod-b9s-installer en tu computadora a current.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap a la carpeta hardmod-b9s-installer en tu computadoraNAND.bin
In this section, you will install custom firmware to the dumped NAND image, and then install this NAND image back onto the device to install custom firmware on it.
+ +install-b9s.exe
resultante a tu consola con tu hardmodboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +In this section, you will use Homebrew Launcher to launch slotTool, which will overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Then, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +boot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin.
+ +This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Para seguir estas instrucciones, necesitarás lo siguiente:
+ +If the (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons on the target 3DS do not work, you will not be able to follow these instructions. For further assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +En la 3DS de origen (la 3DS con custom firmware):
+ +plugin.3gx
)En la 3DS de destino (la 3DS que estás intentando modificar):
file)In this section, you will set up your source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware) for delivery of the exploit data to the target 3DS.
+ +boot.firm
to the root of the source 3DS’s SD card, replacing any existing file
+ plugin.3gx
de kartdlphax al siguiente directorio en la tarjeta SD de la 3DS de origen, dependiendo de la región de tu copia de Mario Kart 7:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
y 00040000...
si no existenIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify)’s SD card.
+ +boot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS normal a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD card3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD cardIn this section, you will use Download Play to transfer the exploit data from the source 3DS to the target 3DS, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Local Multiplayer
. A menu should pop up
+ Use settings
and skip the next 3 steps. If they are incorrect, select Change settings
and proceed.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
and modify them accordinglyCreate Group
+ Grand Prix
-> 50cc
-> (any driver) -> Mushroom Cup
-> OK
Section III - kartdlphax
Section III - kartdlphax
. If this doesn’t work, ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord)You will not need to use your source 3DS to complete any further steps on this guide. Any further steps should only be completed on the target 3DS.
+ +In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD y renómbralo a boot.firm
+ boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de la tarjeta SD de tu consolaboot9strap
en la raíz de la tarjeta SD de tu consolaCopia boot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en la tarjeta SD de tu consola
In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
desde la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot.firm
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+A continuación hay una sección opcional que te ayudará a restaurar tu flashcart a su estado original (para poder usar sus funciones normales).
+ +Ten en cuenta que la Acekard 2i mantiene su habilidad para cargar archivos .nds
aún teniendo el exploit instalado. ¡Esto sólo aplica a la Acekard 2i cuando se utiliza en una NDS o una 3DS con custom firmware! Mientras el exploit de ntrboot esté instalado en la Acekard 2i, no podrá iniciar archivos .nds
en sistemas DSi o 3DS sin modificar.
No sigas esta sección mientras no hayas completado el resto de instrucciones de esta página.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)Flashcart | +Versión de Hardware | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | No disponible | +
**Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
**R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | No disponible | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +No disponible | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +No disponible | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +No disponible | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/D | +
**R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
**R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
**R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD.bin
desde el archivo .zip
de respaldo de flashrom a la carpeta /ntrboot/
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDpayloads
en la carpeta luma
de tu tarjeta SDntrboot_flasher.firm
a la carpeta /luma/payloads
de tu tarjeta SDFor technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +Soundhax (en combinación con universal-otherapp) es compatible con las versiones 1.0.0 hasta la 11.3.0 en todas las regiones.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
de Soundhax a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD
+ otherapp.bin
a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Inicia Nintendo 3DS Sound
+ + +/SDCARD
, y luego reproduce “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0-0 through 11.10.0-36 in all regions. If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or more than 37, Soundhax is patched and won’t work.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
de Soundhax a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD
+ otherapp.bin
a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Inicia Nintendo 3DS Sound
+ + +/SDCARD
, y luego reproduce “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with Korean systems on versions where the two numbers before the region in the system version string are lower than 33.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
de Soundhax a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD
+ otherapp.bin
a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Inicia Nintendo 3DS Sound
+ + +/SDCARD
, y luego reproduce “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version.
+ +A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check.
+ +Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job.
+ +For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (SSLoth) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.
+ +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both browserhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
+ .bin
extension, do not add it to the end of the filenameboot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDIn this section, you will change your Internet connection settings to use a proxy network designed to bypass the browser version check, allowing the browser to function without a system update. This will allow you to access the browser exploit webpage in the next section.
+ +If you haven’t already, make sure you have a working Internet connection set up on your console.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
Detailed Setup
, and the Port to 8080
In this section, you will visit the browser exploit webpage, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +
)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will restore the Internet settings back to normal.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Estas instrucciones funcionan en consolas de las regiones USA, Europa, Japón y Corea, indicado por las letras U, E, J o K después de la versión del sistema.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to follow an alternate branch of Seedminer. For assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
file)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +usm.bin
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD
+ boot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDIn this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit a second time so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section II.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
en tu tarjeta SDF00D43D5.bin
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder and from your computer. Este archivo ya no será necesarioIf this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, and New 2DS XL/LL, regardless of region or firmware.
+Puedes seguir esta guía siempre y cuando puedas descargar archivos de Internet y copiarlos a tu tarjeta SD. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +Si quieres, puedes comprobar si tu tarjeta SD tiene errores antes de seguir esta guía usando H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), o F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device, you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. Para habilitar las extensiones de archivos, sigue estas instrucciones.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +Esta es una sección adicional para mover los contenidos de una EmuNAND a la nueva SysNAND con CFW, eliminando después la partición de la EmuNAND de la tarjeta SD. Nota: los términos EmuNAND y RedNAND son diferentes implementaciones del mismo concepto.
+ +Ten en cuenta que si tienes archivos de payloads distintos de GodMode9.firm
en la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SD, al mantener (Start) al inicio se desplegará un “chainloader menu” donde tendrás que usar el D-Pad y pulsar (A) para seleccionar “GodMode9”, para esas instrucciones.
Ya DEBES tener instalado Luma3DS y boot9strap para usar esto.
+ +GodMode9.firm
desde el .zip
de GodMode9 a la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SDgm9
contenida en el .zip
de GodMode9 al directorio raíz de tu tarjeta SDSi no tienes ningún juego de DSiWare o datos del mismo que quieras conservar, puedes saltarte esta sección.
-> title
para seleccionar la carpeta y luego selecciona “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”
+ Si no tienes ningún juego de Consola Virtual de GBA o datos del mismo que quieras conservar, puedes saltarte esta sección.
+ +Ten en cuenta que esto no es necesario para otro tipo de juegos de Consola Virtual (GBC, NES, etc.)
+ +El juego será almacenado en la carpeta /gm9/out/
de tu tarjeta SD con el nombre <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Para identificar el ID de título de un archivo <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, puedes obtener una lista de todos los juegos e nel sistema y sus correspondientes IDs de titulo marcando [A:] SYSNAND SD
, sosteniendo (R) y presionando (A) al mismo tiempo, y luego seleccionando “Search for titles”.
para seleccionarlo[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
para seleccionarlo, luego selecciona “NAND image options…” y luego “Restore SysNAND (safe)”Si no hiciste el respaldo de datos de DSiWare anteriormente, puedes saltar esta sección.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
para copiarla[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
Si no habías respaldado datos de partidas de Consola Virtual de GBA antes, puedes saltarte esta sección.
+ +Para identificar el Title ID de un archivo <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, tu podrías obtener una lista de todos los juegos en el sistema y sus correspondientes Title IDs, sosteniendo (R) y presionando (A) en el menú principal de GodMode9, y luego seleccionando “Search for titles”.
-> gm9
que deseas restaurar para copiarlo[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
para seleccionarlo<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying itGM9SD
+ boot.firm
en tu tarjeta SD con el de tu respaldoSi tu flashcart viene con ntrboot preinstalado (o ya has flasheado ntrboot a tu flashcart), puedes saltar a Instalar boot9strap (ntrboot) para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo usarlo.
+ +Instalar boot9strap con ntrboot requiere una flashcart de NDS / DSi compatible con el flasheo de ntrboot. Ten en cuenta que algunos de estos flashcarts vienen con ntrboot pre-flasheado.
+ +While the ntrboot exploit works independently of the system version, the ntrboot flasher (which installs the exploit to the cart) is not. Esto significa que, dependiendo de las versiones de sistema y consolas con las cuales tu flashcart sea compatible, sólo será posible que uses alguno o algunos métodos en particular.
+ +Ten en cuenta que cartuchos que tengan una “Bomba de tiempo” incorporados no podrán ejecutar archivos .nds
una vez que detecten que el reloj de la consola haya alcanzado una cierta fecha predeterminada por el firmware del flashcart. Una forma para evadir esto es establecer el reloj de la consola en una fecha antigua.
Nombre de la flashcart | +Precio actual | +¿Tiene “bomba de tiempo”? | +¿Versiones de 3DS? | +¿Versiones de DSi? | +Notas Adicionales | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +$15.99 | +September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot; can be flashed back to an NDS flashcart. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (internal switch to switch between ntrboot and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Acekard 2i | +$20.99 | +No | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +$9.99 | +No | +Ninguna | +Ninguna | +Sólo los modelos con ciertos chips flash son compatibles con ntrboot. | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +All RTS revisions are compatible. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +$13.99 | +1.85b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (external switch to switch between ntrboot (“3DS”) and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | No | +Ninguna | +Ninguna | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | No | +<= 4.3.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Unknown | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Asegúrate de que tu flashcart es capaz de ejecutar archivos .nds
en tu consola antes de comenzar. Algunos flashcarts pueden requerir que copies los archivos de “kernel” o firmware a la tarjeta SD del flashcart. Consulta las instrucciones específicas de tu flashcart para más información.
Ten en cuenta que los distintos métodos pueden presentar información adicional distinta sobre compatibilidad.
+ +The usage of this exploit, regardless of the flashing method, requires access to a small magnet if the target device is of a folding style (any 3DS family system that is not the old 2DS with a sleep switch). Esto es porque el exploit requiere que tu consola entre al modo de espera pero teniendo acceso a los botones.
+ +Para probar si un imán sirve, mantenlo en o alrededor de los botones (A)(B)(X)(Y) mientras la consola está encendida para ver si se activa el modo de espera. Si lo hace, ambas pantallas se apagarán mientras el imán se mantenga en esa posición.
+ +Ten en cuenta que no podrás usar las funciones estándar del flashcart mientras tenga instalado el exploit de ntrboot (excepto en el caso de la Acekard 2i, que sigue funcional en NDS y sistemas 3DS con custom firmware). This means that, for most flashcarts, it will not even display on the HOME Menu. Hay pasos opcionales al final de las instrucciones de flasheo de ntrboot para eliminarlo de la flashcart cuando termines.
+ +Ten en cuenta que en raras ocasiones, es posible que realizar el proceso de flasheo en un clon de flashcart podría dejarla permanentemente inutilizable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Para reducir la posibilidad de recibir un clon, se recomienda que utilizar un sitio de confianza para comprar una flashcart (como NDS Card)
+ +Este método tan sólo requiere de tu consola 3DS sin modificar y una flashcart compatible. Este método utiliza la flashcart para ejecutar el archivo .nds
del flasher de ntrboot en tu 3DS. Esto significa que tu flashcart debe ser capaz de ejecutar archivos .nds
en la versión de tu 3DS. Revisa la tabla de flashcarts que se encuentra arriba para más información.
Continúa a Flashear ntrboot (Una consola 3DS)
+ +Este método requiere acceso temporal a un segundo dispositivo de la familia 3DS que ya se está ejecutando boot9strap. Esto no requiere que tu flashcart soporte las versiones de cada consola.
+ +Continúa a Flashear ntrboot (Dos consolas 3DS)
+ +Este método requiere de acceso temporal a una consola Nintendo DS o Nintendo DS Lite que sea compatible con la flashcart a utilizar. Este método utiliza la flashcart para ejecutar el archivo .nds
del flasher de ntrboot en tu NDS.
Continúa a Flashear ntrboot (NDS)
+ +Este método requiere de acceso temporal a una consola Nintendo DSi que sea compatible con la flashcart a utilizar. Este método utiliza la flashcart para ejecutar el archivo .nds
del flasher de ntrboot en tu DSi. Esto significa que tu flashcart debe ser capaz de ejecutar archivos .nds
en la versión de firmware de tu DSi. Revisa la tabla de flashcarts que se encuentra arriba para más información.
Continúa a Flashear ntrboot (DSi)
+ + +Este sitio utiliza cookies para facilitar el seguimiento de las instrucciones de la guía por parte de los usuarios. Las cookies permiten que el recuadro lateral de la página muestre el progreso de la lectura de la misma para ayudar a los usuarios a navegar por las instrucciones con mayor facilidad.
+ +Este sitio puede incluir contenido externo (por ej.: videos, imágenes, artículos, etc.). Éste tipo de contenidos se comporta como si el usuario visitase el otro sitio web.
+ +Estos sitios pueden recolectar datos acerca de ti, usar cookies, incurrir en seguimiento adicional por parte de terceros y monitorear tu interacción con el contenido externo, incluyendo seguimiento de tu interacción con dicho contenido si posees una cuenta en ese sitio web y has iniciado sesión en la misma.
+ +Este sitio utiliza Google Analytics para monitorear y analizar el tráfico. Este sitio web está alojado en Github Pages, quienes pueden recolectar datos sobre ti, utilizar cookies, incurrir en seguimiento por parte de terceros y monitorear tu interacción con el sitio. Para más información sobre Github Pages en relación a la privacidad del usuario, puedes revisar la Declaración de privacidad de Github (en inglés).
+ +Este sitio no recolecta información personal. This site may collect usage information in order to analyze interest in the content and to provide advertisers with information on an aggregate basis. Ningún tipo de información de identificación personal es compartida con empresas de publicidad de terceros.
+ +Este sitio web puede enlazar a otros sitios para uso o referencia por parte de los usuarios. Este sitio no se hace responsable de las políticas de privacidad de otros sitios web. Los usuarios deben ser conscientes de que las políticas de privacidad de otros sitios pueden diferir de ésta.
+ +El contenido de esta Política de privacidad puede ser modificado en cualquier momento y por cualquier motivo.
+ + +This is an add-on section for region changing your CFW SysNAND. This is done by installing the 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image for the region you want to switch to. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).
+ +Note that region changing is almost completely unnecessary since Luma3DS supports out-of-region games and individual title Locale Emulation. Additionally, running NDS games with alternative out-of-region languages is supported by TWiLight Menu++.
+ +Ten en cuenta que si tienes archivos de payloads distintos de GodMode9.firm
en la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SD, al mantener (Start) al inicio se desplegará un “chainloader menu” donde tendrás que usar el D-Pad y pulsar (A) para seleccionar “GodMode9”, para esas instrucciones.
If you change the region of your device:
+ +Ya DEBES tener instalado Luma3DS y boot9strap para usar esto.
+ +Performing a region change may break extended memory mode games (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sun/Moon) on Old 3DS/2DS devices. Si esto ocurre, necesitarás formatear el dispositivo (usando TinyFormat o la Configuración de la consola) para solucionar el problema.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD, si aún no existeGodMode9.firm
desde el .zip
de GodMode9 a la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SDgm9
contenida en el .zip
de GodMode9 al directorio raíz de tu tarjeta SD.bin
from the CTRTransfer .zip
to the /gm9/
folder on your SD cardFBI.3dsx
a la carpeta /3ds/
de tu tarjeta SD<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
del CTRTransfer para seleccionarloNintendo 3DS
y Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIf the script found no user tickets and told you to skip this section, you can skip this section.
+ +eshop
, unknown
, o ambas
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
de CTRTransfer para borrarlaEsta página ha sido movida a Restaurar/Actualizar CFW.
+ + +Esta página prepara consolas que tengan hecha una instalación moderna de boot9strap para posterior reinstalación y/o actualización de aplicaciones de custom firmware. También se puede emplear en caso de haber perdido la tarjeta SD o que se haya corrompido.
+ +Your SD card must be formatted as FAT32 to follow this guide, or else the 3DS will be unable to recognize it. If your SD card is not yet properly formatted, use one of these pages to format it, depending on your operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux.
and boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card, replacing any existing files
+ The latest version of Luma3DS has now been installed on your SD card and on internal memory.
+Si deseas volver a instalar o actualizar otras aplicaciones homebrew, continúa a Finalizar Instalación
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
en tu tarjeta SDprivate
folder if you have itIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
en tu tarjeta SDprivate
folder if you have itIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3
+ + +Populares
+ + + +Todo
+ +Esta página ofrece consejos de solución de problemas para problemas comunes que puedan surgir. Si no logras resolver tu problema con esta página, por favor únete al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew (en inglés) y describe tu problema, incluyendo lo que ya has intentado hacer previamente.
+ +Used on multiple pages:
+Guide pages:
+Issues after installation:
+Los archivos boot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
no están en la carpeta boot9strap
, o la carpeta boot9strap
tiene un nombre equivocado. Download the latest release of boot9strap, and place boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
in the boot9strap
Hay un problema con los archivos boot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
. Re-download the latest release of boot9strap, and place boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
in the boot9strap
You are missing secret_sector.bin
from the boot9strap
folder, or the boot9strap
folder is misnamed. Download secret_sector.bin using a torrent client, and place it in the boot9strap
Únete al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew (en inglés) para obtener ayuda, y describe el mensaje que veas.
+This occurs when you use your SD card in multiple 3DS devices and is intended to prevent inadvertently merging data that would not be valid on other devices. To figure out which long folder name is correct for your 3DS, follow these instructions:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
folder to BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
en tu tarjeta SDNintendo 3DS
folderBACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
folder to Nintendo 3DS
El sitio web ya ha minado tu movable.sed
usando tu código de amigo y el ID0. Puedes utilizar el movable.sed
que te proporciona.
Tu código de amigo fue bloqueado del bot de código de amigo porque tu consola no pudo agregar al bot como amigo. Asegúrate de que tu consola esté correctamente conectada a Internet, luego únete al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew y pide que se te desbloquee.
+El sitio web ha determinado que tu movable.sed
no puede ser minado. Asegúrate de haber escrito correctamente el ID0 en el sitio web. Si tu ID0 era correcto, entonces no podrás usar Seedminer y tendrás que utilizar un método alternativo que requerirá juegos o hardware adicionales.
This can occur if you’ve used multiple SD cards on a 3DS and then merged the contents of the SD cards together. This is done to prevent conflicting, valid data from being merged together.
+ +To fix this, you will need to determine which folder contains your data. Usually, this will be the larger (or largest) of the folders. Backup and delete the smaller one(s), then create a Nintendo DSiWare
folder in the one that remains and move F00D43D5.bin
to that location.
Ensure that F00D43D5.bin
is the only file in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. If it is, then re-create it with the Bannerbomb3 Injector.
Also, ensure that bb3.bin
is on the root of the SD card. If it is missing, then download the latest release of Bannerbomb3 (direct download), and copy the bb3.bin
file to the root of your SD card.
If neither of these solutions fixes this problem, then custom firmware may have been uninstalled on this device in a way that makes this method impossible to perform. If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
is missing from Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. Asegúrate de que Nintendo DSiWare
está correctamente escrito y espaciado. Las mayúsculas/minúsculas no importan.
Puede haber un problema con el archivo F00D43D5.bin
(puede estar corrupto o preparado para otra consola 3DS). Re-create your F00D43D5.bin
file with the Bannerbomb3 Injector, ensuring that you use the movable.sed
file for your console.
unSAFE_MODE is not installed. Follow the instructions to install it.
+The file usm.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of unSAFE_MODE and place usm.bin
on the root of your SD card. No añadas manualmente la extensión .bin
al archivo si ves que no la tiene.
There is also a possibility that the console isn’t reading your SD card. Make sure it is inserted and formatted correctly.
+Falta el archivo SafeB9SInstaller.bin
o está fuera de lugar. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. No añadas manualmente la extensión .bin
al archivo si ves que no la tiene.
Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+Asegúrate de que tu archivo movable.sed
y la copia de seguridad de DSiWare provienen de la misma consola. El error aparece cuando los archivos no coinciden.
You forgot to delete F00D43D5.bin
from the SD card. Navigate to Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card and delete the F00D43D5.bin
Hay un problema con el archivo 42383821.bin
(es incorrecto, no está presente, está mal colocado o está corrupto). Re-create your files with the DSIHaxInjector_new website and ensure that you place the 42383821.bin
file from
-> hax
in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no fue copiado de la tarjeta SD a la memoria de la consola.
El menú de Conexiones de Nintendo DS no funciona, y necesitarás acceso al Homebrew Launcher para solucionar este problema. Únete al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew para obtener ayuda.
+Flipnote puede tomar mucho tiempo en construir un índice de la tarjeta SD si esta es muy grande. Espera unos minutos.
+No copiaste la carpeta private
del archivo .zip
de Frogminer_save a la raíz de la tarjeta SD.
Es posible que hayas tocado la pantalla táctil dentro del Flipnote modificado. Vuelve a entrar al menú de Conexiones de Nintendo DS e intenta de nuevo, asegurándote de no tocar la pantalla táctil por accidente.
+Falta el archivo boot.nds
o está fuera de lugar. Descarga la última versión de b9stool y coloca el archivo boot.nds
en la raíz de la tarjeta SD, sobreescribiendo el existente.
Hay un problema con el archivo boot.nds
. Vuelve a descargar la última versión de b9stool y coloca el archivo boot.nds
en la raíz de la tarjeta SD, sobreescribiendo el existente.
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and explain what has happened.
+If your device is on system version 9.4.0, 9.5.0, or 9.6.0, you may be encountering a bug with an old version of universal-otherapp. Download the latest version from here.
+ +Si tu consola no está en esas versiones y ocurre esto, indica que posiblemente ya tengas custom firmware instalado. Deberías ir a Comprobación de CFW antes de continuar.
+Hay un problema con el archivo otherapp.bin
(falta, está mal colocado o está corrupto). Descarga la última versión de universal-otherapp y coloca el archivo en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD.
Tienes el archivo de Soundhax incorrecto para tu consola y región, o tu consola es incompatible con Soundhax. En este último caso, se recomienda actualizar la consola a la última versión y seguir Seedminer.
+Falta el archivo SafeB9SInstaller.bin
o está fuera de lugar. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. No añadas manualmente la extensión .bin
al archivo si ves que no la tiene.
Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+This likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. Deberías ir a Comprobación de CFW antes de continuar.
+The file arm11code.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. No añadas manualmente la extensión .bin
al archivo si ves que no la tiene.
There is an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. No añadas manualmente la extensión .bin
al archivo si ves que no la tiene.
Browser based exploits (such as this one) are often unstable and crash frequently, but they can sometimes be fixed by doing the following steps.
+ +The SSLoth proxy was incorrectly configured. Re-do the SSLoth section on the page.
+Follow these steps in order:
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
First, make sure you entered the correct proxy for the connection you’re using. If not, go back to Section II. If the proxy is correct, then your device has been cart-updated, which means an alternate exploit will need to be used.
+ +Method 1
+If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or less than 36 (e.g. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), you can follow Soundhax. When prompted to select a firmware to generate the sound file, use:
Method 2 (Old 3DS only)
+If you have an Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, you can try a Safe Mode update, which will trigger an alternate exploit:
If these methods didn’t work (or do not apply to you), update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+ +Falta el archivo SafeB9SInstaller.bin
o está fuera de lugar. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. No añadas manualmente la extensión .bin
al archivo si ves que no la tiene.
There may be an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Re-download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place it on the root of your SD card, and rename it to arm11code.bin
. No añadas manualmente la extensión .bin
al archivo si ves que no la tiene.
If you have a Taiwanese unit (with a T in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##T), you will not be able to follow these instructions, and you will need to update your console and follow Seedminer instead.
+ +If you have a Mainland Chinese unit (with a C in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##C), join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Únete al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew para obtener ayuda.
+Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+Los pasos siguientes se pueden intentar en cualquier orden, pero están ordenados por orden de dificultad.
+ +Download this alternate config.ini and place it in /luma/
. This will change the Rosalina key combination to (X) + (Y).
Hay un problema con el archivo boot.3dsx
(falta, está mal colocado o está corrupto). Download the latest release of the Homebrew Launcher and place boot.3dsx
on the root of your SD card, replacing any existing file.
No copiaste la carpeta gm9
del archivo .zip
de GodMode9 a la raíz de la tarjeta SD. Descarga la última versión de GodMode9 y coloca la carpeta gm9
en la raíz de la tarjeta SD, combinándola con la ya existente.
Make sure you have at least 1.3GB available in your SD card. If you don’t have enough space, follow these steps:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder from the root of your SD card to your computergm9/out
on your SD to a safe location on your computer<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
files from the SD card, keeping essential.exefs in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
folder from your computer to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folder from your computerIf you have enough space on your SD card, your SD might be corrupted or faulty. Check your SD card for any errors by following the guide according to your computer’s operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+Los pasos detallados a continuación asumen que tu consola tiene un setup moderno de custom firmware (boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 o superior). Si tu consola tiene una configuración antigua (por ejemplo, algo basado en arm9loaderhax o menuhax), deberías actualizar dicha configuración antes de seguir estas instrucciones.
+ +There is an issue with your boot.firm
file. If you’re running boot9strap 1.4, your 3DS notification LED may flash a certain color. This color is used to diagnose issues involving your boot.firm
file on SD card or internal memory. On older versions of boot9strap, the blue light will power off almost immediately when trying to turn on the device.
If the notification LED flashes:
+ +boot.firm
on your SD card or on internal memory.boot.firm
on your SD card. It was able to find boot.firm
on internal memory, but the file is corrupted.boot.firm
on both your SD card and on internal memory, but both files are corrupted.You can get a new boot.firm
file by downloading the latest release of Luma3DS, extracting it, and placing boot.firm
on the root of your SD card. If your boot.firm
file is consistently being detected as corrupted, you may want to check your SD card for errors (Windows, Linux, or macOS). Also, note that the 3DS tends to have issues with files extracted using WinRAR.
Si escuchas un “pop”, potencialmente acompañado de la luz de la pantalla parpadeando un segundo, hay un problema en el hardware de tu consola (cable de luz de fondo desconectado, por ejemplo). Es posible que tu consola encienda sosteniéndola en distintas orientaciones.
+Los pasos siguientes se pueden intentar en cualquier orden, pero están ordenados por cantidad de tiempo que toma realizar.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
de tu tarjeta SD a Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
, luego intenta encenderla. Si la consola enciende sin problemas, hay un problema con tu carpeta Nintendo 3DS
. Try clearing HOME Menu extdata:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Delete the corresponding folder for your 3DS region:
+ 00000098
Tu versión de Luma3DS está desactualizada. Descarga la última versión de Luma3DS y coloca boot.firm
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD, reemplazando cualquier archivo existente. Asegúrate de extraer el archivo ZIP con cualquier herramienta que no sea WinRAR, ya que se sabe que causa problemas con los archivos relacionados con 3DS.
There are a number of reasons as to why this could be happening. In any case, this error can usually be fixed by following the CTRTransfer guide.
+Tienes activada la opción “Disable ARM11 exception handlers”, o directamente no tienes custom firmware instalado. Intenta activar las excepciones de ARM11:
+This could be caused by various reasons, but most likely because your SD card is not being read by the system. +You can check if your SD is being read by holding SELECT on boot and checking the yellow text on the bottom screen; if it says “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, then your device is booting from the internal memory and not from the SD card. +If this is the case, attempt the steps below, which are listed from easiest to hardest:
from the
and place it on the root of your SD card (replacing any existing file)Tu consola muy probablemente está brickeada a nivel de hardware. Tendrás que conseguir una flashcard compatible con ntrboot y reinstalar boot9strap para intentar reparar tu consola. This may also indicate a hardware issue that cannot be fixed. En este caso, entra al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew para obtener ayuda (en inglés).
+Por favor saca una foto del error y entra al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew y pide ayuda (en inglés).
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD, si aún no existeTWLFix-CFW.3dsx
a la carpeta /3ds/
en tu tarjeta SDYour device is running Luma3DS 6.6 or older, likely via arm9loaderhax. Deberías seguir A9LH a B9S para actualizar tu consola a un entorno de custom firmware más moderno.
+Esto puede ocurrir después de un CTRTransfer o al cambiar de región en Old 3DS / 2DS. Necesitarás formatear tu consola para solucionar este problema.
+Look for your exception screen in this page. +If you weren’t able to find your error or the instructions didn’t work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for further assistance.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
folder on your SD card00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
folder on your SD card000002ce
You can disable the Parental Controls feature by going to System Settings -> Parental Controls and inserting the PIN, then pressing “Clear Settings”, then “Delete” to remove it. +However, if you do not know the PIN and therefore cannot access the device’s settings, you will need to disable it. In order to do this, you need to obtain your device’s master key (mkey):
+Esto removerá completamente el CFW de tu consola, incluyendo boot9strap y Luma3DS, regresando la consola a su estado original.
+ +Any unsigned (illegitimate) games will be rendered unusable and will be removed during this process. Use a save manager to back up any saves that you care about.
+ +If you’re removing CFW because:
+ +STOP!!! Uninstalling custom firmware is an unnecessary risk that will at best waste your time and at worst BRICK your console. A better idea would be to ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
+If you have done ANY of the following:
) of the consolethen uninstalling CFW WILL BRICK YOUR CONSOLE. If this applies to you, restore a clean NAND backup before continuing.
+Estas instrucciones sólo funcionarán en consolas con versión de Luma3DS 8.0 o superior. Si tienes una versión anterior de Luma, debes actualizar tu configuración antes de seguir estas instrucciones. Ve a esta página para encontrar instrucciones de actualización acordes a tu instalación.
+ +boot.firm
y boot.3dsx
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SDGodMode9.firm
desde el .zip
de GodMode9 a la carpeta /luma/payloads/
en tu tarjeta SDgm9
contenida en el .zip
de GodMode9 al directorio raíz de tu tarjeta SDDSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
a la carpeta /3ds/
de tu tarjeta SDsafety_test.gm9
a la carpeta /gm9/scripts/
de tu tarjeta SDEl propósito de esta sección es comprobar si las aplicaciones integradas del modo DS continuarán funcionando una vez que el CFW esté desinstalado. Si omites esta sección, el modo DS o sus funciones pueden ser inaccesibles hasta que se reinstale el CFW.
+ +Si cualquiera de estas pruebas falla, ¡el modo DS, el Modo Descarga DS y/o la Configuración de conexión de DS podrían ser inaccesibles una vez que el CFW sea desinstalado! You should fix DS mode before continuing.
+ +El propósito de esta sección es verificar que la consola iniciará y que las funciones críticas del sistema, como la Configuración de la consola y el teclado funcionarán una vez se desinstale CFW. ¡Si saltas esta sección, tu consola podría quedar INUTILIZABLE!
+ +If you do NOT boot into the regular 3DS HOME Menu, or System Settings / your keyboard is inaccessible, DO NOT continue with these instructions! Entra al Discord de Nintendo Homebrew y pide a alguien que te ayude (en inglés).
+ +En esta sección se eliminará el contenido no legítimo, como el homebrew y los juegos extraídos de cartuchos. ¡Si tienes datos de guardado que te sean importantes, haz una copia de seguridad con un gestor de guardado antes de continuar!
+ +Esta sección se asegurará de que todos los tickets no legítimos sean eliminados, permitiendo que la eShop funcione con normalidad. Esto eliminará todo el contenido de la 3DS y removerá tu NNID. Ten en cuenta que la clave de encriptación de la consola será randomizada, lo cual implica que cualquier información antigua se volverá inaccesible, incluso si tienes un respaldo de cosas en la tarjeta SD.
+ +¡Esta es la última oportunidad para confirmar que todas las verificaciones de seguridad han sido realizadas! Por favor, asegúrate de que has seguido todas y cada una de las secciones de esta página, especialmente la Sección III - Prueba de Seguridad
, antes de proseguir.
Todo el custom firmware ha sido removido de tu consola.
+ +You can now remove any extra files and folders from the root of your SD card that are not the Nintendo 3DS
, or private
Esta página es para ayudar a los usuarios actuales de boot9strap a actualizar su instalación a la última versión.
+ +Si bien se considera seguro el custom firmware para funciones en línea, ha habido baneos de funciones en línea en el pasado, principalmente por trampas y movimientos sospechosos en la eShop.
file)Para todos los pasos en esta sección, sobreescribe cualquier archivo existente en tu tarjeta SD.
+ +boot9strap
en la raíz de tu tarjeta SDboot9strap.firm
y boot9strap.firm.sha
desde el .zip
de boot9strap
a la carpeta /boot9strap/
en tu tarjeta SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
desde el .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD y renómbralo a boot.firm
+ boot.firm
, sobreescríbeloReinserta tu tarjeta SD en tu consola
+ + +boot.firm
desde el .zip
de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD reemplazando el archivo existenteThis is an add-on section for checking your SD card for errors using F3.
+ +Depending on the size of your SD card and the speed of your computer, this process can take up to several hours!
+ +This page is for Linux users only. If you are not on Linux, check out the H2testw (Windows) or F3XSwift (Mac) pages.
into the f3 directorymake
to compile F3./f3write <your sd card mount point>
$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <your sd card mount point>
$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
If the test shows the result Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
, your SD card is good and you can delete all .h2w
files on your SD card
If the test shows any other results, your SD card may be corrupted or damaged and you may have to replace it!
+ +This is an add-on section for checking your SD card for errors using F3X.
+ +Depending on the size of your SD card and the speed of your computer, this process can take up to several hours!
+ +This page is for Mac users only. If you are not on Mac, check out the H2testw (Windows) or F3 (Linux) pages.
+ +If you’re using a Mac on macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and above, follow F3XSwift (Mac) instead.
fileIf the test shows the result Success! Your card is ok!
your SD card is good and you can delete all .h2w
files on your SD card
If the test shows any other results, your SD card may be corrupted or damaged and you may have to replace it!
+ +This is an add-on section for checking your SD card for errors using F3XSwift.
+ +Depending on the size of your SD card and the speed of your computer, this process can take up to several hours!
+ +This page is for Mac users only. If you are not on Mac, check out the H2testw (Windows) or F3 (Linux) pages.
+ +F3XSwift is only compatible with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and above. If you have an older version of macOS, follow F3X (Mac) instead.
+ +If the test shows the result Success! Your card is ok!
, your SD card is good and you can delete all .h2w files on your SD card
If the test shows any other results, your SD card may be corrupted or damaged and you may have to replace it!
+ +Yes, you can still install custom firmware on your 3DS, even after the closure of eShop.
+ +The latest 3DS firmware is 11.16.0. Here’s what you should know:
+ +Yes! The latest firmware (11.16.0) has a free method for getting CFW named Seedminer.
+The instructions are the same for all retail 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, and New 2DS XL devices. If your system version string displays as “0.0.0-0”, then you may have a developer unit.
+Bricks are now effectively impossible unless you are purposely trying to brick your device.
+Yes! This guide will install a few useful homebrew applications, including Universal-Updater, which acts as a homebrew app store.
+Yes; Luma3DS will automatically ignore the region check for cartridges and installed titles. Some games may need to make use of Luma’s locale emulation feature in order to work properly on out-of-region devices.
+No. Devices with custom firmware can still play online and run physical cartridges as any other 3DS can.
+Your NNID (if you have one) will not be affected by this guide. Devices with a region of KOR, CHN, or TWN do not have NNID functionality to begin with and are thus unaffected.
+There was a ban wave in May 2017 that banned CFW users from online play (eShop access, NNIDs, and Nintendo Accounts were unaffected), seemingly at random. A ban wave at such a scale has not been seen since. That being said, we don’t know what Nintendo may have in store in the future. At this time, we don’t think that bans are something that you need to worry about.
+Yes! All you need is the ability to put files on a compatible SD card.
+You will need at least 1.5GB of free SD card space to follow this guide in its entirety. While the 3DS is officially compatible with SD cards up to 32GB, larger SD cards can be used if they are manually re-formatted as FAT32. It is not recommended to use SD cards greater than 128GB due to known issues with GBA graphics and custom themes.
+No. Custom firmware can be installed for free on the latest firmware without any hardware devices. In fact, 3DS-mode flashcarts like Gateway and Sky3DS are not recommended because they are obsolete and may carry ban or brick risk.
+Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).
+ +Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. The level of system access granted with userland allowed you to run basic homebrew and emulators but did not allow you to (easily) modify games or dump cartridges. It was also a lot less stable, with homebrew often ungracefully crashing and requiring a full reboot. Custom firmware grants a far greater level of system access while also being more stable than homebrew-only entrypoints.
+ +If you are using Luma3DS, your custom firmware loader (boot9strap) will never be removed when performing a system update. There have been updates in the past that have resulted in Luma3DS crashing on boot, so it is a good idea to wait a couple of hours to ensure that the latest update will not temporarily render the device unusable until Luma3DS is updated. System updates can be performed the same way as they are on a stock 3DS: through System Settings, Safe Mode, or the update prompt when the update is automatically downloaded.
+Copy and paste your SD card contents to a new SD card formatted as FAT32. For 128GB cards, an allocation size of 65536 is recommended. SD cards larger than 128GB are not recommended due to known issues with GBA graphics and custom themes.
+Yes, system transfers can be performed through the official System Transfer function to other consoles with CFW (inconsistencies may occur if the target console is stock). Tickets for illegitimate titles (homebrew) will not transfer, but the titles can be made to reappear with faketik. Make sure that you do not perform a wireless transfer, as this will delete illegitimate titles. CFW will remain on both consoles.
+The only way to change the system language of a Japanese 3DS to a language other than Japanese is to perform a region change. Note that this is very likely to break the Nintendo eShop on your device, which means you will be unable to update your games whether they are in-region or out-of-region.
+ +It depends on the format of the homebrew application. Generally speaking:
+ +/3ds/
with a fresh copy. If the homebrew application includes additional assets, you may need to place that folder somewhere else. Refer to the documentation of the homebrew application.You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.
+ +If the game is not from the same region as the console, you will need to dump the updates from a 3DS that has the updates installed. The Nintendo eShop only contains updates for the console’s region (a Japanese 3DS will only have updates for Japanese games).
+Please look at the troubleshooting guide. Uninstalling CFW when your device is in an unbootable state is not recommended, as it is very likely to lead to a brick.
+It is recommended that you upgrade your setup to a modern, boot9strap-based one. Follow the Checking for CFW guide to see how to upgrade your setup.
+The vast majority of modern homebrew (such as Checkpoint and BootNTR Selector) have only been tested on modern, boot9strap-based setups and may not work entirely (or at all) on older setups based on menuhax, A9LH, or Gateway. In addition, depending on your setup, you may be unable to safely update to the latest firmware. Modern, boot9strap-based setups allow for a greater level of system access than previous hacks, including the ability to dump your console’s bootrom.
+Your old setup (including your EmuNAND, if you have one) can usually be directly migrated to boot9strap with no data loss. If you have data that is particularly important to you, it would be a good idea to make a decrypted backup of your save data before upgrading your setup with a tool like JKSM.
+A: See this thread.
+This is an add-on section for disabling Windows’s default behavior of hiding file extensions.
+ +This will make it easier for you to find the referenced files in the rest of this guide.
+ +Click “File name extensions” to enable it
+ + +Check the box labeled “File name extensions”
+ + +Search for “Folder Options” and select the corresponding result
+ + +Uncheck the box labeled “Hide extensions for known file types”
+ + +The file boot.firm
is what is launched by boot9strap itself after it finishes loading off of NAND. In this case, we are using Luma3DS by LumaTeam to patch the device, allowing it to run homebrew software.
On this page, we will make critical system file backups and install the following homebrew programs:
+ +It is not recommended to skip downloading any of these applications, as many of them will be used later on this page. At the end of this page, your SD card will be cleaned up by removing unnecessary installation files.
+ +If your New 3DS was on version 2.1.0 before following this guide, you should restore your NAND backup before continuing. This likely doesn’t apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
+ +If your previous CFW setup was EmuNAND-based and you wish to move the contents of your EmuNAND/RedNAND to SysNAND, follow Move EmuNAND before following this page. If you don’t know what an EmuNAND is, this doesn’t apply to you.
+ +.cia
and .3dsx
file)In this section, you will copy the files necessary to follow the rest of the instructions on this page.
+ +cias
on the root of your SD card if it does not already existAnemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, FBI.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
, and Universal-Updater.cia
) to the /cias/
folder on your SD card3ds
on the root of your SD card if it does not already exist
+ Nintendo 3DS
folder that the device automatically generatesFBI.3dsx
to the /3ds/
folder on your SD cardpayloads
in the luma
folder on your SD card if it does not already existGodMode9.firm
from the GodMode9 .zip
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD cardgm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD cardThe screenshots below indicate the minimum SD card layout that is required to follow this page. You may have extra files or folders on your SD card, depending on your previous setup or the method that you followed.
+ + + + + +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is safe to do with custom firmware.
+ +In this section, you will temporarily replace Download Play with Homebrew Launcher (which we need to launch FBI). Download Play will automatically go back to normal once you reboot your device.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
and Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will sync your 3DS internal clock with the actual time and dump the sound firmware (which is necesssary for some homebrew software to use sound properly).
+ +In this section, you will install several useful homebrew applications to HOME Menu.
+ +SD
-> cias
In this section, you will use a script to copy some of Luma3DS’s files to internal memory so that they can be accessed, even without an SD card inserted.
+ +GodMode9.firm
is in /luma/payloads/
and that payloads
is correctly spelledIn this section, you will use a script to remove some unnecessary files from your SD card.
+ +In this section, you will make backups of files that can be used to recover from software bricks or to recover data.
to select it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it
+ /luma/backups/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computerYou’re done! Custom firmware is now fully configured on your device.
+ +Hello! We’re looking for feedback on the overall experience of following our guide. If you’d like to help out, check out the survey here (only available in English). Thanks!
+ +Here are some key combos that you should know:
+ +/luma/payloads/
, the Luma3DS chainloader.See here for some suggestions on things to do with custom firmware.
+ +For information on using GodMode9’s various features, check out the GodMode9 Usage and Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges pages.
+ + +Before proceeding, ensure you have read all of the information on ntrboot
+ +This method requires temporary access to a second 3DS family device that is already running boot9strap. This does not require your flashcart to support either 3DS’s version.
+ +Note that in some rare circumstances, it may be possible for the flashing process to brick a counterfeit flashcart and render it permanently unusable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
on the root of your SD cardboot9strap_ntr.firm
and boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
from the boot9strap ntr .zip
to the /ntrboot/
folder on your SD cardntrboot_flasher.firm
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on the source 3DS’s SD cardBefore proceeding, ensure you have read all of the information on ntrboot
+ +This method requires nothing more than your stock unhacked 3DS and a compatible flashcart. This method uses the flashcart to run the ntrboot flasher .nds
file on your 3DS. This means that your flashcart must support launching .nds
files on your 3DS’s version. See the flashcart table on ntrboot for more information.
Note that in some rare circumstances, it may be possible for the flashing process to brick a counterfeit flashcart and render it permanently unusable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
on the root of your flashcart’s SD cardboot9strap_ntr.firm
from the boot9strap ntr .zip
to the /ntrboot/
folder on your flashcart’s SD cardntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
to your flashcart’s SD cardntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
on your device using your flashcartBefore proceeding, ensure you have read all of the information on ntrboot
+ +This method requires temporary access to a Nintendo DSi that is compatible with your flashcart. This method uses the flashcart to run the ntrboot flasher .nds
file on your DSi. This means that your flashcart must support launching .nds
files on your DSi’s version. See the flashcart table on ntrboot for more information.
Note that in some rare circumstances, it may be possible for the flashing process to brick a counterfeit flashcart and render it permanently unusable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
to your flashcart’s SD cardds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
on the source DSi using your flashcartBefore proceeding, ensure you have read all of the information on ntrboot
+ +This method requires temporary access to a Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite that is compatible with your flashcart. This method uses the flashcart to run the ntrboot flasher .nds
file on your NDS.
Note that in some rare circumstances, it may be possible for the flashing process to brick a counterfeit flashcart and render it permanently unusable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
on the root of your flashcart’s SD cardboot9strap_ntr.firm
from the boot9strap ntr .zip
to the /ntrboot/
folder on your flashcart’s SD cardntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
to your flashcart’s SD cardntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
on the source NDS / NDSL using your flashcartThis is an add-on section for formatting an SD card to work with the 3DS.
+ +If the 3DS already recognizes the SD card, this guide is not required.
+ +This page is for Linux users only. If you are not on Linux, check out the Formatting SD (Windows) or Formatting SD (Mac) pages.
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
is set to 1, make sure the lock switch is not slid downsudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 128 -F 32
+ This is an add-on section for formatting an SD card to work with the 3DS.
+ +If the 3DS already recognizes the SD card, this guide is not required.
+ +This page is for Mac users only. If you are not on Mac, check out the Formatting SD (Windows) or Formatting SD (Linux) pages.
+ +Select your SD card in the left panel
+ +Make sure you choose the correct device, otherwise you might accidentally erase the wrong drive!
+Select your SD card in the left panel
+ +Make sure you choose the correct device, otherwise you might accidentally erase the wrong drive!
+This is an add-on section for formatting an SD card to work with the 3DS.
+ +If the 3DS already recognizes the SD card, this guide is not required.
+ +This page is for Windows users only. If you are not on Windows, check out the Formatting SD (Linux) or Formatting SD (Mac) pages.
+ +SD Card Formatter Setup
(the .exe
file) in the downloaded .zip
file with Administrator privileges, then install the programSD Card Formatter
from the Start MenuSelect your SD card’s drive letter for “Select card”
+ +Make sure you choose the correct drive letter, otherwise you might accidentally erase the wrong drive!
Select your SD card’s drive letter for “Drive”
+ +Make sure you choose the correct drive letter, otherwise you might accidentally erase the wrong drive!
+Désolé, la page que vous essayez d’atteindre n’existe pas.
+ + +Cette page est faite pour que les utilisateurs actuels de arm9loaderhax puissent mettre à jour leurs consoles vers boot9strap.
+ +Toutes les futures versions de Luma3DS ne seront faites qu’exclusivement dans le format “.firm”, lequel ne sera compatible qu’boot9strap et sighax. Cela veut dire que pour pouvoir recevoir les dernières mises à jour de Luma3DS, vous devez utiliser cette page pour mettre à jour votre installation.
+ +Pour extraire les fichiers .7z
sur cette page, vous aurez besoin d’un programme d’archives comme 7-Zip ou The Unarchiver.
Bien que nous pensons que le custom firmware est sûr pour un utilisation en ligne, des cas de bannissements ont été rapportés dans le passé, principalement à cause de tricherie en ligne ou d’un comportement suspect de l’eShop.
+ +Pour utiliser les liens magnet sur cette page, vous aurez besoin d’un client torrent comme qBittorrent ou Deluge.
+ +Notez que, seulement sur New 3DS, secret_sector.bin
est nécessaire pour revenir sur l’exploit arm9loaderhax, c’est pourquoi il n’est pas nécessaire pour l’installation de boot9strap sur une console non-modifiée. Si vous n’avez pas de New 3DS, vous n’avez pas besoin de secret_sector.bin
Pour toutes les étapes de cette section, remplacez tous les fichiers existants sur votre carte SD.
+ +boot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis le fichier .zip
de la dernière version de Luma3DS vers la racine de votre carte SD
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
depuis le fichier .7z
de la version 7.0.5 de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
du fichier .zip
de SafeBS9Installer vers le dossier /luna/payloads/
de votre carte SD
+ luma
ou payloads
n’existent pas, créez-les.bin
existants (GodMode9.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
, etc.) dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
de votre carte SD car ils seront incompatibles avec les versions de Luma3DS compatibles avec boot9strapboot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDNew 3DS Seulement: Copiez secret_sector.bin
dans le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SD
de votre carte SD et réessayezPour extraire un DSiWare système, nous exploitons une faille dans l’onglet de gestion des données DSiWare présent dans les paramètres système.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system to dump the DSi Internet Settings application to the SD root.
+ +Once you have a DSiWare backup, an exploitable DSiWare title can be injected into DS Download Play, which can be used to install custom firmware.
+ +These instructions are for Taiwanese consoles ONLY (as indicated by a T at the end of the system version, e.g. 11.16.0-39T)! If your console is from any other region, choose the other method.
+ +movable.sed
file completing
)Comme mesure de sécurité supplémentaire, nous effectuerons une vérification supplémentaire de la présence d’un custom firmware. Ceci est dû au fait que l’utilisation de cette méthode lorsqu’un custom firmware est déjà installé à un risque de bricker la console (ce qui la rendrait inutilisable sans méthodes de récupération comme ntrboot).
+ +Si vous voyez un menu de configuration ou si la console s’éteint immédiatement, vous avez déjà CFW, et continuer avec ces instructions peut BRICKER votre console ! Suivez Vérification de la présence d’un CFW pour mettre à jour votre CFW existant.
+ +boot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SD
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) vers la racine de votre carte SDprivate
du fichier .zip
de Frogminer_save vers la racine de votre carte SDmovable.sed
using the “Browse…” optionNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
sur votre carte SD
+ <ID0>
sera le même que celui que vous avez utilisé dans Seedminer<ID1>
est un dossier de 32 caractères à l’intérieur du dossier <ID0>
Nintendo DSiWare
à l’intérieur de <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD
file and navigate to China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
files to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
-> (page 2)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
sur votre carte
file and navigate to China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
file that is the same number as the one that was on the second page of the DSiWare Management menu to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, and overwrite when promptedData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
on the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
sur votre carte SD.bin
files in the Nintendo DSiWare
file using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
file using the second “Browse…” optionDSdownloadplay
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
sur votre carte SD484E4441.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderGestion des données
-> DSiWare
Si vous préférez un guide visuel pour cette section, un tel guide est disponible ici.
+ +Dans cette section, vous allez effectuer une série d’étapes très spécifiques dans Flipnote Studio qui, une fois effectuées correctement, déclencheront le lancement l’installateur de boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
sur votre carte SD484E4441.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderGestion des données
-> DSiWare
Pour lancer du code personnalisé, nous exploitons une faille dans la fenêtre de Gestion des Nintendo DSiWare de l’application Paramètres de la console.
+ +Pour ce faire, nous utilisons la clé de chiffrement de votre console (movable.sed) pour créer une sauvegarde DSiWare qui exploite le système.
+ +Pour une explication plus technique, consultez cette page.
+Ces instructions fonctionnent sur les consoles des régions USA, Europe, Japon et Corée, comme indiqué par les lettres U, E, J ou K après la version du logiciel système de la console.
+ +Si vous possédez une console taïwanaise (indiquée par un T après la version du logiciel système de la console), suivez cette page à la place.
+ +movable.sed
obtenu grâce à SeedminerDans cette section, vous allez copier les fichiers nécessaires pour déclencher l’exploit BannerBomb3 sur la carte SD de votre console.
+ +F00D43D5.bin
et un payload appelé bb3.bin
à l’intérieur d’une archive zip (
à la racine de votre carte SD
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
sur votre carte SD
+ Nintendo DSiWare
à l’intérieur de <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) à l’intérieur, copiez-les sur votre PC et retirez-les de votre carte SDF00D43D5.bin
vers le dossier Nintendo DSiWare
In this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your device. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page.
+ +If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.
+ +Si votre console a démarré en mode sans échec, continuez vers Installer boot9strap (USM)
+ +Si votre console n’a PAS démarré en mode sans échec, continuez vers Installer boot9strap (Fredtool)
+ + +If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, go back to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the New 3DS series and the 2DS), regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device , you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +Il s’agit d’une section complémentaire pour vérifier si votre console possède déjà un custom firmware moderne.
+ +Si votre console possède déjà un custom firmware basé sur arm9loaderhax ou boot9strap, vous devrez suivre les instructions indiquées pour mettre à jour votre configuration vers une configuration moderne.
+ +Si votre console a une configuration CFW basée sur menuhax, vous devez effacer les extdata du menu HOME, puis suivre toutes les instructions sur votre SysNAND. Vous avez probablement une configuration basée sur menuhax si la version du logiciel système de votre console lorsque vous démarrez sans carte SD est 9.2.0-20.
+ +Si votre console démarre sur le menu HOME normal, retournez à Bien démarrer
+ +Si vous voyez la version 7.0.5 ou toute autre version antérieure de Luma3DS, continuez vers A9LH vers B9S
+ +Si vous voyez la version 7.1 de Luma3DS, continuez vers Mettre à jour B9S
+ +Si vous voyez la version 8.0 ou toute autre version ultérieure de Luma3DS, continuez vers Restauration / Mise à jour du CFW
+ +Si vous voyez quelque chose qui n’est pas décrit comme dans les options ci-dessus, rejoignez Nintendo Homebrew sur Discord et demandez, en anglais, de l’aide.
+ + +Nous sommes ravis que vous souhaitiez contribuer à ! Voici quelques façons de le faire :
+ +Ce guide est open source - son code est disponible ici. Si vous pensez qu’il y a un problème avec le guide, vous pouvez nous le faire savoir en remplissant un rapport d’incident dans l’onglet “Issues”, ou soumettre une demande de pull pour que vos modifications soient intégrées dans le guide.
+ +Si vous souhaitez traduire ce guide dans d’autres langues (ou aider à maintenir les traductions à jour), consultez notre Crowdin.
+ +Certains fichiers sur ce guide ne sont disponibles que sous forme de torrents. If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip
file containing all our .torrent
files: (last updated 2023-03-16)
Il existe également un flux RSS qui peut être mis à jour pour les futurs torrents, auquel vous pouvez vous abonner.
+ +Maintenir ce guide (ainsi que nos canaux de support) est avant tout un effort bénévole, mais si ce guide vous a aidé d’une certaine manière, les dons sont grandement appréciés.
+ + + + + +Un énorme merci à Plailect, le créateur et mainteneur original du guide!
+ +Remerciements spéciaux à toutes les personnes du salon #Cakey sur Freenode, vous êtes géniaux !
+ +Un grand merci à tous les traducteurs, vous êtes géniaux !
+ +Si je vous ai oublié, contactez-moi et j’ajouterai votre nom.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
Ceci est une section complémentaire pour installer une image CTRTransfer 11.15.0 sur votre console.
+ +Notez que si vous avez n’importe quel autre payload que GodMode9.firm
dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SD, appuyer sur (Start) au démarrage affiche un “chainloader menu” où vous devrez utiliser le D-Pad et le bouton (A) pour sélectionner “GodMode9” .
Vous DEVEZ avoir déjà installé Luma3DS et boot9strap pour utiliser ceci.
+ +Effectuer un CTRTransfer peut empêcher le bon fonctionnement des jeux en mode mémoire étendue (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros., Pokémon Soleil/Lune) sur les anciennes 3DS/2DS. Si cela se produit, vous devrez formater l’appareil (en utilisant TinyFormat ou les Paramètres de la console) pour résoudre le problème.
+ +Pour utiliser les liens magnet sur cette page, vous aurez besoin d’un client torrent comme qBittorrent ou Deluge.
à la racine de votre carte SD si celui ci n’existe pasGodMode9.firm
de l’archive .zip
de GodMode9 dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SDgm9
de GodMode9 .zip
à la racine de votre carte SD.bin
from the CTRTransfer .zip
to the /gm9/
folder on your SD cardFBI.3dsx
dans le dossier /3ds/
de votre carte SD[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
de CTRTransfer pour le sélectionnerNintendo 3DS
et Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIf the script found no user tickets and told you to skip this section, you can skip this section.
+ +eshop
, ou le dossier unknown
, ou bien les deux si vous avez les deux
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
de l’image CTRTransfer pour le supprimerPour de l’aide (en Anglais) sur GodMode9 ainsi que sur le scripting, et pour être tenu à jour et informé, rejoignez le serveur Discord GodMode9.
+ +Outre la création et la restauration de sauvegardes de la NAND, GodMode9 dispose des fonctionnalités suivantes : dumper les titres installés vers un fichier .cia
installable , dumper les données des cartes de jeu dans un fichier ROM .3ds
, et d’installer directement une carte de jeu sur la console.
Ces instructions sont écrites pour être utilisées avec GodMode9 v2.0.0 ou supérieur. Si vous avez une ancienne version de GodMode9, suivez ces instructions pour le mettre à jour.
+ +GodMode9.firm
de l’archive .zip
de GodMode9 dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SDgm9
de GodMode9 .zip
à la racine de votre carte SDInsérez la carte du jeu que vous avez l’intention de dumper dans votre 3DS
pour le sélectionner[TitleID].nds
pour le sélectionner
+ .3ds
ou .nds
non installable sera envoyé vers le dossier /gm9/out/
de votre carte SDCela ne fonctionnera que pour les jeux 3DS, il n’est pas possible d’installer une carte de jeu NDS sur la console en tant que titre.
pour le sélectionner, puis sélectionnez “NCSD image options…”, puis sélectionnez “Install game image”Ceci ne devrait être utilisé que si l’installation d’une carte de jeu directement sur la console ne fonctionne pas.
pour le sélectionner, puis sélectionnez “NCSD image options…”, puis sélectionnez “Build CIA from file”.cia
installable sera envoyé vers le dossier /gm9/out/
de votre carte SDCela permet le dumping d’applications système et de titres numériques installés par l’utilisateur, tels que ceux téléchargés à partir de l’eShop.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
installable sera envoyé vers le dossier /gm9/out/
de votre carte SDLe jeu sera exporté dans le dossier /gm9/out/
de votre carte SD sous le nom <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Pour identifier le Title ID d’un fichier <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, vous pouvez obtenir une liste de tous les jeux installés sur la console et leurs Title IDs en appuyant sur (HOME) pour faire apparaître le menu d’actions, en sélectionnant Title manager
puis [A:] SD CARD
pour le sélectionnerPour identifier le Title ID d’un fichier <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, vous pouvez obtenir une liste de tous les jeux installés sur la console et leurs Title IDs en appuyant sur (HOME) pour faire apparaître le menu d’actions, en sélectionnant Title manager
puis [A:] SD CARD
-> gm9
+ Appuyez sur (Y) sur le fichier <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
que vous souhaitez restaurer pour le copier[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
pour le sélectionnerÀ des fins d’organisation, copiez chaque fichier .cia
que vous souhaitez chiffrer / déchiffrer dans le dossier /cias/
sur votre carte SD
-> cias
pour le sélectionner, puis sélectionnez “CIA image options…”.cia
sélectionné dans le dossier /gm9/out/
sur votre carte SD.cia
sélectionné dans le dossier /gm9/out/
sur votre carte SD.cia
sélectionné par une version chiffrée.cia
sélectionné par une version déchiffrée.cia
chiffré / déchiffré sera envoyé vers l’emplacement souhaitéCette section supplémentaire vous indique comment vérifier si votre carte SD ne contient pas d’erreurs, en utilisant F3.
+ +Selon la taille de votre carte SD et la vitesse de votre ordinateur, ce processus peut prendre jusqu’à plusieurs heures !
+ +Cette page est uniquement destinée aux utilisateurs de Linux. Si vous n’êtes pas sous Linux, consultez les pages H2testw (Windows) ou F3XSwift (Mac) .
de f3cd
vers le dossier de F3make
pour compiler F3./f3write <point de montage de votre carte SD>
$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <point de montage de votre carte SD>
$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
Si le résultat du test affiche Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
, votre carte SD est saine et vous pouvez supprimer tous les fichiers .h2w
sur votre carte SD
Si le test montre un autre résultat, votre carte SD est peut-être corrompue ou endommagée et vous devrez peut-être la remplacer !
+ +Il s’agit d’une section en plus pour la vérification de votre carte SD afn de trouver des erreurs à l’aide de F3X.
+ +Selon la taille de votre carte SD et la vitesse de votre ordinateur, ce processus peut prendre jusqu’à plusieurs heures !
+ +Cette page est pour les utilisateurs de Mac uniquement. Si vous n’êtes pas sur Mac, consultez les pages H2testw (Windows) ou F3 (Linux).
+ +Si vous utilisez un Mac sur macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) ou une version ultérieure, suivez plutôt F3XSwift (Mac).
de F3XSi le test affiche le résultat Success! Your card is ok!
votre carte SD est bonne et vous pouvez supprimer tous les fichiers .h2w
sur la carte SD
Si le test montre d’autres résultats, votre carte SD peut être corrompue ou endommagée et vous devrez peut-être la remplacer !
+ +Cette section complémentaire vous indique comment vérifier si votre carte SD ne contient pas d’erreurs à l’aide de F3XSwift.
+ +Selon la taille de votre carte SD et la vitesse de votre ordinateur, ce processus peut prendre jusqu’à plusieurs heures !
+ +Cette page est pour les utilisateurs de Mac uniquement. Si vous n’êtes pas sur Mac, consultez H2testw (Windows) ou F3 (Linux).
+ +F3XSwift est compatible uniquement avec macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) et versions ultérieures. Si vous avez une version plus ancienne de macOS, suivez plutôt F3X (Mac).
+ +Si le test affiche le résultat Success! Your card is ok!
votre carte SD est saine et vous pouvez supprimer tous les fichiers .h2w
sur votre carte SD
Si le test montre un autre résultat, votre carte SD est peut-être corrompue ou endommagée et vous devrez peut-être la remplacer !
+ +Yes, you can still install custom firmware on your 3DS, even after the closure of eShop.
+ +La dernière version du logiciel système de la 3DS est la 11.16.0. Voici ce que vous devriez savoir :
+ +Yes! The latest firmware (11.16.0) has a free method for getting CFW named Seedminer.
+The instructions are the same for all retail 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, and New 2DS XL devices. If your system version string displays as “0.0.0-0”, then you may have a developer unit.
+Bricks are now effectively impossible unless you are purposely trying to brick your device.
+Yes! This guide will install a few useful homebrew applications, including Universal-Updater, which acts as a homebrew app store.
+Yes; Luma3DS will automatically ignore the region check for cartridges and installed titles. Some games may need to make use of Luma’s locale emulation feature in order to work properly on out-of-region devices.
+No. Devices with custom firmware can still play online and run physical cartridges as any other 3DS can.
+Your NNID (if you have one) will not be affected by this guide. Devices with a region of KOR, CHN, or TWN do not have NNID functionality to begin with and are thus unaffected.
+There was a ban wave in May 2017 that banned CFW users from online play (eShop access, NNIDs, and Nintendo Accounts were unaffected), seemingly at random. A ban wave at such a scale has not been seen since. That being said, we don’t know what Nintendo may have in store in the future. At this time, we don’t think that bans are something that you need to worry about.
+Yes! All you need is the ability to put files on a compatible SD card.
+You will need at least 1.5GB of free SD card space to follow this guide in its entirety. While the 3DS is officially compatible with SD cards up to 32GB, larger SD cards can be used if they are manually re-formatted as FAT32. It is not recommended to use SD cards greater than 128GB due to known issues with GBA graphics and custom themes.
+No. Custom firmware can be installed for free on the latest firmware without any hardware devices. In fact, 3DS-mode flashcarts like Gateway and Sky3DS are not recommended because they are obsolete and may carry ban or brick risk.
+Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).
+ +Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. The level of system access granted with userland allowed you to run basic homebrew and emulators but did not allow you to (easily) modify games or dump cartridges. It was also a lot less stable, with homebrew often ungracefully crashing and requiring a full reboot. Custom firmware grants a far greater level of system access while also being more stable than homebrew-only entrypoints.
+ +If you are using Luma3DS, your custom firmware loader (boot9strap) will never be removed when performing a system update. There have been updates in the past that have resulted in Luma3DS crashing on boot, so it is a good idea to wait a couple of hours to ensure that the latest update will not temporarily render the device unusable until Luma3DS is updated. System updates can be performed the same way as they are on a stock 3DS: through System Settings, Safe Mode, or the update prompt when the update is automatically downloaded.
+Copy and paste your SD card contents to a new SD card formatted as FAT32. For 128GB cards, an allocation size of 65536 is recommended. SD cards larger than 128GB are not recommended due to known issues with GBA graphics and custom themes.
+Yes, system transfers can be performed through the official System Transfer function to other consoles with CFW (inconsistencies may occur if the target console is stock). Tickets for illegitimate titles (homebrew) will not transfer, but the titles can be made to reappear with faketik. Make sure that you do not perform a wireless transfer, as this will delete illegitimate titles. CFW will remain on both consoles.
+The only way to change the system language of a Japanese 3DS to a language other than Japanese is to perform a region change. Note that this is very likely to break the Nintendo eShop on your device, which means you will be unable to update your games whether they are in-region or out-of-region.
+ +It depends on the format of the homebrew application. Generally speaking:
+ +/3ds/
with a fresh copy. If the homebrew application includes additional assets, you may need to place that folder somewhere else. Refer to the documentation of the homebrew application.You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.
+ +If the game is not from the same region as the console, you will need to dump the updates from a 3DS that has the updates installed. The Nintendo eShop only contains updates for the console’s region (a Japanese 3DS will only have updates for Japanese games).
+Please look at the troubleshooting guide. Uninstalling CFW when your device is in an unbootable state is not recommended, as it is very likely to lead to a brick.
+It is recommended that you upgrade your setup to a modern, boot9strap-based one. Follow the Checking for CFW guide to see how to upgrade your setup.
+The vast majority of modern homebrew (such as Checkpoint and BootNTR Selector) have only been tested on modern, boot9strap-based setups and may not work entirely (or at all) on older setups based on menuhax, A9LH, or Gateway. In addition, depending on your setup, you may be unable to safely update to the latest firmware. Modern, boot9strap-based setups allow for a greater level of system access than previous hacks, including the ability to dump your console’s bootrom.
+Your old setup (including your EmuNAND, if you have one) can usually be directly migrated to boot9strap with no data loss. If you have data that is particularly important to you, it would be a good idea to make a decrypted backup of your save data before upgrading your setup with a tool like JKSM.
+A: See this thread.
+Ceci est une section additionelle pour désactiver le comportement par défaut de Windows de cacher les extensions de fichier.
+ +Cela rendra la tâche plus simple pour trouver les différents fichiers mentionnés dans la suite de ce guide.
+ +Click “File name extensions” to enable it
+ + +Cochez la case “Extensions des noms de fichiers”
+ + +Rechercher “Options des dossiers” et sélectionner le résultat correspondant
+ + +Décochez la case “Masquer les extensions des fichiers dont le type est connu”
+ + +The file boot.firm
is what is launched by boot9strap itself after it finishes loading off of NAND. In this case, we are using Luma3DS by LumaTeam to patch the device, allowing it to run homebrew software.
On this page, we will make critical system file backups and install the following homebrew programs:
+ +It is not recommended to skip downloading any of these applications, as many of them will be used later on this page. At the end of this page, your SD card will be cleaned up by removing unnecessary installation files.
+ +If your New 3DS was on version 2.1.0 before following this guide, you should restore your NAND backup before continuing. This likely doesn’t apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
+ +If your previous CFW setup was EmuNAND-based and you wish to move the contents of your EmuNAND/RedNAND to SysNAND, follow Move EmuNAND before following this page. If you don’t know what an EmuNAND is, this doesn’t apply to you.
+ +.cia
and .3dsx
)In this section, you will copy the files necessary to follow the rest of the instructions on this page.
+ +cias
à la racine de votre carte SD si celui ci n’existe pasAnemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, FBI.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
, and Universal-Updater.cia
) to the /cias/
folder on your SD card3ds
à la racine de votre carte SD si celui ci n’existe pas
+ Nintendo 3DS
que la console génère automatiquementFBI.3dsx
dans le dossier /3ds/
de votre carte SDpayloads
dans le dossier luma
sur votre carte SD, si il n’existe pas déjàGodMode9.firm
de l’archive .zip
de GodMode9 dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SDgm9
de GodMode9 .zip
à la racine de votre carte SDThe screenshots below indicate the minimum SD card layout that is required to follow this page. You may have extra files or folders on your SD card, depending on your previous setup or the method that you followed.
+ + + + + +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is safe to do with custom firmware.
+ +In this section, you will temporarily replace Download Play with Homebrew Launcher (which we need to launch FBI). Download Play will automatically go back to normal once you reboot your device.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
et Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will sync your 3DS internal clock with the actual time and dump the sound firmware (which is necesssary for some homebrew software to use sound properly).
+ +In this section, you will install several useful homebrew applications to HOME Menu.
+ +SD
-> cias
In this section, you will use a script to copy some of Luma3DS’s files to internal memory so that they can be accessed, even without an SD card inserted.
+ +GodMode9.firm
est présent dans /luma/payloads/
et que payloads
est correctement écritIn this section, you will use a script to remove some unnecessary files from your SD card.
+ +In this section, you will make backups of files that can be used to recover from software bricks or to recover data.
pour le sélectionner<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it
+ /luma/backups/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computerYou’re done! Custom firmware is now fully configured on your device.
+ +Hello! We’re looking for feedback on the overall experience of following our guide. If you’d like to help out, check out the survey here (only available in English). Thanks!
+ +Here are some key combos that you should know:
+ +/luma/payloads/
, the Luma3DS chainloader.See here for some suggestions on things to do with custom firmware.
+ +For information on using GodMode9’s various features, check out the GodMode9 Usage and Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges pages.
+ + +Avant de commencer, assurez vous d’avoir lu toutes les informations sur ntrboot
+ +Cette méthode nécessite un accès temporaire à un second périphérique de la famille 3DS qui utilise déjà boot9strap. Votre linker n’a pas besoin de fonctionner sur aucune des deux 3DS.
+ +Notez que dans de rares circonstances, il est possible que pendant le processus de flash sur un linker contrefait (ou un clone) celui-ci brique et devienne inutilisable de manière permanente. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Pour réduire les chances de recevoir un linker contrefait, il est recommandé d’utiliser un site réputé pour acheter votre linker (comme NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
à la racine de votre carte SDboot9strap_ntr.firm
et boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
depuis le fichier .zip
de boot9strap ntr vers le dossier /ntrboot/
sur votre carte SDntrboot_flasher.firm
dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur la carte SD de la 3DS sourceAvant de commencer, assurez vous d’avoir lu toutes les informations sur ntrboot
+ +Cette méthode n’exige rien de plus que votre 3DS original stock et un linker compatible. Cette méthode utilise le linker pour lancer le fichier .nds
du flasheur ntrboot sur votre 3DS. Cela signifie que votre linker doit pouvoir lancer des fichiers .nds
sur votre 3DS. Consultez le tableau des linkers sur ntrboot pour plus d’informations.
Notez que dans de rares circonstances, il est possible que pendant le processus de flash sur un linker contrefait (ou un clone) celui-ci brique et devienne inutilisable de manière permanente. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Pour réduire les chances de recevoir un linker contrefait, il est recommandé d’utiliser un site réputé pour acheter votre linker (comme NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
à la racine de la carte SD de votre linkerboot9strap_ntr.firm
de l’archive .zip
de boot9strap ntr dans le dossier /ntrboot/
de la carte SD de votre linkerntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
sur la carte SD de votre linkerntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
sur votre console en utilisant votre linkerAvant de commencer, assurez vous d’avoir lu toutes les informations sur ntrboot
+ +Cette méthode nécessite un accès temporaire à une Nintendo DSI qui soit compatible avec votre linker. Cette méthode utilise le linker pour lancer le flasheur ntrboot contenu dans le fichier .nds
sur votre DSi. Cela signifie que votre linker doit pouvoir lancer des fichiers .nds
sur votre DSi. Consultez le tableau des linkers sur ntrboot pour plus d’informations.
Notez qu’il est possible que pendant le flash sur un clone celui-ci devienne inutilisable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Pour réduire les chances de recevoir un linker contrefait, il est recommandé d’utiliser un site réputé pour acheter votre linker (comme NDS Card)
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
sur la carte SD de votre linkerds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
sur la DSi source en utilisant votre linkerAvant de commencer, assurez vous d’avoir lu toutes les informations sur ntrboot
+ +Cette méthode nécessite un accès temporaire à une Nintendo DS ou DS LITE qui soit compatible avec votre linker. Cette méthode utilise le linker pour exécuter le flasheur ntrboot .nds
sur votre NDS.
Notez qu’il est possible que pendant le flash sur un clone celui-ci devienne inutilisable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Pour réduire les chances de recevoir un linker contrefait, il est recommandé d’utiliser un site réputé pour acheter votre linker (comme NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
à la racine de la carte SD de votre linkerboot9strap_ntr.firm
de l’archive .zip
de boot9strap ntr dans le dossier /ntrboot/
de la carte SD de votre linkerntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
sur la carte SD de votre linkerntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
sur la NDS/NDSL source en utilisant votre linkerIl s’agit d’une section supplémentaire pour le formatage d’une carte SD afin que celle-ci fonctionne avec la 3DS.
+ +Si la 3DS reconnaît déjà la carte SD, il n’est pas nécessaire de suivre ce guide.
+ +Cette page est uniquement destinée aux utilisateurs de Linux. Si vous n’êtes pas sur Linux, consultez les pages Formatage de la carte SD (Windows) ou Formatage de la carte SD (Mac).
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
vaut 1, assurez-vous que le bouton de verrouillage ne soit pas glissé vers le bassudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 128 -F 32
+ Il s’agit d’une section supplémentaire pour le formatage d’une carte SD afin que celle-ci fonctionne avec la 3DS.
+ +Si la 3DS reconnaît déjà la carte SD, il n’est pas nécessaire de suivre ce guide.
+ +Cette page est pour les utilisateurs de Mac uniquement. Si vous n’êtes pas sur Mac, consultez les pages Formatage de la carte SD (Windows) ou Formatage de la carte SD (Linux) .
+ +Sélectionnez votre carte SD dans le panneau de gauche
+ +Assurez-vous de choisir le bon périphérique, sinon vous risquez d’effacer accidentellement le mauvais lecteur !
+Sélectionnez votre carte SD dans le panneau de gauche
+ +Assurez-vous de choisir le bon périphérique, sinon vous risquez d’effacer accidentellement le mauvais lecteur !
+Il s’agit d’une section supplémentaire pour le formatage d’une carte SD afin que celle-ci fonctionne avec la 3DS.
+ +Si la 3DS reconnaît déjà la carte SD, il n’est pas nécessaire de suivre ce guide.
+ +Cette page est pour les utilisateurs de Windows uniquement. Si vous n’êtes pas sous Windows, consultez les pages Formatage de la carte SD (Linux) ou Formatage de la carte SD (Mac) .
+ +SD Card Formatter Setup
(the .exe
file) in the downloaded .zip
file with Administrator privileges, then install the programSD Card Formatter
from the Start MenuSelect your SD card’s drive letter for “Select card”
+ +Assurez-vous de choisir la bonne lettre de lecteur, sinon vous risqueriez d’effacer accidentellement le mauvais lecteur !
Sélectionnez la lettre de lecteur de votre carte SD pour “Drive”
+ +Assurez-vous de choisir la bonne lettre de lecteur, sinon vous risqueriez d’effacer accidentellement le mauvais lecteur !
+Avant de commencer ce guide, nous verrons si le custom firmware est déjà installé et vérifierons la version actuelle du logiciel système de votre console.
+ +Si vous voyez un menu inhabituel, STOP - vous avez déjà un custom firmware ! Continuez ici.
+ +To find the correct method for your device, please enter the system version you found in Section II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +If possible, you should follow the method given by the prompt above.
+ +Sinon, des méthodes qui fonctionnent sur toutes les versions sont disponibles, mais nécessitent du matériel supplémentaire :
+ +For information on dumping cartridge or SD card content, see Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges.
+ +Pour de l’aide (en Anglais) sur GodMode9 ainsi que sur le scripting, et pour être tenu à jour et informé, rejoignez le serveur Discord GodMode9.
+ +GodMode9 est un navigateur de fichiers avec un accès complet pour la console de Nintendo 3DS, vous donnant accès à votre carte SD, les partitions FAT à l’intérieur de votre SysNAND et EmuNAND et fondamentalement rien d’autre. Parmi les autres fonctionnalités, vous pouvez copier, supprimer, renommer des fichiers et créer des dossiers.
+ +Notez que si vous avez n’importe quel autre payload que GodMode9.firm
dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SD, appuyer sur (Start) au démarrage affiche un “chainloader menu” où vous devrez utiliser le D-Pad et le bouton (A) pour sélectionner “GodMode9” .
GodMode9 est un logiciel puissant qui a la capacité de modifier essentiellement n’importe quoi sur votre console. Bien que beaucoup de ces modifications soient verrouillées derrière un système de permissions, et qu’il est impossible d’effectuer accidentellement des actions dangereuses sans déverrouiller délibérément les permissions, vous devez quand même suivre attentivement les instructions et conserver les sauvegardes au cas où.
+ +Certaines des instructions ci-dessous ne s’appliquent qu’ à la dernière version de GodMode9, et en tant que tel, vous devriez suivre cette section pour mettre à jour votre copie avant de continuer. Remplacez tous les fichiers déjà existants.
+ +GodMode9.firm
de l’archive .zip
de GodMode9 dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SDgm9
de GodMode9 .zip
à la racine de votre carte SD<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
from your computer to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardÀ des fins d’organisation, copier le fichier .cia
que vous souhaitez injecter dans le dossier /cias/
sur votre carte SD
Notez qu’il n’est pas possible d’injecter des fichiers dans Santé & Sécurité qui sont plus lourds que l’application elle même (y compris des jeux et autres applications lourdes)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
pour le sélectionner, puis choisissez “CIA image options…”, puis “Mount image to drive”.app
, puis sélectionnez “NCCH image options”, puis “Inject to H&S”Cela ne fonctionnera que si l’injection dans Santé & Sécurité a été réalisée par GodMode9 (pas Decrypt9 ou Hourglass9).
+ +Notez que cela effacera tout le contenu de votre carte SD !
+ +GM9SD
+ Il s’agit d’une section en plus pour la vérification de votre carte SD afn de trouver des erreurs à l’aide de h2testw.
+ +Selon la taille de votre carte SD et la vitesse de votre ordinateur, ce processus peut prendre jusqu’à plusieurs heures !
+ +Cette page est pour les utilisateurs de Windows uniquement. If you are not on windows, check out the F3 (Linux) or F3XSwift (Mac) pages.
+ +h2testw.exe
de l’archive
sur votre bureauh2testw.exe
Si le test affiche le résultat Test finished without errors
, votre carte SD est bonne et vous pouvez supprimer tous les fichiers .h2w
sur la carte SD
Si le test montre d’autres résultats, votre carte SD peut être corrompue ou endommagée et vous devrez peut-être la remplacer !
+ +This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) to run SafeB9SInstaller.
For information on PicHaxx itself, see here.
+ +These instructions work on USA, Europe, and Japan consoles as indicated by the letters U, E, or J after the system version.
+ +You will need a Nintendo Network ID to download Pokémon Picross.
+ +This process will overwrite your Pokémon Picross save file, if you have one. If you wish to preserve your Pokémon Picross game data, you should make a backup of your 00000001.sav
file before overwriting it.
obtenu grâce à
file)In this section, you will copy some of the files that will be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
+ +boot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SD
+ 3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD
’s otherapps_with_CfgS
folder to the root of your SD card and rename it to otherapp.bin
In this section, you will create a hacked Pokémon Picross save file that, when used, will load the Homebrew Launcher on your device.
+ +movable.sed
Nintendo 3DS
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
sur votre carte SD
+ <ID0>
sera le même que celui que vous avez utilisé dans Seedminer<ID1>
est un dossier de 32 caractères à l’intérieur du dossier <ID0>
vers le dossier data
sur votre carte SD
+ Lisez attentivement toutes les pages d’introduction (y compris celle-ci !) avant de continuer.
+ +Un custom firmware (“CFW”) est une modification complète du logiciel système de votre 3DS, comparable à “l’accès administrateur” sur un ordinateur. Il vous permet de faire tout ce que la 3DS est physiquement capable de faire, plutôt que d’être limité par tout ce que Nintendo vous permet de faire.
+ +Les utilisations populaires pour un custom firmware sont :
+ +Ce guide va :
+This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application.
This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +movable.sed
obtenu grâce à
)Comme mesure de sécurité supplémentaire, nous effectuerons une vérification supplémentaire de la présence d’un custom firmware. Ceci est dû au fait que l’utilisation de cette méthode lorsqu’un custom firmware est déjà installé à un risque de bricker la console (ce qui la rendrait inutilisable sans méthodes de récupération comme ntrboot).
+ +Si vous voyez un menu de configuration ou si la console s’éteint immédiatement, vous avez déjà CFW, et continuer avec ces instructions peut BRICKER votre console ! Suivez Vérification de la présence d’un CFW pour mettre à jour votre CFW existant.
+ +In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu and copy the resulting file dump to your computer so that you can use it on the next section.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +42383841.bin
file from the root of your SD card using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
file using the second “Browse…” optionDSinternet
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
sur votre carte SD
+ <ID0>
est le nom du dossier à 32 lettres que vous avez copié dans Seedminer<ID1>
est un dossier de 32 caractères à l’intérieur de <ID0>
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder42383841.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
+ boot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SD
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) vers la racine de votre carte SDprivate
du fichier .zip
de Frogminer_save vers la racine de votre carte SDAllumez votre console
+ + +In this section, you will copy the hacked DS Connection Settings DSiWare to internal memory, which will temporarily replace it with Flipnote Studio.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connections
, then select “OK” (image)Si vous préférez un guide visuel pour cette section, un tel guide est disponible ici.
+ +Dans cette section, vous allez effectuer une série d’étapes très spécifiques dans Flipnote Studio qui, une fois effectuées correctement, déclencheront le lancement l’installateur de boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDboot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in Section IV.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
sur votre carte SD42383841.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, replacing the existing oneData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found here.
+ +This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console.
+ +Pour utiliser les liens magnet sur cette page, vous aurez besoin d’un client torrent comme qBittorrent ou Deluge.
+ +Pour extraire les fichiers .7z
sur cette page, vous aurez besoin d’un programme d’archives comme 7-Zip ou The Unarchiver.
Cela fonctionne sur la New3DS, Old3DS, New 2DS et Old 3DS sur toutes les versions pour lesquelles vous avez un fichier .firm
compilé, tandis que les utilisateurs Mac et Linux devront avoir Python 3 installé pour exécuter le .py
file that isn’t source code).firm
correspondant à votre console et version:Version(s) | +Kernel | +Old 3DS ou Old 2DS | +New 3DS ou New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
In this section, you will download the necessary files for the hardmod and dump the NAND image in preparation to install custom firmware.
+ +boot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte
vers votre ordinateur.firm
vers le dossier hardmod-b9s-installer sur votre ordinateur.firm
dans le dossier hardmod-b9s-installer sur votre ordinateur en current.firm
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers votre ordinateurNAND.bin
In this section, you will install custom firmware to the dumped NAND image, and then install this NAND image back onto the device to install custom firmware on it.
+ +install-b9s.exe
sur votre console avec votre hardmodboot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +In this section, you will use Homebrew Launcher to launch slotTool, which will overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Then, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +boot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
depuis le fichier .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller à la racine de votre carte SDusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD cardDans cette section, vous passerez en mode sans échec (une fonctionnalité disponible sur les consoles de la famille 3DS) et accéderez à un menu où unSAFE_MODE sera déclenché, ce qui exécutera l’installateur de boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’est normal.Connexion 1
-> Modifier
-> Page suivante (flèche de droite)
-> Serveur proxy
-> `Paramètres avancés (image)Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+Dans cette section, vous entrerez dans le Homebrew Launcher (en utilisant un custom firmware) afin que vous puissiez restaurer les emplacements de connexion Wi-Fi qui ont été écrasés dans la Section I.
+ +In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin.
+ +This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Pour suivre ces instructions, vous aurez besoin de ceci :
+ +If the (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons on the target 3DS do not work, you will not be able to follow these instructions. For further assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +Sur la 3DS source (la 3DS avec un firmware custom) :
+ +plugin.3gx
)Sur la 3DS cible (la 3DS que vous essayez de modifier):
file)In this section, you will set up your source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware) for delivery of the exploit data to the target 3DS.
+ +boot.firm
to the root of the source 3DS’s SD card, replacing any existing file
+ plugin.3gx
to the following directory on the source 3DS’s SD card, depending on the region of your copy of Mario Kart 7:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
and 00040000...
folders if they do not already existIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify)’s SD card.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the standard Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
depuis le fichier .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller à la racine de votre carte SDusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD card3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD cardIn this section, you will use Download Play to transfer the exploit data from the source 3DS to the target 3DS, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Local Multiplayer
. A menu should pop up
+ Use settings
and skip the next 3 steps. If they are incorrect, select Change settings
and proceed.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
and modify them accordinglyCreate Group
+ Grand Prix
-> 50cc
-> (any driver) -> Mushroom Cup
-> OK
Section III - kartdlphax
Section III - kartdlphax
. If this doesn’t work, ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord)You will not need to use your source 3DS to complete any further steps on this guide. Any further steps should only be completed on the target 3DS.
+ +Dans cette section, vous passerez en mode sans échec (une fonctionnalité disponible sur les consoles de la famille 3DS) et accéderez à un menu où unSAFE_MODE sera déclenché, ce qui exécutera l’installateur de boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’est normal.Connexion 1
-> Modifier
-> Page suivante (flèche de droite)
-> Serveur proxy
-> `Paramètres avancés (image)Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+Dans cette section, vous entrerez dans le Homebrew Launcher (en utilisant un custom firmware) afin que vous puissiez restaurer les emplacements de connexion Wi-Fi qui ont été écrasés dans la Section I.
+ +Pour utiliser les liens magnet sur cette page, vous aurez besoin d’un client torrent comme qBittorrent ou Deluge.
+ +SafeB9SInstaller.firm
de l’archive .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller vers la racine de votre carte SD, et renommez-le en boot.firm
+ boot.3dsx
depuis le fichier .zip
de Luma3DS vers la racine de votre carte SDboot9strap
à la racine de votre carte SDCopiez boot9strap.firm
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier .zip
de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SD
Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.
+ +boot.firm
de la racine de votre carte SD s’il existeboot.firm
du fichier .zip
de Luma3DS vers la racine de votre carte SDboot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+Voici une section facultative qui vous permettra de restaurer votre linker dans son état d’origine (afin qu’il puisse être utilisé pour ses fonctions standards).
+ +Notez que l’Acekard 2i conserve sa capacité de lancer des fichiers « .nds » tout en ayant ntrboot installé. Cela s’applique uniquement lorsque l’Acekard 2i est dans une NDS ou une 3DS exécutant une sorte de custom firmware ! Tant que ntrboot est installé sur l’Acekard 2i, il sera impossible de lancer des fichier .nds
sur une DSi ou 3DS stock (n’ayant pas subi de modification).
Ne faites pas ceci , tant que vous n’avez pas fini les instructions de cette page .
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)Linker | +Révision HW | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | Manquant | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | Manquant | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +Manquant | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +Manquant | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +Manquant | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/A | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX de r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX de r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX de r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
à la racine de votre carte SD.bin
venant du fichier .zip
de votre sauvegarde flashrom dans le dossier /ntrboot/
à la racine de votre carte SDpayloads
dans le répertoire « luma » sur votre carte SDntrboot_flasher.firm
dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SDFor technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +Soundhax (quand combiné avec pre9otherapp) est compatible avec les versions comprises entre 1.0.0 et 11.3.0 de toutes les régions.
+ +otherapp.bin
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
à la racine de votre carte SD
+ otherapp.bin
à la racine de votre carte SDboot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SDboot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
depuis le fichier .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller à la racine de votre carte SDIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Lancez l’application Studio Son Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/SDCARD
, puis lisez le fichier “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0-0 through 11.10.0-36 in all regions. If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or more than 37, Soundhax is patched and won’t work.
+ +otherapp.bin
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
à la racine de votre carte SD
+ otherapp.bin
à la racine de votre carte SDboot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SDboot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
depuis le fichier .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller à la racine de votre carte SDIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Lancez l’application Studio Son Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/SDCARD
, puis lisez le fichier “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with Korean systems on versions where the two numbers before the region in the system version string are lower than 33.
+ +otherapp.bin
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
à la racine de votre carte SD
+ otherapp.bin
à la racine de votre carte SDboot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SDboot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
depuis le fichier .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller à la racine de votre carte SDIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Lancez l’application Studio Son Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/SDCARD
, puis lisez le fichier “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version.
+ +A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check.
+ +Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job.
+ +For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (SSLoth) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.
+ +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.
+ +otherapp.bin
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both browserhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
+ .bin
extension, do not add it to the end of the filenameboot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SDboot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
depuis le fichier .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller à la racine de votre carte SDIn this section, you will change your Internet connection settings to use a proxy network designed to bypass the browser version check, allowing the browser to function without a system update. This will allow you to access the browser exploit webpage in the next section.
+ +If you haven’t already, make sure you have a working Internet connection set up on your console.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
Detailed Setup
, and the Port to 8080
In this section, you will visit the browser exploit webpage, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +
)Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+In this section, you will restore the Internet settings back to normal.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Ces instructions fonctionnent sur les consoles des régions USA, Europe, Japon et Corée, comme indiqué par les lettres U, E, J ou K après la version du logiciel système de la console.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to follow an alternate branch of Seedminer. Pour obtenir de l’aide à ce sujet, rejoignez Nintendo Homebrew sur Discord et demandez de l’aide, en anglais.
+ +In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +usm.bin
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SD
+ boot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
depuis le fichier .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller à la racine de votre carte SDIn this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ Dans cette section, vous passerez en mode sans échec (une fonctionnalité disponible sur les consoles de la famille 3DS) et accéderez à un menu où unSAFE_MODE sera déclenché, ce qui exécutera l’installateur de boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Ne vous inquiétez pas, c’est normal.Connexion 1
-> Modifier
-> Page suivante (flèche de droite)
-> Serveur proxy
-> `Paramètres avancés (image)Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.
+ +boot.firm
depuis l’archive .zip
de Luma3DS à la racine de votre carte SDÀ partir d’ici, votre console démarrera sur Luma3DS par défaut.
+In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit a second time so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section II.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
sur votre carte SDF00D43D5.bin
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder and from your computer. Ce fichier ne sera plus nécessaireIf this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, and New 2DS XL/LL, regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device, you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +Ceci est une section complémentaire qui vous permettra de déplacer le contenu de votre EmuNAND vers votre CFW SysNAND, puis de supprimer l’ancienne partition EmuNAND. Notez que les termes EmuNAND et RedNAND font référence à des implémentations légèrement différentes du même concept.
+ +Notez que si vous avez n’importe quel autre payload que GodMode9.firm
dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SD, appuyer sur (Start) au démarrage affiche un “chainloader menu” où vous devrez utiliser le D-Pad et le bouton (A) pour sélectionner “GodMode9” .
Vous DEVEZ avoir déjà installé Luma3DS et boot9strap pour utiliser ceci.
+ +GodMode9.firm
de l’archive .zip
de GodMode9 dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SDgm9
de GodMode9 .zip
à la racine de votre carte SDSI vous n’avez pas de DSiWares ou de sauvegardes (de DSiwares) auxquels vous tenez, vous pouvez ignorer cette section.
-> title
pour le sélectionner, puis choisissez “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”
+ SI vous n’avez pas de jeux GBA en VC ou de sauvegardes (de GBA VC) auxquels vous tenez, vous pouvez ignorer cette section.
+ +Notez que ce n’est pas nécessaire pour tout autre type de jeux Console Virtuelle (GBC, NES, etc.)
+ +Le jeu sera exporté dans le dossier /gm9/out/
de votre carte SD sous le nom <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Pour identifier le Title ID d’un fichier <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, vous pouvez obtenir une liste de tous les jeux installés sur le système et leurs Title IDs correspondant : placez votre curseur sur [A:] SYSNAND SD
, puis maintenez (R) et appuyez sur (A) en même temps, puis sélectionnez “Search for titles”.
pour le sélectionner[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
pour le sélectionner, puis choisissez “NAND image options…”, puis “Restore SysNAND (safe)”Si vous n’avez pas fait de copies de sauvegardes DSiWare, ignorez cette section.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
pour le copier[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
Si vous n’avez pas fait de copies de sauvegardes GBA VC, ignorez cette section.
+ +Pour identifier le Title ID d’un fichier <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, vous pouvez obtenir une liste de tous les jeux installés sur le système et leurs Title IDs correspondant : placez votre curseur sur [A:] SYSNAND SD
, puis maintenez (R) et appuyez sur (A) en même temps, puis sélectionnez “Search for titles”.
-> gm9
+ Appuyez sur (Y) sur le fichier <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
que vous souhaitez restaurer pour le copier[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
pour le sélectionner<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying itGM9SD
+ boot.firm
sur votre carte SD avec le ‘boot.firm’ de votre sauvegardeSi votre linker est déjà pré-flashé avec ntrboot (ou que vous avez déjà flashé votre linker avec ntrboot), vous pouvez passer directement à Installer boot9strap (ntrboot) pour les instructions sur comment l’utiliser.
+ +L’installation de boot9strap à partir de ntrboot nécessite un linker compatible. Notez que certains de ces linkers sont vendus pré-flashés avec ntrboot.
+ +While the ntrboot exploit works independently of the system version, the ntrboot flasher (which installs the exploit to the cart) is not. Ceci signifie que, selon les versions et consoles supportées par votre linker, seules certaines méthodes peuvent vous être disponibles.
+ +Note : les linkers avec une “bombe à retardement” ne seront plus capables de lancers des fichiers .nds
s’ils détectent que l’horloge système a passé une date déterminée par le firmware du linker. Une façon de contourner cela est de positionner l’horloge système sur une date antérieure.
Linker | +Prix actuel | +“Bombe à retardement” ? | +Compatible 3DS ? | +Compatible DSi ? | +Autres notes | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +$15.99 | +September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot; can be flashed back to an NDS flashcart. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (internal switch to switch between ntrboot and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Acekard 2i | +30,99 € | +Non | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +9,99€ | +Non | +Aucun | +Aucun | +Uniquement les modèles avec un type de mémoire flash particulier sont compatibles avec ntrboot. | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +All RTS revisions are compatible. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +$13.99 | +1.85b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (external switch to switch between ntrboot (“3DS”) and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | Non | +Aucun | +Aucun | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | No | +<= 4.3.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Unknown | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Vérifiez que votre linker est capable de lancer des fichiers .nds
sur votre console avant de démarrer. Certains linkers peuvent requérir de copier des fichiers firmware ou “kernel” sur la carte SD. Consultez les instructions spécifiques à votre linker pour plus d’informations.
Notez que des méthodes spécifiques peuvent avoir des informations de compatibilité supplémentaire.
+ +The usage of this exploit, regardless of the flashing method, requires access to a small magnet if the target device is of a folding style (any 3DS family system that is not the old 2DS with a sleep switch). C’est parce que l’exploit demande de mettre la console en veille tout en ayant accès aux boutons.
+ +Pour tester un aimant , il suffit de mettre l’aimant autour des boutons (A), (B), (X), (Y) lorsque l’appareil est allumé , +puis de voir si l’appareil se met en mode veille . Si cela fonctionne , l’écran restera noir jusqu’à ce que vous retirez l’aimant.
+ +Notez que le Linker ne pourra pas être utilisé pour ses fonctions standards tant que l’exploit de ntrboot est installé dessus (sauf dans le cas de l’Acekard 2i, qui reste fonctionnel sur NDS et 3DS avec custom firmware installé seulement). This means that, for most flashcarts, it will not even display on the HOME Menu. Des étapes facultatives se trouvent à la fin des instructions de flash Ntrboot , concernant la suppresion de l’exploit de votre Linker .
+ +Notez qu’il est possible que pendant le flash sur un clone celui-ci devienne inutilisable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. Pour réduire les chances de recevoir un linker contrefait, il est recommandé d’utiliser un site réputable pour acheter votre linker (comme NDS Card)
+ +Cette méthode n’exige rien de plus que votre 3DS originale non hackée et un linker compatible. Cette méthode utilise le linker pour lancer le flasheur ntrboot contenu dans le fichier .nds
sur votre 3DS. Cela signifie que votre Linker doit supporter le lancement des fichiers .nds
sur votre 3DS. Référez-vous au tableau ci-dessus pour une liste des versions compatibles.
Continuer vers Flashing ntrboot (3DS Single System)
+ +Cette méthode nécessite un accès temporaire à un second périphérique de la famille 3DS qui utilise déjà boot9strap. Il n’est pas nécessaire que votre linker supporte la version d’aucune des 3DS.
+ +Continuer vers Flashing ntrboot (3DS Multi System)
+ +Cette méthode nécessite un accès temporaire à une Nintendo DS ou DS LITE qui soit compatible avec votre linker. Cette méthode utilise le linker pour exécuter le flasheur ntrboot .nds
sur votre NDS.
Continuer vers Flashing ntrboot (NDS)
+ +Cette méthode nécessite un accès temporaire à une Nintendo DSI qui soit compatible avec votre linker. Cette méthode utilise le linker pour lancer le flasheur ntrboot contenu dans le fichier .nds
sur votre DSi. Cela signifie que votre linker doit pouvoir lancer des fichiers .nds
sur votre DSi. Référez-vous au tableau ci-dessus pour une liste des versions compatibles.
Continuer vers Flashing ntrboot (DSi)
+ + +Ce site web utilise des cookies pour faciliter la navigation des utilisateurs dans les instructions du guide. Les cookies permettent à la barre latérale de la page d’afficher la progression actuelle à travers le site pour aider les utilisateurs à naviguer plus facilement.
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+ +Ce site utilise Google Analytics pour surveiller et analyser le trafic. Ce site web est hébergé par GitHub Pages, qui peut recueillir des données à votre sujet, utiliser des cookies, intégrer un suivi tiers supplémentaire et surveiller votre interaction avec ce site. Pour plus d’informations sur GitHub Pages et son rapport à la vie privée des utilisateurs, consultez la Déclaration de confidentialité de GitHub.
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+ +Ce site web peut rediriger les utilisateurs vers d’autres sites pour utilisation ou référence. Ce site web n’est pas responsable des politiques de confidentialité des autres sites. Les utilisateurs doivent savoir que les politiques de confidentialité des autres sites web peuvent différer de la présente.
+ +Le contenu de cette politique de confidentialité peut être modifié à tout moment et pour n’importe quelle raison.
+ + +This is an add-on section for region changing your CFW SysNAND. This is done by installing the 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image for the region you want to switch to. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).
+ +Note that region changing is almost completely unnecessary since Luma3DS supports out-of-region games and individual title Locale Emulation. Additionally, running NDS games with alternative out-of-region languages is supported by TWiLight Menu++.
+ +Notez que si vous avez n’importe quel autre payload que GodMode9.firm
dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SD, appuyez (Start) au démarrage affiche un “chainloader menu” où vous devrez utiliser le D-Pad et le bouton (A) pour sélectionner “GodMode9” .
If you change the region of your device:
+ +Vous DEVEZ avoir déjà installé Luma3DS et boot9strap pour utiliser ceci.
+ +Performing a region change may break extended memory mode games (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sun/Moon) on Old 3DS/2DS devices. Si cela se produit, vous devrez formater la console (en utilisant TinyFormat ou les Paramètres de la console) pour résoudre le problème.
+ +Pour utiliser les liens magnet sur cette page, vous aurez besoin d’un client torrent comme qBittorrent ou Deluge.
à la racine de votre carte SD si celui ci n’existe pasGodMode9.firm
de l’archive .zip
de GodMode9 dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SDgm9
de GodMode9 .zip
à la racine de votre carte SD.bin
from the CTRTransfer .zip
to the /gm9/
folder on your SD cardFBI.3dsx
dans le dossier /3ds/
de votre carte SD<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
de CTRTransfer pour le sélectionnerNintendo 3DS
et Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIf the script found no user tickets and told you to skip this section, you can skip this section.
+ +eshop
, ou le dossier unknown
, ou bien les deux si vous avez les deux
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
de l’image CTRTransfer pour le supprimerCette page a été déplacée vers Restauration / Mise à jour du CFW.
+ + +Cette page prépare les consoles avec une installation moderne de boot9strap existante pour la réinstallation et/ou la mise à jour des applications d’un custom firmware. Elle peut également être utilisée en cas de perte ou de corruption de la carte SD.
+ +Your SD card must be formatted as FAT32 to follow this guide, or else the 3DS will be unable to recognize it. If your SD card is not yet properly formatted, use one of these pages to format it, depending on your operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux.
+ +boot.3dsx
and boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card, replacing any existing files
+ The latest version of Luma3DS has now been installed on your SD card and on internal memory.
+Si vous souhaitez réinstaller ou mettre à jour d’autres applications homebrew, continuez vers Finalisation de l’installation
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
de votre carte SDprivate
si vous l’avezIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
de votre carte SDprivate
si vous l’avezIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3
+ + +Populaire
+ + + +Toutes
+ +This page offers troubleshooting advice for commonly encountered issues. If you are unable to solve your issue with the advice on this page, please join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and describe your issue, including what you have already tried.
+ +Used on multiple pages:
+Guide pages:
+Issues after installation:
+You are missing boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap
folder, or the boot9strap
folder is misnamed. Download the latest release of boot9strap, and place boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
in the boot9strap
There is an issue with your boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
files. Re-download the latest release of boot9strap, and place boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
in the boot9strap
You are missing secret_sector.bin
from the boot9strap
folder, or the boot9strap
folder is misnamed. Download secret_sector.bin using a torrent client, and place it in the boot9strap
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance, and describe the message that you see.
+This occurs when you use your SD card in multiple 3DS devices and is intended to prevent inadvertently merging data that would not be valid on other devices. To figure out which long folder name is correct for your 3DS, follow these instructions:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
folder to BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
de votre carte SDNintendo 3DS
folderBACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
folder to Nintendo 3DS
The website has already mined your movable.sed
using your friend code and ID0 combination. You can use the movable.sed
that it provides you.
Your friend code was blocked from using the friend code bot because your 3DS did not successfully friend the bot. Ensure your 3DS is properly connected to the Internet, then join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask to be unlocked.
+The website has determined that your movable.sed
cannot be brute-forced. Ensure that you gave the correct ID0 to the website. If your ID0 is correct, then you will be unable to use Seedminer and you will have to use an alternate method that will require additional games or hardware.
This can occur if you’ve used multiple SD cards on a 3DS and then merged the contents of the SD cards together. This is done to prevent conflicting, valid data from being merged together.
+ +To fix this, you will need to determine which folder contains your data. Usually, this will be the larger (or largest) of the folders. Backup and delete the smaller one(s), then create a Nintendo DSiWare
folder in the one that remains and move F00D43D5.bin
to that location.
Ensure that F00D43D5.bin
is the only file in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. If it is, then re-create it with the Bannerbomb3 Injector.
Also, ensure that bb3.bin
is on the root of the SD card. If it is missing, then download the latest release of Bannerbomb3 (direct download), and copy the bb3.bin
file to the root of your SD card.
If neither of these solutions fixes this problem, then custom firmware may have been uninstalled on this device in a way that makes this method impossible to perform. Si c’est le cas, rejoignez Nintendo Homebrew sur Discord et demandez de l’aide, en anglais.
is missing from Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. Make sure that Nintendo DSiWare
is correctly spelled and spaced. Uppercase/lowercase does not matter.
There may be an issue with your F00D43D5.bin
file (it may be corrupted or intended for the wrong 3DS). Re-create your F00D43D5.bin
file with the Bannerbomb3 Injector, ensuring that you use the movable.sed
file for your console.
unSAFE_MODE is not installed. Follow the instructions to install it.
+The file usm.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of unSAFE_MODE and place usm.bin
on the root of your SD card. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
There is also a possibility that the console isn’t reading your SD card. Make sure it is inserted and formatted correctly.
+The file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+Ensure that your movable.sed
and DSiWare backup come from the same console. A mismatch will result in an error.
You forgot to delete F00D43D5.bin
from the SD card. Navigate to Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card and delete the F00D43D5.bin
There is an issue with your 42383821.bin
file (it is incorrect, missing, misplaced, or corrupted). Re-create your files with the DSIHaxInjector_new website and ensure that you place the 42383821.bin
file from
-> hax
in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
was not copied from your SD card to your system memory.
Your DS Connection Settings application is broken, and you will need Homebrew Launcher access to fix this issue. Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Flipnote may take a long time to index your card if you have a large SD card. Let it sit for a few minutes.
+You did not copy the private
folder from the Frogminer_save .zip
to the root of your SD card.
You may have accidentally touched the touch screen while in the modified Flipnote. Re-enter DS Connection Settings and try again, ensuring that you don’t accidentally use the touchscreen.
+The file boot.nds
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of b9stool and place boot.nds
on the root of your SD card, replacing the existing one.
There is an issue with your boot.nds
file. Re-download the latest release of b9stool and place boot.nds
on the root of your SD card, replacing the existing one.
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and explain what has happened.
+If your device is on system version 9.4.0, 9.5.0, or 9.6.0, you may be encountering a bug with an old version of universal-otherapp. Download the latest version from here.
+ +If your device is not on those firmwares, it likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. You should check for CFW.
+There is an issue with your otherapp.bin
file (it is missing, misplaced, or corrupted). Download the latest release of universal-otherapp and place it on the root of your SD card.
You have the wrong Soundhax file for your device and region, or your device is incompatible with Soundhax. In the latter case, you should update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+The file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+This likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. You should check for CFW.
+The file arm11code.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
There is an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
Browser based exploits (such as this one) are often unstable and crash frequently, but they can sometimes be fixed by doing the following steps.
+ +The SSLoth proxy was incorrectly configured. Re-do the SSLoth section on the page.
+Follow these steps in order:
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
First, make sure you entered the correct proxy for the connection you’re using. If not, go back to Section II. If the proxy is correct, then your device has been cart-updated, which means an alternate exploit will need to be used.
+ +Method 1
+If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or less than 36 (e.g. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), you can follow Soundhax. When prompted to select a firmware to generate the sound file, use:
Method 2 (Old 3DS only)
+If you have an Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, you can try a Safe Mode update, which will trigger an alternate exploit:
If these methods didn’t work (or do not apply to you), update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+ +The file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
There may be an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Re-download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place it on the root of your SD card, and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
If you have a Taiwanese unit (with a T in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##T), you will not be able to follow these instructions, and you will need to update your console and follow Seedminer instead.
+ +If you have a Mainland Chinese unit (with a C in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##C), join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+The steps below can be attempted in any order, but are listed from easiest to hardest to perform.
+ +Download this alternate config.ini and place it in /luma/
. This will change the Rosalina key combination to (X) + (Y).
There is an issue with your boot.3dsx
file (it is missing, misplaced, or corrupted). Download the latest release of the Homebrew Launcher and place boot.3dsx
on the root of your SD card, replacing any existing file.
You did not copy the gm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD card. Download the latest release of GodMode9 and place the gm9
folder on the root of your SD card, merging it with the existing one.
Make sure you have at least 1.3GB available in your SD card. If you don’t have enough space, follow these steps:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder from the root of your SD card to your computergm9/out
on your SD to a safe location on your computer<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
files from the SD card, keeping essential.exefs in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
folder from your computer to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folder from your computerIf you have enough space on your SD card, your SD might be corrupted or faulty. Check your SD card for any errors by following the guide according to your computer’s operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+The steps detailed here generally assume that your device has a modern custom firmware setup (boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 or greater). If your console is running an older homebrew setup (for example, something based on arm9loaderhax or menuhax), you should update your setup before trying these instructions.
+ +There is an issue with your boot.firm
file. If you’re running boot9strap 1.4, your 3DS notification LED may flash a certain color. This color is used to diagnose issues involving your boot.firm
file on SD card or internal memory. On older versions of boot9strap, the blue light will power off almost immediately when trying to turn on the device.
If the notification LED flashes:
+ +boot.firm
on your SD card or on internal memory.boot.firm
on your SD card. It was able to find boot.firm
on internal memory, but the file is corrupted.boot.firm
on both your SD card and on internal memory, but both files are corrupted.You can get a new boot.firm
file by downloading the latest release of Luma3DS, extracting it, and placing boot.firm
on the root of your SD card. If your boot.firm
file is consistently being detected as corrupted, you may want to check your SD card for errors (Windows, Linux, or macOS). Also, note that the 3DS tends to have issues with files extracted using WinRAR.
If you hear a “popping sound”, potentially accompanied with the backlight turning on for a split second, there is a hardware issue with your device (such as a disconnected backlight cable). You may be able to get your device to boot by holding it at certain angles.
+The steps below can be attempted in any order, but are listed from least to most time-consuming.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
folder on your SD card to Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
, then attempt to boot. If your device successfully boots, there is some issue within your Nintendo 3DS
folder. Try clearing HOME Menu extdata:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Delete the corresponding folder for your 3DS region:
+ 00000098
Your Luma3DS version is outdated. Download the latest release of Luma3DS and place boot.firm
on the root of your SD card, replacing any existing file. Make sure you are extracting the ZIP file with any tool other than WinRAR, as it is known to cause issues with 3DS-related files.
There are a number of reasons as to why this could be happening. In any case, this error can usually be fixed by following the CTRTransfer guide.
+ARM11 exception handlers are disabled, or custom firmware is not installed. Try enabling ARM11 exception handlers:
+This could be caused by various reasons, but most likely because your SD card is not being read by the system. +You can check if your SD is being read by holding SELECT on boot and checking the yellow text on the bottom screen; if it says “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, then your device is booting from the internal memory and not from the SD card. +If this is the case, attempt the steps below, which are listed from easiest to hardest:
from the
and place it on the root of your SD card (replacing any existing file)Your device is likely hard-bricked. You will need to buy an ntrboot flashcart to reinstall boot9strap in order to attempt to fix your device. This may also indicate a hardware issue that cannot be fixed. In any case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Please take a photo of the error and join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
à la racine de votre carte SD si celui ci n’existe pasTWLFix-CFW.3dsx
dans le dossier /3ds/
de votre carte SDYour device is running Luma3DS 6.6 or older, likely via arm9loaderhax. You should follow A9LH to B9S to update your device to a modern custom firmware environment.
+This can occur after a CTRTransfer or region change on Old 3DS / 2DS. You will need to system format your device to fix this issue.
+Look for your exception screen in this page. +If you weren’t able to find your error or the instructions didn’t work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for further assistance.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
folder on your SD card00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
folder on your SD card000002ce
You can disable the Parental Controls feature by going to System Settings -> Parental Controls and inserting the PIN, then pressing “Clear Settings”, then “Delete” to remove it. +However, if you do not know the PIN and therefore cannot access the device’s settings, you will need to disable it. In order to do this, you need to obtain your device’s master key (mkey):
+Ceci supprimera complètement le CFW de votre console, y compris boot9strap et Luma3DS, dans le but de restaurer la console en version stock.
+ +Any unsigned (illegitimate) games will be rendered unusable and will be removed during this process. Use a save manager to back up any saves that you care about.
+ +If you’re removing CFW because:
+ +STOP!!! Uninstalling custom firmware is an unnecessary risk that will at best waste your time and at worst BRICK your console. A better idea would be to ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
+If you have done ANY of the following:
) of the consolethen uninstalling CFW WILL BRICK YOUR CONSOLE. If this applies to you, restore a clean NAND backup before continuing.
+Ces instructions ne fonctionneront que sur les consoles avec une version de Luma3DS de 8.0 ou plus récente. Si vous avez une ancienne version de Luma, vous devez mettre à jour votre configuration avant de suivre ces instructions. Suivez cette page pour trouver vos instructions de mise à jour.
+ +boot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis Luma3DS .zip
vers la racine de votre carte SDGodMode9.firm
de l’archive .zip
de GodMode9 dans le dossier /luma/payloads/
sur votre carte SDgm9
de GodMode9 .zip
à la racine de votre carte SDDSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
dans le dossier /3ds/
de votre carte SDsafety_test.gm9
dans le dossier /gm9/scripts/
de votre carte SDLe but de cette section est de vérifier si les applications intégrées en mode DS continueront de fonctionner une fois le CFW désinstallé. Si vous sautez cette section, le mode DS ou ses fonctions peuvent être inaccessibles jusqu’à ce que le CFW soit réinstallé.
+ +Paramètres Internet
-> Connexions Nintendo DS
, puis sélectionnez “OKSi l’un de ces tests a échoué, le mode DS, le Mode téléchargement DS, et/ou les paramètres de Connexions Nintendo DS peuvent être inaccessibles une fois le CFW désinstallé ! You should fix DS mode before continuing.
+ +Le but de cette section est de vérifier que la console démarrera et que les fonctions systèmes critiques, comme les Paramètres de la console et le clavier fonctionneront une fois que le CFW sera désinstallé. Si vous sautez cette section, vous pouvez BRICKER votre console !
+ +If you do NOT boot into the regular 3DS HOME Menu, or System Settings / your keyboard is inaccessible, DO NOT continue with these instructions! Rejoignez Nintendo Homebrew sur Discord et demandez (en Anglais) que quelqu’un vous aide.
+ +Cette section supprimera le contenu illégitime, comme les homebrew et les cartes de jeu dumpées. Si vous avez des données de sauvegarde qui vous intéressent, sauvegardez-les avec un gestionnaire de sauvegardes avant de continuer !
+ +Cette section vous assurera que tous les tickets illégitimes sont supprimés, ce qui permettra à l’eShop de fonctionner normalement. Cela supprimera tout le contenu de la 3DS et vous déconnectera de votre identifiant Nintendo Network (NNID). Gardez à l’esprit qu’une nouvelle clé de chiffrement de votre console sera générée, ce qui signifie que toutes les anciennes données deviendront inutilisables, même si vous avez une sauvegarde du contenu de votre carte SD.
+ +C’est votre dernière occasion de vérifier que toutes les étapes de sécurité ci-dessus ont été suivies ! Veuillez vous assurer que vous avez suivi toutes les sections de cette page, en particulier Section III - Test de sécurité
, avant de continuer.
Tous les custom firmware ont été retiré de votre console.
+ +You can now remove any extra files and folders from the root of your SD card that are not the Nintendo 3DS
, or private
Cette page s’adresse aux utilisateurs de boot9strap déjà présent sur leurs console afin de le mettre à jour vers la dernière version.
+ +Bien que nous pensons que le custom firmware est sûr pour un utilisation en ligne, des cas de bannissements ont été rapportés dans le passé, principalement à cause de tricherie en ligne ou d’un comportement suspect de l’eShop.
+ +Pour toutes les étapes de cette section, remplacez tous les fichiers existants sur votre carte SD.
+ +boot9strap
et boot9strap.firm.sha
depuis le fichier “.zip” de boot9strap vers le dossier /boot9strap/
sur votre carte SDSafeB9SInstaller.firm
de l’archive .zip
de SafeB9SInstaller vers la racine de votre carte SD, et renommez-le en boot.firm
+ boot.firm
existe déjà, remplacez-leRetirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et réinsérez-là dans votre 3DS
+ + +boot.firm
et boot.3dsx
depuis le fichier .zip
de Luma3DS vers la racine de votre carte SD, en écrasant le fichier existant si nécessaireBefore starting this guide, we will see if custom firmware is already installed and check the current system version of your device.
+ +If you see an unusual menu, STOP - you already have custom firmware! Continue from here.
+ +To find the correct method for your device, please enter the system version you found in Section II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +If possible, you should follow the method given by the prompt above.
+ +Otherwise, methods that work on all versions are available, but require additional hardware:
+ +For information on dumping cartridge or SD card content, see Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges.
+ +For support (in English) with GodMode9, as well as help with scripting and to get updates and info, join GodMode9 on Discord.
+ +GodMode9 is a full access file browser for the Nintendo 3DS console, giving you access to your SD card, the FAT partitions inside your SysNAND and EmuNAND, and basically anything else. Among other functionality, you can copy, delete, rename files, and create folders.
+ +Note that if you have any payload files other than GodMode9.firm
in the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD card, holding (Start) on boot will display a “chainloader menu” where you will have to use the D-Pad and the (A) button to select “GodMode9” for these instructions.
GodMode9 is powerful software that has the capability to modify essentially anything on your console. Though many of these modifications are locked behind a permissions system, and it is impossible to accidentally perform dangerous actions without deliberately unlocking permissions, you should still follow instructions carefully and keep backups just in case.
+ +Some of the instructions below are only applicable to the latest version of GodMode9, and as such you should follow this section to update your copy before continuing. Overwrite any existing files.
+ +GodMode9.firm
from the GodMode9 .zip
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD cardgm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD card<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
from your computer to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardFor organizational purposes, copy the .cia
file you wish to inject to the /cias/
folder on your SD card
Note that it is not possible to inject files into Health & Safety that are larger than it (including games and other large applications)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
to select it, then select “CIA image options…”, then select “Mount image to drive”.app
file, then select “NCCH image options”, then select “Inject to H&S”This will only work if the Health & Safety injection was performed by GodMode9 (not Decrypt9 or Hourglass9).
+ +Note that this will erase the contents of your SD card!
+ +GM9SD
+ This is an add-on section for checking your SD card for errors using h2testw.
+ +Depending on the size of your SD card and the speed of your computer, this process can take up to several hours!
+ +This page is for Windows users only. If you are not on windows, check out the F3 (Linux) or F3XSwift (Mac) pages.
+ +h2testw.exe
from the h2testw .zip
to your desktoph2testw.exe
If the test shows the result Test finished without errors
, your SD card is good and you can delete all .h2w
files on your SD card
If the test shows any other results, your SD card may be corrupted or damaged and you may have to replace it!
+ +Sajnáljuk, de a keresett oldal nem létezik.
+ + +Ez az oldal az arm9loaderhax felhasználóknak készült, hogy frissíthessék az eszközüket boot9strap-re.
+ +A Luma3DS a jövőben csak .firm
formátumban kerül kiadásra, amely csak a boot9strap-pel és a sighax-szel kompatibilis. Ez azt jelenti, hogy amennyiben továbbra is szeretnéd a Luma3DS frissítéseit megkapni, ezt az útmutatót kell követned, hogy eszközödet naprakésszé tedd.
Ahhoz, hogy kicsomagold az oldalon található .7z
fájlokat, egy fájl archiváló programra lesz szükséged, mint amilyen a 7-Zip vagy a The Unarchiver.
Habár hiszünk abban, hogy az egyedi firmware online használata biztonságos, fordultak elő online hálózati bannolások a múltban, elsősorban csalásért, vagy gyanús eShop aktívitásért.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy használhasd a magnet linkeket ezen az oldalon, szükséged lesz egy torrent kliensre, mint például a qBittorrent vagy a Deluge.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy New 3DS esetében a secret_sector.bin
fájlra az arm9loaderhax exploit eltávolításához van szükség. Ezért nem kell a gyári állapotú konzolokon a boot9strap telepítéséhez. Ha ezt nem egy New 3DS-en csinálod, akkor nem kell a secret_sector.bin
fájl)A most következő lépésekben mindig írd felül az SD kártyán található fájlokat, ha már létezne bármelyik.
+ +boot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a legfrisebb verziószámú Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
fájlt a v7.0.5-ös Luma3DS .7z
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeSafeB9SInstaller.bin
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
+ luma
vagy payloads
mappa nem létezik, hozd létre őket.bin
payloadot (GodMode9.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
, stb.) a /luma/payloads/
mappából az SD kártyán, mivel ezek nem lesznek kompatibilisek a boot9strap kompatibilis Luma3DS verziókkalboot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
mappájábaCsak New 3DS felhasználóknak: Másold át a secret_sector.bin
fájlt az SD kártyádon található /boot9strap/
folder on your SD card and try againAhhoz, hogy a rendszerből kinyerjük a DSiWare adatokat, egy hibát használunk ki a DSiWare adat kezelési ablakában, a rendszer beállításokban.
+ +Hogy ezt elérjük, szükségünk van a rendszer titkosítási kulcsára (movable.sed), hogy újra építsünk egy DSiWare mentést, aminek segítségével ki tudjuk nyerni a DSi Internet beállítások alkalmazást az SD kártyára.
+ +Ha van egy DSiWare mentésed, egy exploitolható DSiWare cím injektálható a DS Download Play-be, amivel telepíthető az egyéni firmware.
+ +Ezek a lépések CSAK tajvani konzolokhoz jók (amit T betű jelez a rendszer verzió mögött, mint például 11.16.0-39T)! Ha a konzolod más régióból van válaszd a másik metódust.
+ +movable.sed
fájlodra a Seedminer-bő
)További biztonsági lépésként további ellenőrzést végzünk egyedi firmware-re. Ez azért szükséges, mert ha ezt a metódust használjuk már telepített egyedi firmware esetén, meg van a kockázata, hogy brickeljük a konzolt (ami használhatatlanna teszi helyreállítási metódusok nélkül, mint az ntrboot).
+ +Ha a konfigurációs menüt látod vagy a konzolod azonnal kikapcsol, már van CFW-d és az útmutató folyatása BRICKELHETI az eszközödet! Kövesd a CFW ellenőrzését a már meglévő CFW-d frissítéséhez.
+ +boot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébeprivate
mappát a Frogminer_save .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébemovable.sed
fájlod a “Browse…” opció használatávalNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
mappába az SD kártyádon
+ <ID0>
ugyanaz, mint amit a Seedminer-nél használtál<ID1>
egy 32 karakter hosszú nevű mappa az <ID0>
mappábanNintendo DSiWare
nevű mappát az <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
), másold őket a számítógépedre és töröld őket az SD kártyáró
fájlt és navigálj ide: China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
fájlt a Nintendo DSiWare
mappábaData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
-> (2. oldal)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappába az SD kártyá
fájlt és navigálj ide: China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
-> output_hax
fájlt aminek a száma látható volt a második oldalán a DSiWare Management menünek a Nintendo DSiWare
mappába és írd felül, hogyha kérdeziData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
fájlnak kell lennie az SD kártya gyökerébenNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappába az SD kártyán.bin
fájlt a Nintendo DSiWare
fájlod az első “Browse…” opció használatávalmovable.sed
fájlod a második “Browse…” opció használatávalDSdownloadplay
-re (NEM memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappába az SD kártyán484E4441.bin
fájlt az hax
mappájából a letöltött DSiWare csomagból (output_(name).zip) a Nintendo DSiWare
mappábaData Management
-> DSiWare
Ha inkább egy vizuális útmutatót szeretnél ehhez a fejezethez, itt elérhető egy.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben végrehajtasz egy specifikus lépés sorozatot a Flipnote Studio-val, ami ha helyesen került végrehajtásra, elindítja a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappába az SD kártyán484E4441.bin
fájlt az clean
mappájából a letöltött DSiWare csomagból (output_(name).zip) a Nintendo DSiWare
mappábaData Management
-> DSiWare
Ahhoz, hogy saját kódot futtassunk, kihasználunk egy hibát a DSiWare Data Management ablakában, a Settings alkalmazásban.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy ezt elérjük, szükségünk van a rendszer titkosítási kulcsára (movable.sed), hogy újra építsünk egy DSiWare mentést, amivel exploit-olni tudjuk a rendszert.
+ +További technikai információkért látogass el ide.
+Az utasítások az Amerikai, Európai, Japán és Koreai régiójú konzolokon működnek, amik a rendszer verzió mögött egy U, E, J vagy K betű jelöl.
+ +Ha tajvani konzolod van (amit T betű jelez a rendszer verzió mögött), akkor kövesd ezt az oldalt helyette.
+ +movable.sed
fájl a Seedminer-bőlEbben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni azokat a fájlokat az eszközöd SD kártyájára, amik ahhoz szükségesek, hogy kiváltsák a BannerBomb3 exploit-ot.
+ +movable.sed
fájlod a “Choose File” opcióvalF00D43D5.bin
néven és egy payload adatfájlt bb3.bin
néven egy zip mappán belül (
fájlt a
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
mappába az SD kártyádon
+ <ID0>
egy 32 karakter hosszú mappanév, amit a Seedminer-nél másoltál<ID1>
egy 32 karakter hosszú nevű mappa az <ID0>
nevű mappát látsz, kövesd ezeket a lépéseket
+ Nintendo DSiWare
nevű mappát az <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
), másold őket a számítógépedre és töröld őket az SD kártyárólF00D43D5.bin
fájlt a
-ből a Nintendo DSiWare
mappábaEbben a fejezetben tesztelni fogod azt, hogy egyáltalán eléred-e a SAFE_MODE funkcióját az eszközödnek. Ez meghatározza, hogy melyik metódust kell követned a következő oldalon.
+ +Ha láttad a rendszer frissítés képernyőt az előző részben, a Safe Mode működik az eszközödön.
+ +Ha az eszközöd a Safe Mode-ba bootol, folytasd a boot9strap (USM) telepítésével
+ +Ha az eszközöd NEM bootol Safe Mode-ba, folytasd a boot9strap (Fredtool) telepítésével
+ + +If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, go back to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +Ez az útmutató minden kereskedelmi eszközzel működik a Nintendo 3DS konzol családból (beleértve a New 3DS sorozatot és a 2DS-t is), függetlenül a régiótól és a firmware-től.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device , you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +Ebben az útmutatóban másolni fogsz fájlokat, amik letöltésre kerültek a számítógépedre/telefonodra a 3DS-ed SD kártyájára. Ezen fájlok többsége a GitHub-ról jön, így gondolj a fenti képernyőképre, ha nem ismerős számodra, hogyan tölts le onnan fájlokat.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Tovább a kezdeti lépésekhez
+ + +Ez egy kiegészítő fejezet ahhoz, hogy ellenőrizhesd, a konzolod rendelkezik-e valamelyik modern custom firmware-rel.
+ +Ha a konzolod már rendelkezik arm9loaderhax vagy boot9strap alapú custom firmware-rel, akkor kövesd a lépéseket, amik segítségével egy modernebb verzióra frissíthetsz.
+ +Ha a konzolod menuhax alapú CFW konfiguráció, akkor töröld a Home menü extdata-ját, majd kövesd a SysNAND összes lépését. Valószínűleg menuhax alapú konfigurációval rendelkezel, ha a rendszered verziója SD kártya nélkül bootolva 9.2.0-20.
+ +Ha a konzolod visszatér a normál HOME Menühöz, akkor térj vissza a Kezdeti lépésekhez
+ +Ha az látod, hogy a Luma3DS verzió 7.0.5 vagy kisebb folytasd az A9LH-ről B9S-re résszel
+ +Ha az látod, hogy a Luma3DS verzió 7.1, folytasd a B9S frissítése résszel
+ +Ha az látod, hogy a Luma3DS verzió 8.0 vagy nagyobb, folytasd a CFW helyreállítása / frissítése résszel
+ +Ha olyat látsz, ami nincs a fentiek között, csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on és kérj, angolul, támogatást.
+ + +Örülünk neki, ha szeretnél közreműködni a! A következőkben néhány lehetséges módja, hogy hogyan tudod:
+ +Ez az útmutató nyílt forrású - a repository-ja elérhető itt. Ha úgy érzed, hogy probléma van az útmutatóval, beküldhetsz egy issue-t, hogy jelezd nekünk vagy egy pull request-et, hogy a módosításaid bekerüljenek (merge) az útmutatóba.
+ +Ha szeretnéd lefordítani ezt az útmutatót más nyelvekre (vagy segítenél napra készen tartani a fordításokat) nézd meg a Crowdin oldalunkat.
+ +A fájlok egy része ebben az útmutatóban csak torrentként érhető el. Ha szeretnéd seed-elni ezeket a torrenteket, hogy biztosítsd elérhetőségüket a jövőben, töltsd le a minden .torrent
fájlunkat tartalmazó .zip
fájlt: (utoljára frissítve: 2023-03-16)
Van továbbá egy RSS feed-ünk ami frissítésre kerül a jövőbeli törrentekkel, amire feliratkozhatsz.
+ +Az útmutató karbantartása (akár csak a támogatási csatorna) elsősorban önkéntes tevékenység, de ha az útmutató bárhogy segítettet neked, támogatásodat nagyra értékeljük.
+ + + + + +Külön köszönet Plailect-nek, a guide eredeti készítőjének és karbantartójának!
+ +Külön köszönet mindenkinek a Freenode #Cakey csatornájáról!
+ +Külön köszönet minden fordítónak, amiért ilyen királyok!
+ +Ha kihagytunk volna innen, lépj kapcsolatba velünk, és hozzáadjuk a neved.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
Ebben a kiegészítő részben a 11.15.0-s CTRTransfer képfájlt fogjuk az eszközödre telepíteni.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy amennyiben van más payload fájl a GodMode9.firm
fájlon kívül a /luma/payloads/
mappában, indításkor a (Start) gombot lenyomva tartva a “chainloader menu” menü fog megjelenni. Itt a D-Pad és az (A) gomb segítségével válaszd a “GodMode9” opciót, hogy az alábbi utasításokat követhesd.
Az alábbiak használatához már telepítened kellett a következőket: Luma3DS és boot9strap.
+ +Egy CTRTransfer végrehajtása tönkre teheti a bővített memória módú játékokat (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sun/Moon) régi 3DS/2DS eszközökön. Ha ez előfordulna, formáznod kell az eszközödet (a TinyFormat vagy a System Settings használatával) a javításhoz.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy használhasd a magnet linkeket ezen az oldalon, szükséged lesz egy torrent kliensre, mint például a qBittorrent vagy a Deluge.
néven az SD kártyád gyökerében, ha még nem létezik ilyenGodMode9.firm
fájlt a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
mappát a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe.bin
képfájlt a CTRTransfer .zip
-ből az SD kártyádon található /gm9/
fájlt az SD kártyád /3ds/
mappájába[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
van kijelölve, hogy kiválaszdNintendo 3DS
és Nintendo DS
gombokat nem látszboot.3dsx
az SD kártyád gyökerébőlHa a szkript nem talált egy felhasználói ticketet sem és azt írta, hogy hagyd ki ezt a rész, akkor hagyd is ki.
+ +eshop
mappára, vagy az unknown
mappára, vagy mindkettőre
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
van kijelölve, hogy kitöröldHa segítségre van szükséged GodMode9-nal kapcsolatban (angol nyelven), legyen az scriptelés, vagy a legfrissebb információk beszerzése, csatlakozz a GodMode9 Discord szerverhez.
+ +Amellett, hogy létrehozni és helyreállítani képes NAND mentéseket, a GodMode9-nek van olyan funkciója, hogy dumpoljon telepített címeket egy telepíthető .cia
fájlba, és hogy játék cartridge adatot egy .3ds
ROM fájlba, és hogy direkt módon telepítsen játék cardridge-eket a rendszerre.
Ezek a lépések GodMode9 v2.0.0 vagy későbbi verzióhoz készültek. Ha régebbi GodMode9 verziód van, kövesd a lépéseket a frissítéséhez.
+ +GodMode9.firm
fájlt a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
mappát a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeHelyezd be a készülékedbe a menteni kívánt játékkártyát
formátumba lesznek mentve.nds
formátumba lesznek mentve[C:] GAMECART
fájlon, hogy kijelöld[TitleID].nds
fájlon, hogy kijelöld
+ .3ds
vagy .nds
formátumú fájlodat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájában találod ezutánEz csak 3DS játékokkal működik; nem lehetséges egy NDS játékkártya telepítése a rendszerre, mint cím.
-en, hogy kijelöld, majd válaszd a “NCSD image options…“-t, majd az “Install game image” lehetőségetEzt csak akkor ajánlott használni, ha a Játékkártya telepítése közvetlenül a rendszerre nem működik.
-en, hogy kijelöld, majd válaszd a “NCSD image options…“-t, majd az “Build CIA from file” lehetőséget.cia
formátumú fájlodat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájában találod ezutánLehetővé teszi a Rendszer- és Felhasználó által telepített digitális címeket, mint azokat, amiket amelyek az eShop-ból kerültek letöltésre.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
formátumú fájlodat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájában találod ezutánA játék az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájába kerül kimentésre <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Egy <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
fájl Title ID-jének azonosításához használhatod a Title ID-k listáját a rendszeren a (Home) gombot megnyomásával az akció menüt előhozva, majd a Title manager
-t választva és utána kiválasztva az [A:] SD CARD
fájlon, hogy kijelöldEgy <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
fájl Title ID-jének azonosításához használhatod a Title ID-k listáját a rendszeren a (Home) gombot megnyomásával az akció menüt előhozva, majd a Title manager
-t választva és utána kiválasztva az [A:] SD CARD
-> gm9
fájlon, hogy kimásold[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
fájlon, hogy kijelöldA rend kedvéért, másold a titkosítani vagy visszafejteni kívánt .cia
fájljaidat az SD kártyád /cias/
-> cias
fájlon, hogy kijelöld, majd válaszd a “CIA image options…” opciót.cia
fájlból az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
fájlból az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
fájlt a titkosított változatára.cia
fájlt a titkosítatlan változatára.cia
fájlodat ezután megtalálod a kívánt helyenEz egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben F3 segítségével keresünk hibákat az SD kártyádon.
+ +Az SD kártyád méretétől és a számítógéped sebességétől függően ez a folyamat több óráig is eltarthat!
+ +Ez az oldal Linux felhasználókra vonatkozik. Ha nem Linuxod van, nézd meg a H2testw (Windows) vagy az F3X (Mac) oldalt.
paranccsal az f3 könyvtárbamake
-et az F3 összeállításához./f3write <az SD kártyád csatolási pontja>
parancsot$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <az SD kártyád csatolási pontja>
parancsot$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
Ha a teszt eredménye Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
, az SD kártyád rendben van és most már törölheted az összes .h2w
fájlt róla
Ha a teszt eredménye bármi más, elképzelhető, hogy az SD kártyád sérült, és cserélned kell!
+ +Ez egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben F3X segítségével keresünk hibákat az SD kártyádon.
+ +Az SD kártyád méretétől és a számítógéped sebességétől függően ez a folyamat több óráig is eltarthat!
+ +Ez az oldal Mac felhasználókra vonatkozik. Ha nem Mac-ed van, nézd meg a H2testw (windows) vagy az F3 (Linux) oldalt.
+ +Ha Mac-et használsz macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) vagy újabb verzióval, akkor kövesd az F3XSwift (Mac) útmutatót helyette.
fájltHa azt az eredményt kapod, hogy Success! Your card is ok!
, az SD kártyád rendben van és most már törölheted az összes .h2w
fájlt róla
Ha a teszt eredménye bármi más, elképzelhető, hogy az SD kártyád sérült, és cserélned kell!
+ +Ez egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben F3XSwift segítségével keresünk hibákat az SD kártyádon.
+ +Az SD kártyád méretétől és a számítógéped sebességétől függően ez a folyamat több óráig is eltarthat!
+ +Ez az oldal Mac felhasználókra vonatkozik. Ha nem Mac-ed van, nézd meg a H2testw (windows) vagy az F3 (Linux) oldalt.
+ +Az F3XSwift csak macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) és újabb verziókkal kompatibilis. Ha régebbi macOS verziód van kövesd a F3X (Mac) útmutatót helyette.
+ +Ha azt az eredményt kapod, hogy Success! Your card is ok!
, az SD kártyád rendben van és most már törölheted az összes .h2w fájlt róla
Ha a teszt eredménye bármi más, elképzelhető, hogy az SD kártyád sérült, és cserélned kell!
+ +Igen, továbbra is tudsz telepíteni egyedi firmware-t a 3DS-edre, az eShop bezárása után is.
+ +A legutolsó 3DS firmware a 11.16.0. Amit érdemes tudnod:
+ +Igen! Az utolsó firmware (11.16.0) rendelkezik ingyenes metódussal a CFW beszerzéséhez, amit Seedminer-nek hívnak.
+A lépések azonosak minden kereskedelmi 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, és New 2DS XL eszközhöz. Ha a rendszered verziója “0.0.0-0”, akkor fejlesztői rendszered van.
+A brickelés ma már alapvetően lehetetlen, kivéve, ha szándékosan szeretnéd brickelni az eszközödet.
+Igen! Ez az útmutató telepít néhány hasznos homebrew alkalmazást, beleértve az Universal-Updater-t, ami homebrew alkalmazás boltként működik.
+Igen; a Luma3DS automatikusan figyelmen kívül hagyja a régió ellenőrzést a cartridge-ek és a telepített címek esetében. Néhány játék igényli a Luma’s nyelvi emulációs funkcióját a működéshez, ha régión kívüli eszközökön fut.
+Nem. Egyedi firmware-rel ellátott eszközökkel ugyanúgy játszhatsz online és futtathatsz fizikai cartridge-eket, amiket minden más 3DS futtatni tud.
+Az NNID-et (ha van) nem befolyásolja az útmutató végrehajtása. A KOR, CHN vagy TWN régiós eszközök nem rendelkeznek alaphelyzetben NNID funkcionalitással, így ezek az eszközök nem érintettek.
+2017 májusában volt egy ban hullám ami jellemzően véletlen alapon kitiltotta a CFW felhasználókat az online játékból (az eShop hozzáférés, az NNID-k és a Nintendo fiókok nem voltak érintettek). Azóta nem volt ilyen mértékű ban hullám. Ez azt jelenti, hogy nem tudjuk mit tervez a Nintendo a jövőben. Jelenleg nem gondoljuk azt, hogy a ban olyan dolog, ami miatt aggódnod kellene.
+Igen! Egyedül arra van szükséged, hogy fájlokat tudj másolni egy kompatibilis SD kártyára.
+Legalább 1.5GB szabad hely kell az SD kártyán az útmutató teljes végrehajtásához. Habár a 3DS hivatalosan 32GB SD kártya méretig kompatibilis, nagyobb SD kártyák is használhatók, miután kézzel újra formázásra kerültek FAT32 fájlrendszerre. Nem javasoltak 128GB-nál nagyobb SD kártyák, az ismert problémák miatt a GBA grafikával és az egyedi témákkal.
+Nem. Egyedi firmware telepíthető ingyen a legutolsó firmware-re bármilyen hardver eszköz nélkül. Gyakorlatban a 3DS-mód flashcart-ok, mint a Gateway és a Sky3DS nem ajánlottak, mert elavultak és a ban vagy brick kockázatát hordják magukban.
+Definició szerint az egyedi firmware a 3DS rendszer szoftverének módosítását jelenti, azért, hogy olyan dolgok is megtehetők legyenek, amik normál esetben nem. Homebrew általában olyan szoftvert jelent, ami nem hivatalos forrásból származik (pl.: nem eShop-on vagy cartridge-n keresztül terjesztett).
+ +Történetileg a 3DS felhasználói szintű homebrew hozzáférése régi exploitokon keresztül történt, mint a ninjahax”, amit néha az emberek csak “homebrew”-nak hívtak. A rendszer hozzáférés szintje felhasználói, ami lehetővé tette hogy futtass alap homebrew alkalmazásokat és emulátorokat, de nem tette lehetővé (könnyedén) a játékok módosítását vagy cartridge-ek dumpolását. Továbbá kevésbé volt stabil, a homebrew alkalmazások sűrűn összeomlottak, teljes újra indítást igényelve. Az egyedi firmware nagyobb szintű hozzáférést engedélye a rendszerhez, miközben stabilabb, mint a csak-homebrew belépési pontok.
+ +Ha Luma3DS-t használsz, az egyedi firmware loader (boot9strap) soha nem kerül eltávolításra egy rendszer frissítés során. Korábban voltak olyan frissítések, amik a Luma3DS összeomlását eredményezték bootoláskor, így jó ötlet várni egy pár órát, hogy biztos legyél, hogy a legutolsó frissítés átmenetileg nem teszi-e használhatatlanná a rendszered, mielőtt a Luma3DS frissítésre kerül. A rendszer frissítések úgy történnek, mint egy alap 3DS-en: a System Settings-en, Safe Mode-on vagy a felugró frissítési üzeneten keresztül, amikor a frissítések automatikusan letöltődtek.
+Másold át az SD kártyád tartalmát egy új FAT32-re formázott SD kártyára. A 128GB-os kártyák esetén a 65536 allokációs méret javasolt. 128GB-nál nagyobb SD kártyák nem javasoltak az ismert problémák miatt a GBA grafikával és az egyedi témákkal.
+Igen, a rendszer átvitel végrehajtható a hivatalos System Transfer funkcióval más CFW-vel rendelkező konzolokra (inkonzisztenciák előfordulhatnak, ha a cél egy alap konzol). Az illegitim címek (homebrew) jegyei (ticket) nem kerülnek átvitelre, de a faketik-kel újra megjeleníthetők. Ügyelj arra, hogy ne használj vezeték nélküli átvitelt, mert az törli az illegitim címeket. A CFW megmarad minkét konzolon.
+Az egyetlen módja a rendszer nyelv módosításának egy japán 3DS esetében más nyelvre a régió csere. Fontos megjegyezni, hogy ez erősen valószínű, hogy elrontja a Nintendo eShop-ot a készülékeden, így nem fogsz tudni frissíteni játékokat, függetlenül attól, hogy régión belüli vagy kívüli.
+ +Ez elsősorban a formátumától függ a homebrew alkalmazásnak. Általánosságban beszélve:
+ +/3ds/
mappában. Ha a homebrew app további fájlokat tartalmaz, azokat valahova máshova kell raknod. Tekintsd meg a homebrew alkalmazás dokumentációját.A játék frissítések továbbra is letölthetők a Nintendo eShop-ból, annak leállításától függetlenül.
+ +Ha a játék nem ugyanabból a régióból származik, mint a konzolod, akkor dumpolnod kell a frissítéseket egy olyan 3DS-ről, amire azok telepítésre kerültek. A Nintendo eShop csak a konzol régiójának megfelelő frissítéseket tartalmazzák (egy japán 3DS csak japán játékokhoz kap frissítéseket).
+Kérjük, nézd meg a hibaelhárítási útmutatót. A CFW eltávolítása, amikor az eszközöd nem bootható nem ajánlott, mert nagyon + valószínű, hogy brickeli az eszközödet.
+Ajánlott, hogy frissítsd egy modern, boot9strap alapúra. Kövesd a CFW ellenőrzését, hogy megtudd, hogyan frissítheted.
+A modern homebrew jelentős része (mint pédául a Checkpoint és a BootNTR Selector) csak modern, boot9strap alapú rendszeren tesztelt, és lehet nem fog teljesen (vagy egyáltalán nem) működni régebbi menuhax, A9LH, vagy Gateway alapú konfigurációkon. Továbbá, a konfigurációdtól függően, lehet, hogy nem tudsz biztonságosan frissítani a legutolsó firmware-re. A modern, boot9strap alapú rendszerek magasabb szintű rendszer hozzáféréssel rendelkeznek, mint a a korábbiak, beleértve a konzol bootrom-jának dumpolásának képességét.
+A régi konfigurációd (beleértve az EmuNAND-od, ha van ilyened) általában közvetlenül migrálható boot9strap-re adatvesztés nélkül. Ha van számodra különösen fontos adat, jó ötlet lehet frissítés előtt egy decryptált mentés készítése a mentés adatodról, olyan eszközzel, mint például a JKSM.
+V: Nézd meg ezt az üzenetszálat.
+Ez egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben kikapcsoljuk a Windows azon alap viselkedését, hogy elrejti a fájlkiterjesztéseket.
+ +Ez megkönnyíti majd számodra, hogy megtaláld az útmutatóban említett fájlokat.
+ +Kattints a “Fájlnévkiterjesztések”-re az engedélyezéséhez
+ + +Pipáld be a “Fájlnévkiterjesztések” dobozt
+ + +Keress a “Mappabeállítások” kulcsszóra, majd válaszd ki a megfelelő találatot
+ + +Vedd ki a pipát az “Ismert fájltípusok kiterjesztésének elrejtése” dobozból
+ + +A boot.firm
nevezetű fájl az, amit maga a boot9strap elindít, amint betöltődik a NAND-ból. Ebben az esetben a LumaTeam által készített Luma3DS-t használjuk az eszköz patcheléséhez, hogy tudjon homebrew programokat futtatni.
Ezen az oldalon kritikus rendszer mentéseket fogunk csinálni és a következő homebrew alkalmazásokat fogjuk telepíteni:
+ +Nem ajánlott ezeket az alkalmazásokat nem letölteni, mert mindegyik még használva lesz ezen az oldalon. Ennek az oldalnak a végén az SD kártyádról el lesznek távolítva a felesleges telepítő fájlok.
+ +Ha az új 3DS konzolod a 2.1.0 verzión volt, a NAND-ról készült bizonsági másolatot állítsd vissza mielőtt tovább mennél. Ez valószínűleg nem vonatkozik rád, ha csak nem 2017-ben olvasod ezt az útmutatót.
+ +Ha az előző egyedi firmware rendszered EmuNAND alapú volt és szeretnéd az EmuNAND/RedNAND tartalmait a SysNAND-re másolni, kövest az EmuNAND költöztetése útmutatót ez az oldal előtt. Ha nem tudod mi az az EmuNAND, ez nem vonatkozik rád.
+ +.cia
és a .3dsx
is szükséges).zip
fájl)Ebben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni az ahhoz szükséges fájlokat, hogy kövesd a lépéseket ezen az oldalon.
+ +cias
néven az SD kártyád gyökerében, ha még nem létezik ilyenAnemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, FBI.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
, és Universal-Updater.cia
) a /cias/
mappába az SD kártyádon3ds
néven az SD kártyád gyökerében, ha még nem létezik ilyen
+ Nintendo 3DS
mappa, amit az eszköz automatikusan generálFBI.3dsx
fájlt az SD kártyád /3ds/
néven az SD kártyád luma
nevezetű mappájában, ha még nem létezik ilyenGodMode9.firm
fájlt a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
mappát a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeAz alábbi képernyőképek mutatják az SD kártya minimális elrendezését ahhoz, hogy ezt az útmutatót követni tudd. Lehetnek extra fájljaid és mappáid az SD kártyádon, függően a korábbi telepítésedtől vagy metódustól, amit követtél.
+ + + + + +Ebben a fejezetben frissíteni fogod a rendszered a legutolsó verzióra, ami biztonságos az egyedi firmware-rel.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben átmenetileg le fogod cserélni a Download Play-t a Homebrew Launcher-rel (ami szükséges az FBI indításához). A Download Play automatikusan visszaáll normálisra, amint újrabootolod az eszközödet.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
és Nintendo DS
gombokat nem látszboot.3dsx
az SD kártyád gyökerébőlEbben a fejezetben szinkronizálni fogod a 3DS belső óráját az aktuális időhöz és dumpolni a hang firmware-t (ami szükséges néhány homebrew alkalmazáshoz, hogy a hangot megfelelően használja).
+ +Ebben a fejezetben fel fogsz telepíteni néhány hasznos homebrew alkalmazást a HOME Menube.
+ +SD
-> cias
Ebben a fejezetben egy szkriptet fogsz használni, hogy bemásold a Luma3DS néhány fájlját a belső memóriába, így elérhetők még akkor is, ha nincs SD kártya behelyezve.
+ +GodMode9.firm
megtalálható a /luma/payloads/
könyvtárban és hogy a payloads
helyesen van írvaEbben a fejezetben egy szkriptet fogsz használni arra, hogy eltávolítsd a felesleges fájlokat az SD kártyádról.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben mentés fájlokat fogsz készíteni, amik a helyreállításhoz használhatók, ha szoftveres brickelés történik, vagy ha helyre szeretnéd állítani az adatokat.
fájlon, hogy kijelöld<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, essential.exefs
fájlokat a /gm9/out/
mappából az SD kártyáról egy biztonságos helyre a számítógépeden
+ <dátum>_<sorozatszám>_sysnand_##.bin
és a <dátum>_<sorozatszám>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
fájlokat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájából, miután lemásoltad azokat
+ /luma/backups/
mappát az SD kártyáról egy biztonságos helyre a számítógépedenKész vagy! Az egyedi firmware most már teljesen be van állítva az eszközödön.
+ +Szia! Szívesen veszünk visszajelzéseket az útmutatónk követéséről. Ha szeretnél segíteni, töltsd ki a kérdőívünket itt (csak angolul elérhető). Köszönjük!
+ +Néhány billentyű kombináció amit ismerned kell:
+ +/luma/payloads/
mappában a Luma3DS chainloader-t a (Select) gomb lenyomva tartásával.Nézd meg ezt ötletekért, hogy mit tudsz csinálni az egyedi firmware-rel.
+ +Információkért a GodMode9 különféle funkcióiról olvasd el a GodMode9 használata és a Címek és Játék Cartridge-ek dumpolása című leírásokat.
+ + +Mielőtt elkezdenénk, bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy mindent elolvastál az ntrboot-tal kapcsolatban
+ +Ehhez a módszerhez szükséged lesz átmenetileg egy második 3DS konzolra, amin már telepítve van a boot9strap. Viszont egyik 3DS verziójának sem szükséges támogatnia a flashkártyádat.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy néhány ritka esetben lehetséges, hogy a flashelési folyamat során brickelődjön néhány hamisított flashkártya és végleg használhatatlanná váljon. Ez elég valószínűtlen, azonban éppen emiatt csak eredeti flashkártyákat támogatunk. Ajánlott jó hírű oldalakon vásárolni (mint például az NDS Card), hogy elkerüld a hamisított flashkártyákat
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap_ntr.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap ntr .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /ntrboot/
fájlt a forrás 3DS SD kártyáján található /luma/payloads/
mappábaMielőtt elkezdenénk, bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy mindent elolvastál az ntrboot-tal kapcsolatban
+ +Ehhez a módszerhez mindössze egy gyári állapotú 3DS-re és egy kompatibilis flashkártyára van szükséged. Ez a módszer a flashkártyát használja, hogy futtassa az ntrboot flashelő .nds
fájlt a 3DS-eden. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a flashkártyádnak támogatnia kell .nds
fájlok futtatását a 3DS-ed verzióján. További információkért lásd a táblázatot az ntrboot oldalon.
Vedd figyelembe, hogy néhány ritka esetben lehetséges, hogy a flashelési folyamat során brickelődjön néhány hamisított flashkártya és végleg használhatatlanná váljon. Ez elég valószínűtlen, azonban éppen emiatt csak eredeti flashkártyákat támogatunk. Ajánlott jó hírű oldalakon vásárolni (mint például az NDS Card), hogy elkerüld a hamisított flashkártyákat
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
néven a flashkártyád SD kártyájának gyökerébenboot9strap_ntr.firm
fájlt a boot9strap ntr .zip
fájlból a flash kártyád SD kártyájának /ntrboot/
fájlt a flashkártyád SD kártyájárantrboot_flasher_nds.nds
fájlt a készülékeden a flashkártyád segítségévelMielőtt elkezdenénk, bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy mindent elolvastál az ntrboot-tal kapcsolatban
+ +Ehhez a módszerhez szükséged lesz átmenetileg egy Nintendo DSi készülékre, ami kompatibilis a flashkártyáddal. Ez a módszer a flashkártyát használja, hogy futtassa az ntrboot flashelő .nds
fájlt a DSi-den. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a flashkártyádnak támogatnia kell .nds
fájlok futtatását azon a verzión, amin a DSi-d áll. További információkért lásd a táblázatot az ntrboot oldalon.
Vedd figyelembe, hogy néhány ritka esetben lehetséges, hogy a flashelési folyamat során brickelődjön néhány hamisított flashkártya és végleg használhatatlanná váljon. Ez elég valószínűtlen, azonban éppen emiatt csak eredeti flashkártyákat támogatunk. Ajánlott jó hírű oldalakon vásárolni (mint például az NDS Card), hogy elkerüld a hamisított flashkártyákat
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
fájlt a flashkártyád SD kártyájárads_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
fájlt a forrás DSi-n a flashkártyád segítségévelMielőtt elkezdenénk, bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy mindent elolvastál az ntrboot-tal kapcsolatban
+ +Ehhez a módszerhez szükséged lesz átmenetileg egy Nintendo DS vagy egy Nintendo DS Lite készülékre, ami kompatibilis a flashkártyáddal. Ez a módszer a flashkártyát használja, hogy futtassa az ntrboot flashelő .nds
fájlt az NDS-eden.
Vedd figyelembe, hogy néhány ritka esetben lehetséges, hogy a flashelési folyamat során brickelődjön néhány hamisított flashkártya és végleg használhatatlanná váljon. Ez elég valószínűtlen, azonban éppen emiatt csak eredeti flashkártyákat támogatunk. Ajánlott jó hírű oldalakon vásárolni (mint például az NDS Card), hogy elkerüld a hamisított flashkártyákat
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
néven a flashkártyád SD kártyájának gyökerébenboot9strap_ntr.firm
fájlt a boot9strap ntr .zip
fájlból a flash kártyád SD kártyájának /ntrboot/
fájlt a flashkártyád SD kártyájárantrboot_flasher_nds.nds
fájlt a forrás NDS-en / NDSL-en a flashkártyád segítségévelEz egy kiegészítő rész az SD kártya formázásához, hogy az működjön a 3DS-el.
+ +Ha a 3DS már felismeri az SD kártyát, ez az útmutató nem szükséges.
+ +Ez az oldal Linux felhasználókra vonatkozik. Ha nem Linux rendszeren vagy, kövesd az SD formázás (Windows) vagy SD formázás (Mac) útmutatókat.
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
1-re állított, ellenőrizd, hogy a zároló csúszka nincs-e lehúzvasudo mkfs.fat /dev/(az eszköz neve fentről) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(az eszköz neve fentről) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(az eszköz neve fentről) -s 128 -F 32
+ Ez egy kiegészítő rész az SD kártya formázásához, hogy az működjön a 3DS-el.
+ +Ha a 3DS már felismeri az SD kártyát, ez az útmutató nem szükséges.
+ +Ez az oldal Mac felhasználókra vonatkozik. Ha nem Mac rendszeren vagy, kövesd az SD formázás (Windows) vagy SD formázás (Linux) útmutatókat.
+ +Válaszd ki az SD kártyád a bal oldali panelen
+ +Legyél biztos abban, hogy a jó meghajtót választod, egyébként rossz merevlemezt törölhetsz!
+Válaszd ki az SD kártyád a bal oldali panelen
+ +Legyél biztos abban, hogy a jó meghajtót választod, egyébként rossz merevlemezt törölhetsz!
+Ez egy kiegészítő rész az SD kártya formázásához, hogy az működjön a 3DS-el.
+ +Ha a 3DS már felismeri az SD kártyát, ez az útmutató nem szükséges.
+ +Ez az oldal Windows felhasználókra vonatkozik. Ha nem Windows rendszeren vagy, kövesd az SD formázás (Linux) vagy SD formázás (Mac) útmutatókat.
+ +SD Card Formatter Setup
-ot (az .exe
fájlt) a letöltött .zip
fájlból rendszergazda joggal a program telepítéséhezSD Card Formatter
-t a Start menübőlVálaszd ki az SD kártyád betűjelét a “Select card”-nál
+ +Legyél biztos abban, hogy a jó meghajtó betűt választod, egyébként rossz merevlemezt törölhetsz!
alkalmazástVálaszd ki az SD kártyád betűjelét a “Drive” alatt
+ +Legyél biztos abban, hogy a jó meghajtó betűt választod, egyébként rossz merevlemezt törölhetsz!
+Mielőtt elkezdenénk ezt az útmutatót, ellenőrizzük, hogy van-e már egyedi firmware telepítve, illetve mi az eszközöd jelenlegi rendszer verziója.
+ +Ha egy szokatlan menüt látsz ÁLLJ MEG - már vagy egyedi firmwared! Folytasd innen.
+ +A korrrekt metódushoz az eszközödhöz, kérjük add meg azt a rendszer verziót, amit a II. részben találtál.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +Ha lehetséges, azt a metódust kell követned, ami feljebb látszik.
+ +Egyéb esetekben más, az összes verziónál használható metódus elérhető, de további hardvert igényelnek:
+ +A cartridge-ek vagy SD kártya tartalom dumpolásáról információkért, tekintsd meg a A címek és játék cartridge-ek dumpolása oldalt.
+ +Ha segítségre van szükséged GodMode9-nal kapcsolatban (angol nyelven), legyen az scriptelés, vagy a legfrissebb információk beszerzése, csatlakozz a GodMode9 Discord szerverhez.
+ +A GodMode9 egy teljes hozzáférést biztosító fájlkezelő a Nintendo 3DS konzolhoz, amely hozzáférést ad az SD kártyához, a SysNAND-od és EmuNAND-od FAT partícióihoz, és alapvetően bármi máshoz. Sok más funkció mellett lehetőséged van másolni, törölni, átnevezni fájlokat és létrehozni mappákat.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy amennyiben van más payload fájl a GodMode9.firm
fájlon kívül a /luma/payloads/
mappában, indításkor a (Start) gombot lenyomva tartva a “chainloader menu” menü fog megjelenni. Itt a D-Pad és az (A) gomb segítségével válaszd a “GodMode9” opciót, hogy az alábbi utasításokat követhesd.
A GodMode9 egy nagy tudású szoftver, ami képes módosítani alapvetően bármit a konzolodon. Bár ezen módosítások jelentős része zárolva van egy jogosultsági rendszer segítségével, és lehetetlen veszélyes műveleteket végezni csak úgy véletlenül a védelem feloldása nélkül, fontos, hogy pontosan kövesd az utasításokat, és tarts biztonsági másolatokat.
+ +A lentebbi utasítások egy része csak a legfrissebb GodMode9-on érhető el, emiatt előbb ezt a részt kell végigcsinálnod, mielőtt belekezdenél azokba. Írj felül bármi olyan fájlt, ami már létezik.
+ +GodMode9.firm
fájlt a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
mappát a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
és az essential.exefs
fájlokat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájából valami biztonságos helyre a számítógépeden
+ <dátum>_<sorozatszám>_sysnand_##.bin
és a <dátum>_<sorozatszám>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
fájlokat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájából, miután lemásoltad azokat<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
fájlt a számítógépedről az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájábaA rend kedvéért, másold az injektálni kívánt .cia
fájlt az SD kártyád /cias/
Vedd figyelembe, hogy nem lehetséges a “Health & Safety”-be injektálni nála nagyobb fájlokat (beleértve a játékokat és más, nagy méretű alkalmazásokat)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
van kijelölve, hogy kiválaszd, majd válaszd a “CIA image options…” opciót, utána pedig a “Mount image to drive” lehetősé
fájl van kijelölve, majd válaszd az “NCCH image options”, aztán az “Inject to H&S” opciókatEz csak akkor fog működni, ha az injektálást GodMode9 végezte (nem pedig Decrypt9 vagy Hourglass9).
+ +Ne feledd, hogy ez minden adatot töröl az SD kártyádról!
+ +GM9SD
+ Ez egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben h2testw segítségével keresünk hibákat az SD kártyádon.
+ +Az SD kártyád méretétől és a számítógéped sebességétől függően ez a folyamat több óráig is eltarthat!
+ +Ez az oldal Windows felhasználókra vonatkozik. Ha nem Windowsod van, nézd meg az F3 (Linux) vagy az F3X (Mac) oldalt.
+ +h2testw.exe
-t a h2testw .zip
-ből az asztalrah2testw.exe
-tHa a teszt eredménye Test finished without errors
, az SD kártyád hibátlan, és törölheted a .h2w
fájlokat az SD kártyádról
Ha a teszt eredménye bármi más, elképzelhető, hogy az SD kártyád sérült, és cserélned kell!
+ +Ez a metódusa Seedminer használatának további exploitolás céljából használja a movable.sed
fájlt, hogy egy egyedi Pokémon Picross mentés fájlt írjon, amit már használhat az unSAFE_MODE (a Homebrew Launcher-en keresztül) a SafeB9Installer futtatására.
A PicHaxx-ról információkért látogass el ide.
+ +Ezek az utasítások az Amerikai, Európai, Japán régiójú konzolokon működnek, amit a rendszer verzió mögött egy U, E vagy J betű jelöl.
+ +Szükséged van egy Nintendo Network ID-re a Pokémon Picross letöltéséhez.
+ +Ennek a folyamatnak a során a Pokémon Picross mentése felülírásra kerül, ha rendelkezel ilyennel. Ha szeretnéd megőrizni a Pokémon Picross játék adatod, készítened kell egy mentést a 00000001.sav
fájlról, mielőtt felülírnád.
fájlodra a Seedminer-bő
fájl)Ebben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni a fájlokat, amik a Homebrew Launcher indításához szükségesek.
+ +boot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe
+ 3ds
néven az SD kártyád gyökerébenslotTool
mappát az unSAFE_MODE .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerében található 3ds
mappájából az SD kártya gyökerébe, majd nevezd át otherapp.bin
névreEbben a fejezetben létre fogsz hozni egy hackelt Pokémon Picross mentés fájlt, ami használatakor betölti a Homebrew Launcher-t az eszközödön.
+ +movable.sed
fájlodNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> title
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
útvonalra az SD kártyán
+ <ID0>
ugyanaz, mint amit a Seedminer-nél használtál<ID1>
egy 32 karakter hosszú nevű mappa az <ID0>
fájlt a data
könyvtárba az SD kártyán
+ Alaposan olvasd végig az összes bevezető oldalt (beleértve ezt is) mielőtt bármibe belekezdenél.
+ +A Custom firmware (“CFW”) egy teljes szoftver módosítása a 3DS-ednek, ami a számítógéped “rendszergazdai hozzáféréséhez” hasonlítható. Lehetővé teszi, hog bármit csinál amire a 3DS fizikailag képes, a helyett, hogy korlátozva lennél arra amit a Nintendo enged meg számodra.
+ +A custom firmware gyakori felhasználásai a következők:
+ +Az útmutató:
+Ez a metódusa a Seedminer használatának a további exploitoláshoz használja a movable.sed
fájlod, hogy dekriptáljon egy DSiWare címet, azzal az céllal, hogy beinjektáljon egy exploitolható DSiWare címet a DS Download Play alkalmazásba.
Ez egy jelenleg működő megvalósítása a “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” néven ismert exploitnak, amiről részletesebben olvashatsz itt.
+ +movable.sed
fájlodra a Seedminer-bő
fájl)További biztonsági lépésként további ellenőrzést végzünk egyedi firmware-re. Ez azért szükséges, mert ha ezt a metódust használjuk már telepített egyedi firmware esetén, meg van a kockázata, hogy brickeljük a konzolt (ami használhatatlanna teszi helyreállítási metódusok nélkül, mint az ntrboot).
+ +Ha a konfigurációs menüt látod vagy a konzolod azonnal kikapcsol, már van CFW-d és az útmutató folyatása BRICKELHETI az eszközödet! Kövesd a CFW ellenőrzését a már meglévő CFW-d frissítéséhez.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben elő fogod idézni a BannerBomb3 exploit-ot a DSIWare Management menü használatával és lemásolni az eredmény dump fájlt a számítógépedre, hogy fel tudd használni a következő fejezetben.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ Ebben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni azokat a fájlokat, amik átmenetileg lecserélik a DS Connection Settings-t a Flipnote Studio-val, ami arra használt, hogy elindítsa a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt.
+ +42383841.bin
fájlodat az SD kártyád gyökeréről az első “Browse…” opció használatávalmovable.sed
fájlod a második “Browse…” opció használatávalDSinternet
-re (NEM memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappába az SD kártyán
+ <ID0>
egy 32 karakter hosszú mappanév, amit a Seedminer-nél másoltál<ID1>
egy 32 karakter hosszú nevű mappa az <ID0>
fájlt a Nintendo DSiWare mappából42383841.bin
fájlt az hax
mappájából a letöltött DSiWare csomagból (output_(name).zip) a Nintendo DSiWare
+ boot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébeprivate
mappát a Frogminer_save .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeKapcsold be a készülékedet
+ + +Ebben a fejezetben másolni fogod a hackelt DS Connection Settings DSiWare-t a belső memóriába, ami átmenetileg lecseréli azt a Flipnote Studio-val.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(kép)Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connections
opcióhoz, majd válaszd az “OK”-t (kép)Ha inkább egy vizuális útmutatót szeretnél ehhez a fejezethez, itt elérhető egy.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben végrehajtasz egy specifikus lépés sorozatot a Flipnote Studio-val, ami ha helyesen került végrehajtásra, elindítja a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeboot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+Ebben a fejezetben vissza fogod állítano a DS Connection Settings-et az az előtti állapotára, mielőtt lecserélésre került a Flipnote Studio-ra a IV. részben.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappába az SD kártyán42383841.bin
fájlt az clean
mappájából a letöltött DSiWare csomagból (output_(name).zip) a Nintendo DSiWare
mappába, felülírva az ott találhatótData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(kép)Itt található egy kiváló útmutató arról, hogyan hajtsd végre a hardmodot (hardveres módosítást).
+ +Ez egy jelenleg működő megvalósítása a “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” néven ismert exploitnak, amiről részletesebben olvashatsz itt.
+ +A hardmod használatával dumpolni tudunk egy NAND képfájlt, telepíteni egyedi firmware-t a NAND képfájlra, majd visszatelepíteni a hackelt NAND fájlt a konzolra.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy használhasd a magnet linkeket ezen az oldalon, szükséged lesz egy torrent kliensre, mint például a qBittorrent vagy a Deluge.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy kicsomagold az oldalon található .7z
fájlokat, egy fájl archiváló programra lesz szükséged, mint amilyen a 7-Zip vagy a The Unarchiver.
Ez működni fog a New 3DS, a New 2DS, az Old 3DS, és az Old 2DS konzolok összes olyan verzióján, amihez rendelkezel a megfelelő .firm
-t, míg a Mac és Linux felhasználóknak Python 3-ra lesz szükségük, hogy futtatni tudják a mellékelt .py
fájl, amelyik nem forráskód).firm
:Verzió(k) | +Kernel | +Old 3DS vagy Old 2DS | +New 3DS vagy New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
Ebben a fejezetben le fogod tölteni a szükséges fájlokat a hardmod-hoz és dumpolni a NAND képfájlt, hogy előkészül az egyedi firmware telepítéséhez.
+ +boot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökeré
fájlt a kicsomagolt hardmod-b9s-installer mappába.firm
fájlt current.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból a hardmod-b9s-installer mappábaNAND.bin
névreEbben a fejezetben telepíteni fogod az egyedi firmware-t a mentett NAND képfájlba, és vissza fogod telepíteni a NAND képet az eszközödre, hogy egyedi firmware-t telepíts rá.
+ +install-b9s.exe
fájlt a készülékedre a hardmodod segítségévelboot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+Ahhoz, hogy a SAFE_MODE-ot exploitálhassuk, be kell injektálnunk egy exploitált WiFi profilt.
+ +Mivel már van Homebrew hozzáférésünk, használhatjuk a slotTool-t erre a célra.
+ +Amint a WiFi profil injektálásra került, a SAFE_MODE-ot fogjuk használni, ami egy helyreállítás szolgáltatás, ami elérhető minden 3DS konzolon, hogy aktiválja az exploitolt WiFi profilt.
+ +További technikai információkért az unSAFE_MODE exploit-ról látogass el ide.
+ +Ha a (Jobb/Bell Vál), (D-Pad Fel) vagy az (A) gombod nem működik, csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew csatornához Discord-on és kérj segítséget, angolul.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben a Homebrew Launcher-t fogod használni a slotTool indítására, ami felülírja a Wi-Fi slotjaidat a hackelt adattal. Utána át fogod másolni a fájlokat az eszközöd SD kártyájára, amik kiváltják az unSAFE_MODE exploit-ot. A Wi-Fi kapcsolat beállításaid átmenetileg felülírásra kerülnek, amíg az exploit aktív.
+ +boot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeusm.bin
fájlt az unSAFE_MODE .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeEbben a fejezetben be fogsz lépni a Safe Mode-ba (egy funkció, ami elérhető minden 3DS családba tartozó eszközön) és elnavigálsz egy menübe ahol az unSAFE_MODE kiváltásra kerül, ami a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt indítja.
+ +003-1099
hibakóddal. Ez az elvárt viselkedésConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (jobb nyíl)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
menüponthoz (kép)Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+Ebben a fejezetben be fogsz lépni a Homebrew Launcher-be (egyedi firmware-rel) így helyreállíthatod a Wi-Fi kapcsolat slot-okat, amelyeket felülírtunk a I. részben.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy a SAFE_MODE-ot exploitálhassuk, be kell injektálnunk egy exploitált WiFi profilt.
+ +Ennek eléréséhez a Download Play funkcionalitását használjuk a Mario Kart 7-nek, egy egyedi firmware-rel, valamint egy egyedi játék pluginnel már telepített 3DS használatával.
+ +Ez az egyedi plugin egy hackelt payload-ot küld a nem hackelt konzolra, ami exploitolja a rendszert, azért, hogy injektálja az exploitolt WiFi profilt a kapcsolatok listájába.
+ +Amint a WiFi profil injektálásra került, a SAFE_MODE-ot fogjuk használni, ami egy helyreállítás szolgáltatás, ami elérhető minden 3DS konzolon, hogy aktiválja az exploitolt WiFi profilt.
+ +További technikai információkért a kartdlphax és az unSAFE_MODE exploit-ról látogass el ide: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy követhesd ezeket a lépéseket, a következőkre van szükséged:
+ +Ha a (Jobb/Bal Váll), (D-Pad Fel) vagy (A) gombjaid nem működnek a ** cél 3DS-en**, nem fogod tundi követni ezt az útmutatót. Ha további támogatásra van szükséged az anyaggal kapcsolatosan, csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on és kérj, angolul, támogatást.
+ +A forrás 3DS-en (a 3DS egyedi firmware-rel):
+ +plugin.3gx
)A cél 3DS-en (a 3DS, amit módosítani szeretnél):
fájl)Ebben a fejezetben befogod állítani a forrás 3DS-ed (a 3DS egyedi firmware-rel), hogy küldje az exploit adatot a cél 3DS-nek.
+ +boot.firm
-jét a forrás 3DS SD kártyájának gyökerébe, felülírva bármilyen létező fájlt
+ plugin.3gx
fájlját a forrás 3DS SD kártyájának következő könyvtárába függően a régiójától Mario Kart 7 példányodnak:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
és 00040000...
mappákat, ha nem léteznekEbben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni azokat a fájlokat, amik ahhoz szükségesek, hogy kiváltsák az unSAFE_MODE exploit-ot a cél 3DS (a 3DS, amit módosítani szeretnél) SD kártyájára.
+ +boot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a standard Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeboot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeusm.bin
fájlt az unSAFE_MODE .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe3ds
néven az SD kártyád gyökerébenslotTool
mappát az unSAFE_MODE .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerében található 3ds
mappábaEbben a fejelzetben a Download Play-t fogod használni, hogy átvidd az exploit adatot a forrás 3DS-ről a cél 3DS-re, ami arra használható, hogy felülírd a Wi-Fi slotjaid a hackelt adattal. A Wi-Fi kapcsolat beállításaid átmenetileg felülírásra kerülnek, amíg az exploit aktív.
+ +Local Multiplayer
-hez. Egy menünek meg kell jelennie
+ Use settings
opciót és lépd át a következő 3 lépést. Ha azok nem helyesek válaszd a Change settings
opciót, majd folytasd.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
exploit típustUse settings
+ Ha a beállítások nem helyesek válaszd a Change settings
opciót, majd módosítsd őket megfelelőenCreate Group
+ Grand Prix
-> 50cc
-> (bármelyik sofőr) -> Mushroom Cup
-> OK
III. rész - kartdlphax
kezdetétőlIII. rész - kartdlphax
kezdetétől. Ha ez nem működik, segítségért fordulj a Nintendo Homebrew csatornához a Discord-on)Nincs szükséged a forrás 3DS használatára a további lépések végrehajtásához ebben az útmutatóban. Minden további lépést a cél 3DS-en kell végre hajtani.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben be fogsz lépni a Safe Mode-ba (egy funkció, ami elérhető minden 3DS családba tartozó eszközön) és elnavigálsz egy menübe ahol az unSAFE_MODE kiváltásra kerül, ami a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt indítja.
+ +003-1099
hibakóddal. Ez az elvárt viselkedésConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (jobb nyíl)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
menüponthoz (kép)Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+Ebben a fejezetben be fogsz lépni a Homebrew Launcher-be (egyedi firmware-rel) így helyreállíthatod a Wi-Fi kapcsolat slot-okat, amelyeket felülírtunk a I. részben.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy használhasd a magnet linkeket ezen az oldalon, szükséged lesz egy torrent kliensre, mint például a qBittorrent vagy a Deluge.
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe, majd nevezd át boot.firm
+ boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből a konzolod SD kártyájának gyökerébeboot9strap
néven a konzolod SD kártyájának a gyökerébenMásold át a boot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból a konzolod SD kártyájának /boot9strap/
Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébőlboot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeboot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+A következő rész tetszőlegesen választható, melynek célja, hogy a flashkártyádat az eredeti állapotába állítsd vissza (így azt az eredeti rendeltetése szerint használhatod tovább).
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy az Acekard 2i annak ellenére képes az .nds
fájlok elindítására, hogy az ntrboot exploit telepítve van rajta. Ez viszont csak akkor igaz, ha az Acekard 2i-t NDS-en, vag y3DS-en használjuk valamiféle egyedi firmware-en! Amíg az ntrboot exploit telepítve van az Acekard 2i-n, az nem lesz képes a .nds
fájlok elindítására DSi, illetve gyári állapotú 3DS készülékeken.
Ne hajtsd végre az itt leírt utasításokat mindaddig, amíg nem végeztél az ezeket megelőzőekkel az oldalon.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)Flashkártya | +Hardver revízió | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | Hiányzik | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | Hiányzik | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +Hiányzik | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +Hiányzik | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +Hiányzik | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/A | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX az r4isdhc .com-tól | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX az r4isdhc .com-tól | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX az r4isdhc .com-tól | ++ | - | +
néven az SD kártya gyökerében.bin
fájlt a flashrom biztonsági mentésed .zip
-jéből az SD kártyád gyökerében található /ntrboot/
néven az SD kártyád luma
nevezetű mappájábanntrboot_flasher.firm
az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
mappábaA technikai részleteit az ezen az oldalon használt exploit-oknak tekintsd meg itt (Soundhax) és itt (universal-otherapp).
+ +A Soundhax (amikor universal-otherapp-pal használjuk) kompatibilis az 1.0.0-s verziótól egészen a 11.3.0-ig minden régió esetén.
)Ebben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni a fájlokat, amik a Soundhax és az universal-otherapp kiváltásához szükségesek.
+ +.m4a
fájlját az SD kártyád gyökerébe
+ otherapp.bin
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébeboot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeboot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeEbben a fejezetben el fogod indítani a Soundhax-ot a Nintendo 3DS Sound app-on keresztül, ami az universal-otherapp-ot fogja használni arra, hogy elindítsa a a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt.
+ +Indítsd el a Nintendo 3DS Sound-ot
+ + +/SDCARD
mappát, majd játszd le a “<3 nedwill 2016” nevű hangfájlt
+ Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+A technikai részleteit az ezen az oldalon használt exploit-oknak tekintsd meg itt (Soundhax) és itt (universal-otherapp).
+ +A Soundhax (amikor universal-otherapp-pal használjuk) kompatibilis az 1.0.0-0-s verziótól egészen a 11.10.0-36-ig minden régió esetén. Ha a szám a régió előtt nagyobb vagy egyenlő 37-tel, akkor a Soundhax javított és nem fog működni.
)Ebben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni a fájlokat, amik a Soundhax és az universal-otherapp kiváltásához szükségesek.
+ +.m4a
fájlját az SD kártyád gyökerébe
+ otherapp.bin
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébeboot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeboot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeEbben a fejezetben el fogod indítani a Soundhax-ot a Nintendo 3DS Sound app-on keresztül, ami az universal-otherapp-ot fogja használni arra, hogy elindítsa a a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt.
+ +Indítsd el a Nintendo 3DS Sound-ot
+ + +/SDCARD
mappát, majd játszd le a “<3 nedwill 2016” nevű hangfájlt
+ Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+A technikai részleteit az ezen az oldalon használt exploit-oknak tekintsd meg itt (Soundhax) és itt (universal-otherapp).
+ +Ez a Soundhax metódus (amikor universal-otherapp-pal használjuk) kompatibilis a koreai rendszerekkel azokon a verziókon, ahol a két szám a régió előtt a rendszer verzió stringben 33-nál kisebb.
)Ebben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni a fájlokat, amik a Soundhax és az universal-otherapp kiváltásához szükségesek.
+ +.m4a
fájlját az SD kártyád gyökerébe
+ otherapp.bin
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébeboot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeboot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeEbben a fejezetben el fogod indítani a Soundhax-ot a Nintendo 3DS Sound app-on keresztül, ami az universal-otherapp-ot fogja használni arra, hogy elindítsa a a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt.
+ +Indítsd el a Nintendo 3DS Sound-ot
+ + +/SDCARD
mappát, majd játszd le a “<3 nedwill 2016” nevű hangfájlt
+ Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+A Browser alkalmazás exploit-olásához ki kell kapcsolni a verzió ellenőrzést, ami úgy lett megtervezve, hogy ne engedje a böngésző használatát a nélkül, hogy előtte frissítenénk a rendszert a legfrissebb verzióra.
+ +Egy publikus proxy szerver elérhető, ami az SSLoth exploit segítségével ki tudja iktatni ezt az ellenőrzést.
+ +Ha ez a kiiktatás aktív, egy exploit weboldal elérhető, ami elvégzi a többi részét a feladatnak.
+ +A technikai részleteit az ezen az oldalon használt exploit-oknak tekintsd meg itt (SSLoth) és itt (universal-otherapp).
+ +Az SSLoth lehetővé teszi a 11.13.0 és alatti verziók számára, hogy megkerüld a böngésző verzió ellenőrzést, ezáltal lehetővé tegye a new-browserhax vagy az old-browserhax (kompatibilis a 11.4.0 verziótól 11.13.0-ig minden régió esetén) használatát, amik az universal-otherapp-pal együtt használhatók.
+ +Ha frissítetted az eszközödet az aktuális verzióra, cartridge használatával, az Internet Browser-ed nem lesz elérhető. Ha ez az eset áll fenn, frissítened kell az eszközödet az utolsó verzióra a System Settings-en keresztül, és a legutolsó verzióhoz készült metódust használnod.
)Ebben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni a fájlokat, amik a browserhax és az universal-otherapp kiváltásához szükségesek.
+ +otherapp.bin
-t az SD kártyád gyökerébe, majd nevezd át arm11code.bin
+ .bin
kiterjesztést ne add kézzel hozzá a fájl végéhezboot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeboot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeEbben a fejezetben módosítani fogod az Internet kapcsolat beállításokat hogy egy proxy hálózatot használj, ami úgy lett megtervezve, hogy kikerülje a browser verzió ellenőrzést, lehetővé téve a browser műlödését rendszer frissítés nélkül. Ez lehetővé teszi, hogy hozzáférj a browser exploit weboldalhoz a következő fejezetben.
+ +Ha még nenm történt meg, biztosítsd, hogy legyen működő Internet kapcsolata a konzolodnak.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
opciókhozChange Settings
-> Next Page (jobb nyíl)
-> Proxy Settings
opcióhozDetailed Setup
-re, és a Port-ot 8080
-raEbben a fejezetben meg fogod látogatni a browser exploit weboldalt, ami az universal-otherapp-ot fogja használni a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítő indításához.
+ +
)Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+Ebben a fejezetben vissza fogod állítani az internet beállításokat a normálisra.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
opciókhozChange Settings
-> Next Page (jobb nyíl)
-> Proxy Settings
opcióhozAhhoz, hogy a SAFE_MODE-ot exploitálhassuk, be kell injektálnunk egy exploitált WiFi profilt.
+ +Ezt megtenni egy másik létező exploittal, a BannerBomb3-mal tudjuk.
+ +Hogy ezt elérjük, a rendszer titkosítási kulcsoddal (movable.sed) újra építünk egy DSiWare mentést, ami exploitolja a rendszert annak érdekében, hogy be tudjuk injektálni az exploitolt WiFi profilt a kapcsolatok listájára.
+ +Amint a WiFi profil injektálásra került, a SAFE_MODE-ot fogjuk használni, ami egy helyreállítás szolgáltatás, ami elérhető minden 3DS konzolon, hogy aktiválja az exploitolt WiFi profilt.
+ +További technikai információkért a Bannerbom3 és az unSAFE_MODE exploitokról kövesd ezeket a linkeket: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Az utasítások az Amerikai, Európai, Japán és Koreai régiójú konzolokon működnek, amik a rendszer verzió mögött egy U, E, J vagy K betű jelöl.
+ +Ha a (Jobb/Bal Váll), (D-Pad Fel) vagy (A) gombjaid nem működnek, a Seedminer egy alternatív ágát kell követned. Ha támogatásra van szükséged az anyaggal kapcsolatosan, csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on és kérj, angolul, támogatást.
fájl)Ebben a fejezetben fel fogod másolni azokat a fájlokat az eszközöd SD kártyájára, amik ahhoz szükségesek, hogy kiváltsák az unSAFE_MODE exploit-ot.
+ +usm.bin
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébeboot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe
+ boot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeEbben a fejezetben elő fogod idézni a BannerBomb3 exploit-ot a DSIWare Management menü használatával, amivel felülírod a Wi-Fi slotjaid a hackelt adattal. A Wi-Fi kapcsolat beállításaid átmenetileg felülírásra kerülnek, amíg az exploit aktív.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ Ebben a fejezetben be fogsz lépni a Safe Mode-ba (egy funkció, ami elérhető minden 3DS családba tartozó eszközön) és elnavigálsz egy menübe ahol az unSAFE_MODE kiváltásra kerül, ami a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt indítja.
+ +003-1099
hibakóddal. Ez az elvárt viselkedésConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (jobb nyíl)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
menüponthoz (kép)Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.
+ +boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
fájlból az SD kártya gyökerébeEzen a ponton a konzolod alapértelmezetten bebootol a Luma3DS-be.
+Ebben a fejezetben elő fogod idézni a BannerBomb3 exploit-ot egy második alkalommal, hogy helyreállítsd a Wi-Fi kapcsolat slot-okat, amik felülírásra kerültek a II. részben.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(kép)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappába az SD kártyánF00D43D5.bin
fájlt a Nintendo DSiWare mappádból és a számítógépedről. Ez nem fog kelleni többetHa ez az első alkalom, hogy moddolsz egy 3DS-t (vagy nem vagy ismerős a technológiával) akkor folytasd az olvasást! Egyébként, ha rendelkezel tapasztalattal és tudod, hogy mit csinálsz, folytasd a Kezdeti lépésekkel.
+ +Ez az oldal néhány alap számitástechnikai információt és 3DS specifikus információkat tartalmaz, amiket ismerned kell, mielőtt követnéd ezt az útmutatót.
+ +Minden szekció összezárt alapértelmezésként. Kattints rá vagy érintsd meg a nevét a szekciónak, hogy kinyisd.
+ +Ez az útmutató minden kereskedelmi eszközzel működik a Nintendo 3DS konzol családból (beleértve a 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, és a New 2DS XL/LL-t), függetlenül a régiótól és a firmware-től.
+Követheted ezt az útmutatót egészen addig, amíg képes vagy letölteni fájlokat az internetről és SD kártyára másoljuk. A számitógépedtől/telefonodtól/elektronikus eszközödtől függően szükséged lehet egy USB-SD kárya adapterre, ami lehetővé teszi a számítógéped számára, hogy olvassa az SD kártyádat.
+Az SD kártyá slot helye és az SD kártya típusa amit elfogad a 3DS modelledtől függ. További infromációk találhatók erről a Nintendo hivatalos támogatási oldalán.
+ +A 3DS bármilyen kapacitású SD kártyát tud olvasni (még akkor is, ha nagyobb, mint 32GB), de a kártyának FAT32-re kell formatálva lennie (nem exFAT vagy NTFS). A következő eszközöket használhatod az SD kártyád formázására, az operációs rendszeredtől függően: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy követhesd ezt az útmutatót szükséged van egy legalább 2GB kapacitású SD kártyára.
+ +Ha szeretnéd, leellenőrizheted az SD kártyádat valamelyik programmal az alábbiak közül: H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), vagy F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +A eszközöd moddolásával, van egy nagyon kicsi (de nem nulla) esélye az eszköz bannolásának az online játékbó vagy hogy brickelődik (nem működővé válik). A rossz helyre rakott fájlok NEM brickelik a eszközödet, de szándékosan kihagyott lépések elképzelhető, hogy igen. Hasonlóan, a legutolsó ban hullám 5 évvel ezelőtt történt, de nincs garancia arra, hogy ne fordulna elő egy a jövőben.
+ +Röviden: Az eszközöd moddolása biztonságos, de a te felelősséged ha valami elromlik.
+ +Ebben az útmutatóban másolni fogsz fájlokat, amik letöltésre kerültek a számítógépedre/telefonodra a 3DS-ed SD kártyájára. Ezen fájlok többsége a GitHub-ról jön, így gondolj a fenti képernyőképre, ha nem ismerős számodra, hogyan tölts le onnan fájlokat.
+ +Néhány fájl, amit le kell töltened .zip
formátumú fájlként érkezik, ami arra használt, hogy több fájlt rakjunk egybe.
Ha azt az utasítás kapod, hogy “másolj (egy adott fájlt) a (fájl).zip-ből”, az azt jelenti, hogy meg kell nyitnod (vagy “kicsomagolnod”) a ZIP fájlt. A ZIP fájlon belül lesz a fájl, amit keresel, amit utána másolni tudsz a megadott útvonalra az SD kártyádra.
+ +A legtöbb operációs rendszeren dupla kattintással ki tudod csomagolni a fájlt. Ha ez nem működik, telepíthetsz egy megbízható kicsomagoló eszközt helyette, mint például a 7-zip.
+Ha a számítógéped Windows-t futtat, a fájl kiterjesztések előfordulhat, hogy alapértelmezetten elrejtettek, ami nehezebbé teheti azon fájlok megtalálását, amiket keresel. A fájlkiterjesztések megjelenítéséhez kövesd ezeket a lépéseket.
+Ha problémád van ezen útmutató követésével, többféle módja van, hogy segítséget kapj!
+ +Tovább a kezdeti lépésekhez
+ + +Ez egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben egy korábbi EmuNAND tartalmát fogjuk átvinni az új SysNAND CFW-re, majd töröljük a régi EmuNAND partíciót. Jó, ha tudod, hogy az EmuNAND és a RedNAND fogalmak ugyanazon koncepció két, kicsiben különböző megvalósítását jelentik.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy amennyiben van más payload fájl a GodMode9.firm
fájlon kívül a /luma/payloads/
mappában, indításkor a (Start) gombot lenyomva tartva a “chainloader menu” menü fog megjelenni. Itt a D-Pad és az (A) gomb segítségével válaszd a “GodMode9” opciót, hogy az alábbi utasításokat követhesd.
Az alábbiak használatához már telepítened kellett a következőket: Luma3DS és boot9strap.
+ +GodMode9.firm
fájlt a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
mappát a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeHa nincs egy DSiWare játékod vagy mentésed sem, ami fontos lenne számodra, akkor hagyd ki ezt a részt.
-> title
mappán, hogy kijelöld, majd válaszd a “Copy to 0:/gm9/out” opciót
+ Ha nincs egy GBA VC játékod vagy mentésed sem, ami fontos lenne számodra, akkor hagyd ki ezt a részt.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy a következő folyamatot szükségtelen végrehajtani bármi más Virtual Console játék esetében (GBC, NES, stb.)
+ +A játék az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájába kerül kimentésre <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Egy <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
fájl Title ID-jének azonosításához használhatod a Title ID-k listáját, amit a következőképp érhetsz el: menj a [A:] SYSNAND SD
opcióra, tartsd lenyomva az (R)-t, és nyomd meg az (A)-t, majd válaszd a “Search for titles” opciót.
fájlon, hogy kijelöld[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
van kijelölve, hogy kiválaszd, majd válaszd a “NAND image options…” opciót, utána pedig a “Restore SysNAND (safe)” lehetőségetHa korábban nem másoltál ki egy DSiWare mentést sem, hagyd ki ezt a részt.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
mappán, hogy kimásold[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
mappátHa korábban nem másoltál ki egy GBA VC mentést sem, hagyd ki ezt a részt.
+ +Egy <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
fájl Title ID-jének azonosításához használhatod a Title ID-k listáját, amit a következőképp érhetsz el: GodeMode9 főmenüjében tartsd lenyomva az (R)-t, és nyomd meg az (A)-t, majd válaszd a “Search for titles” opciót.
-> gm9
fájlon, hogy kimásold[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
fájlon, hogy kijelöld<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
és az essential.exefs
fájlokat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájából valami biztonságos helyre a számítógépeden
+ <dátum>_<sorozatszám>_sysnand_##.bin
és a <dátum>_<sorozatszám>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
fájlokat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájából, miután lemásoltad azokatGM9SD
+ boot.firm
fájlt azzal, ami a biztonsági mentésedben vanHa a flashkártyád gyárilag flashelve van az ntrboot-tal (vagy már magad ráflashelted), ugorhatsz a boot9strap telepítése (ntrboot) című útmutatóra, amiben megtudhatod, hogyan kell használni.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy ntrboot segítségével telepíthesd a boot9strap-et, szükséged lesz egy azt támogató NDS / DSi flashkártyára, amire ráflashelheted az ntrbootot. Megjegyzendő, hogy néhány ilyen flashkártyát már gyárilag ntrboot-tal flashelve árulnak.
+ +Míg az ntrboot exploit működése nem függ a rendszerverziótól, az ntrboot flashelő (ami az exploitot a kártyára telepíti) igen. Ez azt jelenti, hogy attól függően, hogy a flashkártyád milyen verziókat és készülékeket támogat, csak bizonyos módszerek lehetnek elérhetőek számodra.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy a “Time Bomb”-bal rendelkező kártyák nem lesznek képesek .nds
fájlok futtatására, ha észlelik, hogy a rendszeridő meghaladja a flashkártya firmware-je által meghatározott értéket. Ennek megkerülésére az egyik módszer a rendszeridő korábbi dátumra állítása.
Flashkártya neve | +Jelenlegi ár | +“Time Bomb”? | +3DS verziók? | +DSi verziók? | +Megjegyzések | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +$15.99 | +2024. szeptember 3. | +MIND | +MIND | +Előflashelt ntrboot-tal érkezik; visszaflashelhető NDS flashkártyára. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +$19.99 | +Nem | +MIND | +MIND | +ntrboot-tal előre flashelve (belső kapcsolóval váltogatható az ntrboot és az NDS mód); ne flasheld kézileg ntrboot-tal. | +
Acekard 2i | +$20.99 | +Nem | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +$9.99 | +Nem | +Semelyik | +Semelyik | +Csak bizonyos flash chipek kompatibilisek az ntrboot-tal. | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +$19.99 | +Nem | +MIND | +MIND | +Minden RTS revízió kompatibilis. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +$13.99 | +1.85b: 2024. szeptember 3. | +MIND | +MIND | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: 2024. Szeptember 3. | +MIND | +MIND | +Csak a 2014-2020 közötti jelölésű r4isdhc .com kártyák, amik kompatibilisek. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: 2024. Szeptember 3. | +MIND | +MIND | +Csak a 2014-2020 közötti jelölésű r4isdhc .com kártyák, amik kompatibilisek. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | Nem | +MIND | +MIND | +ntrboot-tal gyárilag flashelve (külső kapcsolóval váltogatható az ntrboot (“3DS”) és az NDS mód); ne flasheld kézileg ntrboot-tal. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | Nem | +MIND | +MIND | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | nem | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +MIND | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | Nem | +MIND | +MIND | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | Nem | +Semelyik | +Semelyik | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | Nem | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +MIND | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | Nem | +<= 4.3.0 | +MIND | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Ismeretlen | +MIND | +MIND | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: 2024. Szeptember 3. | +MIND | +MIND | +Csak a 2014-2020 közötti jelölésű r4isdhc .com kártyák, amik kompatibilisek. | +
Bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy a flashkártyád képes az .nds
fájlok futtatására, mielőtt továbbmész. Néhány flashkártya esetében szükség lehet a firmware, vagy “kernel” fájlok SD kártyára másolására. Részletekért lásd az adott flashkártya használati útmutatóját.
Megjegyzendő, hogy a konkrét módszerek további információval szolgálhatnak kompatibilitás terén.
+ +A flashelés módjától függetlenül, ezen exploit használatakor szükséged lesz egy apró mágnesre, ha a célkészülék összecsukható kivitelű (a 3DS családba tartozó összes készülék ilyen, kivéve az Old 2DS-t, ami rendelkezik alvó mód kapcsolóval). Ennek az az oka, hogy az exploithoz alvó módba kell lépni, azonban a gombokra továbbra is szükség van.
+ +Kipróbálhatod, hogy működik-e a mágnes úgy, hogy az (A), (B), (X), (Y) gombok környékére teszed, miközben a készülék be van kapcsolva, így látod, hogy előidézi-e az alvó állapotot. Ha sikerült, mindkét képernyő elsötétül, és úgy is marad, amíg a mágnest a helyén tartod.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy a flashkártya nem lesz használható az eredeti rendeltetése szerint addig, amíg az ntrboot exploit telepítve van rá. (Kivételt képez az Acekard 2i, ami működőképes marad kizárólag NDS-eken, és azokon a 3DS-eken, melyekre egyedi firmware van telepítve.) Ez azt jelenti, hogy a legtöbb flashkártya még csak a HOME Menüben sem jelenik majd meg. Az ntrboot flashelési útmutatójának végén van néhány opcionális lépés arról, hogyan töröld azt a flashkártyádról, ha már végeztél.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy néhány ritka esetben lehetséges, hogy a flashelési folyamat során brickelődjön néhány hamisított flashkártya és végleg használhatatlanná váljon. Ez elég valószínűtlen, azonban éppen emiatt csak eredeti flashkártyákat támogatunk. Hogy csökkentsd a kockázatát a hamisított kártya megvásárlásának, javasoljuk, hogy egy megbízható oldalról vásárold azt (mint például az NDS Card)
+ +Ehhez a módszerhez mindössze egy gyári állapotú 3DS-re és egy kompatibilis flashkártyára van szükséged. Ez a módszer a flashkártyát használja, hogy futtassa az ntrboot flashelő .nds
fájlt a 3DS-eden. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a flashkártyádnak támogatnia kell .nds
fájlok futtatását a 3DS-ed verzióján. További információkért lásd a flashkártyák táblázatát.
Tovább az ntrboot flashelése (egy 3DS) oldalra
+ +Ehhez a módszerhez szükséged lesz átmenetileg egy második 3DS konzolra, amin már telepítve van a boot9strap. Viszont egyik 3DS verziójának sem szükséges támogatnia a flashkártyádat.
+ +Tovább az ntrboot flashelése (több 3DS) oldalra
+ +Ehhez a módszerhez szükséged lesz átmenetileg egy Nintendo DS vagy egy Nintendo DS Lite készülékre, ami kompatibilis a flashkártyáddal. Ez a módszer a flashkártyát használja, hogy futtassa az ntrboot flashelő .nds
fájlt az NDS-eden.
Tovább az ntrboot flashelése (NDS) oldalra
+ +Ehhez a módszerhez szükséged lesz átmenetileg egy Nintendo DSi készülékre, ami kompatibilis a flashkártyáddal. Ez a módszer a flashkártyát használja, hogy futtassa az ntrboot flashelő .nds
fájlt a DSi-den. Ez azt jelenti, hogy a flashkártyádnak támogatnia kell .nds
fájlok futtatását azon a verzión, amin a DSi-d áll. További információkért lásd a flashkártyák táblázatát.
Tovább az ntrboot flashelése (DSi) oldalra
+ + +Ez a webhely cookie-kat használ annak érdekében, hogy irányíthassa a felhasználókat az útmutatóban haladás során. A sütik lehetővé teszik, hogy az oldal oldalsávja megjelenítse az aktuális haladást a webhelyen, ezáltal a felhasználók könnyebben eligazodhassanak az utasításokban.
+ +Ez az oldal beágyazhat tartalmat más oldalakról (például videókat, képeket, cikkeket, stb.). A más weboldalakról beágyazott tartalom úgy viselkedik, mintha a felhasználó meglátogatta volna az oldalt.
+ +Ezek a webhelyek adatokat gyűjthetnek rólad, használhatnak cookie-kat, beágyazhatnak további harmadik felek általi nyomon követést és nyomon követhetik ezzel a beágyazott tartalommal való interakciót, beleértve a beágyazott tartalommal való interakció nyomon követését akkor is, ha van fiókja és be van jelentkezve az adott webhelyre.
+ +Ez a webhely a Google Analytics segítségével figyeli és elemzi a forgalmat. Ezt a weboldalt a Github Pages üzemelteti, amely adatokat gyűjthet rólad, használhat sütiket, beágyazhat további harmadik felek nyomon követését, és figyelemmel kísérheti a webhelykel való interakciót. A felhasználói adatvédelemmel kapcsolatos Github oldalakról a [GitHub adatvédelmi nyilatkozat] (https://help. github. com/en/articles/github-privacy-statement) oldalon talál további információt.
+ +Ez a webhely nem gyűjt személyes adatokat. Ez a webhely felhasználási információkat gyűjthet a tartalom iránti érdeklődés elemzése és a hirdetők összesített tájékoztatása érdekében. Személyazonosításra alkalmas információ nem kerül megosztásra harmadik fél reklámcéggel.
+ +Ez a webhely más webhelyekre is hivatkozhat, amelyeket a felhasználók használhatnak vagy hivatkozhatnak. Ez a webhely nem felelős más webhelyek adatvédelmi irányelveiért. A felhasználóknak tisztában kell lenniük azzal, hogy más webhelyek adatvédelmi irányelvei eltérhetnek ettől.
+ +Ennek az Adatvédelmi szabályzatnak a tartalma bármikor, bármilyen okból megváltozhat.
+ + +Ez egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben régióváltást végzünk a CFW SysNAND-on. Ezt úgy hajtjuk végre, hogy telepítünk egy olyan 11.15.0-s CTRTransfer képfájlt, ami az általad kívánt régiójú. A képfájl telepítését követően frissítheted az eszközödet a szokásos módon a legutolsó firmware-re (11.16.0).
+ +Fontos, hogy tudd, hogy a régióváltás majdnem teljesen felesleges, mivel a Luma3DS támogatja a régiódon kívüli játékokat, illetve a játékonkénti lokalizáció emulációt is. Ezen felül, NDS játékok futtatása más, régión kívüli nyelveken is támogatott TWiLight Menu++ segítségével.
+ +Vedd figyelembe, hogy amennyiben van más payload fájl a GodMode9.firm
fájlon kívül a /luma/payloads/
mappában, indításkor a (Start) gombot lenyomva tartva a “chainloader menu” menü fog megjelenni. Itt a D-Pad és az (A) gomb segítségével válaszd a “GodMode9” opciót, hogy az alábbi utasításokat követhesd.
Ha módosítod a régióját az eszközödnek:
+ +Az alábbiak használatához már telepítened kellett a következőket: Luma3DS és boot9strap.
+ +Egy régió váltás végrehajtása tönkre teheti a bővített memória módú játékokat (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sun/Moon) régi 3DS/2DS eszközökön. Ha ez előfordulna, formáznod kell az eszközödet (a TinyFormat vagy a System Settings használatával) a javításhoz.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy használhasd a magnet linkeket ezen az oldalon, szükséged lesz egy torrent kliensre, mint például a qBittorrent vagy a Deluge.
néven az SD kártyád gyökerében, ha még nem létezik ilyenGodMode9.firm
fájlt a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
mappát a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe.bin
képfájlt a CTRTransfer .zip
-ből az SD kártyádon található /gm9/
fájlt az SD kártyád /3ds/
és az essential.exefs
fájlokat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájából valami biztonságos helyre a számítógépeden
+ <dátum>_<sorozatszám>_sysnand_##.bin
és a <dátum>_<sorozatszám>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
fájlokat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájából, miután lemásoltad azokat[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
van kijelölve, hogy kiválaszdNintendo 3DS
és Nintendo DS
gombokat nem látszboot.3dsx
az SD kártyád gyökerébőlHa a szkript nem talált egy felhasználói ticketet sem és azt írta, hogy hagyd ki ezt a rész, akkor hagyd is ki.
+ +eshop
mappára, vagy az unknown
mappára, vagy mindkettőre
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
van kijelölve, hogy kitöröldEz az oldal mozgatásra került a CFW visszaállítása / frissítése oldalra.
+ + +Ez az oldal egy létező modern boot9strap telepítésre mutatja be a custom firmware appok újra telepítését és/vagy frissítését. Továbbá használható abban az esetben is helyreállításra, ha elveszett vagy megsérült az SD kártya.
+ +Az SD kártyád FAT32-re kell legyen formázva, hogy követhesd ezt az útmutatót, vagy a 3DS nem fogja felismerni. Ha az SD kártyád nem megfelelően formázott, használd ezen oldalak valamelyikét a formázáshoz, az operációs rendszeredtől függően: Windows, Mac, Linux.
és boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe, lecserélve a már meglévő fájlokat
+ A Luma3DS legfrissebb verziója most már telepítésre került az SD kártyára és a belső memóriába.
+Ha szeretnél újratelepíteni, vagy frissíteni más homebrew alkalmazásokat, folytasd a Telepítés véglegesítése oldallal
+ + +A boot9strap telepítéséhez az eszközödre, megfejtjük az eszköz egyedi titkosító kulcsát. Ennek eléréséhez egy Seedminer nevű eszközt fogunk használni, hogy kiszámítsuk a készüléked adat titkosítási kulcsát (movable.sed).
+ +További információért arról, hogyan működik a Seedminer, nézd meg ezt a prezentációt.
+ +Ez a módszer egy erős grafikus kártyát használ a szükséges számítások elvégzéséhez. Egy önkéntes által üzemeltetett webhely segít neked ebben a módszerben.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben frissíteni fogod a rendszered a legutolsó verzióra, ami szükséges a Seedminer-hez.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben összeszedjük a szükséges információkat a 3DS-edről, ami ahhoz kell, hogy kitaláljuk az eszközöd titkosító kulcsát.
+ +Mielőtt követnéd ezt a fejezetet:
+Nintendo 3DS
mappát, ha rendelkezel veleEbben a fejezetben a Bruteforce Movable weboldalt fogod használni, hogy megszerezd az eszközöd titkosító kulcsát movable.sed
fájlod és folytathatod a következő fejezettel. Nem szükséges (újra) hozzáadnod a bot-otStep 2: Bruteforce
lépéssel automatikusanmovable.sed
fájlodat az oldalról
+ Ha meg van az eszközöd titkosítási kulcsa (movable.sed
) a Bannerbomb3-mal együtt fogod használni, ami a movable.sed
fájlodat haszználja, hogy a System Settings-ben megtalálható exploitokat kihasználja.
Folytatás a BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)-nel
+ + +A boot9strap telepítéséhez az eszközödre, megfejtjük az eszköz egyedi titkosító kulcsát. Ennek eléréséhez egy Seedminer nevű eszközt fogunk használni, hogy kiszámítsuk a készüléked adat titkosítási kulcsát (movable.sed).
+ +További információért arról, hogyan működik a Seedminer, nézd meg ezt a prezentációt.
+ +Ez a módszer egy erős grafikus kártyát használ a szükséges számítások elvégzéséhez. Egy önkéntes által üzemeltetett webhely segít neked ebben a módszerben.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben frissíteni fogod a rendszered a legutolsó verzióra, ami szükséges a Seedminer-hez.
+ +Ebben a fejezetben összeszedjük a szükséges információkat a 3DS-edről, ami ahhoz kell, hogy kitaláljuk az eszközöd titkosító kulcsát.
+ +Mielőtt követnéd ezt a fejezetet:
+Nintendo 3DS
mappát, ha rendelkezel veleEbben a fejezetben a Bruteforce Movable weboldalt fogod használni, hogy megszerezd az eszközöd titkosító kulcsát movable.sed
fájlod és folytathatod a következő fejezettel. Nem szükséges (újra) hozzáadnod a bot-otStep 2: Bruteforce
lépéssel automatikusanmovable.sed
fájlodat az oldalról
+ Ha meg van az eszközöd titkosítási kulcsa (movable.sed
) a Bannerbomb3-mal együtt fogod használni, ami a movable.sed
fájlodat haszználja, hogy a System Settings-ben megtalálható exploitokat kihasználja.
+ + + +Összes
+ +Ez az oldal hibaelhárítási tanácsokat ad sűrűn előforduló problémákhoz. Ha nem tudod megoldani a problémád az oldal tanácsai alapján, csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on és írd le a problémádat és azt is hogy mi az amit már próbáltál.
+ +Több oldalon használt:
+Útmutató oldalak:
+Problémák telepítést követően:
+ + +Hiányzik a boot9strap.firm
és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájl a boot9strap
mappából vagy a boot9strap
mappa neve hibás. Töltsd le a boot9strap, legutolsó kiadását és rakd a boot9strap.firm
és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap
Probléma van a boot9strap.firm
és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlokkal. Töltsd le újra a boot9strap, legutolsó kiadását és rakd a boot9strap.firm
és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap
Hiányzik a secret_sector.bin
fájl a boot9strap
mappából vagy a boot9strap
mappa neve hibás. Töltsd le a secret_sector.bin fájlt torrent klienssel és rakd a boot9strap
Csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew Discord-on csatornához segítségért és írd le az üzenetet amit láttál.
+Ez akkor fordul elő, ha az SD kártyádat több 3DS eszközben használod, és a célja, hogy megakadályozza a nem szándékos adat egyesítést olyan adattal, ami nem lenne érvényes másik eszközön. Ahhoz, hogy megtaláld melyik hosszú mappa név a helyes a 3DS-edhez, kövesd a következő lépéseket:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
mappát BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
névreNintendo 3DS
könyvtárábaNintendo 3DS
mappátBACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
mappát Nintendo 3DS
névreA weboldal már kibányászta a movable.sed
fájlod friend code-od és az ID0 kombinációjának használatával. Használhatod a movable.sed
-et amit biztosított számodra.
A friend code-od blokkolt friend code bot általi használattól, mert a 3DS-ed nem fogadta el sikeresen a bot friend (barát) kérését. Ellenőrizd, hogy a 3DS-ed megfelelően csatlakozik az internethez, majd csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on és kérdezd meg, és kérdezz rá az unlockolásra.
+A weboldal úgy találta, hogy a movable.sed
-ed nem brute-force-olható. Ellenőrizd, hogy helyes ID0-t adtál-e meg a weboldalon. Ha az ID0-d helyes, akkor nem tudod használni a Seedminer-t és egy alternatív metódust kell használnod, ami további játékokat vagy hardvert igényel.
Ez akkor fordulhat elő, ha több SD kártyát használtál a 3DS-en és összemásoltad a tartalmát az SD kártyáknak. Ez az ütközések megelőzése érdekében történik, hogy érvényes adat egyesítésre kerüljön.
+ +Ahhoz, hogy javítsd ezt, meg kell határozd, hogy melyik mappa tartalmazza az adataid. Általában ez a nagyobb (vagy legnagyobb) mappa a mappák közül. Mentsd és töröld a kisebb(ek)et, majd hozz létre egy Nintendo DSiWare
mappát a megmaradtban, és mozgasd az F00D43D5.bin
fájlt arra a helyre.
Biztosítsd, hogy az F00D43D5.bin
az egyetlen fájl a Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappában. Ha így van, hozd létre újra a BannerBomb3 Injector segítségével.
Továbbá légy biztos abban, hogy a bb3.bin
fájl megtalálható az SD kártyád gyökerében. Ha hiányzik, töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az Bannerbomb3-nak (közvetlen letöltés), és másold a bb3.bin
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
Ha ezen megoldások egyike sem javítja ezt a probélmát, akkor az egyedi firmware eltávolításra kerülhetett erről az eszközről, úgy, hogy az lehetetlenné teszi ennek a metódusnak a végrehajtását. Ebben az esetben csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on és kérj, támogatást angolul.
+Az F00D43D5.bin
hiányzik a Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
- > <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappából. Ellenőrizd, hogy a Nintendo DSiWare
helyesen írt és szóközölt. Nagybetű/kisbetű nem számít.
Probléma van az F00D43D5.bin
fájloddal (hibás vagy másik 3DS-hez tartozik). Hozd létre újra az F00D43D5.bin
fájlod a BannerBomb3 Injector segítségével, biztosítva azt, hogy a konzolod movable.sed
fájlját használod hozzá.
unSAFE_MODE nincs telepítve. Kövesd a lépéseket a telepítéséhez.
+A usm.bin
fájl hiányzik, vagy rossz helyen van. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az unSAFE_MODE-nek és rakd usm.bin
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe. Ne add hozzá a .bin
kiterjesztést, ha nem látod.
Előfordulhat, hogy a konzolod nem olvassa az SD kártyád. Légy biztos abban, hogy megfelelően be van rakva és formázott.
+A SafeB9SInstaller.bin
fájl hiányzik, vagy rossz helyen van. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az SafeB9SInstaller-nek csomagold ki és rakd az SD kártyád gyökerébe. Ne add hozzá a .bin
kiterjesztést, ha nem látod.
Mentsd az adataidat, majd formázd újra az SD kártyád FAT32 formátumra, az ajánlott alkalmazással az operációs rendszerednek megfelelően. (Windows, macOS, Linux). A MiniTool Partition Wizard-ról és a HP formázó eszközről (HPUSBDisk) ismert, hogy problémákat okoznak a 3DS SD kártyákkal.
+ +Ha ez sikertelen, próbálkozz egy másik SD kártyával.
+Biztosítsd, hogy a movable.sed
és a DSiWare mentés ugyanarról a konzolról származik. Egy eltérés hibához vezet.
Elfelejtetted törölni az F00D43D5.bin
az SD kártyáról. Navigálj a Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
mappába az SD kártyán és töröld az F00D43D5.bin
Probléma van a 42383821.bin
fájloddal (nem jó, hiányzik, rossz helyen van vagy sérült). Hozd létre újra a fájljaid a DSIHaxInjector_new weboldallal és rakd a 42383821.bin
-> hax
-ból a Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
A Haxxxxxxxxx!
nem lett átmásolva az SD kártyádról a rendszer memóriába.
A DS Connection Settings alkalmazásod sérült, és szükséged van Homebrew Launcher hozzáférésre, hogy javítsd ezt a problémát. Csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz a Discord-on segítségért.
+A Flipnote-nak hosszú időre lehet szüksége a kártya indexeléséhez, ha nagy méretű SD kártyád van. Várj még néhány percet.
+Nem másoltad át a private
mappát a Frogminer_save .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
Véletlenül hozzáértél az érintőképernyőhöz, miközben bent voltál a módosított Flipnote-ban. Add meg újra DS Connection Settings értékeit és próbáld újra, biztosítva azt hogy véletlenül sem használod az érintőképernyőt.
+A boot.nds
fájl hiányzik, vagy rossz helyen van. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az b9stool-nak és rakd a boot.nds
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe, felülírva a létező fájlt.
Probléma van az boot.nds
fájloddal. Töltsd le újra a legutolsó kiadását az b9stool-nak és rakd a boot.nds
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe, felülírva a létező fájlt.
Csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz a Discord-on és írd le, hogy mi történt.
+Ha a rendszer verziód 9.4.0, 9.5.0, vagy 9.6.0, hibát tapasztalhatsz az universal-otherapp egy régebbi verziójával. Töltsd le a legfrissebb verziót innen.
+ +Ha nem ezeken a firmware verziókon van az eszközöd, akkor valószínűleg azt jelzi, hogy már van egyedi firmware-ed. Érdemes elvégezned a CFW ellenőrzését.
+Probléma van a otherapp.bin
fájloddal (nem jó, hiányzik, rossz helyen van vagy sérült). Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az universal-otherapp-nak és rakd az SD kártyád gyökerébe.
Rossz Soundhax fájlod van az eszközödhöz és a régiódhoz vagy az eszközöd nem kompatibilis a Soundhax-szal. Ez utóbbi esetben frissítsd az eszközöd a legutolsó verzióra és kövesd a Seedminer lépéseit.
+A SafeB9SInstaller.bin
fájl hiányzik, vagy rossz helyen van. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az SafeB9SInstaller-nek csomagold ki és rakd az SD kártyád gyökerébe. Ne add hozzá a .bin
kiterjesztést, ha nem látod.
Mentsd az adataidat, majd formázd újra az SD kártyád FAT32 formátumra, az ajánlott alkalmazással az operációs rendszerednek megfelelően. (Windows, macOS, Linux). A MiniTool Partition Wizard-ról és a HP formázó eszközről (HPUSBDisk) ismert, hogy problémákat okoznak a 3DS SD kártyákkal.
+ +Ha ez sikertelen, próbálkozz egy másik SD kártyával.
+Ez valószínűleg azt jelzi, hogy már van egyedi firmware-ed. Érdemes elvégezned a CFW ellenőrzését.
+A arm11code.bin
fájl hiányzik, vagy rossz helyen van. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az universal-otherapp-nak és rakd az otherapp.bin
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe, majd nevezd át arm11code.bin
-re. Ne add hozzá a .bin
kiterjesztést, ha nem látod.
Probléma van az arm11code.bin fájloddal. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az [universal-otherapp]( és rakd az
otherapp.bin fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe, majd nevezd át
arm11code.bin-re. Ne add hozzá a
.bin` kiterjesztést, ha nem látod.
A böngésző alapú exploitok (mint például ez) gyakran instabilak és sokszor lefagynak, de néha megjavíthatók az alábbi lépések végrehajtásával.
+ +Az SSLoth proxy nem lett megfelelően konfigurálva. Csináld újra az SSLoth fejezetet erről az oldalról.
+Kövesd az alábbi lépéseket:
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
opciókhozChange Settings
-> Next Page (jobb nyíl)
-> Proxy Settings
opcióhozElőször győződj meg arról, hogy a megfelelő proxy-t adtad meg a kapcsolathoz amit használsz. Ha nem, menj vissza a II. részhez. Ha a proxy helyes, akkor az eszközöd kártya-frissített, ami azt jelenti, hogy egy alternatív exploit-ot kell használnod.
+ +1. metódus
+Ha a szám a régió előtt kisebb vagy egyenlő 36-tal (pl. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), akkor követheted a Soundhax metódust. Amikor kérdezi, válassz és használj egy firmware-t a hangfájl generáláshoz:
2. metódus (csak Old 3DS)
+Ha Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS -ed van kipróbálhatod a Safe Mode frissítést, ami kivált egy alternatív exploitot:
HA ezek a metódusok nem működnek (vagy nem vonatkoznak rád) frissítsd az eszközöd a legutolsó verzióra és kövesd a Seedminer lépéseit.
+ +A SafeB9SInstaller.bin
fájl hiányzik, vagy rossz helyen van. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az SafeB9SInstaller-nek csomagold ki és rakd az SD kártyád gyökerébe. Ne add hozzá a .bin
kiterjesztést, ha nem látod.
Probléma lehet az arm11code.bin fájloddal. Töltsd le újra a legutolsó kiadását az [universal-otherapp]( és rakd a fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe, majd nevezd át
arm11code.bin-re. Ne add hozzá a
.bin` kiterjesztést, ha nem látod.
Ha tajvani egységed van (T a verzió stringben, pl. 11.3.0-##T), akkor nem követheted ezeket a lépéseket, frissítened kell a konzolt és a Seedminer-t kell használnod helyette.
+ +Ha kínai egységed van (C a verzió stringben, pl. 11.3.0-##C), csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz a Discord-on segítségért.
+Csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz a Discord-on segítségért.
+Mentsd az adataidat, majd formázd újra az SD kártyád FAT32 formátumra, az ajánlott alkalmazással az operációs rendszerednek megfelelően. (Windows, macOS, Linux). A MiniTool Partition Wizard-ról és a HP formázó eszközről (HPUSBDisk) ismert, hogy problémákat okoznak a 3DS SD kártyákkal.
+ +Ha ez sikertelen, próbálkozz egy másik SD kártyával.
+Az alábbi lépések tetszőleges sorrendben hajthatók végre, azonban a lista a legkönnyebbtől a legnehezebben végrehajthatóig van összeállítva.
+ +/luma/
mappába. Ez módosítja a Rosalina billentyű kombinációt (X) + (Y)-ra.Probléma van a boot.3dsx
fájloddal (nem jó, hiányzik, rossz helyen van vagy sérült). Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását a Homebrew Launcher-nek és rakd a boot.3dsx
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe, felülírva bármilyen létező fájlt.
Nem másoltad át a gm9
mappát a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az GodMode9-nek és rakd a gm9
mappát az SD kártyád gyökerébe, egyesítve (mergelve) a létezővel.
Győződj meg róla, hogy legalább 1.3 GB szabad hely van az SD kártyádon. Ha nincs elég szabad helyed, kövesd ezeket a lépéseket:
+Nintendo 3DS
mappát az SD kártya gyökeréből a számítógépedregm9/out
mappát az SD kártyádról egy biztonságos helyre a számítógépeden<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
és a <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
fájlokat az SD kártyád /gm9/out/
mappájából, megtartva az essential.exefs-t a /gm9/out/
-banNintendo 3DS
mappát a számítógépedről az SD kártyád gyökerébeNintendo 3DS
mappát a számítógépedrőlHa van elég szabad hely az SD kártyádon, az SD kártya lehet sérült vagy hibás. Ellenőrizd az SD kártyádat hibákra valamelyik programmal az alábbiak közül az operációs rendszerednek megfelelően: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+Az itt leírt lépések általában feltételezik, hogy az eszközöd modern egyedi firmware telepítéssel rendelkezik (boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 vagy nagyobb). Ha a konzolod régebbi homebrew telepítés (például valami ami arm9loaderhax vagy menuhax alapú), frissítened kell a telepítésed, mielőtt kipróbálod ezeket a lépéseket.
+ +Probléma van az boot.firm
fájloddal. Ha boot9strap 1.4-et futtatsz, akkor a 3DS-ed értestő LED-je egy adott sznt villogtat. Ez a szín a boot.firm
problémák diagnosztizálását segíti az SD kártyán vagy a belső memóriában. Régebbi boot9strap verziókon a kék fény azonnal kikapcsol, ha megpróbálod bekapcsolni az eszközt.
Ha az értesítő LED villog:
+ +boot.firm
-et sem az SD kártyádon, sem a belső memóriában.boot.firm
-et az SD kártyádon. Megtalálta a boot.firm
-et a belső memóriában, de az a fájl sérült.boot.firm
-et az SD kártyádon és a belső memóriában, de mindkét fájl sérült.Beszerezhetsz boot.firm
fájlt a Luma3DS legfrissebb kiadásának letöltésével és annak kicsomagolásával, majd a boot.firm
fájlnak az SD kártyád gyökerébe helyezésével. Ha a boot.firm
fájlod folyamatosan sérültnek érzékelt, szükség lehet az SD kártyád hibákra ellenőrzésére (Windows, Linux, vagy macOS). Azt is vedd figyelembe, hogy a 3DS-nek problémái lehetnek olyan fájlokkal, amit WinRAR-ral csomagoltak ki.
Ha hallod a “pattanó hangot”, ami potenciálisan a háttérvilágítás bekapcsolását kíséri a másodperc egy részéig, akkor hardver problémád van az eszközöddel (mint például lecsatlakozott háttérvilágítás kábel). Lehetséges, hogy be tudod kapcsolni és az eszközödet megfelelő szögben tartva.
+Az alábbi lépések tetszőleges sorrendben hajthatók végre, azonban a lista a legrövidebbtől a legtöbb időt igénylőig van összeállítva.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
mappát az SD kártyádon Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
névre és próbálj meg bootolni. Ha az eszközöd sikeresen bootol, problémák vannak a Nintendo 3DS
könyvtáraddal. Próbáld meg kitakarítani a HOME menu extdata-t:/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Töröld a 3DS régiódhoz tartozó mappát:
+ 00000098
A Luma3DS verziód régi. Töltsd le a legutolsó kiadását az Luma3DS-nak és rakd a boot.firm
fájlt az SD kártyád gyökerébe, felülírva bármilyen létező fájlt. Legyél biztos abban, hogy a ZIP fájlt más eszközzel csomagolod ki, mint a WinRAR, mert ismert, hogy problémái vannak a 3DS-sel kapcsolatos fájlokkal.
Számos oka lehet, hogy miért történik így. Bármelyik esetben, ez a hiba általában javítható a CTRTransfer útmutató követésével.
+Az ARM11 kivételkezelők tiltva, vagy az egyedi firmware nincs telepítve. Próbáld meg engedélyezni az ARM11 kivétel kezelőket:
+Ez különböző okokból is előfordulhat, de leginkább azért, mert az SD kártyád nem került beolvasásra a rendszer által. +Ellenőrizheted, hogy az SD kártyád olvasásra kerül-e a SELECT gomb nyomva tartásával bootoláskor, és az alsó képernyőn megjelenő sárga szöveg ellenőrzésével; ha azt mondja, hogy “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, akkor az eszközöd a belős memóriáról bootolt, nem az SD kártyáról. +Ha ez a helyzet, próbáld meg a lépéseket alább, ami a legkönnyebbtől a legnehezebbig került felsorolásra:
fájlból a boot.firm
fájlt, majd rakd az SD kártyád gyökerébe (felülírva bármilyen létező fájlt)A készüléked valószínüleg hard-brickelve lett. Szükséged van egy ntrboot flashcart vásárlására, hogy újra telepítsd a boot9strap-et, hogy megpróbálhasd megjavítani az eszközödet. Ez hardver hibát is jelezhet, ami nem javítható. Bármelyik esetben csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz a Discord-on segítségért.
+Készítsd egy képet a hibáról és csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz a Discord-on segítségért.
néven az SD kártyád gyökerében, ha még nem létezik ilyenTWLFix-CFW.3dsx
fájlt az SD kártyád /3ds/
mappájábaAz eszközöd Luma3DS 6.6 vagy régebbi verziót futtat, valószínűleg arm9loaderhax-szal. Kövesd az A9LH-ről B9S-re lépéseit az eszközöd frissítéséhez modern egyedi firmware környezetre.
+Ez egy CTRTransfer vagy régió csere után fordulhat elő Old 3DS / 2DS eszközökön. Rendszer formáznod kell az eszközödet javításhoz.
+Tekintsd meg a kivétel képernyőt ezen az oldalon. +Ha nem sikerült megtalálni a hibádat, vagy a lépések nem működnek, csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on további támogatásért.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
könyvtárba az SD kártyádon00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
könyvtárba az SD kártyádon000002ce
Letilthatod a szülői felügyeletet (Parental Controls) a System Settings -> Parental Controls-hoz navigálással és a PIN megadásával, majd a “Clear Settings” megnyomásával. Ezt követően a “Delete”-tel törölheted azt. +Azonban, ha nem tudod a PIN-t így nem tudsz hozzáférni az eszköz beállításokhoz, akkor le kell tiltanod. Ahhoz hogy megtehesd ezt, szükséges megszerezned az eszközöd mester kulcsát (mkey):
+A következőkben teljes egészében el fogjuk távolítani a CFW-t a készülékedről, beleértve a boot9strap-et és a Luma3DS-t azzal a céllal, hogy visszaállítsuk a készüléket gyári állapotra.
+ +Minden aláíratlan (nem eredeti) játék használhatatlanná fog válni és eltávolításra fog kerülni ezen folyamat során. Használj mentéskezelőt, hogy biztonsági másolatot készíts azon játékok mentéséről, amik fontosak a számodra.
+ +Ha azért távolítod el a CFW-t, mert:
+ +ÁLLJ!!! Az egyedi firmware eltávolítása egy felesleges kockázat, ami legjobb esetben az időd pocsékolása, a legrosszabb esetben pedig BRICKELI a konzolodat. Jobb ötlet az, hogy segítséget kérsz (angolul) a Nintendo Homebrew Discord szerveren.
+Ha VALAMELYIKET az alábbiakból már végre hajtottad:
) a konzolnakakkor a CFW eltávolítása BRICKELNI FOGJA A KONZOLODAT. Ha ez vonatkozik rád, állíts vissza egy tiszta NAND mentést mielőtt folytatnád.
+Ezek a lépések csak olyan eszközökkel működnek, amint a Luma3DS verziója 8.0 vagy magasabb. Ha a Luma korábbi verzió van a rendszereden, először frissítened kell a következő lépésekkel. Kövesd ezt az oldalt, hogy megtaláld a frissítési lépéseid.
+ +boot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártya gyökerébeGodMode9.firm
fájlt a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád /luma/payloads/
mappát a GodMode9 .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébeDSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
-et az SD kártyád /3ds/
fájlt az SD kártyád /gm9/scripts/
mappájábaEnnek a fejezetnek a célja, hogy ellenőrizzük, a beépített DS mód alkalmazások működni fognak-e ha egyszer a CFW eltávolításra került. Ha ezt a fejezetet átugrod, a DS mód és funkciói elképzelhető, hogy elérhetetlenné válnak, a CFW eltávolítása után.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connections
opcióhoz, majd válaszd az “OK”-tHa ezen tesztek valamelyike sikertelen, a DS mód, a DS Download Play és/vagy DS Connection Settings előfordulhat, hogy nem lesz elérhető a CFW eltávolítását követően! Ki kell javítanod a DS módot mielőtt folytatnád.
+ +Ennek a résznek az a célja, hogy ellenőrizd, hogy a konzolod be fog-e bootolni és hogy a kritikus rendszer funkciók, mint a System Settings és a billentyűzet működni fog-e, miután eltávolítottad a CFW-t. Ha ezt a fejezetet átugrod, BRICK-elheted az eszközöd!
+ +Ha NEM sikerül a hagyományos 3DS HOME Menübe bootolni, vagy a System Settings / billentyűzet nem elérhető, NE FOLYTASD ezeket a lépéseket! Csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew Discord-on csatornához, és kérj segítséget (angol nyelven) valakitől.
+ +Ez a rész az illegitim tartalom eltávolításáról szól, mint a homebrew vagy a dumpolt cartridge-ek. Ha olyan mentés adatod van, amire szükséged van, mentsd le egy mentés kezelővel, mielőtt folytatod!
+ +Ez a rész biztosítja, hogy az illegitim ticket-ek eltávolításra kerüljenek, így az eShop normálisan tud működni. Ez eltávolít minden tartalmat a 3DS-ről és kiléptet az NNID-dből. Tartsd észben, hogy a konzol titkosító kulcsa meg lesz keverve, ami azt jelenti, hogy minden régi adat elérhetetlenné válik, még akkor is, ha van mentésed az SD kártyád tartalmáról.
+ +Ez az utolsó lehetőséged, hogy ellenőrizd, hogy minden fenti biztonsági lépést végrehajtottál! Legyél biztos benne, hogy minden lépést végrehajtottál ezen oldal összes részéből, kifejezetten a III. rész - Biztonsági teszt
-et, mielőtt folytatnád.
Ezt követően már nem lesz egyedi firmware telepítve a készülékeden.
+ +Most már eltávolíthatsz minden olyan fájlt és mappát az SD kártyád gyökeréből, ami nem a Nintendo 3DS
, a DCIM
vagy a private
Ez az oldal azoknak a felhasználóknak szól, akik már rendelkeznek telepített boot9strap-pel, és szeretnék frissíteni azt a legfrissebb verzióra.
+ +Habár hiszünk abban, hogy az egyedi firmware online használata biztonságos, fordultak elő online hálózati bannolások a múltban, elsősorban csalásért, vagy gyanús eShop aktívitásért.
fájl)A most következő lépésekben mindig írd felül az SD kártyán található fájlokat, ha már létezne bármelyik.
+ +boot9strap
néven az SD kártya gyökerébenboot9strap.firm
fájlt és a boot9strap.firm.sha
fájlt a boot9strap .zip
fájlból az SD kártyád /boot9strap/
fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe, majd nevezd át boot.firm
+ Tedd vissza az SD kártyád a készülékedbe
+ + +boot.firm
és boot.3dsx
fájlt a Luma3DS .zip
-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe, és cseréld le a már meglévő fájltThoroughly read all of the introductory pages (including this one!) before proceeding.
+ +Custom firmware (“CFW”) is a full software modification to your 3DS, comparable to “administrator access” on a computer. It allows you to do anything that the 3DS is physically capable of doing, rather than being limited by whatever Nintendo allows you to do.
+ +Popular uses for custom firmware include:
+ +This guide will:
+This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application.
This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +movable.sed
file from completing
file)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
+ +In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu and copy the resulting file dump to your computer so that you can use it on the next section.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +42383841.bin
file from the root of your SD card using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
file using the second “Browse…” optionDSinternet
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card
+ <ID0>
is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in Seedminer<ID1>
is a 32-letter folder inside of the <ID0>
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder42383841.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
+ boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) to the root of your SD cardprivate
folder from the Frogminer_save .zip
to the root of your SD cardPower on your device
+ + +In this section, you will copy the hacked DS Connection Settings DSiWare to internal memory, which will temporarily replace it with Flipnote Studio.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connections
, then select “OK” (image)If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in Section IV.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card42383841.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, replacing the existing oneData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found here.
+ +This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
+ +To extract the .7z
files linked on this page, you will need a file archiver like 7-Zip or The Unarchiver.
This will work on New 3DS, New 2DS, Old 3DS, and Old 2DS on all versions that you have a corresponding .firm
, while Mac and Linux users will need to have Python 3 installed to run the .py
file that isn’t source code).firm
corresponding to your device and version:Version(s) | +Kernel | +Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +New 3DS or New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
In this section, you will download the necessary files for the hardmod and dump the NAND image in preparation to install custom firmware.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD
to your computer.firm
to the hardmod-b9s-installer folder on your computer.firm
in the hardmod-b9s-installer folder on your computer to current.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the hardmod-b9s-installer folder on your computerNAND.bin
In this section, you will install custom firmware to the dumped NAND image, and then install this NAND image back onto the device to install custom firmware on it.
+ +install-b9s.exe
to your device with your hardmodboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +In this section, you will use Homebrew Launcher to launch slotTool, which will overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Then, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +boot9strap
on the root of your SD cardboot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your SD cardSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin.
+ +This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +In order to follow these instructions, you will need the following:
+ +If the (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons on the target 3DS do not work, you will not be able to follow these instructions. For further assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +On the source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware):
+ +plugin.3gx
)On the target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify):
file)In this section, you will set up your source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware) for delivery of the exploit data to the target 3DS.
+ +boot.firm
to the root of the source 3DS’s SD card, replacing any existing file
+ plugin.3gx
to the following directory on the source 3DS’s SD card, depending on the region of your copy of Mario Kart 7:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
and 00040000...
folders if they do not already existIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify)’s SD card.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the standard Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
on the root of your SD cardboot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your SD cardSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD card3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD cardIn this section, you will use Download Play to transfer the exploit data from the source 3DS to the target 3DS, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Local Multiplayer
. A menu should pop up
+ Use settings
and skip the next 3 steps. If they are incorrect, select Change settings
and proceed.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
and modify them accordinglyCreate Group
+ Grand Prix
-> 50cc
-> (any driver) -> Mushroom Cup
-> OK
Section III - kartdlphax
Section III - kartdlphax
. If this doesn’t work, ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord)You will not need to use your source 3DS to complete any further steps on this guide. Any further steps should only be completed on the target 3DS.
+ +In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD card and rename it to boot.firm
+ boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your console’s SD cardboot9strap
on the root of your console’s SD cardCopy boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your console’s SD card
In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the root of your SD cardboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+The following is an optional section that will allow you to restore your flashcart to its original state (to allow it to be used for its standard functions).
+ +Note that the Acekard 2i retains its ability to launch .nds
files while having the ntrboot exploit installed. This only applies when the Acekard 2i is in an NDS or custom firmware 3DS! While the ntrboot exploit is installed to the Acekard 2i, it will be unable to launch .nds
files on DSi or stock 3DS systems.
Do not follow this section until you have completed the rest of the instructions on this page.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)Flashcart | +Hardware Revision | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | Missing | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | Missing | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +Missing | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +Missing | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +Missing | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/A | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX from r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
on the root of your SD card.bin
file from your flashrom backup .zip
to the /ntrboot/
folder on the root of your SD cardpayloads
in the luma
folder on your SD cardntrboot_flasher.firm
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD cardFor technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +Soundhax (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0 through 11.3.0 in all regions.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
to the root of your SD card
+ otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
on the root of your SD cardboot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your SD cardSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Launch Nintendo 3DS Sound
+ + +/SDCARD
, then play “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version.
+ +A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check.
+ +Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job.
+ +For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (SSLoth) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.
+ +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both browserhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
+ .bin
extension, do not add it to the end of the filenameboot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot9strap
on the root of your SD cardboot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your SD cardSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will change your Internet connection settings to use a proxy network designed to bypass the browser version check, allowing the browser to function without a system update. This will allow you to access the browser exploit webpage in the next section.
+ +If you haven’t already, make sure you have a working Internet connection set up on your console.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
Detailed Setup
, and the Port to 8080
In this section, you will visit the browser exploit webpage, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +
)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will restore the Internet settings back to normal.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +These instructions work on USA, Europe, Japan, and Korea region consoles as indicated by the letters U, E, J, or K after the system version.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to follow an alternate branch of Seedminer. For assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
file)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +usm.bin
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card
+ boot9strap
on the root of your SD cardboot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your SD cardSafeB9SInstaller.bin
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit a second time so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section II.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD cardF00D43D5.bin
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder and from your computer. This file will not be needed anymoreMi dispiace, ma la pagina che stai cercando di raggiungere non esiste.
+ + +Questa sezione serve agli utenti di arm9loaderhax che vogliono aggiornare le proprie console a boot9strap.
+ +Tutte le future versioni di Luma3DS verranno rilasciate in formato .firm
, compatibile soltanto con boot9strap e sighax. Quindi, per poter ricevere gli aggiornamenti di Luma3DS dovresti seguire le istruzioni indicate in questa sezione per aggiornare la tua installazione.
Per estrarre i file .7z
presenti in questa pagina, avrai bisogno di un gestore di file compressi come 7-Zip o The Unarchiver.
Nonostante riteniamo che l’uso di un custom firmware sia sicuro anche online, ci sono stati ban dal network online in passato, soprattutto per l’uso di cheat e comportamenti sospetti con l’eShop.
+ +Per usare i link magnet di questa guida avrai bisogno di un client torrent come qBittorrent o Deluge.
+ +Solo su New 3DS, il file secret_sector.bin
è necessario per ripristinare le modifiche fatte dall’exploit di arm9loaderhax. Per questo motivo non è richiesto per l’installazione di boot9strap su una console senza arm9loaderhax. Se non hai un New 3DS, non hai bisogno del file secret_sector.bin
di Luma3DS)Se durante questa sezione ti verrà chiesto di sovrascrivere dei file sulla tua scheda SD, conferma sempre la scelta.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
dell’ultima versione di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
della versione 7.0.5 di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SD
+ luma
o payloads
non esistono, creale.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
, ecc.) dalla cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SD in quanto non è utilizzabile con le versioni di boot9strap compatibili con Luma3DSboot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSolo New 3DS: Copia il file secret_sector.bin
nella cartella /boot9strap/
della scheda SD
nella tua scheda SD e riprovaPer eseguire un dump dei DSiWare di sistema, approfittiamo di una falla di sicurezza nella sezione Gestione Nintendo DSiWare dell’applicazione Impostazioni della console.
+ +Per realizzare l’obiettivo, utilizziamo la chiave di cifratura della tua console (movable.sed) per generare un backup DSiWare che induce la console a creare un dump dell’applicazione Impostazioni Internet DSi nella directory principale della scheda SD.
+ +Una volta ottenuto un backup DSiWare, si può initiettare nella “Modalità download” un titolo DSiWare utilizzabile per installare un custom firmware.
+ +Queste istruzioni sono SOLO per le console taiwanesi (indicate da una T alla fine della versione di sistema, ad esempio 11.16.0-39T)! Se la tua console proviene da qualsiasi altra regione, scegli l’altro metodo.
+ +movable.sed
dalla sezione
di Luma3DS)boot.nds
)Come precauzione aggiuntiva, controlleremo anche la presenza di un custom firmware. È necessario poiché se un custom firmware fosse già installato, questo metodo rischierebbe di brickare la console (rendendola inutilizzabile in assenza di metodi di ripristino come ntrboot).
+ +Se visualizzi un menu di configurazione o la console si spegne immediatamente, hai già un CFW e continuando con queste istruzioni potresti BRICKARE la tua console! Procedi con la Verifica del CFW per aggiornare il tuo CFW esistente.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) nella directory principale della tua scheda SDprivate
presente nell’archivio .zip
di Frogminer_save nella directory principale della tua scheda SDmovable.sed
cliccando sull’opzione “Browse…”Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
+ <ID0>
sarà lo stesso che hai utilizzato in Seedminer<ID1>
è una cartella dal nome lungo 32 caratteri all’interno di <ID0>
Nintendo DSiWare
all’interno di <ID1>
+ <id-a-8-caratteri>.bin
) all’interno, copiali sul PC e rimuovili dalla scheda
output_(nome) e naviga su China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
nella cartella Nintendo DSiWare
Gestione dati
-> DSiWare
-> Scheda SD
-> (pagina 2)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
output_(nome) e naviga su China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
con lo stesso numero di quello nella seconda pagina del menu “Gestione Nintendo DSiWare” nella cartella Nintendo DSiWare
, e sovrascrivi quando richiestoGestione Dati
-> DSiWare
-> Scheda SD
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
dalla cartella Nintendo DSiWare
usando la prima opzione “Browse…”movable.sed
usando la seconda opzione “Browse…”DSdownloadplay
(NON memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
dalla cartella hax
dall’archivio DSiWare appena scaricato (output_(name).zip
) nella cartella Nintendo DSiWare
Gestione dati
-> DSiWare
Se desideri una guida visiva per questa parte, è disponibile qui.
+ +In questa sezione eseguirai una serie di passaggi molto specifici all’interno di Flipnote Studio che, eseguiti correttamente, avvieranno l’installazione di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
dalla cartella clean
dall’archivio DSiWare appena scaricato (output_(name).zip) nella cartella
Nintendo DSiWare`Gestione dati
-> DSiWare
Per avviare codice non ufficiale, approfittiamo di una falla di sicurezza nella sezione Gestione Nintendo DSiWare dell’applicazione Impostazioni della console.
+ +A questo scopo, useremo la chiave di crittografia della tua console (movable.sed) per generare un backup DSiWare che possa essere avviato dalla console.
+ +Per una spiegazione più tecnica, vedi qui.
+Queste istruzioni funzionano su console americane, europee, giapponesi e coreane, indicate rispettivamente dalle lettere U, E, J o K dopo la versione del sistema operativo.
+ +Se hai una console taiwanese (indicata da una T dopo la versione di sistema), segui invece questa pagina.
+ +movable.sed
dalla sezione SeedminerIn questa sezione, copierai i file necessari per attivare l’exploit BannerBomb3 nella scheda SD della tua console.
+ +F00D43D5.bin
e un payload chiamato bb3.bin
all’interno di un archivio zip (
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
+ Nintendo DSiWare
all’interno di <ID1>
+ <id-a-8-caratteri>.bin
) all’interno, copiali sul PC e rimuovili dalla scheda SDF00D43D5.bin
nella cartella Nintendo DSiWare
In questa sezione controllerai se la tua console può accedere alla Modalità Provvisoria. Serve per determinare quale metodo seguirai nella prossima pagina.
+ +Se nella sezione precedente hai visto la schermata di aggiornamento del sistema, la Modalità Provvisoria è funzionante sulla tua console.
+ +Se la console ha avviato la Modalità Provvisoria, prosegui con Installazione di boot9strap (USM)
+ +Se la console NON ha avviato la Modalità Provvisoria, prosegui con Installazione di boot9strap (Fredtool)
+ + +Se è la prima volta che modifichi un Nintendo 3DS (o non hai esperienza con la tecnologia), continua a leggere! Altrimenti, se hai già qualche esperienza e sai cosa tu stia facendo, torna a Cominciamo!.
+ +Questa pagina contiene alcune terminologie informatiche di base e informazioni specifiche dei 3DS che dovresti conoscere prima di seguire questa guida.
+ +Ogni sezione è collassata. Fai clic o tocca il nome della sezione per aprirla.
+ +Questa guida funziona su tutte le versioni retail della famiglia di console Nintendo 3DS (comprese le serie New 3DS e 2DS), indipendentemente dalla regione o dal firmware.
+Puoi seguire questa guida a patto che tu possa scaricare file tramite Internet e copiarli sulla tua scheda SD. A seconda del tuo computer/cellulare/dispositivo elettronico, potresti aver bisogno di acquistare un adattatore da scheda SD a USB, per far sì che il tuo computer possa leggere la scheda SD.
+La posizione dello slot della scheda SD e il tipo di scheda SD da usare dipendono dal modello del tuo 3DS. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili alla pagina ufficiale di supporto Nintendo.
+ +Il 3DS può leggere schede SD di qualunque capienza (anche più grandi di 32GB), tuttavia la scheda dev’essere formattata con filesystem FAT32 (non exFAT né NTFS). Puoi usare una delle seguenti applicazioni per formattare la tua scheda SD, a seconda del tuo sistema operativo: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +Per seguire questa guida, ti servirà una scheda SD di almeno 2GB.
+ +È consigliabile verificare che la tua scheda SD sia priva di errori prima di seguire questa guida usando H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), o F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +Effettuando la modifica alla tua console, la sottoponi ad un remoto (ma possibile) rischio di esclusione dalle funzionalità di gioco online, o ad un brick (che la renderebbe inutilizzabile). Se sbagli a posizionare dei file NON brickerai la console, potresti invece brickarla saltando alcuni passaggi. Similmente, l’ultima ondata di ban dai servizi online è avvenuta più di cinque anni fa, ma non è garantito che non possa succedere nuovamente.
+ +Riassumendo: Modificare la tua console è sicuro, ma è una tua responsabilità se qualcosa dovesse andare storto.
+ +In questa guida copierai i file scaricati dal tuo computer o cellulare nella scheda SD del tuo 3DS. Molti di questi file provengono da GitHub, quindi consulta la schermata qui sopra se non hai dimestichezza nel scaricare i file da li.
+ +Alcuni dei file che ti verrà richiesto di scaricare saranno in formato .zip
, utilizzato per comprimere più file in uno unico.
Quando ti verrà chiesto di “copiare il file (tizio) dall’archivio (caio).zip”, significa che dovrai aprire (o meglio, “estrarre”) il file ZIP. Dentro il file ZIP ci saranno i file che cerchi, che potrai copiare nella posizione richiesta sulla tua scheda SD.
+ +Nella maggior parte dei sistemi operativi, per estrarre i file basta farci un doppio clic sopra. Se non ci riesci o non funziona, puoi installare invece un tool di terze parti affidabile come 7-Zip.
+Se hai un computer con Windows, le estensioni dopo il nome del file potrebbero essere nascoste per impostazione predefinita, rendendo più complicato trovare il file che stai cercando. Per abilitare le estensioni dopo il nome del file, segui queste istruzioni.
+Se riscontri dei problemi seguendo questa guida, ci sono tanti modi per ricevere aiuto!
+ +Prosegui con Cominciamo!
+ + +Questa è una sezione aggiuntiva per controllare se la tua console possiede già un custom firmware moderno.
+ +Se la tua console possiede già un custom firmware basato su arm9loaderhax o su boot9strap, dovrai seguire le istruzioni indicate per aggiornarlo ad uno moderno.
+ +Se la tua console ha un CFW basato su menuhax, dovresti cancellare gli extdata del menu HOME, quindi seguire tutte le istruzioni sulla tua SysNAND. Probabilmente hai una configurazione basata su menuhax se la versione di sistema, avviando senza una scheda SD, è 9.2.0-20.
+ +Se la tua console si avvia nel normale menu HOME, ritorna a Cominciamo!
+ +Se vedi una versione di Luma3DS uguale o inferiore a 7.0.5, prosegui con la sezione Da A9LH a B9S
+ +Se vedi una versione di Luma3DS pari a 7.1, prosegui con la sezione Aggiornare B9S
+ +Se vedi una versione di Luma3DS uguale o superiore a 8.0, prosegui con la sezione Ripristinare / Aggiornare il CFW
+ +Se vedi qualcosa non descritto nelle opzioni sopra, entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew e chiedi assistenza in Inglese.
+ + +Siamo contenti che vorresti contribuire a! Ecco alcuni modi in cui potresti farlo:
+ +Questa guida è open source - il suo repository è disponibile qui. Se pensi ci sia un problema con la guida, è possibile segnalarlo per farcelo sapere, oppure puoi richiedere una pull request per far unire le tue modifiche nella guida.
+ +Se vuoi tradurre questa guida in altre lingue (o se vuoi aiutarci a mantenere aggiornate le traduzioni), dai un’occhiata alla nostra pagina Crowdin.
+ +Alcuni file della guida sono disponibili soltanto come torrent. Se vuoi aiutare a condividere questi torrent per assicurarne la disponibilità in futuro, puoi scaricare il file .zip
contenente tutti i nostri file .torrent
: (ultimo aggiornamento 16-03-2023)
C’è anche un feed RSS che può venire aggiornato per i torrent futuri, a cui puoi iscriverti.
+ +Mantenere questa guida (e i nostri canali di supporto) è principalmente uno sforzo volontario, ma se questa guida ti ha aiutato in qualche modo, le donazioni sono molto apprezzate.
+ + + + + +Un ringraziamento speciale a Plailect, il creatore e manutentore originale della guida!
+ +Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti gli utenti di #Cakey su Freenode! Siete fantastici!
+ +Un ringraziamento speciale a tutti i traduttori! Siete fantastici!
+ +Se ho dimenticato di inserirti in questa lista, contattami e ti aggiungerò.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come installare un’immagine CTRTransfer 11.15.0 sulla tua console.
+ +Tieni presente che se hai altri file payload oltre a GodMode9.firm
nella cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SD, per seguire le istruzioni riportate dovrai avviare la console tenendo (Start); apparirà un “menu chainloader” dove dovrai selezionare “GodMode9” tramite il D-Pad e il pulsante (A).
DEVI aver già installato Luma3DS e boot9strap per poter proseguire.
+ +Un CTRTransfer potrebbe rendere inutilizzabili i giochi in modalità memoria estesa (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sole/Lune) su console Old 3DS/2DS. Se dovesse accadere, sarà necessario formattare la console (tramite TinyFormat o Impostazioni della console) per risolvere il problema.
+ +Per usare i link magnet di questa guida avrai bisogno di un client torrent come qBittorrent o Deluge.
di GodMode9).3dsx
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDGodMode9.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 dentro la cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SDgm9
presente nell’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 nella directory principale della tua scheda SD.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di CTRTransfer nella cartella /gm9/
presente nella scheda SDFBI.3dsx
nella cartella /3ds/
nella tua scheda SD[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
del CTRTransfer per selezionarloNintendo 3DS
e Nintendo DS
dalla directory principale della tua scheda SDSe lo script non ha trovato alcun ticket dell’utente, puoi saltare questa sezione.
+ +eshop
se presente, e per la cartella unknown
se presente
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
del CTRTransfer per cancellarloPer ricevere supporto su GodMode9, aiuto per gli script e informazioni sugli ultimi aggiornamenti, entra nel server Discord di GodMode9 (in Inglese).
+ +Oltre a creare e ripristinare backup NAND, GodMode9 ha la funzionalità di trasformare i titoli installati in un file .cia
installabile, convertire i dati di una cartuccia di gioco in un file ROM .3ds
, e installare direttamente una cartuccia di gioco nel sistema.
Queste istruzioni fanno riferimento a GodMode9 v2.0.0 o successivi. Se hai una versione più vecchia di GodMode9, segui queste istruzioni per aggiornarla.
+ +GodMode9.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 dentro la cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SDgm9
presente nell’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 nella directory principale della tua scheda SDInserisci nella console la scheda di gioco del quale vuoi creare un backup
per selezionarlo[TitleID].nds
per selezionarlo
+ .3ds
o .nds
verrà salvato nella cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SDQuesto funzionerà solo per i giochi 3DS; non è possibile installare una scheda di gioco NDS nel sistema come se fosse un titolo.
per selezionarlo, quindi seleziona “NCSD image options…”, ed infine seleziona “Install game image”Dovrebbe essere eseguito solo se Installare una cartuccia di gioco direttamente nel sistema non funziona.
per selezionarlo, quindi seleziona “NCSD image options…”, ed infine seleziona “Build CIA from file”.cia
verrà salvato nella cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SDPermette il backup di titoli digitali installati sia dal sistema sia dall’utente, come quelli scaricati dall’eShop.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
verrà salvato nella cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SDIl salvataggio verrà creato nella cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD, con nome <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Per identificare il Title ID di un file <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, puoi controllare la lista di tutti i giochi presenti sulla tua console e i rispettivi Title ID premendo il pulsante (Home) per far apparire il menu delle azioni, dopodiché seleziona Title manager
, quindi[A:] SD CARD
per selezionarloPer identificare il Title ID di un file <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, puoi controllare la lista di tutti i giochi presenti sulla tua console e i rispettivi Title ID premendo il pulsante (Home) per far apparire il menu delle azioni, dopodiché seleziona Title manager
, quindi[A:] SD CARD
-> gm9
che vuoi ripristinare per copiarlo[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
per selezionarloPer motivi pratici, copia i file .cia
che desideri criptare/decriptare dentro la cartella /cias/
della tua scheda SD
-> cias
per selezionarlo, quindi seleziona “CIA image options…”.cia
selezionato nella cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD.cia
selezionato nella cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD.cia
con una versione criptata dello stesso.cia
con una versione decriptata dello stesso.cia
verrà salvato nella posizione desiderataIn questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come verificare la presenza di errori nella tua scheda SD utilizzando F3.
+ +A seconda delle dimensioni della tua scheda SD e della velocità del tuo computer, questo procedimento può durare diverse ore!
+ +Questa pagina è solo per utenti Linux. Se non sei su Linux, usa H2testw (Windows) o F3XSwift (Mac).
di F3cd
per compilare F3. / f3write <Mount point della tua scheda Sd>
$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
. / f3read <Mount point della tua scheda Sd>
$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
Se il test mostra come risultato Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
, la tua scheda SD funziona correttamente ed è possibile eliminare tutti i file .h2w
dalla scheda
Se il test mostra qualunque altro risultato, la tua scheda SD potrebbe essere corrotta o danneggiata e potresti doverla sostituire!
+ +In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come verificare la presenza di errori nella tua scheda SD utilizzando F3X.
+ +A seconda delle dimensioni della tua scheda SD e della velocità del tuo computer, questo procedimento può durare diverse ore!
+ +Questa pagina è solo per utenti Mac. Se non sei su Mac, segui le sezioni H2testw (Windows) o F3 (Linux).
+ +Se stai usando un Mac su macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) o successivo, segui invece F3XSwift (Mac).
di F3XSe il test mostra come risultato Success! Your card is ok!
la tua scheda SD funziona correttamente e puoi eliminare tutti i file .h2w
dalla tua scheda SD
Se il test mostra qualunque altro risultato, la tua scheda SD potrebbe essere corrotta o danneggiata e potresti doverla sostituire!
+ +In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come verificare la presenza di errori nella tua scheda SD utilizzando F3XSwift.
+ +A seconda delle dimensioni della tua scheda SD e della velocità del tuo computer, questo procedimento può durare diverse ore!
+ +Questa pagina è solo per utenti Mac. Se non sei su Mac, segui le sezioni H2testw (Windows) o F3 (Linux).
+ +F3XSwift è compatibile solo con macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) o superiore. Se hai una versione precedente di macOS, segui F3X (Mac).
+ +Se il test mostra come risultato Success! Your card is ok!
, la tua scheda SD funziona correttamente e puoi eliminare tutti i file .h2w
dalla tua scheda SD
Se il test mostra qualunque altro risultato, la tua scheda SD potrebbe essere corrotta o danneggiata e potresti doverla sostituire!
+ +Sì, puoi ancora installare un custom firmware sul tuo 3DS, anche dopo la chiusura dell’eShop.
+ +L’ultima versione del software 3DS è 11.16.0. Ecco cosa dovresti sapere:
+ +Sì! La versione del software più recente (11.16.0) ha un metodo gratuito per ottenere un CFW chiamato Seedminer.
+Le istruzioni sono identiche per tutte le console 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, e New 2DS XL. Se il nome della tua versione di sistema è “0.0.0-0”, potresti avere una console per sviluppatori.
+Ora è essenzialmente impossibile brickare la console, a meno che tu non lo voglia fare di proposito.
+Sì! Questa guida installerà alcune applicazioni homebrew utili, tra cui Universal-Updater, che funge da app store per homebrew.
+Sì; Luma3DS ignorerà automaticamente il controllo regione per le cartucce e i titoli installati. Alcuni giochi potrebbero aver bisogno di utilizzare la funzione di emulazione regionale per funzionare correttamente su console fuori regione.
+No. Le console con custom firmware possono sempre giocare online e avviare le schede di gioco come qualunque altro 3DS.
+Il tuo NNID (se ne hai uno) non sarà influenzato da questa guida. Console di regione KOR, CHN, o TWN non hanno funzionalità NNID integrate, per cui non ne verranno influenzate.
+Nel Maggio 2017 c’è stata un’ondata di ban che ha impedito agli utenti CFW di giocare online (l’accesso all’eShop, I NNID e i Nintendo Account non sono stati influenzati), apparentemente in modo casuale. Da allora non si è più assistito a un’ondata di ban di tale portata. Detto questo, non sappiamo cosa possa riservarci Nintendo nel futuro. In questo momento, non pensiamo che i ban siano qualcosa di cui ci sia bisogno di preoccuparsi.
+Sì! A patto che tu abbia modo di trasferire file su una scheda SD compatibile.
+Avrai bisogno di almeno 1,5 GB di spazio libero nella scheda SD per seguire questa guida nella sua interezza. Anche se il 3DS è ufficialmente compatibile con schede SD fino a 32GB, schede SD più grandi possono essere usate una volta ri-formattate manualmente come FAT32. Non è consigliabile utilizzare schede SD superiori a 128GB a causa di problemi noti con grafica GBA e con temi personalizzati.
+No. Il custom firmware può essere installato gratuitamente sui firmware più recenti senza alcun dispositivo hardware. Peraltro, le flashcart in modalità 3DS come Gateway e Sky3DS non sono consigliate perché obsolete e possono comportare il ban o il rischio di brickare la console.
+Generalmente, con custom firmware si intende una modifica al sistema del 3DS per fare cose che normalmente non potrebbe fare. Con “homebrew” si intende generalmente un software creato al di fuori dei canali ufficiali (es. non distribuito tramite l’eShop o con schede di gioco).
+ +In passato era possibile utilizzare homebrew in modalità userland, chiamati generalmente “homebrew”, tramite vecchi exploit come ninjhax. Il livello di privilegi di sistema concesso in modalità userland permetteva di eseguire homebrew ed emulatori di base, ma non di modificare giochi o scaricare cartucce (facilmente). Era anche molto meno stabile, gli homebrew spesso crashavano e occorreva riavviare la console. Il custom firmware permette un livello di privilegi di sistema maggiore, oltre che ad essere più stabile di entrypoint esclusivi ad homebrew.
+ +Se stai usando Luma3DS, il loader del tuo custom firmware (boot9strap) non verrà mai rimosso con un aggiornamento di sistema. Ci sono stati aggiornamenti in passato che hanno portato al crash di Luma3DS all’avvio, quindi sarebbe meglio aspettare qualche ora per assicurarsi che l’ultimo aggiornamento non renderà temporaneamente inutilizzabile la console fino all’aggiornamento di Luma3DS. Gli aggiornamenti di sistema possono essere eseguiti con le stesse modalità di un normale 3DS: tramite le Impostazioni della console, via Safe Mode o accettando la richiesta allo scaricamento automatico di un aggiornamento.
+Copia e incolla il contenuto della tua scheda SD in una nuova scheda SD formattata come FAT32. Per le SD da 128 GB, si raccomanda una dimensione di allocazione di 65536. SD più grandi di 128GB non sono consigliate a causa di problemi noti con la grafica GBA e con i temi personalizzati.
+Sì, i trasferimenti dati possono essere effettuati tramite la relativa funzione verso altre console con CFW (possono verificarsi inconsistenze se la console di destinazione è invece senza CFW). I ticket di titoli non legittimi (homebrew) non saranno trasferiti, ma possono venire fatti riapparire con faketik. Assicurati di non eseguire un trasferimento via wireless, altrimenti tutti i titoli non legittimi verranno eliminati. Il CFW rimarrà su entrambe le console.
+L’unico modo per cambiare la lingua di sistema di un 3DS giapponese in una lingua diversa dal giapponese è tramite un cambio di regione. Presta attenzione al fatto che molto probabilmente questo corromperà il Nintendo eShop della tua console, per cui non potrai aggiornare i tuoi giochi, sia che siano interni sia esterni alla tua regione.
+ +Dipende dal formato dell’applicazione homebrew. Generalmente:
+ +/3ds/
con la nuova versione. Se l’applicazione include risorse aggiuntive, potresti dover trasferire la relativa cartella da qualche altra parte. Consulta la documentazione dell’homebrew stesso.Puoi continuare scaricare gli aggiornamenti dei giochi dal Nintendo eShop, anche se è stato chiuso.
+ +Se il gioco non è della stessa regione della console, dovrai scaricare gli aggiornamenti da un 3DS con gli aggiornamenti installati. Il Nintendo eShop contiene gli aggiornamenti relativi alla regione della console (un 3DS giapponese avrà solo gli aggiornamenti per i giochi giapponesi).
+Consulta la guida per risolvere i problemi. Non è consigliato disinstallare il CFW se la console non è in grado di avviarsi normalmente, poiché è molto probabile che questo causerà un brick.
+Si consiglia di aggiornare la tua installazione ad una più moderna, basata su boot9strap. Segui la guida Verifica del CFW per vedere come aggiornare la tua installazione.
+La stragrande maggioranza degli homebrew moderni (come Checkpoint e BootNTR Selector) è stata testata solo su installazioni moderne, basate su boot9strap, e potrebbero non funzionare completamente (o affatto) su installazioni più vecchie basate su menuhax, A9LH o Gateway. Inoltre, a seconda della tua installazione, potrebbe non essere sicuro aggiornare alla versione del software più recente. Installazioni moderne basate su boot9strap consentono un livello di accesso al sistema maggiore rispetto agli hack precedenti, inclusa la possibilità di scaricare il bootrom della tua console.
+La tua vecchia installazione (inclusa la tua EmuNAND, se ne hai una) di solito può essere trasferita direttamente verso boot9strap senza perdite di dati. Se ci sono dati particolarmente importanti, sarebbe meglio prima fare un backup decriptato dei tuoi dati di salvataggio prima di aggiornare la tua installazione usando applicazioni come JKSM.
+R: Guarda questo thread.
+In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come modificare l’impostazione di default di Windows relativa alla visualizzazione delle estensioni dei file.
+ +Ciò renderà più facile cercare i file citati nel resto della guida.
+ +Clicca su “Estensioni nomi file” per abilitarla
+ + +Spunta la casella denominata “Estensioni nomi file”
+ + +Cerca “Opzioni cartella” e seleziona il risultato corrispondente
+ + +Deseleziona la casella denominata “Nascondi le estensioni per i tipi di file conosciuti”
+ + +Il file boot.firm
è il file avviato da boot9strap stesso al termine del caricamento dalla NAND. In questo caso, stiamo usando Luma3DS di LumaTeam per modificare la console, consentendogli di eseguire software homebrew.
In questa pagina realizzeremo backup di file di sistema critici e installeremo i seguenti programmi homebrew:
+ +È consigliato non saltare il download di alcuna di queste applicazioni, in quanto molte verranno utilizzate successivamente in questa stessa pagina. Al termine di questa pagina, la scheda SD verrà ripulita rimuovendo i file di installazione non più necessari.
+ +Se il tuo New 3DS era alla versione del software 2.1.0 prima di seguire questa guida, dovresti ripristinare il tuo backup NAND prima di continuare. Questo probabilmente non ti riguarda a meno che non hai già seguito questa guida nel 2017.
+ +Se la tua precedente installazione CFW era basata su EmuNAND e desideri spostare il contenuto di EmuNAND/RedNAND in SysNAND, devi Spostare l’EmuNAND prima di seguire questa pagina. Se non sai cosa sia l’EmuNAND, allora non ti serve.
+ +.cia
e .3dsx
di GodMode9)In questa sezione, copierai i file necessari per seguire le rimanenti istruzioni in questa pagina.
+ +cias
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDAnemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, FBI.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
e Universal-Updater.cia
) nella cartella /cias/
della tua scheda SD3ds
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ Nintendo 3DS
generata automaticamente dalla consoleFBI.3dsx
nella cartella /3ds/
nella tua scheda SDpayloads
nella cartella luma
della tua scheda SDGodMode9.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 dentro la cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SDgm9
presente nell’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 nella directory principale della tua scheda SDI successivi screenshot indicano la struttura minima che la scheda SD deve avere per proseguire in questa pagina. Potresti avere file o cartelle ulteriori nella tua scheda SD, a seconda della tua precedente configurazione o del metodo che hai seguito.
+ + + + + +In questa sezione, aggiornerai il tuo sistema all’ultima versione, tranquillamente fattibile con il custom firmware.
+ +In questa sezione, sostituirai temporaneamente la “Modalità download” con l’Homebrew Launcher (necessario per avviare FBI). “Modalità download” tornerà automaticamente quello originale al riavvio della console.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
e Nintendo DS
dalla directory principale della tua scheda SDIn questa sezione, sincronizzerai l’orologio interno del tuo 3DS con l’ora reale e scaricherai il firmware audio (necessario per permettere ad alcuni software homebrew di usare correttamente i suoni).
+ +In questa sezione, installerai diverse applicazioni homebrew utili nel menu HOME.
+ +SD
-> cias
In questa sezione, userai uno script per copiare alcuni file di Luma3DS nella memoria interna in modo che possano essere acceduti anche senza una scheda SD inserita.
+ +GodMode9.firm
sia in /luma/payloads/
e che payloads
sia scritto correttamenteIn questa sezione, utilizzerai uno script per rimuovere alcuni file non necessari dalla scheda SD.
+ +In questa sezione, farai backup di file che possono essere utilizzati per il ripristino da malfunzioni software o per recuperare dei dati.
per selezionarlo<data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
, <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
ed essential.exefs
dalla cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD in una posizione sicura sul tuo computer
+ <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
e <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
dalla cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD
+ /luma/backups/
dalla tua scheda SD in una posizione sicura sul tuo computerHai finito! Il custom firmware nella tua console è stato completamente configurato.
+ +Ciao! Siamo interessati ad avere un feedback sull’esperienza complessiva sulla nostra guida. Se vuoi aiutarci, dai un’occhiata a questo sondaggio (disponibile solo in inglese). Grazie!
+ +Ecco alcune combinazioni di tasti che dovresti conoscere:
+ +/luma/payloads/
, il chainloader Luma3DS.Puoi trovare qui alcuni suggerimenti su cosa puoi fare con un custom firmware.
+ +Per informazioni sull’utilizzo delle varie funzionalità di GodMode9, consulta le pagine Usare GodMode9 e Dump di titoli e schede di gioco.
+ + +Prima di procedere, assicurati di aver letto tutte le informazioni presenti alla pagina ntrboot
+ +Questo metodo richiede l’accesso temporaneo ad una seconda console su cui è installato boot9strap. Non è necessario che la tua flashcart supporti la versione di sistema di uno dei 3DS.
+ +Tieni presente che in rare circostanze è possibile brickare una flashcart contraffatta durante il flashing, e renderla permanentemente inutilizzabile. È improbabile, tuttavia sono supportate soltanto le flashcart originali qui indicate. Per ridurre il rischio di ottenere una flashcart contraffatta, si raccomanda di comprarne una solo da siti affidabili (come NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap_ntr.firm
e boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap ntr nella cartella /ntrboot/
della tua scheda SDntrboot_flasher.firm
nella cartella /luma/payloads
della scheda SD del 3DS di partenzaPrima di procedere, assicurati di aver letto tutte le informazioni presenti alla pagina ntrboot
+ +Questo metodo richiede soltanto un 3DS non ancora modificato e una flashcart compatibile. La flashcart verrà utilizzata per avviare il file .nds
del flasher di ntrboot sul tuo 3DS. Ciò significa che la tua flashcart deve supportare l’avvio di file .nds
sulla versione di sistema del tuo 3DS. Leggi la tabella delle flashcart sulla pagina di ntrboot per maggiori informazioni.
Tieni presente che in rare circostanze è possibile brickare una flashcart contraffatta durante il flashing, e renderla permanentemente inutilizzabile. È improbabile, tuttavia sono supportate soltanto le flashcart originali qui indicate. Per ridurre il rischio di ottenere una flashcart contraffatta, si raccomanda di comprarne una solo da siti affidabili (come NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
nella directory principale della scheda SD della tua flashcartbootstrap_ntr.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap ntr nella cartella /ntrboot/
della scheda SD della tua flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
nella scheda SD della tua flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
sulla tua console tramite la flashcartPrima di procedere, assicurati di aver letto tutte le informazioni presenti alla pagina ntrboot
+ +Questo metodo richiede momentaneamente l’utilizzo di un Nintendo DSi compatibile con la tua flashcart. La flashcart verrà utilizzata per avviare il file .nds
del flasher di ntrboot sul tuo DSi. Ciò significa che la tua flashcart deve supportare l’avvio di file .nds
sulla versione di sistema del tuo DSi. Leggi la tabella delle flashcart sulla pagina di ntrboot per maggiori informazioni.
Tieni presente che in rare circostanze è possibile brickare una flashcart contraffatta durante il flashing, e renderla permanentemente inutilizzabile. È improbabile, tuttavia sono supportate soltanto le flashcart originali qui indicate. Per ridurre il rischio di ottenere una flashcart contraffatta, si raccomanda di comprarne una solo da siti affidabili (come NDS Card)
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
nella scheda SD della tua flashcartds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
sul DSi di partenza tramite la flashcartPrima di procedere, assicurati di aver letto tutte le informazioni presenti alla pagina ntrboot
+ +Questo metodo richiede momentaneamente l’utilizzo di un Nintendo DS o DS Lite compatibile con la tua flashcart. La flashcart verrà utilizzata per avviare il file .nds
del flasher di ntrboot sul tuo NDS.
Tieni presente che in rare circostanze è possibile brickare una flashcart contraffatta durante il flashing, e renderla permanentemente inutilizzabile. È improbabile, tuttavia sono supportate soltanto le flashcart originali qui indicate. Per ridurre il rischio di ottenere una flashcart contraffatta, si raccomanda di comprarne una solo da siti affidabili (come NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
nella directory principale della scheda SD della tua flashcartbootstrap_ntr.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap ntr nella cartella /ntrboot/
della scheda SD della tua flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
nella scheda SD della tua flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
sul NDS / NDSL di partenza tramite la flashcartQuesta è una sezione aggiuntiva per la formattazione di una scheda SD per il 3DS.
+ +Se il 3DS riconosce già la scheda SD, questa parte non è necessaria.
+ +Questa pagina è solo per utenti Linux. Se non stai utilizzando Linux, puoi seguire la guida alle pagine Formattazione SD (Windows) o Formattazione SD (Mac).
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
è a 1, assicurati che l’interruttore di blocco non sia attivosudo mkfs.fat /dev/(nome del dispositivo indicato prima) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(nome del dispositivo indicato prima) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(nome del dispositivo indicato prima) -s 128 -F 32
+ Questa è una sezione aggiuntiva per la formattazione di una scheda SD per il 3DS.
+ +Se il 3DS riconosce già la scheda SD, questa parte non è necessaria.
+ +Questa pagina è solo per utenti Mac. Se non stai utilizzando un Mac, puoi seguire la guida alle pagine Formattazione SD (Windows) o Formattazione SD (Linux).
+ +Seleziona la tua scheda SD nel pannello di sinistra
+ +Assicurati di scegliere il dispositivo corretto, altrimenti potresti cancellare accidentalmente l’unità sbagliata!
+Seleziona la tua scheda SD nel pannello di sinistra
+ +Assicurati di scegliere il dispositivo corretto, altrimenti potresti cancellare accidentalmente l’unità sbagliata!
+Questa è una sezione aggiuntiva per la formattazione di una scheda SD per il 3DS.
+ +Se il 3DS riconosce già la scheda SD, questa parte non è necessaria.
+ +Questa pagina è solo per utenti Windows. Se non stai utilizzando Windows, puoi seguire la guida alle pagine Formattazione SD (Linux) o Formattazione SD (Mac).
+ +SD Card Formatter Setup
(il file.exe
) dall’interno del file .zip
scaricato, quindi installa il programmaSD Card Formatter
dal menu StartSeleziona la lettera della tua scheda SD in “Select card”
+ +Assicurati di scegliere la lettera del drive corretta, altrimenti potresti cancellare accidentalmente l’unità sbagliata!
Seleziona su “Drive” la lettera del drive della tua scheda SD
+ +Assicurati di scegliere la lettera del drive corretta, altrimenti potresti cancellare accidentalmente l’unità sbagliata!
+Prima di iniziare questa guida, verificheremo se un custom firmware è già installato e controlleremo l’attuale versione di sistema della tua console.
+ +Se vedi un menu insolito, FERMATI - hai già un custom firmware! Prosegui da qui.
+ +Per trovare il metodo corretto per la tua console, inserisci la versione di sistema che hai trovato nella Sezione II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +Se possibile, dovresti seguire il metodo dato dalla selezione di cui sopra.
+ +Altrimenti, ci sono metodi che funzionano su tutte le versioni, ma richiedono dell’hardware aggiuntivo:
+ +Per informazioni su come estrarre cartucce o il contenuto della scheda SD, guarda Dump di titoli e schede di gioco.
+ +Per ricevere supporto su GodMode9, aiuto per gli script e informazioni sugli ultimi aggiornamenti, entra nel server Discord di GodMode9 (in Inglese).
+ +GodMode9 è un file browser per il Nintendo 3DS che dà pieno accesso ai file sulla tua scheda SD, ai file delle partizioni FAT della SysNAND e della EmuNAND, e a molto altro ancora. Tra le varie funzioni, puoi anche copiare, cancellare, rinominare file e creare cartelle.
+ +Tieni presente che se hai altri file payload oltre a GodMode9.firm
nella cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SD, per seguire le istruzioni riportate dovrai avviare la console tenendo (Start); apparirà un “menu chainloader” dove dovrai selezionare “GodMode9” tramite il D-Pad e il pulsante (A).
GodMode9 è un software potente che rende possibile la modifica di qualunque aspetto riguardante la tua console. Anche se la maggior parte delle modifiche sono bloccate da un sistema di permessi, ed è impossibile eseguire accidentalmente azioni pericolose senza sbloccare volutamente i permessi di scrittura, faresti meglio a seguire queste istruzioni con cautela e ad avere dei backup utilizzabili.
+ +Alcune delle istruzioni qui sotto riportate sono valide solo sull’ultima versione di GodMode9, perciò, prima di continuare, faresti meglio a seguire questa sezione per aggiornare GodMode9. Sovrascrivi qualunque file preesistente.
+ +GodMode9.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 dentro la cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SDgm9
presente nell’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 nella directory principale della tua scheda SD<data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
ed essential.exefs
dalla cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD in una posizione sicura sul tuo computer
+ <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
e <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
dalla cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD<data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
dal tuo computer alla cartella /gm9/out/
della scheda SDPer motivi pratici, copia il file .cia
che desideri iniettare dentro la cartella /cias/
della tua scheda SD
Tieni presente che non possibile iniettare dentro “Informazioni per la salute e la sicurezza” file che siano più grandi di quest’ultima (come giochi o altre applicazioni pesanti)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
per selezionarlo, quindi seleziona “CIA image options…”, ed infine seleziona “Mount image to drive”.app
, quindi seleziona “NCHH image options”, ed infine seleziona “Inject to H&S”Questo metodo funzionerà solo se l’inject di “Informazioni per la salute e la sicurezza” è stato eseguito con GodMode9 (e non con Decrypt9 o con Hourglass9).
+ +Questo procedimento cancellerà tutti i dati della tua scheda SD!
+ +GM9SD
+ In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come verificare la presenza di errori nella tua scheda SD utilizzando h2testw.
+ +A seconda delle dimensioni della tua scheda SD e della velocità del tuo computer, questo procedimento può durare diverse ore!
+ +Questa pagina è solo per utenti Windows. Se non sei su Windows, usa F3 (Linux) o F3XSwift (Mac).
+ +h2testw.exe
dall’archivio .zip
di h2testw sul tuo desktoph2testw.exe
Se il test mostra come risultato “Test finished without errors”, la tua scheda SD funziona correttamente e puoi cancellare tutti i file .h2w
dalla scheda
Se il test mostra qualunque altro risultato, la tua scheda SD potrebbe essere corrotta o danneggiata e potresti doverla sostituire!
+ +Questo metodo usa Seedminer per servirsi ulteriormente del tuo file movable.sed
e scrivere un file di salvataggio personalizzato per Pokémon Picross, che può essere utilizzato con unSAFE_MODE (tramite Homebrew Launcher) per avviare SafeB9SInstaller.
Per informazioni su PicHaxx, vedi here.
+ +Queste istruzioni funzionano su console americane, europee e giapponesi, indicate rispettivamente dalle lettere U, E o J dopo la versione del sistema operativo.
+ +Avrai bisogno di un Nintendo Network ID per scaricare Pokémon Picross.
+ +Questo processo sovrascriverà il tuo file di salvataggio per Pokémon Picross, se ne hai uno. Se desideri conservare i tuoi dati di gioco Pokémon Picross, dovresti fare un backup del tuo file 00000001.sav
prima di sovrascriverlo.
dalla sezione
di Luma3DS).zip
)In questa sezione copierai alcuni dei file che verranno utilizzati per avviare l’Homebrew Launcher.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ 3ds
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDslotTool
dall’archivio .zip
di unSAFE_MODE nella cartella 3ds
della tua scheda SDotherapps_with_CfgS
dell’archivio .zip
di unSAFE_MODE nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in otherapp.bin
In questa sezione creerai un file di salvataggio modificato per Pokémon Picross che, una volta utilizzato, caricherà l’Homebrew Launcher nella tua console.
+ +movable.sed
Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> title
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
+ <ID0>
sarà lo stesso che hai utilizzato in Seedminer<ID1>
è una cartella dal nome lungo 32 caratteri all’interno di <ID0>
appena scaricato nella cartella data
della tua scheda SD
+ Leggi attentamente tutte le pagine introduttive (compresa questa!) prima di continuare.
+ +Un custom firmware (“CFW”) è una modifica software per il 3DS, paragonabile ad un “amministratore di sistema” su un computer. Ti permette di fare tutto quello che un 3DS può fisicamente fare, invece di essere limitati da quello che permette Nintendo.
+ +Tra i possibili utilizzi del custom firmware, è possibile:
+ +Con questa guida:
+Seedminer utilizza il tuo file movable.sed
per decriptare un qualunque titolo DSiWare per iniettare una particolare applicazione DSiWare nell’applicazione Connessioni Nintendo DS.
Questa è un’implementazione funzionante dell’exploit del “testo in chiaro noto nelle partizioni FIRM” spiegato qui.
+ +movable.sed
dalla sezione
di Luma3DS)Come precauzione aggiuntiva, controlleremo anche la presenza di un custom firmware. È necessario poiché se un custom firmware fosse già installato, questo metodo rischierebbe di brickare la console (rendendola inutilizzabile in assenza di metodi di ripristino come ntrboot).
+ +Se visualizzi un menu di configurazione o la console si spegne immediatamente, hai già un CFW e continuando con queste istruzioni potresti BRICKARE la tua console! Procedi con la Verifica del CFW per aggiornare il tuo CFW esistente.
+ +In questa sezione attiverai l’exploit BannerBomb3 utilizzando il menu Gestione Nintendo DSiWare e copierai il file dump risultante sul computer per poterlo utilizzare nella sezione successiva.
+ +Gestione dati
-> DSiWare
-> Scheda SD
+ In questa sezione copierai i file necessari per sostituire temporaneamente “Impostazioni di collegamento” con Flipnote Studio, usato per lanciare l’installer di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +42383841.bin
presente nella directory principale della tua scheda SD usando la prima opzione “Browse…”movable.sed
usando la seconda opzione “Browse…”DSinternet
(NON memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
+ <ID0>
è il nome a 32 lettere della cartella che hai copiato in Seedminer<ID1>
è una cartella dal nome lungo 32 caratteri all’interno di <ID0>
dalla cartella Nintendo DSiWare42383841.bin
dalla cartella hax
dall’archivio DSiWare appena scaricato (output_(name).zip
) nella cartella Nintendo DSiWare
+ boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) nella directory principale della tua scheda SDprivate
presente nell’archivio .zip
di Frogminer_save nella directory principale della tua scheda SDAccendi la console
+ + +In questa sezione copierai il DSiWare modificato “Impostazioni di collegamento DS” nella memoria interna, che verrà così temporaneamente sostituito da Flipnote Studio.
+ +Gestione dati
-> DSiWare
-> Scheda SD
(image)Impostazioni Internet
-> Connessioni Nintendo DS
, quindi seleziona “OK” (image)Se desideri una guida visiva per questa parte, è disponibile qui.
+ +In questa sezione eseguirai una serie di passaggi molto specifici all’interno di Flipnote Studio che, eseguiti correttamente, avvieranno l’installazione di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+In questa sezione ripristinerai “Impostazioni di collegamento DS” nel modo in cui era prima che fosse temporaneamente sostituito con Flipnote Studio nella Sezione IV.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
dalla cartella clean
dall’archivio DSiWare appena scaricato (output_(name).zip
) nella cartella Nintendo DSiWare
, sostituendo quello preesistenteGestione dati
-> DSiWare
-> Scheda SD
(image)Qui puoi trovare un’ottima guida per eseguire un’hardmod.
+ +Questa è un’implementazione funzionante dell’exploit del “testo in chiaro noto nelle partizioni FIRM” spiegato qui.
+ +Utilizzando un’hardmod possiamo eseguire un dump della NAND, installare un custom firmware in questa immagine NAND, infine reinstallare la NAND modificata sulla console.
+ +Per usare i link magnet di questa guida avrai bisogno di un client torrent come qBittorrent o Deluge.
+ +Per estrarre i file .7z
presenti in questa pagina, avrai bisogno di un gestore di file compressi come 7-Zip o The Unarchiver.
Questo processo funziona su New 3DS, New 2DS, Old 3DS e Old 2DS su tutte le versioni per le quali è presente un apposito file .firm
precompilato, mentre gli utenti Mac e Linux dovranno installare Python 3 per avviare il file .py
di Luma3DS che non sia il codice sorgente).firm
per la tua console e per la tua versione di sistema:Versione(i) | +Kernel | +Old 3DS o Old 2DS | +New 3DS o New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
In questa sezione scaricherai i file necessari per l’hardmod ed eseguirai il dump dell’immagine NAND in preparazione all’installazione del custom firmware.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda
di hardmod-b9s-installer sul tuo computer.firm
scaricato nella cartella hardmod-b9s-installer sul tuo computer.firm
appena copiato in current.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella hardmod-b9s-installer sul tuo computerNAND.bin
In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware sulla NAND scaricata, dopodiché installerai nuovamente questa immagine NAND sulla console per installarvi il custom firmware.
+ +install-b9s.exe
appena creato nella tua console tramite hardmodboot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+Per sfruttare il firmware SAFE_MODE del nostro sistema, dobbiamo iniettare un profilo di connessione WiFi modificato.
+ +Poiché abbiamo già accesso agli Homebrew, possiamo approfittare di slotTool.
+ +Una volta inserito il profilo WiFi utilizzeremo SAFE_MODE, una funzionalità di ripristino presente su ogni console 3DS, per attivare il profilo WiFi modificato.
+ +Per una spiegazione più tecnica, vedi qui per informazioni sull’exploit unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Se i tuoi pulsanti (L/R), (Su) o (A) non funzionano, unisciti a Nintendo Homebrew su Discord e chiedi, in inglese, una mano.
+ +In questa sezione userai Homebrew Launcher per avviare slotTool, che sovrascriverà le tue impostazioni Wi-Fi con dati modificati. Poi copierai i file necessari per attivare l’exploit unSAFE_MODE nella scheda SD della tua console. Le tue impostazioni Wi-Fi rimarranno temporaneamente sovrascritte finché l’exploit sarà attivo.
+ +boot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SDusm.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di unSAFE_MODE nella directory principale della tua scheda SDIn questa sezione avvierai la Modalità Provvisoria (una funzionalità disponibile su ogni console della famiglia 3DS) ed entrerai in un menu che attiverà unSAFE_MODE, per avviare l’installer di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Questo risultato è correttoConnessione 1
-> Modifica
-> pagina successiva (la freccia a destra) -> Impostazioni proxy
-> Impostazioni avanzate
(image)In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+In questa sezione avvierai l’Homebrew Launcher (utilizzando un custom firmware) in modo da poter ripristinare le configurazioni Wi-Fi sovrascritte nella Sezione I.
+ +Per sfruttare il firmware SAFE_MODE del nostro sistema, dobbiamo iniettare un profilo di connessione WiFi modificato.
+ +Per farlo possiamo utilizzare la funzionalità “Modalità download” del gioco Mario Kart 7, utilizzando un 3DS con custom firmware già installato insieme a un plugin di gioco personalizzato.
+ +Questo plugin personalizzato invierà un payload modificato ad una console non modificata, permettendo l’iniezione del profilo WiFi modificato nella tua lista delle connessioni.
+ +Una volta inserito il profilo WiFi utilizzeremo SAFE_MODE, una funzionalità di ripristino presente su ogni console 3DS, per attivare il profilo WiFi modificato.
+ +Per una spiegazione più tecnica, consulta i seguenti link per informazioni sugli exploit kartdlphax e unSAFE_MODE: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Per seguire queste istruzioni, avrai bisogno di:
+ +Se i pulsanti (L/R), (Su) o (A) sul 3DS di destinazione non funzionano, non sarai in grado di seguire queste istruzioni. In questi casi, puoi ricevere assistenza chiedendo, in inglese, nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew.
+ +Sul 3DS di partenza (il 3DS con custom firmware):
+ +plugin.3gx
)Sul 3DS di destinazione (il 3DS che stai cercando di modificare):
di Luma3DS).zip
)In questa sezione configurerai il tuo 3DS di partenza (il 3DS con custom firmware) per inviare i dati dell’exploit verso il 3DS di destinazione.
+ +boot.firm
di Luma 3GX Loader Edition nella directory principale della scheda SD del 3DS di partenza, sostituendo qualsiasi file esistente
+ plugin.3gx
di kartdlphax nella seguente cartella sulla scheda SD del 3DS di partenza, a seconda della regione della tua versione di Mario Kart 7:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
e 00040000...
se non sono già esistentiIn questa sezione copierai i file necessari per attivare l’exploit unSAFE_MODE sulla scheda SD del 3DS di destinazione (il 3DS che stai cercando di modificare).
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS standard nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SDusm.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di unSAFE_MODE nella directory principale della tua scheda SD3ds
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDslotTool
dall’archivio .zip
di unSAFE_MODE nella cartella 3ds
della tua scheda SDIn questa sezione utilizzerai la “Modalità download” per trasferire i dati dell’exploit dal 3DS di partenza al 3DS di destinazione, per sovrascrivere i tuoi profili di connessione Wi-Fi con dati modificati. Le tue impostazioni Wi-Fi rimarranno temporaneamente sovrascritte finché l’exploit sarà attivo.
+ +Più giocatori (locale)
. Dovrebbe apparire un menu
+ Use settings
e salta i prossimi 3 passaggi. Se non è corretta, seleziona Change settings
e prosegui.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
e modificale di conseguenzaCreate Group
+ Gran Premio
-> 50cc
-> (qualunque personaggio) -> Trofeo Fungo
-> OK
Sezione III - kartdlphax
Sezione III - kartdlphax
. Se non funziona, chiedi pure su Nintendo Homebrew su Discord (in inglese)Non dovrai più usare il tuo 3DS di partenza per completare qualsiasi ulteriore passo in questa guida. Eventuali ulteriori istruzioni devono essere completate solo sul 3DS di destinazione.
+ +In questa sezione avvierai la Modalità Provvisoria (una funzionalità disponibile su ogni console della famiglia 3DS) ed entrerai in un menu che attiverà unSAFE_MODE, per avviare l’installer di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Questo risultato è correttoConnessione 1
-> Modifica
-> pagina successiva (la freccia a destra) -> Impostazioni proxy
-> Impostazioni avanzate
(image)In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+In questa sezione avvierai l’Homebrew Launcher (utilizzando un custom firmware) in modo da poter ripristinare le configurazioni Wi-Fi sovrascritte nella Sezione I.
+ +Per usare i link magnet di questa guida avrai bisogno di un client torrent come qBittorrent o Deluge.
di Luma3DS)SafeB9SInstaller.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in boot.firm
+ boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della scheda SD della tua consoleboot9strap
nella directory principale della scheda SD della tua consoleCopia i file boot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della scheda SD della tua console
In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.
+ +boot.firm
dalla directory principale della tua scheda SDboot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+Questa è una sezione facoltativa che ti permetterà di riportare la flashcart al suo stato originale (per poter utilizzarne le funzionalità standard).
+ +Tieni presente che la Acekard 2i mantiene le funzionalità di avvio dei file .nds
mentre l’exploit ntrboot è installato. Questo vale soltanto quando l’Acekard 2i è utilizzata su NDS o su 3DS con custom firmware installato! Su DSi o su 3DS non modificati, l’Acekard 2i non potrà avviare file .nds
finché l’exploit ntrboot è installato.
Non seguire questa parte finché non avrai completato tutte le altre istruzioni indicate in questa pagina.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)Flashcart | +Revisione Hardware | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | Non disponibile | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | Non disponibile | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | Non disponibile | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +Non disponibile | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +Non disponibile | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +Non disponibile | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | Non disponibile | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX da r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX da r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX da r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD.bin
dal backup .zip
della tua flashrom nella cartella /ntrboot/
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDpayloads
nella cartella luma
della tua scheda SDntrboot_flasher.firm
nella cartella /luma/payloads
della tua scheda SDPer dettagli tecnici sugli exploit che utilizzerai in questa pagina, leggi qui (Soundhax) e qui (universal-otherapp).
+ +Soundhax (combinato a universal-otherapp) è compatibile con le versioni del software comprese tra 1.0.0 e 11.3.0 per tutte le regioni.
di Luma3DS)otherapp.bin
)In questa sezione copierai i file necessari per attivare sia Soundhax che universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
di Soundhax nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ otherapp.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SDIn questa sezione avvierai Soundhax attraverso l’app Sound Nintendo 3DS, che utilizzerà l’app universal-otherapp per avviare l’installazione di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +Avvia Sound Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/Scheda SD
, quindi avvia “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+Per dettagli tecnici sugli exploit che utilizzerai in questa pagina, leggi qui (Soundhax) e qui (universal-otherapp).
+ +Il metodo Soundhax (combinato a universal-otherapp) è compatibile con le versioni del software comprese tra 1.0.0-0 e 11.10.0-36 per tutte le regioni. Se i due numeri prima della regione nella stringa di versione di sistema sono uguali o superiori a 37, Soundhax è stato corretto e questo metodo non funzionerà.
di Luma3DS)otherapp.bin
)In questa sezione copierai i file necessari per attivare sia Soundhax che universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
di Soundhax nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ otherapp.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SDIn questa sezione avvierai Soundhax attraverso l’app Sound Nintendo 3DS, che utilizzerà l’app universal-otherapp per avviare l’installazione di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +Avvia Sound Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/Scheda SD
, quindi avvia “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+Per dettagli tecnici sugli exploit che utilizzerai in questa pagina, leggi qui (Soundhax) e qui (universal-otherapp).
+ +Questo metodo Soundhax (combinato con universal-otherapp) è compatibile con i sistemi coreani sulle versioni in cui i due numeri prima della regione nella stringa di versione di sistema sono inferiori a 33.
di Luma3DS)otherapp.bin
)In questa sezione copierai i file necessari per attivare sia Soundhax che universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
di Soundhax nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ otherapp.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SDIn questa sezione avvierai Soundhax attraverso l’app Sound Nintendo 3DS, che utilizzerà l’app universal-otherapp per avviare l’installazione di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +Avvia Sound Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/Scheda SD
, quindi avvia “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+Per sfruttare l’applicazione Browser Internet dobbiamo bypassare il controllo della versione di sistema che questo effettua, controllo progettato per non consentire l’uso del browser senza aver prima aggiornato all’ultima versione di sistema.
+ +È disponibile un server proxy pubblico che, con l’aiuto dell’exploit SSLoth, può bypassare questo controllo.
+ +Una volta che il bypass è attivo, viene resa accessibile una pagina web con un exploit che farà il resto del lavoro.
+ +Per dettagli tecnici sugli exploit che utilizzerai in questa pagina, leggi qui (SSLoth) e qui (universal-otherapp).
+ +SSLoth consente agli utenti alla versione di sistema 11.13.0 e precedenti di bypassare il controllo sulla versione del browser, permettendo l’uso di new-browserhax o old-browserhax (compatibile con tutte le versioni da 11.4.0 a 11.13.0 di ogni regionalità), che può quindi essere utilizzato in combinazione con universal-otherapp.
+ +Se hai aggiornato la tua console alla versione corrente utilizzando una cartuccia, il tuo Browser Internet sarà inaccessibile. In tal caso, dovrai aggiornare la tua console all’ultima versione tramite Impostazioni della console, quindi seguire il metodo per la versione più recente.
di Luma3DS)otherapp.bin
)In questa sezione copierai i file necessari per attivare sia browserhax che universal-otherapp.
+ +otherapp.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in arm11code.bin
+ .bin
, non aggiungerla alla fine del nome del fileboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SDIn questa sezione cambierai le impostazioni di collegamento ad Internet per utilizzare una rete proxy progettata per aggirare il controllo della versione del browser, permettendo al browser di funzionare senza un aggiornamento di sistema. Questo ti permetterà di accedere alla pagina web dell’exploit del browser nella prossima sezione.
+ +Se non l’hai già fatto, assicurati di avere una connessione Internet funzionante configurata sulla tua console.
+ +Impostazioni Internet
-> Impostazioni di collegamento
-> Pagina Successiva (la freccia a destra)
-> Impostazioni proxy
Impostazioni avanzate
, e la Porta su 8080
In questa sezione visiterai la pagina web dell’exploit del browser, che userà universal-otherapp per avviare il programma di installazione di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +
)In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+In questa sezione ripristinerai le impostazioni di Internet alla normalità.
+ +Impostazioni Internet
-> Impostazioni di collegamento
-> Pagina Successiva (la freccia a destra)
-> Impostazioni proxy
Per sfruttare il firmware SAFE_MODE del nostro sistema, dobbiamo iniettare un profilo di connessione WiFi modificato.
+ +Lo faremo utilizzando un exploit già esistente, BannerBomb3.
+ +Per realizzare l’obiettivo, utilizziamo la chiave di cifratura della tua console (movable.sed) per generare un backup DSiWare che induce la console a iniettare il profilo WiFi modificato nella tua lista di connessioni disponibili.
+ +Una volta inserito il profilo WiFi utilizzeremo SAFE_MODE, una funzionalità di ripristino presente su ogni console 3DS, per attivare il profilo WiFi modificato.
+ +Per una spiegazione più tecnica, consulta i seguenti link per informazioni sugli exploit BannerBomb3 e unSAFE_MODE: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Queste istruzioni funzionano su console americane, europee, giapponesi e coreane, indicate rispettivamente dalle lettere U, E, J o K dopo la versione del sistema operativo.
+ +Se i tuoi pulsanti (L/R), (Su) o (A) non funzionano, dovrai usare una versione alternativa di Seedminer. In questi casi, puoi ricevere assistenza chiedendo, in inglese, nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew.
di Luma3DS)In questa sezione copierai i file necessari per attivare l’exploit unSAFE_MODE nella scheda SD della tua console.
+ +usm.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD
+ boot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SDIn questa sezione attiverai l’exploit BannerBomb3 utilizzando il menu Gestione Nintendo DSiWare, che può essere utilizzato per sovrascrivere le tue configurazioni Wi-Fi con dati modificati. Le tue impostazioni Wi-Fi rimarranno temporaneamente sovrascritte finché l’exploit sarà attivo.
+ +Gestione dati
-> DSiWare
-> Scheda SD
+ In questa sezione avvierai la Modalità Provvisoria (una funzionalità disponibile su ogni console della famiglia 3DS) ed entrerai in un menu che attiverà unSAFE_MODE, per avviare l’installer di boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Questo risultato è correttoConnessione 1
-> Modifica
-> pagina successiva (la freccia a destra) -> Impostazioni proxy
-> Impostazioni avanzate
(image)In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.
+ +boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDA questo punto, la console avvierà sempre Luma3DS.
+In questa sezione avvierai l’exploit BannerBomb3 una seconda volta per ripristinare le configurazioni Wi-Fi sovrascritte nella Sezione II.
+ +Gestione dati
-> DSiWare
-> Scheda SD
(image)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
dalla cartella Nintendo DSiWare e dal tuo computer. Questo file non sarà più necessarioSe è la prima volta che modifichi un Nintendo 3DS (o non hai esperienza con la tecnologia), continua a leggere! Altrimenti, se hai già qualche esperienza e sai cosa tu stia facendo, prosegui con Cominciamo!.
+ +Questa pagina contiene alcune terminologie informatiche di base e informazioni specifiche dei 3DS che dovresti conoscere prima di seguire questa guida.
+ +Ogni sezione è collassata. Fai clic o tocca il nome della sezione per aprirla.
+ +Questa guida funziona su tutte le versioni retail della famiglia di console Nintendo 3DS (compresi 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, e New 2DS XL/LL), indipendentemente dalla regione o dal firmware.
+Puoi seguire questa guida a patto che tu possa scaricare file tramite Internet e copiarli sulla tua scheda SD. A seconda del tuo computer/cellulare/dispositivo elettronico, potresti aver bisogno di acquistare un adattatore da scheda SD a USB, per far sì che il tuo computer possa leggere la scheda SD.
+La posizione dello slot della scheda SD e il tipo di scheda SD da usare dipendono dal modello del tuo 3DS. Ulteriori informazioni sono disponibili alla pagina ufficiale di supporto Nintendo.
+ +Il 3DS può leggere schede SD di qualunque capienza (anche più grandi di 32GB), tuttavia la scheda dev’essere formattata con filesystem FAT32 (non exFAT né NTFS). Puoi usare una delle seguenti applicazioni per formattare la tua scheda SD, a seconda del tuo sistema operativo: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +Per seguire questa guida, ti servirà una scheda SD di almeno 2GB.
+ +È consigliabile verificare che la tua scheda SD sia priva di errori prima di seguire questa guida usando H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), o F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +Effettuando la modifica alla tua console, la sottoponi ad un remoto (ma possibile) rischio di esclusione dalle funzionalità di gioco online, o ad un brick (che la renderebbe inutilizzabile). Se sbagli a posizionare dei file NON brickerai la console, potresti invece brickarla saltando alcuni passaggi. Similmente, l’ultima ondata di ban dai servizi online è avvenuta più di cinque anni fa, ma non è garantito che non possa succedere nuovamente.
+ +Riassumendo: Modificare la tua console è sicuro, ma è una tua responsabilità se qualcosa dovesse andare storto.
+ +In questa guida copierai i file scaricati dal tuo computer o cellulare nella scheda SD del tuo 3DS. Molti di questi file provengono da GitHub, quindi consulta la schermata qui sopra se non hai dimestichezza nel scaricare i file da li.
+ +Alcuni dei file che ti verrà richiesto di scaricare saranno in formato .zip
, utilizzato per comprimere più file in uno unico.
Quando ti verrà chiesto di “copiare il file (tizio) dall’archivio (caio).zip”, significa che dovrai aprire (o meglio, “estrarre”) il file ZIP. Dentro il file ZIP ci saranno i file che cerchi, che potrai copiare nella posizione richiesta sulla tua scheda SD.
+ +Nella maggior parte dei sistemi operativi, per estrarre i file basta farci un doppio clic sopra. Se non ci riesci o non funziona, puoi installare invece un tool di terze parti affidabile come 7-Zip.
+Se hai un computer con Windows, le estensioni dopo il nome del file potrebbero essere nascoste per impostazione predefinita, rendendo più complicato trovare il file che stai cercando. Per abilitare le estensioni dopo il nome del file, segui queste istruzioni.
+Se riscontri dei problemi seguendo questa guida, ci sono tanti modi per ricevere aiuto!
+ +Prosegui con Cominciamo!
+ + +In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come spostare il contenuto di una EmuNAND preesistente nel nuovo CFW SysNAND, per poi rimuovere la vecchia partizione EmuNAND. Tieni presente che i termini EmuNAND e RedNAND si riferiscono a due implementazioni leggermente diverse dello stesso concetto.
+ +Tieni presente che se hai altri file payload oltre a GodMode9.firm
nella cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SD, per seguire le istruzioni riportate dovrai avviare la console tenendo (Start); apparirà un “menu chainloader” dove dovrai selezionare “GodMode9” tramite il D-Pad e il pulsante (A).
DEVI aver già installato Luma3DS e boot9strap per poter proseguire.
+ +*Una EmuNAND esistente
+ + +GodMode9.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 dentro la cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SDgm9
presente nell’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 nella directory principale della tua scheda SDSe non hai alcun DSiWare o se non hai salvataggi che desideri salvare, salta questa sezione.
-> title
per selezionarla, quindi seleziona “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”
+ Se non hai alcun gioco GBA della Virtual Console o se non hai salvataggi che desideri salvare, salta questa sezione.
+ +Questo processo non è necessario per giochi delle altre Virtual Console (quali GBC, NES, ecc)
+ +Il salvataggio verrà creato nella cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD, con nome <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Per identificare il Title ID di un file <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, puoi controllare la lista di tutti i giochi presenti sulla tua console e i rispettivi Title ID tenendo premuto (R) e premendo (A) mentre è selezionato [A:] SYSNAND SD
, quindi selezionando “Search for titles”.
per selezionarlo[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
per selezionarlo, quindi seleziona “NAND image options…”, ed infine seleziona “Restore SysNAND (safe)”Se non hai mantenuto alcun salvataggio DSiWare, salta questa sezione.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
per copiarla[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
Se non hai mantenuto alcun salvataggio GBA della Virtual Console, salta questa sezione.
+ +Per identificare il Title ID di un file <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, puoi controllare la lista di tutti i giochi presenti sulla tua console e i rispettivi Title ID tenendo premuto (R) e premendo (A) sul menu principale di GodMode9, quindi selezionando “Search for titles”.
-> gm9
che vuoi ripristinare per copiarlo[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
per selezionarlo<data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
ed essential.exefs
dalla cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD in una posizione sicura sul tuo computer
+ <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
e <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
dalla cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SDGM9SD
+ boot.firm
sulla tua scheda SD con quello preso dal tuo backupSe la tua flashcart ha installato nativamente ntrboot (o se hai già installato ntrboot nella tua flashcart), puoi saltare direttamente all’Installazione di boot9strap (ntrboot).
+ +L’installazione di boot9strap tramite ntrboot richiede una flashcart NDS / DSi compatibile. Alcune di queste flashcart sono vendute con ntrboot già preinstallato.
+ +Anche se l’exploit ntrboot funziona indipendentemente dalla versione di sistema, il flasher di ntrboot (che installa l’exploit sulla cartuccia) può richiedere una versione specifica. Ciò significa che, a seconda delle versioni e delle console supportate dalla tua flashcart, potresti aver a disposizione solo alcuni metodi.
+ +Tieni presente che alcune cartucce hanno una “bomba a tempo” che impedirà loro di avviare file .nds
se rilevano che la data della console è successiva ad una data stabilita nel firmware della flashcart. Per bypassare questo limite, cambia la data della console ad una precedente.
Nome della Flashcart | +Prezzo Attuale | +“Bomba ad orologeria”? | +Versioni 3DS? | +Versioni DSi? | +Note aggiuntive | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +€15.99 | +3 Settembre 2024 | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | +Venduta con ntrboot preinstallato; è possibile riflasharla per ripristinarla a flashcart NDS. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +€19.99 | +No | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | +Venduta con ntrboot preinstallato (presenta un interruttore per alternare le modalità ntrboot e NDS); da non flashare manualmente con ntrboot. | +
Acekard 2i | +€20.99 | +No | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +€9.99 | +No | +Nessuna | +Nessuna | +Solo i modelli con determinati flash chip sono compatibili con ntrboot. | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +€19.99 | +No | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | +Tutte le versioni di RTS sono compatibili. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +€13.99 | +1.85b: 3 Settembre 2024 | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +9.99€ | +4.0b: 3 Settembre 2024 | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | +Solo le flashcart r4isdhc .com marchiate con l’anno tra 2014 e 2020 sono supportate. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +13.99€ | +4.0b: 3 Settembre 2024 | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | +Solo le flashcart r4isdhc .com marchiate con l’anno tra 2014 e 2020 sono supportate. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | No | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | +Venduta con ntrboot preinstallato (presenta un interruttore per alternare le modalità ntrboot (“3DS”) e NDS); da non flashare manualmente con ntrboot. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | No | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +TUTTE | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | No | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | No | +Nessuna | +Nessuna | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +TUTTE | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | No | +<= 4.3.0 | +TUTTE | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Sconosciuto | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: 3 Settembre 2024 | +TUTTE | +TUTTE | +Solo le flashcart r4isdhc .com marchiate con l’anno tra 2014 e 2020 sono supportate. | +
Assicurati che la tua flashcart sia in grado di avviare file .nds
sulla tua console prima di iniziare. Alcune flashcart potrebbero richiedere un firmware o file del “kernel” sulla propria scheda SD. Per ulteriori informazioni, consulta le istruzioni specifiche per la tua flashcart.
Tieni presente che i metodi specifici forniscono ulteriori informazioni sulla compatibilità.
+ +Questo exploit, a prescindere dal metodo di flashing, richiede l’uso di un piccolo magnete se la console di destinazione è a chiusura (ovvero qualsiasi modello della famiglia 3DS che non sia l’Old 2DS con la levetta per la modalità riposo). in quanto la console deve essere in modalità riposo ma al contempo i pulsanti devono rimanere accessibili.
+ +Per testare il funzionamento del magnete, appoggialo vicino ai pulsanti (A)(B)(X)(Y) mentre la console è accesa per verificare l’attivazione della modalità riposo. In tal caso, entrambi gli schermi si spegneranno finché il magnete rimane in questa posizione.
+ +Tieni presente che la flashcart non potrà più essere utilizzata per le sue funzioni normali finché l’exploit ntrboot sarà installato su di essa (fatta eccezione per la Acekard 2i che funzionerà comunque solo su console NDS e 3DS con un custom firmware installato). Questo vuol dire che, con la maggior parte delle flashcart, non verrà visualizzato nemmeno il menu principale. Per rimuoverlo dalla flashcart al termine dell’installazione, sono presenti al termine della guida delle istruzioni opzionali.
+ +Tieni presente che in rare circostanze è possibile brickare una flashcart contraffatta durante il flashing, e renderla permanentemente inutilizzabile. È improbabile, tuttavia sono supportate soltanto le flashcart originali qui indicate. Per ridurre il rischio di ottenere una flashcart contraffatta, si raccomanda di comprarne una solo da siti affidabili (come NDS Card)
+ +Questo metodo richiede soltanto un 3DS non ancora modificato e una flashcart compatibile. La flashcart verrà utilizzata per avviare il file .nds
del flasher di ntrboot sul tuo 3DS. Ciò significa che la tua flashcart deve supportare l’avvio di file .nds
sulla versione di sistema del tuo 3DS. Leggi la tabella delle flashcart sopra per maggiori informazioni.
Prosegui con il Flash di ntrboot (Singolo 3DS)
+ +Questo metodo richiede l’accesso temporaneo ad una seconda console su cui è installato boot9strap. Non è necessario che la tua flashcart supporti la versione di sistema di uno dei 3DS.
+ +Prosegui con il Flash di ntrboot (Con più 3DS)
+ +Questo metodo richiede momentaneamente l’utilizzo di un Nintendo DS o DS Lite compatibile con la tua flashcart. La flashcart verrà utilizzata per avviare il file .nds
del flasher di ntrboot sul tuo NDS.
Prosegui con il Flash di ntrboot (NDS)
+ +Questo metodo richiede momentaneamente l’utilizzo di un Nintendo DSi compatibile con la tua flashcart. La flashcart verrà utilizzata per avviare il file .nds
del flasher di ntrboot sul tuo DSi. Ciò significa che la tua flashcart deve supportare l’avvio di file .nds
sulla versione di sistema del tuo DSi. Leggi la tabella delle flashcart sopra per maggiori informazioni.
Prosegui con il Flash di ntrboot (DSi)
+ + +Questo sito utilizza i cookie per aiutare gli utenti a procedere all’interno della guida. I cookie permettono la visualizzazione dei progressi attuali nella barra laterale della pagina dei progressi attuali, e aiutano a tenere traccia dell’avanzamento.
+ +Questo sito può includere contenuti esterni (ad es. video, immagini, articoli, ecc.). I contenuti incorporati da altri siti web si comportano come se l’utente avesse visitato tali siti.
+ +Questi siti potrebbero raccogliere dati su di te, utilizzare i cookie, incorporare ulteriori tracciamenti di terze parti e monitorare la tua interazione con tali contenuti, compresa l’interazione se dovessi avere un account e sei loggato a tale sito.
+ +Questo sito utilizza Google Analytics per monitorare e analizzare il traffico. Il sito è ospitato da Github Pages, che può raccogliere dati su di te, utilizzare i cookie, incorporare ulteriori tracciamenti di terze parti e monitorare la tua interazione con questo sito. Per ulteriori informazioni su Github Pages riguardo la privacy dell’utente, consulta la pagina Github Privacy Statement.
+ +Questo sito non raccoglie informazioni personali. Questo sito può raccogliere informazioni sull’utilizzo per analizzare l’interesse nei contenuti e fornire informazioni agli inserzionisti su base aggregata. Nessuna informazione personale individuabile è condivisa con società pubblicitarie di terze parti.
+ +Questo sito può fornire accesso agli utenti ad altri siti. Questo sito non è responsabile delle politiche sulla privacy di tali altri siti. Gli utenti devono essere consapevoli che le politiche sulla privacy di altri siti possono differire da questa.
+ +Il contenuto di questa informativa sulla privacy può cambiare in qualsiasi momento e per qualsiasi motivo.
+ + +In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come cambiare regionalità su SysNAND con CFW. Per questo scopo, verrà eseguito un CTRTransfer alla versione 11.15.0 della regione alla quale si desidera passare. Dopo aver installato l’immagine, potrai aggiornare normalmente la console al firmware più recente (11.16.0).
+ +Tuttavia, il cambio della regione è quasi completamente inutile in quanto Luma3DS supporta l’avvio di giochi di altre regioni e l’Emulazione Regionale su titoli individuali. Inoltre, è possibile avviare giochi NDS con lingue alternative TWiLight Menu++.
+ +Tieni presente che se hai altri file payload oltre a GodMode9.firm
nella cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SD, per seguire le istruzioni riportate dovrai avviare la console tenendo (Start); apparirà un “menu chainloader” dove dovrai selezionare “GodMode9” tramite il D-Pad e il pulsante (A).
Se cambi la regione della tua console:
+ +DEVI aver già installato Luma3DS e boot9strap per poter proseguire.
+ +Un cambio di regione potrebbe rendere inutilizzabili i giochi in modalità memoria estesa (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sole/Luna) su console Old 3DS/2DS. Se dovesse accadere, sarà necessario formattare la console (tramite TinyFormat o Impostazioni della console) per risolvere il problema.
+ +Per usare i link magnet di questa guida avrai bisogno di un client torrent come qBittorrent o Deluge.
di GodMode9).3dsx
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDGodMode9.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 dentro la cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SDgm9
presente nell’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 nella directory principale della tua scheda SD.bin
dall’archivio .zip
di CTRTransfer nella cartella /gm9/
presente nella scheda SDFBI.3dsx
nella cartella /3ds/
nella tua scheda SD<data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
ed essential.exefs
dalla cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD in una posizione sicura sul tuo computer
+ <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin
e <data>_<codiceseriale>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
dalla cartella /gm9/out/
della tua scheda SD[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
del CTRTransfer per selezionarloNintendo 3DS
e Nintendo DS
dalla directory principale della tua scheda SDSe lo script non ha trovato alcun ticket dell’utente, puoi saltare questa sezione.
+ +eshop
se presente, e per la cartella unknown
se presente
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
del CTRTransfer per cancellarloQuesta pagina è stata spostata su Ripristinare / Aggiornare il CFW.
+ + +Questa pagina prepara una console con un’installazione moderna preesistente di boot9strap alla reinstallazione e/o aggiornamento delle applicazioni del custom firmware. Può anche essere utilizzata in caso di perdita o corruzione della scheda SD.
+ +La scheda SD deve essere formattata come FAT32 per seguire questa guida, altrimenti il 3DS non sarà in grado di riconoscerla. Se la scheda SD non è ancora formattata correttamente, utilizzare una di queste pagine per formattarla, a seconda del sistema operativo: Windows, Mac, Linux.
di Luma3DS)boot.3dsx
e boot.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD, sovrascrivendo eventuali file già preesistenti
+ La versione più recente di Luma3DS è ora installata sulla scheda SD e nella memoria interna.
+Se vuoi re-installare o aggiornare altre applicazioni homebrew, prosegui con Completamento dell’installazione
+ + +Per installare boot9strap nella tua console, ne ricaviamo la sua univoca chiave di cifratura. Utilizzeremo perciò un’applicazione chiamata Seedminer per calcolare la chiave di cifratura dati (movable.sed
) per la tua console.
Per ulteriori informazioni sul funzionamento di Seedminer, è possibile consultare questa presentazione.
+ +Questo metodo utilizza una scheda grafica di fascia alta per eseguire i calcoli necessari. Verrà usato un sito web gestito da volontari per assisterti in questo metodo.
+ +In questa sezione, aggiornerai il tuo sistema all’ultima versione, necessaria per Seedminer.
+ +In questa sezione otterrai dal tuo 3DS i dati necessari per scoprire la chiave di crittografia della tua console.
+ +Prima di seguire questa sezione:
+Nintendo 3DS
della tua scheda SDNintendo 3DS
+ private
In questa sezione utilizzerai il sito web Bruteforce Movable per recuperare la chiave di crittografia della tua console sotto forma di movable.sed
e continuare con la prossima sezione. Non occorre aggiungere nuovamente il botStep 2: Bruteforce
dal sito
+ Una volta ottenuta la chiave di crittografia della tua console (movable.sed
), la userai in combinazione con BannerBomb3, che utilizza il tuo file movable.sed
per sfruttare le falle nell’applicazione Impostazioni della console.
Prosegui con BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +Per installare boot9strap nella tua console, ne ricaviamo la sua univoca chiave di cifratura. Utilizzeremo perciò un’applicazione chiamata Seedminer per calcolare la chiave di cifratura dati (movable.sed
) per la tua console.
Per ulteriori informazioni sul funzionamento di Seedminer, è possibile consultare questa presentazione.
+ +Questo metodo utilizza una scheda grafica di fascia alta per eseguire i calcoli necessari. Verrà usato un sito web gestito da volontari per assisterti in questo metodo.
+ +In questa sezione, aggiornerai il tuo sistema all’ultima versione, necessaria per Seedminer.
+ +In questa sezione otterrai dal tuo 3DS i dati necessari per scoprire la chiave di crittografia della tua console.
+ +Prima di seguire questa sezione:
+Nintendo 3DS
della tua scheda SDNintendo 3DS
+ private
In questa sezione utilizzerai il sito web Bruteforce Movable per recuperare la chiave di crittografia della tua console sotto forma di movable.sed
e continuare con la prossima sezione. Non occorre aggiungere nuovamente il botStep 2: Bruteforce
dal sito
+ Una volta ottenuta la chiave di crittografia della tua console (movable.sed
), la userai in combinazione con BannerBomb3, che utilizza il tuo file movable.sed
per sfruttare le falle nell’applicazione Impostazioni della console.
Prosegui con BannerBomb3
+ + +Più popolari
+ + + +Tutti
+ +Questa pagina offre consigli per la risoluzione di problemi comuni. Se non riesci a risolvere il tuo problema con i consigli su questa pagina, entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew e descrivi il tuo problema, indicando quello che hai già provato.
+ +Utilizzato su più pagine:
+Pagine guida:
+Problemi dopo l’installazione:
+ + +Ti mancano i file boot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dalla cartella boot9strap
, o la cartella boot9strap
non è stata correttamente nominata. Scarica l’ultima versione di boot9strap, e posiziona i file boot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
nella cartella boot9strap
C’è un problema con i tuoi file boot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
. Ri-scarica l’ultima versione di boot9strap, e posiziona i file boot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
nella cartella boot9strap
Ti manca il file secret_sector.bin
dalla cartella boot9strap
, o la cartella boot9strap
non è stata correttamente nominata. Scarica secret_sector.bin con un client torrent, e posizionalo nella cartella boot9strap
Entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew per ricevere assistenza, e indica il messaggio che ricevi.
+Questo si verifica quando si utilizza la scheda SD in più console 3DS ed accade per prevenire l’unione involontaria di dati non validi su console diverse. Per capire quale cartella dal nome lungo sia quella corretta per il tuo 3DS, segui queste istruzioni:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
in BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
della tua scheda SDNintendo 3DS
BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
in Nintendo 3DS
Il sito web ha già estratto il tuo file movable.sed
usando la combinazione del tuo codice amico e l’ID0. Puoi già usare il file movable.sed
che ti viene fornito.
Il tuo codice amico non può più usare il bot perché il tuo 3DS non ha accettato correttamente la sua amicizia. Assicurati che il tuo 3DS sia connesso correttamente a Internet, quindi entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew e chiedi di venire sbloccato.
+Il sito ha stabilito che il tuo file movable.sed
non può essere decriptato. Assicurati di aver dato l’ID0 corretto al sito web. Se il tuo ID0 è corretto, allora non potrai utilizzare Seedminer e dovrai utilizzare un metodo alternativo che richiederà ulteriori giochi o hardware.
Questo può accadere se hai usato più schede SD su un 3DS e poi unito il contenuto delle diverse schede SD. Questo accade per evitare che dati validi in conflitto vengano uniti assieme.
+ +Per risolvere questo problema, è necessario determinare quale cartella contiene i tuoi dati. Di solito, è la più grande tra le cartelle. Fai un backup ed elimina le cartelle più piccole, quindi crea una cartella Nintendo DSiWare
in quella che rimane e sposta il file F00D43D5.bin
in questa nuova cartella.
Assicurati che il file F00D43D5.bin
sia l’unico file presente in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. In tal caso, ricrealo con Bannerbomb3 Injector.
Inoltre, assicurati che il file bb3.bin
sia nella directory principale dela tua scheda SD. Se manca, scarica l’ultima versione di Bannerbomb3 (download diretto), e copia il file bb3.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD.
Se nessuna di queste soluzioni dovesse risolvere il problema, allora un custom firmware potrebbe essere già stato disinstallato da questa console in modo tale da rendere questo metodo impossibile. In tal caso, puoi ricevere assistenza chiedendo, in inglese, nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew.
+Manca il file F00D43D5.bin
da Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. Assicurati che Nintendo DSiWare
sia scritto correttamente e con gli spazi al posto giusto. Lettere maiuscole o minuscole non fanno differenza.
Potrebbe esserci un problema con il tuo file F00D43D5.bin
(potrebbe essere corrotto o per un diverso 3DS). Ri-crea il tuo file F00D43D5.bin
con Bannerbomb3 Injector, assicurandoti di utilizzare il file movable.sed
della tua console.
unSAFE_MODE non è installato. Segui le istruzioni per installarlo.
+Il file usm.bin
è mancante o mal posizionato. Scarica l’ultima versione di unSAFE_MODE e posiziona il file usm.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD. Non aggiungere l’estensione .bin
se non la vedi presente.
C’è anche la possibilità che la console non riesca a leggere la tua scheda SD. Assicurati che sia inserita e formattata correttamente.
+Il file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
è mancante o mal posizionato. Scarica l’ultima versione di SafeB9SInstaller, estraila e posiziona il file ‘SafeB9SInstaller.bin’ della directory principale della tua scheda SD. Non aggiungere l’estensione .bin
se non la vedi presente.
Effettua il backup dei tuoi dati e riformatta la tua scheda SD come FAT32 con lo strumento consigliato a seconda del sistema operativo (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard e lo strumento di formattazione HP (HPUSBDisk) sono noti per causare problemi con schede SD 3DS.
+ +Se il problema non si risolve, prova ad usare un’altra scheda SD.
+Assicurati che il file movable.sed
e il backup DSiWare provengano dalla stessa console. La mancata corrispondenza comporterà un errore.
Hai dimenticato di eliminare F00D43D5.bin
dalla scheda SD. Nella tua scheda SD, entra in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
ed elimina il file F00D43D5.bin
C’è un problema con il tuo file 42383821.bin
(è errato, mancante, mal posizionato o corrotto). Ri-crea i tuoi file con il sito web DSIHaxInjector_new e assicurati di inserire il file 42383821.bin
file di
-> hax
in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
non è stato copiato dalla tua scheda SD nella memoria di sistema.
La tua applicazione Impostazioni di collegamento DS è corrotta, e avrai bisogno di accedere all’Homebrew Launcher per risolvere questo problema. Entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew per chiedere assistenza.
+Flipnote può richiedere molto tempo per indicizzare la tua scheda SD se ne hai una di grandi dimensioni. Aspetta qualche minuto.
+Non hai copiato la cartella private
dall’archivio .zip
di Frogminer_save nella directory principale della tua scheda SD.
Potresti aver toccato accidentalmente il touch screen nel Flipnote modificato. Ri-entra in Impostazioni di collegamento DS e riprova, assicurandoti di non toccare accidentalmente il touch screen.
+Il file boot.nds
è mancante o mal posizionato. Scarica l’ultima versione di b9stool e posizionala nella directory principale della tua scheda SD, sostituendo quella preesistente.
C’è un problema con il tuo file boot.nds
. Ri-scarica l’ultima versione di b9stool e posizionala nella directory principale della tua scheda SD, sostituendo quella preesistente.
Entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew e spiega l’accaduto.
+Se la tua console è alla versione di sistema 9.4.0, 9.5.0 o 9.6.0, potresti riscontrare problemi usando una vecchia versione di universal-otherapp. Scarica l’ultima versione da qui.
+ +Se la tua console non ha queste versioni di sistema, probabilmente hai già un custom firmware. Dovresti verificare la presenza di un CFW.
+C’è un problema con il tuo file otherapp.bin
(è mancante, mal posizionato o corrotto). Scarica l’ultima versione di universal-otherapp e inseriscila nella directory principale della tua scheda SD.
Hai il file Soundhax sbagliato per la tua console e regione, o la tua console è incompatibile con Soundhax. Nell’ultimo caso, dovresti aggiornare la tua console all’ultima versione e seguire Seedminer.
+Il file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
è mancante o mal posizionato. Scarica l’ultima versione di SafeB9SInstaller, estraila e posiziona il file ‘SafeB9SInstaller.bin’ della directory principale della tua scheda SD. Non aggiungere l’estensione .bin
se non la vedi presente.
Effettua il backup dei tuoi dati e riformatta la tua scheda SD come FAT32 con lo strumento consigliato a seconda del sistema operativo (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard e lo strumento di formattazione HP (HPUSBDisk) sono noti per causare problemi con schede SD 3DS.
+ +Se il problema non si risolve, prova ad usare un’altra scheda SD.
+Probabilmente significa che hai già un custom firmware. Dovresti verificare la presenza di un CFW.
+Il file arm11code.bin
è mancante o mal posizionato. Scarica l’ultima versione di universal-otherapp, posiziona il file otherapp.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in
arm11code.bin. Non aggiungere l'estensione
.bin` se non la vedi presente.
C’è un problema con il tuo file arm11code.bin
. Scarica l’ultima versione di universal-otherapp, posiziona il file otherapp.bin
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in
arm11code.bin. Non aggiungere l'estensione
.bin` se non la vedi presente.
Gli exploit basati sul browser (come questo) sono instabili e crashano spesso, ma seguendo i seguenti passaggi, i problemi potrebbero venire risolti.
+ +Il proxy SSLoth è stato configurato in modo errato. Ripeti la sezione SSLoth della pagina.
+Segui in ordine questi passaggi:
+ +Impostazioni Internet
-> Impostazioni di collegamento
-> Pagina Successiva (la freccia a destra)
-> Impostazioni proxy
Innanzitutto, assicurati di aver inserito il proxy corretto per la connessione che stai utilizzando. In caso contrario, torna alla Sezione II. Se il proxy è corretto, la console è stata aggiornata con una scheda di gioco, per cui dovrà essere utilizzato un exploit alternativo.
+ +Metodo 1
+Se i le due cifre prima della regione nella stringa della versione di sistema sono minori o uguali ad a 36 (ad esempio Ver. 11.14.0-36U), puoi seguire Soundhax. Quando viene richiesto di selezionare un firmware per generare il file audio, usa:
Metodo 2 (solo per Old 3DS)
+Se hai un Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, è possibile provare un aggiornamento tramite la Modalità Provvisoria, per attivare un exploit alternativo:
Se questi metodi non hanno funzionato (o non ti riguardano), aggiorna la tua console all’ultima versione e segui Seedminer.
+ +Il file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
è mancante o mal posizionato. Scarica l’ultima versione di SafeB9SInstaller, estraila e posiziona il file ‘SafeB9SInstaller.bin’ della directory principale della tua scheda SD. Non aggiungere l’estensione .bin
se non la vedi presente.
Potrebbe esserci un problema con il tuo file arm11code.bin
. Riscarica l’ultima versione di universal-otherapp, posizionala nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in
arm11code.bin. Non aggiungere l'estensione
.bin` se non la vedi presente.
Se hai una console taiwanese (con una T nella stringa della versione, ad esempio 11.3. -##T), non sarai in grado di seguire queste istruzioni e dovrai invece aggiornare la console ed eseguire Seedminer.
+ +Se hai una console dell’entroterra cinese (con una C nella stringa della versione, es. 11.3.0-##C), entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew per richiedere assistenza.
+Entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew per chiedere assistenza.
+Effettua il backup dei tuoi dati e riformatta la tua scheda SD come FAT32 con lo strumento consigliato a seconda del sistema operativo (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard e lo strumento di formattazione HP (HPUSBDisk) sono noti per causare problemi con schede SD 3DS.
+ +Se il problema non si risolve, prova ad usare un’altra scheda SD.
+I passaggi qui sotto possono essere seguiti in qualsiasi ordine, ma sono elencati dal più facile al più difficile da eseguire.
+ +Scarica questo config.ini alternativo e posizionalo in /luma/
. Questo cambierà la combinazione di tasti del menù Rosalina in (X) + (Y).
C’è un problema con il tuo file boot.3dsx
(è mancante, mal posizionato o corrotto). Scarica l’ultima versione dell’Homebrew Launcher e posiziona il file boot.3dsx
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD, sostituendo qualunque file preesistente.
Non hai copiato la cartella gm9
presente nell’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 nella directory principale della tua scheda SD. Scarica l’ultima versione di GodMode9 e posiziona la cartella gm9
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD, unendola a quella preesistente.
Assicurati di avere almeno 1.3GB disponibili nella tua scheda SD. Se non hai abbastanza spazio, segui questi passaggi:
+Nintendo 3DS
dalla directory principale della tua scheda SD al tuo computerNintendo 3DS
dalla scheda SDgm9/out
sulla tua SD in una posizione sicura sul tuo computer<data>_<seriale>_sysnand_##.bin
e <data>_<seriale>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
dalla scheda SD, mantenendo il file essential.exefs
in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
dal tuo computer nella directory principale della tua scheda SDNintendo 3DS
dal tuo computerSe riieni di avere abbastanza spazio sulla tua scheda SD, questa potrebbe essere danneggiata o difettosa. Verifica la presenza di eventuali errori nella tua scheda SD seguendo la guida corretta per il sistema operativo del tuo computer: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+I passaggi qui dettagliati generalmente presuppongono che la tua console abbia un’installazione moderna del custom firmware (boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 o superiore). Se la tua console sta eseguendo una vecchia configurazione (ad esempio, qualcosa basato su arm9loaderhax o menuhax), dovresti aggiornare la tua installazione prima di seguire queste istruzioni.
+ +C’è un problema con il tuo file boot.firm
. Se stai usando boot9strap 1.4, il tuo LED di notifica 3DS potrebbe lampeggiare di un certo colore. Questo colore è usato per diagnosticare problemi riguardanti il tuo file boot.firm
nella scheda SD o nella memoria interna. Su versioni molto vecchie di boot9strap, la luce blu si spegne quasi subito quando si tenta di accendere la console.
Se il LED di notifica lampeggia:
+ +boot.firm
nella tua scheda SD o nella memoria interna.boot.firm
nella tua scheda SD. È stato in grado di trovare il file boot.firm
nella memoria interna, tuttavia il file è corrotto.boot.firm
sia nella tua scheda SD sia nella memoria interna, tuttavia entrambi i file sono corrotti.Puoi ottenere un nuovo file boot.firm
scaricando l’ultima versione di Luma3DS, estraendola e posizionando il file boot.firm
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD. Se il tuo file boot.firm
continua a risultare corrotto, potresti dover verificare la presenza di errori nella tua scheda SD (Windows, Linux, o macOS). Inoltre, tieni presente che il 3DS tende ad avere problemi con file estratti usando WinRAR.
Se si sente un “suono scoppiettante”, potenzialmente seguito dalla retroilluminazione accendersi per un istante, c’è un problema hardware con la tua console (come un cavo della retroilluminazione disconnesso). Potresti riuscire ad accendere la console tenendola in determinate posizioni.
+I passaggi qui sotto possono essere seguiti in qualsiasi ordine, ma sono elencati dal più rapido al più lungo da eseguire.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
sulla tua scheda SD in Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
, poi tenta l’avvio. Se la tua console si avvia correttamente, c’è qualche problema con la tua cartella Nintendo 3DS
. Prova a cancellare gli extdata del menu HOME:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Elimina la cartella corrispondente alla regione del tuo 3DS:
+ 00000098
La tua versione di Luma3DS è obsoleta. Scarica l’ultima versione di Luma3DS e posiziona il file boot.firm
nella directory principale della tua scheda SD, sostituendo qualunque file preesistente. Assicurati di non stare estraendo il file ZIP con WinRAR, in quanto è noto per causare problemi con file relativi al 3DS.
Ci sono diverse ragioni per cui questo potrebbe accadere. In ogni caso, questo errore di solito si può risolvere seguendo la guida CTRTransfer.
+I gestori di eccezione ARM11 sono disabilitati, o un custom firware non è installato. Prova ad abilitare i gestori di eccezione ARM11:
+Questo potrebbe essere causato da vari motivi, ma principalmente perché la scheda SD non viene letta dal sistema. +Puoi controllare se la tua SD non viene letta tenendo premuto SELECT all’avvio e controllando il testo giallo nella schermata inferiore; se dice “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, la console si sta avviando dalla memoria interna e non dalla scheda SD. +Se è questo il caso, prova a seguire i seguenti passaggi, indicati dal più semplice al più complesso:
e posizionalo nella directory principale della tua scheda SD (sostituendo qualunque file preesistente)La tua console è probabilmente brickata. Dovrai acquistare una flashcart ntrboot per reinstallare boot9strap e tentare riparare la tua console. Potrebbe anche indicare un problema hardware non risolvibile. In ogni caso, entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew per chiedere assistenza.
+Per favore scatta una foto dell’errore ed entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew per ricevere assistenza.
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDTWLFix-CFW.3dsx
nella cartella /3ds/
nella tua scheda SDLa tua console sta eseguendo Luma3DS 6.6 o precedente, probabilmente tramite arm9loaderhax. Dovresti seguire Da A9LH a B9S per aggiornare la tua console con un custom firmware moderno.
+Questo può verificarsi dopo un CTRTransfer o dopo un cambio di regione su Old 3DS / 2DS. Dovrai formattare la tua console per risolvere il problema.
+Cerca la tua schermata di errore in questa pagina. +Se non sei stato in grado di trovare il tuo errore o le istruzioni non funzionano, unisciti a Nintendo Homebrew su Discord per ulteriore assistenza.
+/Nintendo 3DS/(ID di 32 caratteri)/(ID di 32 caratteri)/extdata/00000000/
presente all’interno della tua scheda SD00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/(ID di 32 caratteri)/(ID di 32 caratteri)/extdata/00000000/
presente all’interno della tua scheda SD000002ce
È possibile disattivare la funzione Filtro famiglia entrando in Impostazioni della console -> Filtro famiglia e inserendo il PIN, quindi premendo “Cancella impostazioni”, e infine “Cancella” per rimuoverlo. +Tuttavia, se non conosci il PIN e quindi non puoi accedere alle impostazioni della console, dovrai disabilitarlo. A tal scopo, dovrai ottenere la master key della tua console (mkey):
+In questa sezione verrà spiegato come rimuovere completamente il CFW dalla tua console, boot9strap e Luma3DS inclusi, per riportarla al suo stato iniziale.
+ +Qualunque giorno non firmato (illegittimo) verrà reso inutilizzabile e sarà rimosso durante il processo. Usa un manager dei salvataggi per fare il backup di tutti i salvataggi che ti interessano.
+ +Se stai rimuovendo il CFW perché:
+ +FERMATI!!! Disinstallare il custom firmware è un rischio non necessario che nel migliore dei casi ti farà perdere tempo e nel peggiore BRICKARE la tua console. Un’idea migliore sarebbe chiedere aiuto nel canale Discord Nintendo Homebrew.
+Se hai fatto una cosa QUALUNQUE tra le seguenti:
) della consoledisinstallare il CFW BRICKERÀ LA TUA CONSOLE. In questi casi, ripristina da un backup pulito della NAND prima di continuare.
+Queste istruzioni funzioneranno solo su console con una versione di Luma3DS uguale o superiore a 8.0. Se si dispone di una versione precedente di Luma, è necessario aggiornare l’installazione prima di seguire queste istruzioni. Segui questa pagina per trovare le istruzioni per l’aggiornamento.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SDGodMode9.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 dentro la cartella /luma/payloads/
della tua scheda SDgm9
presente nell’archivio .zip
di GodMode9 nella directory principale della tua scheda SDDSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
nella cartella /3ds/
della tua scheda SDsafety_test.gm9
nella cartella /gm9/scripts/
della tua scheda SDLo scopo di questa sezione è verificare se le applicazioni integrate in modalità DS continueranno a funzionare dopo la rimozione del CFW. Se salti questa parte, la modalità DS o le sue funzionalità potrebbero rimanere inaccessibili finché non avrai reinstallato un CFW.
+ +Impostazioni Internet
-> Connessioni Nintendo DS
, quindi seleziona OKSe uno di questi test non è riuscito, la modalità DS, la Modalità download DS e/o le impostazioni di collegamento DS potrebbero essere inaccessibili al termine della rimozione del CFW! Dovresti riparare la modalità DS prima di continuare.
+ +Lo scopo di questa sezione è quello di verificare che la console si avvii e che le funzioni di sistema critiche, come le Impostazioni della console e la tastiera, funzioneranno dopo la rimozione del CFW. Se salti questa sezione, potresti BRICKARE la tua console!
+ +Se NON si avvia il normale menu HOME 3DS, le Impostazioni della console e/o la tastiera sono inaccessibili, NON PROSEGUIRE con queste istruzioni! Entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew (in Inglese) per richiedere assistenza.
+ +Questa sezione rimuoverà contenuti illegittimi, come homebrew e backup di giochi. Se hai dati di salvataggio che desideri mantenere, eseguine il backup con un gestore di salvataggi prima di continuare!
+ +Questa sezione garantirà che tutti i ticket illegittimi vengano rimossi, consentendo all’eShop di funzionare normalmente. Verranno rimossi tutti i contenuti del 3DS e verrà fatto log out dal tuo NNID. Tieni presente che la chiave di cifratura della tua console verrà ricreata, per cui qualunque dato preesistente diventerà inaccessibile, anche se manterrai un backup della tua scheda SD.
+ +Questa è la tua ultima occasione per verificare che tutti i controlli di sicurezza precedentemente indicati siano stati seguiti! Assicurati di aver seguito tutte le sezioni di questa pagina, in particolare la Sezione III - Test di Sicurezza
, prima di continuare.
Il custom firmware è stato rimosso dalla tua console.
+ +Ora puoi rimuovere qualsiasi file o cartella presente nella directory principale della tua scheda SD che non siano le cartelle Nintendo 3DS
, o private
Questa pagina spiega come aggiornare la propria installazione di boot9strap all’ultima versione.
+ +Nonostante riteniamo che l’uso di un custom firmware sia sicuro anche online, ci sono stati ban dal network online in passato, soprattutto per l’uso di cheat e comportamenti sospetti con l’eShop.
di Luma3DS)Se durante questa sezione ti verrà chiesto di sovrascrivere dei file sulla tua scheda SD, conferma sempre la scelta.
+ +boot9strap
nella directory principale della tua scheda SDboot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
dall’archivio .zip
di boot9strap nella cartella /boot9strap/
della tua scheda SDSafeB9SInstaller.firm
dall’archivio .zip
di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in boot.firm
+ boot.firm
, sostituisciloReinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console
+ + +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
dall’archivio .zip
di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD, sostituendo il file esistenteIf this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, and New 2DS XL/LL, regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device, you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +이 섹션은 arm9loaderhax 사용자들이 boot9strap으로 업데이트 +하는 것을 돕기 위한 가이드입니다.
+ +이제부터 모든 Luma3DS의 릴리스는 boot9strap과 sighax에만 대응하는 .firm
형식으로 업데이트 됩니다. 그것은 곧 Luma3DS를 업데이트 하려면, 이 페이지를 통해 업데이트를 해야 한다는 것과 같습니다,
이 페이지에 있는 .7z
파일을 압축 해제하기 위해서는, 7-Zip 또는 The Unarchiver 같은 압축 해제 프로그램이 필요합니다.
우리는 온라인 사용은 문제가 없다고 믿지만, 치트 밎 의혹한 eShop 행동으로 온라인 네트워크 차단 사건들이 있었음으로, 주의하시기 바랍니다.
+ +이 페이지의 마그넷링크를 사용하려면 + qBittorrent 또는 Deluge와 같은 토렌트 클라이언트가 필요합니다.
+ +추가로, secret_sector.bin
은 arm9loaderhax exploit을 되돌리기 위해 New 3DS에서만 사용됩니다. 그래서 기존 기기들의 boot9strap 설치에서는 필요하지 않습니다. 만약 New 3DS를 소유하고 계시지 않으시면 secret_sector.bin
은 필요 하지 않습니다.
파일)모든 과정에서, SD 카드에 이미 존재하는 파일들은 모두 덮어쓰기 해주세요.
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ .7z
파일에서 arm9loaderhax.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요.zip
파일에서 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
을 SD 카드에 있는/luma/payloads/
폴더에 복사해 주세요
+ /luma/payloads/
폴더 속에 있는 모든 .bin
페이로드 (GodMode9.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
, etc.)는 boot9strap과 호환되는 Luma3DS와 호환되지 않기에, 폴더 속에 있는 모든 .bin
페이로드는 지워 주세요boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요New 3DS 전용 SD 카드의 /boot9strap/
폴더에 secret_sector.bin
을 복사해 주세요
folder on your SD card and try again시스템 DSiWare를 추출하기 위해, DSiWare 데이터 관리 설정 창의 취약점을 악용합니다.
+ +이 가이드는 시스템의 암호화 키 (movable.sed)를 이용해 DSiWare 백업을 만들어, 시스템이 DSi 인터넷 설정 앱을 SD 카드 루트에 추출하게 합니다.
+ +DSiWare 백업이 있으면, DS 다운로드 플레이에 취약한 DSiWare 타이틀을 주입할 수 있게 되어, 이를 이용해서 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 수 있습니다.
+ +이 페이지는 타이완 콘솔만에 해당됩니다! (시스템 버전 마지막에 T가 붙음, 예: 11.16.0-39T) 만약 다른 지역의 콘솔을 갖고 계시다면, 다른 방법을 선택해 주세요.
+ +movable.sed
)여기서 기기의 안전을 위해 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있는지 확인합니다. 이 페이지의 방법은, 이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있다면 기기를 벽돌 상태로 남길 가능성이 있습니다. (이럴 시 해결 방법은 ntrboot 같은 방법으로 해결할 수 밖에 없습니다.)
+ +만약 설정 메뉴가 보이거나 기기의 전원이 바로 종료된다면, 이 기기는 이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있고, 이 작업을 진행하면 기기가 벽돌 될수가 있습니다! 이미 존재하는 CFW를 업데이트 할 수 있도록 CFW 확인를 진행해 주세요.
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ .zip
안에 압축이 되있는 private
폴더를 복사해 주세요movable.sed
파일을 업로드해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
폴더로 이동해 주세요
+ <ID0>
는 Seedminer에서 사용한 것과 같습니다<ID1>
은 <ID0>
폴더 안에 존재하는 32 자리의 이름을 갖춘 폴더 입니다<ID1>
폴더에 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더를 생성해 주세요
+ <8-character-id>.bin
)이 있다면, PC로 모두 복사해 두고 SD 카드에서 삭제해 주세요.zip
파일을 열고 China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
으로 이동해주세요.bin
파일을 모두 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 복사해 주세요데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
-> SD 카드
-> 2페이지로 이동해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 이동해 주세요.zip
파일을 열어 China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
로 이동해 주세요.bin
파일을 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 복사해주세요. 파일이 이미 있다면 덮어씌워 주세요데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
-> SD 카드
로 이동해주세요42383821.bin
파일이 있을 겁니다Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 이동해 주세요Nintendo DSiWare
폴더의 모든 .bin
파일을 삭제해 주세요42383821.bin
파일을 업로드해 주세요movable.sed
파일을 업로드해 주세요DSdownloadplay
(memorypit 아님)로 설정해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 이동해 주세요hax
폴더 안에 있는 484E4441.bin
파일을 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 복사해 주세요데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
메뉴를 열어 주세요만약 이 섹션의 비주얼 가이드를 선호한다면, [여기서] ( 그 중 하나를 보실 수가 있습니다.
+ +이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행 할 수 있도록 Flipnote Studio에서 여러 가지 단계를 진행 합니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 이동해 주세요clean
폴더 안에 있는 484E4441.bin
파일을 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 복사해 주세요데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
메뉴를 열어 주세요사용자 정의의 코드를 실행하기 위해 DSiWare 데이터 관리 설정 창의 취약점을 이용합니다.
+ +이것을 할 수 있도록, 기기의 암호화 키 (movable.sed)를 이용해 취약점을 이용할 DSiWare 백업을 생성합니다.
+ +더 자세한 기술 정보를 확인하려면, 이 페이지 (영문)를 확인해 주세요.
+이 설명서는 미주, 유럽, 일본, 그리고 한국 지역 기기들 (시스템 버전 다음 글짜가 U, E, J, 아니면 K 인 경우) 와 호환됩니다.
+ +만약 대만 지역 (TWN, 버전 끝에 T 글자가 표시됨)기기를 소유하고 계시다면, 이 페이지를 진행해 주시기 바랍니다.
+ +movable.sed
파일이 섹션에서는 기기의 SD 카드에 BannerBomb3 취약점을 실행하기 위한 파일을 복사하게 됩니다.
+ +movable.sed
를 업로드 해 주세요F00D43D5.bin
DSiWare 파일과 bb3.bin
익스플로잇 데이터를 zip 파일로 다운로드 합니다 (
안에 있는 bb3.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
폴더로 이동해 주세요
+ <ID1>
폴더에 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더를 생성해 주세요
+ <8-character-id>.bin
)이 있다면, PC로 모두 복사해 두고 SD 카드에서 삭제해 주세요F00D43D5.bin
에서 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 복사해 주세요In this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your device. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page.
+ +If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.
+ +기기가 안전 모드로 부팅 되었다면, boot9strap 설치 (USM)으로 계속합니다
+ +기기가 안전 모드로 부팅되지 않았다면, boot9strap 설치 (Fredtool)로 계속합니다
+ + +If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, go back to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the New 3DS series and the 2DS), regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device , you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +이것은 기기에 커스텀 펌웨어의 존재를 확인하는 추가 섹션입니다.
+ +기기에 이미 arm9loaderhax 또는 boot9strap 커스텀 펌웨어가 있다면, 이 설명서를 따라 최신 버전으로 업데이트 하면 됩니다.
+ +만약 기기에 menuhax 관련 CFW가 설치되어 있다면, HOME 메뉴의 extdata를 제거한 뒤, 다음 절차를 SysNAND에서 따르면 됩니다. SD카드 없이 부팅되는 시스템 버전이 9.2.0-20이라면, menuhax 관련 설치가 되어 있을 가능성이 있습니다.
+ +일반 HOME 메뉴로 부팅될 시, 시작하기로 돌아가 주세요
+ +Luma3DS 버전이 7.0.5 또는 그 이하면, A9LH를 B9S로 업데이트해 주세요
+ +Luma3DS 버전이 7.1이면, B9S 업데이트해 주세요
+ +Luma3DS 버전이 8.0 또는 그 이상이면, CFW 복구 / 업데이트해 주세요
+ +위 옵션 외의 증상이 벌어진다면, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에서 (영어로) 도움을 요청해 주세요.
+ + +3ds.hacks.guide에 기여해 주신다니 기쁩니다! 기여할 수 있는 방법은 몇가지가 있습니다.
+ +이 가이드는 오픈소스이며, 저장소는 여기서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 만약 가이드에 문제점이 있다고 느껴지신다면, 이슈를 만들거나, 풀 리퀘스트를 열어서 가이드에 편집한 점이 반영되게 해주세요.
+ +만약 이 가이드를 다른 언어로 번역하고 싶다면 (혹은 현 번역들을 최신으로 하고 싶다면) 저희의 Crowdin를 확인해 주세요.
+ +이 가이드 내의 몇 파일들은 토렌트로만 제공되고 있습니다. If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip
file containing all our .torrent
files: (last updated 2023-03-16)
미래 토렌트가 나올 시에 업데이트 될 수 있는 RSS 피드도 있으며, 구독하실 수 있습니다.
+ +이 가이드의 유지보수는 (저희의 서포트 채널 포함) 메인으로는 봉사적인 행동이지만, 이 가이드가 어떠한 방식으로나 도움을 드렸다면, 기부도 환영합니다.
+ + + + + +이 가이드의 만든이 및 관리자인 Plailect에게 특별히 감사드립니다!
+ +Freenode #Cakey 채널의 모든 분께 정말 감사드립니다!
+ +번역에 참여해 주신 모든 분께 정말 감사드립니다!
+ +목록에서 누락된 경우 연락 주시면 추가하겠습니다.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
이것은 기기에 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 이미지를 설치하는 부가 섹션입니다.
+ +만약 여러분의 SD 카드의 /luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9.firm
외의 페이로드 파일이 있다면, (Start)를 누르면서 부팅할 시에 화면에 표시되는 “chainloader menu” 에서 십자 패드와 (A) 버튼으로 조작하여 “GodMode9”을 선택하여야 합니다.
이것은 Luma3DS 및 boot9strap가 이미 설치되어 있어야 가능합니다.
+ +구형 3DS/2DS 기기에서는 CTRTransfer 후, 추가 메모리 모드 개임을 (예: 대난투 스매시브라더스, 포켓몬스터 썬/문, 몬스터 헌터)를 사용할 수 없게 될 수 있습니다. 만약 이게 발생한다면, 이 문제를 고치기 위해 (TinyFormat 및 본체 설정을 이용해서) 기기를 포맷하셔야 합니다.
+ +이 페이지의 마그넷링크를 사용하려면 + qBittorrent 또는 Deluge와 같은 토렌트 클라이언트가 필요합니다.
폴더가 없을 경우 폴더를 만들어 주세요/luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9 .zip
안에 압축되있는 GodMode9.firm
을 복사해 주세요.zip
안에 압축이 되있는 gm9
폴더를 복사해 주세요/gm9/
폴더에 CTRTransfer .zip
안에 압축되어 있는 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 이미지 .bin
을 복사해 주세요FBI.3dsx
파일을 SD 카드의 /3ds/
폴더에 복사해 주세요[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
으로 이동해 주세요.bin
에 (A)를 눌러 선택해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
하고 Nintendo DS
버튼이 표시 될 때까지 기다려 주세요boot.3dsx
from the root of your SD card만약 “No user tickets found” 표시가 되면, 이 부분을 넘기세요.
+ +eshop
폴더와 unknown
폴더 중 1개 이상의 폴더에 다음 과정을 수행해 주세요.
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
으로 이동해 주세요.bin
에 (X)를 눌러 삭제해 주세요스크립트와 같은 GodMode9의 지원과 업데이트와 정보를 받으려면 GodMode9 Discord 서버에 가입해 주세요. (영어 전용)
+ +NAND 백업의 작성 및 복구 외에, GodMode9은 3DS 내에 설치된 타이틀을 직접 설치 가능한.cia
파일이나, 게임 카트리지 데이터를 .3ds
롬 파일으로 추출을 하거나, 직접 카트리지를 SD 카드에 설치할 수 있습니다.
이 절차는 GodMode9 V2.0.0 이상의 버전을 위해 작성되었습니다. 만약 GodMode9의 과거 버전을 갖고 있다면, 이 절차를 따라서 업데이트해 주세요.
안에 압축되있는 GodMode9.firm
파일을 SD 카드의 /luma/payloads/
폴더에 복사해 주세요.zip
안에 압축되있는 gm9
폴더를 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요기기에 추출하고자 하는 게임 카드를 삽입해 주세요
형식으로 추출됩니다.nds
형식으로 추출됩니다[C:] GAMECART
로 이동해 주세요[TitleID].trim.3ds
에서 (A)를 눌러서 선택해 주세요[TitleID].nds
에서 (A)를 눌러서 선택해 주세요
+ .trim.nds
)은 일반적으로 NDS 게임은 추천되지 않습니다.3ds
나 .nds
형식의 파일이 SD 카드의 /gm9/out/
폴더에 출력됩니다이것은 3DS 게임으로만 할 수 있습니다; 타이틀로써 NDS 게임들을 시스템에 설치하는 것은 불가능합니다.
로 이동해 주세요[TitleID].trim.3ds
에서 (A)를 눌러 선택하고 “NCSD image options…“를 선택하고 “Install game image”를 선택해 주세요이것은 게임 카트리지를 시스템에 직접 설치가 작동이 안 될 시에만 써야 합니다.
로 이동해 주세요[TitleID].trim.3ds
에서 (A)를 눌러 선택하고 “NCSD image options…“를 선택하고 “Build CIA from file”를 선택해 주세요.cia
파일은 SD 카드의/gm9/out/
폴더에 출력됩니다이것을 사용하면, 시스템 타이틀과 유저 타이틀의 양쪽을 추출할 수 있습니다.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
파일은 SD 카드의/gm9/out/
폴더에 출력됩니다게임은 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
의 이름으로 SD 카드의 /gm9/out/
폴더에 출력될 것입니다.
파일이 어떤 게임인지 구분하기 위해 (Home)을 눌러 액션 메뉴로 이동해 Title Manager
-> [A:] SD CARD`를 선택해 기기에 있는 모든 게임의 Title ID를 볼 수 있습니다.
폴더로 이동해 주세요agbsave.bin
에서 (A)를 눌러 선택해 주세요<TitleID>.gbavc.sav
파일이 어떤 게임인지 구분하기 위해 (Home)을 눌러 액션 메뉴로 이동해 Title Manager
-> [A:] SD CARD`를 선택해 기기에 있는 모든 게임의 Title ID를 볼 수 있습니다.
-> gm9
으로 이동해 주세요<TitleID>.gbavc.sav
에서 (Y)를 눌러 복사해 주세요[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
폴더로 이동해 주세요agbsave.bin
에서 (A)를 눌러 선택해 주세요작업에 앞서, 암호화 및 해독 하고자 하는 모든 .cia
파일을 SD 카드의 /cias/
폴더에 복사해주세요.
-> cias
로 이동해 주세요.cia
파일을 (A)를 눌러 선택하고, “CIA image options…” 를 선택해 주세요/gm9/out/
폴더에 선택한 암호화된 .cia
파일을 복사합니다/gm9/out/
폴더에 선택한 해독된 .cia
파일을 복사합니다.cia
파일을 암호화한 버전으로 변환합니다.cia
파일을 해독된 버전으로 변환합니다.cia
는 원하는 위치에 출력됩니다이 섹션은 F3를 사용해 SD 카드의 오류를 확인하는 추가 섹션입니다.
+ +SD 카드의 용량과 컴퓨터의 속도에 따라 최대 몇 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다!
+ +이 페이지는 Linux 사용자를 위한 페이지입니다. Linux 사용자가 아니라면 H2testw (windows) 또는 F3XSwift (Mac) 페이지를 참고해 주세요.
의 압축을 풀어 주세요cd
를 입력해 f3 디렉터리로 이동해 주세요make
명령을 실행해 F3를 컴파일해 주세요./f3write <SD 카드 마운트 포인트>
명령을 실행해 주세요$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <SD 카드 마운트 포인트>
명령을 실행해 주세요$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
시험 결과가 Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
로 나온다면, SD 카드는 정상이며 SD 카드의 모든 .h2w
파일을 삭제해도 됩니다.
시험에서 다른 결과가 나타나면 SD 카드가 손상되었을 수도 있으므로 교체해야 할 수도 있습니다!
+ +이 섹션은 F3X를 사용해 SD 카드의 오류를 확인하는 추가 섹션입니다.
+ +SD 카드의 용량과 컴퓨터의 속도에 따라 최대 몇 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다!
+ +이 페이지는 Mac 사용자를 위한 페이지입니다. Mac 사용자가 아니라면 H2testw (Windows) 또는 F3 (Linux) 페이지를 확인해 주세요.
+ +macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) 이상의 Mac을 사용한다면, F3XSwift (Mac) 를 따라주시길 바랍니다.
의 압축을 풀어 주세요시험 결과가 Success! Your card is ok!
이면 SD 카드는 정상이며 SD 카드의 모든 .h2w
파일을 삭제해도 됩니다.
시험에서 다른 결과가 나타나면 SD 카드가 손상되었을 수도 있으므로 교체해야 할 수도 있습니다!
+ +이 섹션은 F3XSwift를 사용해 SD 카드의 오류를 확인하는 추가 섹션입니다.
+ +SD 카드의 용량과 컴퓨터의 속도에 따라 최대 몇 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다!
+ +이 페이지는 Mac 사용자를 위한 페이지입니다. Mac 사용자가 아니라면 H2testw (Windows) 또는 F3 (Linux) 페이지를 확인해 주세요.
+ +F3XSwift는 macOS 10.13 (High Sierra)와 이상만 호환됩니다. 이하의 macOS 버전이면 F3X (Mac)을 따라 주시기 바랍니다.
+ +시험 결과가 Success! Your card is ok!
이면 SD 카드는 정상이며 SD 카드의 모든 .h2w
파일을 삭제해도 됩니다.
시험에서 다른 결과가 나타나면 SD 카드가 손상되었을 수도 있으므로 교체해야 할 수도 있습니다!
+ +Yes, you can still install custom firmware on your 3DS, even after the closure of eShop.
+ +최신 3DS 펌웨어 버전은 11.16.0입니다. 다음 사항을 참고해 주세요.
+ +네! 최신 펌웨어 (11.16.0)에서는 Seedminer를 통해 무료로 CFW를 할 수 있습니다.
+이 가이드는 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, New 2DS XL과 호환됩니다. 만약 시스템 버전이 “0.0.0-0”으로 표시된다면, 개발자 기기를 가지고 있는 것일 수 있습니다.
+의도적으로 기기를 벽돌로 하려고 하지 않는 이상, 벽돌은 사실상 불가능합니다.
+네! 이 가이드는 홈브류 앱 스토어인 Universal-Updater를 포함한, 몇몇 유용한 홈브류 앱을 설치할 것입니다.
+네, Luma3DS는 자동으로 카트리지와 설치된 타이틀의 지역제한을 무시합니다. 일부 타 지역 게임들은 Luma3DS의 로캘 에뮬레이션 기능를 사용해야만 작동할 수도 있습니다.
+아니오. Devices with custom firmware can still play online and run physical cartridges as any other 3DS can.
+NNID는 닌텐도 네트워크 ID의 약칭이며, 본 가이드에서 NNID 걱정은 하지 않아도 됩니다. 한국 (KOR), 중국 (CHN), 타이완 (TWN) 기기들에는 NNID 기능이 존재하지 않습니다. 만약 북미, 호주, 유럽 등 다른 지역의 기기를 한국으로 지역 변경 할 계획이라면 시리얼 번호를 유심히 보고 해당 문서의 주의사항을 각별히 읽은 후 진행하세요.
+2017년에 커펌 유저들이 온라인 플레이 기능으로부터 차단당하는 일이 있었습니다 (e숍 사용, NNID, Nintendo 계정은 제외). 이는 랜덤으로 일어나는 듯 합니다. 그만한 대규모 차단은 그 후로 일어나진 않았습니다. 하지만 미래에 닌텐도가 어떻게 대응할 지는 저희도 모릅니다. 현재로서는 차단 같은 것들은 걱정할 필요가 없는것 같습니다.
+네! SD 카드에 파일을 넣을 수 있는 기기만 있으면 됩니다.
+최소한 1.5GB의 용량이 있는 SD 카드를 사용해야 이 가이드를 따를 수 있습니다. 3DS는 공식적으로 32GB까지 호환되지만, FAT32로 포맷하시면 그 이상도 가능합니다. GBA 그래픽과 커스텀 테마 문제 때문에 128GB를 넘기는 SD 카드를 사용하는 것은 권장하지 않습니다.
+아니오. 최신 버전 펌웨어에서는 어떤 외부 기기도 없이 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 수 있습니다. 오히려 Gateway와 Sky3DS같은 3DS용 플래시카트들은 불필요하고, 벽돌을 유발할 수 있습니다.
+Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).
+ +Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. 이들은 사용자 레벨에 부여된 제한적인 시스템 권한을 통해 기본 홈브류와 에뮬레이터를 실행시킬 수 있었지만, 게임을 (쉽게) 수정하거나 카트리지를 백업할 수 없었습니다. 불안정하기도 헀어서, 홈브류가 자주 다운되고, 그때마다 재부팅을 해야 했습니다. 커스텀 펌웨어는 홈브류 전용 진입점보다 더 안정적이면서도 높은 수준의 시스템 엑세스를 제공합니다.
+ +Luma3DS를 사용하고 계신 경우, 커스텀 펌웨어 로더(boot9strap)는 업데이트해도 절대 지워지지 않습니다. 과거에 Luma3DS가 부팅 중에 크래시하는 업데이트가 몇 번 존재했습니다. 그러니 최신 업데이트가 Luma3DS를 고장내지 않았는지 확인하기 위해 몇 시간 정도 기다리는 것도 좋은 방법입니다. 시스템 업데이트는 순정 3DS와 같은 방법으로 실행할 수 있습니다. 시스템 설정을 통해서나, 안전 모드, 업데이트가 자동으로 다운로드되었을 때 표시되는 업데이트 알림 등에서 업데이트하시면 됩니다.
+FAT32로 포맷된 새 SD 카드에 기존 SD 카드의 파일들을 복사하세요. 128GB 카드들의 경우에는 할당량 (allocation size)을 65536으로 설정하는걸 권장드립니다. GBA 그래픽과 커스텀 테마 문제 때문에 128GB를 넘기는 SD 카드를 사용하는 것은 권장하지 않습니다.
+네. 공식 이사 기능을 사용해서 다른 커펌된 기기로 저장 데이터 이사를 할 수 있습니다. (커펌되지 않은 콘솔로의 이사는 문제를 야기할 수 있습니다.) 커펌 소프트웨어들 (홈브류)의 티켓들은 이사되지 않지만, [faketik] (을 사용하면 다시 HOME 메뉴에서 실행할 수 있습니다. 무선 데이터 이사는 절대 하지 말아 주세요. 홈브류들을 모두 삭제하게 됩니다. 커펌은 두 콘솔 모두에 남아있을겁니다.
+일본어 외의 다른 언어로 일본 3DS의 언어를 바꾸는 유일한 방법은 지역 변경 뿐입니다. 지역 변경을 하면 닌텐도 e숍을 사용할 수 없게 될 수 있다는 점을 명심해 주세요. 게임을 업데이트할 수 없게 될 수도 있습니다.
+ +업데이트하려고 하는 홈브류 앱의 형식에 따라 다릅니다. 일반적으로는:
+ +/3ds
폴더 내의 3DSX 파일을 새 파일로 교체하여 업데이트할 수 있습니다. 만약 해당 홈브류 앱이 추가 어셋을 포함하고 있다면, 그 어셋을 다른 폴더에 놓아야 할 수도 있습니다. 자세한 사항은 해당 홈브류 앱의 홈페이지를 확인해 주세요.You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.
+ +게임의 지역이 콘솔과 맞지 않는다면, 해당 업데이트가 있는 다른 기기에서 업데이트를 덤프해야 합니다. 닌텐도 e숍은 해당 기기의 국가코드에 맞는 업데이트만 제공합니다 (일본 3DS는 일본 게임의 업데이트만 있습니다).
+이 문제 해결 가이드를 참고해 주세요. 기기가 부팅할 수 없는 상태일 때 커스텀 펌웨어를 제거하는 것은 벽돌로 이어질 수 있기 때문에 추천되지 않습니다.
+boot9strap을 기반으로 한 최신의 커펌 방식으로 업그레이드하는 것을 권장합니다. 어떻게 업그레이드하는지 보려면 CFW 확인 페이지를 따라주세요.
+다수의 현대 홈브류 (Checkpoint나 BootNTR Selector 등)는 boot9strap 기반 셋업인 기기들로만 테스트되어왔기 때문에 menuhax, A9LH, Gateway와 같은 구 셋업 기반 기기에서는 대부분 작동하지 않을 수도 있습니다. 추가로, 자신의 셋업에 따라서, 3DS를 최신 버전으로 안전하게 업데이트하는게 불가능할 수도 있습니다. 현대식인 boot9strap 기반 셋업들은 이전 셋업들보다 훨씬 시스템 권한이 높으며, 콘솔의 bootrom까지도 백업할 수 있습니다.
+오래된 셋업 (EmuNAND 포함)에서의 데이터는 보통 아무 손실 없이 boot9strap으로 옮겨질 수 있습니다. 특별히 중요한 데이터가 있다면, JKSM 등의 도구들을 이용해 백업을 만드는 것도 좋은 방법입니다.
+A: 이 링크를 참고해 주세요.
+이 섹션은 Windows에서 파일 확장자명을 숨기는 기본 설정을 변경하는 추가 섹션입니다.
+ +이 작업은 가이드에 명시된 파일을 찾기 쉽게 해 줍니다.
+ +“파일 확장명”을 클릭해서 활성화해 주세요
+ + +“파일 이름 확장자명” 상자를 체크해 주세요
+ + +“폴더 옵션”을 검색하고 해당 결과를 선택해 주세요
+ + +“알려진 파일 형식의 확장자명 숨기기” 상의 체크를 해제해 주세요
+ + +boot.firm
파일은 boot9strap이 NAND에서 로딩을 완료한 후 실행하는 것입니다. 이번 경우에서는, LumaTeam의 Luma3DS를 사용해서 기기를 패치하고, 홈브류 소프트웨어를 실행할 수 있도록 합니다.
이 가이드에서는, 중요한 시스템 파일의 백업을 하고, 다음의 홈브류 프로그램을 설치할 겁니다:
+ +이 페이지에서 위 앱들 중의 대부분을 사용하기 때문에, 다운로드를 스킵하는 것은 권장하지 않습니다. 이 페이지의 끝에서, 불필요한 설치 파일들을 지움으로써 당신의 SD 카드를 정리할 것입니다.
+ +만약 이 가이드를 따르기 전의 New 3DS 가 펌웨어 버전 2.1.0이었다면, 진행하기 전에 NAND 백업을 복원해야 합니다. This likely doesn’t apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
+ +만약 이전 CFW가 EmuNAND 기반이었고, 당신의 EmuNAND/RedNAND의 컨텐츠를 SysNAND로 옮기고 싶다면, 이 페이지를 수행하기 이전에 EmuNAND 이동 을 따라주시기 바랍니다. 만약 EmuNAND가 뭔지 모르신다면, 이것은 무시하셔도 됩니다.
+ +.cia
와 .3dsx
의 양 파일들).zip
파일)이 섹션에서는 이 페이지의 남은 과정을 따라가기 위한 나머지 필수 파일을 복사하게 됩니다.
+ +cias
폴더가 없을 경우 폴더를 만들어 주세요Anemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
, Universal-Updater.cia
) 를 SD 카드의 /cias/
폴더로 복사해 주세요3ds
폴더가 없을 경우 폴더를 만들어 주세요
+ Nintendo 3DS
폴더와 다른 폴더입니다FBI.3dsx
파일을 SD 카드의 /3ds/
폴더에 복사해 주세요luma
폴더에 payloads
폴더가 없을 경우 폴더를 만들어 주세요/luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9 .zip
안에 압축되있는 GodMode9.firm
을 복사해 주세요.zip
안에 압축이 되있는 gm9
폴더를 복사해 주세요이 스크린샷들은 이 가이드를 따랐을 때의 최소한의 SD 카드 레이아웃을 표시합니다. 이전에 따른 방법에 따라, SD 카드에 추가 파일과 폴더가 있을 수 있습니다.
+ + + + + +이 섹션에서는 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치된 기기에서도 안전하게 이용 가능한 최신 버전의 펌웨어로 본체를 업데이트합니다.
+ +이 섹션에서는 FBI를 실행하기 위해 다운로드 플레이를 잠시 Homebrew Launcher로 치환합니다. 다운로드 플레이 앱은 기기를 다시 시작하면 원상태로 돌아옵니다.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
하고 Nintendo DS
버튼이 표시 될 때까지 기다려 주세요boot.3dsx
from the root of your SD card이 섹션에서는 3DS 내부 시계를 실제 시각과 맞추고, 홈브류 소프트웨어에서 음성을 적절하게 이용하기 위해 사운드 펌웨어를 백업합니다.
+ +이 섹션에서는, 홈 메뉴에 몇몇 유용한 홈브류 앱을 설치하게 됩니다.
+ +SD
-> cias
로 이동해 주세요이 섹션에서는, Luma3DS의 핵심 파일을 내부 저장소에 복사하는 스크립트를 실행합니다. 이렇게 하면 SD 카드 없이도 커펌을 이용할 수 있습니다.
+ +GodMode9.firm
이 /luma/payloads/
에 존재를 확인하고, payloads
가 정확히 쓰여 있음을 확인해 주시기 바랍니다이 섹션에서는, SD 카드에서 불필요한 파일을 삭제하는 스크립트를 실행합니다.
+ +이 섹션에서는 벽돌 현상이나 복구를 위해 사용할 수 있는 시스템 백업 파일을 생성합니다.
폴더로 이동해 주세요essential.exefs
에서 (A)를 눌러 선택해 주세요/gm9/out/
폴더의 <날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin
, <날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, essential.exefs
을 컴퓨터의 안전한 위치에 복사해 주세요
+ /gm9/out/
의 <날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin
과`<날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin.sha' 파일을 복사 후에 지워 주세요
+일련번호>날짜> /luma/backups/
폴더를 컴퓨터의 안전한 위치에 복사해 주세요모든 작업이 끝났습니다! 이제 커스텀 펌웨어는 완벽하게 설정되었습니다.
+ +안녕하세요! 저희는 이 가이드를 따른 경험에 데한 설문조사를 진행하고 있습니다. 원하신다면, 이 설문조사 (영어로만 가능)을 확인해 주세요. 감사합니다!
+ +알아야 할 몇몇 버튼 콤보들이 있습니다:
+ +/luma/payloads/
에 페이로드를 여러 개 넣고 있다면, Luma3DS 체인로더가 실행됩니다.커스텀 펌웨어를 사용해서 하는 것의 몇가지 추천을 여기서 보실 수 있습니다.
+ +GodMode9의 여러 기능의 사용법에 대해서는, GodMode9 사용법 과 타이틀과 게임 카트리지 추출를 확인해 주세요.
+ + +ntrboot 에 대한 정보를 숙지하고 진행해 주세요.
+ +이 방법은 이미 boot9strap을 구동하고 있는 2번째 3DS 계열 기기를 일시적으로 사용해야 합니다. 이 방법은 플래시카드가 두 3DS중에서 어떤 버전도 지원하지 않아도 됩니다.
+ +아주 드문 경우지만, 설치를 시도한 플래시카트가 정품이 아닌 가품일 경우 설치 과정 중 카트리지가 벽돌이 되고 이후 카트리지를 사용할 수 없는 경우가 있습니다. 그러하기 때문에 매우 적은 확율이지만 정품 플래시카트만 지원 됩니다. 복재품 카드를 주문할 가능성을 줄이기 위하여, NDS Card같이 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트를 이용하여 구매 하시길 바랍니다.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
과 boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
을 boot9strap-ntr .zip
에서 /ntrboot/
폴더로 복사해 주세요ntrboot_flasher.firm
파일을 소스 3DS의 SD 카드에 있는 /luma/payloads/
폴더에 복사해 주세요진행하기 앞서서, ntrboot 에 대한 모든 정보를 숙지해주세요.
+ +이 수단은 순정 3DS와 이와 호환되는 플래시카트 외에는 더를 필요로 하지 않습니다. 이 방법은 플래시카드를 3DS에 삽입해 ntrboot flasher .nds
를 실행하는 방법입니다. 그것은 플래시카드가 3DS 버전에서 .nds
파일 구동을 지원해야 한다는 의미입니다. 자세한 내용은 [ntrboot] (ntrboot) 의 플래시카트 표를 참조해 주시기 바랍니다.
아주 드문 경우지만, 설치를 시도한 플래시카트가 정품이 아닌 가품일 경우 설치 과정 중 카트리지가 벽돌이 되고 이후 카트리지를 사용할 수 없는 경우가 있습니다. 그러하기 때문에 매우 적은 확율이지만 정품 플래시카트만 지원 됩니다. 복재품 카드를 주문할 가능성을 줄이기 위하여, NDS Card같이 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트를 이용하여 구매 하시길 바랍니다.
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
폴더를 만들어 주세요boot9strap_ntr.firm
과 boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
을 boot9strap-ntr .zip
에서 플래시카트 SD 카드의 /ntrboot/
폴더로 복사해 주세요ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
를 복사해 주세요ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
를 실행해 주세요진행하기 앞서서, ntrboot 에 대한 모든 정보를 숙지해주세요.
+ +이 수단은 닌텐도 DSi와 이와 호환되는 플래시카트가 필요합니다. 이 방법은 플래시카드를 DSi에 삽입해 ntrboot flasher .nds
를 실행하는 방법입니다. 이 말은, 플래시 카트리지가 닌텐도 DSi 버전에서 .nds
파일 구동을 지원해야 한다는 의미입니다. 자세한 내용은 ntrboot 의 플래시 카트리지 표를 참조하십시오.
아주 드문 경우지만, 설치를 시도한 플래시카트가 정품이 아닌 가품일 경우 설치 과정 중 카트리지가 벽돌이 되고 이후 카트리지를 사용할 수 없는 경우가 있습니다. 그러하기 때문에 매우 적은 확율이지만 정품 플래시카트만 지원 됩니다. 복재품 카드를 주문할 가능성을 줄이기 위하여, NDS Card같이 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트를 이용하여 구매 하시길 바랍니다.
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
를 복사해 주세요ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
를 실행해 주세요진행하기 앞서서, ntrboot 에 대한 모든 정보를 숙지해주세요.
+ +이 방법은 DS 플래시카트를 실행할 수 있는 DS 혹은 DS Lite가 필요합니다. 이 방법은 플래시카드를 NDS에 삽입해 ntrboot flasher .nds
를 실행하는 방법입니다.
아주 드문 경우지만, 설치를 시도한 플래시카트가 정품이 아닌 가품일 경우 설치 과정 중 카트리지가 벽돌이 되고 이후 카트리지를 사용할 수 없는 경우가 있습니다. 그러하기 때문에 매우 적은 확율이지만 정품 플래시카트만 지원 됩니다. 복재품 카드를 주문할 가능성을 줄이기 위하여, NDS Card같이 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트를 이용하여 구매 하시길 바랍니다.
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
폴더를 만들어 주세요boot9strap_ntr.firm
과 boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
을 boot9strap-ntr .zip
에서 플래시카트 SD 카드의 /ntrboot/
폴더로 복사해 주세요ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
를 복사해 주세요ntrboot_flahser_nds.nds
를 실행해 주세요이곳은 3DS와 쓰기 위한 SD 카드를 포맷하는 부가 섹션입니다.
+ +만약 3DS가 이미 SD 카드를 인식한다면, 이 가이드는 따를 필요가 없습니다.
+ +이 페이지는 Linux 사용자를 위한 페이지입니다. 만약 Linux에서 하는 것이 아니라면, SD 포맷하기 (Windows)나 SD 포맷하기 (Mac) 페이지들을 찾아봐 주세요.
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
값이 1이라면, 잠금 슬라이드가 내려가 있지는 않은지 확인해 주세요sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 128 -F 32
+ 이곳은 3DS와 쓰기 위한 SD 카드를 포맷하는 부가 섹션입니다.
+ +만약 3DS가 이미 SD 카드를 인식한다면, 이 가이드는 따를 필요가 없습니다.
+ +이 페이지는 Mac 사용자를 위한 페이지입니다. 만약 Mac에서 하는 것이 아니라면, SD 포맷하기 (Windows)나 SD 포맷하기 (Linux) 페이지들을 찾아봐 주세요.
+ +왼쪽 패널에서 SD 카드를 선택해 주세요
+ +올바른 디바이스를 선택하는 것을 확인하세요. 잘못하면 다른 드라이브를 포맷할 수도 있습니다!
+왼쪽 패널에서 SD 카드를 선택해 주세요
+ +올바른 디바이스를 선택하는 것을 확인하세요. 잘못하면 다른 드라이브를 포맷할 수도 있습니다!
+이곳은 3DS와 쓰기 위한 SD 카드를 포맷하는 부가 섹션입니다.
+ +만약 3DS가 이미 SD 카드를 인식한다면, 이 가이드는 따를 필요가 없습니다.
+ +이 페이지는 Windows 사용자만 이용할 수 있습니다. 만약 Windows에서 하는 것이 아니라면, SD 포맷하기 (Linux)나 SD 포맷하기 (Mac) 페이지들을 찾아봐 주세요.
+ +zip
내의 SD Card Formatter Setup
파일)을 관리자 권한으로 실행하고, 설치하세요SD Card Formatter
를 시작 메뉴에서 실행하세요“Select card”에서 SD 카드의 드라이브를 선택하세요
+ +올바른 드라이브를 선택하는 것을 확인하세요. 잘못하면 다른 드라이브를 포맷할 수도 있습니다!
를 실행하세요“Drive”에서 SD 카드의 드라이브를 선택하세요
+ +올바른 드라이브를 선택하는 것을 확인하세요. 잘못하면 다른 드라이브를 포맷할 수도 있습니다!
+이 가이드를 본격적으로 시작하기 전에, 현재 기기에 커스텀 펌웨어가 이미 설치되어 있는지, 시스템 버전이 무엇인지를 확인할 것 입니다.
+ +어떠한 특이한 메뉴가 표시된다면 정지! 이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있습니다! 이 섹션으로 진행해 주세요.
+ +To find the correct method for your device, please enter the system version you found in Section II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +If possible, you should follow the method given by the prompt above.
+ +아래의 방식은 모든 버전과 호환되나, 추가 하드웨어를 필요로 합니다.
+ +카트리지나 SD 카드 내 게임을 추출하는 것에 대해서는, 타이틀과 게임 카드 추출 을 확인해 주세요.
+ +스크립트와 같은 GodMode9의 지원과 업데이트와 정보를 받으려면 GodMode9 Discord 서버에 가입해 주세요. (영어 전용)
+ +GodMode9은 닌텐도 3DS 콘솔의 완전한 파일 관리자이며, SD 카드와 SysNAND와 EmuNAND 안의 FAT 파티션에 접근하고 근본적인 것을 수정할 권한을 줍니다. 다른 기능로는 파일의 복사, 삭제, 이름 바꾸기와 폴더 생성 등이 있습니다.
+ +만약 여러분의 SD 카드의 /luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9.firm
외의 페이로드 파일이 있다면, (Start)를 누르면서 부팅할 시에 화면에 표시되는 “chainloader menu” 에서 십자 패드와 (A) 버튼으로 조작하여 “GodMode9”을 선택하여야 합니다.
GodMode9은 기기에 있는 무엇이든 수정할 수 있는 강력한 소프트웨어 입니다. 비록 이러한 수정들 중 많은 것들은 권한 시스템에 의해 잠겨있고, 고의로 허가 잠금해제를 하지 않는 한 실수로 위험한 행동을 하는 것이 불가능하지만, 그래도 지시 사항을 조심히 따르고 백업을 하는 것을 권장합니다.
+ +아래 지시 사항 중 일부는 오로지 최신 버전의 GodMode9에만 적용되고, 계속하기 전에 이 섹션을 따라해 업데이트를 해야 됩니다. 이미 존재하는 파일은 덮어씌워 주세요.
+ +/luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9 .zip
안에 압축되있는 GodMode9.firm
을 복사해 주세요.zip
안에 압축되있는 gm9
폴더를 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요/gm9/out/
폴더의 <날짜>_<일련번호>_nandmin_##.bin
과 ‘essential.exefs’ 를 컴퓨터의 안전한 위치에 복사해 주세요
+ /gm9/out/
의 <날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin
과`<날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin.sha' 파일을 복사 후에 지워 주세요일련번호>날짜>/gm9/out/
폴더에 <날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin
파일을 복사해 주세요작업에 앞서, 주입하고자 하는 .cia
파일을 SD 카드의 /cias/
폴더에 복사해 주세요.
안전을 위한 주의사항 앱보다 용량이 큰 파일은 주입할 수 없습니다. (용량이 큰 게임과 다른 큰 어플리케이션 등)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
로 이동해 주세요.cia
에 (A)를 눌러 선택하고 “CIA image options…“를 선택하고 “Mount image to drive”를 선택해 주세요.app
파일에 (A)를 부르고 “NCCH image options”를 선택하고 “Inject to H&S”를 선택해 주세요이 과정은 Godmode9(Decrypt9 또는 Hourglass9가 아닌)을 통해 안전을 위한 주의사항을 주입했을 경우에만 적용됩니다.
+ +이 과정 중 SD 카드의 모든 정보가 지워진다는 것을 명심해 주세요!
+ +GM9SD
레이블에 동의해 주세요
+ 이 섹션은 h2testw를 사용해 SD 카드의 오류를 확인하는 추가 섹션입니다.
+ +SD 카드의 용량과 컴퓨터의 속도에 따라 최대 몇 시간이 걸릴 수 있습니다!
+ +이 페이지는 Windows 사용자만 이용할 수 있습니다. Windows 사용자가 아니라면 F3 (Linux) 또는 F3XSwift (Mac) 페이지를 참고해 주세요.
에서 h2testw.exe
를 바탕 화면에 복사해 주세요h2testw.exe
를 실행해 주세요시험 결과가 Test finished without errors
로 나오면 SD 카드는 정상이며 SD 카드 안의 모든 .h2w
파일을 삭제해도 됩니다.
시험에서 다른 결과가 나타나면 SD 카드가 손상되었을 수도 있으므로 교체해야 할 수도 있습니다!
+ +더 깊은 모딩을 위한 Seedminer의 이 사용법은, 포켓몬 피크로스의 커스텀 세이브 파일을 movable.sed
파일을 사용해서 작성해, unSAFE_MODE로 Homebrew Launcher를 통해 SafeB9SInstaller를 실행하는 방식입니다.
PicHaxx에 대한 자세한 설명은 이 페이지 (영문)에서 보시면 됩니다.
+ +이 설명서는 미주, 유럽, 그리고 일본 지역 기기들 (시스템 버전 다음 글짜가 U, E, 아니면 J인 경우) 와 호환됩니다.
+ +포켓몬 피크로스를 다운로드하려면 닌텐도 네트워크 ID가 필요합니다.
+ +이 과정은 포켓몬 피크로스의 기존 저장 데이터를 덮어쓸 것입니다. 만약 게임의 저장 데이터를 보존하고 싶으시다면 00000001.sav
파일을 백업해 두시는 것을 권장합니다.
파일)이 섹션에서는, Homebrew Launcher를 실행할 파일들을 복사합니다.
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ .zip
안에 있는 slotTool
폴더를 SD 카드의 3ds
폴더에 복사해 주세요.zip
파일에 otherapps_with_CfgS
폴더에서 기기에 해당 되는 otherapp 파일을 SD 카드에 최상위 폴더로 복사하고 이 파일 이름을 otherapp.bin
으로 수정해 주세요이 섹션에서는, 포켓몬 피크로스의 해킹된 저장 파일을 생성하고, 이걸 사용해서 Homebrew Launcher를 실행합니다.
+ +movable.sed
파일을 선택해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> title
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
폴더로 들어가 주세요
+ <ID0>
는 Seedminer에서 사용한 것과 같습니다<ID1>
은 <ID0>
폴더 안에 존재하는 32 자리의 이름을 갖춘 폴더 입니다00000001.sav
파일을 data
폴더로 복사해 주세요
+ boot9strap 설치 (HBL-USM)로 계속합니다
+ + +진행하기 전에 모든 소개 페이지(이 페이지 포함) 를 철저히 읽어 주세요.
+ +커스텀 펌워어 (“CFW”)란, 3DS의 소프트웨어 개조이며, 컴퓨터의 “관리자 권한”과 비슷한 것입니다. 할 수 있는 걸 닌텐도에서 제한하는 것을 해제하고, 3DS가 하드웨어적으로 가능한 모든 것을 할 수 있게 합니다.
+ +커스텀 펌웨어의 대표적인 사용은 이하와 같습니다.
+ +이 가이드는:
+이 방식은 Seedminer에서 얻은 movable.sed
파일을 사용해 어느 DSiWare 타이틀을 해독해 익스플로잇 가능한 DSiWare 타이틀을 DS 소프트웨어용 인터넷 설정에 주입합니다.
이 작업은 이곳에 자세히 설명되어 있는 “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” 익스플로잇을 구현한 작업입니다.
+ +movable.sed
파일)여기서 기기의 안전을 위해 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있는지 확인합니다. 이 페이지의 방법은, 이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있다면 기기를 벽돌 상태로 남길 가능성이 있습니다. (이럴 시 해결 방법은 ntrboot 같은 방법으로 해결할 수 밖에 없습니다.)
+ +만약 설정 메뉴가 보이거나 기기의 전원이 바로 종료된다면, 이 기기는 이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있고, 이 작업을 진행하면 기기가 벽돌 될수가 있습니다! 이미 존재하는 CFW를 업데이트 할 수 있도록 CFW 확인를 진행해 주세요.
+ +이 섹션에서는 DSiWare 관리 메뉴에서 BannerBomb3 취약점을 실행해 결과물을 컴퓨터에 복사함으로서 다음 섹션에서 사용할 수 있게 합니다.
+ +데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
-> SD 카드
로 들어가주세요 (사진)
+ 이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행할 수 있는 Flipnote Studio를 DS 소프트웨어용 설정에 덮어씌울수 있도록 필요한 파일을 복사합니다.
+ +42383841.bin
파일을 업로드해 주세요movable.sed
파일을 업로드해 주세요DSinternet
(memorypit 아님)로 설정해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 이동해 주세요
+ <ID0>
은 Seedminer에서 복사한 32글자 폴더명 입니다<ID1>
은 <ID0>
안에 있는 32글자 폴더명입니다Nintendo DSiWare
폴더 내 F00D43D5.bin
파일을 삭제해 주세요hax
폴더 안에 있는 42383841.bin
파일을 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 복사해 주세요
+ .zip
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ .zip
안에 압축이 되있는 private
폴더를 복사해 주세요기기를 시작해 주세요
+ + +이 섹션에서는, 해킹된 DS 소프트웨어용 설정 DSiWare를 내부 메모리로 복사하여, 이 앱을 잠시 동안 Flipnote Studio으로 변경합니다
+ +데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
-> SD 카드
로 들어가주세요 (사진)인터넷 설정
-> DS 소프트웨어용 설정
으로 들어가 “OK”를 선택해 주세요 (사진 (영어))만약 이 섹션의 비주얼 가이드를 선호한다면, [여기서] ( 그 중 하나를 보실 수가 있습니다.
+ +이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행 할 수 있도록 Flipnote Studio에서 여러 가지 단계를 진행 합니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요.zip
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+이 섹션에서는 DS 소프트웨어 설정을 섹션 IV 에서 Flipnote Studio로 변경하기 전으로 원상복귀 합니다.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 이동해 주세요clean
폴더 안에 있는 42383841.bin
파일을 Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 복사해 주세요데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
-> SD 카드
로 들어가주세요 (사진)좋은 하드모드 가이드는 여기 (영문)에서 볼 수 있습니다.
+ +이 작업은 이곳에 자세히 설명되어 있는 “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” 익스플로잇을 구현한 작업입니다.
+ +하드모드를 사용하여 기기의 NAND 이미지를 덤프하고, 이 NAND 이미지에다가 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치하고, 결과물을 다시 기기에 설치할 수 있습니다.
+ +이 페이지의 마그넷링크를 사용하려면 + qBittorrent 또는 Deluge와 같은 토렌트 클라이언트가 필요합니다.
+ +이 페이지에 있는 .7z
파일을 압축 해제하기 위해서는, 7-Zip 또는 The Unarchiver 같은 압축 해제 프로그램이 필요합니다.
이것은 이 페이지에 있는 ‘.firm’파일에 호환되는 모든 버전의 New 3DS, New 2DS, Old 3DS, 그리고 Old 2DS 에 작동할 것입니다.
파일:버전 | +커널 | +구 3DS 또는 구 2DS | +뉴 3DS 또는 뉴 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치하기 위해 하드모드에 필요한 파일들을 다운로드하고, 이것을 이용해 NAND 이미지를 덤프합니다.
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요.zip
에 있는 hardmod-b9s-installer폴더를 컴퓨터에 복사해 주세요.zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
를 컴퓨터에 있는 hardmod-b9s-installer 폴더에 복사해 주세요이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 새로 생성한 NAND 이미지에 설치하고, 이 이미지를 기기에 다시 설치하여 커스텀 펌웨어를 기기에 설치합니다.
+ +install-b9s.exe
을 실행해 주세요
를 실행해 주세요NAND_patched.bin
파일을 기기에 플래시해 주세요.zip
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+SAFE_MODE 펌웨어를 해킹하기 위해, 익스플로잇이 되어있는 Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치해야 합니다.
+ +이미 홈브류 기능을 사용할수 있으니, slotTool을 이용하면 됩니다.
+ +Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치한 후, 모든 3DS 콘솔에 내장되어 있는 시스템 복구 모드인 SAFE_MODE를 사용해 해당 인터넷 설정을 활성화합니다.
+ +unSAFE_MODE의 더 자세한 설명은 여기 (영문)를 참고해 주세요.
+ +만약 (L/R 어깨 버튼), (위 십자 패드), 또는 (A) 버튼이 동작되지 않다면, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에서 (영어로) 도움을 요청해 주세요.
+ +이 섹션에서는, Homebrew Launcher 메뉴에서 slotTool을 실행해, Wi-Fi 연결 슬롯을 수정된 데이터로 덮어씌웁니다. 그 다음, 기기의 SD 카드에 unSAFE_MODE 취약점을 실행하기 위한 파일을 복사하게 됩니다. 이 취약점을 실행함으로서, 기기의 Wi-Fi 연결 설정은 일시적으로 덮어씌워집니다.
+ +boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요.zip
의 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요
안에 있는 usm.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요이 섹션에서는 안전 모드(모든 3DS 장치에 포함된 기능)에 진입해 unSAFE_MODE가 실행되는 메뉴로 이동, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행하게 됩니다.
+ +003-1099
와 같이 실패를 할 겁니다. 이것은 의도적 행동입니다접속 경로 1
-> 설정 변경
-> 다음 페이지 (오른쪽 화살표)
-> Proxy 설정
-> 세부 설정
으로 이동해 주세요 (사진 (영어))이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+이 섹션에서는, (커스텀 펌웨어를 이용해) Homebrew Launcher를 다시 한 번 실행해 섹션 I에서 덮어씌웠던 Wi-Fi 커넥션 슬롯을 원래대로 복구합니다.
+ +SAFE_MODE 펌웨어를 해킹하기 위해, 익스플로잇이 되어있는 Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치해야 합니다.
+ +이 취약점을 사용하기 위해, 마리오 카트 7 게임에 존재하는 다운로드 플레이 기능, 이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있는 기기, 그리고 어떤 게임 플러그인을 사용합니다.
+ +이 플러그인은 아직 해킹되지 않은 기기로 해킹된 WiFi 프로필을 설치 할 페이로드를 전송합니다.
+ +Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치한 후, 모든 3DS 콘솔에 내장되어 있는 시스템 복구 모드인 SAFE_MODE를 사용해 해당 인터넷 설정을 활성화합니다.
+ +kartdlphax와 unSAFE_MODE의 더 자세한 설명은 다음 (영어) 페이지를 참고해 주세요: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +이 가이드를 진행하기 위해서는, 다음이 필요합니다:
+ +만약 타겟 3DS의 (L/R 어깨 버튼), (위 십자 패드), 또는 (A) 버튼이 동작되지 않다면, 이 설명서를 따를 수 없습니다. 이 경우, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 오셔서 도움을 요청하세요.
+ +소스 3DS (커스텀 펌웨어가 설치된 3DS)에서:
+ +plugin.3gx
)타겟 3DS (커스텀 펌웨어를 설치하려고 하는 3DS)에서:
파일)이 섹션에서는, 소스 3DS (커스텀 펌웨어가 설치 되어 있는 기기)를 익스플로잇 데이터를 타겟 3DS로 전송할 수 있도록 설정합니다.
+ +boot.firm
을 소스 3DS의 SD 카드에 복사해 주세요. 파일이 있다면 교체해 주세요
+ plugin.3gx
을 가지고 계신 마리오 카트 7의 지역에 맞추어 소스 3DS의 SD 카드의 다음 경로에 복사해 주세요
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
폴더와 00040000...
폴더가 없으면 만들어 주세요이 섹션에서는, 타겟 3DS (커스텀 펌웨어를 설치 할 기기)에서 unSAFE_MODE 익스플로잇을 실행할 수 있는 파일을 SD 카드로 복사합니다.
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요.zip
의 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요
안에 있는 usm.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요.zip
안에 있는 slotTool
폴더를 SD 카드의 3ds
폴더에 복사해 주세요이 섹션에서는, 소스 3DS에서 타겟 3DS로 Wi-Fi 슬롯을 덮어씌우기 위한 익스플로잇 데이터를 다운로드 플레이를 통해 전송합니다. 이 취약점을 실행함으로서, 기기의 Wi-Fi 연결 설정은 일시적으로 덮어씌워집니다.
+ +로컬 멀티플레이어
로 진입해 주세요. (언어별로 메뉴 이름이 다를 수 있음) 메뉴가 표시될 것입니다
+ Use settings
를 누르고 다음 세 과정을 건너뛰어주세요. 설정이 다르다면 Change settings
를 눌러 계속해 주세요Old 3DS family
또는 New 3DS family
)3DS ROP xPloit Injector
를 선택해 주세요Use settings
를 선택해 주세요
+ Change settings
를 눌러 알맞게 조정해 주세요방 만들기
를 눌러 주세요 (언어별로 메뉴 이름이 다를 수 있음)
+ Grand Prix
-> 50cc
-> (아무 드라이버) -> 버섯 컵
-> OK
를 선택해 주세요 (언어별로 명칭이 달라질 수 있음)섹션 III - kartdlphax
의 처음부터 다시 시작해 주세요섹션 III - kartdlphax
의 처음부터 다시 진행해 주세요. 만약 그래도 진행되지 않는다면, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 영어로 도움을 요청하세요이후 과정을 완료할 때에는, 소스 3DS가 필요하지 않습니다. 이후 과정은 타겟 3DS만 이용하여 완료할 수 있습니다.
+ +이 섹션에서는 안전 모드(모든 3DS 장치에 포함된 기능)에 진입해 unSAFE_MODE가 실행되는 메뉴로 이동, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행하게 됩니다.
+ +003-1099
와 같이 실패를 할 겁니다. 이것은 의도적 행동입니다접속 경로 1
-> 설정 변경
-> 다음 페이지 (오른쪽 화살표)
-> Proxy 설정
-> 세부 설정
으로 이동해 주세요 (사진 (영어))이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+이 섹션에서는, (커스텀 펌웨어를 이용해) Homebrew Launcher를 다시 한 번 실행해 섹션 I에서 덮어씌웠던 Wi-Fi 커넥션 슬롯을 원래대로 복구합니다.
+ +이 페이지의 마그넷링크를 사용하려면 + qBittorrent 또는 Deluge와 같은 토렌트 클라이언트가 필요합니다.
+ +당신의 기기의 슬립모드를 작동시킬 자석 (접는 형식의 기기를 사용할 경우만)
의 SafeB9SInstaller.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사하고 boot.firm
으로 이름을 변경해 주세요
+ .zip
안에 있는 boot.3dsx
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요SD 카드에 있는 /boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요
이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.
+ +boot.firm
파일을 SD 카드의 루트에서 삭제해 주세요.zip
안에 있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요.zip
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+다음 단계는 플래시카트를 원상복구를 하기 위한 선택 사항 섹션입니다 (원래 기능으로 되돌리기 위한).
+ +Acekard 2i는 ntrboot 익스플로잇이 설치된 상태에도 .nds
파일을 실행하는 기능을 유지합니다. 이것은 Acekard 2i가 NDS 혹은 커스텀 펌웨어 3DS에 있을때만 적용됩니다! Acekard 2i에 ntrboot 익스플로잇이 설치되어 있는 동안, DSi 또는 순정 3DS에서는 .nds
파일을 실행할 수 없습니다.
이 페이지의 남은 진행단계를 완료한 후 진행해 주시기 바랍니다.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)플래시카드 | +하드웨어 수정버전 | +플래시롬 | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | 없음 | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | 없음 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +없음 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +없음 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +없음 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/A | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX ( | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX ( | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX ( | ++ | - | +
의 .bin
파일을 SD 카드 루트에 있는 /ntrboot/
폴더에 복사해 주세요luma
폴더에 payloads
폴더가 없을 경우 폴더를 만들어 주세요ntrboot_flasher.firm
파일을 SD 카드에 있는 /luma/payloads/
폴더에 복사해 주세요이 페이지에 사용되는 익스플로잇에 자세한 설명은 [여기] (Soundhax)와 여기 (universal-otherapp) (영어) 를 참고해 주세요.
+ +Soundhax는 (universal-otherapp과 사용할 때) 모든 지역의 1.0.0 이상 11.3.0이하에 사용 가능합니다.
)이 섹션에서 Soundhax하고 universal-otherapp을 실행할 파일을 복사합니다.
+ +.m4a
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ .zip
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요.zip
의 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행하기 위해 닌텐도 3DS 사운드 앱에서 Soundhax를 재생하여 universal-otherapp을 실행합니다.
+ +닌텐도 3DS 사운드 앱을 실행해 주세요
+ + +/SDCARD
로 가서 “<3 nedwill 2016”를 재생해 주세요
+ 이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+이 페이지에 사용되는 익스플로잇에 자세한 설명은 [여기] (Soundhax)와 여기 (universal-otherapp) (영어) 를 참고해 주세요.
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0-0 through 11.10.0-36 in all regions. If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or more than 37, Soundhax is patched and won’t work.
)이 섹션에서 Soundhax하고 universal-otherapp을 실행할 파일을 복사합니다.
+ +.m4a
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ .zip
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요.zip
의 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행하기 위해 닌텐도 3DS 사운드 앱에서 Soundhax를 재생하여 universal-otherapp을 실행합니다.
+ +닌텐도 3DS 사운드 앱을 실행해 주세요
+ + +/SDCARD
로 가서 “<3 nedwill 2016”를 재생해 주세요
+ 이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+이 페이지에 사용되는 익스플로잇에 자세한 설명은 [여기] (Soundhax)와 여기 (universal-otherapp) (영어) 를 참고해 주세요.
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with Korean systems on versions where the two numbers before the region in the system version string are lower than 33.
)이 섹션에서 Soundhax하고 universal-otherapp을 실행할 파일을 복사합니다.
+ +.m4a
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ .zip
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요.zip
의 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행하기 위해 닌텐도 3DS 사운드 앱에서 Soundhax를 재생하여 universal-otherapp을 실행합니다.
+ +닌텐도 3DS 사운드 앱을 실행해 주세요
+ + +/SDCARD
로 가서 “<3 nedwill 2016”를 재생해 주세요
+ 이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+브라우저 앱을 해킹하기 위해서는, 최신 버전으로의 시스템 업데이트 없이 브라우저 앱을 이용하지 못하게 하는 버전 확인 과정을 건너뛰어야 합니다.
+ +SSLoth 익스플로잇의 도움을 받아 이러한 확인을 건너뛸 수 있는 공개 프록시 서버가 있습니다.
+ +확인을 건너뛴 후, 나머지 작업을 진행하게 될 익스플로잇 사이트가 준비되어 있습니다.
+ +이 페이지에 사용되는 익스플로잇에 자세한 설명은 [여기] (SSLoth)와 여기 (universal-otherapp) (영어) 를 참고해 주세요.
+ +SSLoth는 시스템 버전 11.13.0 및 이전 버전에 있는 사용자가 브라우저 버전 확인을 건너뛰고, 이후 universal-otherapp과 함께 사용할 수 있는 new-broserhax 또는 old-browserhax (모든 지역의 시스템 버전 11.4.0에서 11.13.0에서 호환됨) 을 사용할 수 있게 합니다.
+ +카트리지를 통해 기기를 업데이트하는 경우, 인터넷 브라우저의 접근이 제한될 것입니다. 그런 경우에는 기기를 본체 설정 앱을 통해 최신 버전으로 업데이트한 후 그에 맞는 방법을 따라야 합니다.
)이 섹션에서 browserhax하고 universal-otherapp을 실행할 파일을 복사합니다.
+ +otherapp.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사하고 이름을 arm11code.bin
으로 바꿔 주세요
+ .bin
확장명이 안 보인다면 파일 끝에 추가하지 마세요.zip
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요.zip
의 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요이 섹션에서는, 브라우저가 시스템 업데이트 없이도 정상 작동할 수 있도록, 인터넷 연결 설정을 프록시 네트워크를 이용하게 변경하게 됩니다. 이렇게 하면 다음 섹션에서 브라우저 익스플로잇에 접근할 수 있게 됩니다.
+ +If you haven’t already, make sure you have a working Internet connection set up on your console.
+ +인터넷 설정
-> 인터넷 접속 설정
으로 이동해 주세요설정 변경
-> 다음 페이지 (오른쪽 화살표)
-> Proxy 설정
으로 이동해 주세요세부 설정
을 눌러 주세요192.9.234.11
로 설정하고, 포트를 8080
으로 설정해 주세요예
를 눌러 인터넷 접속 테스트를 진행해 주세요
+ 이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행하기 위해 브라우저 익스플로잇 웹페이지에서 universal-otherapp을 실행합니다.
+ +
이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+이 섹션에서는, 인터넷 설정을 복원할 것입니다.
+ +인터넷 설정
-> 인터넷 접속 설정
으로 이동해 주세요설정 변경
-> 다음 페이지 (오른쪽 화살표)
-> Proxy 설정
으로 이동해 주세요예
를 눌러 인터넷 접속 테스트를 진행해 주세요
+ SAFE_MODE 펌웨어를 해킹하기 위해, 익스플로잇이 되어있는 Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치해야 합니다.
+ +이미 존재하는 BannerBomb3 익스플로잇을 사용해 이걸 할 수 있습니다.
+ +이것은 시스템의 암호화 키 (movable.sed)를 이용해 DSiWare 백업을 만들고, 이걸 사용해 인터넷 설정에 익스플로잇을 설치할 수 있도록 만듭니다.
+ +Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치한 후, 모든 3DS 콘솔에 내장되어 있는 시스템 복구 모드인 SAFE_MODE를 사용해 해당 인터넷 설정을 활성화합니다.
+ +BannerBomb3와 unSAFE_MODE의 더 자세한 설명은 다음 (영어) 페이지를 참고해 주세요: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +이 설명서는 시스템 버전 뒤 글자가 U, E, J, K인 미주, 유럽, 일본, 그리고 한국 지역 기기와 호환됩니다.
+ +만약 (L/R 어깨 버튼), (위 십자 패드), 또는 (A) 버튼이 동작되지 않다면, 다른 Seedminer 방법을 따라야 합니다. 이 방법에 도움이 필요하다면, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에서 영어로 도움을 요청해 주세요.
파일)이 섹션에서는 기기의 SD 카드에 unSAFE_MODE 취약점을 실행하기 위한 파일을 복사하게 됩니다.
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요
+ boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요.zip
의 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요이 섹션에서는, DSiWare 관리 메뉴에서 BannerBomb3 취약점을 실행해, Wi-Fi 연결 슬롯을 수정된 데이터로 덮어씌웁니다. 이 취약점을 실행함으로서, 기기의 Wi-Fi 연결 설정은 일시적으로 덮어씌워집니다.
+ +데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
-> SD 카드
로 들어가주세요 (사진)
+ 이 섹션에서는 안전 모드(모든 3DS 장치에 포함된 기능)에 진입해 unSAFE_MODE가 실행되는 메뉴로 이동, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행하게 됩니다.
+ +003-1099
와 같이 실패를 할 겁니다. 이것은 의도적 행동입니다접속 경로 1
-> 설정 변경
-> 다음 페이지 (오른쪽 화살표)
-> Proxy 설정
-> 세부 설정
으로 이동해 주세요 (사진 (영어))이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.
파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요이제 기기는 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.
+이 섹션에서는, BannerBomb3 취약점을 다시 한 번 실행해 섹션 II에서 덮어씌웠던 Wi-Fi 커넥션 슬롯을 원래대로 복구합니다.
+ +데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
-> SD 카드
로 들어가주세요 (사진)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 이동해 주세요F00D43D5.bin
파일을 Nintendo DSiWare 폴더와 PC에서 지워 주세요. 더 이상 이 파일은 필요가 없습니다만약 이번이 3DS를 처음으로 모딩하는 것 (혹은 모딩에 익숙하지 않다면) 이라면, 계속 정독하세요! 반면, 사전에 모딩을 해봤거나 할 줄 안다면, 시작하기 페이지로 계속하세요.
+ +이 페이지는 일부 컴퓨터 용어를 다루고, 이 가이드를 따르기 전에 당신이 알아야 할 3DS의 특정한 정보가 담겨있습니다.
+ +각 섹션은 기본으로 축소되어 있습니다. 섹션 이름을 탭하거나 클릭해서 여십시오.
+ +이 가이드는 국가나 펌웨어 상관없이, 모든 닌텐도 3DS 시리즈의 기기(3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, New 2DS XL/LL에 모두 해당)와 호환됩니다.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+3DS 모델에 따라 SD카드 슬롯의 위치나 호환되는 종류가 다릅니다. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +이 가이드를 따르려면, 적어도 2GB용량의 SD 카드를 사용해야 합니다.
+ +원하신다면, 이 가이드를 따라가기 전에 H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), 또는 F3XSwift (Mac)을 사용해 SD 카드의 오류 여부를 확인하실 수 있습니다.
+ +기기를 수정함으로서, 여러분은 온라인 플레이로부터 차단되거나 벽돌이 되는 것(기기가 작동하지 않는 현상)에 대한 희박한, 하지만 0은 아닌 가능성을 염두에 두어야 합니다. 파일을 잘못 넣는다고 기기가 벽돌이 되지는 않지만, 의도적으로 순서를 건너뛴다면 벽돌이 될 수도 있습니다. 비슷하게, 마지막 대량 밴은 5년 이상 전에 진행되었지만, 미래에 그런 일이 절대로 벌어지지 않는다고 단정지을 수 없습니다.
+ +요약하자면: 기기를 수정하는 것은 안전하지만, 뭔가 잘못되었다면 그것은 __여러분의 책임__입니다.
+ +이 가이드를 통해, 여러분은 컴퓨터나 핸드폰으로 다운받은 파일을 3DS의 SD 카드로 복사하게 됩니다. 많은 파일은 GitHub에서 받게 되니, 그곳에서 파일을 어떻게 받는지에 익숙하지 않다면 위 스크린샷을 숙지해주세요.
+ +다운로드받을 몇몇 파일은 여러 파일을 하나로 묶기 위한 .zip
파일 형식입니다.
“(파일).zip에서 (파일)을 복사하세요”와 같은 말이 나오면, 이것은 해당 ZIP 파일을 열어야(혹은 “압축 해제”해야) 함을 뜻합니다. ZIP 파일 내에서 파일을 찾으면, 그 파일을 SD 카드의 특정 위치로 복사하면 됩니다.
+ +대부분의 환경에서는 파일을 두 번 클릭하는 것으로 파일 추출이 가능합니다. 만약 동작하지 않는다면, 7-zip과 같은 서드 파티 압축 해제 툴을 설치해 이용할 수 있습니다.
+만약 Windows를 사용하고 있다면, 파일 확장자는 기본적으로 숨겨져 있으며 이 때문에 파일을 찾기가 더욱 어렵습니다. 파일 확장자를 표시하려면, 이 설명을 따라주세요.
+만약 이 가이드를 따라가다 문제가 발생했다면, 도움을 받을 수 있는 경로도 여러 가지입니다!
+ +시작하기로 계속합니다
+ + +이 페이지는 이전 EmuNAND의 데이터를 새로운 CFW SysNAND로 옮기고 이전 EmuNAND 파티션을 제거하는 방법을 안내하는 부가 섹션입니다. EmuNAND와 RedNAND는 동일한 개념을 다른 방식으로 구현한 것입니다.
+ +만약 여러분의 SD 카드의 /luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9.firm
외의 페이로드 파일이 있다면, (Start)를 누르면서 부팅할 시에 화면에 표시되는 “chainloader menu” 에서 십자 패드와 (A) 버튼으로 조작하여 “GodMode9”을 선택하여야 합니다.
이것은 Luma3DS 및 boot9strap가 이미 설치되어 있어야 가능합니다.
+ +/luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9 .zip
안에 압축되있는 GodMode9.firm
을 복사해 주세요.zip
안에 압축되있는 gm9
폴더를 SD 카드의 루트로 복사해 주세요DSiWare 게임이나 저장 데이터에 대해 신경 쓰지 않는다연 이 섹션을 건너뛰어 주세요.
-> title
로 이동해 주세요00030004
폴더에 (R) 을 누른 채 (A) 를 눌러 선택하고 “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”을 선택해 주세요
+ GBA VC 게임이나 저장 데이터에 대해 신경 쓰지 않는다면 이 섹션을 건너뛰어 주세요.
+ +다른 종류의 버추얼 콘솔 게임(GBC, FC, 기타)에서 이 과정은 불필요합니다.
+ +게임은 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
의 이름으로 SD카드의 /gm9/out/
폴더에 산출될 것입니다.
파일이 어떤 게임인지 구분하기 위해 (Home)을 눌러 액션 메뉴로 이동해 Title Manager
-> [A:] SD CARD`를 선택해 기기에 있는 모든 게임의 Title ID를 볼 수 있습니다.
폴더로 이동해 주세요agbsave.bin
에서 (A)를 눌러 선택해 주세요[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
로 이동해 주세요nand.bin
에 (A)를 눌러 선택하고 “NAND image options…“를 선택하고 “Restore SysNAND (safe)”를 선택해 주세요이전에 DSiWare 저장 데이터를 백업하지 않았다면 이 섹션을 건너뛰어 주세요.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
으로 이동해 주세요00030004
폴더에 (Y)를 눌러 복사해 주세요[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
로 이동해 주세요00030004
폴더를 붙여넣어 주세요이전에 GBA VC 저장 데이터를 백업하지 않았다면 이 섹션을 건너뛰어 주세요.
+ +<TitleID>.gbavc.sav
파일이 어떤 게임인지 구분하기 위해 (Home)을 눌러 액션 메뉴로 이동해 Title Manager
-> [A:] SD CARD`를 선택해 기기에 있는 모든 게임의 Title ID를 볼 수 있습니다.
-> gm9
으로 이동해 주세요<TitleID>.gbavc.sav
에서 (Y)를 눌러 복사해 주세요[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
폴더로 이동해 주세요agbsave.bin
에서 (A)를 눌러 선택해 주세요/gm9/out/
폴더의 <날짜>_<일련번호>_nandmin_##.bin
과 ‘essential.exefs’ 를 컴퓨터의 안전한 위치에 복사해 주세요
+ /gm9/out/
의 <날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin
과`<날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin.sha' 파일을 복사 후에 지워 주세요일련번호>날짜>GM9SD
레이블에 동의해 주세요
+ boot.firm
을 백업한 파일로 교체했는지 확인해 주세요마무리 단계 로 돌아갑니다
+ + +만약 ntrboot가 미리 플래시된 플래시카드을 구입했거나, 이미 ntrboot를 플래시카드로 설치했다면, boot9strap 설치 (ntrboot) 를 따라 주시기 바랍니다.
+ +ntrboot로 boot9strap을 설치하기 위해서는 호환되는 DS/ DSi 가 필요합니다. 이러한 플래시 카드 중 몇몇은 이미 ntrboot이 플래싱 되어 있습니다.
+ +ntrboot 취약점이 기기 버전과 독립적으로 작동하는 반면에, ntrboot 플래싱 프로그램(카트리지에 ntrboot을 설치하는 프로그램) 은 그렇지 않습니다. 이것은 플래시카드가 지원하는 기기와 기기버전에 따라 오로지 특정한 방법만 가능할 수도 있습니다.
+ +“시한폭탄”이 있는 카드는 플래시카드 펌웨어에 저장된 특정 날짜를 기기 시간이 지난것을 감지하면 더 이상 ‘.nds’파일을 실행 할 수 없습니다. 이것을 우회하는 방법은 기기시간을 앞으로 되돌리는 것입니다.
+ +플래시카드 이름 | +현재 가격 | +“시한폭탄”여부 | +3DS 버전 호환 여부 | +DSi 버전 호환 여부 | +기타 | +
[** R4i SDHC B9S **] ( | +$15.99 | +224년 9월 3일 | +모두 | +모두 | +이미 ntrboot이 플래싱 되어 있음; 다시 NDS 플래시카드로 플래싱될 수 있음 | +
[** R4i Gold 3DS Plus **] ( | +$19.99 | +없음 | +모두 | +모두 | +이미 ntrboot이 플래시 되어 있음 ([ntrboot과 NDS모드 전환하는 내부 스위치 있음] (; 따로 ntrboot을 플래싱하지 마세요. | +
Acekard 2i | +$20.99 | +없음 | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
[** DSTT **] ( | +$9.99 | +없음 | +안됨 | +안됨 | +[특정 플래시 칩]만 모델 ( ntrboot와 호환 됩니다. | +
[** R4i Gold 3DS **] ( | +$19.99 | +없음 | +모두 | +모두 | +모든 RTS 수정버전 호환 됩니다. | +
[** R4i SDHC 3DS RTS **] ( | +$13.99 | +1.85b: 2024년 9월 3일 | +모두 | +모두 | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: 2024년 9월 3일 | +모두 | +모두 | +2014에서 2020 사이에 년도 번호가 적혀 있는 r4isdhc .com 카드만 호환됩니다. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: 2024년 9월 3일 | +모두 | +모두 | +2014에서 2020 사이에 년도 번호가 적혀 있는 r4isdhc .com 카드만 호환됩니다. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | 없음 | +모두 | +모두 | +이미 ntrboot이 플래싱 되어 있음(ntrboot(“3DS”) 과 NDS 모드 전환하는 외부 스위치 있음); 따로 ntrboot을 플래싱하지 마십시오. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | No | +모두 | +모두 | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | 없음 | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +모두 | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | No | +모두 | +모두 | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | 없음 | +안됨 | +안됨 | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | 없음 | +4.1.0 - 4..0 | +모두 | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | 없음 | +<= 4.3.0 | +모두 | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | 모름 | +모두 | +모두 | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: 2024년 9월 3일 | +모두 | +모두 | +2014에서 2020 사이에 년도 번호가 적혀 있는 r4isdhc .com 카드만 호환됩니다. | +
시작하기전에 플래시카드가 .nds
파일을 실행 할 수 있는지 확인해 주세요. 몇몇 플래시카드는 펌웨어나 “커널”이 플래시카드의 SD 카드에 복사되어 있어야 합니다. 자세한 내용은 당신의 플래시카드의 설명서를 참조해 주시길 바랍니다.
특정 방법에서는 추가적인 호환성 정보가 있을 수 있습니다.
+ +이 방법을 사용하기 위해서는 작은 자석이 필요합니다. (슬립 스위치가 있는 2DS는 예외) 왜냐하면 이 방법은 슬립 모드 상태에서 버튼을 사용해야 하기 때문입니다.
+ +자석이 사용 가능한지 확인해 보려면 켜져 있는 상태로 (A)(B)(X)(Y) 버튼 근처에 자석을 대서 슬립 모드로 전환되는지 확인해 보세요. 사용 가능하다면 자석을 대고 있는 동안 화면이 검은색으로 될 것입니다.
+ +NTRboot가 플래시 카트리지에 플래싱되어 있는 동안에는 플래시카드의 기능을 사용할 수 없다는 점을 명심하십시오. (단, NDS에서 또는 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치된 3SD 에서 Acekard 2i의 경우는 예외입니다.) 이것은 대부분의 플래시카드가 심지어 홈 메뉴에서 표시되지도 않을것을 의미합니다. 작업이 끝난뒤 ntrboot를 제거할 수 있는 방법이 뒤에 제시되어 있습니다.
+ +아주 드문 경우지만 설치를 시도한 플래시카드가 짝퉁일 경우 설치 과정 중 카트리지가 벽돌이 되고 이후 카트리지를 사용할 수 없게되는 경우가 있습니다. 그러하기 때문에 매우 적은 확율이지만 정품 플래시카트만 지원 됩니다. 복재품 카드를 주문할 가능성을 줄이기 위하여, NDS Card같이 신뢰할 수 있는 사이트를 이용하여 구매 하시길 바랍니다.
+ +이 수단은 순정 3DS와 이와 호환되는 플래시카트 외에는 더를 필요로 하지 않습니다. 이 방법은 플래시카드를 3DS에 삽입해 ntrboot flasher .nds
를 실행하는 방법입니다. 그것은 플래시카드가 3DS 버전에서 .nds
파일 구동을 지원해야 한다는 의미입니다. 자세한 내용은 위에있는 플래시카드 표를 참조해 주시길 바랍니다.
ntrboot 플래싱 (단일 3DS) 로 계속합니다
+ +이 방법은 이미 boot9strap을 구동하고 있는 2번째 3DS 계열 기기를 일시적으로 사용해야 합니다. 이 방법은 플래시카드가 두 3DS중에서 어떤 버전 모두 지원하지 않아도 됩니다.
+ +ntrboot 플래싱 (3DS 두 대) 로 계속합니다
+ +이 방법은 DS 플래시카트를 실행할 수 있는 DS 혹은 DS Lite가 필요합니다. 이 방법은 플래시카드를 NDS에 삽입해 ntrboot flasher .nds
를 실행하는 방법입니다.
ntrboot 플래싱 (NDS) 로 계속합니다
+ +이 수단은 닌텐도 DSi와 이와 호환되는 플래시카트가 필요합니다. 이 방법은 플래시카드를 DSi에 삽입해 ntrboot flasher .nds
를 실행하는 방법입니다. 이 말은, 플래시 카트리지가 닌텐도 DSi 버전에서 .nds
파일 구동을 지원해야 한다는 의미입니다. 자세한 내용은 위에있는 플래시카드 표를 참조해 주시길 바랍니다.
ntrboot 플래싱 (DSi) 로 계속합니다
+ + +본 사이트는 유저들이 가이드를 따르는 것을 도우기 위해, 쿠키를 사용하고 있습니다. 쿠키는 사이드바가 유저의 진행도를 표시하는데 사용되며, 이는 유저들이 가이드를 더 쉽게 따를 수 있도록 도와 줍니다.
+ +본 사이트는 다른 웹사이트에서 가져온 콘텐츠 (예: 영상, 이미지, 문서)를 포함할 수 있습니다. 다른 웹사이트에서 가져온 콘텐츠는, 그 사이트에 방문한 것처럼 표시됩니다.
+ +이러한 웹사이트들은 당신이 계정이 있으며 로그인되어 있을 때 수집할 수 있는 삽입된 콘텐츠에 대한 상호 작용 뿐만 아니라, 당신에 대한 정보를 수집하거나, 쿠키를 사용하거나, 추가적인 제3자 추적을 추가하거나, 혹은 삽입된 콘텐츠에 대한 상호 작용을 모니터링할 수 있습니다.
+ +이 사이트는 모니터링과 접근 통계를 위해 Google Analytics를 이용합니다. 이 사이트는 GitHub Pages를 통해 호스팅되며, 이 서비스는 당신에 대한 정보를 수집하거나, 쿠키를 사용하거나, 추가적인 제3자 추적을 추가하거나, 사이트 내에서의 당신의 상호 작용을 모니터링할 수 있습니다. GitHub Pages의 사용자 개인 정보에 대한 더 자세한 정보는 GitHub Privacy Statement (영문)를 확인해주세요.
+ +이 사이트는 이용자의 개인 정보를 수집하거나 공유하지 않습니다. 이 사이트는 일정한 기준 하에서 사용자의 관심사를 분석하거나 광고 제공자에게 정보를 제공하기 위한 사용자 정보를 수집할 수 있습니다. 개인을 식별할 수 있는 정보는 제3자에 제공되지 않습니다.
+ +이 사이트는 다른 웹사이트의 링크를 사용하거나 참조합니다. 이 사이트는 다른 사이트의 개인정보 보호 정책과 관련이 없습니다. 이용자는 다른 사이트들은 이 사이트와 개인정보 보호 정책이 다를 수 있다는 것을 유념해야 합니다.
+ +이 개인정보 보호 정책 내용은 언제나 어떤 이유로 변경될 수 있습니다.
+ + +이 페이지는 CFW SysNAND의 지역을 변경하는 방법을 안내하는 부가 섹션입니다. 이 작업은 바꾸고자 하는 지역의 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 이미지를 설치합니다. 이미지 설치 후, 장치를 최신 펌웨어 버전(11.16.0)으로 업데이트할 수 있습니다.
+ +Luma3DS가 지역 외 게임들과 타이틀별 지역 에뮬레이션을 지원하기 때문에, 지역 변경은 거의 불필요하다는 점을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 또한, 다른 지역의 NDS게임을 실행하는 것 또한 TWiLight Menu++에 의해 지원됩니다.
+ +만약 여러분의 SD 카드의 /luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9.firm
외의 페이로드 파일이 있다면, (Start)를 누르면서 부팅할 시에 화면에 표시되는 “chainloader menu” 에서 십자 패드와 (A) 버튼으로 조작하여 “GodMode9”을 선택하여야 합니다.
기기의 지역을 바꾸게 된다면:
+ +이것은 Luma3DS 및 boot9strap가 이미 설치되어 있어야 가능합니다.
+ +구형 3DS/2DS 기기에서는 지역 변경 후, 추가 메모리 모드 개임을 (예: 대난투 스매시브라더스, 포켓몬스터 썬/문, 몬스터 헌터)를 사용할 수 없게 될 수 있습니다. 만약 이게 발생한다면, 이 문제를 고치기 위해 (TinyFormat 및 본체 설정을 이용해서) 기기를 포맷하셔야 합니다.
+ +이 페이지의 마그넷링크를 사용하려면 + qBittorrent 또는 Deluge와 같은 토렌트 클라이언트가 필요합니다.
폴더가 없을 경우 폴더를 만들어 주세요/luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9 .zip
안에 압축되있는 GodMode9.firm
을 복사해 주세요.zip
안에 압축이 되있는 gm9
폴더를 복사해 주세요/gm9/
폴더에 CTRTransfer .zip
안에 압축되어 있는 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 이미지 .bin
을 복사해 주세요FBI.3dsx
파일을 SD 카드의 /3ds/
폴더에 복사해 주세요/gm9/out/
폴더의 <날짜>_<일련번호>_nandmin_##.bin
과 ‘essential.exefs’ 를 컴퓨터의 안전한 위치에 복사해 주세요
+ /gm9/out/
의 <날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin
과`<날짜>_<일련번호>_sysnand_##.bin.sha' 파일을 복사 후에 지워 주세요일련번호>날짜>[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
으로 이동해 주세요.bin
에 (A)를 눌러 선택해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
하고 Nintendo DS
버튼이 표시 될 때까지 기다려 주세요boot.3dsx
from the root of your SD card만약 “No user tickets found” 표시가 되면, 이 부분을 넘기세요.
+ +eshop
폴더와 unknown
폴더 중 1개 이상의 폴더에 다음 과정을 수행해 주세요.
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
으로 이동해 주세요.bin
에 (X)를 눌러 삭제해 주세요이 페이지는 CFW 복구 / 업데이트 로 이동 되었습니다.
+ + +이 문서는 boot9strap이 설치되어 있는 기기의 커스텀 펌웨어 소프트웨어 업데이트 또는 재설치를 준비하기 위한 문서입니다. 만약 SD 카드가 없어지거나 데이터가 손상 되어도 이 작업을 하면 됩니다.
+ +이 작업은 FAT32로 포멧 된 SD 카드가 필요합니다. 이가 없으면 3DS가 인식을 못합니다. SD 카드가 포맷되어 있지 않는디면, 다음 페이지들 중 자신의 OS에 해당하는 페이지를 따라 주시기 바랍니다. Windows, Mac, Linux
안에 있는 boot.3dsx
과 boot.firm
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요. 이미 존재하는 파일을 덮어쓰기 해 주세요
+ 최신 버전의 Luma3DS가 SD 카드의 내장 메모리로 설치되었습니다.
+만약 다른 홈브류를 재설치 또는 업데이트 하고 싶다면, 마무리 단계로 계속합니다
+ + +boot9strap을 설치하려면 우선 각 기기의 고유 암호화 키를 알아내야 합니다. 이를 위해, 이 가이드에서는 Seedminer을 사용해 그 암호화 키 (movable.sed)를 계산해 낼 것입니다.
+ +Seedminer이 정확히 어떻게 작동하는지 배우고 싶다면 이 프레젠테이션을 참고할 수 있습니다.
+ +이 방법은 원래 혼자 할 경우, 계산을 위해 강력한 그래픽 카드를 사용해야 합니다. 이 가이드에서는 이 방법을 돕기 위해 다른 사람들이 무료로 제공하는 웹사이트를 사용하게 됩니다.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +이 섹션에서는 암호화 키를 알아내기 위한 정보를 3DS로부터 수집합니다.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
폴더를 열어 주세요private
이라는 폴더가 있다면 무시해 주세요이 섹션에서는 Bruteforce Movable 웹사이트를 이용하여 기기의 암호화 키를 계산하고, 이것을 movable.sed
파일로 저장합니다.
파일을 다운로드 하고 다음 섹션으로 진행하시면 됩니다. 봇을 (다시) 추가 할필요는 없습니다Step 2: Bruteforce
로 진행할 것 입니다movable.sed
파일을 다운로드 해 주세요
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +boot9strap을 설치하려면 우선 각 기기의 고유 암호화 키를 알아내야 합니다. 이를 위해, 이 가이드에서는 Seedminer을 사용해 그 암호화 키 (movable.sed)를 계산해 낼 것입니다.
+ +Seedminer이 정확히 어떻게 작동하는지 배우고 싶다면 이 프레젠테이션을 참고할 수 있습니다.
+ +이 방법은 원래 혼자 할 경우, 계산을 위해 강력한 그래픽 카드를 사용해야 합니다. 이 가이드에서는 이 방법을 돕기 위해 다른 사람들이 무료로 제공하는 웹사이트를 사용하게 됩니다.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +이 섹션에서는 암호화 키를 알아내기 위한 정보를 3DS로부터 수집합니다.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
폴더를 열어 주세요private
이라는 폴더가 있다면 무시해 주세요이 섹션에서는 Bruteforce Movable 웹사이트를 이용하여 기기의 암호화 키를 계산하고, 이것을 movable.sed
파일로 저장합니다.
파일을 다운로드 하고 다음 섹션으로 진행하시면 됩니다. 봇을 (다시) 추가 할필요는 없습니다Step 2: Bruteforce
로 진행할 것 입니다movable.sed
파일을 다운로드 해 주세요
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
BannerBomb3 으로 계속합니다
+ + +자주 방문하는 페이지
+ +모든 페이지
+ +이 페이지는 흔히 일어나는 문제에 관한 해결책을 기재합니다. 만약 이 페이지의 해결책만으로 문제를 해결할 수 없다면, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 들어가서 당신의 문제와 시도한 해결책을 설명해 주세요.
+ +여러 페이지에서 사용:
+가이드 페이지:
+설치 이후 문제:
+ + +boot9strap
폴더에 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
가 없거나, boot9strap
폴더의 이름이 잘못되어 있습니다. boot9strap의 최신 버전을 다운로드하여, boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
를 boot9strap
폴더로 복사해 주세요.
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
파일에 문제가 있습니다. boot9strap의 최신 버전을 다운로드하여, boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
를 boot9strap
폴더로 복사해 주세요.
폴더에 secret_sector.bin
파일이 없거나, boot9strap
폴더의 이름이 잘못되어 있습니다. secret_sector.bin 파일을 토렌트 클라이언트로 다운로드하고, 이 파일을 boot9strap
폴더에 복사해 주세요
Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에서 도움을 요청하여, 자신이 본 메시지를 같이 보내 주세요.
+이것은 한 SD 카드를 여러 3DS 장치에 이용할 때 다른 장치에 유효하지 않은 데이터가 섞이는 것을 막기 위한 의도된 현상입니다. 이름이 긴 폴더 중 무엇이 해당 장치와 맞는지 확인하려면, 다음을 따르십시오:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
폴더를 BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
폴더로 이름을 변경해 주세요Nintendo 3DS
폴더를 열어 주세요Nintendo 3DS
폴더 내 32글자의 폴더 이름을 복사해 주세요
+ Nintendo 3DS
폴더를 삭제해 주세요BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
폴더를 Nintendo 3DS
폴더로 이름을 변경해 주세요웹사이트에서 이미 친구 코드와 ID0로 movable.sed
를 만들어냈습니다. 제공되는 movable.sed
를 그대로 이용하시면 됩니다.
3DS에서 친구 등록이 적절하게 완료되지 않아 친구 코드가 차단되었습니다. 3DS가 인터넷에 적절하게 연결되어 있는지 확인해 주시고, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 들어와 차단 해제를 요청해주세요.
+웹사이트에서 movable.sed
파일을 해킹할 수 없다고 확정했습니다. 정확한 ID0를 제공했는지 확인해주세요. 만약 ID0가 정확하다면, Seedminer를 통한 방법은 불가능하며 다른 게임이나 하드웨어가 필요한 방법을 이용해야 합니다.
This can occur if you’ve used multiple SD cards on a 3DS and then merged the contents of the SD cards together. This is done to prevent conflicting, valid data from being merged together.
+ +To fix this, you will need to determine which folder contains your data. Usually, this will be the larger (or largest) of the folders. Backup and delete the smaller one(s), then create a Nintendo DSiWare
folder in the one that remains and move F00D43D5.bin
to that location.
이 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더 내에 있는 유일한 파일이어야 합니다. 만약 그렇다면, BannerBomb3 툴에서 다시 생성해 주세요.
또한, bb3.bin
이 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 있어야 합니다. 만약 없다면, Bannerbomb3의 최신 버전 (직접 다운로드)을 다운받아 bb3.bin
파일을 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리로 복사해 주세요.
만약 이 방법이 모두 안 된다면, 이 방식 자체를 차단하는 방법으로 커펌이 지워졌을 수 있습니다. 이 경우, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 오셔서 도움을 요청하세요.
이 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더 내에 없습니다. 폴더 Nintendo DSiWare
의 이름에 오타가 있는지 확인해 주세요. 대소문자는 구분하지 않습니다.
파일에 문제가 있습니다. (잘못된 파일이거나 다른 3DS용 파일) 해당 기기의 movable.sed
파일을 이용해, BannerBomb3 툴에서 F00D43D5.bin
파일을 다시 생성해 주세요.
unSAFE_MODE가 설치되지 않았습니다. 이 설명을 따라 설치해주세요.
파일이 없거나 잘못 들어갔습니다. 최신 버전의 unSAFE_MODE을 다시 내려받고 usm.bin
파일을 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사해주세요. .bin
확장자는 보이지 않는 이상 추가하지 말아 주세요.
또는, 기기가 SD 카드를 인식 못 했을 가능성도 있습니다. 장착이 되있고 제대로 포맷이 되었다는걸 확인해 주세요.
파일이 없거나 잘못 들어갔습니다. 최신 버전의 SafeB9Installer을 다운받아 압축을 풀고, SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 SafeB9Installer.bin
을 복사해주세요. .bin
확장자는 보이지 않는 이상 추가하지 말아 주세요.
데이터를 모두 백업하고 시스템별로 권장되는 프로그램을 이용해 SD카드를 FAT32로 다시 포맷해 주세요. (Windows, macOS, Linux) MiniTool Partition Wizard나 HP formatting tool(HPUSBDisk)는 3DS용 SD 카드에 문제를 발생시킨다는 것이 알려져 있습니다.
+ +만약 해결되지 않는다면, 다른 SD 카드를 이용해 보세요.
와 DSiWare 백업 파일이 동일 기기에서 추출한 것인지 확인해 주세요. 서로 다르면 오류가 발생합니다.
파일을 삭제하지 않았습니다. SD 카드의 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
폴더로 이동하고 F00D43D5.bin
파일을 삭제해 주세요.
파일에 문제가 있습니다. (없거나, 잘못 들어갔거나, 혹은 잘못된 파일) DSIHaxInjector_new 웹사이트에서 파일을 다시 만들어
-> hax
에 있는 42383821.bin
파일을 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
에 정확하게 배치해 주세요.
가 SD 카드에서 시스템 메모리로 복사되지 않았습니다.
DS 소프트웨어용 설정 앱이 고장났으며, 고치기 위해서는 Homebrew Launcher 앱에 접근해야 합니다. Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 오셔서 도움을 요청하세요.
+만약 큰 SD 카드를 사용하신다면, Flipnote가 오래 걸릴 수 있습니다. 몇 분 정도 기다려 주세요.
+SD 카드 루트에 Frogminer_save .zip
안에 있는 private
폴더를 복사하지 않았습니다.
수정된 Flipnote에서 실수로 터치 스크린을 건드렸을 수 있습니다. DS 소프트웨어용 설정에 다시 들어가 다시 시도하되, 터치 스크린을 실수로 누르지 않도록 주의해주세요.
파일이 없거나 잘못 들어갔습니다. 최신 버전의 b9stool을 다시 내려받고 boot.nds
파일을 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사해주세요. 이미 파일이 있으면 덮어씌워 주세요.
파일에 문제가 있습니다. 최신 버전의 b9stool을 다시 내려받고 boot.nds
파일을 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사해주세요. 이미 파일이 있으면 덮어씌워 주세요.
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and explain what has happened.
+기기가 시스템 버전 9.4.0 ~ 9.6.0이라면, universal-otherapp의 구버전에서 발생하는 오류가 발생했을 가능성이 큽니다. 여기에서 최신 버전으로 다운로드해주세요.
+ +펌웨어 버전이 이게 아니라면, 이미 커펌이 설치되었을 수 있습니다. CFW 확인 을 하는 것을 권장합니다.
파일에 문제가 있습니다. (없거나, 잘못 들어갔거나, 혹은 잘못된 파일) 최신 버전의 universal-otherapp을 다시 내려받아 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사해주세요.
기기와 지역 조합과 다른 Soundhax 파일을 이용하고 있거나, 기기가 Soundhax와 호환되지 않습니다. 후자라면, 기기를 최신 버전으로 업데이트한 후 Seedminer 방식을 따라야 합니다.
파일이 없거나 잘못 들어갔습니다. 최신 버전의 SafeB9Installer을 다운받아 압축을 풀고, SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 SafeB9Installer.bin
을 복사해주세요. .bin
확장자는 보이지 않는 이상 추가하지 말아 주세요.
데이터를 모두 백업하고 시스템별로 권장되는 프로그램을 이용해 SD카드를 FAT32로 다시 포맷해 주세요. (Windows, macOS, Linux) MiniTool Partition Wizard나 HP formatting tool(HPUSBDisk)는 3DS용 SD 카드에 문제를 발생시킨다는 것이 알려져 있습니다.
+ +만약 해결되지 않는다면, 다른 SD 카드를 이용해 보세요.
+이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있을 수 있습니다. CFW 확인 을 하는 것을 권장합니다.
파일이 없거나 잘못 들어갔습니다. 최신 버전의 universal-otherapp을 내려받아 otherapp.bin
파일을 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사하고, 이름을 arm11code.bin
으로 변경해 주세요. .bin
확장자는 보이지 않는 이상 추가하지 말아 주세요.
에 문제가 있습니다. 최신 버전의 universal-otherapp을 내려받아 otherapp.bin
파일을 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사하고, 이름을 arm11code.bin
으로 변경해 주세요. .bin
확장자는 보이지 않는 이상 추가하지 말아 주세요.
이러한 브라우저 기반의 익스플로잇은 불안정하고 자주 종료됩니다. 그러나 종종 다음 단계를 수행하면 고쳐질 수 있습니다.
+ +SSLoth 프록시 설정이 잘못 설정되었습니다. 페이지의 SSLoth 섹션을 다시 진행해주세요.
+다음 과정을 순서대로 진행해주세요:
+ +인터넷 설정
-> 인터넷 접속 설정
으로 이동해 주세요설정 변경
-> 다음 페이지 (오른쪽 화살표)
-> Proxy 설정
으로 이동해 주세요예
를 눌러 인터넷 접속 테스트를 진행해 주세요
+ First, make sure you entered the correct proxy for the connection you’re using. If not, go back to Section II. If the proxy is correct, then your device has been cart-updated, which means an alternate exploit will need to be used.
+ +Method 1
+If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or less than 36 (e.g. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), you can follow Soundhax. When prompted to select a firmware to generate the sound file, use:
Method 2 (Old 3DS only)
+If you have an Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, you can try a Safe Mode update, which will trigger an alternate exploit:
If these methods didn’t work (or do not apply to you), update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+ +SafeB9SInstaller.bin
파일이 없거나 잘못 들어갔습니다. 최신 버전의 SafeB9Installer을 다운받아 압축을 풀고, SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 SafeB9Installer.bin
을 복사해주세요. .bin
확장자는 보이지 않는 이상 추가하지 말아 주세요.
에 문제가 있을 수 있습니다. 최신 버전의 universal-otherapp을 다시 내려받아 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사하고, 이름을 arm11code.bin
으로 변경해주세요. .bin
확장자는 보이지 않는 이상 추가하지 말아 주세요.
태국발 기기 (버전 넘버 뒤에 T가 붙음, 예: 11.3.0-##T)를 이용하고 있는 경우, 이 방식으로는 커펌이 불가하며, 콘솔을 최신 버전으로 업데이트한 후 Seedminer 를 이용해야 합니다.
+ +중국 본토발 기기(버전이 C로 끝남, 예: 11.3.0-##C
)를 이용하고 계신다면, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버로 오셔서 도움을 요청하세요.
Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 오셔서 도움을 요청하세요.
+데이터를 모두 백업하고 시스템별로 권장되는 프로그램을 이용해 SD카드를 FAT32로 다시 포맷해 주세요. (Windows, macOS, Linux) MiniTool Partition Wizard나 HP formatting tool(HPUSBDisk)는 3DS용 SD 카드에 문제를 발생시킨다는 것이 알려져 있습니다.
+ +만약 해결되지 않는다면, 다른 SD 카드를 이용해 보세요.
+다음 단계는 순서 없이 진행 가능하나, 하기 쉬운 것부터 어려운 순서로 정렬되어 있습니다.
+ +Download this alternate config.ini and place it in /luma/
. 이 파일은 Rosalina 키 조합을 (X) + (Y)로 바꿉니다.
파일에 문제가 있습니다. (없거나, 잘못 들어갔거나, 혹은 잘못된 파일) 최신 버전의 Homebrew Launcher을 다시 내려받고 boot.3dsx
파일을 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사해주세요. 이미 파일이 있으면 덮어씌워 주세요.
GodMode9 .zip
안에 압축이 되있는 gm9
폴더를 SD 카드의 루트로 복사하지 않았습니다. 최신 버전의 GodMode9을 다시 내려받고 gm9
폴더를 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사해주세요. 이미 폴더가 있으면 합병해 주세요.
Make sure you have at least 1.3GB available in your SD card. If you don’t have enough space, follow these steps:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder from the root of your SD card to your computergm9/out
on your SD to a safe location on your computer<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
files from the SD card, keeping essential.exefs in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
folder from your computer to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folder from your computerIf you have enough space on your SD card, your SD might be corrupted or faulty. Check your SD card for any errors by following the guide according to your computer’s operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+여기서 안내하는 설명은 일반적으로 최신 커스텀 펌웨어 설정(boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 이상)에 적용됩니다. 만약 콘솔이 이전 설정(arm9loaderhax 또는 menuhax 기반 등)으로 구동되고 있다면, 이 설명을 따르기 전에 설정을 업데이트해야 합니다.
+ +boot.firm
파일에 문제가 있습니다. boot9strap 1.4를 실행하고 있다면, 3DS 알림 LED가 특정 색상으로 깜빡일 겁니다. 이 색상은 SD 카드 혹은 내부 메모리에 있는 boot.firm
의 오류를 분석하기 위해 이용됩니다. 구 버전의 boot9strap에서는 기기를 켜려 할 때 파란 LED가 켜졌다가 즉시 꺼질 것입니다.
알림 LED가 깜빡인다면:
+ +boot.firm
을 찾지 못했습니다.boot.firm
을 찾지 못했습니다. 내부 메모리에 있는 boot.firm
을 확인했으나, 파일이 손상되었습니다.boot.firm
파일을 찾았지만, SD 카드와 내부 메모리에 있는 파일 모두가 손상되었습니다.Luma3DS의 최신 버전을 다운받아 압축을 해제해, 새 boot.firm
파일을 SD 카드의 루트 디렉토리에 넣어주세요. (파일이 이미 있다면 덮어씌워주세요.) boot.firm
파일이 계속 문제가 있는 것으로 인식된다면, SD 카드에 문제가 있는지 확인해야 할 수 있습니다: (Windows, Linux, or macOS) 또, WinRAR로 압축 해제한 파일은 3DS에서 문제를 자주 일으키는 것으로 알려져 있습니다.
순간적르로 백라이트가 켜졌다 꺼지면서 “퍽 소리”가 들린다면, 장치의 하드웨어 문제인 것입니다. (백라이트 케이블이 연결이 끊기는 등) 이 경우 특정 각도로 기기를 들면 부팅될 수 있습니다.
+다음 단계는 순서 없이 진행 가능하나, 시간 소모가 적은 것부터 긴 순서로 정렬되어 있습니다.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
폴더를 다른 이름(예: NIntendo 3DS_BACKUP
)으로 변경 후 부팅해보세요. 장치가 정상적으로 부팅된다면, Nintendo 3DS
폴더 내부에 문제가 있는 것입니다. 홈 메뉴의 추가 데이터를 정리해주세요:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
폴더로 이동해 주세요
+ + 기기 지역에 해당되는 폴더를 삭제해 주세요:
+ 00000098
Luma3DS 구 버전이 설치되있습니다. 최신 버전의 Luma3DS을 다시 내려받고 boot.firm
파일을 SD 카드의 최상위 디렉토리에 복사해주세요. 이미 파일이 있으면 덮어씌워 주세요. ZIP 파일을 압축 해제할 때, 3DS 관련 파일에서 문제가 있다고 알려져 있은 WinRAR를 제외한 프로그램으로 압축 해제해 주세요.
There are a number of reasons as to why this could be happening. In any case, this error can usually be fixed by following the CTRTransfer guide.
+ARM11 오류 핸들러가 꺼져있거나, 커스텀 펌웨어가 정상적으로 설치되지 않았습니다. ARM11 오류 핸들러를 활성화해보세요:
+This could be caused by various reasons, but most likely because your SD card is not being read by the system. +You can check if your SD is being read by holding SELECT on boot and checking the yellow text on the bottom screen; if it says “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, then your device is booting from the internal memory and not from the SD card. +If this is the case, attempt the steps below, which are listed from easiest to hardest:
from the
and place it on the root of your SD card (replacing any existing file)이 기기는 벽돌 상태입니다. ntrboot 플래시카트를 구매한 후 이를 이용해 boot9strap를 설치하여 기기를 복구해야 합니다. 이 문제는 또 기기의 하드웨어 문제가 있다는 뜻일수도 있습니다. 어떠한 경우가 됐든, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 오셔서 도움을 요청하세요.
+에러 사진을 찍고 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 오셔서 도움을 요청하세요.
파일)을 다운로드해 주세요3ds
폴더가 없을 경우 폴더를 만들어 주세요TWLFix-CFW.3dsx
파일을 SD 카드의 /3ds/
폴더에 복사해 주세요기기에 (아마 arm9loaderhax를 통해) Luma3DS 6.6 이하의 버전이 설치되어 있습니다. A9LH를 B9S로 업데이트를 따라서 기기를 현재의 커스텀 펌웨어 환경으로 업데이트해 주세요.
+이 문제는 구 3DS / 2DS 기기의 지역을 변경하거자 CTRTransfer를 한 이후 나타날 수 있는 상황입니다. 이를 해결하려면 본체 초기화를 해야 합니다.
+Look for your exception screen in this page. +If you weren’t able to find your error or the instructions didn’t work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for further assistance.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
폴더로 이동해 주세요00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
폴더로 이동해 주세요000002ce
You can disable the Parental Controls feature by going to System Settings -> Parental Controls and inserting the PIN, then pressing “Clear Settings”, then “Delete” to remove it. +However, if you do not know the PIN and therefore cannot access the device’s settings, you will need to disable it. In order to do this, you need to obtain your device’s master key (mkey):
+이것은 기기를 순정 상태 로 되돌리기위하여 boot9strap 이나 Luma3DS을 포함한 CFW을 완벽히 제거합니다.
+ +모든 서명되지 않은 (비정상적인) 게임은 사용하지 못하며 이 과정에서 삭제됩니다. 만약 신경 쓰는 것들이 있다면, 이 저장 데이터 매니저를 이용하여 저장 데이터를 백업 시켜주세요.
+ +이러한 이유로 커펌을 제거하려 한다면:
+ +당장 멈추세요!! 커펌을 삭제하는 것은 시간만 잡아먹는 불필요한 모험이며, 심할 경우 콘솔을 벽돌로 만들 수 있습니다. Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 (영어로) 도움을 요청하는 것이 더 나을 것입니다.
+만약 다음 중 어떤 것이라도 했다면:
)를 직접 바꿨습니다커펌을 삭제하는 것 자체만으로 콘솔을 벽돌로 만들게 됩니다. 만약 이것에 해당한다면, 계속하기 전에 순정 NAND 백업 복구를 진행해주세요.
+이 절차들은 버전 8.0 이상의 Luma3DS를 사용하고 있는 기기에서만 작동합니다. 만약 Luma의 구 버전을 사용하고 계신다면, Luma3DS를 업그레이드하시고 나서 이 절차를 따라야 합니다. 업그레이드를 하려면 이 페이지를 따라 주세요.
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요/luma/payloads/
폴더에 GodMode9 .zip
안에 압축되있는 GodMode9.firm
을 복사해 주세요.zip
안에 압축이 되있는 gm9
폴더를 복사해 주세요DSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
파일을 SD 카드의 /3ds/
폴더에 복사해 주세요/gm9/scripts/
폴더에 safety_test.gm9
을 복사해 주세요이 섹션은 기기의 DS 모드 앱들이 커펌 제거후 올바르게 작동 할수 있는지 확인하는 작업을 합니다. 이 섹션을 건너간다면, 커펌 재설치 할 때가지 DS 모드와 이의 관련 기능들의 사용이 불가능 할 수 있습니다. 특히 한글판 (KOR) 기기들은 현재 이 기능 없이 커펌을 설치할 수가 없습니다!
+ +인터넷 설정
-> DS 소프트웨어용 설정
으로 들어가 “OK”를 선택해 주세요만약 이 테스트 중 하나라도 실패했다면, 커펌 삭제 이후 DS 모드, DS 다운로드 플레이, 혹은 DS 연결 설정이 작동하지 않을 수 있습니다. DS 모드를 고치고 계속해야 합니다.
+ +이 섹션의 목적은 기기가 커펌 삭제 이후 정상적으로 부팅되며, 본체 설정이나 키보드와 같은 중요 기능이 정상적으로 작동함을 확인하는 것입니다. 이 섹션을 건너뛴다면, 기기가 벽돌이 될 수 있습니다!
+ +만약 일반 3DS 홈 메뉴로 부팅되지 않거나, 본체 설정 앱 혹은 키보드에 접근이 불가하다면, 즉시 커펌 삭제를 중단하십시오! Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에서 영어로 도움을 요청하십시오. “My 3DS has failed the safety test.” 정도로 시작하여 실패한 구간을 (영문 설명서를 확인하여) 설명해 주세요.
+ +이 섹션에서는 홈브류나 덤프된 카트리지 데이터와 같이, 비정상적인 콘텐츠를 전부 삭제합니다. 만약 중요한 세이브 데이터가 있다면, 저장 데이터 매니저를 통해 백업 후 진행해 주세요!
+ +데이터 관리
-> 닌텐도 3DS
-> 소프트웨어 관리
로 이동하세요데이터 관리
-> DSiWare
메뉴를 열어 주세요이 섹션에서는 모든 비정상 항목이 삭제되고, eShop이 정상적으로 동작하게 유도합니다. 이 과정에서 3DS에 설치된 모든 항목이 삭제되며, 한국 내수용이 아닌 기기에서는 NNID에서도 로그아웃됩니다. 이 과정에서 콘솔의 암호화 키가 재설정되며, 이는 SD 콘텐츠의 백업이 있더라도 기존 데이터를 사용하지 못하게 됨을 의미한다는 걸 명심하십시오.
+ +이 섹션은 상단의 모든 과정을 거쳐왔다는 것을 확인할 마지막 기회입니다! 진행하기 전에 이 페이지의 모든 섹션을, 특히 섹션 III - 안전 테스트
를 진행하였는지 확인해 주세요.
기기에서 모든 커스텀 펌웨어는 제거 되었습니다.
+ +이제 SD 카드의 루트에서 Nintendo 3DS
과 private
폴더를 제외한 모든 추가 파일이나 폴더를 지우셔도 됩니다.
이 페이지는 기존 boot9strap 사용자중 최신 버전의 boot9strap 으로 업데이트 과정을 설명한 페이지 입니다.
+ +우리는 온라인 사용은 문제가 없다고 믿지만, 치트 밎 의혹한 eShop 행동으로 온라인 네트워크 차단 사건들이 있었음으로, 주의하시기 바랍니다.
파일)모든 과정에서, SD 카드에 이미 존재하는 파일들은 모두 덮어쓰기 해주세요.
+ +boot9strap
라는 이름으로 새 폴더를 생성해 주세요/boot9strap/
폴더에 boot9strap .zip
파일 안에 압축되있는 boot9strap.firm
과 boot9strap.firm.sha
을 복사해 주세요.zip
의 SafeB9SInstaller.firm
을 SD 카드의 루트에 복사하고 boot.firm
으로 이름 변경해 주세요
+ boot.firm
파일이 존재 한다면, 덮어쓰기 해 주세요SD 카드를 기기에 다시 삽입해 주세요
+ +
안에 있는 boot.firm
과 boot.3dsx
를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요. 이미 존재하는 파일을 덮어쓰기 해 주세요This is an add-on section for moving the contents of a previous EmuNAND to your new SysNAND CFW, then removing the old EmuNAND partition. Note that the terms EmuNAND and RedNAND refer to slightly different implementations of the same concept.
+ +Note that if you have any payload files other than GodMode9.firm
in the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD card, holding (Start) on boot will display a “chainloader menu” where you will have to use the D-Pad and the (A) button to select “GodMode9” for these instructions.
You MUST have already installed Luma3DS and boot9strap to use this.
+ +GodMode9.firm
from the GodMode9 .zip
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD cardgm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD cardIf you do not have any DSiWare games or saves that you care about, skip this section.
-> title
to select the folder, then select “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”
+ If you do not have any GBA VC games or saves that you care about, skip this section.
+ +Note that this is not necessary for any other kind of Virtual Console games (GBC, NES, etc)
+ +The game will be outputted to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card with the name <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
To identify a <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
file’s Title ID, you can get a listing of all games on the system and their corresponding Title IDs by hovering over [A:] SYSNAND SD
, holding (R) and pressing (A) at the same time, then selecting “Search for titles”.
to select it[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
to select it, then select “NAND image options…”, then select “Restore SysNAND (safe)”If you did not backup DSiWare Saves earlier, skip this section.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
folder to copy it[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
folderIf you did not backup GBA VC Saves earlier, skip this section.
+ +To identify a <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
file’s Title ID, you can get a listing of all games on the system and their corresponding Title IDs by holding (R) and pressing (A) on the GodeMode9 main menu, then selecting “Search for titles”.
-> gm9
file you wish to restore to copy it[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
to select it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying itGM9SD
+ boot.firm
file on your SD card with the one from your backupSorry, maar deze pagina bestaat niet.
+ + +Deze pagina is voor gebruikers van arm9loaderhax die willen updaten naar boot9strap.
+ +Alle toekomstige versies van Luma3DS zullen alleen gemaakt worden in het .firm
formaat, dat alleen compatibel zal zijn met boot9strap en sighax. Dit betekent dat om verdere updates van Luma3DS te krijgen je deze pagina zal moeten gebruiken om jouw installatie te updaten.
Om de op deze pagina gelinkte .7z
bestanden uit te pakken zal je een bestandsarchiver zoals 7-Zip of The Unarchiver nodig hebben.
Terwijl we wel geloven dat custom firmware veilig is voor online gebruik, zijn er in het verleden toch online bans opgetreden. Deze werden voornamelijk veroorzaakt door vals spelen en verdacht eShop gedrag.
+ +Om de magnet links op deze pagina te kunnen gebruiken, heb je een torrent client zoals qBittorrent of Deluge nodig.
+ +Merk wel op dat enkel bij de New 3DS secret_sector.bin
nodig is om de arm9loaderhax exploit terug te draaien, daarom is het niet nodig bij de installatie van boot9strap op een stock 3DS. Als je geen New 3DS hebt, heb je secret_sector.bin
niet nodig.
bestand)Voor alle stappen in dit gedeelte, moet je de bestaande bestanden op je SD-kaart overschrijven.
+ +boot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de nieuwste Luma3DS versie .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
van de v7.0.5 Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.bin
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaart
+ luma
of de payloads
map niet bestaat, maak ze dan aan.bin
payloads (GodMode9.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
, etc.) in de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD kaart, omdat ze niet compatibel zullen zijn met boot9strap compatibele Luma3DS versiesboot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartEnkel voor New 3DS gebruikers: Kopieer secret_sector.bin
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaart
map op je SD-kaart en probeer dit het nog eensOm DSiWare die op het systeem staat te dumpen naar de SD-kaart, maken we gebruik van een fout in het DSiWare Data Management venster van de Settings applicatie.
+ +Om dit te bereiken, gebruiken we de encryptiesleutel van je systeem (movable.sed) om een DSiWare back-up te maken die het systeem exploiteert om de DSi Internet Settings applicatie naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart te dumpen.
+ +Zodra je een DSiWare back-up hebt, kan een exploiteerbare DSiWare titel worden geïnjecteerd in DS Download Play, dat gebruikt kan worden om custom firmware te installeren.
+ +These instructions are for Taiwanese consoles ONLY (as indicated by a T at the end of the system version, e.g. 11.16.0-39T)! If your console is from any other region, choose the other method.
+ +movable.sed
bestand van het voltooien van
)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
+ +boot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartprivate
map van de Frogminer_save .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartmovable.sed
met behulp van de “Browse…” optieNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
on your SD card
+ <ID0>
zal dezelfde zijn die je bij deze stap hebt gebruikt: Seedminer<ID1>
is een reeks van 32 characters lang en bevindt zich in de map van de <ID0>
Nintendo DSiWare
inside of the <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD
bestand en navigeer naar China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
bestanden naar de Nintendo DSiWare
mapData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
-> (page 2)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
op je
bestand en navigeer naar China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
bestand dat hetzelfde nummer is als het nummer dat op de tweede pagina van het DSiWare Management menu stond naar de Nintendo DSiWare
map, en overschrijf wanneer hierom gevraagd wordtData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart moeten hebbenNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
op je SD-kaart.bin
bestanden in de Nintendo DSiWare
bestand met behulp van de eerste “Browse…” optiemovable.sed
bestand met behulp van de tweede “Browse…” optieDSdownloadplay
(GEEN memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
op je SD-kaart484E4441.bin
bestand van de hax
map van het gedownloade DSiWare archief (output_(naam).zip) naar de Nintendo DSiWare
mapData Management
-> DSiWare
If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
op je SD-kaart484E4441.bin
bestand van de clean
map van het gedownloade DSiWare archief (output_(naam).zip) naar de Nintendo DSiWare
mapData Management
-> DSiWare
To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here.
+Deze instructies werken aan de consoles van de VS, Europa, Japan en Korea zoals aangegeven in de letters U, E, J, of K na de systeemversie.
+ +Als je een Taiwanese console hebt (aangegeven door een T na de systeemversie), volg dan deze pagina.
+ +movable.sed
bestand van het voltooien van SeedminerIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +F00D43D5.bin
and a payload called bb3.bin
inside of a zip archive (
to the root of your SD card
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
on your SD card
+ Nintendo DSiWare
inside of the <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD cardF00D43D5.bin
file from
to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderIn this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your device. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page.
+ +If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.
+ +If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (USM)
+ +If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (Fredtool)
+ + +If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, go back to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the New 3DS series and the 2DS), regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device , you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +Dit is een extra gedeelte om te controleren of je console al een moderne custom firmware heeft.
+ +Als je console al een op arm9loaderhax of boot9strap gebaseerde custom firmware heeft, zal je de instructies moeten volgen die aangegeven zijn om je installatie te upgraden naar een modern systeem.
+ +If your console has a menuhax-based CFW setup, you should clear HOME Menu’s extdata, then follow all instructions on your SysNAND. You probably have a menuhax-based setup if your system version when booting without an SD card is 9.2.0-20.
+ +Als je console opstart naar het normale HOME Menu, ga dan terug naar Begin
+ +Als je een Luma3DS versie van 7.0.5 of lager ziet, ga dan naar A9LH naar B9S
+ +Als je een Luma3DS versie van 7.1 ziet, ga dan verder met B9S updaten
+ +Als je een Luma3DS versie van 8.0 of hoger ziet, ga dan naar CFW herstellen / bijwerken
+ +Als je iets ziet dat niet door de bovenstaande opties wordt beschreven, sluit je aan bij Nintendo Homebrew op Discord en vraag in het Engels om hulp.
+ + +We zijn blij dat je wilt bijdragen aan! Hier zijn een paar manieren om dat te doen:
+ +Deze handleiding is open-source - de repository is hier beschikbaar. Als je denkt dat er een probleem is met de handleiding, kan je een issue indienen om ons op de hoogte te brengen, of meld een pull request aan om je wijzigingen samen te voegen in de handleiding.
+ +Als je deze handleiding in andere talen wilt vertalen (of als je wil helpen om de vertalingen up-to-date te houden), bekijk dan onze Crowdin pagina.
+ +Een aantal bestanden in deze handleiding zijn alleen beschikbaar als torrents. If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip
file containing all our .torrent
files: (last updated 2023-03-16)
Er is ook een RSS feed waarin er toekomstige torrents in kunnen komen, waarop je je kunt abonneren.
+ +Het onderhouden van deze handleiding (evenals onze ondersteuningskanalen) is voornamelijk gebaseerd op vrijwillige bijdragen, maar als deze handleiding je op een of andere manier heeft geholpen, worden donaties zeer gewaardeerd.
+ + + + + +Speciale dank aan Plailect, de originele maker en onderhouder van de handleiding!
+ +Speciale dank aan iedereen op #Cakey Freenode omdat ze awesome zijn
+ +Erg veel dank gaat uit naar alle vertalers, omdat jullie zo fantastisch zijn!
+ +Als ik je hier ben vergeten te noemen, neem contact met me op, dan voeg ik je toe.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
Dit is een extra gedeelte voor het installeren van een 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image op je apparaat.
+ +Merk op dat als je andere payload bestanden dan GodMode9.firm
in de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaart hebt, je bij het ingedrukt houden van (Start) bij het opstarten een “chainloader menu” opent die je kan navigeren met de D-Pad en met de (A) knop “GodMode9” kaHin selecteren. Dit geld voor al deze instructies.
Je MOET Luma3ds en boot9strap al geïnstalleerd hebben om dit te kunnen gebruiken.
+ +Het uitvoeren van een CTRTransfer kan de extended memory mode voor spellen (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sun/Moon) op Old 3DS/2DS apparaten breken. Als dit gebeurt, moet je het apparaat formatteren (met behulp van TinyFormat of Systeeminstellingen) om het probleem op te lossen.
+ +Om de magnet links op deze pagina te kunnen gebruiken, heb je een torrent client zoals qBittorrent of Deluge nodig.
van de GodMode9 .zip
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaartgm9
map uit de GodMode9 .zip
naar de hoofdmap van de SD-kaart.bin
van de CTRTransfer .zip
naar de /gm9/
map op je SD-kaartFBI.3dsx
naar de /3ds/
map op je SD-kaart[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
om deze te selecterenboot.3dsx
from the root of your SD cardAls het script geen user tickets heeft gevonden en je heeft verteld dit gedeelte over te slaan, kunt je het overslaan.
+ +eshop
, unknown
of beide mappen
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
te verwijderenVoor ondersteuning (in het Engels) met GodMode9, evenals voor hulp met scripting en het krijgen van updates en info, meld je aan bij GodMode9 op Discord.
+ +Naast het creëren en herstellen van NAND backups heeft GodMode9 de functionaliteit om geïnstalleerde titels te dumpen naar installeerbare .cia
bestanden, om game cartridge data te dumpen naar een .3ds
ROM-bestand, en om een game cartridge direct te installeren op het systeem.
Deze instructies zijn bedoeld voor gebruik met GodMode9 v2.0.0 of hoger. Als je een oudere versie van GodMode9 hebt, volg dan deze instructies om het bij te werken.
+ +GodMode9.firm
van de GodMode9 .zip
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaartgm9
map uit de GodMode9 .zip
naar de hoofdmap van de SD-kaartPlaats het spel dat je wil dumpen in je 3DS
formaat gedumpt worden.nds
formaat worden gedumpt[C:] GAMECART
om het te selecteren.3ds
of .nds
geformatteerd bestand zal worden geplaatst in de /gm9/out/
map op je SD-kaartDit werkt alleen voor 3DS spellen; het is niet mogelijk om een NDS game cartridge als titel op het systeem te installeren.
om het te selecteren, selecteer vervolgens “NCSD image options…” en selecteer dan “Install game image”Dit zou enkel gebruikt moeten worden als een Game Cartridge direct installeren op het systeem niet werkt.
om het te selecteren, selecteer vervolgens “NCSD image options…” en selecteer dan “Build CIA from file”.cia
geformatteerd bestand zal in /gm9/out
geplaatst worden op je SD-kaartDit laat dumping toe van zowel systeem als digitale titels die door de gebruiker zijn geïnstalleerd, zoals titels die zijn gedownload van de eShop.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
geformatteerd bestand zal in /gm9/out
geplaatst worden op je SD-kaartHet spel zal in de /gm9/out/
folder op je SD-kaart geplaatst worden met de naam <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Om een <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
bestand te identificeren moet je een lijst van geïnstalleerde spellen raadplegen. Dit doe je door (Home) in te drukken om het action menu te tonen, vervolgens selecteer je Title manager
en dan selecteer je [A:] SD CARD
om deze te selecterenOm een <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
bestand te identificeren moet je een lijst van geïnstalleerde spellen raadplegen. Dit doe je door (Home) in te drukken om het action menu te tonen, vervolgens selecteer je Title manager
en dan selecteer je [A:] SD CARD
-> gm9
bestand dat je wil herstellen om het te kopiëren[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
om deze te selecterenOm alles makkelijk terug te vinden in de toekomst, kopieer elk .cia
bestand dat je wilt coderen / decoderen naar de /cias/
map op je SD-kaart
-> cias
bestand om het te selecteren, selecteer dan “CIA image options…”.cia
bestand aan in de /gm9/out/
map op je SD-kaart.cia
bestand aan in de /gm9/out/
map op je SD-kaart.cia
bestand met een gecodeerde versie.cia
bestand met een gedecodeerde versie.cia
zal naar de gewenste locatie worden geplaatstDit is een extra gedeelte speciaal voor het checken van je SD-kaart op fouten, met behulp van F3.
+ +Afhankelijk van de grootte van je SD kaart en de snelheid van je computer, kan dit proces tot wel enkele uren duren!
+ +Deze pagina is alleen voor Linux gebruikers. Als je geen Linux gebruikt, zie dan de H2testw (Windows) of F3XSwift (Mac) pagina.
naar de bestandslocatie van f3make
uit om F3 te compileren./f3write <your sd card mount point>
uit$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <your sd card mount point>
uit$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
Als de test dit resultaat toont: Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
, dan werkt je SD kaart naar behoren en kun je alle .h2w
bestanden op je SD-kaart verwijderen
Als de test iets anders laat zien, kan het zijn dat je SD kaart corrupt of kapot is en moet je hem wellicht vervangen!
+ +Dit is een extra gedeelte speciaal voor het checken van je SD-kaart op fouten, met behulp van F3X.
+ +Afhankelijk van de grootte van je SD kaart en de snelheid van je computer, kan dit proces tot wel enkele uren duren!
+ +Deze pagina is alleen voor Mac-gebruikers. Als je geen Mac gebruikt, zie dan de H2testw (Windows) of F3 (Linux) pagina.
+ +Als je een Mac gebruikt op macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) en hoger, volg dan F3XSwift (Mac).
bestandAls de test het resultaat Succes! Your card is ok!
geeft, dan is je SD kaart goed en kan je alle .h2w
bestanden van je SD kaart verwijderen
Als de test iets anders laat zien, kan het zijn dat je SD kaart corrupt of kapot is en moet je hem wellicht vervangen!
+ +Dit is een extra gedeelte voor het controleren van je SD-kaart op fouten met behulp van F3XSwift.
+ +Afhankelijk van de grootte van je SD kaart en de snelheid van je computer, kan dit proces tot wel enkele uren duren!
+ +Deze pagina is alleen voor Mac-gebruikers. Als je geen Mac gebruikt, zie dan de H2testw (Windows) of F3 (Linux) pagina.
+ +F3XSwift is enkel compatibel met macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) en hoger. Als je een oudere versie van macOS hebt, volg dan F3X (Mac).
+ +Als de test het resultaat Succes! Your card is ok!
geeft, dan is je SD-kaart goed en kan je alle .h2w
bestanden van je SD-kaart verwijderen
Als de test iets anders laat zien, kan het zijn dat je SD kaart corrupt of kapot is en moet je hem wellicht vervangen!
+ +Yes, you can still install custom firmware on your 3DS, even after the closure of eShop.
+ +The latest 3DS firmware is 11.16.0. Dit is wat je moet weten:
+ +Ja! The latest firmware (11.16.0) has a free method for getting CFW named Seedminer.
+The instructions are the same for all retail 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, and New 2DS XL devices. Als uw systeem versie string als “0.0.0-0” wordt weergegeven, dan kan het zijn dat je een developer unit hebt.
+Bricks are now effectively impossible unless you are purposely trying to brick your device.
+Ja! Deze handleiding zal een aantal nuttige homebrew applicaties installeren, waaronder Universal-Updater, deze werkt als een homebrew app store.
+Yes; Luma3DS will automatically ignore the region check for cartridges and installed titles. Sommige spellen zullen Luma’s locale emulation functie moeten gebruiken om correct te werken op out-of-region consoles.
+Nee. Devices with custom firmware can still play online and run physical cartridges as any other 3DS can.
+Your NNID (if you have one) will not be affected by this guide. Apparaten met de regio KOR, CHN of TWN hebben geen NNID functionaliteit om mee te beginnen en worden dus niet beïnvloed.
+There was a ban wave in May 2017 that banned CFW users from online play (eShop access, NNIDs, and Nintendo Accounts were unaffected), seemingly at random. Sindsdien is er geen sprake meer geweest van een dergelijke golf van verbanningen. Dat gezegd zijnde, we weten niet wat Nintendo van plan is met CFW gebruikers in de toekomst. Op dit moment denken we niet dat verbanning iets is waar je je zorgen over moet maken.
+Ja! All you need is the ability to put files on a compatible SD card.
+You will need at least 1.5GB of free SD card space to follow this guide in its entirety. Terwijl de 3DS officieel compatibel is met SD-kaarten tot 32GB, grotere SD-kaarten kunnen gebruikt worden als ze handmatig geformatteerd worden als FAT32. Het wordt niet aanbevolen om SD-kaarten groter dan 128GB te gebruiken als gevolg van bekende problemen met GBA afbeeldingen en custom themes.
+Nee. Custom firmware kan gratis worden geïnstalleerd op de nieuwste (stock, anders gezegd ongemodificeerde) firmware, zonder hardwareapparaten. Eigenlijk worden 3DS-mode flashkaarten zoals Gateway en Sky3DS niet aanbevolen, omdat ze verouderd zijn en een ban of brick risico kunnen dragen.
+Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).
+ +Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. Het systeemtoegangsniveau dat verleend werd met userland, gaf je de mogelijkheid om homebrew en emulators te gebruiken, maar je kon niet (gemakkelijk) spellen aanpassen of cartridges dumpen. Het was ook een stuk minder stabiel, met homebrew die vaak onaangenaam crashten en een volledige herstart van het systeem vereisten. Custom firmware geeft een veel hoger niveau van systeemtoegang en is ook stabieler dan alleen-homebrew toegangspunten.
+ +If you are using Luma3DS, your custom firmware loader (boot9strap) will never be removed when performing a system update. Er zijn in het verleden updates geweest die hebben geresulteerd in Luma3DS dat crashte bij het opstarten, dus het is een goed idee om een paar uur te wachten om er zeker van te zijn dat de laatste update het apparaat niet tijdelijk onbruikbaar zal maken totdat Luma3DS eventueel wordt bijgewerkt. Systeemupdates kunnen op dezelfde manier worden uitgevoerd als op een stock 3DS: via Systeeminstellingen, Safe mode of de update prompt wanneer de update automatisch wordt gedownload.
+Copy and paste your SD card contents to a new SD card formatted as FAT32. Voor SD-kaarten die groter zijn dan 128GB, wordt een allocation size van 65536 aanbevolen. SD-kaarten groter dan 128 GB worden niet aanbevolen als gevolg van bekende problemen met GBA beelden en custom themes.
+Yes, system transfers can be performed through the official System Transfer function to other consoles with CFW (inconsistencies may occur if the target console is stock). Tickets for illegitimate titles (homebrew) will not transfer, but the titles can be made to reappear with faketik. Zorg ervoor dat je geen wirelesss transfer doet, dit zal ervoor zorgen dat al je onwettige titels verwijdert worden. CFW zal op beide consoles blijven.
+The only way to change the system language of a Japanese 3DS to a language other than Japanese is to perform a region change. Merk wel op dat de kans zeer groot is dat dit ervoor zorgt dat je de Nintendo eShop functies niet meer kunt gebruiken. Dit betekent dat je de mogelijkheid om spellen te updaten verliest, ongeacht of je ze in de corresponderende regio probeert te gebruiken of als ze out-of-region zijn.
+ +It depends on the format of the homebrew application. Algemeen geldt dat:
+ +You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.
+ +If the game is not from the same region as the console, you will need to dump the updates from a 3DS that has the updates installed. De Nintendo eShop bevat alleen updates voor de regio van de console (een Japanse 3DS zal alleen updates hebben voor Japanse spellen).
+Please look at the troubleshooting guide. CFW deïnstalleren wanneer je 3DS niet meer opstart wordt niet aanbevolen, omdat het zeer waarschijnlijk zal leiden tot onherroepelijke schade aan je 3DS (een brick).
+It is recommended that you upgrade your setup to a modern, boot9strap-based one. Volg de controleren op CFW handleiding om te zien hoe je je setup kan upgraden.
+The vast majority of modern homebrew (such as Checkpoint and BootNTR Selector) have only been tested on modern, boot9strap-based setups and may not work entirely (or at all) on older setups based on menuhax, A9LH, or Gateway. Afhankelijk van je setup, zou het kunnen dat je niet veilig kunt updaten naar de nieuwste firmware. Moderne, op boot9strap gebaseerde setups bieden een grotere niveau van toegang tot het systeem dan eerdere hacks, waaronder de mogelijkheid om de bootrom gegevens van je console te dumpen.
+Your old setup (including your EmuNAND, if you have one) can usually be directly migrated to boot9strap with no data loss. Als je gegevens hebt die belangrijk zijn voor je, is het een goed idee om een niet-versleutelde backup van je save data the maken voordat je je setup upgrade met een tool zoals JKSM.
+A: Zie deze thread.
+Dit is een extra gedeelte voor het uitschakelen van het automatisch verbergen van bestandsextensies op Windows.
+ +Dit zal het gemakkelijker maken om de verwezen bestanden in de rest van deze handleiding te vinden.
+ +Klik op “File name extensions” om het te activeren
+ + +Check de box met het label “File name extensions” of ‘Bestandsnaam extensies”
+ + +Zoek naar “Folder Options” of “Folder Opties” en selecteer het overeenkomstige resultaat
+ + +Uncheck de box met label “Verberg extensies van bekende bestandsstypen”
+ + +Het boot.firm
bestand wordt opgestart door boot9strap nadat het klaar is met laden van de NAND. In dit geval gebruiken we Luma3DS door LumaTeam om apparaten te patchen zodat ze homebrew software kunnen gebruiken.
Op deze pagina zullen we een belangrijke back-up maken van de systeembestanden en de volgende homebrew programma’s installeren:
+ +Het is niet aan te raden om het downloaden van een van deze applicaties over te slaan, omdat velen van hen later op deze pagina zullen worden gebruikt. Aan het einde van deze pagina wordt je SD-kaart opgeschoond door onnodige installatiebestanden te verwijderen.
+ +Als je New 3DS versie 2.1.0 was voor het volgen van deze handleiding, moet je je NAND-backup herstellen voordat je verder gaat. This likely doesn’t apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
+ +Als je vorige CFW setup was gebaseerd op EmuNAND en je wilt de inhoud van je EmuNAND/RedNAND verplaatsen naar SysNAND, Volg EmuNAND verplaatsen voor het volgen van deze pagina. Als je niet weet wat een EmuNAND is, dan is dit niet van toepassing op jou.
+ +.cia
als de .cia
bestand)In this section, you will copy the files necessary to follow the rest of the instructions on this page.
+ +cias
in de hooofdmap van je SD kaart, indien deze nog niet aanwezig isAnemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, FBI.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
, en Universal-Updater.cia
) naar de /cias/
map op je SD-kaartNintendo 3DS
map die je 3DS automatisch genereertFBI.3dsx
naar de /3ds/
map op je SD-kaartpayloads
aan in de luma
folder in je SD-kaart als deze nog niet bestaatGodMode9.firm
van de GodMode9 .zip
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaartgm9
map uit de GodMode9 .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartThe screenshots below indicate the minimum SD card layout that is required to follow this page. Je hebt mogelijk extra bestanden of mappen op je SD-kaart, afhankelijk van je vorige setup of de methode die je hebt gevolgd.
+ + + + + +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is safe to do with custom firmware.
+ +In this section, you will temporarily replace Download Play with Homebrew Launcher (which we need to launch FBI). Download Play will automatically go back to normal once you reboot your device.
+ +boot.3dsx
from the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will sync your 3DS internal clock with the actual time and dump the sound firmware (which is necesssary for some homebrew software to use sound properly).
+ +In this section, you will install several useful homebrew applications to HOME Menu.
+ +SD
-> cias
In this section, you will use a script to copy some of Luma3DS’s files to internal memory so that they can be accessed, even without an SD card inserted.
+ +GodMode9.firm
in /luma/payloads/
is en dat payloads
correct gespeld isIn this section, you will use a script to remove some unnecessary files from your SD card.
+ +In this section, you will make backups of files that can be used to recover from software bricks or to recover data.
om het te selecteren<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it
+ /luma/backups/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computerJe bent klaar! Custom firmware is nu volledig geconfigureerd op je apparaat.
+ +Hello! We’re looking for feedback on the overall experience of following our guide. If you’d like to help out, check out the survey here (only available in English). Thanks!
+ +Hier zijn enkele belangrijke combos die je zou moeten kennen:
+ +/luma/payloads/
, zal Luma3DS chainloader geopend worden.Zie hier om enkele suggesties te krijgen over wat je kunt doen met custom firmware.
+ +Voor informatie over het gebruik van GodMode9’s verschillende functies, bekijk GodMode9 Gebruik en Titels en Game Cartridges dumpen.
+ + +Voordat je doorgaat, zorg dat je alle informatie hebt gelezen op ntrboot
+ +Met deze methode heb je tijdelijk toegang nodig tot een tweede apparaat van de 3DS familie die al boot9strap draait. Hiervoor hoeft je flashkaart niet de beide 3DS versies ondersteunen.
+ +Merk op dat je valse flashkaarten in zeldzame gevallen kan bricken tijdens het flashproces en het dus permanent onbruikbaar maakt. Dat is onwaarschijnlijk, maar toch worden alleen originele opgesomde flashkaarten ondersteund. Om de kans op het kopen van namaak flashkaarten te verminderen, is het aangeraden om de kaarten te kopen van sites met een goede naam (zoals NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
aan op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap_ntr.firm
en boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
van de boot9strap ntr .zip
naar de /ntrboot/
map op je SD-kaartntrboot_flasher.firm
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op de source 3DS’s SD kaartVoordat je doorgaat, zorg dat je alle informatie hebt gelezen op ntrboot
+ +Deze methode vereist niets meer dan je stock, unhacked 3DS en een compatibele flashkaart. Deze methode gebruikt de flashcart voor het uitvoeren van het ntrboot flasher ‘.nds’ bestand op uw 3DS. Dit betekent dat uw flashcart .nds
bestanden moet kunnen starten op jouw 3DS’s versie. Bekijk de flashkaart afbeelding bij ntrboot voor meer info.
Houd er rekening mee dat in sommige hele zeldzame omstandigheden het mogelijk kan zijn dat je flashkaart vervalst is en dat de flashkaart gebrickt kan worden, zodat het permanent onbruikbaar word gemaakt. Dat is onwaarschijnlijk, maar toch worden alleen originele opgesomde flashkaarten ondersteund. Om de kans op het kopen van namaak flashkaarten te verminderen, is het aangeraden om de kaarten te kopen van sites met een goede naam (zoals NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
op de root van je SD kaartboot9strap_ntr.firm
van de boot9strap ntr .zip
naar de /ntrboot/
map op je flashkaart zijn SD kaartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
naar de root van je flashkaart zijn SD kaartds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
op met je flashkaart op je 3DSVoordat je doorgaat, zorg dat je alle informatie hebt gelezen op ntrboot
+ +Voor deze methode heb je tijdelijk toegang nodig tot een Nintendo DSi die werkt met jouw flashkaart. Deze methode gebruikt de flashkaart om het ntrboot flasher .nds
bestand te gebruiken op uw DSi. Dat betekend dat uw flashkaart .nds
bestanden moet kunnen starten op uw DSi’s versie. Bekijk de flashkaart afbeelding bij ntrboot voor meer info.
Merk op dat je namaak flashkaarten in zeldzame gevallen kan bricken tijdens het flashproces en hem dus onbruikbaar maakt. Dat is onwaarschijnlijk, maar toch worden alleen originele opgesomde flashkaarten ondersteund. Om de kans op het kopen van namaak flashkaarten te verminderen, is het aangeraden om de kaarten te kopen van sites met een goede naam (zoals NDS Card)
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
naar de flashkaarts SD kaartds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
op de source DSi door de flashkaartVoordat je doorgaat, zorg dat je alle informatie hebt gelezen op ntrboot
+ +Met deze methode heb je tijdelijk toegang nodig tot een Nintendo DS of een Nintendo DS Lite die werkt met jouw flashkaart. Deze methode gebruikt de flashkaart voor het uitvoeren van het ntrboot flasher ‘.nds’ bestand op je NDS.
+ +Merk op dat je namaak flashkaarten in zeldzame gevallen kan bricken tijdens het flashproces en hem dus onbruikbaar maakt. Dat is onwaarschijnlijk, maar toch worden alleen originele opgesomde flashkaarten ondersteund. Om de kans op het kopen van namaak flashkaarten te verminderen, is het aangeraden om de kaarten te kopen van sites met een goede naam (zoals NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
op de root van je SD kaartboot9strap_ntr.firm
van de boot9strap ntr .zip
naar de /ntrboot/
map op je flashkaart zijn SD kaartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
naar de root van je flashkaart zijn SD kaartds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
op de source NDS / NDSL met je flashkaartDit is een extra sectie voor het formatteren van een SD-kaart om deze te doen werken met de 3DS.
+ +Als de 3DS de SD kaart al herkent, is deze handleiding niet nodig.
+ +Deze pagina is alleen voor Linux gebruikers. Als je geen Linux gebruikt, zie dan de Formatteer SD (Windows) of Formatteer SD (Mac) pagina’s.
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
is ingesteld op 1, check dan even of je SD-kaart niet fysiek vergrendelt issudo mkfs.fat /dev/(apparaatnaam van vanboven) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(apparaatnaam van vanboven) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(apparaatnaam van vanboven) -s 128 -F 32
+ Dit is een extra sectie voor het formatteren van een SD-kaart om deze te doen werken met de 3DS.
+ +Als de 3DS de SD kaart al herkent, is deze handleiding niet nodig.
+ +Deze pagina is alleen voor Mac-gebruikers. Als je geen Mac gebruikt, bekijk dan de SD formatteren (Windows) of SD formatteren (Linux) pagina.
+ +Selecteer je SD-kaart in het linkerpaneel
+ +Zorg ervoor dat je het juiste apparaat kiest, anders kan je per ongeluk de verkeerde schijf verwijderen!
+Selecteer je SD-kaart in het linkerpaneel
+ +Zorg ervoor dat je het juiste apparaat kiest, anders kan je per ongeluk de verkeerde schijf verwijderen!
+Dit is een extra sectie voor het formatteren van een SD-kaart om deze te doen werken met een 3DS-systeem.
+ +Als de 3DS de SD kaart al herkent, is deze handleiding niet nodig.
+ +Deze pagina is alleen voor windows-gebruikers. Als je geen Windows gebruikt, bekijk dan de SD formatteren (Linux) of SD formatteren (Mac) pagina’s.
+ +SD Card Formatter Setup
uit (het .exe
bestand) in het gedownloade .zip
bestand met adminstrator privileges, installeer vervolgens het programmaSD Card Formatter
uit vanuit het Start MenuSelecteer uw SD kaart stationsletter voor “Select card”
+ +Zorg ervoor dat je de juiste stationsletter kiest, anders kan je per ongeluk de verkeerde schijf verwijderen!
uitSelecteer uw SD kaart stationsletter voor “Drive”
+ +Zorg ervoor dat je de juiste stationsletter kiest, anders kan je per ongeluk de verkeerde schijf verwijderen!
+Voordat we deze handleiding starten, zullen we zien of custom firmware al geïnstalleerd is en de huidige systeemversie van je apparaat controleren.
+ +Als je een ongebruikelijk menu ziet, STOP - je hebt al custom firmware! Ga verder vanaf hier.
+ +To find the correct method for your device, please enter the system version you found in Section II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +If possible, you should follow the method given by the prompt above.
+ +Anders zijn methoden die op alle versies werken beschikbaar, maar deze vereisen extra hardware:
+ +Voor informatie over het dumpen van cartridge of SD-kaart inhoud, zie Titels en Game Cartridges dumpen.
+ +Voor ondersteuning (in het Engels) met GodMode9, evenals voor hulp met scripting en het krijgen van updates en info, meld je aan bij GodMode9 op Discord.
+ +Godmode9 is een bestandsbeheer die volledige toegang heeft tot de Nintendo 3DS console, het geeft je toegang tot je SD kaart, de FAT partities van je SysNAND en EmuNAND en zo goed als alles anders. Naast andere functies kan je ook bestanden kopiëren, verwijderen en hernoemen en mappen aanmaken.
+ +Merk op dat als je andere payload bestanden dan GodMode9.firm
in de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaart hebt, je bij het ingedrukt houden van (Start) bij het opstarten een “chainloader menu” opent die je kan navigeren met de D-Pad en met de (A) knop “GodMode9” kaHin selecteren. Dit geld voor al deze instructies.
GodMode9 is krachtige software die in staat is om zo goed als alles op je console te wijzigen. Hoewel veel van deze aanpassingen zijn vergrendeld achter systeem vergrendelingen, en het is onmogelijk om per ongeluk gevaarlijke acties uitvoeren zonder opzettelijk uitschakeling van machtigingen, moet u nog steeds de instructies zorgvuldig volgen en back-ups houden in elk geval.
+ +Sommige van deze instructies zijn alleen toepasbaar op de nieuwste versie van GodMode9 en daarom volg je best dit gedeelte om je versie te updaten. Vervang bestaande bestanden.
+ +GodMode9.firm
van de GodMode9 .zip
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaartgm9
map uit de GodMode9 .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
from your computer to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD cardVoor organisatorische redenen, kopieer het .cia
bestand dat je wilt injecteren naar de /cias/
map op je SD kaart
Het niet mogelijk is om bestanden groter dan veiligheid- en gezondheidsinformatie te injecteren (zoals spellen en andere grote apps)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
om deze te selecteren, selecteer vervolgens “CIA image options…”, en selecteer dan “Mount image to drive”.app
bestand, selecteer vervolgens “NCCH image options”, en selecteer dan “Inject to H&S”Dit werkt alleen als veiligheid- en gezondheidsinformatie was geïnjecteerd door GodMode9 (niet Decrypt9 of Hourglass9).
+ +Dit zal alle inhoud van je SD kaart verwijderen!
+ +GM9SD
te accepteren
+ Dit is een extra gedeelte speciaal voor het checken van je SD-kaart op fouten, met behulp van h2testw.
+ +Afhankelijk van de grootte van je SD kaart en de snelheid van je computer, kan dit proces enkele uren duren!
+ +Deze pagina is alleen voor windows-gebruikers. Als je geen Windows gebruikt, bekijk dan de F3 (Linux) of de F3X (Mac) pagina.
+ +h2testw.exe
van de h2testw .zip
naar je bureaubladh2testw.exe
uitAls de testresultaten Test finished without errors
weergeeft, dan is je SD kaart goed en kan je alle .h2w
bestanden op je SD kaart verwijderen
Als de test iets anders laat zien, kan het zijn dat je SD kaart corrupt of kapot is en moet je hem wellicht vervangen!
+ +This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) to run SafeB9SInstaller.
For information on PicHaxx itself, see here.
+ +These instructions work on USA, Europe, and Japan consoles as indicated by the letters U, E, or J after the system version.
+ +You will need a Nintendo Network ID to download Pokémon Picross.
+ +Dit proces zal je Pokémon Picross save bestand overschrijven, als je er een hebt. Als je je Pokémon Picross save bestand wilt behouden, moet je een back-up maken van je 00000001.sav
bestand voordat je het overschrijft.
bestand van het voltooien van
file)In this section, you will copy some of the files that will be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
+ +boot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart
+ 3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD
’s otherapps_with_CfgS
folder to the root of your SD card and rename it to otherapp.bin
In this section, you will create a hacked Pokémon Picross save file that, when used, will load the Homebrew Launcher on your device.
+ +movable.sed
bestandNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> title
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
op je SD-kaart
+ <ID0>
zal dezelfde zijn die je bij deze stap hebt gebruikt: Seedminer<ID1>
is een reeks van 32 characters lang en bevindt zich in de map van de <ID0>
bestand naar de data
map op je SD-kaart
+ Neem alle inleidende pagina’s (inclusief deze pagina!) grondig door voordat je verdergaat.
+ +Custom firmware (“CFW”) is een volledige software-wijziging van je 3DS, vergelijkbaar met “beheerderstoegang” op een computer. Het stelt je in staat om alles te doen wat de 3DS fysiek in staat is te doen, in plaats van te worden beperkt door wat Nintendo toelaat.
+ +De populairste toepassingen voor custom firmware zijn:
+ +Deze handleiding zal:
+This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application.
This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +movable.sed
bestand van het voltooien van
bestand)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
+ +In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu and copy the resulting file dump to your computer so that you can use it on the next section.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +42383841.bin
file from the root of your SD card using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
bestand met behulp van de tweede “Browse…” optieDSinternet
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
op je SD-kaart
+ <ID0>
is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in Seedminer<ID1>
is a 32-letter folder inside of the <ID0>
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder42383841.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
+ boot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartprivate
map van de Frogminer_save .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartZet je 3DS aan
+ + +In this section, you will copy the hacked DS Connection Settings DSiWare to internal memory, which will temporarily replace it with Flipnote Studio.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connections
, then select “OK” (image)If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in Section IV.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
op je SD-kaart42383841.bin
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, replacing the existing oneData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found here.
+ +This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console.
+ +Om de magnet links op deze pagina te kunnen gebruiken, heb je een torrent client zoals qBittorrent of Deluge nodig.
+ +Om de op deze pagina gelinkte .7z
bestanden uit te pakken zal je een bestandsarchiver zoals 7-Zip of The Unarchiver nodig hebben.
Dit werkt op de New 3DS, New 2DS, Old 3DS en Old 2DS op elke versie waar je de .firm
voor hebt.
kunnen gebruiken, terwijl Mac en Linux gebruiks Python 3 nodig zullen hebben om de .py
bestand dat broncode is).firm
voor je apparaat en versie:Versie(s) | +Kernel | +Old 3DS of Old 2DS | +New 3DS of New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
In this section, you will download the necessary files for the hardmod and dump the NAND image in preparation to install custom firmware.
+ +boot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je
naar je computer.firm
naar de hardmod-b9s-installer map op uw computer.firm
in de hardmod-b9s-installer map op je computer naar current.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de hardmod-b9s-installer map op je computerNAND.bin
In this section, you will install custom firmware to the dumped NAND image, and then install this NAND image back onto the device to install custom firmware on it.
+ +install-b9s.exe
naar je apparaat met je hardmodboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +In this section, you will use Homebrew Launcher to launch slotTool, which will overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Then, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +boot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.bin
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin.
+ +This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Om deze instructies te volgen, heb je het volgende nodig:
+ +If the (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons on the target 3DS do not work, you will not be able to follow these instructions. For further assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +Op de source 3DS (de 3DS met custom firmware):
+ +plugin.3gx
)Op de target 3DS (de 3DS die je probeert te wijzigen):
file)In this section, you will set up your source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware) for delivery of the exploit data to the target 3DS.
+ +boot.firm
naar de hoofdmap van de bron 3DS’s SD-kaart, die elk bestaand bestand vervangt
+ plugin.3gx
naar de volgende map op de bron 3DS’s SD-kaart, afhankelijk van de regio van je kopie van Mario Kart 7:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
en 00040000...
mappen aan als ze nog niet bestaanIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify)’s SD card.
+ +boot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de standaard Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.bin
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartusm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD card3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD cardIn this section, you will use Download Play to transfer the exploit data from the source 3DS to the target 3DS, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Local Multiplayer
. A menu should pop up
+ Use settings
and skip the next 3 steps. If they are incorrect, select Change settings
and proceed.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
and modify them accordinglyCreate Group
+ Grand Prix
-> 50cc
-> (any driver) -> Mushroom Cup
-> OK
Section III - kartdlphax
Section III - kartdlphax
. If this doesn’t work, ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord)You will not need to use your source 3DS to complete any further steps on this guide. Any further steps should only be completed on the target 3DS.
+ +In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +Om de magnet links op deze pagina te kunnen gebruiken, heb je een torrent client zoals qBittorrent of Deluge nodig.
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart en hernoem het naar boot.firm
+ boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van de SD kaart van je consoleboot9strap
op de hoofdmap van de SD kaart van je consoleKopieer boot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op de SD kaart van je console
In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD kaartboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+Het volgende is een optionele sectie waarmee je je flashkaart terug zet naar de originele status (om de originele functies te gebruiken).
+ +De acekard 2i kan nog steeds .nds
bestanden starten terwijl ntrboot geinstalleerd is. Dit werkt alleen wanneer de Acekard2i in NDS modus is of op een CFW 3DS! Terwijl de ntrboot exploit geinstalleerd is op de Acekard 2i, kan het niet .nds
bestanden starten op de DSi of een normale 3DS.
Volg niet deze sectie tot je de rest van de instructies gevolgt hebt.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)Flashkaart | +Hardware Versie | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | missend | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | Missend | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +Missend | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +Missend | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +Missend | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/A | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX van r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX van r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX van r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
aan op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart.bin
bestand van je flashrom backup .zip
naar de /ntrboot/
map op de hooftmap van je SD kaartpayloads
in de luma
map op je SD kaartntrboot_flasher.firm
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD kaartFor technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +Soundhax (wanneer gecombineerd met universal-otherapp) is compatibel met versies 1.0.0 tot en met 11.3.0 in alle regio’s.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart
+ otherapp.bin
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.bin
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Start Nintendo 3DS Sound
+ + +/SDCARD
, en speel dan “<3 nedwill 2016” af
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0-0 through 11.10.0-36 in all regions. If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or more than 37, Soundhax is patched and won’t work.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart
+ otherapp.bin
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.bin
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Start Nintendo 3DS Sound
+ + +/SDCARD
, en speel dan “<3 nedwill 2016” af
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with Korean systems on versions where the two numbers before the region in the system version string are lower than 33.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart
+ otherapp.bin
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.bin
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartIn this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +Start Nintendo 3DS Sound
+ + +/SDCARD
, en speel dan “<3 nedwill 2016” af
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version.
+ +A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check.
+ +Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job.
+ +For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (SSLoth) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.
+ +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both browserhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
+ .bin
extension, do not add it to the end of the filenameboot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.bin
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartIn this section, you will change your Internet connection settings to use a proxy network designed to bypass the browser version check, allowing the browser to function without a system update. This will allow you to access the browser exploit webpage in the next section.
+ +If you haven’t already, make sure you have a working Internet connection set up on your console.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
Detailed Setup
, and the Port to 8080
In this section, you will visit the browser exploit webpage, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +
)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will restore the Internet settings back to normal.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Deze instructies werken aan de consoles van de VS, Europa, Japan en Korea zoals aangegeven in de letters U, E, J, of K na de systeemversie.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to follow an alternate branch of Seedminer. For assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
bestand)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +usm.bin
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart
+ boot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.bin
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartIn this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit a second time so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section II.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
op je SD-kaartF00D43D5.bin
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder and from your computer. Dit bestand is niet meer nodigIf this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, and New 2DS XL/LL, regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device, you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Ga verder naar het Begin
+ + +Dit is de add-on-sectie voor het verplaatsen van een oude EmuNAND naar je nieuwe SysNAND CFW, en daarna het verwijderen van het oude EmuNAND gedeelte. Merk op dat de termen EmuNAND en RedNAND naar iets andere implementaties van hetzelfde concept verwijzen.
+ +Merk op dat als je andere payload bestanden dan GodMode9.firm
in de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaart hebt, je bij het ingedrukt houden van (Start) bij het opstarten een “chainloader menu” opent die je kan navigeren met de D-Pad en met de (A) knop “GodMode9” kaHin selecteren. Dit geld voor al deze instructies.
Je MOET Luma3ds en boot9strap al geïnstalleerd hebben om dit te kunnen gebruiken.
+ +GodMode9.firm
van de GodMode9 .zip
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaartgm9
map uit de GodMode9 .zip
naar de hoofdmap van de SD-kaartAls je geen DSiWare spellen of saves hebt die je wilt behouden, kan je dit deel overslaan.
-> title
om deze map te selecteren, selecteer dan “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”
+ Als je geen GBA VC spellen of saves hebt die je wat uit maken, kan je dit deel overslaan.
+ +Dit is niet nodig voor elke andere soort van Virtual Console spellen (GBC, NES, etc)
+ +Het spel zal in de /gm9/out/
folder op je SD-kaart geplaatst worden met de naam <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Om te weten van welk spel een <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
is kan je een lijst van spellen op het systeem en hun titleID’s krijgen door over [A:] SYSNAND SD
, (R) en (A) tegelijkertijd in the drukken en dan “Search for titles” te selecteren.
om deze te selecteren[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
om het te selecteren, selecteer vervolgens “NAND image options…”, en selecteer dan “Restore SysNAND (safe)”Als je geen backup DSiWare Saves hebt gemaakt, kan je dit overslaan.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
map om deze te kopiëren[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
map te plakkenAls je geen backup GBA VC Saves hebt gemaakt, kan je dit overslaan.
+ +Om te weten van welk spel een <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
is kan je een lijst van spellen op het systeem en hun titleID’s krijgen door over [A:] SYSNAND SD
, (R) en (A) tegelijkertijd in the drukken en dan “Search for titles” te selecteren.
-> gm9
<TitleID>. gbavc.sav
bestand dat u wilt herstellen om het te kopiëren[S:] SYSNAND VIRTUAL
om deze te selecteren<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying itGM9SD
te accepteren
+ boot.firm
bestand op je SD-kaart vervangt met degene uit je backupAls je flashkaart al geflashed is met ntrboot bij aankoop (of je hebt je flashkaart al geflashed met ntrboot), kan je doorgaan naar Boot9strap installeren (ntrboot) voor instructies over hoe het te gebruiken.
+ +Om Boot9strap te installeren heb je een ondersteunde NDS / DSi flashkaart nodig om ntrboot op te installeren. Merk op dat sommige van deze flashkaarten vooraf geflasht worden met ntrboot.
+ +Terwijl de ntrboot exploit onafhankelijk van de systeemversie werkt, is de ntrboot flasher (die de exploit op de kaart installeert) dat niet. Dit betekend dat, op basis van de versies en apparaten die uw flashkaart ondersteund, dat misschien alleen sommige methodes werken.
+ +Sommige flashkaarten met een “Time Bomb” zullen niet meer .nds
bestanden starten wanneer ze detecteren dat de systeem klok een bepaalde datum heeft behaald. Deze tijd wordt bepaald door de flashkaart firmware. Een manier om dit te omzeilen, is om de systeemklok op een eerdere datum in te stellen.
Flashkaart Naam | +Prijs | +“Time Bomb”? | +3DS Versies? | +DSi Versies? | +Andere aantekeningen | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +$15.99 | +September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot; can be flashed back to an NDS flashcart. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (internal switch to switch between ntrboot and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Acekard 2i | +$20.99 | +Nee | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +$9.99 | +Nee | +Geen | +Geen | +Alleen modelen met bepaalde flash chips zijn compatibel met ntrboot. | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +All RTS revisions are compatible. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +$13.99 | +1.85b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (external switch to switch between ntrboot (“3DS”) and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | Nee | +Geen | +Geen | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | No | +<= 4.3.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Unknown | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Controlleer of uw flashkaart .nds
bestanden kan opstarten voor dat u begint. Sommige flashkaarten hebben misschien firmware of “kernel” bestanden nondig op de SD kaart. Controlleer uw specefieke flashkaart’s instructies voor meer informatie.
Sommige methoden kunnen extra informatie hebben over welke kaarten geschikt zijn.
+ +Het gebruik van deze exploit, ongeacht de flashing methode, heeft toegang nodig tot een kleine magneet als het doelapparaat van een opklapbare stijl is (elk 3DS familie systeem dat niet de oude 2DS is met een slaapschakelaar). Dit komt omdat je je apparaat in slaapmodus moet kunnen zetten, maar de knoppen nog steeds toegankelijk moeten zijn.
+ +Om te testen of een magneet werkt, houd een magneet of beweeg het in de buurt van de (A)(B)(X)(Y) knoppen met het apparaat aan. Als het werkt, gaan beide schermen uit zolang de magneet op de goede plaats gehouden wordt.
+ +Onthoud dat de flashkaart niet meer zijn normale functies kan gebruiken terwijl ntrboot er op geinstalleerd is (behalve voor de Acekard 2i, die werkt nog normaal alleen op NDS mode en custom firmware 3DS systemen). Dit betekent dat voor de meeste flashkaarten het niet eens zal worden weergegeven in het HOME Menu. Op het einde van de intructies van ntrboot flashen, zijn er instructies hoe je ntrboot van je flashkaart kan verwijderen.
+ +Merk op dat je namaak flashkaarten in zeldzame gevallen kan bricken tijdens het flashproces en hem dus onbruikbaar maakt. Dat is onwaarschijnlijk, maar toch worden alleen originele opgesomde flashkaarten ondersteund. Om de kans op namaak flashkaarten te verminderen, is het aangeraden om de kaarten te kopen van sites met een goede naam (zoals NDS Card)
+ +Deze methode vereist niets meer dan je normale on-gehackte 3DS en een compitabel flashkaart. Deze methode gebruikt de flashcart voor het uitvoeren van het ntrboot flasher ‘.nds’ bestand op uw 3DS. Dit betekent dat uw flashcart .nds
bestanden moet kunnen starten op jouw 3DS’s versie. Zie het flashkaart tabel hier boven voor meer informatie.
Ga verder naar ntrboot installeren (3DS 1 systeem)
+ +Met deze methode heb je tijdelijk toegang nodig tot een tweede apparaat van de 3DS-familie die al boot9strap draait. Hiervoor hoeft je flashkaart niet de beide 3DS versies ondersteunen.
+ +Ga verder naar ntrboot installeren (3DS meerdere systemen)
+ +Met deze methode heb je tijdelijk toegang nodig tot een Nintendo DS of een Nintendo DS Lite die werkt met jouw flashkaart. Deze methode gebruikt de flashkaart voor het uitvoeren van het ntrboot flasher ‘.nds’ bestand op je NDS.
+ +Ga verder naar ntrboot installeren (NDS)
+ +Met deze methode heb je tijdelijk toegang nodig tot een Nintendo DSi dat werkt met jouw flashkaart. Deze methode gebruikt de flashkaart om het ntrboot flasher .nds
bestand te gebruiken op uw DSi. Dat betekend dat uw flashkaart .nds
bestanden moet kunnen starten op uw DSi’s versie. Zie het flashkaart tabel hier boven voor meer informatie.
Ga verder naar ntrboot installeren (DSi)
+ + +Deze site maakt gebruik van cookies om de routing van gebruikers door de handleidingen te vergemakkelijken. Cookies maken het mogelijk om de zijbalk van de pagina de huidige voortgang weer te geven via de site om gebruikers makkelijker te laten navigeren door de instructies.
+ +Deze site kan inclusief ingesloten inhoud bevatten (bijv. video’s, afbeeldingen, artikelen, enz.). Ingesloten inhoud van andere websites gedraagt zich alsof de gebruiker de andere website heeft bezocht.
+ +Deze websites kunnen gegevens over u verzamelen, cookies gebruiken, insluiten van aanvullende tracking door derden en de interactie met de ingesloten inhoud volgen. inclusief het bijhouden van je interactie met de ingesloten inhoud als je een account hebt en ingelogd bent op die website.
+ +Deze site gebruikt Google Analytics om verkeer te monitoren en te analyseren. Deze site wordt gehost door Github Pages, die gegevens over jou kunnen verzamelen, cookies kunnen gebruiken, extra tracking door derden toevoegen en kunnen jouw interactie met deze site in de gaten houden. Voor meer informatie over Github Pages, aangezien het betrekking heeft op privacy van gebruikers, zie de GitHub Privacy Statement.
+ +Deze site verzamelt geen persoonlijke informatie. Deze site kan gebruiksinformatie verzamelen om de interesse in de inhoud te analyseren en adverteerders op een geaggregeerde basis informatie te verschaffen. Persoonlijk herkenbare informatie wordt niet gedeeld met externe reclamebedrijven.
+ +Deze site kan linken naar andere sites voor gebruikers om te gebruiken of te refereren. Deze website is niet verantwoordelijk voor het privacybeleid van andere websites. Gebruikers moeten zich ervan bewust zijn dat het privacybeleid van andere websites van deze kan verschillen.
+ +De inhoud van dit privacybeleid kan op elk moment en om welke reden dan ook worden gewijzigd.
+ + +Dit is een extra gedeelte om de regio te veranderen van je CFW SysNAND. Dit wordt gedaan door het installeren van de 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image voor de regio waarnaar je wilt overschakelen. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).
+ +Merk wel op dat je regio veranderen bijna altijd compleet onnodig zal zijn omdat Luma3DS ook spellen uit een andere regio kan spelen, en ook individuele Lokale emulatie. Daarnaast worden ook NDS spellen uit andere regio’s ondersteund door TWiLight Menu++.
+ +Merk op dat als je andere payload bestanden dan GodMode9.firm
in de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaart hebt, je bij het ingedrukt houden van (Start) bij het opstarten een “chainloader menu” opent die je kan navigeren met de D-Pad en met de (A) knop “GodMode9” kaHin selecteren. Dit geld voor al deze instructies.
Als je de regio van je apparaat verandert:
+ +Je MOET Luma3ds en boot9strap al geïnstalleerd hebben om dit te kunnen gebruiken.
+ +Het uitvoeren van een regio verandering kan de extended memory mode voor spellen (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sun/Moon) op Old 3DS/2DS apparaten breken. Als dit gebeurt, moet je het apparaat formatteren (met behulp van TinyFormat of Systeeminstellingen) om het probleem op te lossen.
+ +Om de magnet links op deze pagina te kunnen gebruiken, heb je een torrent client zoals qBittorrent of Deluge nodig.
van de GodMode9 .zip
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaartgm9
map uit de GodMode9 .zip
naar de hoofdmap van de SD-kaart.bin
van de CTRTransfer .zip
naar de /gm9/
map op je SD-kaartFBI.3dsx
naar de /3ds/
map op je SD-kaart<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
om deze te selecterenboot.3dsx
from the root of your SD cardAls het script geen user tickets heeft gevonden en je heeft verteld dit gedeelte over te slaan, kunt je het overslaan.
+ +eshop
, unknown
of beide mappen
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
te verwijderenDeze pagina is verplaatst naar CFW herstellen / bijwerken.
+ + +Deze pagina bereidt consoles voor met een bestaande moderne boot9strap installatie voor herinstallatie en/of het bijwerken van custom firmware toepassingen. Het kan ook worden gebruikt in het geval van een verloren of beschadigde SD-kaart.
+ +Je SD-kaart moet geformatteerd zijn met FAT32 om deze handleiding te volgen, anders kan de 3DS deze niet herkennen. Als je SD-kaart nog niet goed is geformatteerd, gebruik dan een van deze pagina’s om het te formatteren afhankelijk van je besturingssysteem: Windows, Mac, Linux.
en boot.firm
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart en vervang alle bestaande bestanden
+ De nieuwste versie van Luma3DS is nu geïnstalleerd op je SD-kaart en op het interne geheugen.
+Als je andere homebrew applicaties wilt herinstalleren of bijwerken, ga dan naar Installatie voltooien
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
map op je SD-kaartprivate
map negeren als je deze hebtIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
map op je SD-kaartprivate
map negeren als je deze hebtIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3
+ + +** Aanbevolen **
+ + + +Alles
+ +Deze pagina biedt advies voor het oplossen van problemen die algemeen zijn ondervonden. Als je je probleem niet kunt oplossen met het advies op deze pagina, neem dan deel aan Nintendo Homebrew op Discord en beschrijf je probleem, inclusief wat je al hebt geprobeerd.
+ +Used on multiple pages:
+Guide pages:
+Issues after installation:
+Ofwel zitten boot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
niet in de boot9strap
map, of de boot9strap
map heeft de verkeerde naam. Download de nieuwste versie van boot9strap en plaats boot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
in de boot9strap
Er is een probleem met je boot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
bestanden. Download de nieuwste versie van boot9strap opnieuw en plaats boot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
in de boot9strap
Je mist secret_sector.bin
van de boot9strap
map, of de boot9strap
map heeft niet de juiste naam. Download secret_sector.bin met behulp van een torrent client en plaats het in de boot9strap
Sluit je aan bij Nintendo Homebrew op Discord voor hulp, en beschrijf het bericht dat je ziet.
+Dit gebeurt wanneer je je SD-kaart in meerdere 3DS systemen gebruikt en is bedoeld om te voorkomen dat je per ongeluk gegevens samenvoegt die niet geldig zouden zijn op een ander apparaat. Om erachter te komen welke lange mapnaam correct is voor je 3DS, volg dan deze instructies:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
map naar BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
map op je SD-kaartNintendo 3DS
mapBACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
map naar Nintendo 3DS
De website heeft al je movable.sed
gemijnd met je friend code en ID0 combinatie. Je kunt de ‘movable.sed’ gebruiken die het je biedt.
Je friend code is geblokkeerd voor het gebruik van de friend code bot omdat je 3DS de bot niet succesvol heeft bevriend. Zorg ervoor dat je 3DS correct is verbonden met het internet, ga dan naar de Nintendo Homebrew Discord server en vraag om ontgrendeld te worden.
+De website heeft bepaald dat jouw ‘movable.sed’ niet kan gebruteforced worden. Zorg ervoor dat je de website het juiste ID0 gegeven hebt. Als blijkt dat je ID0 juist is, dan kun je geen gebruik maken van Seedminer en zul je een andere methode moeten proberen dat ofwel extra spellen of hardware vereist.
+This can occur if you’ve used multiple SD cards on a 3DS and then merged the contents of the SD cards together. This is done to prevent conflicting, valid data from being merged together.
+ +To fix this, you will need to determine which folder contains your data. Usually, this will be the larger (or largest) of the folders. Backup and delete the smaller one(s), then create a Nintendo DSiWare
folder in the one that remains and move F00D43D5.bin
to that location.
Zorg ervoor dat F00D43D5.bin
het enige bestand in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
is. If it is, then re-create it with the Bannerbomb3 Injector.
Also, ensure that bb3.bin
is on the root of the SD card. If it is missing, then download the latest release of Bannerbomb3 (direct download), and copy the bb3.bin
file to the root of your SD card.
If neither of these solutions fixes this problem, then custom firmware may have been uninstalled on this device in a way that makes this method impossible to perform. If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
bevindt zich niet in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. Zorg ervoor dat Nintendo DSiWare
correct gespeld is en een spatie heeft. Hoofdletters/kleine letters maken niet uit.
Er kan een probleem zijn met je F00D43D5.bin
bestand (het kan beschadigd zijn of bedoeld voor een andere 3DS). Re-create your F00D43D5.bin
file with the Bannerbomb3 Injector, ensuring that you use the movable.sed
file for your console.
unSAFE_MODE is not installed. Follow the instructions to install it.
+The file usm.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of unSAFE_MODE and place usm.bin
on the root of your SD card. Voeg de .bin
extensie niet toe als je het nog niet ziet.
There is also a possibility that the console isn’t reading your SD card. Make sure it is inserted and formatted correctly.
+Het bestand SafeB9SInstaller.bin
ontbreekt of zit in de verkeerde map. Download de nieuwste versie van SafeB9SInstaller, pak het uit en plaats SafeB9SInstaller.bin
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart. Voeg de .bin
extensie niet toe als je het nog niet ziet.
Maak een back-up van je data en herformatteer je SD-kaart als FAT32 met het aanbevolen hulpmiddel afhankelijk van je besturingssysteem: (Windows, macOS of Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +Mocht dit niet lukken, gebruik dan een andere SD-kaart.
+Zorg ervoor dat je movable.sed
en DSiWare back-up van dezelfde console komen. Een mismatch resulteert in een error.
You forgot to delete F00D43D5.bin
from the SD card. Navigate to Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card and delete the F00D43D5.bin
Er is een probleem met je 42383821.bin
bestand (het is onjuist, het ontbreekt, werd misplaatst of is beschadigd). Re-create your files with the DSIHaxInjector_new website and ensure that you place the 42383821.bin
file from
-> hax
in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
is niet van je SD-kaart naar het systeemgeheugen gekopieerd.
Je DS Connection Settings app is stuk en je zult toegang nodig hebben tot de Homebrew Launcher om dit probleem op te lossen. Sluit je aan bij Nintendo Homebrew op Discord voor hulp.
+Flipnote kan een lange tijd nemen om je kaart te indexeren als je een grote SD-kaart hebt. Laat het een aantal minuten blijven zitten.
+Je hebt de private
map niet van Frogminer_save .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart gekopieert.
Het zou kunnen dat je per ongelijk het touch screen hebt aangeraakt terwijl de gemodificeerde Flipnote open stond. Voer je DS Connection Settings opnieuw in en zorg ervoor dat je niet per ongelijk het touchscreen gebruikt.
+Het bestand boot.nds
ontbreekt of is misplaatst. Download de nieuwste versie van b9stool en plaats boot.nds
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart, ter vervanging van het bestaande bestand.
Er is een probleem met je boot.nds
bestand. Download de nieuwste versie van b9stool opnieuw en plaats boot.nds
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart, ter vervanging van het bestaande bestand.
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and explain what has happened.
+Als jouw apparaat op systeemversie 9.4.0, 9.5.0 of 9.6.0 is, kun je op een bug stuiten met een oude versie van universal-otherapp. Download de nieuwste versie hier.
+ +Als je apparaat niet op deze firmware draait, is de kans groot dat je al custom firmware hebt. Je zou best controleren op CFW.
+Er is een probleem met je otherapp.bin
bestand (het ontbreekt, werd misplaatst of is corrupted). Download de nieuwste versie van universal-otherapp en plaats het op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart.
Je hebt het verkeerde Soundhax bestand gebruikt voor je apparaat en regio, of je apparaat is niet compatibel met Soundhax. In het laatste geval moet je je apparaat updaten naar de nieuwste versie en volg Seedminer.
+Het bestand SafeB9SInstaller.bin
ontbreekt of zit in de verkeerde map. Download de nieuwste versie van SafeB9SInstaller, pak het uit en plaats SafeB9SInstaller.bin
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart. Voeg de .bin
extensie niet toe als je het nog niet ziet.
Maak een back-up van je data en herformatteer je SD-kaart als FAT32 met het aanbevolen hulpmiddel afhankelijk van je besturingssysteem: (Windows, macOS of Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +Mocht dit niet lukken, gebruik dan een andere SD-kaart.
+This likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. Je zou best controleren op CFW.
+The file arm11code.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Voeg de .bin
extensie niet toe als je het nog niet ziet.
There is an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Voeg de .bin
extensie niet toe als je het nog niet ziet.
Browser based exploits (such as this one) are often unstable and crash frequently, but they can sometimes be fixed by doing the following steps.
+ +The SSLoth proxy was incorrectly configured. Re-do the SSLoth section on the page.
+Follow these steps in order:
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
First, make sure you entered the correct proxy for the connection you’re using. If not, go back to Section II. If the proxy is correct, then your device has been cart-updated, which means an alternate exploit will need to be used.
+ +Method 1
+If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or less than 36 (e.g. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), you can follow Soundhax. When prompted to select a firmware to generate the sound file, use:
Method 2 (Old 3DS only)
+If you have an Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, you can try a Safe Mode update, which will trigger an alternate exploit:
If these methods didn’t work (or do not apply to you), update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+ +Het bestand SafeB9SInstaller.bin
ontbreekt of zit in de verkeerde map. Download de nieuwste versie van SafeB9SInstaller, pak het uit en plaats SafeB9SInstaller.bin
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart. Voeg de .bin
extensie niet toe als je het nog niet ziet.
There may be an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Re-download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place it on the root of your SD card, and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Voeg de .bin
extensie niet toe als je het nog niet ziet.
If you have a Taiwanese unit (with a T in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##T), you will not be able to follow these instructions, and you will need to update your console and follow Seedminer instead.
+ +If you have a Mainland Chinese unit (with a C in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##C), join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Sluit je aan bij Nintendo Homebrew op Discord voor hulp.
+Maak een back-up van je data en herformatteer je SD-kaart als FAT32 met het aanbevolen hulpmiddel afhankelijk van je besturingssysteem: (Windows, macOS of Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +Mocht dit niet lukken, gebruik dan een andere SD-kaart.
+De volgende stappen kunnen in elke volgorde uitgevoerd worden, maar zijn gesorteerd volgens de moeilijkheidsgraad om ze uit te voeren.
+ +Download this alternate config.ini and place it in /luma/
. Dit zal de Rosalina sleutel combinatie veranderen naar (X) + (Y).
Er is een probleem met je boot.3dsx
bestand (het ontbreekt, werd misplaatst of is corrupted). Download de nieuwste versie van de Homebrew Launcher en plaats boot.3dsx
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart, ter vervanging van elk bestaand bestand.
Je hebt de map gm9
niet van de GodMode9 .zip
naar de hoofdmap van de SD-kaart gekopieert. Download de nieuwste versie van GodMode9 en plaats de gm9
map op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart, voeg deze samen met de bestaande bestanden.
Make sure you have at least 1.3GB available in your SD card. If you don’t have enough space, follow these steps:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder from the root of your SD card to your computergm9/out
on your SD to a safe location on your computer<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
files from the SD card, keeping essential.exefs in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
folder from your computer to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folder from your computerIf you have enough space on your SD card, your SD might be corrupted or faulty. Check your SD card for any errors by following the guide according to your computer’s operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+De instructies die hier vermeld worden gaan er van uit dat je console een moderne custom firmware setup heeft (boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 of hoger). Als je console een oudere homebrew setup heeft (bijvoorbeeld iets gebaseerd op arm9loaderhax of menuhax), dan moet je updaten voor je deze instructies probeert.
+ +Er is een probleem met je boot.firm
bestand. Als je boot9strap 1.4 gebruikt, kan je 3DS notificatie LED een bepaalde kleur flashen. Deze kleur wordt gebruikt om problemen met je boot.firm
bestand op SD-kaart of intern geheugen te diagnosticeren. Bij oudere versies van boot9strap zal het blauwe licht bijna onmiddellijk uitgeschakeld worden wanneer je je apparaat probeert op te starten.
Als de notificatie LED knippert:
+ +-Wit: Je 3DS was niet in staat om boot.firm
te vinden op je SD-kaart of in je interne geheugen.
+-Magenta: Je 3DS was niet in staat om boot.firm
te vinden op je SD-kaart. Het kon boot.firm
vinden in het interne geheugen, maar het bestand is beschadigd.
+-Red: Je 3DS kon boot.firm
vinden op je SD-kaart en in je interne geheugen, maar beide bestanden zijn beschadigd.
Je kunt een nieuw boot.firm
bestand krijgen door de nieuwste versie van Luma3DS te downloaden, het uitpakken en boot.firm
plaatsen op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart. Indien je boot.firm
bestand consequent gedetecteerd wordt als beschadigd, controleer je best je SD-kaart op fouten (Windows, Linux, of macOS). Houd er ook rekening mee dat de 3DS problemen heeft met bestanden die zijn uitgepakt met WinRAR.
Als je een “pop” hoort, mogelijks samen met de achtergrondverlichting die eventjes aanschiet, is er een hardware probleem met je console (zoals een achtergrondlicht kabel die niet aangesloten is). Je zou je apparaat kunnen laten opstarten door het op bepaalde hoeken vast te houden.
+De volgende stappen kunnen in elke volgorde uitgevoerd worden, maar zijn gesorteerd volgens de tijdsduur om ze uit te voeren.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
map op je SD-kaart naar Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
en probeer dan je 3DS op te starten. Als je apparaat succesvol opstart, is er een probleem in je Nintendo 3DS
map. Probeer HOME Menu extdata te wissen:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Verwijder de overeenkomende map voor je 3DS regio:
+ 00000098
Je Luma3DS versie is verouderd. Download de nieuwste versie van Luma3DS en plaats boot.firm
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart, ter vervanging van het bestaande bestand. Zorg ervoor dat je het ZIP-bestand uitpakt met een andere tool dan WinRAR, omdat het bekend is dat het problemen veroorzaakt met 3DS-gerelateerde bestanden.
There are a number of reasons as to why this could be happening. In any case, this error can usually be fixed by following the CTRTransfer guide.
+ARM11 exception handlers zijn uitgeschakeld of custom firmware is niet geïnstalleerd. Probeer ARM11 exception handlers in te schakelen:
+This could be caused by various reasons, but most likely because your SD card is not being read by the system. +You can check if your SD is being read by holding SELECT on boot and checking the yellow text on the bottom screen; if it says “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, then your device is booting from the internal memory and not from the SD card. +If this is the case, attempt the steps below, which are listed from easiest to hardest:
from the
and place it on the root of your SD card (replacing any existing file)Je apparaat is waarschijnlijk hard-bricked. Je zult een ntrboot flashcard moeten kopen om boot9strap te herinstalleren om te proberen je apparaat te repareren. Dit kan ook duiden op een hardware probleem dat niet kan worden opgelost. In ieder geval, join Nintendo Homebrew op Discord voor hulp.
+Neem een foto van de fout en meld je aan bij Nintendo Homebrew on Discord voor hulp.
naar de /3ds/
map op je SD kaartYour device is running Luma3DS 6.6 or older, likely via arm9loaderhax. Volg A9LH naar B9S om je 3DS te updaten naar een moderne custom firmware omgeving.
+Dit kan gebeuren na een CTRTransfer of regio verandering op Old 3DS / 2DS. Je moet je apparaat formatteren om dit probleem op te lossen.
+Look for your exception screen in this page. +If you weren’t able to find your error or the instructions didn’t work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for further assistance.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
map op je SD-kaart00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
map op je SD-kaart000002ce
You can disable the Parental Controls feature by going to System Settings -> Parental Controls and inserting the PIN, then pressing “Clear Settings”, then “Delete” to remove it. +However, if you do not know the PIN and therefore cannot access the device’s settings, you will need to disable it. In order to do this, you need to obtain your device’s master key (mkey):
+Dit zal CFW volledig verwijderen van je apparaat, inclusief boot9strap en Luma3DS, om het apparaat terug te zetten naar stock.
+ +Alle ongetekende (onwettige) spellen zullen onbruikbaar worden en worden verwijderd tijdens dit proces. Use a save manager to back up any saves that you care about.
+ +If you’re removing CFW because:
+ +STOP!!! Uninstalling custom firmware is an unnecessary risk that will at best waste your time and at worst BRICK your console. A better idea would be to ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
+If you have done ANY of the following:
) of the consolethen uninstalling CFW WILL BRICK YOUR CONSOLE. If this applies to you, restore a clean NAND backup before continuing.
+Deze instructies werken alleen op apparaten met een Luma3DS versie van 8.0 of hoger. Als je een oudere versie van Luma heeft, moet je de setup upgraden voordat je deze instructies kunt volgen. Volg deze pagina om je upgrade instructies te vinden.
+ +boot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartGodMode9.firm
van de GodMode9 .zip
naar de /luma/payloads/
map op je SD-kaartgm9
map uit de GodMode9 .zip
naar de hoofdmap van de SD-kaartDSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
naar de /3ds/
map op je SD-kaartsafety_test.gm9
naar de /gm9/scripts/
map op je SD-kaartHet doel van dit deel is om te controleren of ingebouwde DS mode applicaties zullen blijven werken zodra CFW is verwijderd. Als je dit gedeelte overslaat, zou het kunnen dat de DS mode of de bijbehorende functies niet toegankelijk zijn totdat CFW opnieuw wordt geïnstalleerd.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connection Settings
, selecteer dan “OKAls een van deze tests is mislukt, is de DS mode, DS Download Play, en/of DS Connection Settings mogelijks niet toegankelijk zodra CFW is verwijderd! You should fix DS mode before continuing.
+ +Het doel van dit deel is om te controleren of de console opstart en dat kritieke systeem functies, zoals System Settings en het toetsenbord, zullen werken zodra CFW is verwijderd. Als je dit gedeelte overslaat, kun je jouw apparaat BRICKEN!
+ +Als je NIET opstart in het normale 3DS HOME Menu, of System Setting / je toetsenbord is niet toegankelijk, ga NIET verder met deze instructies! Je zou de Nintendo Homebrew Discord moeten joinen en in het Engels vragen of iemand je kan helpen.
+ +Dit deel zal onwettige inhoud verwijderen, zoals homebrew en gedumpte cartridges. Als je gegevens hebt waar je om geeft, zoals gamesaves, maak dan een backup met een save manager voordat je doorgaat!
+ +Deze sectie zorgt ervoor dat alle onwettige tickets worden verwijderd, waardoor de eShop normaal kan werken. Dit zal de volledige inhoud van je 3DS verwijderen en je uitloggen uit je NNID. Hou in gedachten dat de encryptiesleutel van je console verandert worden, dit betekent dat alle oude gegevens als ontoegankelijk zullen worden weergegeven, zelfs als je een back-up van je SD-kaart inhoud hebt.
+ +Dit is je laatste kans om te controleren of alle bovenstaande veiligheidsstappen zijn gevolgd! Zorg ervoor dat je alle delen van deze pagina hebt gevolgd, vooral Deel III - Safety Test
, voordat je doorgaat.
Alle CFW is nu van je apparaat verwijderd.
+ +Je kunt nu alle extra bestanden en mappen verwijderen van de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart die niet de Nintendo 3DS
of private
mappen zijn.
Deze pagina is bedoeld voor bestaande boot9strap gebruikers om hun installatie van boot9strap bij te werken naar de nieuwste versie.
+ +Terwijl we wel geloven dat custom firmware veilig is voor online gebruik, zijn er in het verleden toch online bans opgetreden. Deze werden voornamelijk veroorzaakt door vals spelen en verdacht eShop gedrag.
bestand)Voor alle stappen in dit gedeelte, moet je bestaande bestanden op je SD-kaart overschrijven.
+ +boot9strap
op de hoofdmap van je SD-kaartboot9strap.firm
en boot9strap.firm.sha
van de boot9strap .zip
naar de /boot9strap/
map op je SD-kaartSafeB9SInstaller.firm
van de SafeB9SInstaller .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart en hernoem het naar boot.firm
+ boot.firm
bestand bestaat, vervang ditStop je SD-kaart terug in je 3DS
+ + +boot.firm
en boot.3dsx
van de Luma3DS .zip
naar de hoofdmap van je SD-kaart en vervang het bestaande bestandIf your flashcart comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (or you have already flashed ntrboot to your flashcart), you can skip to Installing boot9strap (ntrboot) for instructions on how to use it.
+ +Installing boot9strap with ntrboot requires a compatible NDS / DSi flashcart to flash ntrboot to. Note that some of these flashcarts are sold pre-flashed with ntrboot.
+ +While the ntrboot exploit works independently of the system version, the ntrboot flasher (which installs the exploit to the cart) is not. This means that, depending on the versions and devices supported by your flashcart, only certain methods may be available to you.
+ +Note that carts with a “Time Bomb” will no longer be able to launch .nds
files when they detect that the system clock has passed a date determined by the flashcart firmware. One method to bypass this is to set the system clock to an earlier date.
Flashcart Name | +Current Price | +“Time Bomb”? | +3DS Versions? | +DSi Versions? | +Other Notes | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +$15.99 | +September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot; can be flashed back to an NDS flashcart. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (internal switch to switch between ntrboot and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Acekard 2i | +$20.99 | +No | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +$9.99 | +No | +None | +None | +Only models with certain flash chips are compatible with ntrboot. | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +All RTS revisions are compatible. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +$13.99 | +1.85b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (external switch to switch between ntrboot (“3DS”) and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | No | +None | +None | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | No | +<= 4.3.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Unknown | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Ensure your flashcart is able to launch .nds
files on your device before beginning. Some flashcarts may require firmware or “kernel” files to be copied to the flashcart SD card. Consult your specific flashcart’s instructions for more information.
Note that specific methods may have additional compatibility information.
+ +The usage of this exploit, regardless of the flashing method, requires access to a small magnet if the target device is of a folding style (any 3DS family system that is not the old 2DS with a sleep switch). This is because the exploit requires your device to enter sleep mode while still having access to the buttons.
+ +To test if a magnet will work, hold it on or around the (A)(B)(X)(Y) buttons while the device is powered on to see if it triggers sleep mode. If it does, both displays will go black as long as the magnet is held in that spot.
+ +Note that the flashcart will not be able to be used for its standard functions while the ntrboot exploit is installed on it (except for in the case of the Acekard 2i, which remains functional on NDS and custom firmware 3DS systems only). This means that, for most flashcarts, it will not even display on the HOME Menu. There are optional steps at the end of the ntrboot flashing instructions to remove it from your flashcart when you are done.
+ +Note that in some rare circumstances, it may be possible for the flashing process to brick a counterfeit flashcart and render it permanently unusable. This is unlikely, but nevertheless, only original listed flashcarts are supported. To reduce the chance of receiving a counterfeit card, it is recommended that you use a reputable site to buy your flashcart (such as NDS Card)
+ +This method requires nothing more than your stock unhacked 3DS and a compatible flashcart. This method uses the flashcart to run the ntrboot flasher .nds
file on your 3DS. This means that your flashcart must support launching .nds
files on your 3DS’s version. See the flashcart table above for more information.
Continue to Flashing ntrboot (3DS Single System)
+ +This method requires temporary access to a second 3DS family device that is already running boot9strap. This does not require your flashcart to support either 3DS’s version.
+ +Continue to Flashing ntrboot (3DS Multi System)
+ +This method requires temporary access to a Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite that is compatible with your flashcart. This method uses the flashcart to run the ntrboot flasher .nds
file on your NDS.
Continue to Flashing ntrboot (NDS)
+ +This method requires temporary access to a Nintendo DSi that is compatible with your flashcart. This method uses the flashcart to run the ntrboot flasher .nds
file on your DSi. This means that your flashcart must support launching .nds
files on your DSi’s version. See the flashcart table above for more information.
Continue to Flashing ntrboot (DSi)
+ + +This site utilizes cookies in order to facilitate routing users through the guide instructions. Cookies allow for the sidebar of the page to display current progress through the site to help users navigate the instructions more easily.
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+ + +Desculpe, mas a página que você estava tentando acessar não existe.
+ + +Esta página é para usuários de uma instalção arm9loaderhax pré existente atualizarem seus dispositivos para boot9strap.
+ +Todas as versões futuras do Luma3DS serão liberadas apenas no formato .firm
, que só será compatível com com boot9strap e o sighax. Isto significa que você deve utilizar esta página para atualizar sua instalação, só assim você irá continuar recebendo as atualizações mais recentes do Luma3DS.
Para extrair os arquivos ‘7z’ vinculados nesta página, você vai precisar de um compactador de arquivos como 7-Zip ou [The Unarchiver] (
+ +Embora acreditemos que o custom firmware é seguro para uso on-line, já houveram banimentos de rede online no passado, principalmente por cheats e comportamento suspeito na eShop.
+ +Para usar os links do magnet nesta página, você precisará de um cliente de torrent como qBittorrent ou Deluge.
+ +Note que apenas no New 3DS o ‘secret_sector.bin’ é necessário para reverter o exploit arm9loaderhax, e é por isso que ele não é necessário para a instalação do boot9strap em um console de varejo. Se você não tiver um New 3DS, você não precisa do secret_sector.bin
do Luma3DS)Para todas as etapas nesta seção, substitua quaisquer arquivos existentes no seu cartão SD.
+ +boot.firm
da versão mais recente do Luma3DS .zip
para a raíz do seu cartão SD
+ arm9loaderhax.bin
da versão 7.0.5 do Luma3DS .7z
para a raíz do seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SD
+ Se as pastas ‘luma’ ou ‘payloads’ não existirem, crie-as
+ Apague quaisquer outros payloads ‘.bin’ existentes (GodMode9.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
, etc.) na pasta /luma/payloads/
do seu cartão SD, já que eles não serão compatíveis com versões do Luma3DS compatíveis com boot9strapboot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDApenas usuários dos New 3DS: Copie o secret_sector.bin
para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SD
Para fazer o dump do sistema DSiWare, nós executamos um exploit em uma falha na janela do Gerenciador de Dados do DSiWare no aplicativo Configuração do Console.
+ +Para fazer isso, usamos a chave de criptografia do seu sistema (movable.sed) para construir um backup de DSiWare que faz exploit do sistema para fazer um dump do aplicativo Conexões Nintendo DS para a raiz do SD.
+ +Assim que tiver um backup de DSiWare, um aplicativo exploitable de DSiWare pode ser inserido no DS Download Play, que pode ser usado para instalar um custom firmware.
+ +Essas instruções são APENAS para consoles tailandeses (indicados por um T no final da versão do sistema, ex. 11.16.0-39T)! Se o seu console for de qualquer outra região, escolha o outro método.
+ +movable.sed
obtido por completar
do Luma3DS)boot.nds
)Como uma medida de segurança adicional, realizaremos uma verificação adicional de custom firmware. Isso é porque usar esse método quando custom firmware já está instalado tem o risco de danificar o console (renderizando-o sem métodos de recuperação como ntrboot).
+ +Se você ver um menu de configuração ou o console imediatamente desliga, você já tem CFW e continuar com estas instruções pode causar um BRICK em seu dispositivo! Siga Checando por CFW para atualizar o seu CFW existente.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SD
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) para a raiz do seu cartão SDprivate
do .zip
do Frogminer_save para a raiz do seu cartão SDmovable.sed
usando a opção “Browse…”Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
será o mesmo que você usou em Seedminer<ID1>
é uma pasta de 32 caracteres dentro do <ID0>
Nintendo DSiWare
dentro do <ID1>
+ .zip
e navegue até China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
para a pasta Nintendo DSiWare
Gerenciador de Dados
-> DSiWare
-> Cartão SD
-> (página 2)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no seu cartão
e navegue até China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
que é o mesmo número que estava na segunda página do menu do Gerenciador de DSiWare na pasta Nintendo DSiWare
, e substitua quando solicitadoGerenciador de Dados
-> DSiWare
-> Cartão SD
na raiz do seu cartão SDNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no seu cartão SD.bin
da pasta Nintendo DSiWare
usando a primeira opção “Browse…”movable.sed
usando a segunda opção “Browse…”DSdownloadplay
(NÃO o memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no seu cartão SD484E4441.bin
da pasta hax
do arquivo DSiWare baixado (output_(nome).zip) para a pasta Nintendo DSiWare
Gerenciador de Dados
-> DSiWare
Caso você prefira um guia visual para esta seção, há um disponível aqui.
+ +Nesta seção, você executará uma série de passos muito específicos dentro do Flipnote Studio, que quando executado corretamente, irá iniciar o instalador boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no seu cartão SD484E4441.bin
da pasta clean
do arquivo DSiWare baixado (output_(nome).zip) para a pasta Nintendo DSiWare
Gerenciador de Dados
-> DSiWare
Para iniciar o código personalizado, nós usamos um exploit no Gerenciamento de Dados DSiWare no aplicativo Configurações do Sistema.
+ +Para fazer isso, usamos a chave de criptografia do seu sistema (movable.sed) para construir um backup de DSiWare que se aproveita do exploit do sistema.
+ +Para obter uma explicação mais técnica, veja aqui.
+Essas instruções funcionam nas versões de consoles EUA, Europa, Japão e Coréia, indicadas pelas letras U, E, J ou K após a versão do sistema.
+ +Se você tiver um console tailandês (indicado por um T após a versão do sistema), siga esta página ao invés desta.
+ +Seu arquivo ‘movable.sed’ baixado ao completar o processo Seedminer
+ +Nesta seção, você irá copiar os arquivos necessários para ativar o exploit BannerBomb3 em seu cartão SD.
+ +F00D43D5.bin
e um payload chamado bb3.bin
dentro de um arquivo zip (
para a raiz do seu cartão SD
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
->Nintendo DSiWare
dentro do <ID1>
+ F00D43D5.bin
para a pasta Nintendo DSiWare
Nesta seção, você verá se você pode acessar o Modo de Segurança no seu dispositivo. Isso determinará qual método você seguirá na próxima página.
+ +Se você viu a tela de atualização do sistema na seção anterior, o Modo de Segurança está funcionando em seu dispositivo.
+ +Se seu dispositivo iniciou no Modo de Segurança, continue emInstalando boot9strap (USM)
+ +Se o seu dispositivo NÃO inicializou no Modo de Segurança, continue em Instalando boot9strap (Fredtool)
+ + +Se esta for sua primeira vez modificando um 3DS (ou você não é familiarizado com tecnologia), continue lendo! Caso contrário, se você tiver experiência prévia e souber o que está fazendo, volte para Começando.
+ +Esta página cobre algumas das terminologias de computador e informações específicas do 3DS que você deve saber antes de seguir este guia.
+ +Cada seção é recolhida por padrão. Clique ou toque no nome da seção para abri-lo.
+ +Este guia é compatível com todos os dispositivos de varejo da família de consoles do Nintendo 3DS (incluindo a série New 3DS e o 2DS), independentemente da região ou firmware.
+Você pode seguir este guia, contanto que possa baixar arquivos da Internet e copiá-los para o seu cartão SD. Dependendo de seu dispositivo computador/celular/eletrônico, talvez seja necessário comprar um adaptador USB para cartão SD para permitir que o computador leia seu cartão SD.
+O local do cartão SD e o tipo de cartão SD que é aceito dependem do modelo do seu 3DS. Mais informações podem ser encontradas na página de suporte oficial da Nintendo (disponível apenas em Inglês).
+ +O 3DS pode ler cartões SD de qualquer capacidade (mesmo aqueles maiores que 32GB), mas o cartão deve ser formatado como FAT32 (não exFAT ou NTFS). Se o seu cartão SD ainda não estiver formatado corretamente, use uma dessas páginas para formatá-lo, dependendo do seu sistema operacional: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +Para seguir este guia, você precisará de um cartão SD com capacidade de pelo menos 2GB.
+ +Se você quiser, você pode verificar se há erros no seu cartão SD antes de seguir este guia usando H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), ou F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +Modificando o seu dispositivo, você está sujeito à possibilidade remota (mas não zero) de o dispositivo ser banido de jogar on-line ou de ter um brick (renderizado como não-funcional). __O posicionamento de arquivo incorreto NÃO irá causar um brick em seu dispositivo __, mas pular as instruções propositalmente talvez o faça. Similarmente, a última onda de banimento ocorreu há mais de cinco anos, mas não há qualquer garantia de que uma outra não ocorrerá no futuro.
+ +Resumindo: Modificar seu dispositivo é seguro, mas é sua responsabilidade se algo der errado.
+ +Neste guia, você irá copiar arquivos que foram baixados no seu computador/telefone para o cartão SD do seu 3DS. Muitos desses arquivos vêm do GitHub, então consulte a captura de tela acima se você não estiver familiarizado com como baixar arquivos de lá.
+ +Alguns dos arquivos que você será solicitado a baixar vêm no formato de arquivo .zip
, que é usado para empacotar vários arquivos em um só arquivo.
Quando lhe dizem para “copiar (arquivo) de (arquivo).zip”, isso significa que você precisa abrir (ou “extrair”) o arquivo ZIP. Dentro do arquivo ZIP terá o arquivo que você está procurando, no qual você poderá copiar para o local especificado no seu cartão SD.
+ +Na maioria dos sistemas operacionais, você pode extrair arquivos clicando duas vezes no arquivo. Se isso não funcionar, você pode instalar uma ferramenta de extração de terceiros de boa reputação como 7-zip.
+Se o seu computador estiver executando o Windows, extensões de arquivos podem estar ocultadas por padrão, o que pode dificultar a busca de arquivos. Para habilitar extensões de arquivo, siga estas instruções.
+Se você tiver um problema ao seguir este guia, há muitas maneiras de obter ajuda!
+ +Continue em Começando
+ + +Esta é uma seção adicional para checar se o seu console já possui custom firmware moderno.
+ +Se o seu console já tem um custom firmware baseado em arm9loaderhax ou boot9strap, você vai precisar seguir as instruções indicadas para atualizar sua instalação para uma moderna.
+ +Se o seu console tem uma configuração de CFW baseada em menuhax, você deve limpar a extdata do Menu HOME, e em seguida, seguir todas as instruções na sua SysNAND. Você provavelmente tem uma configuração baseada em menuhax se a versão do seu sistema ao inicializar sem um cartão SD é 9.2.0-20.
+ +Se o seu console inicializar o Menu HOME normal, retorne para Começando
+ +Se você ver a versão 7.0.5 do Luma3DS ou inferior, continue em A9LH para B9S
+ +Se você ver a versão 7.1 do Luma3DS, continue em Atualizando B9S
+ +Se você ver a versão 8.0 do Luma3DS ou superior, continue em Restaurando / Atualizando CFW
+ +Se você ver algo não descrito nas opções acima, entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e peça ajuda, em inglês.
+ + +Estamos felizes que você gostaria de contribuir para o! Aqui estão algumas maneiras que você pode contribuir:
+ +Este guia é de código aberto - seu repositório está disponível aqui. Se você acha que há um problema com o guia, você pode reportar sobre um problema para nos alertar, ou abrir uma pull request para que suas alterações sejam integradas no guia.
+ +Se você gostaria de traduzir este guia para outros idiomas (ou ajudar a manter as traduções atualizadas), confira o nosso Crowdin.
+ +Vários arquivos neste guia só estão disponíveis como torrents. Se você quiser ajudar a semear esses torrents para garantir a disponibilidade deles no futuro, você pode baixar os arquivos .zip
contendo todos os nossos arquivos .torrent
: (atualizado pela última vez em 2023-03-16)
Há também um feed RSS que pode ser atualizado para futuros torrents, nos quais você pode se inscrever.
+ +Manter este guia (bem como nossos canais de suporte) é principalmente um esforço voluntário, mas se este guia o tiver ajudado de alguma forma, doações são apreciadas.
+ + + + + +Agradecimentos especiais ao Plailect, o criador original e mantenedor da guia!
+ +Um agradecimento especial a todos do #Cakey na Freenode por serem o máximo!
+ +Um agradecimento especial a todos os tradutores por serem incríveis!
+ +Se eu esqueci de você aqui, entre em contato comigo e eu adicionarei o seu nome.
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
Essa é uma sessão extra para instalar uma imagem CTRTransfer 11.15.0 em seu dispositivo.
+ +Note que se você tem outros arquivos de payload diferentes do GodMode9.firm
na pasta /luma/payloads/
do seu cartão SD, segure (Start) durante a inicialização para exibir um “menu de chainloader” onde você terá que utilizar os botões direcionais e o botão (A) para selecionar “GodMode9” para estas instruções.
Você já DEVE ter instalado Luma3DS e boot9strap para usar isto.
+ +Fazer um CTRTransfer pode quebrar alguns jogos de memória estendida (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokémon Sun/Moon, etc.) nos dispositivos Old 3DS/2DS. Se isso acontecer, você vai precisar formatar o dispositivo (usando TinyFormat ou na Configuração do Console) para consertar o erro.
+ +Para utilizar os magnet links dessa página, você precisará de um cliente torrent como qBittorrent ou Deluge.
na raiz do seu cartão SD se ela ainda não existirGodMode9.firm
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SDgm9
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a raiz do seu cartão SD.bin
do CTRTransfer .zip
para a pasta /gm9/
no seu cartão SDFBI.3dsx
para a pasta /3ds/
no seu cartão SD[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
da CTRTransfer para selecioná-loNintendo 3DS
e Nintendo DS
na raiz do seu cartão SDSe o script não encontrou nenhum user tickets e falou para você pular essa sessão, você pode pular essa sessão.
+ +eshop
, unknown
, ou ambas
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
da CTRTransfer para apagá-laPara suporte (em inglês) com o GodMode9, bem como ajuda com scripting e obter atualizações e informações, junte-se ao Discord do GodMode9.
+ +Além de criar e restaurar backups da NAND, o GodMode9 tem a funcionalidade de fazer dump de aplicativos instalados para um arquivo .cia
instalável, dump de dados de jogos de cartucho para um arquivo ROM .3ds
e instalar diretamente um jogo de um cartucho para o sistema.
Estas instruções estão escritas para serem usadas com o GodMode9 v2.0.0 ou adiante. Se você tem uma versão mais antiga do GodMode9, siga estas instruções para atualizá-lo.
+ +GodMode9.firm
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SDgm9
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a raiz do seu cartão SDInsira o cartucho do jogo que você pretende fazer um dump em seu dispositivo
para selecioná-lo[TitleID].nds
para selecioná-lo
+ .3ds
não-instalável ou .nds
será gravado na pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SDIsto só funcionará para jogos de 3DS; não é possível instalar um jogo de cartucho de NDS no sistema como um aplicativo.
para selecioná-lo, depois selecione “NCSD image options…”, depois selecione “Install game image”Isso só deve ser usado se Instalar um Jogo de Cartucho diretamente no Sistema não funcionar.
para selecioná-lo, depois selecione “NCSD image options…”, depois selecione “Build CIA from file”.cia
instalável formatado será gravado na pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SDIsso permite o dump de aplicativos digitais instalados tanto do Sistema como aplicativos instalados pelo Usuário, como os instalados da eShop.
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
instalável formatado será gravado na pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SDO jogo será criado na pasta /gm9/out/
do seu cartão SD com o nome <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
Para identificar o TitleID de um arquivo <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, você pode obter uma listagem de todos os jogos no sistema e suas IDs correspondentes apertando (Home) para obter o menu de ações, selecionando Title manager
, e selecionando [A:] SD CARD
para selecioná-loPara identificar o TitleID de um arquivo <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
, você pode obter uma listagem de todos os jogos no sistema e suas IDs correspondentes apertando (Home) para obter o menu de ações, selecionando Title manager
, e selecionando [A:] SD CARD
-> gm9
para selecioná-loPara fins organizacionais, copie cada arquivo .cia
que você deseja criptografar / descriptografar para a pasta /cias/
no seu cartão SD
-> cias
para selecioná-lo, depois selecione “CIA image options…”.cia
selecionado na pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SD.cia
selecionado na pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SD.cia
selecionado por uma versão criptografada.cia
selecionado por uma versão descriptografada.cia
criptografado / descriptografado será colocado no local desejadoEsta é uma seção adicional para verificar erros no seu cartão SD usando F3.
+ +Dependendo do tamanho do seu cartão SD e da velocidade do seu computador, este processo pode demorar até várias horas!
+ +Esta página é destinada apenas a usuários do Linux. Se você não está no Linux, confira as páginas H2testw (Windows) ou F3XSwift (Mac) pages.
do f3cd
para o diretório f3make
para compilar o F3./f3write <ponto de montagem do seu cartão SD>
$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <endereço de montagem do seu cartão sd>
$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
Se o teste mostrar o resultado Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
, seu cartão SD está em boas condições e você pode deletar todos os arquivos .h2w
do seu cartão SD
Se o teste mostrar outros resultados, o cartão SD pode estar corrompido ou danificado e você pode ter que substituí-lo!
+ +Esta é uma seção adicional para verificar erros no seu cartão SD usando F3X.
+ +Dependendo do tamanho do seu cartão SD e da velocidade do seu computador, este processo pode demorar até várias horas!
+ +Esta página é destinada apenas a usuários do Mac. Se você não está usando Mac, confira as páginas H2testw (Windows) ou F3 (Linux).
+ +Se você está usando um Mac com a macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) e adiante, siga F3XSwift (Mac) ao invés.
do F3XSe o teste mostrar o resultado Success! Your card is ok!
, o seu cartão SD está normal e você poderá apagar todos os arquivos .h2w
do seu cartão SD
Se o teste mostrar outros resultados, o cartão SD pode estar corrompido ou danificado e você pode ter que substituí-lo!
+ +Esta é uma seção adicional para verificar erros no seu cartão SD usando F3XSwift.
+ +Dependendo do tamanho do seu cartão SD e da velocidade do seu computador, este processo pode demorar até várias horas!
+ +Esta página é destinada apenas a usuários do Mac. Caso você não esteja usando Mac, confira as páginas H2testw (Windows) ou F3 (Linux).
+ +O F3XSwift só é compatível com o macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) e adiante. Se você tem uma versão mais antiga do macOS, siga ao invés F3X (Mac).
+ +Se o teste mostrar o resultado Success! Your card is ok!
, seu cartão SD está em boas condições e você pode deletar todos os arquivos .h2w do seu cartão SD
Se o teste mostrar outros resultados, o cartão SD pode estar corrompido ou danificado e você pode ter que substituí-lo!
+ +Sim, você ainda pode instalar custom firmware no seu 3DS, mesmo após o encerramento da eShop.
+ +O firmware mais recente do 3DS é 11.16.0. Veja aqui o que você deve saber:
+ +Sim! O firmware mais recente (11.16.0) tem um método gratuito de obter CFW chamado Seedminer.
+As instruções são as mesmas para todos os dispositivos de varejo 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL e New 2DS XL. Se a versão do seu sistema for exibida como “0.0.0-0”, então você talvez tenha um dispositivo de desenvolvedor.
+Bricks agora são efetivamente impossíveis a menos que você esteja tentando causar um brick em seu dispositivo de propósito.
+Sim! Este guia irá instalar alguns aplicativos homebrew úteis, incluindo Universal-Updater, que atua como uma loja de aplicativos homebrew.
+Sim; Luma3DS irá ignorar automaticamente a verificação de região de cartuchos e aplicativos instalados. Alguns jogos podem precisar usar o locale emulation feature para funcionar corretamente em dispositivos fora de região.
+Não. Dispositivos com custom firmware ainda podem jogar online e rodar cartuchos físicos como qualquer outro 3DS pode.
+Seu NNID (se você tiver um) não será afetado por este guia. Dispositivos com região KOR, CHN ou TWN não possuem a funcionalidade de NNID em primeiro lugar e portanto não são afetados.
+Houve uma onda de banimento em maio de 2017 que baniu usuários de CFW em jogos online (acesso à eShop, NNIDs e Contas da Nintendo não foram afetadas), aparentemente aleatoriamente. Desde então, não houve uma onda de banimento de tal nível. Sendo assim, não sabemos o que a Nintendo pode fazer no futuro. Por enquanto, não achamos que banimentos sejam algo com o qual você precisa se preocupar.
+Sim! Tudo que você precisa é a capacidade de colocar arquivos em um cartão SD compatível.
+Você precisará de pelo menos 1.5GB de espaço livre no cartão SD para seguir este guia em sua totalidade. Enquanto o 3DS é oficialmente compatível com cartões SD de até 32GB, cartões SD maiores podem ser usados caso sejam formatados manualmente como FAT32. Não é recomendado usar cartões SD maiores que 128GB devido a problemas conhecidos com gráficos de GBA e temas personalizados.
+Não. O custom firmware pode ser instalado gratuitamente no firmware mais recente sem qualquer dispositivo de hardware. De fato, os flashcarts de 3DS-mode como Gateway e Sky3DS não são recomendados porque eles estão obsoletos e podem carregar o risco de banimento ou brick.
+Definitivamente falando, custom firmware refere-se a uma modificação do software do sistema 3DS para fazer coisas às quais ele normalmente não é capaz. O Homebrew geralmente se refere ao software criado fora das fontes oficiais (ou seja, não distribuído pela eShop ou cartuchos).
+ +Historicamente, o 3DS usa homebrew para acessar o homebrew de userland através de exploits mais antigos como ninjhax, que as pessoas às vezes chamaram de apenas “homebrew”. O nível de acesso do sistema concedido com userland permitiu que você rodasse homebrew básico e emuladores, mas não permitia que você pudesse (facilmente) modificar jogos ou fazer dump de cartuchos. Também era muito menos estável, com o homebrew muitas vezes dando crashes indevidamente e exigindo um reinício completo. Custom firmware concede um nível muito maior de acesso ao sistema, sendo ao mesmo tempo mais estável do que pontos de entrada homebrew-only.
+ +Se você estiver usando o Luma3DS, o seu custom firmware loader (boot9strap) nunca será removido ao executar uma atualização de sistema. Houve atualizações no passado que resultaram em o Luma3DS tendo um crash na inicialização, então é uma boa ideia esperar algumas horas para garantir que a atualização mais recente não torne o dispositivo inutilizável temporariamente até que o Luma3DS seja atualizado. As atualizações do sistema podem ser realizadas da mesma forma que são realizadas em um 3DS padrão: por meio da Configuração do Console, Safe Mode, ou o aviso de atualização quando a atualização for automaticamente baixada.
+Copie e cole o conteúdo do cartão SD em um novo cartão SD formatado como FAT32. Para cartões de 128GB, é recomendado um tamanho de alocação de 65536. Cartões SD maiores que 128GB não são recomendados devido a problemas conhecidos com gráficos de GBA e temas personalizados.
+Sim, as transferências de sistema podem ser realizadas através da função oficial de Transferência de Sistema para outros consoles com CFW (inconsistências podem ocorrer se o console de destino estiver em condições de varejo). Tickets para aplicativos ilegítimos (homebrew) não transferirão, mas os aplicativos podem ser feitos para reaparecer com faketik. Certifique-se de não realizar uma transferência sem fio, pois isso excluirá os aplicativos ilegítimos. O CFW permanecerá em ambos os consoles.
+A única maneira de alterar a linguagem do sistema de um 3DS japonês para um idioma diferente do japonês é realizar uma mudança de região. Note que isso muito provavelmente irá quebrar a Nintendo eShop no seu dispositivo, o que significa que você não poderá atualizar seus jogos, quer eles estejam na região ou fora da região.
+ +Depende do formato do aplicativo homebrew. Geralmente:
+ +/3ds/
por uma nova cópia. Se o aplicativo homebrew incluir recursos adicionais, você pode precisar colocar essa pasta em outro lugar. Consulte a documentação do aplicativo homebrew.Você pode continuar baixando atualizações de jogos da Nintendo eShop, mesmo que agora tenha desligado.
+ +Se o jogo não for da mesma região do console, você precisará fazer um dump das atualizações de um 3DS que tenha as atualizações instaladas. A Nintendo eShop só contém atualizações para a região do console (um 3DS japonês só terá atualizações para jogos japoneses).
+Por favor, siga o guia de troubleshooting. Desinstalar CFW quando seu dispositivo está em um estado não-inicializável não é recomendado, já que é muito provável que isso leve a um brick.
+É recomendável que você atualize sua configuração para um ambiente moderno e baseado em boot9strap. Siga o guia Checando por CFW para ver como atualizar sua instalação.
+A grande maioria do homebrew moderno (como Checkpoint e BootNTR Selector) foram testados apenas em um servidor moderno, em configuração baseada em boot9strap, e pode não funcionar inteiramente (ou totalmente) em instalações mais antigas baseadas em menuhax, A9LH ou Gateway. Além disso, dependendo da sua instalação, você pode ser incapaz de atualizar com segurança para o firmware mais recente. Configurações modernas e baseadas em boot9strap permitem um nível maior de acesso ao sistema do que os métodos anteriores, incluindo a capacidade fazer o dump do bootrom do seu console.
+A sua configuração antiga (incluindo sua EmuNAND, se você tiver uma) geralmente pode ser migrada diretamente para o boot9strap sem perda de dados. Se você tiver dados, que são particularmente importantes para você, seria uma boa ideia fazer um backup descriptografado de seus dados salvos antes de atualizar sua instalação com uma ferramenta como JKSM.
+R: Veja isto.
+Esta é uma seção adicional para desabilitar o comportamento padrão do Windows de esconder as extensões dos arquivos.
+ +Isto facilitará para você encontrar os arquivos referenciados no restante deste guia.
+ +Clique em “Extensões no nome do arquivo” para ativá-lo
+ + +Marque a caixa rotulada “Extensões de nome de arquivo”
+ + +Procure por “Opções de pasta” e selecione o resultado correspondente
+ + +Desmarque a opção “Ocultar extensões para tipos de arquivo conhecidos”
+ + +O arquivo boot.firm
é o que é iniciado pelo boot9strap depois que ele termina de carregar a NAND. Neste caso, estamos usando o Luma3DS por LumaTeam para alterar o dispositivo, permitindo que ele execute um software de homebrew.
Nesta página, faremos backups de arquivos críticos do sistema e instalaremos os seguintes programas de homebrew:
+ +Não é recomendável ignorar o download de qualquer um desses aplicativos, já que muitos deles serão usados mais tarde nesta página. No final desta página, seu cartão SD será limpo através da remoção arquivos de instalação desnecessários.
+ +Se o seu New 3DS estava na versão 2.1.0 antes de seguir este guia, você deve restaurar o seu backup da NAND antes de continuar. Isto provavelmente não se aplica a você, a menos que você seguiu este guia em 2017.
+ +Se a sua instalação do CFW anterior era baseada em EmuNAND e você deseja mover o conteúdo da sua EmuNAND/RedNAND para SysNAND, siga Mover EmuNAND antes de seguir esta página. Se você não sabe o que é uma EmuNAND, isso não se aplica a você.
+ +.cia
e .3dsx
)Nesta seção, você copiará os arquivos necessários para seguir o resto das instruções nesta página.
+ +cias
na raiz do seu cartão SD se ela ainda não existirAnemone3DS.cia
, Checkpoint.cia
, FBI.cia
, Homebrew_Launcher.cia
, e Universal-Updater.cia
) para a pasta /cias/
no seu cartão SD3ds
na raiz do seu cartão SD se ela ainda não existir
+ Nintendo 3DS
que o dispositivo gera automaticamenteFBI.3dsx
para a pasta /3ds/
no seu cartão SDpayloads
na pasta luma
no seu cartão SD se ela ainda não existeGodMode9.firm
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SDgm9
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a raiz do seu cartão SDAs capturas de tela abaixo indicam o layout mínimo do cartão SD que é necessário para seguir esta página. Você pode ter arquivos ou pastas extras no seu cartão SD, dependendo da sua instalação anterior ou do método que você seguiu.
+ + + + + +Nesta seção, você atualizará seu sistema para a versão mais recente, que é seguro de fazer com custom firmware.
+ +Nesta seção, você irá substituir temporariamente o Download Play com o Homebrew Launcher (que precisamos para iniciar o FBI). O Download Play voltará automaticamente para o normal quando você reiniciar seu dispositivo.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
e Nintendo DS
na raiz do seu cartão SDNesta seção, você irá sincronizar o relógio interno do seu 3DS com a hora real e descarregar o firmware de som (que é necessário para que alguns softwares de homebrew utilizem o som corretamente).
+ +Nesta seção, você instalará vários aplicativos de homebrew úteis no Menu HOME.
+ +SD
-> cias
Nesta seção, você usará um script para copiar alguns dos arquivos do Luma3DS para a memória interna para que eles possam ser acessados, mesmo sem um cartão SD inserido.
+ +GodMode9.firm
esteja em /luma/payloads/
e que payloads
esteja corretamente escritoNesta seção, você usará um script para remover alguns arquivos desnecessários do seu cartão SD.
+ +Nesta seção, você fará backups de arquivos que podem ser usados para recuperar bricks de software ou para recuperar dados.
para selecioná-lo<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
e essential.exefs
da pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SD para um local seguro no seu computador
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
e <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
da pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SD após copiá-lo
+ /luma/backups/
do seu cartão SD para um local seguro no seu computadorVocê terminou! Custom firmware agora está totalmente configurado no seu dispositivo.
+ +Olá! Estamos interessados em comentários sobre a experiência geral do nosso guia. Se você quiser ajudar, confira a pesquisa aqui (disponível somente em inglês). Obrigado!
+ +Aqui estão alguns combos que você deve saber:
+ +/luma/payloads/
, o chainloader do Luma3DS.Veja aqui algumas sugestões sobre coisas a serem feitas com custom firmware.
+ +Para informações sobre como usar os vários recursos do GodMode9, confira as páginas Uso do GodMode9 e Fazendo Dump de Aplicativos e Jogos de Cartucho.
+ + +Antes de prosseguir, certifique-se de que você tenha lido todas as informações em ntrboot
+ +Este método requer acesso temporário a um segundo dispositivo da família do 3DS que já está executando boot9strap. Isso não requer que seu flashcart suporte nenhuma das versões de ambos 3DS.
+ +Note que em algumas raras circunstâncias, pode ser possível que o processo de instalação cause um brick em um flashcart falso e torne-o permanentemente inutilizável. Isso é pouco provável, mas, no entanto, apenas os flashcarts originais listados são suportados. Para reduzir as chances de receber um flashcart falso, é recomendado que você use um site com uma boa reputação para comprar o seu flashcart (como o NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap_ntr.firm
e o boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDntrboot_flasher.firm
do .zip
do ntrboot_flasher para a pasta /luma/payloads
no cartão SD do 3DS de origemAntes de prosseguir, certifique-se de que você tenha lido todas as informações em ntrboot
+ +Este método não requer nada além de seu 3DS original sem modificações e um cartão flashcart compatível. Este método usa o flashcart para executar o arquivo ‘.nds’ do ntrboot flasher no seu 3DS. Isto significa que seu flashcart deve oferecer suporte a execução de arquivos ‘.nds’ na versão atual do seu 3DS. Consulte a tabela em ntrboot para obter mais informações.
+ +Note que em algumas raras circunstâncias, pode ser possível que o processo de instalação cause um brick em um flashcart falso e torne-o permanentemente inutilizável. Isso é pouco provável, mas, no entanto, apenas os flashcarts originais listados são suportados. Para reduzir as chances de receber um flashcart falso, é recomendado que você use um site com uma boa reputação para comprar o seu flashcart (como o NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
na raíz do cartão SD do seu flashcartboot9strap_ntr.firm
do .zip
boot9strap ntr para a pasta /ntrboot/
no cartão SD de seu flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
para o cartão SD do seu flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
no seu dispositivo usando seu flashcartAntes de prosseguir, certifique-se de que você tenha lido todas as informações em ntrboot
+ +Este método requer acesso temporário a um Nintendo DSi compatível com seu flashcart. Este método usa o flashcart para executar o arquivo ‘.nds’ que faz o flash do ntrboot no seu DSi. Isso significa que seu flashcart deve suportar a execução de arquivos ‘.nds’ na versão do seu DSi. Consulte a tabela em ntrboot para obter mais informações.
+ +Note que em algumas raras circunstâncias, pode ser possível que o processo de instalação cause um brick em um flashcart falso e torne-o permanentemente inutilizável. Isso é pouco provável, mas, no entanto, apenas os flashcarts originais listados são suportados. Para reduzir as chances de receber um flashcart falso, é recomendado que você use um site com uma boa reputação para comprar o seu flashcart (como o NDS Card)
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
)Antes de prosseguir, certifique-se de que você tenha lido todas as informações em ntrboot
+ +Este método requer acesso temporário a um Nintendo DS ou Nintendo DS Lite compatível com seu flashcart. Este método usa o flashcart para executar o arquivo ‘.nds’ que faz o flash do ntrboot no seu NDS.
+ +Note que em algumas raras circunstâncias, pode ser possível que o processo de instalação cause um brick em um flashcart falso e torne-o permanentemente inutilizável. Isso é pouco provável, mas, no entanto, apenas os flashcarts originais listados são suportados. Para reduzir as chances de receber um flashcart falso, é recomendável que você use um site com uma boa reputação para comprar o seu flashcart (como NDS Card)
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
na raíz do cartão SD do seu flashcartboot9strap_ntr.firm
do .zip
boot9strap ntr para a pasta /ntrboot/
no cartão SD de seu flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
para o cartão SD do seu flashcartntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
no NDS / NDSL de origem usando seu flashcartEsta é uma seção extra para a formatação de um cartão SD para que funcione com o 3DS.
+ +Caso seu 3DS já reconheça o cartão SD, este guia não será necessário.
+ +Esta página é destinada apenas a usuários do Linux. Caso você não esteja usando Linux, acesse a página Formatando SD (Windows) ou Formatando SD (Mac).
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
estiver com o valor 1, tenha certeza que a trava do cartão SD está para baixosudo mkfs.fat /dev/(nome do dispositivo acima) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(nome do dispositivo acima) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(nome do dispositivo acima) -s 128 -F 32
+ Essa é uma seção adicional para a formatação de um cartão SD para fazê-lo funcional com o 3DS.
+ +Se o 3DS já reconhece o cartão SD, este guia não é necessário.
+ +Esta página é destinada apenas a usuários do Mac. Caso você não esteja usando Mac, acesse a página Formatando SD (Windows) ou Formatting SD (Linux).
+ +Selecione seu cartão SD no painel da esquerda
+ +Certifique-se de escolher o dispositivo correto, caso contrário você pode apagar a unidade errada acidentalmente!
+Selecione seu cartão SD no painel da esquerda
+ +Certifique-se de escolher o dispositivo correto, caso contrário você pode apagar a unidade errada acidentalmente!
+Essa é uma seção adicional para a formatação de um cartão SD para fazê-lo funcional com o 3DS.
+ +Se o 3DS já reconhece o cartão SD, este guia não é necessário.
+ +Esta página é destinada apenas a usuários do Windows. Caso você não esteja usando Windows, acesse a página Formatando SD (Linux) ou Formatando SD (Mac)
+ +SD Card Formatter Setup
(o arquivo .exe
) no arquivo .zip
baixado com privilégios de administrador, e instale o programaSD Card Formatter
do Menu InicialSelecione a letra de unidade do seu cartão SD em “Select card”
+ +Certifique-se de escolher a letra da unidade correta, caso contrário você pode apagar a unidade errada acidentalmente!
Selecione a letra da unidade do seu cartão SD para “Drive”
+ +Certifique-se de escolher a letra da unidade correta, caso contrário você pode apagar a unidade errada acidentalmente!
+Antes de iniciar este guia, veremos se o custom firmware já está instalado e verificar a versão atual do sistema do seu dispositivo.
+ +Se você ver um menu incomum, PARE - você já tem custom firmware! Continue daqui.
+ +Para encontrar o método correto para o seu dispositivo, por favor digite a versão do sistema que encontrou na Seção II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +Se possível, você deve seguir o método fornecido pelo prompt acima.
+ +Caso contrário, métodos que funcionam em todas as versões estão disponíveis, mas requerem hardware adicional:
+ +Para obter informações sobre fazer dumps de cartuchos ou conteúdo do cartão SD, veja Fazendo Dump de Aplicativos e Jogos de Cartucho.
+ +Para suporte (em inglês) com o GodMode9, bem como ajuda com scripting e obter atualizações e informações, junte-se ao Discord do GodMode9.
+ +GodMode9 é um gerenciador de arquivos completo para o console Nintendo 3DS, lhe dando acesso ao seu cartão SD, às partições FAT dentro da sua SysNAND e EmuNAND, e a basicamente todo o resto. Dentre outras funcionalidades, você pode copiar, excluir, renomear e criar pastas.
+ +Note que se você tem outros arquivos de payload diferentes do GodMode9.firm
na pasta /luma/payloads/
do seu cartão SD, segure (Start) durante a inicialização para exibir um “menu de chainloader” onde você terá que utilizar os botões direcionais e o botão (A) para selecionar “GodMode9” para estas instruções.
GodMode9 é um poderoso software que tem a capacidade de modificar essencialmente qualquer coisa em seu console. Embora muitas destas modificações sejam bloqueadas por trás de um sistema de permissões, e é impossível acidentalmente executar ações perigosas sem deliberadamente desbloquear permissões, você deve ainda seguir as instruções cuidadosamente e manter backups por precaução.
+ +Algumas das instruções abaixo só são aplicáveis para a versão mais recente do GodMode9, e como tal deve seguir esta seção para atualizar sua cópia antes de continuar. Substitua quaisquer arquivos existentes.
+ +GodMode9.firm
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SDgm9
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a raiz do seu cartão SD<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
e essential.exefs
da pasta /gm9/out/
em seu cartão SD para um local seguro em seu computador
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
e <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
da pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SD após copiá-lo<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
do seu computador para a pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SDPara fins organizacionais, copie o arquivo .cia
que você deseja injetar para a pasta /cias/
no seu cartão SD
Note que não é possível injetar arquivos no Informações sobre Saúde e Segurança que sejam maiores do que ele (incluindo jogos e outras aplicações maiores)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
para selecioná-lo, depois selecione “CIA image options…”, e depois selecione “Mount image to drive”.app
, depois selecione “NCCH image options”, depois selecione “Inject to H&S”Isto só irá funcionar caso a injeção do Informações sobre saúde e segurança foi feita pelo GodMode9 (não Decrypt9 ou Hourglass9).
+ +Note que isto irá apagar o conteúdo do seu cartão SD!
+ +GM9SD
+ Esta é uma seção adicional para verificar erros no seu cartão SD usando h2testw.
+ +Dependendo do tamanho do seu cartão SD e da velocidade do seu computador, este processo pode demorar até várias horas!
+ +Esta página é destinada apenas a usuários do Windows. Se você não estiver no Windows, confira as páginas F3 (Linux) ou F3X (Mac).
+ +h2testw.exe
do h2testw .zip
para a sua área de trabalhoh2testw.exe
Se o teste mostrar o resultado Test finished without errors
, o seu cartão SD está normal e você poderá apagar todos os arquivos .h2w
do seu cartão SD
Se o teste mostrar outros resultados, o cartão SD pode estar corrompido ou danificado e você pode ter que substituí-lo!
+ +Este método de usar o Seedminer para exploiting usa seu movable.sed
para fazer um arquivo de save personalizado para o Pokémon Picross, que pode então ser usado com unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) para executar o SafeB9SInstaller.
Para obter informações sobre o próprio PicHaxx, veja aqui.
+ +Essas instruções funcionam nos consoles fabricados nos EUA, Europa e Japão, conforme indicado pelas letras U, E ou J depois da versão do sistema.
+ +Você vai precisar de um Nintendo Network ID para baixar Pokémon Picross.
+ +Esse processo irá substituir seu save de Pokémon Picross, se você tiver um. Se você deseja preservar seus dados, você deve fazer um backup de seu arquivo 00000001.sav
antes de substituí-lo.
obtido por completar
do Luma3DS).zip
)Nesta seção, você copiará alguns dos arquivos que serão usados para iniciar o Homebrew Launcher.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SD
+ 3ds
na raiz do seu cartão SDslotTool
do .zip
unSAFE_MODE para a pasta 3ds
no seu cartão
da pasta otherapps_with_CfgS
para a raiz do seu cartão SD e renomeie para otherapp.bin
Nesta seção, você criará um arquivo de save modificado de Pokémon Picross que, quando usado, carregará o Homebrew Launcher no seu dispositivo.
+ +movable.sed
Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>->
será o mesmo que você usou em Seedminer<ID1>
é uma pasta de 32 caracteres dentro do <ID0>
recém-baixado para a pasta data
no seu cartão SD
+ Leia atentamente todas as páginas introdutórias (incluindo essa aqui!) antes de prosseguir.
+ +Custom Firmware (“CFW”) é uma modificação completa de software para seu 3DS, comparável ao “acesso de administrador” de um computador. Ele permite que você faça qualquer coisa que o 3DS seja fisicamente capaz de fazer, ao invés de ser limitado por qualquer coisa que a Nintendo permite que você faça.
+ +Usos populares para custom firmware incluem:
+ +Este guia irá:
+Este método de usar o Seedminer para exploiting usa seu arquivo movable.sed
para descriptografar qualquer aplicativo DSiWare para fins de injetar um título de DSiWare exploitable nas Configurações de Internet do DS.
Esta é uma implementação funcional do exploit “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” detalhado aqui.
+ +movable.sed
de completar
do Luma3DS)Como uma medida de segurança adicional, realizaremos uma verificação adicional de custom firmware. Isso é porque usar esse método quando custom firmware já está instalado tem o risco de danificar o console (renderizando-o sem métodos de recuperação como ntrboot).
+ +Se você ver um menu de configuração ou o console imediatamente desliga, você já tem CFW e continuar com estas instruções pode causar um BRICK em seu dispositivo! Siga Checando por CFW para atualizar o seu CFW existente.
+ +Nesta seção, você irá acionar o exploit do BannerBomb3 usando o Menu de Gerenciamento de DSiWare e copiará o dump de arquivos resultantes para o seu computador para que você possa usá-lo na próxima seção.
+ +Gerenciamento de Dados
-> DSiWare
-> Cartão SD
+ Nesta seção, você copiará os arquivos necessários para substituir temporariamente as Configurações de Conexões Nintendo DS com Flipnote Studio, que é usado para iniciar o instalador boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +42383841.bin
do seu cartão SD usando a primeira opção “Browse…”movable.sed
usando a segunda opção “Browse…”DSinternet
(NÃO o memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no seu cartão SD
+ <ID0>
é o nome da pasta 32 letras que você copiou em Seedminer<ID1>
é uma pasta de 32 letras dentro da pasta <ID0>
da sua pasta Nintendo DSiWare42383841.bin
da pasta hax
do arquivo DSiWare baixado (output_(nome).zip) para a pasta Nintendo DSiWare
+ boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SD
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) para a raiz o seu cartão SDprivate
do .zip
do Frogminer_save para a raiz do seu cartão SDLigue o seu dispositivo
+ + +Nesta seção, você irá copiar as Configurações de DS do DSiWare para a memória interna, que irá substituí-la temporariamente pelo Flipnote Studio.
+ +Gerenciamento de Dados
-> DSiWare
-> Cartão SD
(imagem)Configurações da Internet
-> Conexões Nintendo DS
, depois selecione “OK” (imagem)Caso você prefira um guia visual para esta seção, há um disponível aqui.
+ +Nesta seção, você executará uma série de passos muito específicos dentro do Flipnote Studio, que quando executado corretamente, irá iniciar o instalador boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Nesta seção, você irá restaurar as Configurações de Conexão DS da maneira que elas eram antes de serem temporariamente substituídas pelo Flipnote Studio na Seção IV.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no seu cartão SD42383841.bin
da pasta clean
do arquivo DSiWare baixado (output_(nome).zip) para a pasta Nintendo DSiWare
, substituindo a pasta existenteGerenciamento de Dados
-> DSiWare
-> Cartão SD
(imagem)Um excelente guia para realizar um hardmod pode ser encontrado aqui.
+ +Esta é uma implementação funcional do exploit “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” detalhado aqui.
+ +Usando um hardmod, podemos fazer um dump da imagem da NAND, instalar custom firmware para a imagem da NAND, então reinstalar a imagem da NAND com hack no console.
+ +Para usar os links do magnet nesta página, você precisará de um cliente de torrent como qBittorrent ou Deluge.
+ +Para extrair os arquivos ‘7z’ vinculados nesta página, você vai precisar de um compactador de arquivos como 7-Zip ou [The Unarchiver] (
+ +Isto funcionará no New 3DS, New 2DS, Old 3DS e Old 2DS em todas as versões em que você tenha um .firm
, enquanto os usuários de Mac e Linux precisarão ter Python 3 instalado para executar o .py
do Luma3DS que não é código-fonte).firm
correspondente ao seu dispositivo e versão:Versão(ões) | +Kernel | +Old 3DS ou Old 2DS | +New 3DS ou New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
Nesta seção, você baixará os arquivos necessários para o hardmod e fazerá um dump da imagem da NAND em preparação para instalar custom firmware.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão
do hardmod-b9s-Installer para seu computador.firm
baixado para a pasta hardmod-b9s-installer no seu computador.firm
baixado na pasta hardmod-b9s-installer no seu computador para current.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta hardmod-b9s-installer no seu computadorNesta seção, instalará o custom firmware para a imagem da NAND dump, e então instale esta imagem da NAND de volta para o dispositivo para instalar custom firmware nele.
+ +install-b9s.exe
para o seu dispositivo com seu hardmodboot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Para executar o exploit no firmware SAFE_MODE do nosso sistema, precisamos injetar um perfil de Wi-Fi exploited.
+ +Como já temos acesso a Homebrew, podemos usar o slotTool para fazer isso.
+ +Assim que o perfil Wi-Fi for injetado, usaremos o SAFE_MODE, que é um recurso de recuperação presente em todos os consoles 3DS, para ativar o perfil de Wi-Fi exploited.
+ +Para obter mais uma explicação técnica, veja aqui para obter informações sobre o exploit unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Se os seus botões (Gatilho Direito/Esquerdo), (D-Pad pra Cima) ou (A) não funcionarem, entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e pergunte, em inglês, para obter ajuda.
+ +Nesta seção, você usará o Homebrew Launcher para iniciar o slotTool, o que substituirá seus slots de Wi-Fi por dados modificados. Em seguida, você copiará os arquivos necessários para acionar o exploit unSAFE_MODE no cartão SD do seu dispositivo. Suas configurações de conexão Wi-Fi serão temporariamente sobrescritas enquanto o exploit estiver ativo.
+ +boot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SDusm.bin
do .zip
do unSAFE_MODE para a raiz do seu cartão SDNesta seção, você entrará no Modo de Segurança (uma funcionalidade disponível em todos os dispositivos da família 3DS) e navegar até um menu onde unSAFE_MODE será acionado, que irá iniciar você no instalador do boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Isto é intencionalConexão 1
-> Alterar configurações
-> Próxima página (seta direita)
-> Configurações do proxy
-> Configuração Avançada
imagem)Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Nesta seção, você entrará no Homebrew Launcher (desta vez usando custom firmware) para que você possa restaurar os slots de conexão Wi-Fi que foram substituídos na Seção I.
+ +Para executar o exploit no firmware SAFE_MODE do nosso sistema, precisamos injetar um perfil de Wi-Fi exploited.
+ +Para fazer isso, podemos usar a funcionalidade Download Play do jogo Mario Kart 7, usando um 3DS com custom firmware já instalado junto com um plugin personalizado de jogo.
+ +Este plugin personalizado enviará um payload com hack para um console sem hack, que depois aproveita de um exploit do sistema para injetar o perfil WiFi exploited na sua lista de conexões.
+ +Assim que o perfil Wi-Fi for injetado, usaremos o SAFE_MODE, que é um recurso de recuperação presente em todos os consoles 3DS, para ativar o perfil de Wi-Fi exploited.
+ +Para mais uma explicação técnica, consulte os seguintes links para informações sobre os exploits kartdlphax e unSAFE_MODE: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Para poder seguir estas instruções, você precisará do seguinte:
+ +Se os botões (Gatilho Esquerdo/Direito), (Botão Direcional para Cima), ou (A) no 3DS de destino não funcionar, você não poderá seguir essas instruções. Para assistência adicional com este assunto, junte-se ao Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e peça ajuda, em Inglês.
+ +No 3DS de origem (o 3DS com custom firmware):
+ +plugin.3gx
)No 3DS de destino (o 3DS que você está tentando modificar):
do Luma3DS).zip
)Nesta seção, você irá configurar seu 3DS de origem (o 3DS com custom firmware) para a entrega dos dados do exploit ao 3DS de destino.
+ +boot.firm
do Luma 3GX Loader Edition para a raiz do cartão SD do 3DS de origem, substituindo qualquer arquivo existente
+ plugin.3gx
do kartdlphax para o seguinte diretório no cartão SD do 3DS de origem, dependendo da região de sua cópia de Mario Kart 7:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
e 00040000...
se elas já não existiremNesta seção, você copiará os arquivos necessários para acionar o exploit unSAFE_MODE no 3DS de destino (o 3DS que está tentando modificar) no cartão SD.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
padrão Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SDusm.bin
do .zip
do unSAFE_MODE para a raiz do seu cartão SD3ds
na raiz do seu cartão SDslotTool
do .zip
unSAFE_MODE para a pasta 3ds
no seu cartão SDNesta seção, você usará o Download Play para transferir os dados do exploit do 3DS de origem para o 3DS de destino, que pode ser usado para substituir seus slots de Wi-Fi por dados com hack. Suas configurações de conexão Wi-Fi serão temporariamente sobrescritas enquanto o exploit estiver ativo.
+ +Local Multiplayer
. Um menu deve aparecer
+ Use settings
e pule as três etapas seguintes. Se elas estiverem incorretas, selecione Change settings
e prossiga.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
e modifique-as em conformidadeCreate Group
+ Grande Prix
-> 50cc
-> (qualquer personagem) -> Mushroom Cup
-> OK
Seção III - kartdlphax
Seção III - kartdlphax
. Se isso não funcionar, peça ajuda no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew)Você não precisará usar seu 3DS de origem para completar quaisquer etapas deste guia a partir de agora. Quaisquer outras etapas só devem ser feitas no 3DS de destino.
+ +Nesta seção, você entrará no Modo de Segurança (uma funcionalidade disponível em todos os dispositivos da família 3DS) e navegar até um menu onde unSAFE_MODE será acionado, que irá iniciar você no instalador do boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Isto é intencionalConexão 1
-> Alterar configurações
-> Próxima página (seta direita)
-> Configurações do proxy
-> Configuração Avançada
imagem)Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Nesta seção, você entrará no Homebrew Launcher (desta vez usando custom firmware) para que você possa restaurar os slots de conexão Wi-Fi que foram substituídos na Seção I.
+ +Para usar os links do magnet nesta página, você precisará de um cliente de torrent como qBittorrent ou Deluge.
do Luma3DS)SafeB9SInstaller.firm
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SD e renomeie-o para boot.firm
+ boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDCopie o boot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SD
Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.
+ +boot.firm
da raiz do seu cartão SDboot.firm
do para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Essa é uma seção opcional que permitirá você restaurar o seu flashcart ao seu estado original (para permitir que use suas funções padrão novamente).
+ +Observe que o Acekard 2i mantém sua capacidade de executar arquivos ‘.nds’ tendo o exploit do ntrboot instalado. Isso só se aplica quando o Acekard 2i esta em um 3DS executando algum tipo de custom firmware! Enquanto o ntrboot exploit é instalado no Acekard 2i, não será possível iniciar arquivos .nds
nos sistemas DSi ou 3DS de varejo.
Não siga esta seção até completar o resto das instruções nesta página.
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)Flashcart | +Revisão de hardware | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | Não disponível | +
**Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
**Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | Em falta | +
**Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
**R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | * Em Falta * | +
**R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +Em Falta | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +Em Falta | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +Em Falta | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/A | +
**R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
**R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
**R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
**R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
**R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
**R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX do r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX do r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX do r4isdhc .com | ++ | - | +
na raiz do seu cartão SDbin
do seu backup da flashrom .zip
para a pasta /ntrboot/
na raíz de seu cartão SDpayloads
na pasta ‘luma’ do seu cartão SDntrboot_flasher.firm
para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SDPara detalhes técnicos sobre os exploits que você usará nesta página, veja aqui e aqui (universal-otherapp).
+ +Soundhax (quando combinado com universal-otherapp) é compatível com as versões 1.0.0 a 11.3.0 em todas as regiões.
do Luma3DS)otherapp.bin
)Nesta seção, você irá copiar os arquivos necessários para acionar o Soundhax e o universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
para a raiz do seu cartão SD
+ otherapp.bin
para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SDNesta seção, você irá iniciar o Soundhax através do aplicativo Som Nintendo 3DS, que usará o aplicativo universal-otherapp para iniciar o instaladorboot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +Abra o Som Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/SDCARD
, depois toque “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Para detalhes técnicos sobre os exploits que você usará nesta página, veja aqui e aqui (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0-0 through 11.10.0-36 in all regions. If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or more than 37, Soundhax is patched and won’t work.
do Luma3DS)otherapp.bin
)Nesta seção, você irá copiar os arquivos necessários para acionar o Soundhax e o universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
para a raiz do seu cartão SD
+ otherapp.bin
para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SDNesta seção, você irá iniciar o Soundhax através do aplicativo Som Nintendo 3DS, que usará o aplicativo universal-otherapp para iniciar o instaladorboot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +Abra o Som Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/SDCARD
, depois toque “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Para detalhes técnicos sobre os exploits que você usará nesta página, veja aqui e aqui (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with Korean systems on versions where the two numbers before the region in the system version string are lower than 33.
do Luma3DS)otherapp.bin
)Nesta seção, você irá copiar os arquivos necessários para acionar o Soundhax e o universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
para a raiz do seu cartão SD
+ otherapp.bin
para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SDNesta seção, você irá iniciar o Soundhax através do aplicativo Som Nintendo 3DS, que usará o aplicativo universal-otherapp para iniciar o instaladorboot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +Abra o Som Nintendo 3DS
+ + +/SDCARD
, depois toque “<3 nedwill 2016”
+ Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Para aproveitar do exploit do aplicativo do navegador, precisamos ignorar a verificação da versão do navegador, que é projetado para impedir o uso do navegador sem atualizar para a versão mais recente do sistema.
+ +Um servidor proxy público está disponível, o que, com a ajuda do exploit SSLoth, pode ignorar esta verificação.
+ +Assim que o bypass estiver ativo, uma página de exploit estará acessível para o resto do trabalho.
+ +Para detalhes técnicos sobre os exploits que você usará nesta página, veja aqui (SSLoth) e aqui (universal-otherapp).
+ +O SSLoth permite que os usuários na versão 11.13.0 e inferior ignorem a verificação da versão do navegador, permitindo o uso de novo browserhax ou old-browserhax (compatível com as versões 11.4.0 através de 11.13.0 em todas as regiões), que podem então ser usados em conjunto com aplicativos universal-otherapp.
+ +Se você atualizou seu dispositivo para a versão atual usando um cartucho, seu Navegador de Internet ficará inacessível. Se for esse o caso, você precisará atualizar seu dispositivo para a versão mais recente através das Configurações do Sistema e, em seguida, seguir o método para a versão mais recente.
do Luma3DS)otherapp.bin
)Nesta seção, você irá copiar os arquivos necessários para acionar ambos browserhax e universal-otherapp.
+ +otherapp.bin
para a raiz do seu cartão SD e renomeie-o para arm11code.bin
+ .bin
, não adicione no final do nome do arquivoboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SDNesta seção, você vai alterar suas configurações de conexão Internet para usar uma rede proxy criada para ignorar a verificação da versão do navegador, permitindo que o navegador funcione sem uma atualização do sistema. Isso permitirá que você acesse a página de exploit do navegador na próxima seção.
+ +Se você ainda não tem, certifique-se de que você tem uma conexão de Internet ativa configurada em seu console.
+ +Configurações da Internet
-> Configurações de Conexão
Alterar configurações
-> Próxima página (seta direita)
-> Configurações de proxy
Configuração Detalhada
, e a Porta para 8080
Nesta seção, você vai visitar a página de exploit do navegador, que usará ouniversal-otherapp para iniciar o instalador boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +
)Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Nesta seção, você irá restaurar as configurações de internet ao normal.
+ +Configurações da Internet
-> Configurações de Conexão
Alterar configurações
-> Próxima página (seta direita)
-> Configurações de proxy
Para executar o exploit no firmware SAFE_MODE do nosso sistema, precisamos injetar um perfil de Wi-Fi exploited.
+ +Podemos fazer isso usando um exploit existente, BannerBomb3.
+ +Para fazer isso, usamos a chave de criptografia do seu sistema (movable.sed) para construir um backup de DSiWare que executa um exploit no sistema para injetar o perfil Wi-Fi exploited na sua lista de conexões.
+ +Assim que o perfil Wi-Fi for injetado, usaremos o SAFE_MODE, que é um recurso de recuperação presente em todos os consoles 3DS, para ativar o perfil de Wi-Fi exploited.
+ +Para obter explicações técnicas, consulte os seguintes links para obter informações sobre os exploits BannerBomb3 e unSAFE_MODE: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +Essas instruções funcionam nas versões de consoles EUA, Europa, Japão e Coréia, indicadas pelas letras U, E, J ou K após a versão do sistema.
+ +Se os seus botões (Gatilho Esquerdo/Direito), (Botão direcional pra cima), ou (A) não funcionarem, você precisará seguir um ramo alternativo de Seedminer. Para obter ajuda com isso, entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e peça, em inglês, por ajuda.
do Luma3DS)Nesta seção, você irá copiar os arquivos necessários para acionar o exploit unSAFE_MODE no cartão SD do seu dispositivo.
+ +usm.bin
para a raiz do seu cartão SDboot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SD
+ boot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.bin
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SDNesta seção, você irá acionar o exploit BannerBomb3 usando o menu de Gerenciamento de DSiWare, que pode ser usado para substituir seus slots de Wi-Fi por dados modificados. Suas configurações de conexão Wi-Fi serão temporariamente sobrescritas enquanto o exploit estiver ativo.
+ +Gerenciamento de Dados
-> DSiWare
-> Cartão SD
+ Nesta seção, você entrará no Modo de Segurança (uma funcionalidade disponível em todos os dispositivos da família 3DS) e navegar até um menu onde unSAFE_MODE será acionado, que irá iniciar você no instalador do boot9strap (custom firmware).
+ +003-1099
. Isto é intencionalConexão 1
-> Alterar configurações
-> Próxima página (seta direita)
-> Configurações do proxy
-> Configuração Avançada
imagem)Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.
+ +boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDA partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.
+Nesta seção, ativará o exploit BannerBomb3 pela segunda vez para restaurar os slots de conexão Wi-Fi que foram substituídos na Seção II.
+ +Gerenciamento de Dados
-> DSiWare
-> Cartão SD
(imagem)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no seu cartão SDF00D43D5.bin
da sua pasta Nintendo DSiWare e do seu computador. Esse arquivo não será mais necessárioSe esta for sua primeira vez modificando um 3DS (ou você não é familiarizado com tecnologia), continue lendo! Caso contrário, se você tiver experiência prévia e souber o que está fazendo, volte para Começando.
+ +Esta página cobre algumas das terminologias de computador e informações específicas do 3DS que você deve saber antes de seguir este guia.
+ +Cada seção é recolhida por padrão. Clique ou toque no nome da seção para abri-lo.
+ +Este guia é compatível com todos os dispositivos de varejo da família de consoles do Nintendo 3DS (incluindo o 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, e New 2DS XL/LL), independentemente da região ou firmware.
+Você pode seguir este guia, contanto que possa baixar arquivos da Internet e copiá-los para o seu cartão SD. Dependendo de seu dispositivo computador/celular/eletrônico, talvez seja necessário comprar um adaptador USB para cartão SD para permitir que o computador leia seu cartão SD.
+O local do cartão SD e o tipo de cartão SD que é aceito dependem do modelo do seu 3DS. Mais informações podem ser encontradas na página de suporte oficial da Nintendo (disponível apenas em Inglês).
+ +O 3DS pode ler cartões SD de qualquer capacidade (mesmo aqueles maiores que 32GB), mas o cartão deve ser formatado como FAT32 (não exFAT ou NTFS). Se o seu cartão SD ainda não estiver formatado corretamente, use uma dessas páginas para formatá-lo, dependendo do seu sistema operacional: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +Para seguir este guia, você precisará de um cartão SD com capacidade de pelo menos 2GB.
+ +Se você quiser, você pode verificar se há erros no seu cartão SD antes de seguir este guia usando H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), ou F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +Modificando o seu dispositivo, você está sujeito à possibilidade remota (mas não zero) de o dispositivo ser banido de jogar on-line ou de ter um brick (renderizado como não-funcional). __O posicionamento de arquivo incorreto NÃO irá causar um brick em seu dispositivo __, mas pular as instruções propositalmente talvez o faça. Similarmente, a última onda de banimento ocorreu há mais de cinco anos, mas não há qualquer garantia de que uma outra não ocorrerá no futuro.
+ +Resumindo: Modificar seu dispositivo é seguro, mas é sua responsabilidade se algo der errado.
+ +Neste guia, você irá copiar arquivos que foram baixados no seu computador/telefone para o cartão SD do seu 3DS. Muitos desses arquivos vêm do GitHub, então consulte a captura de tela acima se você não estiver familiarizado com como baixar arquivos de lá.
+ +Alguns dos arquivos que você será solicitado a baixar vêm no formato de arquivo .zip
, que é usado para empacotar vários arquivos em um só arquivo.
Quando lhe dizem para “copiar (arquivo) de (arquivo).zip”, isso significa que você precisa abrir (ou “extrair”) o arquivo ZIP. Dentro do arquivo ZIP terá o arquivo que você está procurando, no qual você poderá copiar para o local especificado no seu cartão SD.
+ +Na maioria dos sistemas operacionais, você pode extrair arquivos clicando duas vezes no arquivo. Se isso não funcionar, você pode instalar uma ferramenta de extração de terceiros de boa reputação como 7-zip.
+Se o seu computador estiver executando o Windows, extensões de arquivos podem estar ocultadas por padrão, o que pode dificultar a busca de arquivos. Para habilitar extensões de arquivo, siga estas instruções.
+Se você tiver um problema ao seguir este guia, há muitas maneiras de obter ajuda!
+ +Continue em Começando
+ + +Esta é uma seção adicional, na qual moveremos o conteúdo de uma EmuNAND anterior para o seu novo CFW na SysNAND. Depois, removeremos a antiga partição da EmuNAND. Note que os termos EmuNAND e RedNAND se referem a implementações ligeiramente diferentes do mesmo conceito.
+ +Note que se você tem outros arquivos de payload diferentes do GodMode9.firm
na pasta /luma/payloads/
do seu cartão SD, segure (Start) durante a inicialização para exibir um “menu de chainloader” onde você terá que utilizar os botões direcionais e o botão (A) para selecionar “GodMode9” para estas instruções.
Você já DEVE ter instalado Luma3DS e boot9strap para usar isto.
+ +GodMode9.firm
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SDgm9
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a raiz do seu cartão SDSe você não tem nenhum jogo ou save de DSiWare que você se importa, pule esta seção.
-> title
para selecionar a pasta, depois selecione “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”
+ Se você não tem nenhum jogo ou save de VC de GBA que você se importa, pule esta seção.
+ +Note que isto não é necessário para nenhum outro tipo de jogo de Virtual Console (GBC, NES, etc)
+ +O jogo vai ser criado na pasta ‘/gm9/out/’ do cartão SD com o nome ‘
Para identificar o TitleID de um arquivo ‘
para selecioná-lo[E:] EMUNAND VIRTUAL
para selecioná-lo, depois selecione “NAND image options…”, depois selecione “Restore SysNAND (safe)”Se você não fez o backup de Saves de DSiWare anteriormente, pule esta seção.
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
para copiá-la[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
Se você não fez o backup de Saves do VC de GBA anteriormente, pule esta seção.
+ +Para identificar o TitleID de um arquivo ‘
-> gm9
para selecioná-lo<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
e essential.exefs
da pasta /gm9/out/
em seu cartão SD para um local seguro em seu computador
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
e <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
da pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SD após copiá-loGM9SD
+ boot.firm
no seu cartão SD com o do seu backupSe seu flashcart já veio com o ntrboot (ou você já instalou o ntrboot no seu flashcart), você pode pular para Instalando boot9strap (ntrboot) para obter instruções sobre como usá-lo.
+ +Instalar o boot9strap com o ntrboot requer um flashcart do DS / DSi compatível com o ntrboot. Note-se que alguns destes flashcarts são vendidos já executando flash em ntrboot.
+ +Enquanto o exploit do ntrboot funciona independentemente da versão do sistema, o ntrboot flasher (o qual instala o exploit no flashcart) não. Isto significa que, dependendo das versões e dispositivos suportados pelo seu flashcart, apenas certos métodos podem estar disponíveis para você.
+ +Observe que cartões com “Time Bomb” não poderão mais executar arquivos ‘.nds’ quando detectarem que o horário do sistema passou a data determinada pelo firmware do flashcart. Um método de contornar isto é ajustar o relógio do sistema para uma data anterior.
+ +Nome do flashcart | +Preço atual (em dólares) | +“Time Bomb”? | +Versões do 3ds? | +Versões do DSi? | +Outras notas | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +$15.99 | +September 3, 2024 | +TODAS | +TODAS | +Vem pré-flashed com ntrboot; pode ser flashed de volta para um flashcart de Nintendo DS. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +$19.99 | +Não | +TODAS | +TODAS | +Vem pré-flashed com ntrboot (botão interno para alterar entre ntrboot e modo NDS); não injete ntrboot manualmente. | +
Acekard 2i | +$20.99 | +Não | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +$9.99 | +Não | +Nenhum | +Nenhum | +Alguns modelos com certos chips de flashing são compatíveis com ntrboot. | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +$19.99 | +Não | +TODAS | +TODAS | +Todas as revisões RTS são compatíveis. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +$13.99 | +1.85b: 3 de setembro de 2024 | +TODAS | +TODAS | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: 3 de setembro de 2024 | +TODAS | +TODAS | +Apenas flashcarts do r4isdhc .com marcadas com um ano entre 2014 e 2020 são compatíveis. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: 3 de setembro de 2024 | +TODAS | +TODAS | +Apenas cartuchos r4isdhc .com marcados com um ano entre 2014 e 2020 são compatíveis. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | Não | +TODAS | +TODAS | +Vem pré-flashed com ntrboot (botão interno para alterar entre ntrboot (“3DS”) e modo NDS); não configurar manualmente com ntrboot. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | Não | +TODAS | +TODAS | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | Não | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +TODAS | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | Não | +TODAS | +TODAS | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | Não | +Nenhum | +Nenhum | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | Não | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +TODAS | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | Não | +<= 4.3.0 | +TODAS | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Desconhecido | +TODAS | +TODAS | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: 3 de setembro de 2024 | +TODAS | +TODAS | +Apenas cartuchos r4isdhc .com marcados com um ano entre 2014 e 2020 são compatíveis. | +
Certifique-se de que seu flashcart é capaz de executar arquivos ‘.nds’ em seu dispositivo antes de começar. Alguns flashcarts podem exigir arquivos de firmware ou “kernel” a serem copiados para o cartão SD do flashcart. Consulte as instruções do seu flashcart específico para obter mais informações.
+ +Observe que os métodos específicos podem ter informações adicionais de compatibilidade.
+ +O uso desse exploit, independentemente do método requer acesso a um ímã pequeno se o dispositivo de destino puder dobrar (qualquer sistema da família 3DS que não seja o antigo 2DS com um interruptor para o modo de descanso). Isso é porque o exploit requer que o seu dispositivo entre em modo de descanso enquanto ainda tem acesso aos botões.
+ +Para testar se o ímã funciona, segure no centro, ou ao redor dos botões (A)(B)(X)(Y) enquanto o dispositivo está ligado para ativar o modo de descanso. Caso aconteça, ambas as telas ficarão pretas enquanto o ímã é mantido nesse ponto.
+ +Saiba que o flashcart não será capaz de ser utilizado para a sua funcionalidade padrão enquanto o exploit ntrboot estiver instalado nele (exceto no caso do Acekard 2i, que permanece funcional *apenas em sistemas 3DS com custom firmware *). Isso significa que, para a maioria dos flashcarts, ele nem sequer será exibido no Menu HOME. Existem etapas opcionais no final das instruções da instalação do ntrboot para removê-lo do seu flashcart após terminar o guia.
+ +Note que em algumas raras circunstâncias, pode ser possível que o processo de instalação cause um brick em um flashcart falso e torne-o permanentemente inutilizável. Isso é pouco provável, mas, no entanto, apenas os flashcarts originais listados são suportados. Para reduzir as chances de receber um flashcart falso, é recomendado que você use um site com uma boa reputação para comprar o seu flashcart, (como o NDS Card)
+ +Este modo não requer nada além de seu 3DS original sem modificações e um cartão flashcart compatível. Este método usa o flashcart para executar o arquivo ‘.nds’ que faz o flash do ntrboot no seu 3DS. Isto significa que seu flashcart deve oferecer suporte a execução de arquivos ‘.nds’ na versão atual do seu 3DS. Consulte a tabela de flashcart acima para obter mais informações.
+ +Continue em Executar flash do ntrboot (único sistema 3DS)
+ +Este método requer acesso temporário a um segundo dispositivo da família de 3DS que já está executando boot9strap. Isso não requer que seu flashcart suporte nenhuma das versões de ambos 3DS.
+ +Continue para Executar flash em ntrboot (múltiplos sistemas 3DS)
+ +Este método requer acesso temporário a um Nintendo DS ou Nintendo DS Lite compatível com seu flashcart. Este método usa o flashcart para executar o arquivo ‘.nds’ que faz o flash do ntrboot no seu NDS.
+ +Continue em Executar flash do ntrboot (NDS)
+ +Este método requer acesso temporário a um Nintendo DSi compatível com seu flashcart. Este método usa o flashcart para executar o arquivo ‘.nds’ que faz o flash do ntrboot no seu DSi. Isso significa que seu flashcart deve suportar a execução de arquivos ‘.nds’ na versão do seu DSi. Consulte a tabela de flashcart acima para obter mais informações.
+ +Continue em Executar flash do ntrboot (DSi)
+ + +Este site utiliza cookies para facilitar o encaminhamento de usuários através das instruções do guia. Cookies permitem que a barra lateral da página exiba o progresso atual através do site para ajudar os usuários a navegar as instruções com mais facilidade.
+ +Este site pode incluir conteúdo importado (e.g. vídeos, imagens, artigos, etc.). Esse conteúdo se comporta como se o usuário tivesse visitado o outro website.
+ +Estes sites podem coletar dados sobre você, usar cookies, incorporar rastreamento adicional de terceiros e monitorar sua interação com esse conteúdo incorporado. Incluindo acompanhar sua interação com o conteúdo importado se você tem uma conta e está conectada neste site.
+ +Este site usa o Google Analytics para monitorar e analisar o tráfego. Este site está hospedado pelo Github Pages, que pode coletar dados sobre você, usar cookies, incorporar mais rastreamento de terceiros e monitorar sua interação com este site. Para obter mais informações sobre o Github Pages em relação à privacidade do usuário, consulte a Declaração de Privacidade do GitHub.
+ +Este site não coleta informações pessoais. Este site pode coletar informações de uso para analisar interesse no conteúdo e fornecer aos anunciantes informações numa base agregada. Nenhuma informação pessoal é compartilhada com anunciantes.
+ +Este site pode vincular a outros sites para referência ou uso dos usuários. Este site não é responsável pela política de privacidade de outros sites. Os usuários devem estar cientes de que as políticas de privacidade de outros sites podem ser diferentes desta.
+ +O conteúdo desta Política de Privacidade pode ser alterado a qualquer momento e por qualquer motivo.
+ + +Esta é uma seção adicional para mudar a região da sua SysNAND com CFW. Isto é feito através da instalação da imagem CTRTransfer 11.15.0 da região para qual você deseja trocar. Após instalar a imagem, você pode atualizar seu dispositivo normalmente para o firmware mais recente (11.16.0).
+ +Note que a mudança de região é quase completamente desnecessária uma vez que o Luma3DS suporta jogos de outras regiões e aplicativos inidividuais através de [Locale Emulation] +( Além, disso, rodar jogos do Nintendo DS com idiomas de outras regiões é possível através do TWiLight Menu++.
+ +Note que se você tem outros arquivos de payload diferentes do GodMode9.firm
na pasta /luma/payloads/
do seu cartão SD, segure (Start) durante a inicialização para exibir um “menu de chainloader” onde você terá que utilizar os botões direcionais e o botão (A) para selecionar “GodMode9” para estas instruções.
Se você mudar a região do seu dispositivo:
+ +Você já DEVE ter instalado Luma3DS e boot9strap para usar isto.
+ +Executar uma alteração de região pode quebrar jogos do modo de memória estendida (Monster Hunter, Super Smash Bros, Pokemon Sun/Moon) em dispositivos Old 3DS/2DS. Se isso acontecer, você vai precisar formatar o dispositivo (usando TinyFormat ou na Configuração do Console) para consertar o erro.
+ +Para utilizar os magnet links dessa página, você precisará de um cliente torrent como [qBittorrent ( ou Deluge.
na raiz do seu cartão SD se ela ainda não existirGodMode9.firm
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SDgm9
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a raiz do seu cartão SD.bin
do CTRTransfer .zip
para a pasta /gm9/
no seu cartão SDFBI.3dsx
para a pasta /3ds/
no seu cartão SD<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
e essential.exefs
da pasta /gm9/out/
em seu cartão SD para um local seguro em seu computador
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
e <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
da pasta /gm9/out/
no seu cartão SD após copiá-lo[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
da CTRTransfer para selecioná-loNintendo 3DS
e Nintendo DS
na raiz do seu cartão SDSe o script não encontrou nenhum user tickets e falou para você pular essa sessão, você pode pular essa sessão.
+ +eshop
, unknown
, ou ambas
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
da CTRTransfer para apagá-laEsta página foi movida para Restaurando / Atualizando CFW.
+ + +Esta página prepara consoles com uma instalação moderna do boot9strap para reinstalação e/ou atualização de aplicativos de custom firmware. Ele também pode ser usado em caso de perda ou corrupção do cartão SD.
+ +Seu cartão SD precisa estar formatado como FAT32 para seguir este guia, caso contrário, o 3DS não conseguirá reconhecê-lo. Se o seu cartão SD ainda não estiver formatado corretamente, use uma dessas páginas para formatá-lo, dependendo do seu sistema operacional: Windows, Mac, Linux.
do Luma3DS)boot.3dsx
e boot.firm
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SD, substituindo quaisquer arquivos existentes
+ A última versão do Luma3DS foi instalada no seu cartão SD e na memória interna.
+Se você deseja reinstalar ou atualizar outros aplicativos de homebrew, continue em Finalizando a instalação
+ + +Para instalar boot9strap em seu dispositivo, nós derivamos a chave de criptografia exclusiva do seu dispositivo. Para fazer isso, usamos uma ferramenta chamada Seedminer para calcular a chave de criptografia de dados (movable.sed) do seu dispositivo.
+ +Para mais informações sobre como Seedminer funciona, veja esta apresentação.
+ +Esse método usufrui de uma poderosa placa de vídeo para realizar os cálculos necessários. Um website voluntário é utilizado com o propósito de te ajudar com esse método.
+ +Nesta seção, você vai atualizar seu sistema para a versão mais recente, que é necessária para o Seedminer.
+ +Nesta seção, você receberá os detalhes necessários no seu 3DS que são necessários para descobrir a chave de criptografia do seu dispositivo.
+ +Antes de seguir esta seção:
+Nintendo 3DS
no seu cartão SDprivate
se ela está presenteNesta seção, você usará o site Bruteforce Movable para obter a chave de criptografia do seu dispositivo na forma de movable.sed
e continuar para a próxima seção. Você não precisa (re)adicionar o botStep 2: Bruteforce
do site
+ Assim que você tiver a chave de criptografia do seu dispositivo (movable.sed
), você a usará em conjunto com o BannerBomb3, que usa o arquivo movable.sed
para se aproveitar dos exploits no aplicativo Configurações do Sistema.
Continue em BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +Para instalar boot9strap em seu dispositivo, nós derivamos a chave de criptografia exclusiva do seu dispositivo. Para fazer isso, usamos uma ferramenta chamada Seedminer para calcular a chave de criptografia de dados (movable.sed) do seu dispositivo.
+ +Para mais informações sobre como Seedminer funciona, veja esta apresentação.
+ +Esse método usufrui de uma poderosa placa de vídeo para realizar os cálculos necessários. Um website voluntário é utilizado com o propósito de te ajudar com esse método.
+ +Nesta seção, você vai atualizar seu sistema para a versão mais recente, que é necessária para o Seedminer.
+ +Nesta seção, você receberá os detalhes necessários no seu 3DS que são necessários para descobrir a chave de criptografia do seu dispositivo.
+ +Antes de seguir esta seção:
+Nintendo 3DS
no seu cartão SDprivate
se ela está presenteNesta seção, você usará o site Bruteforce Movable para obter a chave de criptografia do seu dispositivo na forma de movable.sed
e continuar para a próxima seção. Você não precisa (re)adicionar o botStep 2: Bruteforce
do site
+ Assim que você tiver a chave de criptografia do seu dispositivo (movable.sed
), você a usará em conjunto com o BannerBomb3, que usa o arquivo movable.sed
para se aproveitar dos exploits no aplicativo Configurações do Sistema.
Continue em BannerBomb3
+ + +Popular
+ + + +Todos
+ +Esta página oferece troubleshooting para problemas comuns. Se você não consegue resolver seu problema com o conselho nesta página, por favor entre no Nintendo Homebrew no Discord e descreva o seu problema, incluindo o que você já tentou.
+ +Usado em múltiplas páginas:
+Páginas do guia:
+Erros após a instalação:
+ + +Você não tem o boot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
da pasta boot9strap
, ou a pasta boot9strap
está com o nome errado. Baixe a versão mais recente do boot9strap, e coloque boot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
na pasta boot9strap
Há um problema com seus arquivos boot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
. Baixe novamente a versão mais recente do boot9strap, e coloque o boot9strap.firm
e boot9strap.firm.sha
na pasta boot9strap
Você não tem o secret_sector.bin
da pasta boot9strap
, ou a pasta boot9strap
está com um nome incorreto. Baixe o secret_sector.bin usando um cliente torrent, e coloque-o na pasta boot9strap
Entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew para obter ajuda, e descreva a mensagem que você vê.
+Isso ocorre quando você usa o seu cartão SD em vários dispositivos 3DS e isso é para prevenir de emergir dados que não seriam válidos em outros dispositivos. Para descobrir qual pasta de nome longo é a correta para seu 3DS, siga estas instruções:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
para BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
no seu cartão SDNintendo 3DS
BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
para Nintendo 3DS
O site já minerou seu movable.sed
usando seu friend code e a combinação do ID0. Você pode usar o movable.sed
que ele te fornece.
Seu friend code foi bloqueado de usar o bot porque o seu 3DS falhou em adicionar o bot como amigo. Certifique-se de que seu 3DS esteja conectado à internet corretamente e, em seguida, entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e peça para ser desbloqueado.
+O site determinou que seu movable.sed
não pode ser brute-forced. Certifique-se de que você deu o ID0 correto para o site. Se o seu ID0 estiver correto, então você não poderá usar o Seedminer e terá que usar um método alternativo que exigirá jogos ou hardware adicionais.
Isso pode ocorrer se você usou vários cartões SD em um 3DS e então mesclou os conteúdos dos cartões SD juntos. Isto é feito para evitar a fusão de dados contraditórios e válidos.
+ +Para corrigir isso, você precisará determinar qual pasta contém seus dados. Normalmente, será a maior das pastas. Faça backup e apague a(s) menor(es), então crie uma pasta Nintendo DSiWare
no diretório que resta e mova o F00D43D5.bin
para essa localização.
Certifique-se de que F00D43D5.bin
seja o único arquivo em Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
Além disso, certifique-se de que o bb3.bin
está na raiz do cartão SD. Caso esteja faltando, baixe a versão mais recente do Bannerbomb3 (download direto) e copie o arquivo bb3.bin
para a raiz do seu cartão SD.
Se nenhuma destas soluções resolver o problema, então custom firmware pode ter sido desinstalado no seu dispositivo de uma forma que torna esse método impossível de executar. Se for esse o caso, junte-se ao Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e peça ajuda, em Inglês.
está ausente em Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. Certifique-se de que Nintendo DSiWare
esteja corretamente escrito e espaçado. Letras maiúsculas ou minúsculas não importam.
Pode haver um problema com o seu arquivo F00D43D5.bin
(pode estar corrompido ou destinado ao 3DS errado). Crie novamente seu arquivo F00D43D5.bin
com o Bannerbomb3 Injector, garantindo que você utilize o arquivo movable.sed
do seu console.
unSAFE_MODE não está instalado. Siga as instruções para instalá-lo.
+O arquivo usm.bin
está faltando ou está deslocado. Baixe a última versão do unSAFE_MODE e coloque usm.bin
na raiz do seu cartão SD. Não adicione a extensão .bin
se você não a vê.
Há também a possibilidade de o console não estar lendo seu cartão SD. Certifique-se de que está inserido e formatado corretamente.
+O arquivo SafeB9SInstaller.bin
está ausente ou fora do lugar apropriado. Baixe a última versão do SafeB9SInstaller, extraia e coloque SafeB9SInstaller.bin
na raiz do seu cartão SD. Não adicione a extensão .bin
se você não a vê.
Faça o backup de seus dados e formate novamente seu cartão SD como FAT32 com a ferramenta recomendada dependendo do seu sistema operacional (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard e a ferramenta de formatação da HP (HPUSBDisk) são conhecidas por causar problemas com cartões SD para 3DS.
+ +Se isso falhar, tente usar outro cartão SD.
+Certifique-se de que o seu movable.sed
e backup de DSiWare venham do mesmo console. Uma incompatibilidade resultará em erro.
Você esqueceu de deletar F00D43D5.bin
do cartão SD. Navegue até Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
no seu cartão SD e apague o arquivo F00D43D5.bin
Há um problema com seu arquivo 42383821.bin
(ele está incorreto, faltando, colocado no lugar errado ou corrompido). Recrie seus arquivos com o site DSIHaxInjector_new e certifique-se de colocar o arquivo 42383821.bin
-> hax
em Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
não foi copiado do cartão SD para a memória do sistema.
Seu aplicativo das Conexões Nintendo DS está quebrado, e você precisará de acesso ao Homebrew Launcher para corrigir esse problema. Entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew para obter ajuda.
+O Flipnote pode levar um bom tempo para indexar o seu cartão se você tiver um cartão SD grande. Deixe-o por alguns minutos.
+Você não copiou a pasta private
do Frogminer_save .zip
para a raiz do seu cartão SD.
Você pode ter tocado acidentalmente na tela enquanto estava no Flipnote modificado. Entre novamente nas Conexões Nintendo DS e tente novamente, garantindo que você não use acidentalmente a touchscreen.
+O arquivo boot.nds
está faltando ou está fora do lugar apropriado. Baixe a versão mais recente do b9stool e coloque boot.nds
na raiz do seu cartão SD, substituindo o existente.
Há um problema com o seu arquivo boot.nds
. Baixe novamente a versão mais recente do b9stool e coloque boot.nds
na raiz do seu cartão SD, substituindo o existente.
Entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e explique o que aconteceu.
+Se o seu dispositivo está na versão 9.4.0, 9.5.0, ou 9.6.0, você pode estar encontrando um bug com uma versão antiga de universal-otherapp. Baixe a versão mais recente daqui.
+ +Se seu dispositivo não está em algum desses firmwares, isso provavelmente indica que você já tem custom firmware. Você deve checar por CFW.
+Há um problema com seu arquivo otherapp.bin
(ele está faltando, colocado no lugar errado ou corrompido). Baixe a última versão do universal-otherapp e coloque-a na raiz do seu cartão SD.
Você tem o arquivo Soundhax errado para seu dispositivo e região, ou seu dispositivo é incompatível com Soundhax. No último caso, você deve atualizar seu dispositivo para a versão mais recente e continuar com o Seedminer.
+O arquivo SafeB9SInstaller.bin
está ausente ou fora do lugar apropriado. Baixe a última versão do SafeB9SInstaller, extraia e coloque SafeB9SInstaller.bin
na raiz do seu cartão SD. Não adicione a extensão .bin
se você não a vê.
Faça o backup de seus dados e formate novamente seu cartão SD como FAT32 com a ferramenta recomendada dependendo do seu sistema operacional (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard e a ferramenta de formatação da HP (HPUSBDisk) são conhecidas por causar problemas com cartões SD para 3DS.
+ +Se isso falhar, tente usar outro cartão SD.
+Isso provavelmente indica que você já possui custom firmware. Você deve checar por CFW.
+O arquivo arm11code.bin
está faltando ou está deslocado. Baixe a última versão do universal-otherapp, coloque otherapp.bin
na raiz do seu cartão SD e renomeie-o para arm11code.bin
. Não adicione a extensão .bin
se você não a vê.
Há um problema com o seu arquivo arm11code.bin
. Baixe a última versão do universal-otherapp, coloque otherapp.bin
na raiz do seu cartão SD e renomeie-o para arm11code.bin
. Não adicione a extensão .bin
se você não a vê.
Exploits de navegador (como este) são muitas vezes instáveis e caem com frequência, mas em alguns casos eles podem ser consertados seguindo as seguintes etapas.
+ +Deletar dados salvos
O proxy SSLoth está configurado incorretamente. Refaça a seção SSLoth na página.
+Siga estes passos em ordem:
+ +Configurações da Internet
-> Configurações de Conexão
Alterar configurações
-> Próxima página (seta direita)
-> Configurações de proxy
Primeiro, certifique-se de que você inseriu o proxy correto para a conexão que está usando. Se não, volte para Seção II. Se o proxy está correto, então seu dispositivo foi atualizado com um cartucho, o que significa que um exploit alternativo precisará ser usado.
+ +Método 1
+Se os dois números antes da região na string de versão do sistema são iguais ou menores que 36 (por exemplo, Ver. 11.14.0-36U), você pode seguir Soundhax. Quando solicitado a selecionar um firmware para gerar o arquivo de som, use:
Método 2 (apenas Old 3DS)
+Se você tiver um Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, você pode tentar uma atualização do Modo Seguro, que ativará um exploit alternativo:
Se estes métodos não funcionaram (ou não se aplicam a você), atualize seu dispositivo para a versão mais recente e siga Seedminer.
+ +O arquivo SafeB9SInstaller.bin
está ausente ou fora do lugar apropriado. Baixe a última versão do SafeB9SInstaller, extraia e coloque SafeB9SInstaller.bin
na raiz do seu cartão SD. Não adicione a extensão .bin
se você não a vê.
Pode haver um problema com o seu arquivo arm11code.bin
. Baixe novamente a versão mais recente do universal-otherapp, coloque-o na raiz do seu cartão SD e renomeie-o para arm11code.bin
. Não adicione a extensão .bin
se você não a vê.
Se tiver uma unidade de Taiwan (com um T na linha de versão, por exemplo, 11.3.0-##T), você não será capaz de seguir estas instruções, e precisará atualizar o seu console e seguir Seedminer.
+ +Se você tiver uma unidade chinesa continental (com um C na linha de versão, ie. 11.3.0-##C), junte-se Nintendo Homebrew no Discord para assistência.
+Entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew para obter ajuda.
+Faça o backup de seus dados e formate novamente seu cartão SD como FAT32 com a ferramenta recomendada dependendo do seu sistema operacional (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard e a ferramenta de formatação da HP (HPUSBDisk) são conhecidas por causar problemas com cartões SD para 3DS.
+ +Se isso falhar, tente usar outro cartão SD.
+As etapas abaixo podem ser tentadas em qualquer ordem, mas são listadas de maneira mais fácil para maneira mais difícil de realizar.
+ +Baixe este config.ini alternativo e coloque-o em /luma/
. Isso vai mudar a combinação de botões do Rosalina para (X) + (Y).
Há um problema com o seu arquivo boot.3dsx
(ele está faltando, colocado no lugar errado ou corrompido). Baixe a versão mais recente do Homebrew Launcher e coloque boot.3dsx
na raiz do seu cartão SD, substituindo qualquer arquivo existente.
Você não copiou a pasta gm9
do GodMode9 .zip
para a raiz do seu cartão SD. Baixe a versão mais recente do GodMode9 e coloque a pasta gm9
na raiz do seu cartão SD, combinando-a com a atual.
Certifique-se de que você tem pelo menos 1.3GB disponíveis no seu cartão SD. Se você não tem espaço suficiente, siga estes passos:
+Nintendo 3DS
da raiz do seu cartão SD para o seu computadorgm9/out
do seu SD para um local seguro no seu computador<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
e <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
do cartão SD, mantendo essential.exefs em /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
do seu computador para a raiz do seu cartão SDNintendo 3DS
do seu computadorSe você tiver espaço suficiente no seu cartão SD, seu SD pode estar corrompido ou com defeito. Verifique se há erros no seu cartão SD de acordo com o sistema operacional do seu computador: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+As etapas detalhadas aqui geralmente assumem que o seu dispositivo tem uma instalação moderna de custom firmware (boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 ou adiante). Se o seu console está executando uma instalação homebrew mais antiga (por exemplo, algo baseado em arm9loaderhax ou menuhax), você deve atualizar sua configuração antes de tentar essas instruções.
+ +Há um problema com o seu arquivo boot.firm
. Se você estiver executando boot9strap 1.4, seu LED de notificação do 3DS poderá terá uma certa cor. Esta cor é usada para diagnosticar problemas que envolvem seu arquivo boot.firm
no cartão SD ou na memória interna. Em versões mais antigas do boot9strap, a luz azul será desligada quase imediatamente quando tentar ligar o dispositivo.
Se o LED de notificação acender:
+ +boot.firm
no seu cartão SD ou na memória interna.boot.firm
no seu cartão SD. Ele foi capaz de encontrar boot.firm
na memória interna, mas o arquivo está corrompido.boot.firm
tanto no seu cartão SD quanto na memória interna, mas ambos os arquivos estão corrompidos.Você pode obter um novo arquivo boot.firm
baixando a versão mais recente do Luma3DS, extraindo e colocando boot.firm
na raiz do seu cartão SD. Se o seu arquivo boot.firm
está sendo constantemente detectado como corrompido, você pode querer verificar se há erros no seu cartão SD (Windows, Linux, ou macOS). Além disso, note que o 3DS tende a ter problemas com arquivos extraídos usando WinRAR.
Se você ouvir um “pop”, potencialmente acompanhado com a tela ativando por um segundo, há um problema de hardware no seu dispositivo (como um cabo de tela desconectado). Você talvez possa fazer seu dispositivo inicializar segurando-o em certos ângulos.
+As etapas abaixo podem ser tentadas em qualquer ordem, mas são listadas de menos para mais demorada.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
no seu cartão SD para Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
, depois tente inicializar. Se o seu dispositivo for inicializado com sucesso, há algum problema com a pasta Nintendo 3DS
. Tente limpar a extdata do Menu HOME:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Apague a pasta correspondente da região do seu 3DS:
+ 00000098
Sua versão do Luma3DS está desatualizada. Baixe a versão mais recente do Luma3DS e coloque boot.firm
na raiz do seu cartão SD, substituindo qualquer arquivo existente. Certifique-se de estar extraindo o arquivo ZIP com qualquer outra ferramenta que não seja o WinRAR, pois é conhecido por causar problemas com arquivos relacionados ao 3DS.
Há uma série de razões para que isto possa estar acontecendo. Em qualquer caso, este erro geralmente pode ser corrigido seguindo o guia de CTRTransfer.
+Os ARM11 exception handlers estão desabilitados, ou custom firmware não está instalado. Tente habilitar os ARM11 exception handlers:
+Isso pode ser causado por várias razões, mas principalmente porque o seu cartão SD não está sendo lido pelo sistema. +Você pode verificar se seu SD não está sendo lido segurando SELECT na inicialização e verificando o texto amarelo na parte inferior; Se disser “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, então seu sistema está iniciando da memória interna e não do cartão SD. +Se este for o caso, tente os passos abaixo, os quais são listados de mais fácil para mais difícil:
e coloque-o na raiz do seu cartão SD (substituindo qualquer arquivo existente)Seu dispositivo provavelmente está hard-bricked. Você precisará comprar um flashcart de ntrboot para reinstalar o boot9strap para tentar corrigir seu dispositivo. Isso também pode indicar um problema de hardware que não pode ser corrigido. De qualquer forma, entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew para obter ajuda.
+Por favor, tire uma foto do erro e entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew para obter ajuda.
na raiz do seu cartão SD se ela ainda não existirTWLFix-CFW.3dsx
para a pasta /3ds/
do seu cartão SDO seu dispositivo está executando o Luma3DS 6.6 ou inferior, provavelmente através do arm9loaderhax. Você deve seguir A9LH para B9S para atualizar seu dispositivo para um ambiente moderno de custom firmware.
+Isso pode ocorrer após uma CTRTransfer ou mudança de região no Old 3DS / 2DS. Você precisará formatar seu dispositivo para corrigir esse problema.
+Procure pela sua exception screen nesta página. +Se você não conseguiu encontrar seu erro ou as instruções não funcionaram, entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew para obter mais assistência.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
no seu cartão SD00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
no seu cartão SD000002ce
Desative o recurso Controle dos Pais indo em Configurações do Sistema -> Controles dos Pais e inserindo o PIN, então pressionando “Limpar configurações”, depois “Excluir” para removê-lo. +No entanto, se você não sabe o PIN e, portanto, não pode acessar as configurações do dispositivo, você precisará desativá-lo. Para fazer isso, você precisa obter a master key do seu dispositivo (mkey):
+Isso irá remover completamente o CFW do seu dispositivo, incluindo boot9strap e Luma3DS, com o propósito de restaurar o dispositivo ao estado de varejo.
+ +Quaisquer jogos não assinados (ilegítimos) serão dados como inutilizáveis e serão removidos durante este processo. Use um gerenciador de saves para fazer backup de quaisquer saves com que você se importe.
+ +Se você está removendo o CFW porque:
+ +PARE!!! Desinstalar custom firmware é um risco desnecessário que, na melhor das hipóteses, perderá seu tempo e, no mínimo, o seu console poderá ter um BRICK. Uma ideia melhor seria pedir ajuda a Nintendo Homebrew no Discord.
+Se você já fez QUALQUER das seguintes coisas:
) do consoleentão desinstalar CFW IRÁ CAUSAR UM BRICK EM SEU CONSOLE. Se isso se aplicar a você, restaure um backup da NAND limpo antes de continuar.
+Estas instruções só funcionarão em dispositivos com o Luma3DS versão 8.0 e adiante. Se você tem uma versão mais antiga do Luma, você deve atualizar sua configuração antes de seguir estas instruções. Siga esta página para encontrar suas instruções de atualização.
+ +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SDGodMode9.firm
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a pasta /luma/payloads/
no seu cartão SDgm9
do .zip
do GodMode9 para a raiz do seu cartão SDDSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
para a pasta /3ds/
no seu cartão SDsafety_test.gm9
para a pasta /gm9/scripts/
no seu cartão SDO objetivo desta seção é verificar se os aplicativos do modo DS embutidos continuarão a funcionar assim que o CFW for desinstalado. Se você pular esta seção, o modo DS ou suas funções poderão ficar inacessíveis até que o CFW seja reinstalado.
+ +Configuração de Internet
-> Conexões Nintendo DS
, depois clique em OKSe qualquer um desses testes falhar, o Modo DS, DS Download Play, e/ou Conexões Nintendo DS podem estar inacessíveis quando o CFW for desinstalado! Você deve corrigir o modo DS antes de continuar.
+ +O objetivo desta seção é verificar se o console irá ligar e que as funções críticas do sistema, como as configurações do sistema e o teclado, funcionarão quando o CFW for desinstalado. Se você pular esta seção, você pode CAUSAR UM BRICK em seu dispositivo!
+ +Se você NÃO inicializar no Menu HOME padrão do 3DS, ou a configuração do sistema / seu teclado está inacessível, NÃO continue com estas instruções! Entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e pergunte (em Inglês) para alguém lá te ajudar.
+ +Esta seção removerá conteúdo ilegítimo, como homebrew e cartuchos dumped. Se você tem saves com que você se importa, faça backup com um gerenciador de saves antes de continuar!
+ +Essa seção irá garantir que todos os tickets ilegítimos sejam removidos, permitindo que a eShop funcione normalmente. Isso removerá todo o conteúdo do 3DS e desconectará você do seu NNID. Tenha em mente que a chave de criptografia do seu console será embaralhada, o que significa que quaisquer dados antigos ficarão inacessíveis, mesmo que você tenha um backup do conteúdo do seu SD.
+ +Esta é a sua oportunidade final de verificar se todas as etapas de segurança acima foram seguidas! Por favor, certifique-se de que você seguiu todas as seções desta página, especialmente Seção III - Teste de segurança
, antes de continuar.
Todo o custom firmware foi removido do seu dispositivo.
+ +Agora você pode remover quaisquer arquivos e pastas extras da raiz do seu cartão SD que não são as pastas Nintendo 3DS
ou private
Esta página é para usuários do boot9strap atualizarem a instalação do boot9strap para a versão mais recente.
+ +Embora acreditemos que o custom firmware é seguro para uso on-line, já houveram banimentos de rede online no passado, principalmente por cheats e comportamento suspeito na eShop.
do Luma3DS)Para todas as etapas nesta seção, substitua quaisquer arquivos existentes no seu cartão SD.
+ +boot9strap
na raiz do seu cartão SDboot9strap.firm
e o boot9strap.firm.sha
do .zip
do boot9strap para a pasta /boot9strap/
no seu cartão SDSafeB9SInstaller.firm
do .zip
do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz do seu cartão SD e renomeie-o para boot.firm
+ Se um boot.firm
já existir, substitua-oReinsira seu cartão SD no seu dispositivo
+ + +boot.firm
e boot.3dsx
do .zip
do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SD, substituindo o arquivo existenteThis is an add-on section for region changing your device. This is done by installing the 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image for the region you want to switch to. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).
+ +Note that region changing is almost completely unnecessary since Luma3DS supports out-of-region games and individual title Locale Emulation. Additionally, running NDS games with alternative out-of-region languages is supported by TWiLight Menu++. You should only perform a region change if you wish to have your system UI is in a language that is not available on your console’s current region.
+ +This page assumes that you have already installed Luma3DS and boot9strap. If you followed this website to the end (Finalizing Setup), you have Luma3DS and boot9strap.
+ +As a part of this process, your system configuration will be reset to its defaults. This includes things such as your username, country, and language. Installed games and their save data will not be affected.
+ +If you change the region of your device:
+ +To download the CTRTransfer images on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
on the root of your SD card if it does not already existGodMode9.firm
from the GodMode9 .zip
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD cardgm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD card.bin
from the CTRTransfer .zip
to the /gm9/
folder on your SD cardFBI.3dsx
to the /3ds/
folder on your SD card<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
to select itNintendo 3DS
and Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIf the script found no user tickets and told you to skip this section, you can skip this section.
+ +eshop
folder, unknown
folder, or both
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
to delete it[1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND
-> data
-> <ID0>
-> sysdata
+ <ID0>
will be a folder with a 32 character length random-looking name. You may recognize this from Seedminer, if you used that method00010017
, press (X) to delete itYour 3DS has successfully been region changed!
+ + +This page prepares consoles with an existing modern boot9strap installation for reinstallation and/or updating of custom firmware applications. It can also be used in the event of a lost or corrupted SD card.
+ +Your SD card must be formatted as FAT32 to follow this guide, or else the 3DS will be unable to recognize it. If your SD card is not yet properly formatted, use one of these pages to format it, depending on your operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux.
and boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card, replacing any existing files
+ The latest version of Luma3DS has now been installed on your SD card and on internal memory.
+If you wish to re-install or update other homebrew applications, continue to Finalizing Setup
+ + +Sitemap:
diff --git a/rss.xml b/rss.xml new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c4f64417ce --- /dev/null +++ b/rss.xml @@ -0,0 +1,5408 @@ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder on your SD cardprivate
folder if you have itIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder on your SD cardprivate
folder if you have itIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3
+ + +Popular
+ + + +All
+ +This page offers troubleshooting advice for commonly encountered issues. If you are unable to solve your issue with the advice on this page, please join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and describe your issue, including what you have already tried.
+ +Used on multiple pages:
+Guide pages:
+Issues after installation:
+You are missing boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap
folder, or the boot9strap
folder is misnamed. Download the latest release of boot9strap, and place boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
in the boot9strap
There is an issue with your boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
files. Re-download the latest release of boot9strap, and place boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
in the boot9strap
You are missing secret_sector.bin
from the boot9strap
folder, or the boot9strap
folder is misnamed. Download secret_sector.bin using a torrent client, and place it in the boot9strap
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance, and describe the message that you see.
+This occurs when you use your SD card in multiple 3DS devices and is intended to prevent inadvertently merging data that would not be valid on other devices. To figure out which long folder name is correct for your 3DS, follow these instructions:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
folder to BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
folder on your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folderBACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
folder to Nintendo 3DS
The website has already mined your movable.sed
using your friend code and ID0 combination. You can use the movable.sed
that it provides you.
Your friend code was blocked from using the friend code bot because your 3DS did not successfully friend the bot. Ensure your 3DS is properly connected to the Internet, then join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask to be unlocked.
+The website has determined that your movable.sed
cannot be brute-forced. Ensure that you gave the correct ID0 to the website. If your ID0 is correct, then you will be unable to use Seedminer and you will have to use an alternate method that will require additional games or hardware.
This can occur if you’ve used multiple SD cards on a 3DS and then merged the contents of the SD cards together. This is done to prevent conflicting, valid data from being merged together.
+ +To fix this, you will need to determine which folder contains your data. Usually, this will be the larger (or largest) of the folders. Backup and delete the smaller one(s), then create a Nintendo DSiWare
folder in the one that remains and move F00D43D5.bin
to that location.
Ensure that F00D43D5.bin
is the only file in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. If it is, then re-create it with the Bannerbomb3 Injector.
Also, ensure that bb3.bin
is on the root of the SD card. If it is missing, then download the latest release of Bannerbomb3 (direct download), and copy the bb3.bin
file to the root of your SD card.
If neither of these solutions fixes this problem, then custom firmware may have been uninstalled on this device in a way that makes this method impossible to perform. If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
is missing from Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
. Make sure that Nintendo DSiWare
is correctly spelled and spaced. Uppercase/lowercase does not matter.
There may be an issue with your F00D43D5.bin
file (it may be corrupted or intended for the wrong 3DS). Re-create your F00D43D5.bin
file with the Bannerbomb3 Injector, ensuring that you use the movable.sed
file for your console.
unSAFE_MODE is not installed. Follow the instructions to install it.
+The file usm.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of unSAFE_MODE and place usm.bin
on the root of your SD card. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
There is also a possibility that the console isn’t reading your SD card. Make sure it is inserted and formatted correctly.
+The file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+Ensure that your movable.sed
and DSiWare backup come from the same console. A mismatch will result in an error.
You forgot to delete F00D43D5.bin
from the SD card. Navigate to Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card and delete the F00D43D5.bin
There is an issue with your 42383821.bin
file (it is incorrect, missing, misplaced, or corrupted). Re-create your files with the DSIHaxInjector_new website and ensure that you place the 42383821.bin
file from
-> hax
in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
was not copied from your SD card to your system memory.
Your DS Connection Settings application is broken, and you will need Homebrew Launcher access to fix this issue. Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Flipnote may take a long time to index your card if you have a large SD card. Let it sit for a few minutes.
+You did not copy the private
folder from the Frogminer_save .zip
to the root of your SD card.
You may have accidentally touched the touch screen while in the modified Flipnote. Re-enter DS Connection Settings and try again, ensuring that you don’t accidentally use the touchscreen.
+The file boot.nds
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of b9stool and place boot.nds
on the root of your SD card, replacing the existing one.
There is an issue with your boot.nds
file. Re-download the latest release of b9stool and place boot.nds
on the root of your SD card, replacing the existing one.
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and explain what has happened.
+If your device is on system version 9.4.0, 9.5.0, or 9.6.0, you may be encountering a bug with an old version of universal-otherapp. Download the latest version from here.
+ +If your device is not on those firmwares, it likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. You should check for CFW.
+There is an issue with your otherapp.bin
file (it is missing, misplaced, or corrupted). Download the latest release of universal-otherapp and place it on the root of your SD card.
You have the wrong Soundhax file for your device and region, or your device is incompatible with Soundhax. In the latter case, you should update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+The file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+This likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. You should check for CFW.
+The file arm11code.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
There is an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
Browser based exploits (such as this one) are often unstable and crash frequently, but they can sometimes be fixed by doing the following steps.
+ +The SSLoth proxy was incorrectly configured. Re-do the SSLoth section on the page.
+Follow these steps in order:
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
First, make sure you entered the correct proxy for the connection you’re using. If not, go back to Section II. If the proxy is correct, then your device has been cart-updated, which means an alternate exploit will need to be used.
+ +Method 1
+If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or less than 36 (e.g. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), you can follow Soundhax. When prompted to select a firmware to generate the sound file, use:
Method 2 (Old 3DS only)
+If you have an Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, you can try a Safe Mode update, which will trigger an alternate exploit:
If these methods didn’t work (or do not apply to you), update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+ +The file SafeB9SInstaller.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
There may be an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Re-download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place it on the root of your SD card, and rename it to arm11code.bin
. Do not add the .bin
extension if you do not already see it.
If you have a Taiwanese unit (with a T in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##T), you will not be able to follow these instructions, and you will need to update your console and follow Seedminer instead.
+ +If you have a Mainland Chinese unit (with a C in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##C), join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +If this is unsuccessful, try using another SD card.
+The steps below can be attempted in any order, but are listed from easiest to hardest to perform.
+ +Download this alternate config.ini and place it in /luma/
. This will change the Rosalina key combination to (X) + (Y).
There is an issue with your boot.3dsx
file (it is missing, misplaced, or corrupted). Download the latest release of the Homebrew Launcher and place boot.3dsx
on the root of your SD card, replacing any existing file.
You did not copy the gm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD card. Download the latest release of GodMode9 and place the gm9
folder on the root of your SD card, merging it with the existing one.
Make sure you have at least 1.3GB available in your SD card. If you don’t have enough space, follow these steps:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder from the root of your SD card to your computergm9/out
on your SD to a safe location on your computer<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
files from the SD card, keeping essential.exefs in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
folder from your computer to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folder from your computerIf you have enough space on your SD card, your SD might be corrupted or faulty. Check your SD card for any errors by following the guide according to your computer’s operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+The steps detailed here generally assume that your device has a modern custom firmware setup (boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 or greater). If your console is running an older homebrew setup (for example, something based on arm9loaderhax or menuhax), you should update your setup before trying these instructions.
+ +There is an issue with your boot.firm
file. If you’re running boot9strap 1.4, your 3DS notification LED may flash a certain color. This color is used to diagnose issues involving your boot.firm
file on SD card or internal memory. On older versions of boot9strap, the blue light will power off almost immediately when trying to turn on the device.
If the notification LED flashes:
+ +boot.firm
on your SD card or on internal memory.boot.firm
on your SD card. It was able to find boot.firm
on internal memory, but the file is corrupted.boot.firm
on both your SD card and on internal memory, but both files are corrupted.You can get a new boot.firm
file by downloading the latest release of Luma3DS, extracting it, and placing boot.firm
on the root of your SD card. If your boot.firm
file is consistently being detected as corrupted, you may want to check your SD card for errors (Windows, Linux, or macOS). Also, note that the 3DS tends to have issues with files extracted using WinRAR.
If you hear a “popping sound”, potentially accompanied with the backlight turning on for a split second, there is a hardware issue with your device (such as a disconnected backlight cable). You may be able to get your device to boot by holding it at certain angles.
+The steps below can be attempted in any order, but are listed from least to most time-consuming.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
folder on your SD card to Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
, then attempt to boot. If your device successfully boots, there is some issue within your Nintendo 3DS
folder. Try clearing HOME Menu extdata:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Delete the corresponding folder for your 3DS region:
+ 00000098
Your Luma3DS version is outdated. Download the latest release of Luma3DS and place boot.firm
on the root of your SD card, replacing any existing file. Make sure you are extracting the ZIP file with any tool other than WinRAR, as it is known to cause issues with 3DS-related files.
There are a number of reasons as to why this could be happening. In any case, this error can usually be fixed by following the CTRTransfer guide.
+ARM11 exception handlers are disabled, or custom firmware is not installed. Try enabling ARM11 exception handlers:
+This could be caused by various reasons, but most likely because your SD card is not being read by the system. +You can check if your SD is being read by holding SELECT on boot and checking the yellow text on the bottom screen; if it says “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, then your device is booting from the internal memory and not from the SD card. +If this is the case, attempt the steps below, which are listed from easiest to hardest:
from the
and place it on the root of your SD card (replacing any existing file)Your device is likely hard-bricked. You will need to buy an ntrboot flashcart to reinstall boot9strap in order to attempt to fix your device. This may also indicate a hardware issue that cannot be fixed. In any case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+Please take a photo of the error and join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
on the root of your SD card if it does not already existTWLFix-CFW.3dsx
to the /3ds/
folder on your SD cardYour device is running Luma3DS 6.6 or older, likely via arm9loaderhax. You should follow A9LH to B9S to update your device to a modern custom firmware environment.
+This can occur after a CTRTransfer or region change on Old 3DS / 2DS. You will need to system format your device to fix this issue.
+Look for your exception screen in this page. +If you weren’t able to find your error or the instructions didn’t work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for further assistance.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
folder on your SD card00000098
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
folder on your SD card000002ce
You can disable the Parental Controls feature by going to System Settings -> Parental Controls and inserting the PIN, then pressing “Clear Settings”, then “Delete” to remove it. +However, if you do not know the PIN and therefore cannot access the device’s settings, you will need to disable it. In order to do this, you need to obtain your device’s master key (mkey):
+This will completely remove CFW from your device, including boot9strap and Luma3DS, for the purpose of restoring the device to stock.
+ +Any unsigned (illegitimate) games will be rendered unusable and will be removed during this process. Use a save manager to back up any saves that you care about.
+ +If you’re removing CFW because:
+ +STOP!!! Uninstalling custom firmware is an unnecessary risk that will at best waste your time and at worst BRICK your console. A better idea would be to ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
+If you have done ANY of the following:
) of the consolethen uninstalling CFW WILL BRICK YOUR CONSOLE. If this applies to you, restore a clean NAND backup before continuing.
+These instructions will only work on devices with a Luma3DS version of 8.0 or higher. If you have an older version of Luma, you must upgrade your setup before following these instructions. Follow this page to find your upgrade instructions.
+ +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardGodMode9.firm
from the GodMode9 .zip
to the /luma/payloads/
folder on your SD cardgm9
folder from the GodMode9 .zip
to the root of your SD cardDSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
to the /3ds/
folder on your SD cardsafety_test.gm9
to the /gm9/scripts/
folder on your SD cardThe purpose of this section is to check whether built-in DS mode applications will continue to work once CFW is uninstalled. If you skip this section, DS mode or its functions may be inaccessible until CFW is reinstalled.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connection Settings
, then click OKIf either of these tests has failed, DS mode, DS Download Play, and/or DS Connection Settings may be inaccessible once CFW is uninstalled! You should fix DS mode before continuing.
+ +The purpose of this section is to verify that the console will boot and that critical system functions, like System Settings and the keyboard, will work once CFW is uninstalled. If you skip this section, you may BRICK your device!
+ +If you do NOT boot into the regular 3DS HOME Menu, or System Settings / your keyboard is inaccessible, DO NOT continue with these instructions! Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you.
+ +This section will remove illegitimate content, like homebrew and dumped cartridges. If you have save data that you care about, back it up with a save manager before continuing!
+ +This section will ensure that all illegitimate tickets are removed, allowing eShop to work normally. This will remove all content from the 3DS and log you out of your NNID. Keep in mind that your console’s encryption key will be shuffled, meaning that any old data will be rendered inaccessible, even if you have a backup of your SD contents.
+ +This is your final opportunity to verify that all safety steps above have been followed! Please ensure that you have followed all sections on this page, especially Section III - Safety Test
, before continuing.
All custom firmware has been removed from your device.
+ +You can now remove any extra files and folders from the root of your SD card that are not the Nintendo 3DS
, or private
This page is for existing boot9strap users to update their installation of boot9strap to the latest version.
+ +While we believe that custom firmware is safe for online use, there have been online network bans in the past, primarily for cheating and suspicious eShop behavior.
file)For all steps in this section, overwrite any existing files on your SD card.
+ +boot9strap
on the root of your SD cardboot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
from the boot9strap .zip
to the /boot9strap/
folder on your SD cardSafeB9SInstaller.firm
from the SafeB9SInstaller .zip
to the root of your SD card and rename it to boot.firm
+ boot.firm
already exists, replace itReinsert your SD card into your device
+ + +boot.firm
and boot.3dsx
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD card, replacing the existing file对不起,该页面不存在。
+ + +本页用来帮助已破解了 arm9loaderhax 破解的用户将主机升级至 boot9strap。
+ +未来,Luma3DS 将只以 .firm
格式制作,这种格式只与 boot9strap 和 sighax 兼容。 也就是说,如果你想要使用最新版本的 Luma3DS 自制固件,就得通过此页面将 A9LH 转为 B9S。
请使用 7-Zip 或 The Unarchiver 之类的压缩软件来解压本页面上的 .7z
我们现在相信自制固件可以安全地联网了,不过仍然要提一下:过去的联网封禁大多数是因为作弊和可疑的 eShop 行为造成的。
+ +你需要一个支持 BT 协议的下载程序,如 qBittorrent 或 Deluge 来下载本教程中的磁力链接 。
+ +注意,只有在 New 3DS 上,secret_sector.bin
才会被用来还原 arm9loaderhax 漏洞,所以这也是为什么在给原厂主机安装 boot9strap 时不需要这个文件。 如果你的主机不是 New 3DS ,则你无需下载 “secret_sector.bin”
文件)如果你在进行这些步骤时被提示 SD 卡中有相同文件,请选择全部替换。
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录
+ .7z
压缩包中复制 arm9loaderhax.bin
文件到你 SD 卡的根目录.zip
压缩包中复制 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到SD卡 /luma/payloads/
+ luma
或 payloads
文件夹内所有后缀为 .bin
、Hourglass9.bin` 等) ,因为它们在支持 boot9strap 的 Luma3DS 版本中无法使用boot9strap
文件中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你SD卡的 /boot9strap/
文件夹中仅限 New 3DS 用户:复制 secret_sector.bin
到 SD 卡上的 /boot9strap/
+ +如果你遇到 “OTP Crypto Fail” 的错误,下载 - aeskeydb.bin,然后把它放到 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
我们使用了一个在 3DS 系统设置应用程序的 DSiWare 数据管理窗口中的一个漏洞来导出系统的 DSiWare 软件。
+ +为了做到它,我们将使用你主机的系统加密密钥(movable.sed)来构建一个可被利用的 DSiWare 系统备份,以便将 DSi 互联网设置应用程序导出到 SD 卡的根目录。
+ +一旦你得到了 DSiWare 备份,我们将把一个写入了漏洞的 DSiWare 程序注入到“DS 下载通信”程序中,用来安装自制固件。
+ +这些操作仅限港台版主机使用!(系统版本号末尾为 T ,如 11.16.0-39T) 如果你的主机不是这个区域的,则请使用其他的方法。
+ +movable.sed
)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录
+ boot.nds
(B9STool)到你的 SD 卡根目录.zip
压缩包中复制 private
文件Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
+ <ID0>
和你在 Seedminer 章节中打开的一样<ID1>
是一个在 <ID0>
文件夹内,另一个 32 位字符长的文件夹<ID1>
文件夹内创建一个名为 Nintendo DSiWare
+ <8位ID>.bin
文件(DSiWare 备份文件)在里面,请将它们备份到电脑上,然后从 SD 卡中移除这些文件.bin
文件复制到 Nintendo DSiWare
-> DSiWare
-> SD 卡
-> (第二页)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
文件夹Nintendo DSiWare
-> DSiWare
-> SD 卡
文件Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
文件夹Nintendo DSiWare
文件夹中的所有 .bin
(不是带有 memorypit 字串的那个)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
) 里的 hax
文件夹复制 484E4441.bin
到 Nintendo DSiWare
-> DSiWare
If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
) 里的 clean
文件夹复制 484E4441.bin
到 Nintendo DSiWare
-> DSiWare
我们使用了 3DS 系统设置中的 DSiWare 数据管理中的一个漏洞来启动自制代码。
+ +为达到此目的,我们将使用你主机系统中的加密密钥(movable.sed)来构建一个带有漏洞的 DSiWare 备份。
+ +若想知道更多技术细节,请见这里。
+这些操作可在美、欧、日、韩版的主机上工作,你可通过系统版本号末尾的 U,E,J,K 字符来区分主机版本。
+ +如果你的主机是港台版的(系统版本号末尾以 T 结尾),请使用这个方法;不要使用本页的方法。
+ +movable.sed
文件本节中,你需要把触发 BannerBomb3 漏洞所需的文件复制到主机的 SD 卡上。
+ +F00D43D5.bin
的 DSiWare 漏洞文件和一个名为 bb3.bin
的 zip 文件(
中,将 bb3.bin
解压到你的 SD 卡根目录
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
+ <ID1>
文件夹内创建一个名为 Nintendo DSiWare
+ <8位ID>.bin
文件(DSiWare 备份文件)在里面,请将它们备份到电脑上,然后从 SD 卡中移除这些文件
压缩文件中解压 F00D43D5.bin
到 Nintendo DSiWare
文件夹下In this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your device. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page.
+ +If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.
+ +如果你的主机正确启动到了安全模式,请使用安装 boot9strap(通过 USM)
+ +如果你的主机没有正常启动到安全模式,请使用安装 boot9strap(通过 Fredtool)。
+ + +If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, go back to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the New 3DS series and the 2DS), regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device , you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +这是一个用于检查你的主机是否已安装最新的自制固件的附加章节。
+ +如果你的主机已经可以运行基于 arm9loaderhax 或 boot9strap 的自制固件了,则你将需要根据后续的步骤来将升级到最新的固件。
+ +If your console has a menuhax-based CFW setup, you should clear HOME Menu’s extdata, then follow all instructions on your SysNAND. 且拔出内存卡后开机进入系统设置,可以看到系统版本为 9.2.0-20。
+ +如果主机只是进入到了主菜单,那么返回新手入门章节,按照提供的方法进行安装自制固件。
+ +如果你看到 Luma3DS 为 7.0.5 或更低的版本,则你需要 A9LH 升级 B9S
+ +如果你看到 Luma3DS 版本为 7.1,继续至 升级 B9S
+ +如果你看到 Luma3DS 的版本为 8.0 或更高版本,则请继续至更新/恢复自制固件
+ +如果你看到了其他不在上述中出现的东西,请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器然后以英文寻求帮助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要科学上网),你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
+ + +感谢你想为 搭把手! 你可以做以下内容来帮助我们:
+ +本手册开源于 Github 。 如果你觉得本手册中存在错误,你可以提 issue ,或 Fork 该手册,修改完毕后发起一个 Pull Request 来合并的你的改动。
+ +如果你愿意翻译此手册的内容,你可以参阅我们的 Crowdin。
+ +本手册中大部分文件只提供 Torrent 种子。 If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip
file containing all our .torrent
files: (last updated 2023-03-16)
这里还有一个 RSS 订阅用来更新未来可能会用到的种子,你也可以订阅一下。
+ +维护本手册(以及其他我们维护的东西)本质上是为爱发电,但如果本手册对你有帮助,我们很乐意接受捐赠。
+ + + + + +特别感谢此教程的原作者和原维护者 Plailect!
+ +特别感谢所有 Freenode #Cakey 成员的杰出贡献!
+ +特别感谢所有的翻译人员,他们超棒的!
+ +如果我忘了列出你的名字,请联系我。我会把你加上。
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
这是个为主机安装 11.15.0 CTRtransfer 镜像的附加章节。
+ +请注意,如果你的 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
目录中有 GodMode9.firm
以外的 .firm
文件,那么你在按住 “Start” 键开机的时候,你的主机将不会直接进入到 Godmode9,而会进入到一个叫做 “chainloader menu” 的菜单,这个时候你需要通过十字键来移动红色光标至 “Godmode9” 来启动教程需要的文件。
在开始之前,你必须确认你已装好了 Luma3DS 和 boot9strap。
+ +做 CTRTransfer 可能会破坏旧版 3DS/2DS 的内存扩展模式(这会导致怪物猎人、任天堂大乱斗和宝可梦日月系列等等游戏无法启动) 如果出现了这个问题,则你得初始化主机(使用 TinyFormat 或者系统设置内的主机初始化)来解决它。
+ +你需要一个支持 BT 协议的下载程序,如 qBittorrent 或 Deluge 来下载本教程中的磁力链接 。
中的 GodMode9.firm
复制到你 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的整个 gm9
文件夹复制到 SD 卡的根目录下.zip
中复制 11.15.0 CTRTransfer .bin
到 SD 卡的 /gm9/
到 SD 卡的 /3ds/
目录下[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
上按 “A” 键以选中它Nintendo 3DS
和 Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD card如果脚本提示没有找到任何使用者的 tickets 并且告诉你跳过本步,那么就跳过这一步。
+ +eshop
、 unknown
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
上按 “X” 来删除它如果你想获得有关 GodMode9 的帮助、帮助编写脚本和获取更新及有关信息(英文),你可以加入 GodMode9 Discord 服务器。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要通过科学上网)
+ +除了创建和还原 NAND 备份外,Godmode9 还拥有将安装的应用导出为可安装的 .cia
格式、导出游戏卡带为 .3ds
ROM 格式和直接安装游戏卡带内游戏到系统中的功能。
这些操作是给 GodMode9 v2.0.0 或更高的版本编写的。 如果你已经安装了旧版本的 GodMode9,请按照这些步骤来更新它。
中的 GodMode9.firm
复制到你 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的整个 gm9
文件夹复制到 SD 卡的根目录下将你想要导出的游戏卡带插入到你的主机中
按下 A 键来选择它[TitleID].nds
按下 A 键来选择它
+ [TitleID].trim.nds
或 .nds
格式文件将会被保存在 SD 卡上的 /gm9/out/
文件夹中这只能用于 3DS 游戏,不可能将 NDS 游戏卡带作为应用安装到系统中。
上,然后按下 A 键。然后选择 “NCSD image options…”,再然后选择 “Install game image”这应只在直接安装游戏卡带到系统中不起作用时使用。
上,然后按下 A 键。然后选择 “NCSD image options…”,再然后选择 “Build CIA from file”.cia
格式文件将会被保存在 SD 卡上的 /gm9/out/
文件夹中这可以使你导出来自系统或用户安装的电子版应用,例如在 eShop 中下载的游戏。
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
格式文件将会被保存在 SD 卡上的 /gm9/out/
文件夹中游戏存档将会输出到 SD 卡上的 /gm9/out/
目录,并命名为 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
要确定 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
文件的 Title ID 所对应的程序,你可以在 Godmode9 主菜单内按下 Home 键然后选择 Title manager
-> [A:] SD CARD
来获取系统上已安装的游戏的列表及它们对应的 Title ID。
上按 “A” 键选中要确定 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
文件的 Title ID 所对应的程序,你可以在 Godmode9 主菜单内按下 Home 键然后选择 Title manager
-> [A:] SD CARD
来获取系统上已安装的游戏的列表及它们对应的 Title ID。
-> gm9
上按 “A” 键选中为了避免文件混乱,请将你要加密或解密的 .cia
文件复制到SD卡上的 /cias/
-> cias
文件,然后选择 “CIA image options…”/gm9/out/
文件夹中创建一份选定 .cia
文件夹中创建一份选定 .cia
文件将保存于相应位置本附加章节是用来介绍如何使用 F3 来检查你的 SD 卡有无问题。
+ +这个操作的耗时取决于你的 SD 卡的容量大小和电脑的速度,可能将耗费数个小时完成!
+ +本页教程仅限 Linux 用户。 如果你不用 Linux,请查阅 H2testw(windows) 或 F3XSwift(Mac) 页面。
到 f3 目录make
命令以编译 F3./f3write <你 SD 卡的挂载路径>
$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./ f3write <你 SD 卡的挂载路径>
$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
如果测试结果显示 Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
,代表你的 SD 卡完好,接着请删除 SD 卡上的所有 .h2w
如果测试显示任何其他结果,则你的 SD 卡可能已经出错或损坏,你可能需要更换一张 SD卡 !
+ +本附加章节是用来介绍如何使用 F3X 来检查你的 SD 卡有无问题。
+ +这个操作的耗时取决于你的 SD 卡的容量大小和电脑的速度,可能将耗费数个小时完成!
+ +本页教程仅限 Mac 用户。 如果你的操作系统不是 Mac,参见 H2testw (Windows) 或 F3 (Linux) 页面。
+ +如果你的 macOS 版本在 10.13(High Sierra)及以上,请改用 F3XSwift (Mac)
压缩包如果测试结果显示 Success! Your card is ok!
(成功,你的 SD 卡没有问题!),代表你的 SD 卡完好,之后请删除 SD 卡上所有的 .h2w
如果测试显示任何其他结果,则你的 SD 卡可能已经出错或损坏,你可能需要更换一张 SD卡 !
+ +本附加章节用来介绍如何使用 F3XSwift 来检查你的 SD 卡有无问题。
+ +这个操作的耗时取决于你的 SD 卡的容量大小和电脑的速度,可能将耗费数个小时完成!
+ +本页教程仅限 Mac 用户。 如果你的操作系统不是 Mac,参见 H2testw (Windows) 或 F3 (Linux) 页面。
+ +F3XSwift 只兼容 macOS 10.13(High Sierra)及以上版本。 如果你正在使用旧版本的 macOS,请换用 F3X (Mac)
+ +如果测试结果显示 Success! Your card is ok!
(成功,你的 SD 卡没有问题!),代表你的 SD 卡完好,之后请删除 SD 卡上所有的 .h2w
如果测试显示任何其他结果,则你的 SD 卡可能已经出错或损坏,你可能需要更换一张 SD卡 !
+ +Yes, you can still install custom firmware on your 3DS, even after the closure of eShop.
+ +3DS 最新的系统固件版本为 11.16.0 。 以下是一些你应该知道的事情:
+ +Yes! 最新的系统固件(11.16.0)可以用 Seedminer 进行破解。
+The instructions are the same for all retail 3DS, 3DS XL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL, and New 2DS XL devices. 如果你主机的系统版本显示为 “0.0.0-0”,则你的主机可能是开发机,不适用本手册。
+Bricks are now effectively impossible unless you are purposely trying to brick your device.
+Yes! 本手册将会教你安装一些有用的自制程序,包括一个名为 Universal-Updater 的自制应用程序商店。
+Yes; Luma3DS will automatically ignore the region check for cartridges and installed titles. 但是某些游戏可能仍然需要使用 Luma 的区域模拟功能来使其能够正常启动。
+No. Devices with custom firmware can still play online and run physical cartridges as any other 3DS can.
+Your NNID (if you have one) will not be affected by this guide. 韩版、港台版以及神游版主机由于没有 NNID 功能,也不会受到影响。
+There was a ban wave in May 2017 that banned CFW users from online play (eShop access, NNIDs, and Nintendo Accounts were unaffected), seemingly at random. 自从那时后就再也没有看到过类似的事情了。 我们也不知道任天堂将来会做什么。 但是,我们现在不认为你需要担心破解后是否会 ban 机了,因为几乎见不着。
+Yes! All you need is the ability to put files on a compatible SD card.
+You will need at least 1.5GB of free SD card space to follow this guide in its entirety. 虽然官方已经说明了 3DS 可以用的 SD 卡最大容量为 32GB,但是实际上只要能格式化成 FAT32 的内存卡都可以用。 但是由于已知的 GBA 图像和自制主题问题,建议不要使用超过 128GB 的内存卡。
+No. 自制固件可以不依托任何其他外设在最新版本的系统中安装。 实际上,我们并不推荐使用 3DS 烧录卡(如 Gateway 或 Sky3DS),这些烧录卡现在已经过时,且可能会给你的主机带来 ban 机或砖机的风险。
+Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).
+ +Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. 这种级别的系统权限能够让你运行一些基础的自制程序和模拟器,但不能让你(或较为容易地)修改游戏或导出卡带。 这些漏洞也不是特别稳定,自制程序经常会反复崩溃且必须完全重启整个系统才可恢复。 自制固件能让你获得高等级的系统权限,同时相较那些仅自制程序的漏洞而言更加稳定。
+ +If you are using Luma3DS, your custom firmware loader (boot9strap) will never be removed when performing a system update. 不过前一段时间的更新经常使 Luma3DS 在启动系统时崩溃,所以我们建议你在新版本发布后,先等几个小时看看别人的升级反馈或者 Luma3DS 是否会更新,确认更新不会导致主机暂时无法正常使用后再继续。 更新系统可以直接像未破解的 3DS 那样更新。(如:进入系统设置对应选项更新、使用安全模式更新以及等待系统自动下载完成后提醒的更新。)
+Copy and paste your SD card contents to a new SD card formatted as FAT32. 如果使用的卡大小为 128GB,则建议将分配单元大小设为 65536。 大于 128GB 的内存卡由于已知的 GBA 图像和自制主题问题,不建议使用。
+Yes, system transfers can be performed through the official System Transfer function to other consoles with CFW (inconsistencies may occur if the target console is stock). 非法应用(自制程序等)的 Ticket 不会被一同迁移,但可以使用 faketik 伪造,使其重现于桌面。 请确保你不使用无线传输迁移,这会删除非法应用。 破解也依然会继续存在于两台主机中。
+The only way to change the system language of a Japanese 3DS to a language other than Japanese is to perform a region change. 但是这很可能会把你主机的 eShop 破坏掉,导致游戏无法正常更新。
+ +It depends on the format of the homebrew application. 一般来说:
+ + +You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.
+ +If the game is not from the same region as the console, you will need to dump the updates from a 3DS that has the updates installed. Nintendo eShop 只能更新主机所在区域的游戏(换句话说就是,日版机只能更新日版的游戏)。
+Please look at the troubleshooting guide. 我们不建议在主机无法开机时选择卸载自制固件,这很有可能会把主机搞砖。
+It is recommended that you upgrade your setup to a modern, boot9strap-based one. 参阅检查自制固件来查找适合你主机的更新方法。
+The vast majority of modern homebrew (such as Checkpoint and BootNTR Selector) have only been tested on modern, boot9strap-based setups and may not work entirely (or at all) on older setups based on menuhax, A9LH, or Gateway. 而且,你的主机可能会因为使用的破解过老而无法安全更新主机的系统固件。 基于 boot9strap 的破解甚至能让你获得可导出你主机的 bootrom 的前所未有的主机控制权。
+Your old setup (including your EmuNAND, if you have one) can usually be directly migrated to boot9strap with no data loss. 如果你的主机里有你非常宝贵的存档,则建议在升级破解前用 JKSM 之类的工具备份一下存档,以防万一。
+本附加章节将介绍如何让 Windows 显示默认隐藏的文件扩展名。
+ +Windows 显示扩展名后,你可以更快找到本教程需要的文件。
+ +点击“文件扩展名”来启用它
+ + +把“文件扩展名”打勾
+ + +找到 “文件夹选项” 。
+ + +取消选择 “为已知文件类型隐藏扩展名”。
+ + +boot9strap 将会在 NAND 里的内容加载完成后启动 boot.firm
文件。 在这里,我们将使用 LumaTeam 开发的 Luma3DS 来修改主机,让主机能够运行各种自制程序。
+ +建议不要跳过下载以上列出的任何程序,因为等会就需要用到它们 我们将在本页结尾处清理你在破解过程中产生的无用文件。
+ +如果你的 New 3DS 的系统在很早以前通过某些手段降级到了 2.1.0,则你应该在继续前先还原你的 NAND 备份。 This likely doesn’t apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
+ +如果你的主机先前破解过,且先前的破解是基于 EmuNAND 的,并且现在你希望将你的 EmuNAND/RedNAND 移植至 SysNAND,请在继续前进行移植 EmuNAND。 如果你不知道 EmuNAND 是啥的话,大概你也不需要做这个了。
+ +.cia
和 .3dsx
+ +cias
和 Universal-Updater.cia
)到你 SD 卡上的 /cias/
+ Nintendo 3DS
到 SD 卡的 /3ds/
文件夹下没有一个名为 payloads
中的 GodMode9.firm
复制到你SD卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的整个 gm9
文件夹复制到 SD 卡的根目录下以下截图为遵循本步骤后 SD 卡应有的文件及文件夹。 由于你可能在之前做了一些其他的操作,你的 SD 卡中可能会多出一些文件或者文件夹。
+ + + + + +本节中,你将会把主机更新至最新版本。(自制固件兼容最新版本的系统,直接升级是安全的)
+ +本节中,为了启动 FBI 应用程序,你将需要临时把主机的“下载通信(Download Play)”应用程序替换为 Homebrew Launcher。 下载通信应用程序将会在重启主机后自动恢复正常。
+ +Nintendo 3DS
和 Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD card本节中,你将会把主机的内部时钟同步现实时间,并导出声卡的固件(部分自制程序需要使用它来正确发声)。
+ +本节中,你将会安装几个实用的自制程序到主菜单。
+ +SD
-> cias
本节中,你将会使用到一个脚本来复制 Luma3DS 的文件到主机的内部储存空间中,以便在拔出 SD 卡后依然能够读取这些文件。
+ +GodMode9.firm
放在了 /luma/payloads/
中,并确保 payloads
+ +本节中,你将会从主机备份一些重要文件,以便在主机软砖时进行恢复数据。
上按 “A” 键选中<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it
+ /luma/backups/
文件夹,那么请将里面的文件备份到你电脑上安全的地方搞定! 你的主机现在已经配置好自制固件了。
+ +你好呀!~ 我们正在探索提升整体手册体验的方法。 如果你愿意帮助我们,请在这里填写一份问卷调查(仅限使用英文)。 谢谢!
+ +以下是你可能会用到的一些快捷键:
+ +/luma/payloads/
文件夹下有多个 payload 文件,则会自动进入 Luma3DS chainloader。你也可以参考这里来获取一些有关使用自制固件的相关建议。
+ +有关使用 GodMode9 的各种功能的信息,请查阅 GodMode9 使用教程以及导出程序和游戏卡带文件页。
+ + +请在开始前仔细阅读 ntrboot 章节的内容
+ +本方法会需要暂时用到一台已经破解了 boot9strap 的 3DS 主机, 你的烧录卡在本方法中不受 3DS 系统版本的限制。
+ +请注意,在某些极少见情況下,某些假冒的烧录卡有可能会在破解过程中损坏并且无法恢复。 这不太可能, 但无论如何我们只支持写在兼容表格中的烧录卡。 为了防止买到伪劣烧录卡,我们建议你从一些知名度较高的网站上购买你需要的烧录卡(比如 NDS Card)。
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
然后复制 boot9strap_ntr.firm
和 boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
到 SD 卡根目录的 /ntrboot/
到 源3DS SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
文件夹中请在开始前仔细阅读 ntrboot 章节的内容
+ +本方法只需一台未破解的 3DS 和一张兼容的烧录卡。 本教程烧录卡将用于在你的 3DS 上运行 ntrboot flasher .nds
文件。 这也就是说,若想要在3DS上使用你持有的烧录卡运行 .nds
文件,烧录卡必须支持在你的 3DS 系统版本上运行。 有关详细信息, 请查看 ntrboot 上的烧录卡兼容表格。
请注意,在某些极少见情況下,某些假冒的烧录卡有可能会在破解过程中损坏并且无法恢复。 这不太可能, 但无论如何我们只支持写在兼容表格中的烧录卡。 为了防止买到伪劣烧录卡,我们建议你从一些知名度较高的网站上购买你需要的烧录卡(比如 NDS Card)。
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
然后复制 boot9strap_ntr.firm
到烧录卡的 SD 卡根目录的 /ntrboot/
到烧录卡的 SD 卡上ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
请在开始前仔细阅读 ntrboot 章节的内容
+ +本方法需要暂时用到一台与你烧录卡兼容的 Nintendo DSi 主机。 烧录卡将用于在你的 DSi 上运行 ntrboot 写入程序的 .nds
文件。 这也就是说,若想要在 DSi 上使用你持有的烧录卡运行 .nds
文件,烧录卡必须支持在你的 DSi 系统版本上运行。 有关详细信息, 请查看 ntrboot 上的烧录卡兼容表格。
请注意,在某些极少见情況下,某些伪劣烧录卡有可能会在破解过程中损坏并且无法恢复。 这不太可能, 但无论如何我们只支持写在兼容表格中的烧录卡。 为了防止买到伪劣烧录卡,我们建议你从一些知名度较高的网站上购买你需要的烧录卡(比如 NDS Card)。
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
到烧录卡的 SD 卡上ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
请在开始前仔细阅读 ntrboot 章节的内容
+ +本方法将会暂时用到一台与你的烧录卡兼容的 Nintendo DS 或 Nintendo DS Lite 主机。 烧录卡将用于在你的 NDS 上运行 ntrboot 写入程序的 .nds
请注意,在某些极少见情況下,某些伪劣烧录卡有可能会在破解过程中损坏并且无法恢复。 这不太可能, 但无论如何我们只支持写在兼容表格中的烧录卡。 为了防止买到伪劣烧录卡,我们建议你从一些知名度较高的网站上购买你需要的烧录卡(比如 NDS Card)。
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
然后复制 boot9strap_ntr.firm
到烧录卡的 SD 卡根目录的 /ntrboot/
到烧录卡的 SD 卡上ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
这是一个适用于为 3DS 准备的 SD 卡的格式化教程。
+ +如果 3DS 已经识别到了 SD 卡,那么就不需要做这个教程了。
+ +本页教程仅限 Linux 用户。 如果你没有在用 Linux,那么请看格式化 SD 卡(通过 Windows 操作系统)或格式化 SD 卡(通过 Mac 操作系统) 。
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
为 1,请确保写保护开关未被打开sudo mkfs.fat /dev/<先前获取到的设备名称> -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/<先前获取到的设备名称> -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/<先前获取到的设备名称> -s 128 -F 32
+ 这是一个适用于为 3DS 准备的 SD 卡的格式化教程。
+ +如果 3DS 已经识别到了 SD 卡,那么就不需要做这个教程了。
+ +本页教程仅限 Mac 用户。 如果你没有在用 Mac,那么请看看格式化 SD 卡(通过 Windows 操作系统)或格式化 SD 卡(通过 Linux 操作系统) 。
+ +在左侧面板中选择你的 SD 卡
+ +请确保你选对了驱动器,否则你可能会把别的驱动器格式化了!
+OS X Yosemite (10.10) 及更早版本
+ +在左侧面板中选择你的 SD 卡
+ +请确保你选对了驱动器,否则你可能会把别的驱动器格式化了!
+这是一个适用于为 3DS 准备的 SD 卡的格式化教程。
+ +如果 3DS 已经识别到了 SD 卡,那么就不需要做这个教程了。
+ +本节教程仅限 Windows 用户。 如果你没有在用 Windows,那么请看看格式化 SD 卡(通过 Linux 操作系统)或格式化 SD 卡(通过 Mac 操作系统) 。
文件,然后使用管理员权限打开 SD Card Formatter Setup
文件),按照提示安装程序SD Card Formatter
,然后打开它将 “Select card” 一行选择为你的 SD 卡盘符
+ +请确保你选对了驱动器盘符,否则你可能会把别的驱动器格式化了!
在“Drive”一行选择你的 SD 卡盘符
+ +请确保你选对了驱动器盘符,否则你可能会把别的驱动器格式化了!
+ +如果你看见了的话… 停下,你的主机已经安装过自制固件了! 点这里继续。
+ +To find the correct method for your device, please enter the system version you found in Section II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +If possible, you should follow the method given by the prompt above.
+ +以下方法需要一些外设才能进行:
+ +有关导出卡带或 SD 卡中的内容的教程,请见这里。
+ +如果你想获得有关 GodMode9 的帮助、帮助编写脚本和获取更新及有关信息(英文),你可以加入 GodMode9 Discord 服务器。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要通过科学上网)
+ +GodMode9 是利用 Nintendo 3DS 主权限制作的文件管理器。你可以用它读写 SD 卡、SysNAND 及 EmuNAND 中的 FAT 分区等等的东西。 你还可以用它干一些其他功能比如复制、删除、重命名文件、创建文件夹。
+ +请注意,如果你的 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
目录中有 GodMode9.firm
以外的 .firm
文件,那么你在按住 “Start” 键开机的时候,你的主机将不会直接进入到 Godmode9,而会进入到一个叫做 “chainloader menu” 的菜单,这个时候你需要通过十字键来移动红色光标至 “Godmode9” 来启动教程需要的文件。
GodMode9 几乎可以修改你主机上的任何东西。 虽然更改系统文件时需要你解锁权限系统,不故意获取权限的话你是没办法造孽的。但为了以防万一,你还是应该严格按照指示操作,并创建 NAND 备份。
+ +下面的某些操作只能在最新版本的 GodMode9 下执行,因此在开始使用前请按照本节更新你的 GodMode9 软件。 请覆盖任何已经存在的文件。
中复制 GodMode9.firm
到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的整个 gm9
文件夹复制到 SD 卡的根目录下<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
from your computer to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card为了避免文件混乱,请将你要注入的 .cia
文件复制到SD卡上的 /cias/
请注意,你无法注入比 “健康与安全提示(Health & Safety)” 软件大的文件(包括游戏及其他大型应用程序)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
文件,在弹出窗口中依次选择 “CIA image options…” , “Mount image to drive” 选项.app
文件后按下 “A” 键,选择 “NCCH image options” ,并选择 “Inject to H&S”这部分教程只适用于通过 GodMode9 进行的 “健康与安全提示(Health & Safety)”应用注入(也就是说这部分教程不适用于 Decrypt9 或 Hourglass9)。
+ +请注意,该操作会清除你SD卡上的所有文件!
+ +GM9SD
+ 本附加章节将介绍如何使用 h2testw 来检查你的 SD 卡是否有错误。
+ +这个操作的耗时取决于你的 SD 卡的容量大小和电脑的速度,可能将耗费数个小时完成!
+ +本节教程仅限 Windows 用户。 如果你不用 Windows,请查阅 F3XSwift(Mac) 或 F3(Linux)页面。
+ +h2testw
压缩包,复制 h2testw.exe
如果测试结果显示 Test finished without errors
(测试完成,没有错误),则你的 SD 卡没有问题,接着请删除 SD 卡上所有的 .h2w
如果测试显示任何其他结果,你的 SD 卡可能已经出错或损坏,你可能需要更换一张 SD 卡 !
+ +此方法使用 Seedminer 来取得你的 movable.sed
文件,然后更进一步地利用漏洞,将为《宝可梦:绘图方块》(Pokémon Picross)自制的存档写入游戏,然后利用 unSAFE_MODE (通过 Homebrew Launcher)启动 SafeB9SInstaller。
关于 PicHaxx 的详细介绍,请见这里。
+ +这些操作可在美、欧、日版的主机上使用,你可通过系统版本号末尾的 U,E,J字符来区分主机版本。
+ +你需要注册一个 Nintendo Network ID 来下载《宝可梦:绘图方块》。
+ +这个操作会覆盖《宝可梦:绘图方块》中的游戏存档。 如果你想保留你的游戏存档,则你应该在覆盖前备份 00000001.sav
文件)在本节中,你将复制一些启动 Homebrew Launcher 必要的文件。
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录
+ 3ds
中复制出 slotTool
文件夹到你的 SD 卡的 3ds
文件夹,然后将里面对应你主机型号和区域的 .bin
文件复制到 SD 卡的根目录,并改名为 otherapp.bin
。本节中,你将会创建一个带有漏洞的《宝可梦:绘图方块》存档,当其被游戏加载时,将会在主机上加载 Homebrew Launcher。
+ +movable.sed
文件Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> title
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
+ <ID0>
和你在 Seedminer 章节中打开的一样<ID1>
是一个在 <ID0>
文件夹内,另一个 32 位字符长的文件夹00000001.sav
文件到 data
+ 请在开始操作前仔细阅读所有步骤页面(包括这个页面)。
+ +“自制固件(CFW)”类似于电脑上的“管理员账户”,能够使你拥有对 3DS 安装的软件完整修改的权限。 能够让你做任何 3DS 力所能及的事情,不受任天堂的限制。
+ +自制固件最受欢迎的用途有:
+ +本手册将:
+本章节 Seedminer 将使用你的 movable.sed
文件来解密所有的 DSiWare 程序,以便在3DS中内置的 DS 网络设定中注入修改后的 DSiWare 程序。
本教程是使用 “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” 漏洞来进行破解的, 欲知相关资料请查阅这里。
+ +movable.sed
文件)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
+ +本节中,你将会使用 DSiWare 数据管理菜单触发 BannerBomb3 漏洞,并利用它导出一个在下一个步骤中需要使用的文件。
+ +数据管理(データ管理/Data Management)
-> DSiWare 数据管理(DSiWareデータ管理/DSiWare)
-> SD卡(micro SDカード/SDカード/SD/microSD)
+ 本节中,你将会临时将 DS 连接设置(DS Connection Settings)程序临时替换为 Flipnote Studio,用来启动 boot9strap(自制固件)安装器。
+ +42383841.bin
(不是带有 memorypit 字串的那个)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
+ <ID0>
是你在 Seedminer 部分中复制的 32 位字母长的文件夹名称<ID1>
是一个在 <ID0>
文件夹内,另一个 32 位字母长的文件夹F00D43D5.bin
) 里的 hax
文件夹复制 42383841.bin
到 Nintendo DSiWare
+ .zip
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录
+ boot.nds
(B9STool)到你的 SD 卡根目录.zip
压缩包中复制 private
+ + +本节中,你将把被修改过的 DS 连接设置应用程序复制进内部存储,这将临时替换其为 Flipnote Studio。
+ +数据管理(データ管理/Data Management)
-> DSiWare 数据管理(DSiWareデータ管理/DSiWare)
-> SD卡(micro SDカード/SDカード/SD/microSD)
(例图)网络设置(インターネツト設定/Internet Settings)
-> DS 连接设置(DSソフト用設定/Nintendo DS Connections)
,然后点击 “OK”(例图)If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+本节中,你将会把之前第四步中被替换为 Flipnote Studio 的 DS 连接设置程序还原回原来的状态。
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
) 里的 clean
文件夹复制 42383841.bin
到 Nintendo DSiWare
文件夹,替换已有文件数据管理(データ管理/Data Management)
-> DSiWare 数据管理(DSiWareデータ管理/DSiWare)
-> SD卡(micro SDカード/SDカード/SD/microSD)
+ +本教程是使用 “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” 漏洞来进行破解的, 欲知相关资料请查阅这里。
+ +利用硬改,我们可以直接导出主机的 NAND 镜像,然后直接将自制固件打进 NAND 镜像中,并重新导入回主机。
+ +你需要一个支持 BT 协议的下载程序,如 qBittorrent 或 Deluge 来下载本教程中的磁力链接 。
+ +请使用 7-Zip 或 The Unarchiver 之类的压缩软件来解压本页面上的 .7z
这个教程适合有对应的 .firm
文件的 New 3DS、New 2DS 和老型号 3DS、老型号 2DS。
,不要下载 source code)系统版本 | +内核版本 | +老型号 3DS 或 老型号 2DS | +New 3DS 或 New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
在本节中,你将下载硬改所需的必要的文件,并导出 NAND 镜像以准备安装自制固件。
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录.zip
中复制 hardmod-b9s-installer 文件夹至电脑中.firm
档案至电脑的 hardmod-b9s-installer 文件夹中.firm
文件重命名为 current.firm
文件至电脑的 hardmod-b9s-installer 文件夹中NAND.bin
在本节中,你将把自制固件安装到导出的 NAND 镜像中,然后将其导回主机以完成在主机上安装自制固件。
+ +install-b9s.exe
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+为了破解系统的 SAFE_MODE 固件,我们需要注入一个写入了漏洞的 WiFi 配置文件到主机中。
+ +现在我们能够使用 Homebrew 程序了,接下来我们会利用它进入 slotTool 继续破解下去。
+ +一旦 WiFi 配置文件被注入,我们将会使用到 SAFE_MODE 来继续此教程。SAVE_MODE 是一个所有的 3DS 主机都存在的修复功能,之后它将用于激活被破解的 WiFi 配置文件。
+ +如果你想知道有关 unSAFE_MODE 的更多技术细节,请见这里。
+ +如果你的 LR↑A 键其中有一个坏掉了,请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器然后以英文寻求帮助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要科学上网),你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
+ +在本节中,你将会使用 Homebrew Launcher 来启动 slotTool,它将会把带有漏洞的数据覆盖到你主机的 Wi-Fi 连接点槽中。 然后,你需要把触发 unSAFE_MODE 漏洞所需的文件复制到设备的 SD 卡上。 你自己设置的 Wi-Fi 链接点将在这个过程中被暂时覆盖。
+ +boot9strap
文件中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你SD卡的 /boot9strap/
压缩包中复制 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到 SD 卡根目录下.zip
复制 usm.bin
到 SD 卡的根目录In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +为了破解系统的 SAFE_MODE 固件,我们需要注入一个写入了漏洞的 WiFi 配置文件到主机中。
+ +为了做到这一点,我们将用一台已安装了自制固件的 3DS 安装一个插件,然后利用马里奥赛车 7 这个游戏中的下载通信功能进行一些操作。
+ +这个插件将会发送带有漏洞的代码到未破解的主机中,然后它将会向未破解的主机中注入带有漏洞的配置文件到 WiFi 连接点列表。
+ +一旦 WiFi 配置文件被注入,我们将会使用到 SAFE_MODE 来继续此教程。SAVE_MODE 是一个所有的 3DS 主机都存在的修复功能,之后它将用于激活被破解的 WiFi 配置文件。
+ +如果想知道更多的技术细节,请参阅以下链接:kartdlphax、unSAFE_MODE。
+ +如果你想通过此方法安装自制固件,则你需要:
+ +如果目标 3DS 的 L、R、↑、A 其中一个按键坏了,则你会卡在需要用到这些按键的步骤上。 如需针对此问题的帮助,请加入 Nintendo Homebrew on Discord 并使用英文求助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要科学上网),你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
+ +在源 3DS(已安装自制固件的 3DS)上操作以下步骤:
+ +plugin.3gx
)在目标 3DS(你试图破解的 3DS)上:
文件)为了向目标 3DS 传输带有漏洞的数据,你将需要按照以下内容配置源 3DS(已安装了自制固件的 3DS)。
+ +boot.firm
到源 3DS 的 SD 卡根目录,替换当前已有的文件
+ plugin.3gx
到源3DS 的 SD 卡上对应你所拥有的马里奥赛车 7 区域版本的文件夹:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
+ 如果 plugins
和 00040000...
文件夹不存在,请先创建它们为了修改目标 3DS(你正在破解的 3DS),你需要复制一些文件到目标 3DS 的 SD 卡中。
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录boot9strap
文件中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你SD卡的 /boot9strap/
压缩包中复制 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到 SD 卡根目录下.zip
复制 usm.bin
到 SD 卡的根目录3ds
中复制出 slotTool
文件夹到你的 SD 卡的 3ds
文件夹本节中,你将使用下载通信程序来从源 3DS 传输带有漏洞的数据到目标 3DS,它将会用带有漏洞的数据覆盖你的 Wi-Fi 连接点设置槽。 你自己设置的 Wi-Fi 链接点将在这个过程中被暂时覆盖。
+ +本地多人游戏(Local Multiplayer)
+ Use settings
然后跳过接下来的 3 个小步骤。 如果不对,请选择 Change settings
然后继续操作。3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
然后进行相应的修改Create Group
+ 大奖赛
-> 50cc
->(任何角色)-> 蘑菇杯
-> OK
第三步 — kartdlphax
重新开始第三步 — kartdlphax
重新开始。 如果依然不行,请于 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器)寻求帮助接下来的步骤中将不再需要使用源 3DS 来完成。 接下来的步骤应该只能在目标 3DS上完成。
+ +In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +你需要一个支持 BT 协议的下载程序,如 qBittorrent 或 Deluge 来下载本教程中的磁力链接 。
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.firm
复制到 SD 卡的根目录下,然后重命名为 boot.firm
+ .zip
里的 boot.3dsx
到你主机 SD 卡的根目录boot9strap
的文件夹从boot9strap .zip
压缩包中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你主机 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
里的 boot.firm
到你 SD 卡的根目录boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+ +请注意,Acekard 2i 烧录卡在被写入 ntrboot 漏洞后,仍然能够正常使用并启动 .nds
文件。 不过,这只适用于 NDS 或者破解了某种破解的 3DS! 在写入 ntrboot 漏洞到 Acekard 2i 烧录卡后,它将无法在 DSi 或未破解的 3DS 上使用并运行 .nds
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)烧录卡 | +硬件版本 | +备份 | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | 未知 | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | 未知 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +未知 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +未知 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +未知 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/A | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
来自于 r4isdhc .com 的 R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | ++ | - | +
来自于 r4isdhc .com 的 R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | ++ | - | +
来自于 r4isdhc .com 的 R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | - | +
压缩包中复制 .bin
文件到你的 SD 卡的 /ntrboot/
文件夹里创建 payloads
到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
文件夹中关于本页所使用漏洞的技术细节,请见这里(Soundhax) 和这里(universal-otherapp)。
+ +Soundhax(和 universal-otherapp 一起使用时)与所有区域 1.0.0 至 11.3.0 系统版本的主机兼容。
)本节中,你将会复制一些触发 Soundhax 和 universal-otherapp 所需要的文件。
+ +.m4a
文件到你的 SD 卡根目录下
+ otherapp.bin
到你的 SD 卡根目录.zip
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录boot9strap
文件中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你SD卡的 /boot9strap/
压缩包中复制 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到 SD 卡根目录下本节中,你将通过 Nintendo 3DS 音乐程序启动 Soundhax,它将使用 universal-otherapp 启动 boot9strap(自制固件)安装程序。
+ +启动 “任天堂 3DS 音乐(Nintendo 3DS Sound)”
+ + +/sdcard
,然后播放“< 3 nedwill 2016”
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+关于本页所使用漏洞的技术细节,请见这里(Soundhax) 和这里(universal-otherapp)。
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0-0 through 11.10.0-36 in all regions. If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or more than 37, Soundhax is patched and won’t work.
)本节中,你将会复制一些触发 Soundhax 和 universal-otherapp 所需要的文件。
+ +.m4a
文件到你的 SD 卡根目录下
+ otherapp.bin
到你的 SD 卡根目录.zip
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录boot9strap
文件中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你SD卡的 /boot9strap/
压缩包中复制 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到 SD 卡根目录下本节中,你将通过 Nintendo 3DS 音乐程序启动 Soundhax,它将使用 universal-otherapp 启动 boot9strap(自制固件)安装程序。
+ +启动 “任天堂 3DS 音乐(Nintendo 3DS Sound)”
+ + +/sdcard
,然后播放“< 3 nedwill 2016”
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+关于本页所使用漏洞的技术细节,请见这里(Soundhax) 和这里(universal-otherapp)。
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with Korean systems on versions where the two numbers before the region in the system version string are lower than 33.
)本节中,你将会复制一些触发 Soundhax 和 universal-otherapp 所需要的文件。
+ +.m4a
文件到你的 SD 卡根目录下
+ otherapp.bin
到你的 SD 卡根目录.zip
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录boot9strap
文件中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你SD卡的 /boot9strap/
压缩包中复制 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到 SD 卡根目录下本节中,你将通过 Nintendo 3DS 音乐程序启动 Soundhax,它将使用 universal-otherapp 启动 boot9strap(自制固件)安装程序。
+ +启动 “任天堂 3DS 音乐(Nintendo 3DS Sound)”
+ + +/sdcard
,然后播放“< 3 nedwill 2016”
+ In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+ +这里有一个公共的代理服务器可供使用,它将会利用 SSLoth 漏洞来绕过版本检查。
+ +一旦更新检查被成功绕过,我们就可以通过一个漏洞页面来完成接下来的任务。
+ +关于本页所使用漏洞的技术细节,请见这里(SSLoth) 和这里(universal-otherapp)。
+ +SSLoth 允许目前系统版本在 11.13.0 及其以下的主机绕过浏览器版本检查,然后就可以使用到利用 universal-otherapp 的方法了,如 new-browserhax 或 old-browserhax(兼容 11.4.0 至 11.13.0 的所有区域主机)
+ +如果你使用过卡带更新,则你的浏览器将无法打开。 如果是这样,则你需要通过系统更新将你的主机更新到最新版本,并按照最新版本的操作进行破解。
)本节中,你将会复制一些触发 browserhax 和 universal-otherapp 所需要的文件。
+ +otherapp.bin
到你 SD 卡的根目录下,然后重命名为 arm11code.bin
+ .bin
后缀,则请不要手动加上 .bin
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录boot9strap
文件中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你SD卡的 /boot9strap/
压缩包中复制 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到 SD 卡根目录下本节中,你将更改主机的网络连接设置,设置一个代理服务器来绕过浏览器的版本检查,允许浏览器在系统没有更新至最新的情况下运行。 这将让你能够在下一步中访问浏览器漏洞页面。
+ +If you haven’t already, make sure you have a working Internet connection set up on your console.
+ +互联网设置(インターネット設定 / Internet Settings)
-> 连接设置(インターネット接続設定 / Connection Settings)
设置变更(設定変更 / Change Settings)
-> 下一页(右箭头)
-> 代理设置(Proxy)
详细设置(詳細設定 / Detailed Setup)
,端口为 8080
本节中,你将启动浏览器破解漏洞,它将使用 universal-otherapp 启动 boot9strap(自制固件)安装程序。
+ +
)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+ +互联网设置(インターネット設定 / Internet Settings)
-> 连接设置(インターネット接続設定 / Connection Settings)
设置变更(設定変更 / Change Settings)
-> 下一页(右箭头)
-> 代理设置(Proxy)
为了破解系统的 SAFE_MODE 固件,我们需要注入一个写入了漏洞的 WiFi 配置文件到主机中。
+ +我们可以利用 BannerBomb3 这个现有的漏洞进行以下操作。
+ +为了做到这一点,我们使用了你的主机系统中的加密密钥(movable.sed)来构建一个 DSiWare 备份,以便于将被破解的 WiFi 配置文件注入到 WiFi 接入点列表。
+ +一旦 WiFi 配置文件被注入,我们将会使用到 SAFE_MODE 来继续此教程。SAVE_MODE 是一个所有的 3DS 主机都存在的修复功能,之后它将用于激活被破解的 WiFi 配置文件。
+ +如果想知道更多 BannerBomb3 和 unSAFE_MODE 的技术细节,请参阅以下链接:BannerBomb3、unSAFE_MODE。
+ +这些操作可在美、欧、日、韩版的主机上工作,你可通过系统版本号末尾的 U,E,J,K 字符来区分主机版本。
+ +如果你的主机 L 键、R 键、↑ 键和 A 键中有一个坏了无法使用,则你只能使用替代方法。 如需帮助,请加入 Nintendo Homebrew on Discord 并使用英文求助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要科学上网),你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
文件)在这一步,你需要把触发 unSAFE_MODE 漏洞所需的文件复制到设备的 SD 卡上。
+ +usm.bin
到你的 SD 卡根目录.zip
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录
+ boot9strap
文件中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你SD卡的 /boot9strap/
压缩包中复制 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到 SD 卡根目录下本节中,你将使用 DSiWare 数据管理菜单触发 BannerBomb3 漏洞,以便向你的 Wi-Fi 设置槽中写入带有漏洞的数据。 你自己设置的 Wi-Fi 链接点将在这个过程中被暂时覆盖。
+ +数据管理(データ管理/Data Management)
-> DSiWare 数据管理(DSiWareデータ管理/DSiWare)
-> SD卡(micro SDカード/SDカード/SD/microSD)
+ In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+本节中,你将会再次触发 BannerBomb3 漏洞,以便还原第二步中被覆盖的 Wi-Fi 设置。
+ +数据管理(データ管理/Data Management)
-> DSiWare 数据管理(DSiWareデータ管理/DSiWare)
-> SD卡(micro SDカード/SDカード/SD/microSD)
(例图)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
。 此文件之后不再需要使用If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, and New 2DS XL/LL, regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device, you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +本附加章节将介绍如何将你的 EmuNAND 的数据迁移到新的 SysNAND 自制系统中,然后删除 EmuNAND 分区。 请注意,EmuNAND 和 RedNAND 是同一概念的两种略微不同的实现。
+ +请注意,如果在 SD 卡 /luma/payloads/
文件夹下,有除了 GodMode9.firm
以外的 payload 文件,那么在按住 “Start” 键开机的时候,主机将会进入 “chainloader menu” 菜单。届时请使用方向键和 “A” 键来选择本教程所需的 “GodMode9”。
在开始之前,你必须确认你已装好了 Luma3DS 和 boot9strap。
中复制 GodMode9.firm
到SD卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的整个 gm9
文件夹复制到 SD 卡的根目录下如果你没有任何 DSiWare 游戏或者不关心其存档,那么你可以跳过这个部分。
-> title
目录,然后同时按 “R” + “A” 键 ,然后选择 “Copy to 0:/gm9/out”
+ 如果你没有任何 GBA VC 游戏或者不关心其存档,那么你可以跳过这个部分。
+ +请注意,其他平台的 VC(如GBC, NES, 等)游戏不需要做这些步骤。
+ +游戏存档将会输出到 SD 卡上的 /gm9/out/
目录,并命名为 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
要确定 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
文件的 Title ID 所对应的程序,你可以选中 [A:] SYSNAND SD
并同时按下 “R” 键与 “A” 键,然后选择“Search for titles”来获取系统上已安装的游戏的列表及它们对应的 Title ID。
上,然后按下A键。然后选择“NAND image options…”,再然后选择 “Restore SysNAND (safe)”如果你之前没备份 DSiWare 的游戏存档,那么就跳过此部分。
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
文件夹,并按下 “Y” 键复制[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
文件夹到此处如果你之前没备份 GBA VC 的游戏存档,那么就跳过此部分。
+ +要确定 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
文件的 Title ID 所对应的程序,你可以在 Godmode9 主菜单内同时按下 “R” 键与 “A” 键,然后选择“Search for titles”来获取系统上已安装的游戏的列表及它们对应的 Title ID。
-> gm9
上按 “A” 键选中<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying itGM9SD
+ boot.firm
文件是从你 SD 卡备份中复制的如果你的烧录卡里预先已经安装了 ntrboot(或者你已经将 ntrboot 漏洞写入了烧录卡),那么你可以直接转至安装 boot9strap(通过 ntrboot)来进行破解。
+ +若想使用 ntrboot 漏洞来安装 boot9strap,那么你需要一张兼容的 NDS / DSi 烧录卡来将 ntrboot 写入烧录卡。 请注意,有一些烧录卡已经预先写入了 ntrboot。
+ +3DS 在任何的系统版本下都可以使用 ntrboot 漏洞,不过在将 ntrboot 写入烧录卡之前不一定可以正常使用烧录卡。 因此,你需要根据你的烧录卡支持的版本和主机选择相应的方法。
+ +请注意带有 “Time Bomb” 的烧录卡在检测到主机的系统时间超过了烧录卡固件中设置的某一日期后,将无法正常运行并启动 .nds
文件。 绕过这一限制的方法之一是把系统时间调到较早日期。
烧录卡名 | +目前价格 | +有无 “Time Bomb”? | +3DS版本? | +DSi版本? | +备注 | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +15.99 美元 | +2024 年 9 月 3 日 | +所有 | +所有 | +自带 ntrboot,可刷回 NDS 烧录卡。 | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +19.99 美元 | +否 | +所有 | +所有 | +自带 ntrboot(支持切换 ntrboot 和 NDS 模式),请勿手动刷入 ntrboot。 | +
Acekard 2i | +20.99美元 | +无 | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +9.99 美元 | +否 | +无 | +无 | +只有一些带有特定 flash 芯片型号的烧录卡兼容 ntrboot。 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +19.99 美元 | +否 | +所有 | +所有 | +支持所有 RTS 修订版本。 | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +13.99 美元 | +1.85b:2024 年 9 月 3 日 | +所有 | +所有 | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +9.99 美元 | +4.0b:2024 年 9 月 3 日 | +所有 | +所有 | +只有卡上标记了 2014 至 2020 版的 r4isdhc .com 卡兼容。 | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +13.99 美元 | +4.0b:2024 年 9 月 3 日 | +所有 | +所有 | +只有卡上标记了 2014 至 2020 版的 r4isdhc .com 卡兼容。 | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | 否 | +所有 | +所有 | +自带ntrboot(使用外部开关可在 ntrboot(“3DS”)和 NDS 模式间切换,请勿手动刷入 ntrboot。 | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | 否 | +所有 | +所有 | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | 否 | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +所有 | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | 否 | +所有 | +所有 | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | 无 | +无 | +无 | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | 否 | +4.1.0 至 4.5.0 | +所有 | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | 否 | +4.3.0 或更低 | +所有 | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | 未知 | +所有 | +所有 | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b:2024 年 9 月 3 日 | +所有 | +所有 | +只有卡上标记了 2014 至 2020 版的 r4isdhc .com 卡兼容。 | +
在开始前,请确认你的烧录卡可以在你的主机上使用并运行 .nds
文件。 某些烧录卡可能需要其 SD 卡内含有固件或“内核”文件。 请阅读你的烧录卡的说明书来了解更多细节。
+ +如果你的主机是折叠式(除了带有睡眠开关的老型号的 2DS 外的所有 3DS 系列机型),且你要通过此方法破解,则你必须准备一小块磁铁。 这是因为这个漏洞需要在主机进入休眠模式后再按下组合键。
+ +你可以在开机时将磁铁放在 A、B、X、Y 键上方或附近然后看看你的主机是否黑屏。 如果会的话,只要把磁铁在那个位置附近,主机的两个屏幕就应该都会变黑。
+ +请注意,在写入 ntrboot 漏洞后你将无法使用烧录卡的正常功能(除了Acekard 2i,其在 NDS 和已破解的 3DS 上仍能正常使用)。 也就是说大部分烧录卡在被写入 ntrboot 后在主菜单中都不会出现其图标。 在写入 ntrboot 后,你可以通过可选步骤将其从烧录卡中移除。
+ +请注意,极少见的情況下某些伪劣烧录卡有可能会在破解过程中坏掉且无法恢复。 这不太可能, 但无论如何我们只支持写在兼容表格中的烧录卡。 为了防止买到伪劣烧录卡,建议你从一些知名度较高的网站上购买你需要的烧录卡(如 NDS Card)。
+ +本方法只需一台未破解的 3DS 和一张兼容的烧录卡。 本教程烧录卡将用于在你的 3DS 上运行 ntrboot flasher .nds
文件。 这也就是说,若想要在 3DS 上使用你持有的烧录卡运行 .nds
文件,烧录卡必须支持在你的 3DS 系统版本上运行。 请参阅上方的烧录卡兼容列表了解更多。
本方法会需要暂时用到一台已经破解了 boot9strap 的 3DS 主机, 你的烧录卡在本方法中不受 3DS 系统版本的限制。
+ + + +此方法需要暂时用到支持你烧录卡的 NDS 或 NDS Lite。 烧录卡将用于在你的 NDS 上运行 ntrboot 写入程序的 .nds
本方法需要暂时用到一台与你的烧录卡兼容的 Nintendo DSi 主机。 烧录卡将用于在你的 DSi 上运行 ntrboot 写入程序的 .nds
文件。 这也就是说,若想要在 DSi 上使用你持有的烧录卡运行 .nds
文件,烧录卡必须支持在你的 DSi 系统版本上运行。 请参阅上方的烧录卡兼容列表了解更多。
本站点使用 cookies 来方便手册指导用户。 Cookies 允许通过站点的侧边栏显示当前的进度,帮助用户更容易找到指示。
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+ +此网站使用 Google Analytics 提供的分析来监测和分析流量。 此网站由 Github Pages 托管,它也可以使用 cookies 收集有关你的数据并嵌入额外的第三方跟踪,监测你与这个网站的互动。 关于 Github Pages 与用户隐私有关的更多信息,请参见 GitHub 隐私声明。
+ +此站点不会收集任何的个人信息。 但会收集使用信息,以便分析内容的兴趣并综合向广告商提供信息。 我们不会与第三方广告公司分享任何的个人身份信息。
+ +此站点可以链接到用户使用或用于参考的其他站点。 本站点无权负责其他网站的隐私政策。 用户应当知道,其他网站的隐私政策可能不同于我们的政策。
+ +隐私政策的内容可以在任何时候并以任何理由加以修改。
+ + +本章节将介绍如何更改 SysNAND 的系统区域。 这是通过安装你想要切换到的地区的 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 镜像而达成的。 安装完镜像后,你可以正常更新主机到最新的系统版本(11.16.0)。
+ +注意,Luma3DS 本身就自带了区域模拟的功能,这使得变更区域几乎是不必要的。 顺带一提,你可以使用 TWiLight Menu++ 来运行其他区域的 NDS 游戏。
+ +请注意,如果你的 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
目录中有 GodMode9.firm
以外的 .firm
文件,那么你在按住 “Start” 键开机的时候,你的主机将不会直接进入到 Godmode9,而会进入到一个叫做 “chainloader menu” 的菜单,这个时候你需要通过十字键来移动红色光标至 “Godmode9” 来启动教程需要的文件。
+ +在开始之前,你必须确认你已装好了 Luma3DS 和 boot9strap。
+ +区域变更可能会破坏旧版 3DS/2DS 的内存扩展模式(这会导致怪物猎人、任天堂大乱斗和宝可梦日月系列等等的游戏无法启动)。 如果出现了这个问题,则你得初始化主机(使用 TinyFormat 或者系统设置内的主机初始化)来解决它。
+ +你需要一个支持 BT 协议的下载程序,如 qBittorrent 或 Deluge 来下载本教程中的磁力链接 。
中的 GodMode9.firm
复制到你 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的整个 gm9
文件夹复制到 SD 卡的根目录下.zip
中复制 11.15.0 CTRTransfer .bin
到 SD 卡的 /gm9/
到 SD 卡的 /3ds/
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
上按 “A” 键以选中它Nintendo 3DS
和 Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD card如果脚本提示没有找到任何使用者的 tickets 并且告诉你跳过本步,那么就跳过这一步。
+ +eshop
、 unknown
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
上按 “X” 来删除它此页面的内容已移动至更新/恢复自制固件页面。
+ + +此页面的内容将指导你为已安装最新 boot9strap 固件的主机进行重新安装或升级自制固件应用程序。 当 SD 卡由于意外损坏或丢失时,你也可以使用这个方法来恢复。
+ +你的 SD 卡必须格式化为 FAT32 才能正常进行步骤,否则 3DS 将无法识别它。 如果你的 SD 卡格式不对,请根据你当前使用的操作系统使用以下其一方法来格式化:Windows Mac Linux。
内的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录,请覆盖已有文件
+ 此时 Luma3DS 已经复制到主机的内部存储中。现在你的主机能够在不插 SD 卡的情况下开机了。
+如果你想要重新安装或升级 homebrew 程序,请至完成安装部分
+ + +为了在你的主机上安装 boot9strap,我们需要获得你主机上的唯一加密密钥。 为了做到这点,我们使用了一个叫 Seedminer 的工具来计算你主机的数据加密密钥(movable.sed)。
+ +如果想要了解 Seedminer 是怎么工作的,请参见此介绍资料。
+ +本教程需要利用高性能的显卡来进行一些计算。 不过有一个志愿者网站可以帮助你做需要显卡的步骤。
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +本节中,为了得到加密密钥,你将需要从你的 3DS 中获取必要的信息。
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
文件夹,则你可以忽略它本节中,你将会使用 Bruteforce Movable 网站来获取你主机的加密密钥(movable.sed
然后继续下一步。 You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Brutefforce
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +为了在你的主机上安装 boot9strap,我们需要获得你主机上的唯一加密密钥。 为了做到这点,我们使用了一个叫 Seedminer 的工具来计算你主机的数据加密密钥(movable.sed)。
+ +如果想要了解 Seedminer 是怎么工作的,请参见此介绍资料。
+ +本教程需要利用高性能的显卡来进行一些计算。 不过有一个志愿者网站可以帮助你做需要显卡的步骤。
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +本节中,为了得到加密密钥,你将需要从你的 3DS 中获取必要的信息。
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
文件夹,则你可以忽略它本节中,你将会使用 Bruteforce Movable 网站来获取你主机的加密密钥(movable.sed
然后继续下一步。 You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Brutefforce
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
继续至 BannerBomb3
+ + +热门
+ +全部
+ +此页面列出了一些常见问题的解决办法。 如果你的问题无法通过此页面提供的方法解决,请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器,使用英文描述你的问题(包括你尝试过的操作)来寻求帮助。你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
+ +Used on multiple pages:
+Guide pages:
+Issues after installation:
+你忘记把 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
放进 SD 卡根目录的 boot9strap
文件夹了,或是创建 boot9strap
文件夹的时候打错了名字。 下载最新版本的 boot9strap,然后将 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
放入 boot9strap
你的 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
文件有问题。 重新下载最新版本的 boot9strap,然后将 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
放入 boot9strap
你忘记把 secret_sector.bin
放进 SD 卡根目录的 boot9strap
文件夹了,或是创建 boot9strap
文件夹的时候打错了名字。 使用 BT 客户端下载 secret_sector.bin,然后把它放到 SD 卡里的 boot9strap
如需帮助,请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器,使用英文描述你看到的信息。你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
+这通常会在你把 SD 卡插在多台主机上使用过后出现。是任天堂为了防止无意间将其它主机的数据合并在一起而故意设计的。 为了确定哪个文件夹是你 3DS 的,请按照以下步骤做:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
文件夹重命名为 BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
文件夹Nintendo 3DS
文件夹BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
文件夹重命名为 Nintendo 3DS
这说明网站曾已经使用你的好友码和 ID0 获取到你的 movable.sed
了。 你可以直接使用它给的 movable.sed
你的好友码已被本服务锁定,因为你没有在服务的限定时间内将服务给的机器人好友码添加到好友列表,且尝试次数过多,浪费了机器人的感情。 确保你的 3DS 已经连上了网络,然后加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器来要求解锁。
+网站已经确定无法获取到你的 movable.sed
。 确保先前你输入到网站的 ID0 是正确的。 如果你确定没有问题,则你无法使用 Seedminer 方法。你必须使用其他需要额外游戏或者外设的办法来破解。
This can occur if you’ve used multiple SD cards on a 3DS and then merged the contents of the SD cards together. This is done to prevent conflicting, valid data from being merged together.
+ +To fix this, you will need to determine which folder contains your data. Usually, this will be the larger (or largest) of the folders. Backup and delete the smaller one(s), then create a Nintendo DSiWare
folder in the one that remains and move F00D43D5.bin
to that location.
确保 F00D43D5.bin
是 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
里面的唯一文件。 如果确定没问题的话,尝试重新使用 Bannerbomb3 注入器重新创建文件。
另外,请确保 bb3.bin
已正确放置在 SD 卡的根目录下。 如果缺失了这个文件,请下载最新版本的 Bannerbomb3(直链),然后将 bb3.bin
如果还是不行,则可能是因为曾经这台主机安装过自制固件,且后来又卸载了自制固件,从而导致此方法失效。 If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
没有放进 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
。 请确保 Nintendo DSiWare
拼写和空格位置正确。 不区分大小写。
你放的 F00D43D5.bin
文件可能有问题(损坏或被用于错误的 3DS)。 使用 Bannerbomb3 Injector 重新创建 F00D43D5.bin
文件,且确保你使用的 movable.sed
unSAFE_MODE 没有成功安装上。 Follow the instructions to install it.
文件丢失或位置错误。 下载最新版本的 unSAFE_MODE 并将 usm.bin
放在你 SD 卡的根目录中。 如果你下到的东西看不到 .bin
或许主机没有读到你的 SD 卡也是有可能的。 请确定你已经正确插入其至主机,且格式化正确。
文件丢失或放置在了错误的位置。 下载最新版本的 SafeB9SInstaller 然后解压它,将 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
放在你 SD 卡的根目录中。 如果你下到的东西看不到 .bin
备份好你 SD 卡上的文件,然后根据你的操作系统选择一个工具来重新格式化 SD 卡为 FAT32 格式:Windows、macOS、Linux。 目前已知 MiniTool Partition Wizard 和惠普格式化工具(HPUSBDisk)格出来的 SD 卡给 3DS 使用会出问题。
+ +如果还是不行,尝试换一张 SD 卡。
+请确认 movable.sed
和 DSiWare 备份是从同一台主机导出的。 如果不匹配就会报错。
你忘记从 SD 卡中删掉 F00D43D5.bin
文件了。 打开内存卡的 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
文件夹,然后删除 F00D43D5.bin
你放的 42383821.bin
文件有问题(丢失、放错位置或者损坏)。 使用 DSIHaxInjector_new 重新创建文件,确保 42383821.bin
-> hax
取出来的,且放在了 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
没有被从 SD 卡中复制到系统内部存储。
你主机的 DS 连接设置程序损坏了,你需要想办法获得启动 Homebrew Launcher 的权限才能修复它。 如需帮助,请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器。
+如果你用的内存卡特别大的话,Flipnote 可能需要花很长时间来索引内存卡。 等它几分钟。
+你忘了从 Frogminer_save .zip
压缩包中复制 private
你在操作过程中可能误触了其它的东西。 重新进入 DS 连接设置并重试。
文件丢失或位置错误。 下载最新版本的 b9stool 并将 boot.nds
放在你 SD 卡的根目录中,如有存在相同文件请替换。
这说明你放的 boot.nds
文件有问题。 重新下载最新版本的 b9stool 并将 boot.nds
放在你 SD 卡的根目录中,如有存在相同文件请替换。
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and explain what has happened.
+如果你的主机系统版本为 9.4.0 或 9.5.0 或 9.6.0,则可能你会遇到旧版 universal-otherapp 的 bug 而无法继续教程。请在这里下载最新版本的 universal-otherapp。
+ +如果你的系统版本没有在这个区间中,则你的主机可能已经安装过了自制固件。 你应该检查一下。
+你放的 otherapp.bin
文件有问题(丢失、放错位置或者损坏)。 下载最新版本的 universal-otherapp 并将其放在你 SD 卡的根目录中。
你放的 Soundhax 文件与主机的型号或区域不符,或者是你的主机不兼容Soundhax。 在后者情况下,你应该更新你的主机到最新版本,然后使用 Seedminer 安装自制固件。
文件丢失或放置在了错误的位置。 下载最新版本的 SafeB9SInstaller 然后解压它,将 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
放在你 SD 卡的根目录中。 如果你下到的东西看不到 .bin
备份好你 SD 卡上的文件,然后根据你的操作系统选择一个工具来重新格式化 SD 卡为 FAT32 格式:Windows、macOS、Linux。 目前已知 MiniTool Partition Wizard 和惠普格式化工具(HPUSBDisk)格出来的 SD 卡给 3DS 使用会出问题。
+ +如果还是不行,尝试换一张 SD 卡。
+这可能代表着你的主机已经安装过了自制固件。 你应该检查一下。
文件丢失或位置错误。 下载最新版本的 universal-otherapp 并将其放在你 SD 卡的根目录中,然后重命名为 arm11code.bin
。 如果你下到的东西看不到 .bin
这说明你放的 arm11code.bin
文件有问题。 下载最新版本的 universal-otherapp 并将其放在你 SD 卡的根目录中,然后重命名为 arm11code.bin
。 如果你下到的东西看不到 .bin
+ +你可能没有正确配置 SSLoth 代理服务器。 尝试重做页面上的 SSLoth 部分内容。
+ +互联网设置(インターネット設定 / Internet Settings)
-> 连接设置(インターネット接続設定 / Connection Settings)
设置变更(設定変更 / Change Settings)
-> 下一页(右箭头)
-> 代理设置(Proxy)
First, make sure you entered the correct proxy for the connection you’re using. If not, go back to Section II. If the proxy is correct, then your device has been cart-updated, which means an alternate exploit will need to be used.
+ +Method 1
+If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or less than 36 (e.g. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), you can follow Soundhax. When prompted to select a firmware to generate the sound file, use:
Method 2 (Old 3DS only)
+If you have an Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, you can try a Safe Mode update, which will trigger an alternate exploit:
If these methods didn’t work (or do not apply to you), update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+ +SafeB9SInstaller.bin
文件丢失或放置在了错误的位置。 下载最新版本的 SafeB9SInstaller 然后解压它,将 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
放在你 SD 卡的根目录中。 如果你下到的东西看不到 .bin
这可能说明你放的 arm11code.bin
文件有问题。 重新下载最新版本的 universal-otherapp 并将其放在你 SD 卡的根目录中,然后重命名为 arm11code.bin
。 如果你下到的东西看不到 .bin
如果你的机子是港台版的(系统版本号为 T 结尾,例如11.3.0-##T),则你无法使用本教程。你需要更新系统至最新,然后使用 Seedminer 进行破解。
+ +如果你的主机是神游版的(系统版本号后缀为 C,例如:11.3.0-##C),请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器使用英文寻求帮助。
+如需帮助,请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器。
+备份好你 SD 卡上的文件,然后根据你的操作系统选择一个工具来重新格式化 SD 卡为 FAT32 格式:Windows、macOS、Linux。 目前已知 MiniTool Partition Wizard 和惠普格式化工具(HPUSBDisk)格出来的 SD 卡给 3DS 使用会出问题。
+ +如果还是不行,尝试换一张 SD 卡。
+ +Download this alternate config.ini and place it in /luma/
. 这样会把 Rosalina 菜单组合键改成 “X” + “Y”。
你放的 boot.3dsx
文件有问题(丢失、放错位置或者损坏)。 下载最新版本的 Homebrew Launcher 并将 boot.3dsx
放在你 SD 卡的根目录中,如有存在相同文件请替换。
你没有把 GodMode9 .zip
中的整个 gm9
文件夹复制到 SD 卡的根目录下。 下载最新版本的 GodMode9 并将 gm9
文件夹解压至你 SD 卡的根目录中,如有存在相同文件请替换。
Make sure you have at least 1.3GB available in your SD card. If you don’t have enough space, follow these steps:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder from the root of your SD card to your computergm9/out
on your SD to a safe location on your computer<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
files from the SD card, keeping essential.exefs in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
folder from your computer to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folder from your computerIf you have enough space on your SD card, your SD might be corrupted or faulty. Check your SD card for any errors by following the guide according to your computer’s operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+此处列出的操作方法将假设你的主机安装了最新的自制固件(boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 或更高版本)。 如果你的主机还在用旧版的自制固件(例如基于 arm9loaderhax 或 menuhax 的东西),则你应该在继续操作前先升级自制固件。
+ +这说明你放的 boot.firm
文件有问题。 如果你的主机正在使用 boot9strap 1.4 版,那么你的主机在这种情况下开机后,通知灯就会亮起某种特定的颜色,然后关机。 具体亮起的颜色可用来判断你内存卡或主机内存中的 boot.firm
的问题。 如果 boot9strap 是 1.4 以下的版本,则只会闪一下电源灯(蓝灯)就关机。
+ +boot.firm
文件。 主机内存中可以找到 boot.firm
文件,但是这两个文件都已损坏。你可以通过下载 最新版本的 Luma3DS,然后解压,将 boot.firm
复制到 SD 卡的根目录。 如果 boot.firm
始终被主机判定为损坏,则你可能需要使用一个工具来测试一下你的 SD 卡(Windows、Linux、macOS) 另外,最好不要使用 WinRAR 解压文件,解压的文件给 3DS 使用可能会出问题。
如果你在开机的时候听到了“啪”的一声,然后蓝灯熄灭,则代表你的主机可能有硬件上的问题了。(如:背光排线断开) 你的主机或许能在开盖特定角度的情况下开机。
+ +Nintendo 3DS
文件夹重命名为 Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
,然后尝试启动主机。 如果成功开机了,则 Nintendo 3DS
文件夹有问题。 尝试清理主菜单的外部存储文件:
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + 删除对应你的 3DS 区域的文件夹:
+ 00000098
你主机的 Luma3DS 版本已过时。 下载最新版本的 Luma3DS 并将 boot.firm
放在你 SD 卡的根目录中,如有存在相同文件请替换。 请不要用 WinRAR 解压 ZIP 文件,我们目前已知这会导致与 3DS 有关的文件出错。
There are a number of reasons as to why this could be happening. In any case, this error can usually be fixed by following the CTRTransfer guide.
+ARM11 异常处理器已被禁用,或主机未安装自制固件。 尝试启用 ARM11 异常处理器:
+This could be caused by various reasons, but most likely because your SD card is not being read by the system. +You can check if your SD is being read by holding SELECT on boot and checking the yellow text on the bottom screen; if it says “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, then your device is booting from the internal memory and not from the SD card. +If this is the case, attempt the steps below, which are listed from easiest to hardest:
from the
and place it on the root of your SD card (replacing any existing file)你的主机可能由于硬件问题变砖了。 你可能需要买一张支持 ntrboot 的烧录卡来重新安装 boot9strap 以尝试修复主机。 这也可能是无法修复的硬件问题。 无论如何,请先加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器 并说英文求助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要科学上网),你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
+请对报错拍照,然后加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器并说英文以获取援助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要科学上网),你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
到你内存卡的 /3ds/
文件夹Your device is running Luma3DS 6.6 or older, likely via arm9loaderhax. 你应该按照 A9LH 升级 B9S 将主机更新到最新的自制固件环境。
+旧版 3DS / 2DS 在做完 CTRTransfer 或区域变更之后可能会出现这个问题。 你需要初始化主机才能解决这个问题。
+Look for your exception screen in this page. +If you weren’t able to find your error or the instructions didn’t work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for further assistance.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
You can disable the Parental Controls feature by going to System Settings -> Parental Controls and inserting the PIN, then pressing “Clear Settings”, then “Delete” to remove it. +However, if you do not know the PIN and therefore cannot access the device’s settings, you will need to disable it. In order to do this, you need to obtain your device’s master key (mkey):
+本章节将会教你如何完全把自制固件从你的主机完全移除,为了完全恢复原厂系统,所有的自制固件将被卸载,包括 B9S 和 Luma3DS。
+ +任何未签名(盗版)游戏都将被标记为不可用,并将在此过程中被删除。 你可以使用一个存档管理器来备份你想要保留的游戏存档。
+ +如果你想卸载自制固件的目的是:
+ +停下!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!卸载自制固件只会浪费时间把这几件事搞的更糟,且有概率导致主机直接变砖。 更好的点子是在 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器上使用英文寻求帮助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,则你可能需要通过科学上网访问 Discord),你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497。
)如果你干过以上的任何一件事,卸载自制固件将直接导致主机砖机。 如果你确实做了,但是你仍然想要卸载自制固件,请还原一份干净的 NAND 备份,然后再继续。
+这些步骤仅适用于 Luma3DS 版本在 8.0 或以上的主机。 如果你的主机 Luma 版本比要求的旧,则你必须先升级版本再做这些操作。 请参考这个页面来找到适合你主机的升级操作。
里的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录.zip
中的 GodMode9.firm
复制到你 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的整个 gm9
文件夹复制到 SD 卡的根目录下DSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的 /3ds/
到 SD 卡的/gm9/scripts/
目录下本步骤的目的是检查内建的 DS 模式应用是否能够在卸载自制固件后继续正常运作。 如果你跳过此章节,DS 模式或它的功能可能会无法正常使用,除非你重新安装自制固件。
+ +网络设置(Internet Settings)
-> 任天堂 DS 连接(Nintendo DS Connections)
,然后选择 “OK”如果以上其一测试失败了,则 DS 模式、DS 下载通信和/或 DS 连接设定可能会在卸载自制固件后无法正常使用! You should fix DS mode before continuing.
+ +本步骤的目的是为了检查主机是否能在卸载自制固件后正常开机,以及核心系统组件(如系统设置和键盘)是否能够正常运作。 如果你跳过此部分,主机可能会变砖!
+ +如果没有进入到正常的 3DS 主菜单或系统设置/键盘不可用,则请不要再继续做下面的步骤了! 请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器 并说英文来请求支持。
+ +本步骤将会删除非法内容,例如自制程序、导出的程序(安装 CIA 格式的应用得来的)。 如果你有还想要的存档,请在继续前使用一个存档工具将它导出来后再继续!
+ +本步骤将会把所有的非法 ticket 从主机中移除,使 eShop 能够正常工作。 这会移除 3DS 中的所有内容,并登出 NNID。 这会重新生成你的主机解密密钥,意味着你先前的所有数据将会全部不可用,即使你把它们从 SD 卡中备份出来也是如此。
+ +这是你核验所有安全检查步骤是否已正确遵循的最后一次机会! 请确保你已经做完了本页面先前的所有步骤,特别是 第三步
+ +你可以将除了 “Nintendo 3DS” 和 “DCIM” 还有 “private” 以外的文件、文件夹从 SD 卡根目录删除。
+ + +本页是给现有 Boot9strap 的用户且想更新 Boot9strap 到最新版本而准备的。
+ +我们现在相信自制固件可以安全地联网了,不过仍然要提一下:过去的联网封禁大多数是因为作弊和可疑的 eShop 行为造成的。
文件)请在本节中的所有步骤中覆盖 SD 卡上的所有现有文件。
+ +boot9strap
压缩包中复制 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
到你 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.firm
复制到 SD 卡的根目录下,然后重命名为 boot.firm
+ boot.firm
已存在,替换它将 SD 卡重新插入你的主机
+ +
内的 boot.firm
和 boot.3dsx
到你 SD 卡的根目录,覆盖已有文件很抱歉,此頁面並不存在。
+ + +本頁面適用於想更新至 boot9strap 且已安裝 arm9loaderhax 的使用者使用。
+ +未來所有的 Luma3DS 版本都將以 .firm
形式推出,且此格式僅相容於 boot9strap 以及 sighax。 也就是說,如果您想要繼續使用最新版的 Luma3DS,您應透過本章節來更新您的主機。
檔案,您將需要一個壓縮檔管理員,如 7-Zip 或 The Unarchiver。
大部分情況下,自製韌體是可以安全使用線上服務的。不過還是得警告一下,過去還是有部分用戶被任天堂封鎖的情況,但通常都是因為作弊或者濫用 eShop 的情況下。
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
+ +請注意,只有在使用 New 3DS 時,secret_sector.bin
是用來還原 arm9loaderhax 漏洞用的,這也就是為什麼在原廠主機上安裝 boot9strap 時不會用到它。 若您的主機不是 New 3DS 的機型,您則不需要使用 secret_sector.bin
file)在本節中,請覆蓋所有 SD 卡中可能相衝的檔案。
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ .7z
內的 arm9loaderhax.bin
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下.zip
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
到 SD 中的 /luma/payloads/
+ luma
或 payloads
(如 GodMode9.bin
, Decrypt9WIP.bin
, Hourglass9.bin
等等) 資料夾的 .bin
payload 檔案,因為它們將無法與 boot9strap 版本的 Luma3DS 相容boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
資料夾中僅限 New 3DS 使用者:將 secret_sector.bin
複製到 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
folder on your SD card and try again為了匯出系統的 DSiWare 軟體, 我們使用了在系統設定內的 DSiWare 數據管理的一個漏洞。
+ +為了做到這一點,我們將使用你裝置的系統加密金鑰 (movable.sed) 來建構一個可使用的 DSiWare 系統備份,以便將 DSi 網路設定程式匯出到 SD 卡的根目錄。
+ +Once you have a DSiWare backup, an exploitable DSiWare title can be injected into DS Download Play, which can be used to install custom firmware.
+ +These instructions are for Taiwanese consoles ONLY (as indicated by a T at the end of the system version, e.g. 11.16.0-39T)! If your console is from any other region, choose the other method.
+ +movable.sed
)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) 複製到 SD 卡根目錄中.zip
中的 private
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下movable.sed
using the “Browse…” optionNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
on your SD card
+ <ID0>
字串將與您在 Seedminer 中所使用的字串一樣<ID1>
字串指的是 <ID0>
內 32 字元的資料夾名稱Nintendo DSiWare
inside of the <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD
file and navigate to China_Taiwan
-> output_setup
files to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder資料管理 (Data Management)
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
-> (第二頁)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
file and navigate to China_Taiwan
-> output_hax
file that is the same number as the one that was on the second page of the DSiWare Management menu to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, and overwrite when prompted資料管理 (Data Management)
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
on the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
files in the Nintendo DSiWare
file using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
file using the second “Browse…” optionDSdownloadplay
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder檔案管理 (Data Management)
-> DSiWare
If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder檔案管理 (Data Management)
-> DSiWare
To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here.
+這些操作在美、歐、日、韓版可用,可透過系統版本號末尾的 「U、E、J、K」 字元來辨別。
+ +如果您的主機為台灣版主機(系統版本號以 T 結尾的主機),請見此頁面。
+ +movable.sed
檔案In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +F00D43D5.bin
and a payload called bb3.bin
inside of a zip archive (
to the root of your SD card
+ Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
on your SD card
+ Nintendo DSiWare
inside of the <ID1>
+ <8-character-id>.bin
) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD cardF00D43D5.bin
file from
to the Nintendo DSiWare
folderIn this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your device. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page.
+ +If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.
+ +If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (USM)
+ +If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (Fredtool)
+ + +If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, go back to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the New 3DS series and the 2DS), regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device , you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +本文章是用來確認您的主機是否已安裝自製韌體用的附加章節。
+ +如果您的主機已安裝 arm9loaderhax 或 boot9strap 的自製韌體的話,您將需要透過下列指示來更新您的韌體。
+ +If your console has a menuhax-based CFW setup, you should clear HOME Menu’s extdata, then follow all instructions on your SysNAND. You probably have a menuhax-based setup if your system version when booting without an SD card is 9.2.0-20.
+ +如果您的主機開機後直接跳到正常的 HOME 主選單,請前往至新手入門
+ +如果您的主機顯示低於 (含) Luma3DS 7.0.5 的版本的話,請前往至 升級 A9LH 至 B9S
+ +如果您的主機顯示 Luma3DS 7.1 的版本的話,請前往至 更新 B9S
+ +如果您的主機顯示高於 (含) Luma3DS 8.0 的版本的話,請前往至 還原 / 更新 CFW
+ +如果您的主機顯示了以上皆非的畫面的話,請至 Discord 上的 Nintendo Homebrew 伺服器 並使用英文求助。
+ + +我們很高興您想為 貢獻! 以下是您可以提出貢獻的幾種方法:
+ +本改機手冊的內容是完全開源的-您可以在此找到本專案的版本庫。 如果您覺得本指南中的內容有問題,您可以在我們的版本庫中建立新的議題 (Issue) 或提出相對應的拉取請求 (Pull Request)。
+ +如果你願意翻譯此手冊的內容,你可以參閱我們的 Crowdin 專案。
+ +本手冊中大部分的檔案只提供 Torrent 種子。 If you’d like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the .zip
file containing all our .torrent
files: (last updated 2023-03-16)
There is also an RSS feed that may be updated for future torrents, which you can subscribe to.
+ +維護本手冊的內容(以及我們的支援管道)主要是由各個志工所提供的,但如果本手冊對您來說非常有幫助,我們也歡迎您提出金援贊助。
+ + + + + +特別感謝 Plailect,本系列文章的原作者及維護者!
+ +特別感謝所有在 Freenode 上 #Cakey 的所有成員!
+ +感謝所有的超讚的翻譯人員!
+ +如果我忘記把您加進來的話,請與我聯繫。
+ ++ Al3x_10m
++ aliaspider
++ AngelSL
++ ashinnblunts
++ AuroraWright
++ b1l1s
++ BernardoGiordano
++ Cartman123
++ Cell9
++ coder65535
++ Cruel
++ d0k3
++ dank101
++ Dazzozo
++ DeadPhoenix
++ Delebile
++ DinohScene
++ dukesrg
++ elementalcode
++ elSeledonio
++ erman1337
++ felipejfc
++ figgyc
++ fox8091
++ Frozen_Chen
++ Gelex
++ Hamcha
++ icecream
++ ihaveamac
++ IngeniousDefault
++ J-D-K
++ Jisagi
++ jkcgs
++ kartik
++ LordBass
++ mid-kid
++ MrNbaYoh
++ Mrrraou
++ Night_Fallen_Wolf
++ Normmatt
++ Plailect
++ plutooo
++ Psi-Hate
++ RandallHoffman
++ Raugo
++ s_99
++ SciresM
++ Shadowtrance
++ shinyquagsire23
++ skiptirengu
++ smealum
++ Steveice10
++ stuckpixel
++ Syphurith
++ Tech0verlord
++ TiniVi
++ TuxSH
++ Urbanshadow
++ Vappy
++ vegaroxas
++ Wolfvak
++ WulfyStylez
++ xy2_
++ yellows8
++ yifan_lu
++ zoogie
本篇為用來安裝 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 鏡像檔至您主機上的附加章節。
+ +請注意,如果您在 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
資料夾中放有除了 GodMode9.firm
的 payload 檔案,在開機時按住『Start』鍵將會顯示一個『加載選單』,從那裏您得透過方向鍵及按鈕『A』選擇『GodMode9』。
您必須先安裝 Luma3DS 和 boot9strap 才能繼續。
+ +請注意,在舊 3DS 及 舊 2DS 主機上進行 CTRTransfer,可能會導致需使用擴充記憶體模式的遊戲無法正常運作 (如魔物獵人、超級瑪利歐、精靈寶可夢月亮/太陽)。 若遇到此情形時,您必須重新格式化您的主機以修正此問題 (透過 TinyFormat 或系統設定)。
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
中的 GodMode9.firm
檔案到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的 gm9
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下.zip
中,解壓 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 鏡像檔 .bin
檔案至 SD 卡上的 /gm9/
複製到 SD 卡中的 /3ds/
資料夾底下[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
,並按『A』選擇Nintendo 3DS
和 Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD card如果腳本說沒有找到任何使用者 tickets 且請您跳過本節,那麼您可跳過這一節.
+ +eshop
或 unknown
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
鏡像檔,並按『X』刪除不論寫腳本、取得更新或更多訊息,您能加入 GodMode9 的 Discord 伺服器 以獲得更多幫助。
+ +除了建立及還原NAND備份外,GodMode9 也可以將已安裝的程式轉換成可安裝的 .cia
格式,或者將遊戲卡帶轉存成 .3ds
的 ROM 檔案,以便將卡帶版的遊戲轉成可安裝至系統的格式。
以下指示是為 v2.0.0 或較新版本的 GodMode9 而寫的。 如果您的 GodMode9 版本較舊,請遵循以下指示更新其版本。
中的 GodMode9.firm
檔案到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的 gm9
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下將所想要拷貝的遊戲卡帶插入至主機中
+ .3ds
或 .nds
檔案將被複製到您 SD 卡的 /gm9/out/
資料夾中以下指示僅適用於 3DS 遊戲;NDS 遊戲卡帶無法被轉存為 3DS 系統程式。
按下「A」鍵將其選取,並選擇『NCSD image options…』,再選『Install game image』在您繼續前,您應先嘗試 安裝遊戲卡帶至系統中。
按下「A」鍵將其選取,並選擇『NCSD image options…』,再選『Build CIA from file』.cia
檔案將被複製到您 SD 卡的 /gm9/out/
資料夾中這將允許你轉存任何系統或使用者安裝的程式,如透過 eShop 上下載的遊戲。
+ +[A:] SD CARD
[1:] NAND / TWL
檔案將被複製到您 SD 卡的 /gm9/out/
資料夾中遊戲存檔 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
將被複製至 SD 卡中的/gm9/out/
若想找出 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
遊戲檔案的 Title ID,您可以在 GodMode9 的主選單中按下「Home」鍵,選擇 Title manager
,再選 [A:] SD CARD
,以列出所有已安裝於系統的遊戲及對應的 Title ID。
,並按『A』選擇若想找出 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
遊戲檔案的 Title ID,您可以在 GodMode9 的主選單中按下「Home」鍵,選擇 Title manager
,再選 [A:] SD CARD
,以列出所有已安裝於系統的遊戲及對應的 Title ID。
-> gm9
,並按『A』選擇為了整潔,將您所想要加密/解密的各個 .cia
檔案複製至 SD 卡的 /cias/
-> cias
,再選『CIA image options…』.cia
檔案至 SD 卡的 /gm9/out/
檔案至 SD 卡的 /gm9/out/
檔案將被存於指定區域本篇為透過 F3 來檢查您 SD 卡是否有任何問題的附加章節。
+ +根據您的 SD 卡的大小和電腦的速度,本過程可能將花費數小時才能完成 !
+ +本教學僅適用於 Linux 使用者。 如果您不在 Linux 平台上,請參閱 H2testw (Windows) 或 F3XSwift (Mac)。
至 f3 目錄中make
以編譯 F3./f3write <您 SD 卡的掛載點>
$ ./f3write /media/michel/6135-3363/
+Free space: 29.71 GB
+Creating file 1.h2w ... OK!
+Creating file 30.h2w ... OK!
+Free space: 0.00 Byte
+Average Writing speed: 4.90 MB/s
./f3read <您 SD 卡的掛載點>
$ ./f3read /media/michel/6135-3363/
+ SECTORS ok/corrupted/changed/overwritten
+Validating file 1.h2w ... 2097152/ 0/ 0/ 0
+Validating file 30.h2w ... 1491904/ 0/ 0/ 0
+ Data OK: 29.71 GB (62309312 sectors)
+Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Corrupted: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Slightly changed: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+ Overwritten: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
+Average Reading speed: 9.42 MB/s
如果結果顯示 Data LOST: 0.00 Byte (0 sectors)
,則表示您的 SD 卡是沒問題的,接著就可以刪除 SD 卡中所有的 .h2w
如果出現任何其他結果,您的 SD 卡可能是有問題且需要更換的!
+ +本篇為透過 F3X 來檢查您 SD 卡是否有任何問題的附加章節。
+ +根據您的 SD 卡的大小和電腦的速度,本過程可能將花費數小時才能完成 !
+ +本教學僅適用於 Mac 使用者。 如果您不在 Mac 平台上,請參閱 H2testw (Windows) 或 F3 (Linux)。
+ +如果您的 macOS 版本在 10.13(High Sierra)及以上,請改用 F3XSwift (Mac)
壓縮檔如果測試顯示的結果『成功 ! 您的卡一切正常!(Success! Your card is ok!)』表示您的 SD 卡是正常的,然後您可以刪除上面所有的 .h2w
如果出現任何其他結果,您的 SD 卡可能是有問題且需要更換的!
+ +本篇為透過 F3XSwift 來檢查您 SD 卡是否有任何問題的附加章節。
+ +根據您的 SD 卡的大小和電腦的速度,本過程可能將花費數小時才能完成 !
+ +本教學僅適用於 Mac 使用者。 如果您不在 Mac 平台上,請參閱 H2testw (Windows) 或 F3 (Linux)。
+ +F3XSwift 僅適用於 macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) (含) 以上之系統。 如果您的 macOS 較舊,請參閱 F3X (Mac)。
+ +如果測試顯示的結果『成功 ! 您的卡一切正常!(Success! Your card is ok!)』表示您的 SD 卡是正常的,然後您可以刪除上面所有的 .h2w 檔案
+ +如果出現任何其他結果,您的 SD 卡可能是有問題且需要更換的!
+ +Yes, you can still install custom firmware on your 3DS, even after the closure of eShop.
+ +**最新版的 3DS 韌體為 11.16.0 **。 以下是你該知道的:
+ +可以的! 最新的系統韌體(11.16.0) 有 Seedminer 方法可以用來破解。
+目前所有已零售的 3DS、3DS XL/LL、2DS、New 3DS、New 3DS XL/LL 和 New 2DS XL/LL 皆可正常破解。 如果你主機的系統版本顯示為「0.0.0-0」,您的主機可能是開發專用主機,不適用本手冊。
+可以的! 本手冊將會教你安裝一些有用的自製程式,包括一個名為 Universal-Updater 的自製程式商店。
+可以的!Luma3DS 會自動跳過遊戲卡帶及安裝後的遊戲中的區碼檢查。 但是某些遊戲可能仍然需要使用 Luma 的區域模擬功能來使其能夠正常啟動。
+不會的。 Devices with custom firmware can still play online and run physical cartridges as any other 3DS can.
+您的 NNID(如果您有 NNID 帳號的話) 不會受本手冊的影響。 韓版、台版及中國版主機本身就沒有 NNID 功能,所以也不會受到影響。
+2017 年 5 月有一波禁令潮禁止自製韌體用戶在線玩遊戲(使用 eShop、NNID 和任天堂帳戶不受影響),似乎是隨機的。 自從那時後就再也沒有看到過類似的事情了。 話雖這麼說,我們不知道任天堂未來可能還會做些什麼。 目前我們認為您不需要擔心相關的風險。
+可以的! 您只要能在可相容的 SD 卡上存取檔案就可以了!
+您將需要至少 1.5GB 的可用 SD 卡空間才能完全遵循本手冊。 雖然任天堂官方只有列出 3DS 可用的 SD 卡最大容量為 32GB,但是實際上只要能格式化成 FAT32 的記憶卡都可以使用。 目前已知較大的 SD 卡可能會造成 GBA 和自定義主題的相關問題,因此不建議使用大於128GB的SD卡。
+不會的。 自製固件可以不依賴任何其他外設在最新版本的系統中安裝。 事實上,我們不推薦使用像 Gateway 和 Sky3DS 這樣的 3DS 模式燒錄卡,因為它們已經過時並且可能會帶來 ban 或 變磚的風險。
+Definitionally speaking, custom firmware refers to a modification of the 3DS system software to do things that it normally isn’t able to. Homebrew generally refers to software created outside of official sources (i.e. not distributed by eShop or cartridges).
+ +Historically, the 3DS used to have userland homebrew access through older exploits like ninjhax, which people sometimes called just “homebrew”. 授予使用者空間的系統權限允許您執行基本的自製程式和模擬器,但較難或甚至無法讓您修改遊戲或轉儲卡帶。 這些漏洞也不太穩定,自製程式經常直接死當並需要完全重啟主機。 自製韌體授予更高的系統存取權限,同時也比自製軟體的入口點更加穩定。
+ +如果你正在使用 Luma3DS,你的自製韌體加載器(boot9strap)永遠不會因為更新系統而被移除。 過去曾有更新導致 Luma3DS 在啟動時當機,因此建議您過幾個小時後再更新,以確保不會暫時導致主機在 Luma3DS 更新之前無法使用。 System updates can be performed the same way as they are on a stock 3DS: through System Settings, Safe Mode, or the update prompt when the update is automatically downloaded.
+Copy and paste your SD card contents to a new SD card formatted as FAT32. For 128GB cards, an allocation size of 65536 is recommended. 目前已知較大的 SD 卡可能會造成 GBA 和自定義主題的相關問題,因此不建議使用大於128GB的SD卡。
+Yes, system transfers can be performed through the official System Transfer function to other consoles with CFW (inconsistencies may occur if the target console is stock). Tickets for illegitimate titles (homebrew) will not transfer, but the titles can be made to reappear with faketik. Make sure that you do not perform a wireless transfer, as this will delete illegitimate titles. CFW will remain on both consoles.
+The only way to change the system language of a Japanese 3DS to a language other than Japanese is to perform a region change. 請注意,這很可能會造成您主機無法正常使用 eShop,這也代表您將無法更新您的遊戲,無論它們是在主機區域內還是在區域外。
+ +It depends on the format of the homebrew application. Generally speaking:
+ +/3ds/
資料夾內的 3DSX 檔案即可。 If the homebrew application includes additional assets, you may need to place that folder somewhere else. Refer to the documentation of the homebrew application.You can continue to download game updates from the Nintendo eShop, even though it has now shut down.
+ +If the game is not from the same region as the console, you will need to dump the updates from a 3DS that has the updates installed. The Nintendo eShop only contains updates for the console’s region (a Japanese 3DS will only have updates for Japanese games).
+Please look at the troubleshooting guide. Uninstalling CFW when your device is in an unbootable state is not recommended, as it is very likely to lead to a brick.
+It is recommended that you upgrade your setup to a modern, boot9strap-based one. Follow the Checking for CFW guide to see how to upgrade your setup.
+The vast majority of modern homebrew (such as Checkpoint and BootNTR Selector) have only been tested on modern, boot9strap-based setups and may not work entirely (or at all) on older setups based on menuhax, A9LH, or Gateway. In addition, depending on your setup, you may be unable to safely update to the latest firmware. Modern, boot9strap-based setups allow for a greater level of system access than previous hacks, including the ability to dump your console’s bootrom.
+Your old setup (including your EmuNAND, if you have one) can usually be directly migrated to boot9strap with no data loss. If you have data that is particularly important to you, it would be a good idea to make a decrypted backup of your save data before upgrading your setup with a tool like JKSM.
+A: 請見此帖子。
+本篇為改變預設 Windows 隱藏副檔名行為的附加章節。
+ +顯示副檔名可以讓您在找本教學提到的檔案時更方便些。
+ +點選『檔案名稱附檔名』
+ + +將『副檔名』格子打勾
+ + +尋找『資料夾選項』
+ + +將『隱藏已知檔案類型的副檔名』選項取消
+ + +在載入完 NAND 的內容後,boot9strap 會自動加載 boot.firm
中的內容。 在這裡,我們將使用 LumaTeam 的 Luma3DS 來修改我們的主機韌體,好讓我們執行各項自製程式。
+ +建議不要跳過下載以上這些自製軟體,因為它們將在此頁面稍後使用。 在本頁結束時,我們將清理 SD 卡以刪除不必要的安裝檔案。
+ +If your New 3DS was on version 2.1.0 before following this guide, you should restore your NAND backup before continuing. This likely doesn’t apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
+ +如果您先前的自製韌體為基於 EmuNAND 的系統,且您希望將您的 EmuNAND/RedNAND 移植至 SysNAND,請在繼續前進行 移植 EmuNAND 頁面中的指示。 如果您不知道 EmuNAND 是什麼的話,這部分大概不適用於您。
+ +.cia
and .3dsx
檔案)In this section, you will copy the files necessary to follow the rest of the instructions on this page.
+ +cias
及 Universal-Updater.cia
) 至 SD 卡中的 /cias/
+ Nintendo 3DS
複製到 SD 卡中的 /3ds/
資料夾中建立一個另一個新資料夾 payloads
中的 GodMode9.firm
檔案到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的 gm9
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下The screenshots below indicate the minimum SD card layout that is required to follow this page. 您可能在遵循其他頁面指示中會有一些多的資料夾及檔案在您的 SD 卡中。
+ + + + + +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is safe to do with custom firmware.
+ +In this section, you will temporarily replace Download Play with Homebrew Launcher (which we need to launch FBI). Download Play will automatically go back to normal once you reboot your device.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
和 Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will sync your 3DS internal clock with the actual time and dump the sound firmware (which is necesssary for some homebrew software to use sound properly).
+ +In this section, you will install several useful homebrew applications to HOME Menu.
+ +SD
-> cias
In this section, you will use a script to copy some of Luma3DS’s files to internal memory so that they can be accessed, even without an SD card inserted.
+ +GodMode9.firm
檔案已存在於 /luma/payloads/
資料夾中,並確保 payload
沒有拼錯。In this section, you will use a script to remove some unnecessary files from your SD card.
+ +In this section, you will make backups of files that can be used to recover from software bricks or to recover data.
, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
, and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it
+ /luma/backups/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer大功告成! 您的主機現在已完成安裝自製韌體以及其設定。
+ +Hello! We’re looking for feedback on the overall experience of following our guide. If you’d like to help out, check out the survey here (only available in English). Thanks!
+ +以下是你該注意的快捷鍵:
+ +/luma/payloads/
資料夾中有多個 Payload,則會進入 Luma3DS 加載選單。有關如何善用自製韌體,請見此手冊。
+ +有關如何使用 GodMode9 的各種功能,請見GodMode9 用法 及 轉存程式及遊戲卡帶 頁面。
+ + +在開始前,請先確保您已閱讀完 ntrboot 頁面。
+ +本方法將暫時需要用到另一台已安裝 boot9strap 的 3DS 系列主機。 您的燒錄卡在本方法中不必支援任兩台的 3DS 系統版本。
+ +請注意,在某些特殊情況下,某些冒牌的燒錄卡很有可能會在過程中變磚,使得燒錄卡變得無法使用。 這是不大可能的,但不論如何,我們只支援在相容清單中的燒錄卡。 為了避免您採購燒錄卡時買到了冒牌卡帶,建議您應於較知名且放心的網站上購買您的燒錄卡(如 NDS Card)。
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
的 boot9strap_ntr.firm
及 boot9strap_ntr.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /ntrboot/
至 3DS 始源機 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
資料夾中在開始前,請先確保您已閱讀完 ntrboot 頁面。
+ +本方法僅需一台原廠 3DS 系列系統以及一張相容的燒錄卡。 本方法將透過燒錄卡於您的 3DS 中運行 ntrboot 寫入程式之 .nds
檔。 也就是說,您的燒錄卡必須能在您的 3DS 系統版本中運行 .nds
檔案。 詳情請見 ntrboot 頁面中的燒錄卡表格。
請注意,在某些特殊情況下,某些冒牌的燒錄卡很有可能會在過程中變磚,使得燒錄卡變得無法使用。 這是不大可能的,但不論如何,我們只支援在相容清單中的燒錄卡。 為了避免您採購燒錄卡時買到了冒牌卡帶,建議您應於較知名且放心的網站上購買您的燒錄卡(如 NDS Card)。
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
的 boot9strap_ntr.firm
檔案至燒錄卡的 SD 卡的 /ntrboot/
複製到您燒錄卡的 SD 卡中ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
在開始前,請先確保您已閱讀完 ntrboot 頁面。
+ +本方法將會暫時用到一台相容於您燒錄卡的 NDSi 主機。 本方法將透過燒錄卡於您的 DSi 中運行 ntrboot 寫入程式之 .nds
檔。 也就是說,您的燒錄卡必須能在您的 DSi 系統版本中運行 .nds
檔案。 詳情請見 ntrboot 頁面中的燒錄卡表格。
請注意,在某些特殊情況下,某些冒牌的燒錄卡很有可能會在過程中變磚,使得燒錄卡變得無法使用。 這是不大可能的,但不論如何,我們只支援在相容清單中的燒錄卡。 為了避免您採購燒錄卡時買到了冒牌卡帶,建議您應於較知名且放心的網站上購買您的燒錄卡(如 NDS Card)。
+ +ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
複製到您燒錄卡的 SD 卡中ds_ntrboot_flasher_dsi.nds
在開始前,請先確保您已閱讀完 ntrboot 頁面。
+ +本方法將會暫時用到一台相容於您燒錄卡的 NDS 或 NDSL 主機。 本方法將透過燒錄卡於您的 NDS 中啟動 ntrboot 寫入程式之 .nds
請注意,在某些特殊情況下,某些冒牌的燒錄卡很有可能會在過程中變磚,使得燒錄卡變得無法使用。 這是不大可能的,但不論如何,我們只支援在相容清單中的燒錄卡。 為了避免您採購燒錄卡時買到了冒牌卡帶,建議您應於較知名且放心的網站上購買您的燒錄卡(如 NDS Card)。
+ +ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
的 boot9strap_ntr.firm
檔案至燒錄卡的 SD 卡的 /ntrboot/
複製到您燒錄卡的 SD 卡中ntrboot_flasher_nds.nds
本篇替您的 3DS 格式化記憶卡的附加章節。
+ +如果您的 3DS 已能正常讀取該 SD 卡,那您則不需遵守此指南。
+ +本教學僅適用於 Linux 使用者。 如果您的系統不是 Linux,請參閱 格式化 SD 卡 (透過 Windows) 或 格式化 (透過 Mac)。
+ +watch "lsblk"
+mmcblk0 179:0 0 3,8G 0 disk
+└─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 3,7G 0 part /run/media/user/FFFF-FFFF
+ RO
的狀態為 1,請確保 SD 卡上的寫入保護開關尚被開啟sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 16
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 64 -F 32
+ sudo mkfs.fat /dev/(device name from above) -s 128 -F 32
+ 本篇替您的 3DS 格式化記憶卡的附加章節。
+ +如果您的 3DS 已能正常讀取該 SD 卡,那您則不需遵守此指南。
+ +本教學僅適用於 Mac 使用者。 如果您的系統不是 Mac,請參閱 格式化 SD 卡 (透過 Windows) 或 格式化 (透過 Linux)。
+ +在側邊欄中選擇您的 SD 卡
+ +請確保您選擇的裝置是您的 SD 卡,否則您可能會不小心格式化錯的磁碟!
+在側邊欄中選擇您的 SD 卡
+ +請確保您選擇的裝置是您的 SD 卡,否則您可能會不小心格式化錯的磁碟!
+本篇替您的 3DS 格式化記憶卡的附加章節。
+ +如果您的 3DS 已能正常讀取該 SD 卡,那您則不需遵守此指南。
+ +本教學僅適用於 Windows 使用者。 如果您的系統不是 Windows,請參閱 格式化 SD 卡 (透過 Linux) 或 格式化 (透過 Mac)。
檔案,然後使用管理員權限開啟 SD Card Formatter Setup
檔案),按照提示安裝程式SD Card Formatter
,並將其開啟在『Select card』中選擇您的 SD 卡磁碟代號
+ +請確保您選擇的裝置是您的 SD 卡,否則您可能會不小心格式化錯的磁碟!
選擇您的 SD 卡磁碟代號
+ +請確保您選擇的裝置是您的 SD 卡,否則您可能會不小心格式化錯的磁碟!
+Before starting this guide, we will see if custom firmware is already installed and check the current system version of your device.
+ +If you see an unusual menu, STOP - you already have custom firmware! Continue from here.
+ +To find the correct method for your device, please enter the system version you found in Section II.
+ + + + + + + + + + + + +If possible, you should follow the method given by the prompt above.
+ +雖然說有適用於任何版本的改機方式,但這些方式都得用額外硬體才能達成。
+ +For information on dumping cartridge or SD card content, see Dumping Titles and Game Cartridges.
+ +不論寫腳本、取得更新或更多訊息,您能加入 GodMode9 的 Discord 伺服器 以獲得更多幫助。
+ +GodMode9 是個可任意存取任天堂 3DS 主機檔案的檔案管理員,您可以透過它存取您的 SD 卡、SysNAND 和 EmuNAND 內的 FAT 磁區跟許多其他東西。 除了其他功能外,您還能透過它複製、刪除、重新命名檔案以及建立資料夾。
+ +請注意,如果您在 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
資料夾中放有除了 GodMode9.firm
的 payload 檔案,在開機時按住『Start』鍵將會顯示一個『加載選單』,從那裏您得透過方向鍵及按鈕『A』選擇『GodMode9』。
GodMode9 是個強大且可修改您主機的資料的一套軟體。 雖然您會需要透過內建的權限管理系統才能修改主機中的資料,且您不可能在不刻意解鎖權限系統的情況下不小心進行任何危險性操作,您還是應該小心翼翼地遵守各操作指南且先進行備份以防萬一。
+ +下列部分操作僅適用於最新版本的 GodMode9,因此,您應先透過下列步驟以更新您的 GodMode9 再行繼續。 請覆蓋所有現有檔案。
中的 GodMode9.firm
檔案到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的 gm9
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
from your computer to the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card為了整潔,請將您所想要植入的 .cia
檔複製至 SD 卡的 /cias/
請注意,您將無法植入比『健康與警示』程式還大的檔案 (包括遊戲以及其他較大的程式)
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> cias
檔案,並選擇『CIA image options…』,再選『Mount image to drive』.app
結尾的檔案,並選擇『NCCH image options』,再選『Inject to H&S』此方法只能在先前使用過 GodMode9 植入檔案至『健康與警示』程式的前提下才能使用(非 Decrypt9 或 Hourglass9)。
+ +請注意,這將清除您 SD 卡的所有資料!
+ +GM9SD
+ 本篇為透過 h2testw 來檢查您 SD 卡是否有任何問題的附加章節。
+ +根據您的 SD 卡的大小和電腦的速度,本過程可能將花費數小時才能完成 !
+ +本教學僅適用於 Windows 使用者。 If you are not on windows, check out the F3 (Linux) or F3XSwift (Mac) pages.
中解壓 h2testw.exe
如果結果顯示 Test finished without errors
,則表示您的 SD 卡是沒問題的,接著就可以刪除 SD 卡上所有的 .h2w
如果出現任何其他結果,您的 SD 卡可能是有問題且需要更換的!
+ +This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) to run SafeB9SInstaller.
For information on PicHaxx itself, see here.
+ +These instructions work on USA, Europe, and Japan consoles as indicated by the letters U, E, or J after the system version.
+ +You will need a Nintendo Network ID to download Pokémon Picross.
+ +This process will overwrite your Pokémon Picross save file, if you have one. If you wish to preserve your Pokémon Picross game data, you should make a backup of your 00000001.sav
file before overwriting it.
檔案)In this section, you will copy some of the files that will be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ 3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD
’s otherapps_with_CfgS
folder to the root of your SD card and rename it to otherapp.bin
In this section, you will create a hacked Pokémon Picross save file that, when used, will load the Homebrew Launcher on your device.
+ +movable.sed
檔案Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> title
-> 00040000
-> 0017c100
-> data
+ <ID0>
字串將與您在 Seedminer 中所使用的字串一樣<ID1>
字串指的是 <ID0>
內 32 字元的資料夾名稱00000001.sav
檔案到 data
+ 請在繼續前讀完所有的前言頁面 (包括本頁!)。
+ +自製韌體 (CFW) 可讓您在您的主機上進行任何軟體上的修改,好比你電腦上的系統管理員權限一樣。 改機後,你能夠隨意修改你的 3DS,而非侷限於任天堂官方所允許的事。
+ +常見的改機用途:
+ +This guide will:
+This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your movable.sed
file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application.
This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +movable.sed
file)As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).
+ +If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.
+ +In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu and copy the resulting file dump to your computer so that you can use it on the next section.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +42383841.bin
file from the root of your SD card using the first “Browse…” optionmovable.sed
file using the second “Browse…” optionDSinternet
(NOT memorypit)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
+ <ID0>
is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in Seedminer<ID1>
is a 32-letter folder inside of the <ID0>
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder42383841.bin
file from the hax
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
+ .zip
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ boot.nds
(B9STool) 複製到 SD 卡根目錄中.zip
中的 private
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下啟動您的主機
+ + +In this section, you will copy the hacked DS Connection Settings DSiWare to internal memory, which will temporarily replace it with Flipnote Studio.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Internet Settings
-> Nintendo DS Connections
, then select “OK” (image)If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.
+ +In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardboot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in Section IV.
+ +Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
file from the clean
folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare
folder, replacing the existing oneData Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found here.
+ +This is a currently working implementation of the “FIRM partitions known-plaintext” exploit detailed here.
+ +Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
+ +要解壓此頁面中的.7z
檔案,您將需要一個壓縮檔管理員,如 7-Zip 或 The Unarchiver。
只要有對應的 .firm
檔案,此方法將適用於任意版本的 New 3DS、舊型 3DS、New 2DS、舊型 2DS。
檔,而 Mac 及 Linux 使用者得先安裝 Python 3 才能執行 .py
file that isn’t source code).firm
檔案:系統版本 | +內核版本 | +舊型 3DS 或 舊型 2DS | +New 3DS 或 New 2DS | +
1.0.0 | +2.27-0 | +2.27-0_1.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
1.1.0 | +2.28-0 | +2.28-0_1.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.0.0 | +2.29-7 | +2.29-7_2.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.1.0 | +2.30-18 | +2.30-18_2.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
2.2.0 | +2.31-40 | +2.31-40_2.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
3.0.0 | +2.32-15 | +2.32-15_3.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.0.0 | +2.33-4 | +2.33-4_4.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +2.34-0 | +2.34-0_4.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.0.0 | +2.35-6 | +2.35-6_5.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
5.1.0 | +2.36-0 | +2.36-0_5.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.0.0 | +2.37-0 | +2.37-0_6.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
6.1.0 - 6.4.0 | +2.38-0 | +2.38-0_6.1_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.0.0 - 7.1.0 | +2.39-4 | +2.39-0_7.0_OLD.firm | +- | +
7.2.0 | +2.40-0 | +2.40-0_7.2_OLD.firm | +- | +
8.0.0 - 8.1.0 | +2.44-6 / 2.45-5 | +2.44-6_8.0_OLD.firm | +2.45-5_8.1_NEW.firm | +
9.0.0 - 9.2.0 | +2.46-0 | +2.46-0_9.0_OLD.firm | +2.46-0_9.0_NEW.firm | +
9.3.0 - 9.4.0 | +2.48-3 | +2.48-3_9.3_OLD.firm | +2.48-3_9.3_NEW.firm | +
9.5.0 | +2.49-0 | +2.49-0_9.5_OLD.firm | +2.49-0_9.5_NEW.firm | +
9.6.0 - 9.9.0 | +2.50-1 | +2.50-1_9.6_OLD.firm | +2.50-1_9.6_NEW.firm | +
10.0.0 | +2.50-7 | +2.50-7_10.0_OLD.firm | +2.50-7_10.0_NEW.firm | +
10.2.0 - 10.3.0 | +2.50-9 | +2.50-9_10.2_OLD.firm | +2.50-9_10.2_NEW.firm | +
10.4.0 - 10.7.0 | +2.50-11 | +2.50-11_10.4_OLD.firm | +2.50-11_10.4_NEW.firm | +
11.0.0 | +2.51-0 | +2.51-0_11.0_OLD.firm | +2.51-0_11.0_NEW.firm | +
11.1.0 | +2.51-2 | +2.51-2_11.1_OLD.firm | +2.51-2_11.1_NEW.firm | +
11.2.0 | +2.52-0 | +2.52-0_11.2_OLD.firm | +2.52-0_11.2_NEW.firm | +
11.3.0 | +2.53-0 | +2.53-0_11.3_OLD.firm | +2.53-0_11.3_NEW.firm | +
11.4.0 - 11.7.0 | +2.54-0 | +2.54-0_11.4_OLD.firm | +2.54-0_11.4_NEW.firm | +
11.8.0 - 11.11.0 | +2.55-0 | +2.55-0_11.8_OLD.firm | +2.55-0_11.8_NEW.firm | +
11.12.0 - 11.13.0 | +2.56-0 | +2.56-0_11.12_OLD.firm | +2.56-0_11.12_NEW.firm | +
11.14.0 - 11.15.0 | +2.57-0 | +2.57-0_11.14_OLD.firm | +2.57-0_11.14_NEW.firm | +
11.16.0 | +2.58-0 | +2.58-0_11.16_OLD.firm | +2.58-0_11.16_NEW.firm | +
In this section, you will download the necessary files for the hardmod and dump the NAND image in preparation to install custom firmware.
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下.zip
中的 hardmod-b9s-installer 資料夾至電腦中.firm
檔案至電腦的 hardmod-b9s-installer 資料夾中.firm
檔案重新命名為 current.firm
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至電腦的 hardmod-b9s-installer 資料夾中NAND.bin
In this section, you will install custom firmware to the dumped NAND image, and then install this NAND image back onto the device to install custom firmware on it.
+ +install-b9s.exe
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see here for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit.
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +In this section, you will use Homebrew Launcher to launch slotTool, which will overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Then, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
複製到 SD 卡的根目錄usm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD cardIn this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin.
+ +This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: kartdlphax, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +如果你想通過此方法安裝自製韌體,則你需要:
+ +If the (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons on the target 3DS do not work, you will not be able to follow these instructions. For further assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
+ +On the source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware):
+ +plugin.3gx
)On the target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify):
檔案)In this section, you will set up your source 3DS (the 3DS with custom firmware) for delivery of the exploit data to the target 3DS.
+ +boot.firm
to the root of the source 3DS’s SD card, replacing any existing file
+ plugin.3gx
to the following directory on the source 3DS’s SD card, depending on the region of your copy of Mario Kart 7:
+ luma/plugins/0004000000030800
and 00040000...
folders if they do not already existIn this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your target 3DS (the 3DS that you are trying to modify)’s SD card.
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
複製到 SD 卡的根目錄usm.bin
from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the root of your SD card3ds
on the root of your SD cardslotTool
folder from the unSAFE_MODE .zip
to the 3ds
folder on your SD cardIn this section, you will use Download Play to transfer the exploit data from the source 3DS to the target 3DS, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Local Multiplayer
. A menu should pop up
+ Use settings
and skip the next 3 steps. If they are incorrect, select Change settings
and proceed.3DS ROP xPloit Injector
Use settings
+ Change settings
and modify them accordinglyCreate Group
+ Grand Prix
-> 50cc
-> (any driver) -> Mushroom Cup
-> OK
Section III - kartdlphax
Section III - kartdlphax
. If this doesn’t work, ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord)You will not need to use your source 3DS to complete any further steps on this guide. Any further steps should only be completed on the target 3DS.
+ +In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will enter the Homebrew Launcher (using custom firmware) so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section I.
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.firm
到 SD 卡的根目錄下,並將其重新命名為 boot.firm
+ .zip
內的 boot.firm
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下boot9strap
解壓 boot9strap .zip
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
內的 boot.firm
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+以下為教您如何回復燒錄卡功能的選用章節 (這樣您可以繼續使用原燒錄卡的功能)。
+ +請注意,即使 Acekard 2i 裝了 ntrboot 漏洞,它仍能保有它原本啟動 .nds
檔案的功能。 不過,這只適用於 NDS 主機或者已安裝某種自製韌體的 3DS 上! 當 Acekard 2i 仍持有 ntrboot 漏洞的情況下,它將無法在 DSi 或尚未改機的 3DS 主機中執行任何 .nds
+ +ntrboot_flasher.firm
)燒錄卡 | +硬體修訂版本 | +Flashrom | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | N/A | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 81 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_81) | +
Acekard 2i | +HW 44 | +- Acekard_2i_(HW_44) | +
DSTT | ++ | 未知 | +
Infinity 3 R4i | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4 3D Revolution | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | 未知 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 4 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_4) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 5 | +未知 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 6 | +未知 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 7 | +未知 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW 8 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_8) | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +HW D | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_D) | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | ++ | N/A | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A5 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A5) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A6 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A6) | +
R4i Gold 3DS RTS | +HW A7 | +- R4i_Gold_3DS_(HW_A7) | +
R4i Ultra | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | ++ | - | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | ++ | - | +
來自 r4isdhc .com 的 R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | ++ | - | +
來自 r4isdhc .com 的 R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | ++ | - | +
來自 r4isdhc .com 的 R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | - | +
壓縮檔中解壓 .bin
檔案至 SD 卡中的 /ntrboot/
資料夾中建立一個新的資料夾叫做 payloads
至 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
資料夾中For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +Soundhax (與 universal-otherapp 使用時) 可與韌體版本 1.0.0 至 11.3.0 的歐、日、韓、美版主機相容。
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
至 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ otherapp.bin
至 SD 卡根目錄底下.zip
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
複製到 SD 卡的根目錄In this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +啟動『任天堂 3DS 音樂(Nintendo 3DS Sound)』程式
+ + +In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0.0-0 through 11.10.0-36 in all regions. If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or more than 37, Soundhax is patched and won’t work.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
至 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ otherapp.bin
至 SD 卡根目錄底下.zip
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
複製到 SD 卡的根目錄In this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +啟動『任天堂 3DS 音樂(Nintendo 3DS Sound)』程式
+ + +In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (Soundhax) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +This Soundhax method (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with Korean systems on versions where the two numbers before the region in the system version string are lower than 33.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both Soundhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +.m4a
至 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ otherapp.bin
至 SD 卡根目錄底下.zip
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
複製到 SD 卡的根目錄In this section, you will launch Soundhax through the Nintendo 3DS Sound app, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +啟動『任天堂 3DS 音樂(Nintendo 3DS Sound)』程式
+ + +In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version.
+ +A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check.
+ +Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job.
+ +For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see here (SSLoth) and here (universal-otherapp).
+ +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.
+ +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.
)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both browserhax and universal-otherapp.
+ +otherapp.bin
to the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
+ .bin
extension, do not add it to the end of the
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
複製到 SD 卡的根目錄In this section, you will change your Internet connection settings to use a proxy network designed to bypass the browser version check, allowing the browser to function without a system update. This will allow you to access the browser exploit webpage in the next section.
+ +If you haven’t already, make sure you have a working Internet connection set up on your console.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
Detailed Setup
, and the Port to 8080
In this section, you will visit the browser exploit webpage, which will use universal-otherapp to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +
)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will restore the Internet settings back to normal.
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile.
+ +We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3.
+ +To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list.
+ +Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile.
+ +For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: BannerBomb3, unSAFE_MODE.
+ +這些操作在美、歐、日、韓版可用,可透過系統版本號末尾的 「U、E、J、K」 字元來辨別。
+ +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up), or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to follow an alternate branch of Seedminer. For assistance with this matter, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
file)In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the unSAFE_MODE exploit onto your device’s SD card.
+ +usm.bin
to the root of your SD
內的 boot.firm
與 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.bin
複製到 SD 卡的根目錄In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu, which can be used to overwrite your Wi-Fi slots with hacked data. Your Wi-Fi connection settings will be temporarily overwritten while the exploit is active.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
+ In this section, you will enter Safe Mode (a feature available on all 3DS family devices) and navigate to a menu where unSAFE_MODE will be triggered, which will launch you into the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
+ +003-1099
. This is intended behaviourConnection 1
-> Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
-> Detailed Setup
(image)In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.
+ +boot.firm
from the Luma3DS .zip
to the root of your SD cardAt this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit a second time so that you can restore the Wi-Fi connection slots that were overwritten in Section II.
+ +Data Management
-> DSiWare
-> SD Card
(image)Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
from your Nintendo DSiWare folder and from your computer. 這個檔案之後不再需要了If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.
+ +This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.
+ +Each section is collapsed by default. Click or tap on the name of the section to open it.
+ +This guide works with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the 3DS, 3DS XL/LL, 2DS, New 3DS, New 3DS XL/LL, and New 2DS XL/LL, regardless of region or firmware.
+You can follow this guide as long as you are able to download files from the Internet and copy them to your SD card. Depending on your computer/phone/electronic device, you may need to purchase a USB to SD card adapter to allow your computer to read your SD card.
+The location of the SD card slot and the type of SD card that is accepted depends on the model of your 3DS. More information can be found on Nintendo’s official support page.
+ +The 3DS can read SD cards of any capacity (even those larger than 32GB), but the card must be formatted as FAT32 (not exFAT or NTFS). You can use one of the following tools to format your SD card, depending on your operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux.
+ +To follow this guide, you’ll need an SD card with a capacity of at least 2GB.
+ +If you want, you can check your SD card for errors before following this guide using H2testw (Windows), F3 (Linux), or F3XSwift (Mac)
+ +By modding your device, you subject it to the remote (but non-zero) possibility of the device being banned from online play or bricked (rendered non-functional). Incorrect file placement will NOT brick your device, but purposely skipping instructions might. Similarly, the last ban wave occurred over five years ago, but there is no guarantee that another one will not occur in the future.
+ +In short: Modding your device is safe, but it’s your responsibility if something goes wrong.
+ +In this guide, you will copy files that are downloaded on your computer/phone to your 3DS SD card. Many of these files come from GitHub, so refer to the above screenshot if you’re unfamiliar with how to download files from there.
+ +Some of the files that you will be asked to download come in the .zip
file format, which is used to package multiple files into one file.
When you are told to “copy (file) from (file).zip”, that means that you need to open (or “extract”) the ZIP file. Inside the ZIP file will be the file you’re looking for, after which you can copy it to the specified location on your SD card.
+ +On most operating systems, you can extract files by double-clicking the file. If this doesn’t work, you can install a reputable third-party extraction tool like 7-zip instead.
+If your computer is running Windows, file extensions may be hidden by default, which may make it harder to find the files you’re looking for. To enable file extensions, follow these instructions.
+If you experience an issue while following this guide, there are many ways that you can get help!
+ +Continue to Get Started
+ + +本篇為如何把先前的 EmuNAND 中的內容移植到您新的自製 SysNAND 系統底下,並移除舊的 EmuNAND 磁區的附加章節。 注意 EmuNAND 與 RedNAND 指的是些微不同運作方式但同樣道理的用語。
+ +請注意,如果您在 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
資料夾中放有除了 GodMode9.firm
的 payload 檔案,在開機時按住『Start』鍵將會顯示一個『加載選單』,從那裏您得透過方向鍵及按鈕『A』選擇『GodMode9』。
您必須先安裝 Luma3DS 和 boot9strap 才能繼續。
中的 GodMode9.firm
檔案到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的 gm9
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下如果您沒有安裝任何 DSiWare 遊戲或您認為重要的存檔,跳過本節。
-> title
上按住『R』並同時按下『A』以選取資料夾,並選擇『Copy to 0:/gm9/out』
+ 如果您沒有安裝任何 GBA 虛擬主機遊戲或您認為重要的存檔,跳過本節。
+ +請注意,任何其他類型的虛擬主機遊戲(GBC、NES等)可忽略本節。
+ +遊戲存檔 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
將被複製至 SD 卡中的/gm9/out/
若想找出 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
遊戲檔案的 Title ID,您可以在選擇 [A:] SYSNAND SD
後按住『R』鍵並按下『A』並選擇 『Search for titles』以列出所有已安裝於系統的遊戲及對應的 Title ID。
,並選擇『NAND image options…』,再選『Restore SysNAND (safe)』如果您剛剛沒有備份 DSiWare 遊戲存檔,請跳過本節。
+ +[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
-> out
資料夾,並按下『Y』複製[2:] SYSNAND TWLN
-> title
資料夾如果您剛剛沒有備份 GBA 虛擬主機遊戲存檔,跳過本節。
+ +若想找出 <TitleID>.gbavc.sav
遊戲檔案的 Title ID,您可以在 GodMode9 的主選單中按住『R』鍵並按下『A』並選擇 『Search for titles』以列出所有已安裝於系統的遊戲及對應的 Title ID。
-> gm9
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying itGM9SD
+ boot.firm
檔案如果您的燒錄卡已先裝有 ntrboot (或者您已自行安裝 ntrboot 至您的燒錄卡中),您可以跳至 安裝 boot9strap (透過 ntrboot) 以見其使用說明。
+ +透過 ntrboot 的 boot9strap 安裝將需要使用可相容的 NDS / DSi 燒錄卡。 請注意,某些燒錄卡已預先搭載 ntrboot。
+ +雖然 ntrboot 漏洞可在任意系統版本執行,但寫入 ntrboot 至燒錄卡用的燒錄軟體卻不行。 也就是說,依據您燒錄卡所支援的系統版本及主機,您能使用的方法可能有限。
+ +請注意,有標記『Time Bomb』的燒錄卡在其偵測到系統時間超過卡中內定的特定時間後將無法再運行任何 .nds
檔案。 目前的解決方法是將系統時間調至更早期的時段。
燒錄卡名稱 | +目前價錢 | +可使用『Time Bomb』嗎? | +3DS 版本? | +DSi 版本? | +備註 | +
R4i-SDHC B9S | +$15.99 | +September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot; can be flashed back to an NDS flashcart. | +
R4i Gold 3DS Plus | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (internal switch to switch between ntrboot and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Acekard 2i | +$20.99 美元 | +否 | +<= 4.3.0 | +<= 1.4.4 | ++ |
DSTT | +$9.99 美元 | +否 | +無 | +無 | +ntrboot 僅適用於裝有特殊寫入晶片的型號。 | +
R4i Gold 3DS | +$19.99 | +No | +ALL | +ALL | +All RTS revisions are compatible. | +
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS | +$13.99 | +1.85b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC GOLD Pro 20XX | +$9.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
R4iSDHC RTS LITE 20XX | +$13.99 | +4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
Ace3DS X | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | +Comes pre-flashed with ntrboot (external switch to switch between ntrboot (“3DS”) and NDS modes); do not manually flash with ntrboot. | +
Ace3DS Plus | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
Gateway Blue | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
Infinity 3 R4i | ++ | No | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4 3D Revolution | ++ | 否 | +無 | +無 | ++ |
R4i Gold 3DS Deluxe “Starter” | ++ | No | +4.1.0 - 4.5.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i Ultra | ++ | No | +<= 4.3.0 | +ALL | ++ |
R4i-SDHC 3DS RTS Deluxe Edition | ++ | Unknown | +ALL | +ALL | ++ |
R4iSDHC Dual-Core 20XX | ++ | 4.0b: September 3, 2024 | +ALL | +ALL | +Only r4isdhc .com carts marked with a year between 2014 and 2020 are compatible. | +
請在繼續前確保您的燒錄卡可在您的主機上啟動 .nds
檔案。 某些燒錄卡可能得在使用前複製某些韌體或內核檔案至其 SD 卡中。 若有疑問,請參閱您燒錄卡之說明書。
+ +The usage of this exploit, regardless of the flashing method, requires access to a small magnet if the target device is of a folding style (any 3DS family system that is not the old 2DS with a sleep switch). 這是因為本漏洞需要在您的主機於睡眠狀態中按下這些按鈕。
+ +您可以在主機仍於使用狀態中拿塊小磁鐵在 A、B、X、Y 按鈕旁,看主機會不會進入睡眠模式。 如果磁鐵可用的話,您主機的兩個螢幕應該都會變黑,直到您將磁鐵拿走為止。
+ +請注意,只要您的燒錄卡仍裝著 ntrboot 漏洞,它將失去原卡的功用 (除了 Acekard 2i 外,它仍能於NDS 或已安裝自製韌體的 3DS 上正常運作) 。 This means that, for most flashcarts, it will not even display on the HOME Menu. 若有需要,本節最後會附帶些解除安裝此漏洞的步驟。
+ +請注意,在某些特殊情況下,某些冒牌的燒錄卡很有可能會在過程中變磚,使得燒錄卡變得無法使用。 這是不大可能的,但不論如何,我們只支援在相容清單中的燒錄卡。 為了避免您採購燒錄卡時買到了冒牌卡帶,建議您應於較知名且放心的網站上購買您的燒錄卡(如 NDS Card)。
+ +本方法僅需一台原廠 3DS 系列系統以及一張相容的燒錄卡。 本方法將透過燒錄卡於您的 3DS 中運行 ntrboot 寫入程式之 .nds
檔。 也就是說,您的燒錄卡必須能在您的 3DS 系統版本中運行 .nds
檔案。 詳情請見上表。
繼續至寫入 ntrboot 漏洞 (透過單台 3DS 系統)
+ +本方法將暫時需要用到另一台已安裝 boot9strap 的 3DS 系列主機。 您的燒錄卡在本方法中不必支援任兩台的 3DS 系統版本。
+ +繼續至寫入 ntrboot 漏洞 (透過多台 3DS 系統)
+ +本方法將會暫時用到一台相容於您燒錄卡的 NDS 或 NDSL 主機。 本方法將透過燒錄卡於您的 NDS 中啟動 ntrboot 寫入程式之 .nds
本方法將會暫時用到一台相容於您燒錄卡的 NDSi 主機。 本方法將透過燒錄卡於您的 DSi 中運行 ntrboot 寫入程式之 .nds
檔。 也就是說,您的燒錄卡必須能在您的 DSi 系統版本中運行 .nds
檔案。 詳情請見上表。
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+ +本網站可能會提及其他網站以供用戶使用或參考。 本站無權負責其他網站的隱私權政策。 用戶需知其他網站的隱私權政策可能與此網站的不同。
+ +我們有權隨時更改隱私權政策中的內容。
+ + +This is an add-on section for region changing your CFW SysNAND. 這是透過安裝所選區域的 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 鏡像檔達成的。 After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).
+ +請注意,區碼變更通常是不需要的,因為 Luma3DS 本身就支援跨區遊玩及程式語碼模擬的功能。 另外,您也可透過TWiLight Menu++來運行非支援語系的 NDS 遊戲。
+ +請注意,如果您在 SD 卡中的 /luma/payloads/
資料夾中放有除了 GodMode9.firm
的 payload 檔案,在開機時按住『Start』鍵將會顯示一個『加載選單』,從那裏您得透過方向鍵及按鈕『A』選擇『GodMode9』。
If you change the region of your device:
+ +您必須先安裝 Luma3DS 和 boot9strap 才能繼續。
+ +請注意,在舊 3DS 及 舊 2DS 主機上進行區碼變更,可能會導致需使用擴充記憶體模式的遊戲無法正常運作 (如魔物獵人、超級瑪利歐、精靈寶可夢月亮/太陽)。 若遇到此情形時,您必須重新格式化您的主機以修正此問題 (透過 TinyFormat 或系統設定)。
+ +To use the magnet links on this page, you will need a torrent client like qBittorrent or Deluge.
中的 GodMode9.firm
檔案到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的 gm9
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下.zip
中,解壓 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 鏡像檔 .bin
檔案至 SD 卡上的 /gm9/
複製到 SD 卡中的 /3ds/
and essential.exefs
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
+ <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
from the /gm9/out/
folder on your SD card after copying it[0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
,並按『A』選擇Nintendo 3DS
和 Nintendo DS
from the root of your SD card如果腳本說沒有找到任何使用者 tickets 且請您跳過本節,那麼您可跳過這一節.
+ +eshop
或 unknown
+ [0:] SDCARD
-> gm9
鏡像檔,並按『X』刪除本頁面已被移至 還原 / 更新 CFW。
+ + +本指南將教您如何透過已安裝 boot9strap 的主機重新安裝或更新自製韌體。 本指南也適用於 SD 卡不見或損壞的情形。
+ +Your SD card must be formatted as FAT32 to follow this guide, or else the 3DS will be unable to recognize it. If your SD card is not yet properly formatted, use one of these pages to format it, depending on your operating system: Windows, Mac, Linux.
內的 boot.3dsx
及 boot.firm
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下,並覆蓋任何已存在的檔案
+ The latest version of Luma3DS has now been installed on your SD card and on internal memory.
+如果您想要重新安裝或更新其他現有的自製程式,請遵循 完成安裝 中的步驟。
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder if you have itIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)
+ + +To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device’s unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device.
+ +For information on how Seedminer works, see this presentation.
+ +This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method.
+ +In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is necessary for Seedminer.
+ +In this section, you will get the necessary details from your 3DS that are required to figure out your device’s encryption key.
+ +Before following this section:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder if you have itIn this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed
file and continue to the next section. You do not need to (re-)add the botStep 2: Bruteforce
file from the site
+ Once you have your device’s encryption key (movable.sed
), you will use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your movable.sed
file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
Continue to BannerBomb3
+ + +熱門
+ +所有
+ +本頁提供常見問題的疑難解答及建議。 如果您無法透過本頁解決你的問題,請加入 Discord 上的 Nintendo Homebrew 伺服器,並以英文敘述你的問題,以及您已經嘗試過的步驟。
+ +Used on multiple pages:
+Guide pages:
+Issues after installation:
+你忘記把 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
放進 SD 卡根目錄的 boot9strap
資料夾,或建立 boot9strap
資料夾的時候打錯了名字。 Download the latest release of boot9strap, and place boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
in the boot9strap
你的 boot9strap.firm
和 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案有問題。 Re-download the latest release of boot9strap, and place boot9strap.firm
and boot9strap.firm.sha
in the boot9strap
你忘記把 secret_sector.bin
放進 SD 卡根目錄的 boot9strap
資料夾了,或是建立 boot9strap
資料夾的時候打錯了名字。 用 BT 下載 secret_sector.bin,並將其放至 boot9strap
請在 Discord 上的 Nintendo Homebrew 伺服器以英文尋求協助,並敘述您所看到的錯誤訊息。
+This occurs when you use your SD card in multiple 3DS devices and is intended to prevent inadvertently merging data that would not be valid on other devices. 若要確定哪個資料夾屬於您 3DS 的,請按照以下說明操作:
+ +Nintendo 3DS
資料夾重新命名為 BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
Nintendo 3DS
資料夾中Nintendo 3DS
資料夾BACKUP_Nintendo 3DS
資料夾重新命名為 Nintendo 3DS
這代表網站曾已經使用你的好友碼和 ID0 取得你的 movable.sed
了。 你可以直接使用它給的 movable.sed
你的好友代碼已被本服務封鎖,因為你沒有在服務的限定時間內將機器人好友碼加入到好友列表。 確保你的 3DS 已經連上網,然後加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 伺服器來要求解鎖。
+The website has determined that your movable.sed
cannot be brute-forced. Ensure that you gave the correct ID0 to the website. If your ID0 is correct, then you will be unable to use Seedminer and you will have to use an alternate method that will require additional games or hardware.
This can occur if you’ve used multiple SD cards on a 3DS and then merged the contents of the SD cards together. This is done to prevent conflicting, valid data from being merged together.
+ +To fix this, you will need to determine which folder contains your data. Usually, this will be the larger (or largest) of the folders. Backup and delete the smaller one(s), then create a Nintendo DSiWare
folder in the one that remains and move F00D43D5.bin
to that location.
確保 F00D43D5.bin
是 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
裡面的唯一檔案。 If it is, then re-create it with the Bannerbomb3 Injector.
Also, ensure that bb3.bin
is on the root of the SD card. If it is missing, then download the latest release of Bannerbomb3 (direct download), and copy the bb3.bin
file to the root of your SD card.
If neither of these solutions fixes this problem, then custom firmware may have been uninstalled on this device in a way that makes this method impossible to perform. If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.
沒有放進 Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
。 請確保 Nintendo DSiWare
拼寫和空格位置正確。 請注意大小寫是沒有關係的。
您所使用的 F00D43D5.bin
檔案可能有問題(損壞或用於錯誤的 3DS 主機)。 Re-create your F00D43D5.bin
file with the Bannerbomb3 Injector, ensuring that you use the movable.sed
file for your console.
unSAFE_MODE is not installed. Follow the instructions to install it.
+The file usm.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of unSAFE_MODE and place usm.bin
on the root of your SD card. 如果您的電腦沒有顯示 .bin
There is also a possibility that the console isn’t reading your SD card. Make sure it is inserted and formatted correctly.
檔案遺失或放在了錯誤的位置。 Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. 如果您的電腦沒有顯示 .bin
Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +若仍無法正常使用,請試著使用另一張 SD 卡。
+請確保您的 movable.sed
檔案和 DSiWare 備份是從同一台主機匯出的。 若兩者並不匹配則會跳出錯誤。
You forgot to delete F00D43D5.bin
from the SD card. Navigate to Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
on your SD card and delete the F00D43D5.bin
您所使用的 42383821.bin
檔案有問題(有問題、放錯位置或者損壞)。 Re-create your files with the DSIHaxInjector_new website and ensure that you place the 42383821.bin
file from
-> hax
in Nintendo 3DS
-> <ID0>
-> <ID1>
-> Nintendo DSiWare
沒有被從 SD 卡中複製到系統內存中。
你主機的 DS『連線設定 (Connection Settings)』已損壞;您得需要想辦法獲得啟動 Homebrew Launcher 的權限才能正確將其修復。 請加入 Discord 上的 Nintendo Homebrew 頻道尋求幫助。
+如果您所使用的 SD 卡特別大的話,Flipnote 可能需要花很長時間來建立相對應的索引。 等待幾分鐘即可。
+您尚未解壓 Frogminer_save .zip
中的 private
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下.
您在修改過的 Flipnote 中可能誤觸了觸控螢幕。 請重新開啟 DS 連線設定 (Connection Settings) 並再試一次-並特別注意不要誤觸螢幕。
檔案遺失或位置錯誤。 下載最新版本的 b9stool 並將 boot.nds
放在你 SD 卡的根目錄中,如有存在相同檔案請替換。
這代表您所使用的 boot.nds
檔案有問題。 重新下載最新版本的 b9stool 並將 boot.nds
放在你 SD 卡的根目錄中,如有存在相同檔案請替換。
Join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and explain what has happened.
+If your device is on system version 9.4.0, 9.5.0, or 9.6.0, you may be encountering a bug with an old version of universal-otherapp. Download the latest version from here.
+ +如果你的系統版本沒有在這個區間中,則你的主機可能已經安裝過了自製韌體。 請先檢查是否已安裝自製韌體 。
+您所使用的 otherapp.bin
檔案有問題(如遺失、放錯位置或者損壞)。 下載最新版本的 universal-otherapp 並將其放在你 SD 卡的根目錄中。
You have the wrong Soundhax file for your device and region, or your device is incompatible with Soundhax. In the latter case, you should update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
檔案遺失或放在了錯誤的位置。 Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. 如果您的電腦沒有顯示 .bin
Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +若仍無法正常使用,請試著使用另一張 SD 卡。
+This likely indicates that you already have custom firmware. 請先檢查是否已安裝自製韌體 。
+The file arm11code.bin
is missing or misplaced. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. 如果您的電腦沒有顯示 .bin
There is an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place otherapp.bin
on the root of your SD card and rename it to arm11code.bin
. 如果您的電腦沒有顯示 .bin
Browser based exploits (such as this one) are often unstable and crash frequently, but they can sometimes be fixed by doing the following steps.
+ +The SSLoth proxy was incorrectly configured. Re-do the SSLoth section on the page.
+Follow these steps in order:
+ +Internet Settings
-> Connection Settings
Change Settings
-> Next Page (right arrow)
-> Proxy Settings
First, make sure you entered the correct proxy for the connection you’re using. If not, go back to Section II. If the proxy is correct, then your device has been cart-updated, which means an alternate exploit will need to be used.
+ +Method 1
+If the two numbers before the region in the system version string is equal to or less than 36 (e.g. Ver. 11.14.0-36U), you can follow Soundhax. When prompted to select a firmware to generate the sound file, use:
Method 2 (Old 3DS only)
+If you have an Old 3DS / Old 3DS XL / 2DS, you can try a Safe Mode update, which will trigger an alternate exploit:
If these methods didn’t work (or do not apply to you), update your device to the latest version and follow Seedminer.
+ +SafeB9SInstaller.bin
檔案遺失或放在了錯誤的位置。 Download the latest release of SafeB9SInstaller, extract it, and place SafeB9SInstaller.bin
on the root of your SD card. 如果您的電腦沒有顯示 .bin
There may be an issue with your arm11code.bin
file. Re-download the latest release of universal-otherapp, place it on the root of your SD card, and rename it to arm11code.bin
. 如果您的電腦沒有顯示 .bin
If you have a Taiwanese unit (with a T in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##T), you will not be able to follow these instructions, and you will need to update your console and follow Seedminer instead.
+ +If you have a Mainland Chinese unit (with a C in the version string, ie. 11.3.0-##C), join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for assistance.
+請加入 Discord 上的 Nintendo Homebrew 頻道尋求幫助。
+Back up your data and reformat your SD card as FAT32 with the recommended tool depending on your operating system (Windows, macOS, Linux). MiniTool Partition Wizard and the HP formatting tool (HPUSBDisk) are known to cause issues with 3DS SD cards.
+ +若仍無法正常使用,請試著使用另一張 SD 卡。
+ +Download this alternate config.ini and place it in /luma/
. This will change the Rosalina key combination to (X) + (Y).
您所使用的 boot.3dx
檔案有問題(如遺失、放錯位置或者損壞)。 Download the latest release of the Homebrew Launcher and place boot.3dsx
on the root of your SD card, replacing any existing file.
您尚未解壓 GodMode9 .zip
中的 gm9
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下. 下載最新版本的 GodMode9 並將 gm9
資料夾解壓至你 SD 卡的根目錄中,如有存在相同檔案請直接覆蓋。
Make sure you have at least 1.3GB available in your SD card. If you don’t have enough space, follow these steps:
+Nintendo 3DS
folder from the root of your SD card to your computergm9/out
on your SD to a safe location on your computer<date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin
and <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha
files from the SD card, keeping essential.exefs in /gm9/out/
Nintendo 3DS
folder from your computer to the root of your SD cardNintendo 3DS
folder from your computerIf you have enough space on your SD card, your SD might be corrupted or faulty. Check your SD card for any errors by following the guide according to your computer’s operating system: Windows, Linux, macOS.
+此處列出的步驟將假設你的主機安裝了最新的自製韌體(boot9strap + Luma3DS 8.0 或更高版本)。 如果你的主機還在用舊版的自製韌體(例如基於 arm9loaderhax 或 menuhax 的安裝),則你應該在繼續操作前先升級自製韌體。
+ +There is an issue with your boot.firm
file. If you’re running boot9strap 1.4, your 3DS notification LED may flash a certain color. This color is used to diagnose issues involving your boot.firm
file on SD card or internal memory. On older versions of boot9strap, the blue light will power off almost immediately when trying to turn on the device.
If the notification LED flashes:
+ +boot.firm
on your SD card or on internal memory.boot.firm
on your SD card. It was able to find boot.firm
on internal memory, but the file is corrupted.boot.firm
on both your SD card and on internal memory, but both files are corrupted.You can get a new boot.firm
file by downloading the latest release of Luma3DS, extracting it, and placing boot.firm
on the root of your SD card. If your boot.firm
file is consistently being detected as corrupted, you may want to check your SD card for errors (Windows, Linux, or macOS). Also, note that the 3DS tends to have issues with files extracted using WinRAR.
如果你在開機的時候聽到了“啪”的一聲,然後藍燈熄滅,則代表你的主機可能有硬體上的問題(如:背光排線斷開)。 你的主機或許能在開蓋特定角度的情況下開機。
+ +Nintendo 3DS
資料夾重命名為 Nintendo 3DS_BACKUP
,然後試著開機。 如果成功開機了,則 Nintendo 3DS
資料夾中的內容是有問題的。 試著刪除 HOME 主選單的外存 (extdata):
+ /Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000/
+ + Delete the corresponding folder for your 3DS region:
+ 00000098
你主機的 Luma3DS 版本已過時。 下載最新版本的Luma3DS 並將 boot.firm
放在你 SD 卡的根目錄中,如有存在相同檔案請直接覆蓋。 請不要用 WinRAR 解壓 ZIP 檔案;目前已知使用此軟體會導致與 3DS 有關的檔案的問題。
There are a number of reasons as to why this could be happening. In any case, this error can usually be fixed by following the CTRTransfer guide.
+ARM11 異常處理器已被關閉,或主機尚未安裝自製韌體。 試著啟用 ARM11 異常處理器:
+This could be caused by various reasons, but most likely because your SD card is not being read by the system. +You can check if your SD is being read by holding SELECT on boot and checking the yellow text on the bottom screen; if it says “Booted from CTRNAND via B9S”, then your device is booting from the internal memory and not from the SD card. +If this is the case, attempt the steps below, which are listed from easiest to hardest:
from the
and place it on the root of your SD card (replacing any existing file)您的主機可能已被硬磚。 您得需要購買一張附有 ntrboot 的燒錄卡來重新安裝 boot9strap 以便嘗試修復您的主機。 This may also indicate a hardware issue that cannot be fixed. 不論如何,請加入 Discord 上的 Nintendo Homebrew 伺服器 尋求幫助。
+請將錯誤訊息拍下,請加入 Discord 上的 Nintendo Homebrew 頻道尋求協助。
複製到 SD 卡中的 /3ds/
資料夾底下Your device is running Luma3DS 6.6 or older, likely via arm9loaderhax. 請遵循 升級 A9LH 至 B9S 中的步驟將主機更新到最新的自製韌體。
+舊版 3DS / 2DS 在做完 CTRTransfer 或區碼變更之後可能會出現這個問題。 你需要重新初始化主機才能解決這個問題。
+Look for your exception screen in this page. +If you weren’t able to find your error or the instructions didn’t work, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for further assistance.
+/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000
/Nintendo 3DS/<ID0>/<ID1>/extdata/00000000
You can disable the Parental Controls feature by going to System Settings -> Parental Controls and inserting the PIN, then pressing “Clear Settings”, then “Delete” to remove it. +However, if you do not know the PIN and therefore cannot access the device’s settings, you will need to disable it. In order to do this, you need to obtain your device’s master key (mkey):
+本章節將從您的主機中完全移除自製韌體。為了將主機完全地回復至原廠設定,軟體如 boot9strap、Luma3DS 也將會被移除。
+ +Any unsigned (illegitimate) games will be rendered unusable and will be removed during this process. Use a save manager to back up any saves that you care about.
+ +If you’re removing CFW because:
+ +STOP!!! Uninstalling custom firmware is an unnecessary risk that will at best waste your time and at worst BRICK your console. A better idea would be to ask for help at Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
+If you have done ANY of the following:
) of the consolethen uninstalling CFW WILL BRICK YOUR CONSOLE. If this applies to you, restore a clean NAND backup before continuing.
+以下指示僅適用於搭載 Luma3DS 8.0 或較新版本的主機。 如果您所安裝的 Luma 版本較舊,您必須先更新您的 Luma3DS 再繼續。 您可遵循這個教學進行更新。
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下.zip
中的 GodMode9.firm
檔案到 SD 卡的 /luma/payloads/
中的 gm9
資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下DSiWareUninstaller.3dsx
複製到 /3ds/
到 SD 卡中的 /gm9/scripts/
資料夾本章節將會檢查內建的 DS 模式是否能在自製韌體卸載後正常運行。 如果您跳過此章節,在您重新安裝自製韌體前,DS 模式可能無法正常運行。
+ +如果任何一個測試失敗了,那麼移除自製韌體後,您可能將會無法正常使用 DS 模式、DS『下載通信 (Download Play)』程式、或者 DS 連線設定 (Connection Settings)! You should fix DS mode before continuing.
+ +本節的目的是為了檢查主機是否能在移除自製韌體後正常開機,並確保核心系統元件 (如系統設定及螢幕小鍵盤) 能夠正常運作。 如果您跳過此章節可能會造成磚機!
+ +如果你在開機後無法進入正常的 3DS HOME 主選單、無法進入系統設定、或者螢幕小鍵盤無法正常使用,請不要繼續進行以下步驟! 請加入 Discord 中的 Nintendo Homebrew 伺服器 並使用英文尋求協助。
+ +本章節將會移除任何非法內容,如自製程式及轉存的遊戲卡帶。 如果你有任何您特別在意的存檔,請先透過存檔管理員將其備份再行繼續。
+ +資料管理 (Data Management)
-> 任天堂 3DS
-> 軟體 (Software)
本節將確保所有非法 tickets 已被刪除,讓 eShop 能夠正常運行。 這將從您的 3DS 中刪除所有內容並登出您的 NNID。 請注意,您主機的加密金鑰將會被洗掉,也就是說您將無法使用任何先前的資料,即使你先前已備份了你的 SD 卡。
+ +這是檢查您是否已遵守上述所有安全步驟的最後機會! 請再繼續前確保您以遵守以上所有的章節,尤其是第三節 — 安全性測試
+ +您現在可以將所有非 Nintendo 3DS
、或 private
本頁面適用於已安裝 boot9strap 且想將其更新至最新版的使用者。
+ +大部分情況下,自製韌體是可以安全使用線上服務的。不過還是得警告一下,過去還是有部分用戶被任天堂封鎖的情況,但通常都是因為作弊或者濫用 eShop 的情況下。
file)在本節中,請覆蓋所有 SD 卡中可能相衝的檔案。
+ +boot9strap
的 boot9strap.firm
及 boot9strap.firm.sha
檔案至 SD 卡的 /boot9strap/
中的 SafeB9SInstaller.firm
到 SD 卡的根目錄下,並將其重新命名為 boot.firm
+ boot.firm
已存在,請直接將其覆蓋將 SD 卡插回主機中
+ +
內的 boot.firm
及 boot.3dsx
到 SD 卡的根目錄底下,並覆蓋已存在之檔案