diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/bannerbomb3.txt b/_pages/hu_HU/bannerbomb3.txt index 5386fd8f89..ca63781164 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/bannerbomb3.txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/bannerbomb3.txt @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ title: "BannerBomb3" {% capture technical_info %} Technikai részletek (opcionális) -To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application. +Ahhoz, hogy saját kódot futtassunk, kihasználunk egy hibát a DSiWare Data Management ablakában, a Settings alkalmazásban. -To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system. +Ahhoz, hogy ezt elérjük, szükségünk van a rendszer titkosítási kulcsára (movable.sed), hogy újra építsünk egy DSiWare mentést, amivel exploit-olni tudjuk a rendszert. For a more technical explanation, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3). {% endcapture %} diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt index 4767c882a4..e6c19d4168 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (Fredtool)" {% capture technical_info %} Technikai részletek (opcionális) -This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application. +Ez a metódusa a Seedminer használatának a további exploitoláshoz használja a `movable.sed` fájlod, hogy dekriptáljon egy DSiWare címet, azzal az céllal, hogy beinjektáljon egy exploitolható DSiWare címet a DS Download Play alkalmazásba. -This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed [here](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). +Ez egy jelenleg működő megvalósítása a "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" néven ismert exploitnak, amiről részletesebben olvashatsz [itt](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt index 97d884f578..37acde5324 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (Hardmod)" {% capture technical_info %} Technikai részletek (opcionális) -An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found [here](https://gbatemp.net/threads/414498/). +[Itt](https://gbatemp.net/threads/414498/) található egy kiváló útmutató arról, hogyan hajtsd végre a hardmodot (hardveres módosítást). -This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed [here](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). +Ez egy jelenleg működő megvalósítása a "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" néven ismert exploitnak, amiről részletesebben olvashatsz [itt](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). -Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console. +A hardmod használatával dumpolni tudunk egy NAND képfájlt, telepíteni egyedi firmware-t a NAND képfájlra, majd visszatelepíteni a hackelt NAND fájlt a konzolra. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt index 1b63a21fb7..02d65b2c36 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (HBL-USM)" {% capture technical_info %} Technikai részletek (opcionális) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +Ahhoz, hogy a SAFE_MODE-ot exploitálhassuk, be kell injektálnunk egy exploitált WiFi profilt. -As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this. +Mivel már van Homebrew hozzáférésünk, használhatjuk a slotTool-t erre a célra. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Amint a WiFi profil injektálásra került, a SAFE_MODE-ot fogjuk használni, ami egy helyreállítás szolgáltatás, ami elérhető minden 3DS konzolon, hogy aktiválja az exploitolt WiFi profilt. For a more technical explanation, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/) for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit. diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt index 39282a683b..245132a8de 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (kartdlphax)" {% capture technical_info %} Technikai részletek (opcionális) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +Ahhoz, hogy a SAFE_MODE-ot exploitálhassuk, be kell injektálnunk egy exploitált WiFi profilt. -To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin. +Ennek eléréséhez a Download Play funkcionalitását használjuk a Mario Kart 7-nek, egy egyedi firmware-rel, valamint egy egyedi játék pluginnel már telepített 3DS használatával. -This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list. +Ez az egyedi plugin egy hackelt payload-ot küld a nem hackelt konzolra, ami exploitolja a rendszert, azért, hogy injektálja az exploitolt WiFi profilt a kapcsolatok listájába. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Amint a WiFi profil injektálásra került, a SAFE_MODE-ot fogjuk használni, ami egy helyreállítás szolgáltatás, ami elérhető minden 3DS konzolon, hogy aktiválja az exploitolt WiFi profilt. For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: [kartdlphax](https://github.com/PabloMK7/kartdlphax), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt index 12cfff7872..cdecaabe87 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (SSLoth-Browser)" {% capture technical_info %} Technikai részletek (opcionális) -In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version. +A Browser alkalmazás exploit-olásához ki kell kapcsolni a verzió ellenőrzést, ami úgy lett megtervezve, hogy ne engedje a böngésző használatát a nélkül, hogy előtte frissítenénk a rendszert a legfrissebb verzióra. -A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check. +Egy publikus proxy szerver elérhető, ami az SSLoth exploit segítségével ki tudja iktatni ezt az ellenőrzést. -Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job. +Ha ez a kiiktatás aktív, egy exploit weboldal elérhető, ami elvégzi a többi részét a feladatnak. For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see [here](https://github.com/MrNbaYoh/3ds-ssloth) (SSLoth) and [here](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp) (universal-otherapp). diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt index 5dd898e6fa..90ed12c4f7 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (USM)" {% capture technical_info %} Technikai részletek (opcionális) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +Ahhoz, hogy a SAFE_MODE-ot exploitálhassuk, be kell injektálnunk egy exploitált WiFi profilt. -We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3. +Ezt megtenni egy másik létező exploittal, a BannerBomb3-mal tudjuk. -To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list. +Hogy ezt elérjük, a rendszer titkosítási kulcsoddal (movable.sed) újra építünk egy DSiWare mentést, ami exploitolja a rendszert annak érdekében, hogy be tudjuk injektálni az exploitolt WiFi profilt a kapcsolatok listájára. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Amint a WiFi profil injektálásra került, a SAFE_MODE-ot fogjuk használni, ami egy helyreállítás szolgáltatás, ami elérhető minden 3DS konzolon, hogy aktiválja az exploitolt WiFi profilt. For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: [BannerBomb3](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/seedminer.txt b/_pages/hu_HU/seedminer.txt index 20b328ffd0..fd2e7ed79d 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/seedminer.txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/seedminer.txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "Seedminer" {% capture technical_info %} Technikai részletek (opcionális) -To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device's unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device. +A boot9strap telepítéséhez az eszközödre, megfejtjük az eszköz egyedi titkosító kulcsát. Ennek eléréséhez egy Seedminer nevű eszközt fogunk használni, hogy kiszámítsuk a készüléked adat titkosítási kulcsát (movable.sed). -For information on how Seedminer works, see [this presentation](https://zoogie.github.io/web/34⅕c3). +További információért arról, hogyan működik a Seedminer, nézd meg [ezt a prezentációt](https://zoogie.github.io/web/34⅕c3). -This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method. +Ez a módszer egy erős grafikus kártyát használ a szükséges számítások elvégzéséhez. Egy önkéntes által üzemeltetett webhely segít neked ebben a módszerben. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/bannerbomb3.txt b/_pages/ko_KR/bannerbomb3.txt index 02448bff37..0353071cb0 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/bannerbomb3.txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/bannerbomb3.txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "BannerBomb3" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application. +사용자 정의의 코드를 실행하기 위해 DSiWare 데이터 관리 설정 창의 취약점을 이용합니다. -To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system. +이것을 할 수 있도록, 기기의 암호화 키 (movable.sed)를 이용해 취약점을 이용할 DSiWare 백업을 생성합니다. -For a more technical explanation, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3). +더 자세한 기술 정보를 확인하려면, [이 페이지 (영문)](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3)를 확인해 주세요. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt index 74806c9a0a..dc982c6d2f 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ title: "Homebrew Launcher (PicHaxx)" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) to run SafeB9SInstaller. +더 깊은 모딩을 위한 Seedminer의 이 사용법은, 포켓몬 피크로스의 커스텀 세이브 파일을 `movable.sed` 파일을 사용해서 작성해, unSAFE_MODE로 Homebrew Launcher를 통해 SafeB9SInstaller를 실행하는 방식입니다. -For information on PicHaxx itself, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/pichaxx). +PicHaxx에 대한 자세한 설명은 [이 페이지 (영문)](https://github.com/zoogie/pichaxx)에서 보시면 됩니다. {% endcapture %}
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@@ -19,9 +19,9 @@ For information on PicHaxx itself, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/pichaxx) 이 설명서는 미주, 유럽, 그리고 일본 지역 기기들 (시스템 버전 다음 글짜가 U, E, 아니면 J인 경우) 와 호환됩니다. -Pokémon Picross를 다운로드 하려면 닌텐도 네트워크 ID가 필요합니다. +포켓몬 피크로스를 다운로드하려면 닌텐도 네트워크 ID가 필요합니다. -이 과정은, 만약 이미 있다면, Pokémon Picross 저장 데이터를 덮어쓸 것 입니다. 이 저장 데이터를 보존하고 싶으시다면 `00000001.sav` 파일을 백업 해 주시는 것을 권장합니다. +이 과정은 포켓몬 피크로스의 기존 저장 데이터를 덮어쓸 것입니다. 만약 게임의 저장 데이터를 보존하고 싶으시다면 `00000001.sav` 파일을 백업해 두시는 것을 권장합니다. {: .notice--warning} ### 준비물 @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ Pokémon Picross를 다운로드 하려면 닌텐도 네트워크 ID가 필요 1. SD 카드를 컴퓨터에 삽입해 주세요 1. Luma3DS `.zip`안에 있는 `boot.firm`과 `boot.3dsx`를 SD 카드의 루트에 복사해 주세요 - + SD 카드의 루트는 SD 카드를 열 때 보이는 디렉토리이고, Nintendo 3DS 폴더가 보이지만 그 안에 않 들어가 있는 상태의 폴더 입니다 + + SD 카드의 루트는 SD 카드를 열 때 보이는 디렉토리이고, Nintendo 3DS 폴더가 보이지만 그 안에 들어가 있지 않은 상태의 폴더입니다 1. SD 카드의 루트에 '3ds' 폴더를 생성해 주세요 1. unSAFE_MODE `.zip`안에 있는 `slotTool` 폴더를 SD 카드의 `3ds` 폴더에 복사해 주세요 1. unSAFE_MODE `.zip` 파일에 `otherapps_with_CfgS` 폴더에서 기기에 해당 되는 otherapp 파일을 SD 카드에 최상위 폴더로 복사하고 이 파일 이름을 `otherapp.bin` 으로 수정해 주세요 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ Pokémon Picross를 다운로드 하려면 닌텐도 네트워크 ID가 필요 #### 섹션 II - PicHaxx -이 섹션에서는, Pokémon Picross에 유용한 해킹된 저장 파일을 생성하고, 이걸 사용해서 Homebrew Launcher를 실행 합니다. +이 섹션에서는, 포켓몬 피크로스의 해킹된 저장 파일을 생성하고, 이걸 사용해서 Homebrew Launcher를 실행합니다. 1. [PicHaxx 인젝터 웹사이트](https://3dstools.nhnarwhal.com/#/pichaxx)를 컴퓨터에서 열어 주세요 1. `movable.sed` 파일을 선택해 주세요 @@ -72,8 +72,8 @@ Pokémon Picross를 다운로드 하려면 닌텐도 네트워크 ID가 필요 1. SD 카드를 기기에 다시 삽입해 주세요 1. 기기를 시작해 주세요 -1. "Pokémon Picross"를 열어 주세요 -1. 익스플로잇이 성공적이었다면 Homebrew Launcher 로 부팅되었을 것입니다 +1. 포켓몬 피크로스 ("Pokémon Picross")를 열어 주세요 +1. 익스플로잇이 성공적이었다면 Homebrew Launcher로 부팅되었을 것입니다 + 오류가 발생하면 이 [문제 해결 가이드](troubleshooting#homebrew-launcher-pichaxx) 를 참고해 주세요. ___ diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt index 02952be934..b01c1a8b3c 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ title: "boot9strap 설치 (Fredtool)" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application. +이 방식은 Seedminer에서 얻은 `movable.sed` 파일을 사용해 어느 DSiWare 타이틀을 해독해 익스플로잇 가능한 DSiWare 타이틀을 DS 소프트웨어용 인터넷 설정에 주입합니다. -This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed [here](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). +이 작업은 [이곳](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws)에 자세히 설명되어 있는 "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" 익스플로잇을 구현한 작업입니다. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt index 6ded37a6c9..ff05195a07 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "boot9strap 설치 (하드모드)" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found [here](https://gbatemp.net/threads/414498/). +좋은 하드모드 가이드는 [여기 (영문)](https://gbatemp.net/threads/414498/)에서 볼 수 있습니다. -This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed [here](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). +이 작업은 [이곳](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws)에 자세히 설명되어 있는 "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" 익스플로잇을 구현한 작업입니다. -Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console. +하드모드를 사용하여 기기의 NAND 이미지를 덤프하고, 이 NAND 이미지에다가 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치하고, 결과물을 다시 기기에 설치할 수 있습니다. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt index 8cd9bde76a..512b41b0aa 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ title: "boot9strap 설치 (HBL-USM)" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +SAFE_MODE 펌웨어를 해킹하기 위해, 익스플로잇이 되어있는 Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치해야 합니다. -As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this. +이미 홈브류 기능을 사용할수 있으니, slotTool을 이용하면 됩니다. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치한 후, 모든 3DS 콘솔에 내장되어 있는 시스템 복구 모드인 SAFE_MODE를 사용해 해당 인터넷 설정을 활성화합니다. -For a more technical explanation, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/) for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit. +unSAFE_MODE의 더 자세한 설명은 [여기 (영문)](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/)를 참고해 주세요. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt index 9a37c85a95..1a8c1587b2 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ title: "boot9strap 설치 (kartdlphax)" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +SAFE_MODE 펌웨어를 해킹하기 위해, 익스플로잇이 되어있는 Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치해야 합니다. -To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin. +이 취약점을 사용하기 위해, 마리오 카트 7 게임에 존재하는 다운로드 플레이 기능, 이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있는 기기, 그리고 어떤 게임 플러그인을 사용합니다. -This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list. +이 플러그인은 아직 해킹되지 않은 기기로 해킹된 WiFi 프로필을 설치 할 페이로드를 전송합니다. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치한 후, 모든 3DS 콘솔에 내장되어 있는 시스템 복구 모드인 SAFE_MODE를 사용해 해당 인터넷 설정을 활성화합니다. -For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: [kartdlphax](https://github.com/PabloMK7/kartdlphax), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). +kartdlphax와 unSAFE_MODE의 더 자세한 설명은 다음 (영어) 페이지를 참고해 주세요: [kartdlphax](https://github.com/PabloMK7/kartdlphax), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt index 558f4144e0..812e450b8f 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ title: "boot9strap 설치 (Soundhax)" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see [here](https://github.com/nedwill/soundhax) (Soundhax) and [here](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp) (universal-otherapp). +이 페이지에 사용되는 익스플로잇에 자세한 설명은 [여기]https://github.com/nedwill/soundhax) (Soundhax)와 [여기](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp/) (universal-otherapp) (영어) 를 참고해 주세요. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt index bd3626a292..cce2da84e1 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ title: "boot9strap 설치 (SSLoth-Browser)" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version. +브라우저 앱을 해킹하기 위해서는, 최신 버전으로의 시스템 업데이트 없이 브라우저 앱을 이용하지 못하게 하는 버전 확인 과정을 건너뛰어야 합니다. -A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check. +SSLoth 익스플로잇의 도움을 받아 이러한 확인을 건너뛸 수 있는 공개 프록시 서버가 있습니다. -Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job. +확인을 건너뛴 후, 나머지 작업을 진행하게 될 익스플로잇 사이트가 준비되어 있습니다. -For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see [here](https://github.com/MrNbaYoh/3ds-ssloth) (SSLoth) and [here](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp) (universal-otherapp). +이 페이지에 사용되는 익스플로잇에 자세한 설명은 [여기]https://github.com/MrNbaYoh/3ds-ssloth) (SSLoth)와 [여기](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp/) (universal-otherapp) (영어) 를 참고해 주세요. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt index c758d61128..35f6440cab 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ title: "boot9strap 설치 (USM)" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +SAFE_MODE 펌웨어를 해킹하기 위해, 익스플로잇이 되어있는 Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치해야 합니다. -We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3. +이미 존재하는 BannerBomb3 익스플로잇을 사용해 이걸 할 수 있습니다. -To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list. +이것은 시스템의 암호화 키 (movable.sed)를 이용해 DSiWare 백업을 만들고, 이걸 사용해 인터넷 설정에 익스플로잇을 설치할 수 있도록 만듭니다. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Wi-Fi 프로필을 설치한 후, 모든 3DS 콘솔에 내장되어 있는 시스템 복구 모드인 SAFE_MODE를 사용해 해당 인터넷 설정을 활성화합니다. -For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: [BannerBomb3](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). +BannerBomb3와 unSAFE_MODE의 더 자세한 설명은 다음 (영어) 페이지를 참고해 주세요: [BannerBomb3](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/seedminer.txt b/_pages/ko_KR/seedminer.txt index eadd0962b5..6d9579f9d1 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/seedminer.txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/seedminer.txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "Seedminer" {% capture technical_info %} 기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항) -To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device's unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device. +boot9strap을 설치하려면 우선 각 기기의 고유 암호화 키를 알아내야 합니다. 그러기 위해서 이 가이드에서는 Seedminer을 사용해 그 암호화 키 (movable.sed) 를 계산해낼 것입니다. -For information on how Seedminer works, see [this presentation](https://zoogie.github.io/web/34⅕c3). +Seedminer이 정확히 어떻게 작동하는지 더 배우고싶다면 [이 프레젠테이션](https://zoogie.github.io/web/34⅕c3) 을 참고할 수 있습니다. -This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method. +이 방법은 원래 혼자 할 경우 필요한 연산을 위해 강력한 그래픽카드를 사용해야 합니다. 이 가이드에서는 이 방법을 돕기 위해 다른 사람들이 무료로 제공하는 웹사이트를 사용하게 됩니다. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/bannerbomb3.txt b/_pages/pt_BR/bannerbomb3.txt index f2ac5ea2e9..77bdca94f9 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/bannerbomb3.txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/bannerbomb3.txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "BannerBomb3" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application. +Para iniciar o código personalizado, nós usamos um exploit no Gerenciamento de Dados DSiWare no aplicativo Configurações do Sistema. -To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system. +Para fazer isso, usamos a chave de criptografia do seu sistema (movable.sed) para construir um backup de DSiWare que se aproveita do exploit do sistema. -For a more technical explanation, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3). +Para obter uma explicação mais técnica, veja [aqui](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt index 6b32078e57..dbd55dbc04 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx).txt @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ title: "Homebrew Launcher (PicHaxx)" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) to run SafeB9SInstaller. +Este método de usar o Seedminer para exploiting usa seu `movable.sed` para fazer um arquivo de save personalizado para o Pokémon Picross, que pode então ser usado com unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) para executar o SafeB9SInstaller. -For information on PicHaxx itself, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/pichaxx). +Para obter informações sobre o próprio PicHaxx, veja [aqui](https://github.com/zoogie/pichaxx). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt index 2cf0e29db4..ca395a1ba1 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).txt @@ -7,9 +7,9 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (Fredtool)" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application. +Este método de usar o Seedminer para exploiting usa seu arquivo `movable.sed` para descriptografar qualquer aplicativo DSiWare para fins de injetar um título de DSiWare exploitable nas Configurações de Internet do DS. -This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed [here](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). +Esta é uma implementação funcional do exploit "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" detalhado [aqui](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt index ebb6e3bd7e..9f01da3e8a 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hardmod).txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (Hardmod)" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -An excellent guide to getting a hardmod can be found [here](https://gbatemp.net/threads/414498/). +Um excelente guia para realizar um hardmod pode ser encontrado [aqui](https://gbatemp.net/threads/414498/). -This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed [here](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). +Esta é uma implementação funcional do exploit "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" detalhado [aqui](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws). -Using a hardmod, we can dump the NAND image, install custom firmware to the NAND image, then re-install the hacked NAND image to the console. +Usando um hardmod, podemos fazer um dump da imagem da NAND, instalar custom firmware para a imagem da NAND, então reinstalar a imagem da NAND com hack no console. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt index 919cac3bc2..8c8ae97fe8 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).txt @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (HBL-USM)" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +Para executar o exploit no firmware SAFE_MODE do nosso sistema, precisamos injetar um perfil de Wi-Fi exploited. -As we already have Homebrew access, we can use slotTool to do this. +Como já temos acesso a Homebrew, podemos usar o slotTool para fazer isso. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Assim que o perfil Wi-Fi for injetado, usaremos o SAFE_MODE, que é um recurso de recuperação presente em todos os consoles 3DS, para ativar o perfil de Wi-Fi exploited. -For a more technical explanation, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/) for information about the unSAFE_MODE exploit. +Para obter mais uma explicação técnica, veja [aqui](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/) para obter informações sobre o exploit unSAFE_MODE. {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt index 3d081b504d..46dada20c2 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).txt @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (kartdlphax)" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +Para executar o exploit no firmware SAFE_MODE do nosso sistema, precisamos injetar um perfil de Wi-Fi exploited. -To accomplish this, we can use the Download Play functionality of the game Mario Kart 7, using a 3DS with custom firmware already installed along with a custom game plugin. +Para fazer isso, podemos usar a funcionalidade Download Play do jogo Mario Kart 7, usando um 3DS com custom firmware já instalado junto com um plugin personalizado de jogo. -This custom plugin will send a hacked payload to an unhacked console, which then exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list. +Este plugin personalizado enviará um payload com hack para um console sem hack, que depois aproveita de um exploit do sistema para injetar o perfil WiFi exploited na sua lista de conexões. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Assim que o perfil Wi-Fi for injetado, usaremos o SAFE_MODE, que é um recurso de recuperação presente em todos os consoles 3DS, para ativar o perfil de Wi-Fi exploited. -For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the kartdlphax and unSAFE_MODE exploits: [kartdlphax](https://github.com/PabloMK7/kartdlphax), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). +Para mais uma explicação técnica, consulte os seguintes links para informações sobre os exploits kartdlphax e unSAFE_MODE: [kartdlphax](https://github.com/PabloMK7/kartdlphax), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt index fee79812ad..a90da600cc 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt @@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (Soundhax)" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see [here](https://github.com/nedwill/soundhax) (Soundhax) and [here](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp) (universal-otherapp). +Para detalhes técnicos sobre os exploits que você usará nesta página, veja [aqui](https://github.com/nedwill/soundhax) e [aqui](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp) (universal-otherapp). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt index 4c61a614c8..466f0f0f39 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -7,13 +7,13 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -In order to exploit the Browser application, we need to bypass the browser version check, which is designed to disallow the use of the browser without updating to the latest system version. +Para aproveitar do exploit do aplicativo do navegador, precisamos ignorar a verificação da versão do navegador, que é projetado para impedir o uso do navegador sem atualizar para a versão mais recente do sistema. -A public proxy server is available, which, with the help of the SSLoth exploit, can bypass this check. +Um servidor proxy público está disponível, o que, com a ajuda do exploit SSLoth, pode ignorar esta verificação. -Once the bypass is active, an exploit webpage will be accessible which will do the rest of the job. +Assim que o bypass estiver ativo, uma página de exploit estará acessível para o resto do trabalho. -For technical details on the exploits that you will be using on this page, see [here](https://github.com/MrNbaYoh/3ds-ssloth) (SSLoth) and [here](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp) (universal-otherapp). +Para detalhes técnicos sobre os exploits que você usará nesta página, veja [aqui](https://github.com/MrNbaYoh/3ds-ssloth) (SSLoth) e [aqui](https://github.com/TuxSH/universal-otherapp) (universal-otherapp). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt index 4d1183d1b5..b0dffc8c23 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).txt @@ -7,15 +7,15 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (USM)" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -In order to exploit the SAFE_MODE firmware of our system, we need to inject an exploited WiFi profile. +Para executar o exploit no firmware SAFE_MODE do nosso sistema, precisamos injetar um perfil de Wi-Fi exploited. -We can do this using an existing exploit, BannerBomb3. +Podemos fazer isso usando um exploit existente, BannerBomb3. -To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system in order to inject the exploited WiFi profile into your connections list. +Para fazer isso, usamos a chave de criptografia do seu sistema (movable.sed) para construir um backup de DSiWare que executa um exploit no sistema para injetar o perfil Wi-Fi exploited na sua lista de conexões. -Once the WiFi profile has been injected, we will use SAFE_MODE, which is a recovery feature present on all 3DS consoles, to activate the exploited WiFi profile. +Assim que o perfil Wi-Fi for injetado, usaremos o SAFE_MODE, que é um recurso de recuperação presente em todos os consoles 3DS, para ativar o perfil de Wi-Fi exploited. -For a more technical explanation, see the following links for information on the BannerBomb3 and unSAFE_MODE exploits: [BannerBomb3](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). +Para obter explicações técnicas, consulte os seguintes links para obter informações sobre os exploits BannerBomb3 e unSAFE_MODE: [BannerBomb3](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3), [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/). {% endcapture %}
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diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/seedminer.txt b/_pages/pt_BR/seedminer.txt index fa5655dffc..ca96ed1f1e 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/seedminer.txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/seedminer.txt @@ -7,11 +7,11 @@ title: "Seedminer" {% capture technical_info %} Detalhes técnicos (opcional) -To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device's unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device. +Para instalar boot9strap em seu dispositivo, nós derivamos a chave de criptografia exclusiva do seu dispositivo. Para fazer isso, usamos uma ferramenta chamada Seedminer para calcular a chave de criptografia de dados (movable.sed) do seu dispositivo. -For information on how Seedminer works, see [this presentation](https://zoogie.github.io/web/34⅕c3). +Para mais informações sobre como Seedminer funciona, veja [esta apresentação](https://zoogie.github.io/web/34⅕c3). -This method uses a powerful graphics card to perform the calculations needed. A volunteer-run website is used for the purpose of assisting you with this method. +Esse método usufrui de uma poderosa placa de vídeo para realizar os cálculos necessários. Um website voluntário é utilizado com o propósito de te ajudar com esse método. {% endcapture %}
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