From 67bc757f962bff069b8672342d8a27523f2ccb43 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ian Burgwin Date: Sat, 26 Dec 2020 11:14:01 -0800 Subject: [PATCH] New Crowdin updates (#1824) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Swedish) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Swedish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Swedish) * New translations en_US.yml (Turkish) * New translations en_US.yml (Russian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Turkish) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Turkish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Turkish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Turkish) * New translations en_US.yml (Ukrainian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Ukrainian) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Ukrainian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Russian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Portuguese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Ukrainian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Norwegian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Dutch) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Dutch) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Dutch) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Dutch) * New translations en_US.yml (Norwegian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Norwegian) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Norwegian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Norwegian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Portuguese) * New translations en_US.yml (Polish) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Polish) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Polish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Polish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Polish) * New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Portuguese) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Portuguese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Ukrainian) * New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Korean) * New translations en_US.yml (Croatian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Indonesian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Indonesian) * New translations en_US.yml (Thai) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Thai) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Thai) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Thai) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Thai) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Croatian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Indonesian) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Croatian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Croatian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Croatian) * New translations en_US.yml (Malay) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Malay) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Malay) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Malay) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Malay) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Indonesian) * New translations en_US.yml (Indonesian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Traditional) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations en_US.yml (Vietnamese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Vietnamese) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Vietnamese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Vietnamese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Vietnamese) * New translations en_US.yml (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations en_US.yml (Dutch) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Korean) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Pirate English) * New translations get-started.txt (Pirate English) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Korean) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Japanese) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Japanese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Japanese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Japanese) * New translations en_US.yml (Korean) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Korean) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Indonesian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Ukrainian) * New translations get-started.txt (Ukrainian) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Ukrainian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations get-started.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Swedish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Swedish) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Turkish) * New translations get-started.txt (Turkish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Turkish) * New translations get-started.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Vietnamese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Vietnamese) * New translations get-started.txt (Indonesian) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations get-started.txt (Vietnamese) * New translations get-started.txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Pirate English) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Pirate English) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Pirate English) * New translations en_US.yml (Pirate English) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Pirate English) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Pirate English) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Romanian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Dutch) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Norwegian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Korean) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Polish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Portuguese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Russian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Arabic) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Catalan) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (French) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Spanish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Finnish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Hebrew) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (German) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Czech) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Greek) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Japanese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Croatian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Indonesian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Thai) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Malay) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Pirate English) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Ukrainian) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Swedish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Turkish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Vietnamese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations get-started.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en_US.yml (Chinese Simplified) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations en_US.yml (Hungarian) * New translations get-started.txt (Hungarian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Hungarian) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Hungarian) * New translations get-started.txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations en_US.yml (Hungarian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations en_US.yml (Italian) * New translations get-started-(new-3ds).txt (Italian) * New translations get-started.txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Romanian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Romanian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (French) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (French) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Hebrew) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Hebrew) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations get-started-(old-3ds).txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Finnish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Japanese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Japanese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Korean) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Korean) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Dutch) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Finnish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Spanish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Spanish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Arabic) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Arabic) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Catalan) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Catalan) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Czech) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Czech) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (German) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (German) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Greek) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Greek) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Dutch) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Portuguese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Polish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Polish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Portuguese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Norwegian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Russian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Russian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Swedish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Swedish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Norwegian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Turkish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Turkish) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Indonesian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Indonesian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Thai) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Thai) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Croatian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Croatian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Malay) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Malay) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Pirate English) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Ukrainian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Ukrainian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Portuguese, Brazilian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Chinese Traditional) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Vietnamese) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Vietnamese) * New translations homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations home.txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Pirate English) * New translations region-changing.txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Hungarian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Italian) * New translations site-navigation.txt (Italian) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt (Chinese Simplified) * New translations installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt (Chinese Simplified) --- _data/navigation/ar_SA.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/ca_ES.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/cs_CZ.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/de_DE.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/el_GR.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/en_PT.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/es_ES.yml | 8 +- _data/navigation/fi_FI.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/fr_FR.yml | 8 +- _data/navigation/he_IL.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/hr_HR.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/hu_HU.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/id_ID.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/it_IT.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/ja_JP.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/ko_KR.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/ms_MY.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/nl_NL.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/no_NO.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/pl_PL.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/pt_BR.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/pt_PT.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/ro_RO.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/ru_RU.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/sv_SE.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/th_TH.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/tr_TR.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/uk_UA.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/vi_VN.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/zh_CN.yml | 6 ++ _data/navigation/zh_TW.yml | 6 ++ _pages/ar_SA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 57 ++++++------- _pages/ar_SA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 66 +++++---------- _pages/ar_SA/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/ar_SA/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- 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.../de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/de_DE/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/el_GR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 59 +++++++------ _pages/el_GR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 68 ++++++--------- _pages/el_GR/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/el_GR/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/en_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 57 ++++++------- _pages/en_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 66 +++++---------- _pages/en_PT/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/en_PT/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/es_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 59 +++++++------ _pages/es_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 68 ++++++--------- _pages/es_ES/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt | 2 +- _pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt | 2 +- .../es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt | 2 +- .../es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt | 2 +- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ .../installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt | 2 +- ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/es_ES/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/es_ES/updating-b9s.txt | 2 +- _pages/fi_FI/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 61 +++++++------- _pages/fi_FI/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 68 ++++++--------- _pages/fi_FI/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/fi_FI/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/fr_FR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 61 +++++++------- _pages/fr_FR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 70 ++++++---------- _pages/fr_FR/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/fr_FR/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/he_IL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 59 +++++++------ _pages/he_IL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 68 ++++++--------- _pages/he_IL/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/he_IL/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- 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.../id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/id_ID/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/it_IT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 57 ++++++------- _pages/it_IT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 68 ++++++--------- _pages/it_IT/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/it_IT/region-changing.txt | 14 ++-- _pages/it_IT/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/ja_JP/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 57 ++++++------- _pages/ja_JP/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 66 +++++---------- _pages/ja_JP/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/ja_JP/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/ko_KR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 57 ++++++------- _pages/ko_KR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 66 +++++---------- _pages/ko_KR/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/ko_KR/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/ms_MY/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 57 ++++++------- _pages/ms_MY/get-started-(old-3ds).txt | 66 +++++---------- _pages/ms_MY/get-started.txt | 71 ++-------------- .../ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt | 30 ++++--- .../installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt | 84 +++++++++++++++++++ ...installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt | 81 ++++++++++++++++++ _pages/ms_MY/site-navigation.txt | 8 +- _pages/nl_NL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt | 57 ++++++------- 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Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/pt_PT.yml b/_data/navigation/pt_PT.yml index 3919627773..76e0f11e36 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/pt_PT.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/pt_PT.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/ro_RO.yml b/_data/navigation/ro_RO.yml index 0fb1c66cd2..52cd9424cd 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/ro_RO.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/ro_RO.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/ru_RU.yml b/_data/navigation/ru_RU.yml index 93314fc65d..b9ff432a86 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/ru_RU.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/ru_RU.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/sv_SE.yml b/_data/navigation/sv_SE.yml index 3c95ab278e..335755fc63 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/sv_SE.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/sv_SE.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/th_TH.yml b/_data/navigation/th_TH.yml index 3810194078..bd313b062c 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/th_TH.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/th_TH.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/tr_TR.yml b/_data/navigation/tr_TR.yml index e07bfbae08..3c8005702c 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/tr_TR.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/tr_TR.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/uk_UA.yml b/_data/navigation/uk_UA.yml index 3810194078..bd313b062c 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/uk_UA.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/uk_UA.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/vi_VN.yml b/_data/navigation/vi_VN.yml index 082fc07fee..715da337cf 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/vi_VN.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/vi_VN.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/zh_CN.yml b/_data/navigation/zh_CN.yml index d5dfd50a83..b98dcb29f9 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/zh_CN.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/zh_CN.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: 安装 boot9strap(通过 HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: 安装 boot9strap(通过 safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: 安装 boot9strap(通过 SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: 完成安装 url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_data/navigation/zh_TW.yml b/_data/navigation/zh_TW.yml index a4b37a7d46..4b37970025 100644 --- a/_data/navigation/zh_TW.yml +++ b/_data/navigation/zh_TW.yml @@ -142,6 +142,12 @@ sidebar_pages: - title: Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM) url: installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (safecerthax) + url: installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax) + - + title: Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) + url: installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser) - title: Finalizing Setup url: finalizing-setup diff --git a/_pages/ar_SA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/ar_SA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a356bbb8ee..0b3ac65542 100644 --- a/_pages/ar_SA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ar_SA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/ar_SA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/ar_SA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fc9ad47a9..fc438fb876 100644 --- a/_pages/ar_SA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ar_SA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/ar_SA/get-started.txt b/_pages/ar_SA/get-started.txt index 00833936df..dd06d73a0c 100644 --- a/_pages/ar_SA/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/ar_SA/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -If you have already hacked your 3DS before and have an EmuNAND based CFW setup, just follow all instructions while on SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..34c79d4b05 100644 --- a/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e6a3904af --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22cc8e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ar_SA/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/ar_SA/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/ar_SA/site-navigation.txt index dca1e3bba0..e37798217c 100644 --- a/_pages/ar_SA/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/ar_SA/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/ca_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/ca_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a356bbb8ee..0b3ac65542 100644 --- a/_pages/ca_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ca_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/ca_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/ca_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fc9ad47a9..fc438fb876 100644 --- a/_pages/ca_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ca_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/ca_ES/get-started.txt b/_pages/ca_ES/get-started.txt index c4295cf08d..ef2c5ae666 100644 --- a/_pages/ca_ES/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/ca_ES/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Si ja havíeu modificat la vostra 3DS amb anterioritat i teniu una instal·lació de CFW a l'EmuNAND, simplement seguiu totes les instruccions a la SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Abans de començar, és possible que vulgueu comprovar que la vostra targeta SD no tingui errors utilitzant [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), o [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..34c79d4b05 100644 --- a/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e6a3904af --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22cc8e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ca_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/ca_ES/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/ca_ES/site-navigation.txt index dca1e3bba0..e37798217c 100644 --- a/_pages/ca_ES/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/ca_ES/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a356bbb8ee..0b3ac65542 100644 --- a/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fc9ad47a9..fc438fb876 100644 --- a/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started.txt b/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started.txt index 00833936df..dd06d73a0c 100644 --- a/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/cs_CZ/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -If you have already hacked your 3DS before and have an EmuNAND based CFW setup, just follow all instructions while on SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..34c79d4b05 100644 --- a/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e6a3904af --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22cc8e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/cs_CZ/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/cs_CZ/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/cs_CZ/site-navigation.txt index dca1e3bba0..e37798217c 100644 --- a/_pages/cs_CZ/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/cs_CZ/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/de_DE/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/de_DE/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 03b3213225..a538252817 100644 --- a/_pages/de_DE/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/de_DE/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Los geht's (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Inhalt" %} ### Lesen erforderlich -Wähle die passende Methode für deine Version aus der unteren Tabelle. Beachte, dass die "Von" und "Bis"-Felder inklusive sind. Das heißt, dass die Zeile "von 9.0.0 bis 9.2.0" die Versionen 9.0.0, 9.1.0 und 9.2.0 beinhaltet. - -Außerdem beachte, dass die letzte Zahl deiner System-Version (welche durch einen Bindestrich abgetrennt ist) sich auf die Version Ihres Browsers bezieht. Derzeit ist die Browserversion irrelevant für den neuen 3DS in dieser Anleitung. - -**Wenn du den Anweisungen zu deiner Version wegen fehlenden Vorraussetzungen nicht folgen kannst, solltest du die "Alle Versionen" Reihe für Methoden die mit allen Systemversionen funktionieren anschauen.** - -Für alle Versionen kannst du auch ein [Kartenupdate](cart-update) (oder ein normales Systemupdate) zu einer höheren Version in der gleichen Spalte durchführen und deren Anweisung folgen. +Wähle die entsprechende Seite für deine Version aus der unten folgenden Tabelle. Beachte, dass die "Von" und "Bis"-Felder inklusive sind. Die Version deines 3DS findest du rechts unten auf dem oberen Bildschirm in den Systemeinstellungen. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Versionstabelle - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - - - - - + - + - + - - + + - - - + + - +
Von BisVonBisAction boot9strap (2xrsa) von boot9strap (Soundhax) 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) eine "Alle Versionen" Methode11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) von boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Benötigt eine kompatible Flashcart)


Installiere boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Setzt Löten voraus)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/de_DE/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/de_DE/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 792be2d55b..69be91d4e0 100644 --- a/_pages/de_DE/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/de_DE/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Los geht's (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Inhalt" %} ### Lesen erforderlich -Wähle die entsprechende Seite für deine Version aus der unten folgenden Tabelle. Beachte, dass die "Von" und "Bis"-Felder inklusive sind. Das heißt, dass die Spalte "von 9.0.0 bis 9.2.0" die Versionen 9.0.0, 9.1.0 und 9.2.0 beinhaltet. - -Die letzten beiden Spalten beziehen sich auf die letzte Nummer deiner Version (welche zeigt, welche Version des Browsers auf deiner Konsole installiert ist). Wenn die Version "-0" entspricht, ist kein Browser vorhanden, alle Nummern über "-0" bedeuten, dass ein Browser installiert ist. - -Im Falle der Version "5.0.0-0U" zum Beispiel würdest du die Spalte "Kein Browser" mit der Zeile "5.0.0 bis 5.1.0" wählen, weil sich die Systemsoftware in dieser Reichweite befindet und kein Browser installiert ist. - -**Wenn du den Anweisungen zu deiner Version wegen fehlenden Vorraussetzungen nicht folgen kannst, solltest du die "Alle Versionen" Reihe für Methoden die mit allen Systemversionen funktionieren anschauen.** - -Für alle Versionen kannst du auch ein [Kartenupdate](cart-update) (oder ein normales Systemupdate) zu einer höheren Version in der gleichen Spalte durchführen und deren Anweisung folgen. +Wähle die entsprechende Seite für deine Version aus der unten folgenden Tabelle. Beachte, dass die "Von" und "Bis"-Felder inklusive sind. Die Version deines 3DS findest du rechts unten auf dem oberen Bildschirm in den Systemeinstellungen. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Versionstabelle @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Die Version deines 3DS findest du rechts unten auf dem oberen Bildschirm in den - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Von BisKein BrowserBrowserAction eine "Alle Versionen" Methode eine "Alle Versionen" MethodeInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) eine "Alle Versionen" Methode von boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) eine "Alle Versionen" MethodeInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) von boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Benötigt eine kompatible Flashcart)


Installiere boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Setzt Löten voraus)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/de_DE/get-started.txt b/_pages/de_DE/get-started.txt index b3153b899e..1329e6a782 100644 --- a/_pages/de_DE/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/de_DE/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Los geht's" ### Lesen erforderlich -Wähle die entsprechende Seite für deine Version aus der unten folgenden Tabelle. Beachte, dass die "Von" und "Bis"-Felder inklusive sind. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Die Version deines 3DS findest du rechts unten auf dem oberen Bildschirm in den Systemeinstellungen. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -Für alle Versionen kannst du auch ein [Kartenupdate](cart-update) (oder ein normales Systemupdate) zu einer höheren Version in der gleichen Spalte durchführen und deren Anweisung folgen. - -Wenn du deinen 3DS bereits gehackt hast und eine CFW mit EmuNAND hast, folge einfach allen Schritten auf deinem SysNAND. Ersetze alle bereits vorhandenen Dateien. Deine Daten vom EmuNAND werden zur neuen B9S-Installation übertragen. Wenn du Menuhax verwendest, solltest du [die Home-Menü extdata löschen](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) um es vor Beginn zu entfernen. - -Diese Seite erklärt, wie man boot9strap auf einem *unmodifizierten* 3DS oder 2DS installiert. Falls du arm9loaderhax bereits installiert hast und zu boot9strap updaten möchtest, befolge die [A9LH zu B9S](a9lh-to-b9s) Anleitung. +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Bevor du beginnst, solltest du als Windows-Benutzer die Option zum Anzeigen der Datei-Erweiterungen aktivieren mit [Datei-Erweiterungen (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Bevor du anfängst, solltest du deine SD-Karte auf Fehler überprüfen. Verwende dazu [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), oder [F3X (macOS)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Versionstabelle - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VonBisAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index c18d0f82e6..95bffce807 100644 --- a/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installation von boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Inhalt" %} +### Lesen erforderlich + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### Was du brauchst +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Anleitung @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installation von boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Schalte deinen 3DS aus 1. Stecke deine SD-Karte in deinen Computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Erstelle einen Ordner namens `boot9strap` im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte -1. Kopiere `boot9strap.firm` und `boot9strap.firm.sha` aus der boot9strap `.zip` in den `/boot9strap/`-Ordner auf deiner SD-Karte -1. Kopiere `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` und `Launcher.dat` aus der SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` in das Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Stecke deine SD-Karte nun wieder in deinen 3DS 1. Schalte deine Konsole an #### Abschnitt II - Starten von SafeBS9Installer -1. Starte den Browser und besuche eine der folgenden URLs auf deinem Gerät - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Schalte deine Konsole an +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + Solltest du eine Fehlermeldung erhalten, [folge diesen Anweisungen](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. Wenn der Exploit erfolgreich war, wird nun direkt zum SafeBS9Installer gebootet @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installation von boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Benutze den (A) Knopf und das Steuerkreuz, um Folgendes zu aktivieren: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Drücke (Start) zum Speichern und neustarten - + Falls ein Fehler angezeigt wird, fahre einfach mit der nächsten Seite fort ___ diff --git a/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..52db4354ac --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Inhalt" %} + +### Lesen erforderlich + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### Was du brauchst + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Anleitung + +#### Schritt I - Vorbereitungen +1. Schalte deinen 3DS aus +1. Stecke deine SD-Karte in deinen Computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Erstelle einen Ordner namens `boot9strap` im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Stecke deine SD-Karte nun wieder in deinen 3DS +1. Schalte deine Konsole an + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Schalte deinen 3DS aus + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. Wenn der Exploit erfolgreich war, wird nun direkt zum SafeBS9Installer gebootet + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Warte auf alle Sicherheitsüberprüfungen +1. Gib die Tastenkombination zur Bestätigung ein, wenn danach verlangt wird +1. Sobald dies abgeschlossen ist drücke (A) um das Gerät neuzustarten + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Dein Gerät sollte neu starten und die Luma3DS Konfiguration anzeigen + + Wenn du einen schwarzen Bildschirm siehst, [Folge diesen Anweisungen](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Benutze den (A) Knopf und das Steuerkreuz, um Folgendes zu aktivieren: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Drücke (Start) zum Speichern und neustarten + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Schalte deinen 3DS aus + +___ + +### Fortfahren mit [Setup fertigstellen](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f93e5196d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Inhalt" %} + +### Lesen erforderlich + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### Was du brauchst + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Schritt I - Vorbereitungen + +1. Schalte deinen 3DS aus +1. Stecke deine SD-Karte in deinen Computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Erstelle einen Ordner namens `boot9strap` im Stammverzeichnis deiner SD-Karte +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Stecke deine SD-Karte nun wieder in deinen 3DS +1. Schalte deine Konsole an + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Schalte deinen 3DS aus + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + Solltest du eine Fehlermeldung erhalten, [folge diesen Anweisungen](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. Wenn der Exploit erfolgreich war, wird nun direkt zum SafeBS9Installer gebootet + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Warte auf alle Sicherheitsüberprüfungen +1. Gib die Tastenkombination zur Bestätigung ein, wenn danach verlangt wird +1. Sobald dies abgeschlossen ist drücke (A) um das Gerät neuzustarten + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Dein Gerät sollte neu starten und die Luma3DS Konfiguration anzeigen + + Wenn du einen schwarzen Bildschirm siehst, [Folge diesen Anweisungen](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Benutze den (A) Knopf und das Steuerkreuz, um Folgendes zu aktivieren: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Drücke (Start) zum Speichern und neustarten + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Schalte deinen 3DS aus + +___ + +### Fortfahren mit [Setup fertigstellen](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/de_DE/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/de_DE/site-navigation.txt index 24a0a9c5a4..611909f485 100644 --- a/_pages/de_DE/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/de_DE/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Setup fertigstellen](finalizing-setup) + [Installation von boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Los geht's](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Bedienung](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Startseite](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installation von boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installation von boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installation von boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [EmuNAND verschieben](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/el_GR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/el_GR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 80a31a15e4..f705eabf91 100644 --- a/_pages/el_GR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/el_GR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -2,67 +2,64 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- -{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +{% include toc title="Πίνακας περιεχομένων" %} ### Required Reading -Επιλέξτε την κατάλληλη σελίδα για την έκδοσή σας από το παρακάτω διάγραμμα. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Αυτό σημαίνει πως, για παράδειγμα, η σειρά "από 9.0.0 έως 9.2.0" περιλαμβάνει τις εκδόσεις 9.0.0, 9.1.0, 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Επιλέξτε την κατάλληλη σελίδα για την έκδοσή σας από το παρακάτω διάγραμμα. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToΑπόΈωςAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/el_GR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/el_GR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 4c6e2a94e1..de22b2cf13 100644 --- a/_pages/el_GR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/el_GR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -2,25 +2,31 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- -{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +{% include toc title="Πίνακας περιεχομένων" %} ### Required Reading -Επιλέξτε την κατάλληλη σελίδα για την έκδοσή σας από το παρακάτω διάγραμμα. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Αυτό σημαίνει πως, για παράδειγμα, η σειρά "από 9.0.0 έως 9.2.0" περιλαμβάνει τις εκδόσεις 9.0.0, 9.1.0, 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). Εάν η έκδοση είναι -0 τότε δεν έχετε πρόγραμμα περιήγησης, ενώ κάθε αριθμός πάνω από το -0 υποδεικνύει ότι υπάρχει εγκατεστημένο πρόγραμμα περιήγησης. - -Στην περίπτωση της έκδοσης "5.0.0-0U" για παράδειγμα, θα ακολουθούσατε την στήλη "Χωρίς Πρόγραμμα Περιήγησης" και τη σειρά 5.0.0 έως 5.1.1, διότι το σύστημα είναι στην έκδοση εκείνης της εμβέλειας και δεν έχει πρόγραμμα περιήγησης εγκατεστημένο. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Επιλέξτε την κατάλληλη σελίδα για την έκδοσή σας από το παρακάτω διάγραμμα. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Από ΈωςΧωρίς Πρόγραμμα ΠεριήγησηςΜε Πρόγραμμα ΠεριήγησηςAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/el_GR/get-started.txt b/_pages/el_GR/get-started.txt index 6e5a36f9c6..bd83ae4f5d 100644 --- a/_pages/el_GR/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/el_GR/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Επιλέξτε την κατάλληλη σελίδα για την έκδοσή σας από το παρακάτω διάγραμμα. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Εάν έχετε ήδη χακάρει το 3DS σας πριν και έχετε ήδη μια εγκατάσταση CFW βασισμένη σε emuNAND, απλώς ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες ενώ βρίσκεστε στη SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Πριν αρχίσετε, συνιστάται να ελέγξετε την κάρτα SD για σφάλματα χρησιμοποιώντας το [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), το [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), ή το [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ΑπόΈωςAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index b4fe8b9b87..fb160dcafe 100644 --- a/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Πίνακας περιεχομένων" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Εισάγετε την κάρτα SD στον υπολογιστή σας +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Πατήστε (Start) για αποθήκευση των αλλαγών και επανεκκίνηση - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..dba3085091 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Πίνακας περιεχομένων" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Εισάγετε την κάρτα SD στον υπολογιστή σας +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Πατήστε (Start) για αποθήκευση των αλλαγών και επανεκκίνηση + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..b262ec4b43 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/el_GR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Πίνακας περιεχομένων" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Εισάγετε την κάρτα SD στον υπολογιστή σας +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Πατήστε (Start) για αποθήκευση των αλλαγών και επανεκκίνηση + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/el_GR/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/el_GR/site-navigation.txt index 9a8e083a45..674b531267 100644 --- a/_pages/el_GR/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/el_GR/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Ας αρχίσουμε](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Μετακίνηση της EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/en_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/en_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 5221d44c8c..74e6bd2acb 100644 --- a/_pages/en_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/en_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select th' appropriate page fer ye version from th' chart below. Note that th' "from" 'n "to" fields be inclusive. 'Tis means that, fer example, th' "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row be includin' 9.0.0, 9.1.0, 'n 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that th' last number 'o ye system version (which follows th' dash) be referrin' to ye browser version. Currently, th' browser version be irrelevant to th' New 3DS in 'tis guide. - -**If ye be unable to follow th' instructions correspondin' to ye specific version due to any missin' prerequisites, then ye should see th' "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless 'o ye system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select th' appropriate page fer ye version from th' chart below. Note that th' "from" 'n "to" fields be inclusive. Ye device version can be found at th' bottom right 'o th' top screen 'o th' System Settin's. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)' boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Needs a Compatible Flashcart)


Installin' boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Needs Solderin')

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/en_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/en_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index c51456e617..cb1e7029a9 100644 --- a/_pages/en_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/en_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select th' appropriate page fer ye version from th' chart below. Note that th' "from" 'n "to" fields be inclusive. 'Tis means that, fer example, th' "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row be includin' 9.0.0, 9.1.0, 'n 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that th' last two columns 'o th' chart refer to th' last number 'o ye version (which be correspondin' to th' browser version installed to th' system). If th' version be -0 then ye do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser be installed. - -In th' case 'o "5.0.0-0U" fer example, ye would follow th' "No Browser" column 'n 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because th' system be on th' a system version in that range 'n has no browser installed. - -**If ye be unable to follow th' instructions correspondin' to ye specific version due to any missin' prerequisites, then ye should see th' "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless 'o ye system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select th' appropriate page fer ye version from th' chart below. Note that th' "from" 'n "to" fields be inclusive. Ye device version can be found at th' bottom right 'o th' top screen 'o th' System Settin's. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Ye device version can be found at th' bottom right 'o th' top screen 'o th' Syst - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Needs a Compatible Flashcart)


Installin' boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Needs Solderin')

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/en_PT/get-started.txt b/_pages/en_PT/get-started.txt index 3b2b52641d..09328ce7d2 100644 --- a/_pages/en_PT/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/en_PT/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select th' appropriate page fer ye version from th' chart below. Note that th' "from" 'n "to" fields be inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Ye device version can be found at th' bottom right 'o th' top screen 'o th' System Settin's. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -If ye have already hacked ye 3DS before 'n be havin' an EmuNAND based CFW setup, jus' follow all instructions while on SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Before startin', ye may want to check ye SD card fer errors usin' [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 4a267b5b2c..a9e7272f36 100644 --- a/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off ye device 1. Insert ye SD card into ye computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on th' root 'o ye SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` 'n `boot9strap.firm.sha` from th' boot9strap `.zip` to th' `/boot9strap/` folder on ye SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert ye SD card into ye device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use th' (A) button 'n th' D-Pad to turn on th' followin': + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save 'n reboot - + If ye be gettin' an error, jus' continue to th' next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c7184366e5 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off ye device +1. Insert ye SD card into ye computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on th' root 'o ye SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert ye SD card into ye device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off ye device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait fer all safety checks to be completed +1. When prompted, input th' key combo given to be installin' boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to be rebootin' ye device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Ye device should have rebooted into th' Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use th' (A) button 'n th' D-Pad to turn on th' followin': + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save 'n reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off ye device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c61fbda841 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/en_PT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off ye device +1. Insert ye SD card into ye computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on th' root 'o ye SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert ye SD card into ye device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off ye device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait fer all safety checks to be completed +1. When prompted, input th' key combo given to be installin' boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to be rebootin' ye device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Ye device should have rebooted into th' Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use th' (A) button 'n th' D-Pad to turn on th' followin': + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save 'n reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off ye device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/en_PT/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/en_PT/site-navigation.txt index d8bbc5fd31..71d8c607b0 100644 --- a/_pages/en_PT/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/en_PT/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizin' Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/en_PT/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installin' boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/es_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a0f1317afa..5dbc25afaf 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Comencemos (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Tabla de contenidos" %} ### Lectura requerida -Selecciona la casilla apropiada para tu versión en la tabla de más abajo. Ten en cuenta que las columnas "desde" y "hasta" son inclusivas. Esto quiere decir que por ejemplo la fila "desde 9.0.0 hasta 9.2.0" incluye la 9.0.0, 9.1.0 y 9.2.0. - -Adicionalmente, ten en cuenta que el último número de la versión de tu sistema (que está precedida por un guión) se refiere a la versión de tu navegador. Actualmente, la versión del navegador es irrelevante para la New 3DS en esta guía. - -**Si no puedes seguir las instrucciones correspondientes a tu versión específica debido a falta de requisitos, deberías ver la fila de "Todas las versiones" para los métodos que funcionan independiente de la versión de la consola.** - -Para todas las versiones, también puedes [actualizar mediante cartucho](cart-update) (o utiliza una actualización de sistema estándar) a una versión superior de la misma columna para seguir esas instrucciones. +Selecciona la casilla apropiada para su versión en la tabla de más abajo. Ten en cuenta que las columnas "desde" y "hasta" son inclusivas. La versión de tu consola puede verse en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla superior en la Configuración de la consola. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +Si bien podemos considerar que el Custom Firmware es relativamente seguro hoy por hoy, es importante tener en cuenta que nunca será "a prueba de baneos". + +Recomendamos que evites las siguientes acciones: +1. Piratería +1. Usar trampas en juegos en línea +1. Movimientos sospechosos en la eShop (tarjetas de crédito rechazadas, por ejemplo) + +Consideramos que tanto SpotPass y StreetPass también son seguros de utilizar al día de hoy. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tabla de versiones - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
DesdeHasta DesdeHastaAcción boot9strap (2xrsa) Instalar boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) un método para "Todas las versiones"11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requiere una flashcart compatible)


Instalar boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requiere soldar)

(Requiere un Flashcart Compatible)


Instalar boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requiere soldar)

diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/es_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fdb83d4fe..12df1ff87c 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Comencemos (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Tabla de contenidos" %} ### Lectura requerida -Selecciona la casilla apropiada para su versión en la tabla de más abajo. Ten en cuenta que las columnas "desde" y "hasta" son inclusivas. Esto quiere decir que por ejemplo la fila "desde 9.0.0 hasta 9.2.0" incluye la 9.0.0, 9.1.0 y 9.2.0. - -Adicionalmente, ten en cuenta que las dos últimas columnas de la tabla se refieren al último número de tu versión (que corresponde con la versión del navegador instalada en el sistema). Si la versión es -0 entonces no tienes navegador, mientras que cualquier número por encima de -0 indica que tienes el navegador instalado. - -En el caso de "5.0.0-0U" por ejemplo, escogerías la columna de "Sin Navegador" y la fila de 5.0.0 hasta 5.1.0 porque tu sistema está en una versión comprendida entre ese rango y no tienes navegador instalado. - -**Si no puedes seguir las instrucciones correspondientes a tu versión específica debido a falta de requisitos, deberías ver la fila de "Todas las versiones" para los métodos que funcionan independiente de la versión de la consola.** - -Para todas las versiones, también puedes [actualizar mediante cartucho](cart-update) (o utiliza una actualización de sistema estándar) a una versión superior de la misma columna para seguir esas instrucciones. +Selecciona la casilla apropiada para su versión en la tabla de más abajo. Ten en cuenta que las columnas "desde" y "hasta" son inclusivas. La versión de tu consola puede verse en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla superior en la Configuración de la consola. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +Si bien podemos considerar que el Custom Firmware es relativamente seguro hoy por hoy, es importante tener en cuenta que nunca será "a prueba de baneos". + +Recomendamos que evites las siguientes acciones: +1. Piratería +1. Usar trampas en juegos en línea +1. Movimientos sospechosos en la eShop (tarjetas de crédito rechazadas, por ejemplo) + +Consideramos que tanto SpotPass y StreetPass también son seguros de utilizar al día de hoy. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tabla de versiones @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ La versión de tu consola puede verse en la esquina inferior derecha de la panta - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Desde HastaSin NavegadorCon NavegadorAcción un método para "Todas las versiones" un método para "Todas las versiones"Instalar boot9strap (2xrsa) un método para "Todas las versiones" boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) un método para "Todas las versiones"Instalar boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requiere una flashcart compatible)


Instalar boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requiere soldar)

(Requiere un Flashcart Compatible)


Instalar boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requiere soldar)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/get-started.txt b/_pages/es_ES/get-started.txt index 4f8d27de80..a62bfeb5ce 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Comencemos" ### Lectura requerida -Selecciona la casilla apropiada para su versión en la tabla de más abajo. Ten en cuenta que las columnas "desde" y "hasta" son inclusivas. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -La versión de tu consola puede verse en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla superior en la Configuración de la consola. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**Si no puedes seguir las instrucciones correspondientes a tu versión específica debido a falta de requisitos, entonces deberías ver la fila de "Todas las versiones" para los métodos que funcionan independientemente de la versión de la consola.** - -Para todas las versiones, también puedes [actualizar mediante cartucho](cart-update) (o utiliza una actualización de sistema estándar) a una versión superior de la misma columna para seguir esas instrucciones. - -Si ya hackeaste tu 3DS anteriormente y tienes una instalación basada en EmuNAND, simplemente sigue todas las instrucciones estando en la SysNAND. Reemplaza todos los archivos que ya existan. Tus datos serán transferidos desde la EmuNAND a tu nueva instalación de B9S al final. Si utilizas menuhax, deberías [limpiar el extdata del Menú HOME](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) para removerlo antes de empezar. - -Esta página contiene instrucciones para instalar boot9strap en una 3DS o 2DS *sin modificar*. Si ya tienes instalado arm9loaderhax y quieres actualizar a boot9strap, sigue [A9LH a B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -¡Antes de empezar, se recomienda que los usuarios de Windows habiliten la opción para mostrar extensiones de archivo mediante [Extensiones de archivos (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} ¡Antes de empezar, deberías comprobar si tu tarjeta SD tiene errores usando [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)),[F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), o [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -Si bien podemos considerar que el Custom Firmware es relativamente seguro hoy por hoy, es importante tener en cuenta que nunca será "a prueba de baneos". - -Recomendamos que evites las siguientes acciones: -1. Piratería -1. Usar trampas en juegos en línea -1. Movimientos sospechosos en la eShop (tarjetas de crédito rechazadas, por ejemplo) - -Consideramos que tanto SpotPass y StreetPass también son seguros de utilizar al día de hoy. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Tabla de versiones - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DesdeHastaAcción boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requiere un Flashcart Compatible)


Instalar boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requiere soldar)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt b/_pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt index 1001d5ae3e..2087227783 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ Para extraer los archivos `.7z` enlazados esta página, necesitarás un gestor d 1. Copia `boot.3dsx` a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia el archivo `boot.firm` desde el `.7z` de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD 1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD -1. Copia `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD +1. Copia los archivos `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia `safehax.3dsx` a la carpeta `/3ds/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia `udsploit.3dsx` a la carpeta `/3ds/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` desde el `.zip` de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD y renombra `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` a `safehaxpayload.bin` diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt b/_pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt index b48b0cb974..f53556c2e3 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/homebrew-launcher-(soundhax).txt @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ Ten en cuenta que las actualizaciones con cartucho sólo actualizarán los eleme 1. Copia el otherapp payload a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD y cambia su nombre a `otherapp.bin` 1. Copia los archivos `boot.firm` y `boot.3dsx` desde el `.zip` de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD 1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD -1. Copia `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD +1. Copia los archivos `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia `safehax.3dsx` a la carpeta `/3ds/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia `udsploit.3dsx` a la carpeta `/3ds/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` desde el `.zip` de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD y renombra `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` a `safehaxpayload.bin` diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt index 335dd99071..1609ee12ca 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ title: "Instalar boot9strap (2xrsa)" 1. Inserta tu tarjeta SD en tu computadora 1. Copia los archivos `boot.firm` y `boot.3dsx` desde el `.zip` de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD 1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD -1. Copia `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD +1. Copia los archivos `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia `arm9.bin` y `arm11.bin` desde el `.zip` de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-2xrsa-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 406bf67fd0..066fb6092e 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,12 +4,20 @@ title: "Instalar boot9strap (navegador)" {% include toc title="Tabla de contenidos" %} +### Lectura requerida + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### Qué necesitas +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * La última versión de [SafeB9SInstaller] ( * La última versión de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap normal; no el archivo `devkit` ni el archivo `ntr`)* -* La ultima version de [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instrucciones @@ -17,24 +25,21 @@ title: "Instalar boot9strap (navegador)" 1. Apaga tu consola 1. Inserta tu tarjeta SD en tu computadora +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copia los archivos `boot.firm` y `boot.3dsx` desde el `.zip` de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD 1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD -1. Copia `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD -1. Copia `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` y `Launcher.dat` desde el `.zip` de SafeB9SInstaller a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Vuelve a insertar tu tarjeta SD en tu consola 1. Enciende tu consola #### Sección II - Ejecutar SafeB9SInstaller -1. Abre el navegador y ve a cualquiera de estas páginas en tu 3DS - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Asegúrate de probar cada página si la primera no funciona (algunas versiones no pueden usar la primera, otras no pueden las últimas dos) +1. Enciende tu consola +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + Si te sale un error, sigue la [guía de solución de problemas](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. Si el exploit ha funcionado, habrás iniciado SafeB9SInstaller @@ -51,7 +56,6 @@ title: "Instalar boot9strap (navegador)" 1. Utiliza el botón (A) y las flechas direccionales para activar lo siguiente: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Presiona (Start) para guardar y reiniciar - + Si te da error, tan solo continúa en la siguiente página ___ diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt index a24e7bb78e..8284d9f15e 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).txt @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ Para utilizar los enlaces [magnet]( 1. Copia `SafeB9SInstaller.firm` a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD y renombra el archivo a `boot.firm` 1. Copia el archivo `boot.3dsx` desde el `.zip` de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD 1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD -1. Copia `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD +1. Copia los archivos `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-ntrboot-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ada8450af1 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Tabla de contenidos" %} + +### Lectura requerida + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). Para ayuda con este asunto, únete al [Discord de Nintendo Homebrew]( donde puedes pedir, en inglés, que te ayuden. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### Qué necesitas + +* La última versión de [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* La última versión de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap normal; no el archivo `devkit` ni el archivo `ntr`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instrucciones + +#### Sección I - Preparativos +1. Apaga tu consola +1. Inserta tu tarjeta SD en tu computadora +1. Copia los archivos `boot.firm` y `boot.3dsx` desde el `.zip` de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD +1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Vuelve a insertar tu tarjeta SD en tu consola +1. Enciende tu consola + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Apaga tu consola + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Presiona "OK" para aceptar la actualización + + No hay actualización. Esto es parte del exploit +1. Presiona sobre "Acepto" para aceptar los términos y condiciones + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. Si el exploit ha funcionado, habrás iniciado SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Espera a que todos los controles de seguridad se completen +1. Cuando se solicite, introduce la combinación de botones mostrada para instalar boot9strap +1. Una vez se haya completado, presiona (A) para reiniciar tu consola + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Tu consola debería haber reiniciado en el menú de configuración de Luma3DS + + Si la pantalla se queda en negro, [sigue la guía de problemas](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Utiliza el botón (A) y las flechas direccionales para activar lo siguiente: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Presiona (Start) para guardar y reiniciar + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Apaga tu consola + +___ + +### Continúa en [Finalizar instalación](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt index da65fc0325..41411eb10e 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Soundhax (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0 1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card 1. Copia los archivos `boot.firm` y `boot.3dsx` desde el `.zip` de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD 1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD -1. Copia `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD +1. Copia los archivos `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Vuelve a insertar tu tarjeta SD en tu consola 1. Enciende tu consola diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..024ff68f9c --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Tabla de contenidos" %} + +### Lectura requerida + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### Qué necesitas + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* La última versión de [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* La última versión de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap normal; no el archivo `devkit` ni el archivo `ntr`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Sección I - Preparativos + +1. Apaga tu consola +1. Inserta tu tarjeta SD en tu computadora +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copia los archivos `boot.firm` y `boot.3dsx` desde el `.zip` de Luma3DS a la raíz de tu tarjeta SD +1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Vuelve a insertar tu tarjeta SD en tu consola +1. Enciende tu consola + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Apaga tu consola + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Pulsa el botón "PROCEED TO HAXX" + + Si te sale un error, sigue la [guía de solución de problemas](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. Si el exploit ha funcionado, habrás iniciado SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Espera a que todos los controles de seguridad se completen +1. Cuando se solicite, introduce la combinación de botones mostrada para instalar boot9strap +1. Una vez se haya completado, presiona (A) para reiniciar tu consola + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Tu consola debería haber reiniciado en el menú de configuración de Luma3DS + + Si la pantalla se queda en negro, [sigue la guía de problemas](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Utiliza el botón (A) y las flechas direccionales para activar lo siguiente: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Presiona (Start) para guardar y reiniciar + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Apaga tu consola + +___ + +### Continúa en [Finalizar instalación](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/es_ES/site-navigation.txt index 353dbda017..c4a9021ae3 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizar Instalación](finalizing-setup) + [Instalar boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Comencemos](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [Usos de GodMode9](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Inicio](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Instalar boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Instalar boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Instalar boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(Safeb9sInstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Instalar boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Mover EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/es_ES/updating-b9s.txt b/_pages/es_ES/updating-b9s.txt index f36c6c7a0f..18cbba069e 100644 --- a/_pages/es_ES/updating-b9s.txt +++ b/_pages/es_ES/updating-b9s.txt @@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ Para todos los pasos en esta sección, sobreescribe cualquier archivo existente 1. Inserta tu tarjeta SD en tu computadora 1. Crea una carpeta llamada `boot9strap` en la raíz de tu tarjeta SD -1. Copia `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD +1. Copia los archivos `boot9strap.firm` y `boot9strap.firm.sha` desde el `.zip` de boot9strap a la carpeta `/boot9strap/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Copia `SafeB9SInstaller.firm` desde el `.zip` de SafeB9SInstaller a la carpeta `/luma/payloads/` en tu tarjeta SD 1. Vuelve a insertar tu tarjeta SD en tu consola diff --git a/_pages/fi_FI/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/fi_FI/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 01ca0997de..72273de676 100644 --- a/_pages/fi_FI/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/fi_FI/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Aloitus (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Sisällysluettelo" %} ### Tärkeää tietoa -Valitse konsolisi versiota vastaava sivu alta löytyvästä taulukosta. Huomaa, että versionumerot kentissä "versiosta" ja "versioon" ovat sisältyviä. Tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi sitä, että rivi "versiosta 9.0.0 versioon 9.2.0" kattaa versiot 9.0.0, 9.1.0 ja 9.2.0. +Valitse konsolisi versiota vastaava sivu alta löytyvästä taulukosta. Huomaa, että versionumerot kentissä "versiosta" ja "versioon" ovat sisältyviä. -Huomaa, että järjestelmäsi versionumeron viimeinen luku (jota edeltää yhdysmerkki) viittaa selaimesi versioon. Tällä hetkellä selaimen versiolla ei ole merkitystä New 3DS:n kannalta tässä oppaassa. - -**Jos et voi seurata versiosi mukaisia ohjeita, koska sen edellytykset eivät täyty, tutustu "Kaikki versiot" -rivillä oleviin menetelmiin, jotka toimivat järjestelmäversiosta riippumatta.** - -Voit myös päivittää järjestelmäsi uudempaan versioon joko [kortti-](cart-update) tai tavallisella päivityksellä, ja jatkaa sitten ohjeiden seuraamista saman sarakkeen kohdalta. - -Konsolisi versio löytyy yläruudun oikeasta alakulmasta järjestelmäasetuksissa (System Settings). +Järjestelmäsi versio löytyy yläruudun oikeasta alakulmasta järjestelmäasetuksissa (System Settings). ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Versiotaulukko - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
VersiostaVersioonVersiostaVersioonAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (SoundHax)äytä kaikille versioille soveltuvaa menetelmää11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) asentaminen (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)
Kaikki versiot

(vaatii yhteensopivan flash-kortin)


Boot9strapin asentaminen (laitteistomodaus)
(vaatii juottamista)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/fi_FI/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/fi_FI/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 9e1a5efee9..465ed41513 100644 --- a/_pages/fi_FI/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/fi_FI/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Aloitus (vanha 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Sisällysluettelo" %} ### Tärkeää tietoa -Valitse konsolisi versiota vastaava sivu alta löytyvästä taulukosta. Huomaa, että versionumerot kentissä "versiosta" ja "versioon" ovat sisältyviä. Tämä tarkoittaa esimerkiksi sitä, että rivi "versiosta 9.0.0 versioon 9.2.0" kattaa versiot 9.0.0, 9.1.0 ja 9.2.0. - -Huomaa, että listan kaksi viimeistä saraketta viittaavat konsolisi versionumeron viimeiseen lukuun (joka vastaa järjestelmään asennetun selaimen versiota). Jos versionumero on -0, järjestelmässäsi ei ole selainta. Mikä tahansa suurempi luku kuin -0 taas kertoo, että selain on asennettuna. - -Esimerkkinä: jos versionumerosi on "5.0.0-0U", sinun tulee seurata "Ei selainta" -saraketta sekä "versiosta 5.0.0 versioon 5.1.0" -riviä, koska järjestelmäsi versio on kyseisellä välillä, eikä siinä ole selainta asennettuna. - -**Jos et voi seurata versiosi mukaisia ohjeita, koska sen edellytykset eivät täyty, tutustu "Kaikki versiot" -rivillä oleviin menetelmiin, jotka toimivat järjestelmäversiosta riippumatta.** - -Voit myös päivittää järjestelmäsi uudempaan versioon joko [kortti-](cart-update) tai tavallisella päivityksellä, ja jatkaa sitten ohjeiden seuraamista saman sarakkeen kohdalta. +Valitse konsolisi versiota vastaava sivu alta löytyvästä taulukosta. Huomaa, että versionumerot kentissä "versiosta" ja "versioon" ovat sisältyviä. Järjestelmäsi versio löytyy yläruudun oikeasta alakulmasta järjestelmäasetuksissa (System Settings). ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Versiotaulukko @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Järjestelmäsi versio löytyy yläruudun oikeasta alakulmasta järjestelmäaset - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Versiosta VersioonEi selaintaSelainActionäytä kaikille versioille soveltuvaa menetelmäääytä kaikille versioille soveltuvaa menetelmääInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa)äytä kaikille versioille soveltuvaa menetelmää boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)äytä kaikille versioille soveltuvaa menetelmääInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) asentaminen (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)
Kaikki versiot

(vaatii yhteensopivan flash-kortin)


Boot9strapin asentaminen (laitteistomodaus)
(vaatii juottamista)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/fi_FI/get-started.txt b/_pages/fi_FI/get-started.txt index 0820df6ec8..b8144a220c 100644 --- a/_pages/fi_FI/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/fi_FI/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Aloitus" ### Tärkeää tietoa -Valitse konsolisi versiota vastaava sivu alta löytyvästä taulukosta. Huomaa, että versionumerot kentissä "versiosta" ja "versioon" ovat sisältyviä. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Järjestelmäsi versio löytyy yläruudun oikeasta alakulmasta järjestelmäasetuksissa (System Settings). - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -Voit myös päivittää järjestelmäsi uudempaan versioon joko [kortti-](cart-update) tai tavallisella päivityksellä, ja jatkaa sitten ohjeiden seuraamista saman sarakkeen kohdalta. - -Jos olet jo aikaisemmin hakkeroinut 3DS-konsolisi, ja sinulla on EmuNAND-pohjainen CFW-kokoonpano, seuraa vain kaikkia ohjeita ollessasi SysNANDissa. Korvaa aina kehotettaessa kaikki tiedostot, jotka ovat jo olemassa. Tietosi tullaan siirtämään EmuNANDilta uuteen B9S-asennukseesi lopussa. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -Tämä sivu ohjeistaa boot9strapin asentamisen *muokkaamattomaan* 3DS:ään tai 2DS:ään. Jos sinulla on jo arm9loaderhax ja aiot päivittää sen boot9strapiin, seuraa osiota [A9LH → B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Ennen aloittamista Windows-käyttäjien kannattaa asettaa tiedostotunnisteiden näyttäminen päälle käyttämällä ohjeita osiossa [Tiedostotunnisteet (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Ennen aloittamista kannattaa tarkistaa SD-korttisi virheiden varalta käyttäen jotakin seuraavista ohjelmista: [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), tai [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Versiotaulukko - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VersiostaVersioonAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer
Kaikki versiot

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index b81753181d..d3f75d330e 100644 --- a/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Boot9strapin asentaminen (selain)" {% include toc title="Sisällysluettelo" %} +### Tärkeää tietoa + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### Tarpeet +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Ohjeet @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Boot9strapin asentaminen (selain)" 1. Sammuta konsolisi 1. Aseta SD-korttisi tietokoneeseesi +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Luo `boot9strap`-niminen kansio SD-korttisi juureen -1. Kopioi boot9strap-`.zip`-pakkauksesta `boot9strap.firm` ja `boot9strap.firm.sha` SD-korttisi `/boot9strap/`-kansioon -1. Kopioi SafeB9SInstaller-`.zip`-pakkauksesta `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` ja `Launcher.dat` SD-korttisi juureen - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Aseta SD-korttisi takaisin konsoliisi 1. Käynnistä konsolisi #### Vaihe II – SafeB9SInstallerin avaaminen -1. Avaa konsolisi selain ja mene johonkin seuraavista osoitteista: - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Käynnistä konsolisi +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + Jos saat virheen, [seuraa tätä vianmääritysohjetta](troubleshooting#selainpohjainen-käynnistystapa-ei-toimi) 1. Jos haavoittuvuuden hyödyntäminen onnistui, SafeB9SInstallerin pitäisi avautua @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Boot9strapin asentaminen (selain)" 1. Käytä (A):ta ja ristiohjainta ottaaksesi seuraavat asetukset käyttöön: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Paina (START)-painiketta tallentaaksesi ja käynnistääksesi uudelleen - + Jos saat virheen, jatka vain seuraavaan osioon ___ diff --git a/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4f54fb5c1a --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Sisällysluettelo" %} + +### Tärkeää tietoa + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### Tarpeet + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Ohjeet + +#### Vaihe I – Valmistelut +1. Sammuta konsolisi +1. Aseta SD-korttisi tietokoneeseesi +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Luo `boot9strap`-niminen kansio SD-korttisi juureen +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Aseta SD-korttisi takaisin konsoliisi +1. Käynnistä konsolisi + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Sammuta konsolisi + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. Jos haavoittuvuuden hyödyntäminen onnistui, SafeB9SInstallerin pitäisi avautua + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Odota, kunnes kaikki turvatarkistukset on suoritettu +1. Syötä kehotettaessa annettu painikeyhdistelmä asentaaksesi boot9strapin +1. Kun toiminto on suoritettu, paina (A):ta käynnistääksesi konsolisi uudelleen + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Konsolisi pitäisi uudelleenkäynnistyä suoraan Luma3DS:n määritysvalikkoon + + Jos saat mustan ruudun, [seuraa tätä vianmääritysohjetta](troubleshooting#musta-ruutu-boot9strapin-asentamisen-jälkeen-kun-sysnand-on-käynnistetty) +1. Käytä (A):ta ja ristiohjainta ottaaksesi seuraavat asetukset käyttöön: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Paina (START)-painiketta tallentaaksesi ja käynnistääksesi uudelleen + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Sammuta konsolisi + +___ + +### Jatka osioon [Asennuksen viimeistely](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d43cea34e2 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/fi_FI/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Sisällysluettelo" %} + +### Tärkeää tietoa + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### Tarpeet + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Vaihe I – Valmistelut + +1. Sammuta konsolisi +1. Aseta SD-korttisi tietokoneeseesi +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Luo `boot9strap`-niminen kansio SD-korttisi juureen +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Aseta SD-korttisi takaisin konsoliisi +1. Käynnistä konsolisi + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Sammuta konsolisi + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + Jos saat virheen, [seuraa tätä vianmääritysohjetta](troubleshooting#selainpohjainen-käynnistystapa-ei-toimi) +1. Jos haavoittuvuuden hyödyntäminen onnistui, SafeB9SInstallerin pitäisi avautua + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Odota, kunnes kaikki turvatarkistukset on suoritettu +1. Syötä kehotettaessa annettu painikeyhdistelmä asentaaksesi boot9strapin +1. Kun toiminto on suoritettu, paina (A):ta käynnistääksesi konsolisi uudelleen + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Konsolisi pitäisi uudelleenkäynnistyä suoraan Luma3DS:n määritysvalikkoon + + Jos saat mustan ruudun, [seuraa tätä vianmääritysohjetta](troubleshooting#musta-ruutu-boot9strapin-asentamisen-jälkeen-kun-sysnand-on-käynnistetty) +1. Käytä (A):ta ja ristiohjainta ottaaksesi seuraavat asetukset käyttöön: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Paina (START)-painiketta tallentaaksesi ja käynnistääksesi uudelleen + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Sammuta konsolisi + +___ + +### Jatka osioon [Asennuksen viimeistely](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/fi_FI/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/fi_FI/site-navigation.txt index 7c7ba06c04..2ab445da2e 100644 --- a/_pages/fi_FI/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/fi_FI/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Asennuksen viimeistely](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Aloitus](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9:n käyttäminen](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Etusivu](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Boot9strapin asentaminen (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Boot9strapin asentaminen (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [EmuNANDin siirtäminen](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/fr_FR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/fr_FR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 99d2ca1abf..157d87e8e5 100644 --- a/_pages/fr_FR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/fr_FR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Bien Démarrer (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- -{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +{% include toc title="Table des matières" %} ### Lecture requise -Sélectionnez la page appropriée pour votre version dans le tableau ci-dessous. Notez que les champs "De" et "À" sont inclusifs. Cela signifie - par exemple - que la ligne "De 9.0.0 à 9.2.0" inclue 9.0.0, 9.1.0 et 9.2.0. - -Notez que les derniers chiffres de votre version système (qui sont précédés par un slash) réfèrent à votre version de navigateur. Actuellement, la version du navigateur n'a aucun rapport avec la New 3DS dans ce guide. - -**Si vous ne pouvez pas suivre les instructions correspondant à votre version spécifique en raison de conditions préalables manquantes, vous devriez voir la ligne "Toutes les versions" pour les méthodes qui fonctionnent indépendamment de la version du système.** - -Pour toutes les versions, vous pouvez également faire une [Mise à jour par Cartouche](cart-update) (ou faire une mise à jour standard du système) vers une version ultérieure de la même colonne pour suivre les instructions correspondant à cette nouvelle version. +Sélectionnez la page appropriée à votre version dans le tableau ci-dessous. Notez que les champs "De" et "À" sont inclusifs. La version de votre console peut être trouvée en bas à droite de l'écran supérieur de la 3DS - dans les Paramètres Systèmes de la console. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +Bien que nous croyons que le custom firmware est relativement sûr en ce moment, il est important de noter qu'il existera toujours un risque de se faire bannir. + +Vous devriez éviter les actions suivantes : +1. Le piratage +1. La triche en ligne +1. Comportement douteux sur l'eShop (par exemple, les oppositions sur carte bancaire après un achat sur l'eShop) + +Nous pensons aussi que SpotPass et StreetPass sont utilisables sans risque pour le moment. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tableau des versions - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
DeÀDeÀAction de boot9strap (2xrsa) Installation de boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) une méthode "Toutes les versions"11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) de boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requise un Linker Compatible)


Installer boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requise de la soudure)

(Nécessite un Linker Compatible)


Installer boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Nécessite d'effectuer de la soudure)

diff --git a/_pages/fr_FR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/fr_FR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 55c469800d..b7ca33cddd 100644 --- a/_pages/fr_FR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/fr_FR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Bien Démarrer (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- -{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +{% include toc title="Table des matières" %} ### Lecture requise -Sélectionnez la page appropriée à votre version dans le tableau ci-dessous. Notez que les champs "De" et "À" sont inclusifs. Cela signifie - par exemple - que la ligne "De 9.0.0 à 9.2.0" inclut 9.0.0, 9.1.0 et 9.2.0. - -Les 2 dernières colonnes du tableau correspondent au dernier nombre de votre numéro de version (qui correspond à la version du navigateur de votre console). Si votre version est -0, vous n'avez pas de navigateur internet installé, une version supérieure à -0 indique qu'un navigateur est installé. - -Dans le cas de "5.0.0-0U" par exemple, vous devez suivre la colonne "Sans navigateur" et la ligne "De 5.0.0 à 5.1.0" car le système est dans une version qui est dans cet intervalle et n'a pas de navigateur installé. - -**Si vous ne pouvez pas suivre les instructions correspondant à votre version spécifique en raison de conditions préalables manquantes, vous devriez voir la ligne "Toutes les versions" pour les méthodes qui fonctionnent indépendamment de la version du système.** - -Pour toutes les versions, vous pouvez également faire une [Mise à jour par Cartouche](cart-update) (ou faire une mise à jour standard du système) vers une version ultérieure de la même colonne pour suivre les instructions correspondant à cette nouvelle version. +Sélectionnez la page appropriée à votre version dans le tableau ci-dessous. Notez que les champs "De" et "À" sont inclusifs. La version de votre console peut être trouvée en bas à droite de l'écran supérieur de la 3DS - dans les Paramètres Systèmes de la console. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +Bien que nous croyons que le custom firmware est relativement sûr en ce moment, il est important de noter qu'il existera toujours un risque de se faire bannir. + +Vous devriez éviter les actions suivantes : +1. Le piratage +1. La triche en ligne +1. Comportement douteux sur l'eShop (par exemple, les oppositions sur carte bancaire après un achat sur l'eShop) + +Nous pensons aussi que SpotPass et StreetPass sont utilisables sans risque pour le moment. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tableau des versions @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ La version de votre console peut être trouvée en bas à droite de l'écran sup - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
De ÀSans NavigateurNavigateurAction une méthode "Toutes les versions" une méthode "Toutes les versions"Installation de boot9strap (2xrsa) une méthode "Toutes les versions" de boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) une méthode "Toutes les versions"Installation de boot9strap (Soundhax) de boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requise un Linker Compatible)


Installer boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requise de la soudure)

(Nécessite un Linker Compatible)


Installer boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Nécessite d'effectuer de la soudure)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/fr_FR/get-started.txt b/_pages/fr_FR/get-started.txt index ea718039bf..79dc9c427e 100644 --- a/_pages/fr_FR/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/fr_FR/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Bien Démarrer" ### Lecture requise -Sélectionnez la page appropriée à votre version dans le tableau ci-dessous. Notez que les champs "De" et "À" sont inclusifs. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -La version de votre console peut être trouvée en bas à droite de l'écran supérieur de la 3DS - dans les Paramètres Systèmes de la console. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**Si vous ne pouvez pas suivre les instructions correspondant à votre version spécifique en raison de conditions préalables manquantes, vous devriez soit mettre à jour vers la dernière version soit regarder la ligne "Toutes les versions" pour les méthodes qui fonctionnent indépendamment de la version du système.** - -Pour toutes les versions, vous pouvez également faire une [Mise à jour par Cartouche](cart-update) (ou faire une mise à jour standard du système) vers une version ultérieure de la même colonne pour suivre les instructions correspondant à cette nouvelle version. - -Si vous avez déjà hacké votre 3DS dans le passé et avez un CFW basé sur une EmuNAND, suivez simplement toutes les instructions depuis votre SysNAND. Remplacez tout fichier déjà existant. Vos données vont être transférées de l'EmuNAND à votre installation de B9S à la fin. Si vous utilisez menuhax, vous devez [nettoyer les extdata du Menu Home](troubleshooting#effacer-lextdata-du-menu-home) pour le supprimer avant de commencer. - -Cette page donne des instructions sur comment installer boot9strap sur une 3DS ou 2DS vierge. Si vous avez déjà installé arm9loaderhax et que vous voulez passer à boot9strap, suivez [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Avant de commencer, les utilisateurs de Windows devraient permettre d'afficher les extensions de fichiers suivant ce guide [Extensions de fichiers (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Avant de commencer, assurez vous que votre carte SD n'a pas d'erreurs en utilisant [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), ou [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -Bien que nous croyons que le custom firmware est relativement sûr en ce moment, il est important de noter qu'il existera toujours un risque de se faire bannir. - -Vous devriez éviter les actions suivantes : -1. Le piratage -1. La triche en ligne -1. Comportement douteux sur l'eShop (par exemple, les oppositions sur carte bancaire après un achat sur l'eShop) - -Nous pensons aussi que SpotPass et StreetPass sont utilisables sans risque pour le moment. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Tableau des versions - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DeÀAction de boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Nécessite un Linker Compatible)


Installer boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Nécessite d'effectuer de la soudure)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 8ede854f9e..34ebc27e87 100644 --- a/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installer boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Lecture requise + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ## Ce dont vous avez besoin +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * La dernière version de [SafeB9SInstaller]( * La dernière version de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap standard, ni le fichier `devkit`, ni le fichier `ntr`)* -* La dernière version de [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installer boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Éteignez votre 3DS 1. Insérez votre carte SD dans votre ordinateur +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copiez `boot.firm` et `boot.3dsx` depuis Luma3DS `.zip`vers la racine de votre carte SD 1. Créez un dossier à la racine de votre carte SD nommé `boot9strap` -1. Copiez `boot9strap.firm` et `boot9strap.firm.sha` depuis le fichier ".zip" de boot9strap vers le dossier `/boot9strap/` sur votre carte SD -1. Copiez `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` et `Launcher.dat` depuis le dossier SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` à la racine de votre carte SD - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Réinsérez votre carte SD dans votre 3DS 1. Allumez à présent votre 3DS #### Section II - Lancer SafeB9SInstaller -1. Lancez le navigateur et allez à l’une des URL suivantes depuis votre console - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Assurez-vous d’essayer chaque URL si la première ne fonctionne pas (certaines versions ne peuvent pas utiliser la première, et certaines versions ne peuvent pas utiliser les deux dernières) +1. Allumez à présent votre 3DS +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + Si vous rencontrez une autre erreur, [suivez ce guide de dépannage](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. Si l'exploit a réussit, vous devriez avoir démarré dans SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installer boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Utilisez le bouton (A) et la croix directionnelle pour activer les éléments suivants: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Appuyez sur (Start) pour enregistrer les modifications et redémarrer - + Si vous obtenez une erreur, continuez à la prochaine page ___ diff --git a/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3bda6ad357 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table des matières" %} + +### Lecture requise + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). Pour obtenir de l'aide, rejoignez [Nintendo Homebrew sur Discord]( et demandez de l'aide en anglais. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +## Ce dont vous avez besoin + +* La dernière version de [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* La dernière version de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap standard, ni le fichier `devkit`, ni le fichier `ntr`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Préparatifs +1. Éteignez votre 3DS +1. Insérez votre carte SD dans votre ordinateur +1. Copiez `boot.firm` et `boot.3dsx` depuis Luma3DS `.zip`vers la racine de votre carte SD +1. Créez un dossier à la racine de votre carte SD nommé `boot9strap` +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Réinsérez votre carte SD dans votre 3DS +1. Allumez à présent votre 3DS + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Éteignez votre 3DS + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Appuyez sur "OK" pour accepter la mise à jour + + Aucune mise à jour nécessaire. Ceci fait partie de l'exploit +1. Appuyez sur « J'accepte » pour accepter les termes et conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. Si l'exploit a réussit, vous devriez avoir démarré dans SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Attendez que tous les tests de sécurité soient finis +1. Quand cela est demandé, appuyez sur la combinaison de boutons donnée pour installer boot9strap +1. Une fois que c'est fini, appuez sur (A) pour redémarrer l'appareil. + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Votre console va redémarrer dans la configuration de Luma3DS + + Si vous avez un écran noir, [suivez ce guide de dépannage](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Utilisez le bouton (A) et la croix directionnelle pour activer les éléments suivants: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Appuyez sur (Start) pour enregistrer les modifications et redémarrer + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Éteignez votre 3DS + +___ + +### Continuer vers [Finalisation de l'installation](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..888a8df036 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table des matières" %} + +### Lecture requise + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +## Ce dont vous avez besoin + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* La dernière version de [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* La dernière version de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap standard, ni le fichier `devkit`, ni le fichier `ntr`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Préparatifs + +1. Éteignez votre 3DS +1. Insérez votre carte SD dans votre ordinateur +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copiez `boot.firm` et `boot.3dsx` depuis Luma3DS `.zip`vers la racine de votre carte SD +1. Créez un dossier à la racine de votre carte SD nommé `boot9strap` +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Réinsérez votre carte SD dans votre 3DS +1. Allumez à présent votre 3DS + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Éteignez votre 3DS + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Appuyez sur le bouton "PROCEED TO HAXX" + + Si vous rencontrez une autre erreur, [suivez ce guide de dépannage](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. Si l'exploit a réussit, vous devriez avoir démarré dans SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Attendez que tous les tests de sécurité soient finis +1. Quand cela est demandé, appuyez sur la combinaison de boutons donnée pour installer boot9strap +1. Une fois que c'est fini, appuez sur (A) pour redémarrer l'appareil. + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Votre console va redémarrer dans la configuration de Luma3DS + + Si vous avez un écran noir, [suivez ce guide de dépannage](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Utilisez le bouton (A) et la croix directionnelle pour activer les éléments suivants: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Appuyez sur (Start) pour enregistrer les modifications et redémarrer + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Éteignez votre 3DS + +___ + +### Continuer vers [Finalisation de l'installation](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/fr_FR/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/fr_FR/site-navigation.txt index 6975ec1d3b..f4502082f7 100644 --- a/_pages/fr_FR/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/fr_FR/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalisation de l'installation](finalizing-setup) + [Installation de boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Bien démarrer](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [Utilisation de GodMode9](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/fr_FR/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installation de boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installation de boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installation de boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installation de boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Transférer une EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/he_IL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/he_IL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 81d2747495..3a533bc97a 100644 --- a/_pages/he_IL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/he_IL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "צעדים ראשונים (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="תוכן העניינים" %} ### קריאה דרושה -תבחרו את הדף המתאים עבור הגירסה שלכם מהתרשים שלמטה. שימו לב שכאשר נכתב "עד" מדובר בעד ועד בכלל. זה אומר, לדוגמה, שהשורה "מ 9.0.0 עד 9.2.0" כוללת את 9.0.0, 9.1.0 ואת 9.2.0. - -בהוסף, שימו לב שהמספר האחרון של גירסת הקונסולה (אשר לפניו מקף) מתייחס לגירסת הדפדפן שלכם. כרגע, גירסת הדפדפן לא רלוונטית בשביל New 3DS במדריך הזה. - -**אם אתם לא יכולים לעקוב אחרי ההוראות שמתאימות לגרסא הספיציפית שלכם בכלל שאין לכם את התנאים המקדימים, אתם צריכים להסתכל על עמוד "כל הגרסאות" לדרכים שלא קשורות לגרסת מערכת ספיציפית.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +תבחרו את הדף המתאים עבור הגירסה שלכם מהתרשים שלמטה. שימו לב שכאשר נכתב "עד" מדובר בעד ועד בכלל. ניתן למצוא את גירסת המכשיר ואיזורו בפינה הימנית התחתונה של המסך העליון בהגדרות. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### טבלת גרסאות - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
מעדמ עדAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax)תשתמשו בשיטת "כל הגרסאות"11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)התקנת boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)
כל הגרסאות

(דורש כרטיס פריצה תואם)


התקנת boot9strap (Hardmod)
(דורש הלחמה)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/he_IL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/he_IL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 80b4f7c55e..eb54669391 100644 --- a/_pages/he_IL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/he_IL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "צעדים ראשונים (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="תוכן העניינים" %} ### קריאה דרושה -תבחרו את הדף המתאים עבור הגירסה שלכם מהתרשים שלמטה. שימו לב שכאשר נכתב "עד" מדובר בעד ועד בכלל. זה אומר, לדוגמה, שהשורה "מ 9.0.0 עד 9.2.0" כוללת את 9.0.0, 9.1.0 ואת 9.2.0. - -בנוסף, שימו לב ששתי העמודות האחרונות של התרשים מתייחסות לספרה האחרונה במספר הגירסה שלכם (שתואמת לגירסת הדפדפן שמותקן על המערכת). אם הגירסה היא 0 אז אין לכם דפדפן, בעוד שכל מספר אחר אומר שיש דפדפן מותקן. - -במקרה של "5.0.0-0U" למשל, אתם צריכים לעקוב אחרי העמודה "ללא דפדפן" והשורה מ 5.0.0 עד 5.1.0 כי הקונסולה היא על גרסה בטווח הזה ואין לה דפדפן מותקן. - -**אם אתם לא יכולים לעקוב אחרי ההוראות שמתאימות לגרסא הספיציפית שלכם בכלל שאין לכם את התנאים המקדימים, אתם צריכים להסתכל על עמוד "כל הגרסאות" לדרכים שלא קשורות לגרסת מערכת ספיציפית.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +תבחרו את הדף המתאים עבור הגירסה שלכם מהתרשים שלמטה. שימו לב שכאשר נכתב "עד" מדובר בעד ועד בכלל. ניתן למצוא את גירסת המכשיר ואיזורו בפינה הימנית התחתונה של המסך העליון בהגדרות. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### טבלת גרסאות @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
מ עד ללא דפדפן עם דפדפןActionתשתמשו בשיטת "כל הגרסאות"תשתמשו בשיטת "כל הגרסאות"Installing boot9strap (2xrsa)תשתמשו בשיטת "כל הגרסאות" boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)תשתמשו בשיטת "כל הגרסאות"Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)התקנת boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)
כל הגרסאות

(דורש כרטיס פריצה תואם)


התקנת boot9strap (Hardmod)
(דורש הלחמה)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/he_IL/get-started.txt b/_pages/he_IL/get-started.txt index 973eabbf8d..1419e98430 100644 --- a/_pages/he_IL/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/he_IL/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "צעדים ראשונים" ### קריאה דרושה -תבחרו את הדף המתאים עבור הגירסה שלכם מהתרשים שלמטה. שימו לב שכאשר נכתב "עד" מדובר בעד ועד בכלל. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -ניתן למצוא את גירסת המכשיר ואיזורו בפינה הימנית התחתונה של המסך העליון בהגדרות. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -אם ה3DS שלכם פרוץ כבר עם EmuNAND, פשוט תעשו את הוראות בזמן שאתם בSysNAND. תחליפו כל קובץ שכבר קיים. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -עמוד זה הוא בשביל הוראות על איך להתקין את boot9strap אל 3DS או 2DS *לא פרוץ*. אם יש לכם כבר את arm9loaderhax מותקן ואתם רוצים לעדכן לboot9strap, תעקבו אחרי [A9LH אל B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -לפני שמתחילים, משתמשי Windows צריכים להפעיל את האפשרות להצגת סיומות קבצים באמצעות [סיומות קבצים (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} לפני שאתם מתחילים, כדאי לבדוק את כרטיס הזכרון עבור שגיאות באמצעות [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), או [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### טבלת גרסאות - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
מ עדAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer
כל הגרסאות

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index bac7ab7dcc..a7acdc20ef 100644 --- a/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "התקנת boot9strap (דפדפן)" {% include toc title="תוכן העניינים" %} +### קריאה דרושה + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### הנחיות @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "התקנת boot9strap (דפדפן)" 1. תכבו את המכשיר 1. תכניסו את ה-SD שלכם למחשב +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. תצרו ב-SD שלכם תיקייה חדשה בשם `boot9strap` -1. תעתיקו את`boot9strap.firm` ואת `boot9strap.firm.sha` מה `.zip` של boot9strap אל תיקיית `/boot9strap/`על כרטיס הSD שלכם -1. מתוך הזיפ של SafeB9SInstaller, תעתיקו את הקבצים SafeB9SInstaller.dat ו`Launcher.dat` ל-SD שלכם - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. תכניסו מחדש את כרטיס הSD שלכם לתוך המכשיר שלכם 1. תפעילו את המכשיר #### חלק II - הפעלת SafeB9SInstaller -1. תפתחו את הדפדפן ולכו לאחד ה-Urlים הבאים במכשיר שלכם - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. תפעילו את המכשיר +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + אם אתם מקבלים שגיאה, [עקבו אחרי המדריך הבא](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. כעת אתם אמורים להיכנס לתוך SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "התקנת boot9strap (דפדפן)" 1. השתמשו במקש (A) ובמקשי החיצים על מנת להפעיל את ההגדרות הבאות: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. לחצו על (Start) על מנת לשמור ולהפעיל מחדש - + אם אתם מקבלים שגיאה, פשוט תמשיכו בעמוד הבא ___ diff --git a/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..4dc060f881 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="תוכן העניינים" %} + +### קריאה דרושה + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### הנחיות + +#### חלק I - הכנות +1. תכבו את המכשיר +1. תכניסו את ה-SD שלכם למחשב +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. תצרו ב-SD שלכם תיקייה חדשה בשם `boot9strap` +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. תכניסו מחדש את כרטיס הSD שלכם לתוך המכשיר שלכם +1. תפעילו את המכשיר + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. תכבו את המכשיר + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. כעת אתם אמורים להיכנס לתוך SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. תחכו שכל בדיקות הבטיחות יסתיימו +1. כאשר תתבקשו, תלחצו על הכפתורים שנתונים לכם כדי להתקין את boot9strap +1. כשזה סיים, לחצו על (A) כדי לאתחל את הקונסולה + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. הקןנסולה שלכם צריכה לאתחל לתפריט ההגדרות של Luma3DS + + אם אתם מקבלים מסך שחור, [תעקבו אחרי המדריך הזה](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. השתמשו במקש (A) ובמקשי החיצים על מנת להפעיל את ההגדרות הבאות: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. לחצו על (Start) על מנת לשמור ולהפעיל מחדש + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. תכבו את המכשיר + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5313bd27a6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/he_IL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="תוכן העניינים" %} + +### קריאה דרושה + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### חלק I - הכנות + +1. תכבו את המכשיר +1. תכניסו את ה-SD שלכם למחשב +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. תצרו ב-SD שלכם תיקייה חדשה בשם `boot9strap` +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. תכניסו מחדש את כרטיס הSD שלכם לתוך המכשיר שלכם +1. תפעילו את המכשיר + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. תכבו את המכשיר + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + אם אתם מקבלים שגיאה, [עקבו אחרי המדריך הבא](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. כעת אתם אמורים להיכנס לתוך SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. תחכו שכל בדיקות הבטיחות יסתיימו +1. כאשר תתבקשו, תלחצו על הכפתורים שנתונים לכם כדי להתקין את boot9strap +1. כשזה סיים, לחצו על (A) כדי לאתחל את הקונסולה + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. הקןנסולה שלכם צריכה לאתחל לתפריט ההגדרות של Luma3DS + + אם אתם מקבלים מסך שחור, [תעקבו אחרי המדריך הזה](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. השתמשו במקש (A) ובמקשי החיצים על מנת להפעיל את ההגדרות הבאות: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. לחצו על (Start) על מנת לשמור ולהפעיל מחדש + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. תכבו את המכשיר + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/he_IL/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/he_IL/site-navigation.txt index fc033df9f8..1b914c4d34 100644 --- a/_pages/he_IL/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/he_IL/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [סיום התהליך](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [צעדים ראשונים](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [בית](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [התקנת boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [התקנת boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [הזזת EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/hr_HR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/hr_HR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0b3ac65542 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/hr_HR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -0,0 +1,65 @@ +--- +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. + +Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. + +![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) +{: .notice--info} + +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ +### Version Table + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)
11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/hr_HR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/hr_HR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..fc438fb876 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/hr_HR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -0,0 +1,61 @@ +--- +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. + +Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. + +![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) +{: .notice--info} + +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ +### Version Table + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/hr_HR/get-started.txt b/_pages/hr_HR/get-started.txt index 00833936df..dd06d73a0c 100644 --- a/_pages/hr_HR/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/hr_HR/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -If you have already hacked your 3DS before and have an EmuNAND based CFW setup, just follow all instructions while on SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..34c79d4b05 100644 --- a/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e6a3904af --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22cc8e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/hr_HR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/hr_HR/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/hr_HR/site-navigation.txt index dca1e3bba0..e37798217c 100644 --- a/_pages/hr_HR/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/hr_HR/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 44ae642db3..6ffe34aa5d 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Kezdeti lépések (New 3DS)" ### Fontos tudnivalók -Válaszd ki a te verziódhoz tartozó oldalt a lenti táblázatból. Vedd figyelembe, hogy a "min." és a "max." mezőkbe a határok is beleértendők. Ez azt jelenti, hogy például a "minimum 9.0.0, maximum 9.2.0" sorba a 9.0.0, a 9.1.0 és a 9.2.0 is beleértendő. - -Ezen kívül vedd az is figyelembe, hogy a rendszerverziód végén található szám (amit egy kötőjel előz meg) a böngésződ verzióját jelzi. Jelenleg a böngésző verziószáma lényegtelen New 3DS készülékek esetében. - -**Ha nem tudod követni a készüléked verziószámához tartozó utasításokat, mert a hozzájuk tartozó követelményeket nem teljesíted, akkor lásd a "Minden verzió" című sort, ahol olyan módszereket találsz, amelyek rendszerverziótól függetlenül működnek.** - -Minden verzió esetében lehetőséged van [kártyáról](cart-update) (vagy sima System Update-tel) frissíteni egy jelenleginél újabb verzióra, hogy az ahhoz tartozó útmutatót követhesd, maradva a megfelelő oszlopban. +Válaszd ki a te verziódhoz tartozó oldalt a lenti táblázatból. Vedd figyelembe, hogy a "min." és a "max." mezőkbe a határok is beleértendők. Az eszközöd verziója megtalálható a System Settings-ben, a felső képernyő jobb alsó sarkában. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +Habár azt gondoljuk, hogy az egyedi firmware biztonságos jelenleg, fontos megjegyezned, hogy nem válik sosem "ban free"-vé. + +A következő műveletektől ajánlott tartózkodnod: +1. Kalózkodás +1. Online csalás +1. Gyanús viselkedés az eShop-ban (például hitelkártya visszatérítés igénylése) + +Azt gondoljuk, hogy a SpotPass és StreetPass használata biztonságos jelenleg. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Verziótáblázat - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - - - - - + - + - + - - + + - - - + + - +
min.max.min.max.Művelet boot9strap (2xrsa) telepítése (Soundhax) 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)Boot9strap telepítése (Soundhax)álj egy módszert a "Minden verzió" című sorból11.13.0Boot9strap telepítése (SSLoth-Browser) telepítése (DSiWare)11.14.0 (legutolsó verzió)Boot9strap telepítése (Browser)

(Kompatibilis flashkártya szükséges)


boot9strap telepítése (Hardmod)
(Forrasztás szükséges)

(Kompatibilis flashcart szükséges)


Boot9strap telepítése (Hardmod)
(forrasztást igényel)

diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 79039b1fda..bf2ab6f3bb 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Kezdeti lépések (Old 3DS)" ### Fontos tudnivalók -Válaszd ki a te verziódhoz tartozó oldalt a lenti táblázatból. Vedd figyelembe, hogy a "min." és a "max." mezőkbe a határok is beleértendők. Ez azt jelenti, hogy például a "minimum 9.0.0, maximum 9.2.0" sorba a 9.0.0, a 9.1.0 és a 9.2.0 is beleértendő. - -Ezen kívül vedd azt is figyelembe, hogy a táblázat utolsó két oszlopa a rendszerverziód végén található számra utal (ami pedig a böngésződ verzióját jelzi). Ha ez a verziószám -0, akkor nincsen böngésződ, míg minden annál nagyobb szám azt jelzi, hogy rendelkezel böngészővel. - -Például, ha a verziód "5.0.0-0U", akkor a "nincs böngésző" oszlopot kell követned és a "min. 5.0.0, max. 5.1.0" sort, mert a rendszerverziód abba az intervallumba esik, de nincs böngésződ telepítve. - -**Ha nem tudod követni a készüléked verziószámához tartozó utasításokat, mert a hozzájuk tartozó követelményeket nem teljesíted, akkor lásd a "Minden verzió" című sort, ahol olyan módszereket találsz, amelyek rendszerverziótól függetlenül működnek.** - -Minden verzió esetében lehetőséged van [kártyáról](cart-update) (vagy sima System Update-tel) frissíteni egy jelenleginél újabb verzióra, hogy az ahhoz tartozó útmutatót követhesd, maradva a megfelelő oszlopban. +Válaszd ki a te verziódhoz tartozó oldalt a lenti táblázatból. Vedd figyelembe, hogy a "min." és a "max." mezőkbe a határok is beleértendők. Az eszközöd verziója megtalálható a System Settings-ben, a felső képernyő jobb alsó sarkában. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +Habár azt gondoljuk, hogy az egyedi firmware biztonságos jelenleg, fontos megjegyezned, hogy nem válik sosem "ban free"-vé. + +A következő műveletektől ajánlott tartózkodnod: +1. Kalózkodás +1. Online csalás +1. Gyanús viselkedés az eShop-ban (például hitelkártya visszatérítés igénylése) + +Azt gondoljuk, hogy a SpotPass és StreetPass használata biztonságos jelenleg. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Verziótáblázat @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Az eszközöd verziója megtalálható a System Settings-ben, a felső képerny - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
min. max.nincs böngészővan böngészőMűveletálj egy módszert a "Minden verzió" című sorbólálj egy módszert a "Minden verzió" című sorbólInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa)álj egy módszert a "Minden verzió" című sorból telepítése (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)álj egy módszert a "Minden verzió" című sorbólBoot9strap telepítése (Soundhax) telepítése (DSiWare) telepítése (safecerthax)

(Kompatibilis flashkártya szükséges)


boot9strap telepítése (Hardmod)
(Forrasztás szükséges)

(Kompatibilis flashcart szükséges)


Boot9strap telepítése (Hardmod)
(forrasztást igényel)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/get-started.txt b/_pages/hu_HU/get-started.txt index 0322c8e45d..b065bff8bc 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Kezdeti lépések" ### Fontos tudnivalók -Válaszd ki a te verziódhoz tartozó oldalt a lenti táblázatból. Vedd figyelembe, hogy a "min." és a "max." mezőkbe a határok is beleértendők. +A képeken látható eszközök színe eltérő lehet, viszont jól figyelj a gombok elhelyezésére és egy-egy készülék modell jellegzetességeire, hogy biztosan a neked megfelelőt válaszd. +{: .notice} -Az eszközöd verziója megtalálható a System Settings-ben, a felső képernyő jobb alsó sarkában. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**Ha nem tudod követni a készüléked verziószámához tartozó utasításokat, mert a hozzájuk tartozó követelményeket nem teljesíted, akkor vagy frissíts a legfrissebb verzióra vagy lásd a "Minden verzió" című sort, ahol olyan módszereket találsz, amelyek rendszerverziótól függetlenül működnek.** - -Minden verzió esetében lehetőséged van [kártyáról](cart-update) (vagy sima System Update-tel) frissíteni egy jelenleginél újabb verzióra, hogy az ahhoz tartozó útmutatót követhesd, maradva a megfelelő oszlopban. - -Ha már hackelted a 3DS-edet korábban, és rendelkezel EmuNAND-ra telepített CFW-vel, csak kövesd a soron következő utasításokat SysNAND használatával. Közben cserélj le bármilyen fájlt, ami már létezik. Az adataidat átköltöztetjük majd az EmuNAND-ról az új B9S installációd alá a legvégén. Ha menuhax-szet használsz, az útmutató megkezdése előtt azt el kell távolítanod; ehhez [töröld a Home Menu extdata-ját](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata). - -Ez az oldal boot9strap gyári állapotú 3DS-re vagy 2DS-re történő telepítéséhez ad útmutatást. Ha már rendelkezel telepített arm9loaderhax-szel, és szeretnél boot9strap-re frissíteni, kövesd az [A9LH-ről B9S-re](a9lh-to-b9s) című útmutatót. +Kattints a készüléked képére, hogy a megfelelő oldalra juss. {: .notice--primary} -Mielőtt belekezdenénk, a Windows felhasználóknak engedélyezniük kell a fájlkiterjesztések mutatását a [Fájlkiterjesztések (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows)) útmutató szerint! +A különböző készülék modellek, verziók, és régiók különböző lépéseket követelnek meg, hogy elérd a végső célt, a boot9strap alapú egyedi firmware-t. Ez az oldal segít megtalálni a készüléked számára megfelelő útmutatót. {: .notice--info} Mielőtt elkezdenéd, tanácsos leellenőriztetni az SD kártyádát valamelyik programmal az alábbiak közül: [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), vagy [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -Habár azt gondoljuk, hogy az egyedi firmware biztonságos jelenleg, fontos megjegyezned, hogy nem válik sosem "ban free"-vé. - -A következő műveletektől ajánlott tartózkodnod: -1. Kalózkodás -1. Online csalás -1. Gyanús viselkedés az eShop-ban (például hitelkártya visszatérítés igénylése) - -Azt gondoljuk, hogy a SpotPass és StreetPass használata biztonságos jelenleg. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Verziótáblázat - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
min.max.Művelet telepítése (Soundhax)íts az utolsó firmware-re vagy használj egy "Minden verzió" metódust
11.14.0 (legutolsó verzió)Seedminer

(Kompatibilis flashcart szükséges)


Boot9strap telepítése (Hardmod)
(forrasztást igényel)

+| New 3DS vagy New 2DS | Old 3DS vagy Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index dab2546006..1c9faa9435 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (böngésző)" {% include toc title="Tartalomjegyzék" %} +### Fontos tudnivalók + +A new-browserhax-xl (amikor universal-otherapp-pal kombináljuk) kompatibilis 11.14.0 verzióval New 3DS-en és New 2DS-en minden régió esetén. + +Ez az exploit nem működik az Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, vagy Old 2DS verziókon. Mielőtt folytatnád, kérjük ellenőrizd, hogy a moddolandó eszközöd New 3DS, New 3DS XL, vagy New 2DS XL. +{: .notice--info} + ### Amire szükséged lesz +* A [universal-otherapp]( legújabb kiadása * A [SafeB9SInstaller]( legújabb kiadása * A [boot9strap]( legújabb kiadása *(a sima boot9strap; nem a `devkit` fájl, nem az `ntr` fájl)* -* A [Luma3DS]( legújabb kiadása +* Az [Luma3DS]( legújabb verziója ### Lépések @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (böngésző)" 1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked 1. Helyezd az SD kártyád a számítógépbe +1. Másold az `otherapp.bin`-t az SD kártyád gyökerébe, majd nevezd át `arm11code.bin` névre + +Ha nem látod a `.bin` kiterjesztést ne add kézzel hozzá a fájl végéhez 1. Másold át a `boot.firm` és `boot.3dsx` fájlt a Luma3DS `.zip`-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe 1. Hozz létre egy mappát `boot9strap` néven az SD kártya gyökerében -1. Másold át a `boot9strap.firm` fájlt és a `boot9strap.firm.sha` fájlt a boot9strap `.zip` fájlból az SD kártyád `/boot9strap/` mappájába -1. Másold a `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` és a `Launcher.dat` fájlokat a SafeB9SInstaller `.zip`-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Másold át a `boot9strap.firm` fájlt és a `boot9strap.firm.sha` fájlt a boot9strap `.zip` fájlból az SD kártyád `boot9strap` mappájába +1. Másold át a `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller `.zip`-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe 1. Tedd vissza az SD kártyád a készülékedbe 1. Kapcsold be a készülékedet #### II. rész - A SafeB9SInstaller indítása -1. Indítsd el a webböngészőt a készülékeden, majd nyisd meg az alábbi URL-ek egyikét - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Legyél biztos abban hogy megpróbáltad mindegyik URL-t ha az első nem működne (egyes verziók nem tudják használni az elsőt, más verziók az utolsó kettőt) +1. Kapcsold be a készülékedet +1. A HOME menüben nyomd meg a bal és jobb váll gombokat egyszerre, hogy megnyisd a kamerát + + Ha nem tudod megnyitni a kamerát, nyisd meg az Internet Browser-t kézzel, és írd be az URL-t e helyett. (``) +1. Olvasd le [ezt a QR kódot]( + Ha hibát kapsz, [nézd át a hibaelhárítási útmutatót](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. Ha az exploit sikerrel járt, készüléked bebootolja a SafeB9SInstallert @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Boot9strap telepítése (böngésző)" 1. Használd az (A) gombot és D-Pad-et a következő engedélyezéséhez: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Mentéshez és újraindításhoz nyomd meg a (Start) gombot - + Ha ezen a ponton hibát kapsz, csak folytasd az útmutatót a következő oldalon ___ diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..a491dc24ed --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Boot9strap telepítése (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Tartalomjegyzék" %} + +### Fontos tudnivalók + +A safecerthax kompatibilis minden Old 3DS and Old 2DS eszközzel minden régióban. + +Ha a (Jobb/Bal Váll), (D-Pad Fel) vagy (A) gombjaid nem működnek, egy alternatív metódust kell használnod, mint például a [Seedminer](seedminer). Ha támogatásra van szükséged az anyaggal kapcsolatosan, csatlakozz a [Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on]( és kérj, angolul, támogatást. +{: .notice--warning} + +Ez az exploit nem működik az New 3DS, New 3DS XL, vagy New 2DS XL verziókon. Mielőtt folytatnád, kérjük ellenőrizd, hogy a moddolandó eszközöd Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, vagy Old 2DS. +{: .notice--info} + +### Amire szükséged lesz + +* A [SafeB9SInstaller]( legújabb kiadása +* A [boot9strap]( legújabb kiadása *(a sima boot9strap; nem a `devkit` fájl, nem az `ntr` fájl)* +* Az [Luma3DS]( legújabb verziója + +### Lépések + +#### I. rész - Előkészületek +1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked +1. Helyezd az SD kártyád a számítógépbe +1. Másold át a `boot.firm` és `boot.3dsx` fájlt a Luma3DS `.zip`-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe +1. Hozz létre egy mappát `boot9strap` néven az SD kártya gyökerében +1. Másold át a `boot9strap.firm` fájlt és a `boot9strap.firm.sha` fájlt a boot9strap `.zip` fájlból az SD kártyád `boot9strap` mappájába +1. Másold át a `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller `.zip`-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe +1. Tedd vissza az SD kártyád a készülékedbe +1. Kapcsold be a készülékedet + +#### II. rész - safecerthax DNS +1. Indítsd el a System Settings alkalmazást +1. Navigálj az `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` opciókhoz +1. Kattints a saját hálózati kapcsolatodra és navigálj a `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (jobb nyíl)` -> `DNS` opcióhoz +1. Állítsd az "Auto-Obtain DNS"-t "No"-ra majd kattints a `Detailed Setup`-ra +1. Állítsd a Primary DNS-t és a Secondary DNS-t az `` címre +1. Kattints az OK-ra, majd kattints a Save-re +1. Amikor kérdezi, kattints a "Test"-re a kapcsolat ellenőrzéséhez + + A tesztnek sikeresnek kell lennie +1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked + +#### III. rész - safecerthax DNS +1. Az eszközöd kikapcsolt állapotában tartsd nyomva a következő gombokat: (Bal Váll) + (Jobb Váll) + (D-Pad Fel) + (A), majd nyomd meg a (Power)-t + + Tartsd nyomva a gombokat, amiíg a konzol be nem bootol a Safe Mode-ba +1. Nyomj "OK"-ot a frissítés elfogadásához + + Nincs frissítés. Ez része az exploitnak +1. Nyomj az "I accept"-re a feltételek elfogadásához + + A frissítésnek sikertelennek kell lennie, és egy üzenetnek kell megjelennie +1. Nyomj "OK"-ét a hibaüzenet bezárásához +1. Ha az exploit sikerrel járt, készüléked bebootolja a SafeB9SInstallert + + Ha a konzol lefagy vagy összeomlik, erőltetve kapcsold ki a konzolt és próbáld újra ezt a részt + +#### IV. rész - boot9strap telepítése + +1. Várj, amíg az összes biztonsági ellenőrzés be nem fejeződik +1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg sorban azokat a gombokat, amiket kijelez a képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et +1. Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához + +#### V. rész - Luma3DS konfigurálása + +1. A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia + + Ha fekete képernyőt kapsz, [nézd át a hibaelhárítási útmutatót](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Használd az (A) gombot és D-Pad-et a következő engedélyezéséhez: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Mentéshez és újraindításhoz nyomd meg a (Start) gombot + +#### VI. rész - Az alapértelmezett DNS visszaállítása +1. Indítsd el a System Settings alkalmazást +1. Navigálj az `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` opciókhoz +1. Kattints a saját hálózati kapcsolatodra és navigálj a `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (jobb nyíl)` -> `DNS` opcióhoz +1. Állítsd az "Auto-Obtain DNS"-t "Yes"-re +1. Kattints az OK-ra, majd kattints a Save-re +1. Amikor kérdezi, kattints a "Test"-re a kapcsolat ellenőrzéséhez + + A tesztnek sikeresnek kell lennie +1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked + +___ + +### Tovább a [telepítés véglegesítésére](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8c16ecf0ad --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Boot9strap telepítése (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Tartalomjegyzék" %} + +### Fontos tudnivalók + +Az SSLoth lehetővé teszi a 11.13.0 és alatti verziók számára, hogy megkerüld a böngésző verzió ellenőrzést, ezáltal lehetővé tegye a new-browserhax vagy az old-browserhax használatát, amik az universal-otherapp-pal együtt használhatók. + +Ha frissítetted az eszközödet az aktuális verzióra, cartridge használatával, ain Internet Browser nem lesz elérhető. Ha ez az eset áll fenn, frissítened kell az eszközödet az utolsó verzióra a System Settings-en keresztül, és a legutolsó verzióhoz készült metódust használnod. +{: .notice--warning} + +### Amire szükséged lesz + +* A [universal-otherapp]( legújabb kiadása +* A [SafeB9SInstaller]( legújabb kiadása +* A [boot9strap]( legújabb kiadása *(a sima boot9strap; nem a `devkit` fájl, nem az `ntr` fájl)* +* Az [Luma3DS]( legújabb verziója + +#### I. rész - Előkészületek + +1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked +1. Helyezd az SD kártyád a számítógépbe +1. Másold az `otherapp.bin`-t az SD kártyád gyökerébe, majd nevezd át `arm11code.bin` névre + +Ha nem látod a `.bin` kiterjesztést ne add kézzel hozzá a fájl végéhez +1. Másold át a `boot.firm` és `boot.3dsx` fájlt a Luma3DS `.zip`-ből az SD kártya gyökerébe +1. Hozz létre egy mappát `boot9strap` néven az SD kártya gyökerében +1. Másold át a `boot9strap.firm` fájlt és a `boot9strap.firm.sha` fájlt a boot9strap `.zip` fájlból az SD kártyád `boot9strap` mappájába +1. Másold át a `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` fájlt a SafeB9SInstaller `.zip`-ből az SD kártyád gyökerébe +1. Tedd vissza az SD kártyád a készülékedbe +1. Kapcsold be a készülékedet + +#### II. rész - SSLoth +1. Indítsd el a System Settings alkalmazást +1. Navigálj az `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` opciókhoz +1. Kattints a saját hálózati kapcsolatodra és navigálj a `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (jobb nyíl)` -> `DNS` opcióhoz +1. Állítsd az "Auto-Obtain DNS"-t "No"-ra majd kattints a `Detailed Setup`-ra +1. Állítsd a Primary DNS-t és a Secondary DNS-t az `` címre +1. Kattints az OK-ra, majd kattints a Save-re +1. Amikor kérdezi, kattints a "Test"-re a kapcsolat ellenőrzéséhez + + A tesztnek sikeresnek kell lennie +1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked + +#### III. rész - A SafeB9SInstaller indítása +1. Indítsd el a webböngészőt a készülékeden, majd nyisd meg a következő URL-t + + `` +1. Nyomj a "PROCEED TO HAXX" gombra + + Ha hibát kapsz, [nézd át a hibaelhárítási útmutatót](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. Ha az exploit sikerrel járt, készüléked bebootolja a SafeB9SInstallert + +#### IV. rész - boot9strap telepítése + +1. Várj, amíg az összes biztonsági ellenőrzés be nem fejeződik +1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg sorban azokat a gombokat, amiket kijelez a képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et +1. Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához + +#### V. rész - Luma3DS konfigurálása + +1. A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia + + Ha fekete képernyőt kapsz, [nézd át a hibaelhárítási útmutatót](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Használd az (A) gombot és D-Pad-et a következő engedélyezéséhez: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Mentéshez és újraindításhoz nyomd meg a (Start) gombot + +#### VI. rész - Az alapértelmezett DNS visszaállítása +1. Indítsd el a System Settings alkalmazást +1. Navigálj az `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` opciókhoz +1. Kattints a saját hálózati kapcsolatodra és navigálj a `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (jobb nyíl)` -> `DNS` opcióhoz +1. Állítsd az "Auto-Obtain DNS"-t "Yes"-re +1. Kattints az OK-ra, majd kattints a Save-re +1. Amikor kérdezi, kattints a "Test"-re a kapcsolat ellenőrzéséhez + + A tesztnek sikeresnek kell lennie +1. Kapcsold ki a készüléked + +___ + +### Tovább a [telepítés véglegesítésére](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/hu_HU/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/hu_HU/site-navigation.txt index 700fac882e..3d7dc88d1e 100644 --- a/_pages/hu_HU/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/hu_HU/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Telepítés véglegesítése](finalizing-setup) + [Boot9strap telepítése (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Boot9strap telepítése (böngésző)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Boot9strap telepítése (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [SD formázás (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [SD formázás (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Kezdeti lépések](get-started) ++ [Kezdeti lépések (New 3DS)](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Kezdeti lépések (Old 3DS)](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 használata](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Főoldal](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Boot9strap telepítése (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Boot9strap telepítése (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Boot9strap telepítése (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Boot9strap telepítése (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Boot9strap telepítése (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Boot9strap telepítése (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Boot9strap telepítése (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy metódusok](legacy-methods) + [EmuNAND költöztetése](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/id_ID/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/id_ID/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a356bbb8ee..0b3ac65542 100644 --- a/_pages/id_ID/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/id_ID/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/id_ID/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/id_ID/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fc9ad47a9..fc438fb876 100644 --- a/_pages/id_ID/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/id_ID/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/id_ID/get-started.txt b/_pages/id_ID/get-started.txt index 00833936df..dd06d73a0c 100644 --- a/_pages/id_ID/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/id_ID/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -If you have already hacked your 3DS before and have an EmuNAND based CFW setup, just follow all instructions while on SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..34c79d4b05 100644 --- a/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e6a3904af --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22cc8e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/id_ID/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/id_ID/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/id_ID/site-navigation.txt index dca1e3bba0..e37798217c 100644 --- a/_pages/id_ID/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/id_ID/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/it_IT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/it_IT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 276e4fcb34..6a522a890e 100644 --- a/_pages/it_IT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/it_IT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Cominciamo! (New 3DS)" ### Lettura necessaria -Per proseguire, clicca sul collegamento corrispondente alla tua versione di sistema dalla tabella sottostante. I campi "da" e "a" sono inclusivi. Questo vuol dire che, per esempio, la riga "da 9.0.0 a 9.2.0" include 9.0.0, 9.1.0 e 9.2.0. - -Inoltre, ricorda che l'ultimo numero della tua versione di sistema (quello preceduto da un trattino) si riferisce alla tua versione del browser internet. Al momento, tale versione è irrilevante allo scopo della guida. - -**Se non sei in grado di seguire le instruzioni per la tua versione del software data la mancanza di alcuni prerequisiti, dovresti seguire un metodo nella colona "Tutte le Versioni" in quanto funzionerebbe a prescindere dalla versione di sistema.** - -Puoi effettuare in qualunque caso un [aggiornamento con scheda di gioco](cart-update) (o un normale aggiornamento del sistema) ad una versione successiva della stessa colonna per poter seguirne le istruzioni. +Per proseguire, clicca sul collegamento corrispondente alla tua versione di sistema dalla tabella sottostante. I campi "da" e "a" sono inclusivi. Puoi vedere quale versione del software possiedi selezionando le Impostazioni della console e guardando in basso a destra sullo schermo superiore. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +Anche se riteniamo che l'uso di un custom firmware in questo momento sia relativamente sicuro, è importante tenere presente che non sarà mai al 100% senza rischio di ban. + +Dovresti evitare le seguenti azioni: +1. Pirateria +1. Trucchi online +1. Comportamenti sospetti nell'eShop (ad esempio, contestazioni di addebiti con la carta di credito) + +Riteniamo che SpotPass e StreetPass siano tranquillamente utilizzabili in questo momento. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tabella delle versioni - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
DaADaAAzione di boot9strap (2xrsa) Installazione di boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) un metodo per "tutte le versioni"11.13.0Installazione di boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) di boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (più recente)Installazione di boot9strap (Browser)

(Richiede una flashcart compatibile)


Installazione di boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Richiede fare saldature)

(Richiede una flashcart compatibile)


Installazione di boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Richiede fare saldature)

diff --git a/_pages/it_IT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/it_IT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 295033d949..a264d36120 100644 --- a/_pages/it_IT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/it_IT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Cominciamo! (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Indice" %} ### Lettura necessaria -Per proseguire, clicca sul collegamento corrispondente alla tua versione di sistema dalla tabella sottostante. I campi "da" e "a" sono inclusivi. Questo vuol dire che, per esempio, la riga "da 9.0.0 a 9.2.0" include 9.0.0, 9.1.0 e 9.2.0. - -Inoltre, ricorda che le ultime due colonne della tabella si riferiscono all'ultimo numero della tua versione (che corrisponde alla versione del browser installata nel sistema). Se la versione termina con -0 allora non hai un browser, mentre qualsiasi altro numero superiore a -0 indica che è installato un browser. - -Ad esempio, se dovessi avere la versione del software "5.0.0-0U", seguirai la colonna "Senza Browser" e la riga "da 5.0.0 a 5.1.0." perché la versione del software di sistema è inclusa in tale intervallo e non è presente un browser installato. - -**Se non sei in grado di seguire le instruzioni per la tua versione del software data la mancanza di alcuni prerequisiti, dovresti seguire un metodo nella colona "Tutte le Versioni" in quanto funzionerebbe a prescindere dalla versione di sistema.** - -Puoi effettuare in qualunque caso un [aggiornamento con scheda di gioco](cart-update) (o un normale aggiornamento del sistema) ad una versione successiva della stessa colonna per poter seguirne le istruzioni. +Per proseguire, clicca sul collegamento corrispondente alla tua versione di sistema dalla tabella sottostante. I campi "da" e "a" sono inclusivi. Puoi vedere quale versione del software possiedi selezionando le Impostazioni della console e guardando in basso a destra sullo schermo superiore. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +Anche se riteniamo che l'uso di un custom firmware in questo momento sia relativamente sicuro, è importante tenere presente che non sarà mai al 100% senza rischio di ban. + +Dovresti evitare le seguenti azioni: +1. Pirateria +1. Trucchi online +1. Comportamenti sospetti nell'eShop (ad esempio, contestazioni di addebiti con la carta di credito) + +Riteniamo che SpotPass e StreetPass siano tranquillamente utilizzabili in questo momento. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tabella delle versioni @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Puoi vedere quale versione del software possiedi selezionando le Impostazioni de - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Da ASenza BrowserCon BrowserAzione un metodo per "tutte le versioni" un metodo per "tutte le versioni"Installazione di boot9strap (2xrsa) un metodo per "tutte le versioni" di boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) un metodo per "tutte le versioni"Installazione di boot9strap (Soundhax) di boot9strap (DSiWare) di boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Richiede una flashcart compatibile)


Installazione di boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Richiede fare saldature)

(Richiede una flashcart compatibile)


Installazione di boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Richiede fare saldature)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/it_IT/get-started.txt b/_pages/it_IT/get-started.txt index 400b4c621b..cd4720f574 100644 --- a/_pages/it_IT/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/it_IT/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Cominciamo!" ### Lettura necessaria -Per proseguire, clicca sul collegamento corrispondente alla tua versione di sistema dalla tabella sottostante. I campi "da" e "a" sono inclusivi. +Il colore delle console nelle immagini potrebbe variare, ma verifica attentamente la disposizione dei pulsanti e la forma della console per assicurarti di selezionare quella corretta. +{: .notice} -Puoi vedere quale versione del software possiedi selezionando le Impostazioni della console e guardando in basso a destra sullo schermo superiore. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**Se non sei in grado di seguire le istruzioni per la tua versione del software data la mancanza di alcuni prerequisiti, dovresti aggiornare la tua console alla versione più recente oppure seguire un metodo nella colona "Tutte le Versioni" in quanto funzionerebbe a prescindere dalla versione di sistema.** - -Puoi effettuare in qualunque caso un [aggiornamento con scheda di gioco](cart-update) (o un normale aggiornamento del sistema) ad una versione successiva della stessa colonna per poter seguirne le istruzioni. - -Se hai già modificato il tuo 3DS in passato e hai installato un CFW basato su EmuNAND, segui tutti i passaggi mentre sei in SysNAND. Se richiesto, sostituisci qualunque file già esistente. Potrai trasferire i tuoi dati dall'EmuNAND alla SysNAND con B9S alla fine dell'installazione. Se usi menuhax, dovresti [cancellare gli extdata del menu HOME](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) per rimuoverlo prima di iniziare questa guida. - -In questa sezione verrà spiegato come installare boot9strap su un 3DS o 2DS *senza alcun custom firmware installato*. Se hai già installato arm9loaderhax e stai cercando di aggiornare a boot9strap, vai alla pagina [Da A9LH a B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Clicca sull'immagine della tua console per proseguire alla sezione corretta della guida. {: .notice--primary} -Prima di iniziare, gli utenti Windows dovrebbero attivare l'opzione per visualizzare le estensioni dei file. Basta seguire le istruzioni indicate nella pagina delle [Estensioni dei file (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Console di modello, versione del software e regione diversi richiederanno procedure differenti per installare correttamente il Custom Firmware tramite boot9strap. In questa pagina potrai trovare il corretto punto di partenza per la tua console. {: .notice--info} Prima di iniziare è consigliabile verificare che la tua scheda SD sia priva di errori usando [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)) o [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -Anche se riteniamo che l'uso di un custom firmware in questo momento sia relativamente sicuro, è importante tenere presente che non sarà mai al 100% senza rischio di ban. - -Dovresti evitare le seguenti azioni: -1. Pirateria -1. Trucchi online -1. Comportamenti sospetti nell'eShop (ad esempio, contestazioni di addebiti con la carta di credito) - -Riteniamo che SpotPass e StreetPass siano tranquillamente utilizzabili in questo momento. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Tabella delle versioni - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DaAAzione di boot9strap (Soundhax) all'ultima versione o usa un metodo per "tutte le versioni"
11.14.0 (più recente)Seedminer

(Richiede una flashcart compatibile)


Installazione di boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Richiede fare saldature)

+| New 3DS o New 2DS | Old 3DS o Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index cdaa6d3a64..76c8de64b6 100644 --- a/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installazione di boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Indice" %} +### Lettura necessaria + +new-browserhax-xl (combinato a universal-otherapp) è compatibile con la versione del software 11.14.0 su New 3DS e New 2DS per tutte le regioni. + +Questo exploit non funzionerà su Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, o Old 2DS. Assicurati che la console che stai modificando sia un New 3DS, New 3DS XL, o un New 2DS XL prima di continuare. +{: .notice--info} + ### Cosa serve +* L'ultima versione di [universal-otherapp]( * L'ultima versione di [SafeB9SInstaller]( * L'ultima versione di [boot9strap]( *(la versione normale di boot9strap; non il file `devkit`, né il file `ntr`)* -* L'ultima versione di [Luma3DS]( +* L'ultima versione di [Luma3DS]( ### Istruzioni @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installazione di boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Spegni il tuo 3DS 1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer +1. Copia il file `otherapp.bin` nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in `arm11code.bin` + + Se non vedi l'estensione `.bin`, non aggiungerla alla fine del nome del file 1. Copia i file `boot.firm` e `boot.3dsx` dall'archivio `.zip` di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD 1. Crea una cartella chiamata `boot9strap` nella directory principale della tua scheda SD -1. Copia i file `boot9strap.firm` e `boot9strap.firm.sha` dall'archivio `.zip` di boot9strap nella cartella `/boot9strap/` della tua scheda SD -1. Copia i file `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` e `Launcher.dat` dall'archivio `.zip` di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SD - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copia i file `boot9strap.firm` e `boot9strap.firm.sha` dall'archivio `.zip` di boot9strap nella cartella `boot9strap` della tua scheda SD +1. Copia il file `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` dall'archivio `.zip` di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SD 1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console 1. Accendi la console #### Sezione II - Avvio di SafeB9SInstaller -1. Avvia il Browser internet e visita una delle seguenti pagine dalla tua console - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Può capitare che una pagina non carichi l'exploit correttamente; tenta ogni pagina finché non viene avviato con successo (a volte funziona solo la prima, a volte le ultime due) +1. Accendi la console +1. Nel menu HOME, premi i pulsanti dorsali L e R per avviare la fotocamera + + Se non riesci ad aprire la fotocamera, raggiungi manualmente l'URL (``) +1. Scansiona [questo codice QR]( + Se ottieni un errore, [segui questa guida per risolvere il problema](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. Se l'exploit è andato a buon fine, si avvierà SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installazione di boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Usa il pulsante (A) e il D-Pad per abilitare le seguenti opzioni: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Premi (Start) per salvare e riavviare il 3DS - + Se ottieni un errore, continua comunque alla pagina successiva ___ diff --git a/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e5b141958c --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installazione di boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Indice" %} + +### Lettura necessaria + +safecerthax è compatibile con tutte le console Old 3DS e Old 2DS di tutte le regioni. + +Se i tuoi pulsanti (L/R), (Su) o (A) non funzionano, dovrai usare un metodo alternativo, come [Seedminer](seedminer). In questi casi, puoi ricevere assistenza chiedendo, in inglese, nel canale [Nintendo Homebrew su Discord]( +{: .notice--warning} + +Questo exploit non funzionerà su New 3DS, New 3DS XL, o New 2DS XL. Assicurati che la console che stai modificando sia un Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, o un Old 2DS prima di continuare. +{: .notice--info} + +### Cosa serve + +* L'ultima versione di [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* L'ultima versione di [boot9strap]( *(la versione normale di boot9strap; non il file `devkit`, né il file `ntr`)* +* L'ultima versione di [Luma3DS]( + +### Istruzioni + +#### Sezione I - Preparazione +1. Spegni il tuo 3DS +1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer +1. Copia i file `boot.firm` e `boot.3dsx` dall'archivio `.zip` di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD +1. Crea una cartella chiamata `boot9strap` nella directory principale della tua scheda SD +1. Copia i file `boot9strap.firm` e `boot9strap.firm.sha` dall'archivio `.zip` di boot9strap nella cartella `boot9strap` della tua scheda SD +1. Copia il file `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` dall'archivio `.zip` di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SD +1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console +1. Accendi la console + +#### Sezione II - safecerthax DNS +1. Avvia l'applicazione Impostazioni della console +1. Entra in `Impostazioni Internet` -> `Impostazioni di collegamento` +1. Clicca sulla tua connessione wifi e naviga su `Modifica` -> `Pagina Successiva (la freccia a destra)` -> `DNS` +1. Imposta "Ottieni automaticamente DNS" su "No", quindi clicca su `Impostazioni avanzate` +1. Imposta sia il DNS primario sia il DNS secondario a `` +1. Fai clic su OK, quindi su Salva +1. Quando richiesto, clicca su "Test" per eseguire il test di connessione + + Il test dovrebbe avere buon fine +1. Spegni il tuo 3DS + +#### Sezione III - safecerthax +1. Con la console ancora spenta, tieni premuto i pulsanti (L) + (R) + (Su) + (A), dopodiché accendi la console + + Mantieni premuti i pulsanti finché la console non si avvia in Safe Mode +1. Premi "OK" per accettare l'aggiornamento + + Non c'è alcun aggiornamento. Fa parte del procedimento +1. Premi "Accetto" per accettare i termini e le condizioni + + L'aggiornamento dovrebbe fallire e dovrebbe apparire un messaggio di errore +1. Premi "OK" per chiudere il messaggio di errore +1. Se l'exploit è andato a buon fine, si avvierà SafeB9SInstaller + + Se la console si blocca o crasha, forza lo spegnimento della console, quindi ritenta questa sezione + +#### Sezione IV - Installazione di boot9strap + +1. Attendi il termine di tutti i controlli di sicurezza +1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta a schermo per installare boot9strap +1. Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console + +#### Sezione V - Configurare Luma3DS + +1. La tua console dovrebbe riavviarsi all'interno del menu di configurazione di Luma3DS + + Se ottieni uno schermo nero, [segui questa guida per risolvere il problema](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Usa il pulsante (A) e il D-Pad per abilitare le seguenti opzioni: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Premi (Start) per salvare e riavviare il 3DS + +#### Sezione VI - Ripristino del DNS +1. Avvia l'applicazione Impostazioni della console +1. Entra in `Impostazioni Internet` -> `Impostazioni di collegamento` +1. Clicca sulla tua connessione wifi e naviga su `Modifica` -> `Pagina Successiva (la freccia a destra)` -> `DNS` +1. Imposta "Ottieni automaticamente DNS" su "Sì" +1. Fai clic su OK, quindi su Salva +1. Quando richiesto, clicca su "Test" per eseguire il test di connessione + + Il test dovrebbe avere buon fine +1. Spegni il tuo 3DS + +___ + +### Prosegui con il [Completamento dell'installazione](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3abe15e6e3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installazione di boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Indice" %} + +### Lettura necessaria + +SSLoth consente agli utenti alla versione di sistema 11.13.0 e precedenti di bypassare il controllo sulla versione del browser, permettendo l'uso di new-browserhax o old-browserhax, che può quindi essere utilizzato in combinazione con universal-otherapp. + +Se hai aggiornato la tua console alla versione corrente utilizzando una cartuccia, il tuo Browser Internet sarà inaccessibile. In tal caso, dovrai aggiornare la tua console all'ultima versione tramite Impostazioni della console, quindi seguire il metodo per la versione più recente. +{: .notice--warning} + +### Cosa serve + +* L'ultima versione di [universal-otherapp]( +* L'ultima versione di [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* L'ultima versione di [boot9strap]( *(la versione normale di boot9strap; non il file `devkit`, né il file `ntr`)* +* L'ultima versione di [Luma3DS]( + +#### Sezione I - Preparazione + +1. Spegni il tuo 3DS +1. Inserisci la scheda SD nel tuo computer +1. Copia il file `otherapp.bin` nella directory principale della tua scheda SD e rinominalo in `arm11code.bin` + + Se non vedi l'estensione `.bin`, non aggiungerla alla fine del nome del file +1. Copia i file `boot.firm` e `boot.3dsx` dall'archivio `.zip` di Luma3DS nella directory principale della tua scheda SD +1. Crea una cartella chiamata `boot9strap` nella directory principale della tua scheda SD +1. Copia i file `boot9strap.firm` e `boot9strap.firm.sha` dall'archivio `.zip` di boot9strap nella cartella `boot9strap` della tua scheda SD +1. Copia il file `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` dall'archivio `.zip` di SafeB9SInstaller nella directory principale della tua scheda SD +1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console +1. Accendi la console + +#### Sezione II - SSLoth +1. Avvia l'applicazione Impostazioni della console +1. Entra in `Impostazioni Internet` -> `Impostazioni di collegamento` +1. Clicca sulla tua connessione wifi e naviga su `Modifica` -> `Pagina Successiva (la freccia a destra)` -> `DNS` +1. Imposta "Ottieni automaticamente DNS" su "No", quindi clicca su `Impostazioni avanzate` +1. Imposta sia il DNS primario sia il DNS secondario a `` +1. Fai clic su OK, quindi su Salva +1. Quando richiesto, clicca su "Test" per eseguire il test di connessione + + Il test dovrebbe avere buon fine +1. Spegni il tuo 3DS + +#### Sezione III - Avvio di SafeB9SInstaller +1. Avvia il browser internet della tua console e naviga al seguente indirizzo + + `` +1. Tocca il pulsante "PROCEED TO HAXX" + + Se ottieni un errore, [segui questa guida per risolvere il problema](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. Se l'exploit è andato a buon fine, si avvierà SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Sezione IV - Installazione di boot9strap + +1. Attendi il termine di tutti i controlli di sicurezza +1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta a schermo per installare boot9strap +1. Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console + +#### Sezione V - Configurare Luma3DS + +1. La tua console dovrebbe riavviarsi all'interno del menu di configurazione di Luma3DS + + Se ottieni uno schermo nero, [segui questa guida per risolvere il problema](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Usa il pulsante (A) e il D-Pad per abilitare le seguenti opzioni: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Premi (Start) per salvare e riavviare il 3DS + +#### Sezione VI - Ripristino del DNS +1. Avvia l'applicazione Impostazioni della console +1. Entra in `Impostazioni Internet` -> `Impostazioni di collegamento` +1. Clicca sulla tua connessione wifi e naviga su `Modifica` -> `Pagina Successiva (la freccia a destra)` -> `DNS` +1. Imposta "Ottieni automaticamente DNS" su "Sì" +1. Fai clic su OK, quindi su Salva +1. Quando richiesto, clicca su "Test" per eseguire il test di connessione + + Il test dovrebbe avere buon fine +1. Spegni il tuo 3DS + +___ + +### Prosegui con il [Completamento dell'installazione](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/it_IT/region-changing.txt b/_pages/it_IT/region-changing.txt index 2966e1b399..cb5d9661ee 100644 --- a/_pages/it_IT/region-changing.txt +++ b/_pages/it_IT/region-changing.txt @@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ Tieni presente che se hai altri file payload oltre a `GodMode9.firm` nella carte Questo processo scollegherà il NNID dalla console, in quanto non potrà essere più compatibile. I NNID sono legati alla regione della console con cui vengono creati e non possono essere trasferiti ad un'altra senza un [procedimento avanzato e molto complesso]( {: .notice--warning} -After this process, **you will not be able to access the eShop**. This includes any feature that uses an NNID, such as game updates, purchasing DLC, or online play in certain games. Region changing to your original region will usually not fix this issue. +Dopo questo processo, **non potrai accedere all'eShop**. Questo include qualunque funzione che utilizzi un NNID, come gli aggiornamenti di gioco, l'acquisto di DLC, o funzionalità online in alcuni giochi. Ripristinare la regione a quella originale di solito non correggerà questi problemi. {: .notice--warning} Tieni presente che occasionalmente l'eShop potrebbe non funzionare senza alcun motivo apparente. Questo dipende totalmente dai server Nintendo, e non si può fare assolutamente nulla al riguardo. In maniera molto simile, l'eShop potrebbe invece funzionare su console per cui non dovrebbe (come su alcuni New 3DS). Le cause sono correntemente sconosciute. @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ DEVI aver già installato Luma3DS e boot9strap per poter proseguire. 1. Copia il file `FBI.3dsx` nella cartella `/3ds/` nella tua scheda SD 1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nel Nintendo 3DS -#### Section II - NAND Backup +#### Sezione II - Backup della NAND 1. Avvia GodMode9 tenendo premuto (Start) durante l'accensione della console 1. Se ti viene richiesto di creare un backup dei file essenziali, premi (A) per accettare, e al termine di nuovo (A) per proseguire 1. Se ti viene chiesto di reimpostare la data e l'ora dell'RTC, premi (A) per farlo, poi imposta la data e l'ora, infine premi (A) per continuare @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ DEVI aver già installato Luma3DS e boot9strap per poter proseguire. 1. Reinserisci la scheda SD nella tua console + Se la tua scheda SD non dovesse essere rilevata, premi contemporaneamente (R) e (B) per rimontarla -#### Section III - CTRTransfer +#### Sezione III - CTRTransfer 1. Entra nella cartella `[0:] SDCARD` -> `gm9` 1. Premi (A) sul file `.bin` del CTRTransfer per selezionarlo @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ DEVI aver già installato Luma3DS e boot9strap per poter proseguire. + Gli aggiornamenti effettuati usando B9S + Luma (ora installato) sono sicuri + Se ottieni un errore, imposta i DNS della connessione di rete in modo che vengano ottenuti automaticamente -#### Section IV - Launching FBI +#### Sezione IV - Avviare FBI 1. Avvia l'applicazione "Modalità download" (questa [icona]({{ "/images/download-play-icon.png" | absolute_url }}) 1. Premi simultaneamente i pulsanti (L) + (Giù) + (Select) per aprire il menu di Rosalina @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ DEVI aver già installato Luma3DS e boot9strap per poter proseguire. 1. Avvia l'applicazione "Modalità download" 1. La console dovrebbe ora avviare l'Homebrew Launcher -#### Section V - Reinstalling Tickets +#### Sezione V - Ripristino dei Ticket Se lo script non ha trovato alcun ticket dell'utente, salta questa sezione {: .notice--info} @@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ Se lo script non ha trovato alcun ticket dell'utente, salta questa sezione + Premi il pulsante (B) per rifiutare l'installazione di ticket dal CDN. 1. Premi il pulsante HOME per uscire da FBI -#### Section VI - Region settings +#### Section VI - Area di residenza 1. Avvia le Impostazioni della console 1. Vai su "Impostazioni generali", poi "Profilo", quindi "Area di residenza" 1. Seleziona un paese relativo alla regione verso cui hai appena effettuato il cambio 1. Se richiesto, non è necessario selezionare uno stato -#### Section VII - Remove CTRTransfer image +#### Sezione VII - Rimozione del file immagine del CTRTransfer 1. Avvia GodMode9 tenendo premuto (Start) durante l'accensione della console 1. Entra nella cartella `[0:] SDCARD` -> `gm9` diff --git a/_pages/it_IT/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/it_IT/site-navigation.txt index efaf455d7d..5e9f681622 100644 --- a/_pages/it_IT/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/it_IT/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Completamento dell'installazione](finalizing-setup) + [Installazione di boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installazione di boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installazione di boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formattazione SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formattazione SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Cominciamo!](get-started) ++ [Cominciamo! (New 3DS)](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Cominciamo! (Old 3DS)](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [Usare GodMode9](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Pagina iniziale](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installazione di boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installazione di boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installazione di boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installazione di boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installazione di boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installazione di boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installazione di boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Metodi Obsoleti](legacy-methods) + [Spostare l'EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/ja_JP/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/ja_JP/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 12f3c56543..c5d59ac097 100644 --- a/_pages/ja_JP/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ja_JP/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -下の表からあなたのバージョンに合ったページを選択してください。 Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. 例えば、「9.0.0以降、9.2.0以前」は9.0.0、9.1.0と9.2.0を含めています。 - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +下の表からあなたのバージョンに合ったページを選択してください。 Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromTo以降以前Action boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/ja_JP/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/ja_JP/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 93e502cdd5..80e291b562 100644 --- a/_pages/ja_JP/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ja_JP/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -下の表からあなたのバージョンに合ったページを選択してください。 Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. 例えば、「9.0.0以降、9.2.0以前」は9.0.0、9.1.0と9.2.0を含めています。 - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). その番号が「-0」ならば、ブラウザがインストールされていないことを示します。-0以上のいずれかの番号はそれがインストールされていることを示します。 - -例えば、バージョンは「5.0.0-0U」ならば、「ブラウザなし」欄の「5.0.0以降、5.1.0以前」行に行きます。なぜならシステムバージョンはその範囲に合い、ブラウザがインストールされていないからです。 - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +下の表からあなたのバージョンに合ったページを選択してください。 Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
以降 以前ブラウザなしブラウザ付きAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/ja_JP/get-started.txt b/_pages/ja_JP/get-started.txt index 054f0dd77f..c03b833eff 100644 --- a/_pages/ja_JP/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/ja_JP/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -下の表からあなたのバージョンに合ったページを選択してください。 Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -まえは3DSをハッキングしたことがあってEmuNAND based CFWセットアップを持っている場合は、SysNANDにあるときすべての手順に従ってください。 Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} 始める前には、[H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows))、[F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux))か[F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))でSDカードのエラーをチェックするのは万全の策です! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
以降以前Action boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 03942dabdd..e7900e0f44 100644 --- a/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. パソコンにSDカードを入れます +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **「Show NAND or user string in System Settings」** 1. (Start) を押してセーブして再起動します - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5b89b8f675 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. パソコンにSDカードを入れます +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **「Show NAND or user string in System Settings」** +1. (Start) を押してセーブして再起動します + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0d07cc35e6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ja_JP/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. パソコンにSDカードを入れます +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **「Show NAND or user string in System Settings」** +1. (Start) を押してセーブして再起動します + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/ja_JP/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/ja_JP/site-navigation.txt index 10bc388682..4a3f14a5cb 100644 --- a/_pages/ja_JP/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/ja_JP/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [はじめる](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw(Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [ホームページ](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [EmuNANDを移動する](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index b1c8b87817..22a6540c55 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -아래 표에서 본인 기기의 버전에 해당하는 페이지를 선택해 주세요. "이상" 및 "이하" 란은 그 칸에 적힌 버전을 포함한다는 점을 참고해 주세요. 예를 들어, "9.0.0 이상 9.2.0 이하"는 9.0.0, 9.1.0및 9.2.0을 모두 포함합니다. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. 최근 브라우저 버전은 이 가이드의 New 3DS에서 무의미합니다. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +아래 표에서 본인 기기의 버전에 해당하는 페이지를 선택해 주세요. "이상" 및 "이하" 란은 그 칸에 적힌 버전을 포함한다는 점을 참고해 주세요. 기기의 버전은 본체 설정에 어가서 위쪽 화면의 우측 하단에서 확인할 수 있습니다. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
이상이하이상이하Action boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 10fafac519..2ffaa45d62 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -아래 표에서 본인 기기의 버전에 해당하는 페이지를 선택해 주세요. "이상" 및 "이하" 란은 그 칸에 적힌 버전을 포함한다는 점을 참고해 주세요. 예를 들어, "9.0.0 이상 9.2.0 이하"는 9.0.0, 9.1.0및 9.2.0을 모두 포함합니다. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). 버전이 -0이면 브라우저가 없으며, -0 이상의 숫자는 브라우저가 설치되어 있음을 나타냅니다. - -"5.0.0-0U"의 경우 설치된 브라우저가 없으므로 "브라우저 없음" 열의 "5.0.0 이상 5.1.0 이하" 행을 선택하면 됩니다. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +아래 표에서 본인 기기의 버전에 해당하는 페이지를 선택해 주세요. "이상" 및 "이하" 란은 그 칸에 적힌 버전을 포함한다는 점을 참고해 주세요. 기기의 버전은 본체 설정에 어가서 위쪽 화면의 우측 하단에서 확인할 수 있습니다. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
이상 이하브라우저 없음브라우저 있음Action an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/get-started.txt b/_pages/ko_KR/get-started.txt index afade3c671..b01f8b4afb 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -아래 표에서 본인 기기의 버전에 해당하는 페이지를 선택해 주세요. "이상" 및 "이하" 란은 그 칸에 적힌 버전을 포함한다는 점을 참고해 주세요. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -기기의 버전은 본체 설정에 어가서 위쪽 화면의 우측 하단에서 확인할 수 있습니다. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -EmuNAND 기반의 CFW 3DS를 보유한 경우 모든 과정을 SysNAND에 적용해 주세요. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -시작하기에 앞서, Windows 사용자는 [파일 확장자명 (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows)) 가이드를 이용해 파일 확장자명이 표시되게 해야 합니다! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} 시작하기 전에 [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), 또는 [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))을 사용해 SD 카드의 오류 여부를 확인해 주세요! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
이상이하Action boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index ba6fd1e7ac..1983f28a5b 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. 기기를 종료해 주세요. 1. SD 카드를 컴퓨터에 삽입해 주세요. +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. SD 카드를 기기에 다시 삽입해 주세요. 1. 기기를 시작해 주세요. #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. 기기에서 브라우저를 열고 다음 주소 중 하나에 접속해 주세요. - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. 기기를 시작해 주세요. +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. (start)를 눌러 저장하고 기기를 다시 시작해 주세요. - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..2bc456caa7 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. 기기를 종료해 주세요. +1. SD 카드를 컴퓨터에 삽입해 주세요. +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. SD 카드를 기기에 다시 삽입해 주세요. +1. 기기를 시작해 주세요. + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. 기기를 종료해 주세요. + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. (start)를 눌러 저장하고 기기를 다시 시작해 주세요. + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. 기기를 종료해 주세요. + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..336d2e4438 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. 기기를 종료해 주세요. +1. SD 카드를 컴퓨터에 삽입해 주세요. +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. SD 카드를 기기에 다시 삽입해 주세요. +1. 기기를 시작해 주세요. + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. 기기를 종료해 주세요. + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. (start)를 눌러 저장하고 기기를 다시 시작해 주세요. + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. 기기를 종료해 주세요. + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/ko_KR/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/ko_KR/site-navigation.txt index 40002ecbff..70a93fbfec 100644 --- a/_pages/ko_KR/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/ko_KR/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [시작하기](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [홈](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [EmuNAND기반 데이터 이동](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/ms_MY/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/ms_MY/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 26c5342b56..3abf120d31 100644 --- a/_pages/ms_MY/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ms_MY/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Pilih halaman yang sesuatu untuk versi anda berdasarkan carta dibawah. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Ini bermakna, sebagai contoh, "barisan melintang dari 9.0.0 hingga 9.2.0" termasuk juga 9.0.0, 9.1.0 dan 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Pilih halaman yang sesuai untuk versi anda berdasarkan carta dibawah. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToDariHinggaAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/ms_MY/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/ms_MY/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index befa247c7a..852a3e6df5 100644 --- a/_pages/ms_MY/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ms_MY/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Pilih halaman yang sesuai untuk versi anda berdasarkan carta dibawah. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Ini bermakna, sebagai contoh, "dari 9.0.0 hingga 9.2.0" termasuk 9.0.0, 9.1.0 dan 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). Jika versinya ialah -0 anda tidak mempunyai browser, manakala jika ada ternampak apa-apa nombor atas -0 ia menunjukkan browser sudah dipasang. - -Sebagai contoh didalam kes "5.0.0-0U", anda akan mengikuti barisan melintang "Tiada Browser" dan barisan 5.0.0 hingga 5.1.0 kerana ianya berada di lingkungan versi sistem dan tiada browser dipasang. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Pilih halaman yang sesuai untuk versi anda berdasarkan carta dibawah. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Dari HinggaTiada BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/ms_MY/get-started.txt b/_pages/ms_MY/get-started.txt index d6d328bf6f..b41b10aa77 100644 --- a/_pages/ms_MY/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/ms_MY/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Pilih halaman yang sesuai untuk versi anda berdasarkan carta dibawah. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Jika anda sudah mengubah suai 3DS sebelum ni dan mempunyai EmuNAND berdasarkan pemasangan CFW, sila ikut semua langkah semasa di SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Sebelum bermula, sila pastikan kad SD anda tiada sebarang kerosakkan dengan menggunakan [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), atau [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DariHinggaAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 65fbc04ccc..167caadf54 100644 --- a/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Pasang kad SD anda ke dalam komputer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Tekan (Start) untuk save dan reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..17e5b87c45 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Pasang kad SD anda ke dalam komputer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Tekan (Start) untuk save dan reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8821bbf64b --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ms_MY/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Pasang kad SD anda ke dalam komputer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Tekan (Start) untuk save dan reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/ms_MY/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/ms_MY/site-navigation.txt index 8a2f89000f..85f494fb29 100644 --- a/_pages/ms_MY/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/ms_MY/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Mulakan](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Pindah EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/nl_NL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/nl_NL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index cd05eb9031..aee6afdee3 100644 --- a/_pages/nl_NL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/nl_NL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Kies de juiste pagina die bij jouw versie hoort uit onderstaande tabel. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Dat betekent dat, bijvoorbeeld, de "van 9.0.0 tot 9.2.0" rij ook 9.0.0, 9.1.0 en 9.2.0 omvat. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Kies de juiste pagina die bij jouw versie hoort uit onderstaande tabel. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. De systeemversie van je 3DS kan je rechtsonder op het bovenste scherm in de systeeminstellingen vinden. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToVanNaarAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/nl_NL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/nl_NL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 87b39ac917..8fee1dc338 100644 --- a/_pages/nl_NL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/nl_NL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Kies de juiste pagina die bij jouw versie hoort uit onderstaande tabel. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Dit betekent dat, bijvoorbeeld, de "van 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" rij 9.0.0, 9.1.0, en 9.2.0 inhoudt. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). Als de versie -0 is heb je geen browser. Elk nummer dat hoger is dan -0 geeft aan dat er een browser geïnstalleerd is. - -In het geval van bijvoorbeeld "5.0.0-0U", moet je de "Geen Browser" kolom en de "5.0.0 tot 5.1.0" rij gebruiken. Je systeem heeft in dit geval namelijk geen browser en een versie die daar tussen valt. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Kies de juiste pagina die bij jouw versie hoort uit onderstaande tabel. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. De systeemversie van je 3DS kan je rechtsonder op het bovenste scherm in de systeeminstellingen vinden. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ De systeemversie van je 3DS kan je rechtsonder op het bovenste scherm in de syst - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Van NaarGeen BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/nl_NL/get-started.txt b/_pages/nl_NL/get-started.txt index c81f45a3d9..b0c152cafb 100644 --- a/_pages/nl_NL/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/nl_NL/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Kies de juiste pagina die bij jouw versie hoort uit onderstaande tabel. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -De systeemversie van je 3DS kan je rechtsonder op het bovenste scherm in de systeeminstellingen vinden. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Als je je 3DS al een keer hebt gehackt en je een op een EmuNAND gebaseerde CFW setup hebt, volg dan gewoon alle instructies terwijl je nog op SysNAND bent. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Voordat je begint is het handig om je SD kaart te controleren op fouten met behulp van [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), of [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
VanNaarAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 5d60b74ed2..f06a21fe51 100644 --- a/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Schakel je 3ds uit 1. Plaats je SD kaart in je computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Stop je SD kaart terug in je 3DS 1. Zet je 3DS aan #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Open de browser en ga naar een van de volgende URLs op je 3DS - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Zet je 3DS aan +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Druk op (Start) om op te slaan en opnieuw op te starten - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..29f02dd67d --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Schakel je 3ds uit +1. Plaats je SD kaart in je computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Stop je SD kaart terug in je 3DS +1. Zet je 3DS aan + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Schakel je 3ds uit + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Druk op (Start) om op te slaan en opnieuw op te starten + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Schakel je 3ds uit + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..0c93d4bce8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Schakel je 3ds uit +1. Plaats je SD kaart in je computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Stop je SD kaart terug in je 3DS +1. Zet je 3DS aan + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Schakel je 3ds uit + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Druk op (Start) om op te slaan en opnieuw op te starten + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Schakel je 3ds uit + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/nl_NL/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/nl_NL/site-navigation.txt index 0281274705..cc098507cb 100644 --- a/_pages/nl_NL/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/nl_NL/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Begin](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [EmuNAND Verplaatsen](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/no_NO/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/no_NO/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 4efed5f1b4..d0881f8264 100644 --- a/_pages/no_NO/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/no_NO/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Velg den aktuelle siden for din versjon fra diagrammet nedenfor. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Dette betyr at for eksempel, raden "fra 9.0.0 til 9.2.0" inkluderer 9.0.0, 9.1.0, og 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Velg den aktuelle siden for din versjon fra diagrammet nedenfor. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFraTilAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/no_NO/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/no_NO/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index c0ea9b35bb..b4da9278aa 100644 --- a/_pages/no_NO/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/no_NO/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Velg den aktuelle siden for din versjon fra diagrammet nedenfor. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Dette betyr at for eksempel, raden "fra 9.0.0 til 9.2.0" inkluderer 9.0.0, 9.1.0, og 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). Hvis versjonen er -0 da har du ikke en nettleser, mens et tall over -0 indikerer at en nettleser er installert. - -I tilfellet av "5.0.0-0U" for eksempel, ville du fulgt "ingen nettleser" kolonnen og 5.0.0 til 5.1.0 raden fordi systemet er på system versjonen i det området og har ingen nettleser installert. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Velg den aktuelle siden for din versjon fra diagrammet nedenfor. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Fra TilUten NettleserNettleserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/no_NO/get-started.txt b/_pages/no_NO/get-started.txt index d97da9a47a..0eee607933 100644 --- a/_pages/no_NO/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/no_NO/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Velg den aktuelle siden for din versjon fra diagrammet nedenfor. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Hvis du allerede har hacket din 3DS før og har et EmuNAND basert CFW oppsett, bare følg alle instruksene meden du er på SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Før du starter kan det være lurt å sjekke om SD-kortet er korrupt, du kan sjekke etter feil med, [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), eller [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FraTilAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index ce98724088..d4f77aef88 100644 --- a/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Slå av enheten 1. Sett inn SD-kortet i datamaskinen din +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Sett inn SD-kortet i konsollen igjen 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Trykk (Start) for å lagre og starte på nytt - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f31e3dac6d --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Slå av enheten +1. Sett inn SD-kortet i datamaskinen din +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Sett inn SD-kortet i konsollen igjen +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Slå av enheten + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Trykk (Start) for å lagre og starte på nytt + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Slå av enheten + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..6825b50fb8 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/no_NO/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Slå av enheten +1. Sett inn SD-kortet i datamaskinen din +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Sett inn SD-kortet i konsollen igjen +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Slå av enheten + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Trykk (Start) for å lagre og starte på nytt + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Slå av enheten + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/no_NO/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/no_NO/site-navigation.txt index 5755dabf27..3a5a28d909 100644 --- a/_pages/no_NO/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/no_NO/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Kom i gang](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Hjem](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Flytt EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/pl_PL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 88e1915d51..785169bcc5 100644 --- a/_pages/pl_PL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Wprowadzenie (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Spis Treści" %} ### Wymagana Lektura -Wybierz odpowiednią podstronę dla swojej wersji firmware z poniższej tabeli. Pola "od" oraz "do" są włączne dla wersji. To oznacza, przykładowo, iż wiersz "od 9.0.0 do 9.2.0" zawiera wersje firmware 9.0.0, 9.1.0 oraz 9.2.0. - -Zauważ że ostatnia cyfra twojej wersji systemu (poprzedzona myślnikiem) odpowiada wersji przeglądarki internetowej konsoli. Obecnie wersja przeglądarki nie ma znaczenia w odniesieniu dla New 3DS w tym poradniku. - -**Jeśli nie możesz wykonać instrukcji odpowiadających konkretnej wersji z powodu niespełnienia wymagań, powinieneś zobaczyć wiersz "Wszystkie wersje" dla metod, które działają niezależnie od wersji systemu.** - -Dla wszystkich wersji możesz wykonać również [Aktualizację z Kartridża](cart-update) (lub użyć standardowej aktualizacji systemu), aby uzyskać wyższą wersję w tej samej kolumnie, zgodnie z instrukcjami. +Wybierz odpowiednią podstronę dla swojej wersji firmware z poniższej tabeli. Pola "od" oraz "do" są włączne dla wersji. Wersja twojej konsoli jest widoczna w prawym dolnym rogu górnego ekranu System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tabela wersji - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - - - - - + - + - + - - + + - - - + + - +
OdDoOdDoAction boot9strap (2xrsa) boot9strap (Soundhax) 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)żyj metody "Wszystkie wersje"11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Wymagany kompatybilny Flashcart)


Instalacja boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Wymagana umiejętność lutowania)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/pl_PL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index d7f5a0ecc6..aed0b911b9 100644 --- a/_pages/pl_PL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Wprowadzenie (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Spis Treści" %} ### Wymagana Lektura -Wybierz odpowiednią podstronę dla swojej wersji firmware z poniższej tabeli. Pola "od" oraz "do" są włączne dla wersji. To oznacza, przykładowo, iż wiersz "od 9.0.0 do 9.2.0" zawiera wersje firmware 9.0.0, 9.1.0 oraz 9.2.0. - -Ostatnie dwie kolumny tabeli dotyczą ostatniego numeru twojej wersji softu (która odpowiada wersji wbudowanej przeglądarki internetowej). Jeżeli ta wersja to -0 znaczy to, że nie posiadasz przeglądarki, każda cyfra powyżej -0 oznacza zainstalowaną przeglądarkę internetową. - -Na przykładzie wersji "5.0.0-0U": wziąłbyś pod uwagę kolumnę "Brak przeglądarki" oraz wiersz "5.0.0 do 5.1.0" ponieważ konsola ma wersję softu zawierającą się w tym przedziale i nie ma na niej przeglądarki. - -**Jeśli nie możesz wykonać instrukcji odpowiadających konkretnej wersji z powodu niespełnienia wymagań, powinieneś zobaczyć wiersz "Wszystkie wersje" dla metod, które działają niezależnie od wersji systemu.** - -Dla wszystkich wersji możesz wykonać również [Aktualizację z Kartridża](cart-update) (lub użyć standardowej aktualizacji systemu), aby uzyskać wyższą wersję w tej samej kolumnie, zgodnie z instrukcjami. +Wybierz odpowiednią podstronę dla swojej wersji firmware z poniższej tabeli. Pola "od" oraz "do" są włączne dla wersji. Wersja twojej konsoli jest widoczna w prawym dolnym rogu górnego ekranu System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tabela wersji @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Wersja twojej konsoli jest widoczna w prawym dolnym rogu górnego ekranu System - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
Od DoBrak przeglądarkiPrzeglądarkaActionżyj metody "Wszystkie wersje"żyj metody "Wszystkie wersje"Installing boot9strap (2xrsa)żyj metody "Wszystkie wersje" boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)żyj metody "Wszystkie wersje"Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Wymagany kompatybilny Flashcart)


Instalacja boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Wymagana umiejętność lutowania)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/get-started.txt b/_pages/pl_PL/get-started.txt index 5d3ff3c3dd..7366fea39e 100644 --- a/_pages/pl_PL/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Wprowadzenie" ### Wymagana Lektura -Wybierz odpowiednią podstronę dla swojej wersji firmware z poniższej tabeli. Pola "od" oraz "do" są włączne dla wersji. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Wersja twojej konsoli jest widoczna w prawym dolnym rogu górnego ekranu System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**Jeśli nie możesz wykonać instrukcji odpowiadających konkretnej wersji z powodu niespełnienia wymagań, zaktualizuj system do najnowszej wersji, lub spójrz na wiersz "Wszystkie wersje" dla metod, które działają niezależnie od wersji systemu.** - -Dla wszystkich wersji możesz wykonać również [Aktualizację z Kartridża](cart-update) (lub użyć standardowej aktualizacji systemu), aby uzyskać wyższą wersję w tej samej kolumnie, zgodnie z instrukcjami. - -Jeżeli przerobiłeś już wcześniej swojego 3DSa i masz obecnie konfigurację CFW z EmuNAND, wykonuj następne kroki używając SysNAND. Zastąp wszystkie pliki, które już istnieją. Twoje dane zostaną przeniesione z EmuNAND do twojej nowej instalacji B9S. Jeśli używasz menuhax, powinieneś [wyczyścić dodatkowe dane Home Menu](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata), aby usunąć je przed rozpoczęciem. - -Ta strona jest na instrukcje jak zainstalować boot9strap na 3DS-ie lub 2DS-ie korzystającym z oryginalnego oprogramowania układowego. Jeżeli już masz zainstalowany arm9loaderhax i szukasz aktualizacji do boot9strap, zobacz [A9LH do B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Przed rozpoczęciem, użytkownicy Windowsa powinni włączyć opcje pokazywania rozszerzeń plików [Rozszerzenia Plików (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Zanim rozpoczniesz, zastanów się nad sprawdzeniem swojej karty SD pod kątem błędów, przy użyciu programu [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), lub [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Tabela wersji - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
OdDoAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt index 87003f3d9b..08e8775073 100644 --- a/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa).txt @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ title: "Instalacja boot9strap (2xrsa)" 1. Włóż kartę SD do komputera 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Stwórz folder o nazwie `boot9strap` w katalogu głównym karty SD -1. Skopiuj `boot9strap.firm` i `boot9strap.firm.sha` z boot9strap `.zip` do folderu `/boot9strap/` na karcie SD +1. Skopiuj `boot9strap.firm` i `boot9strap.firm.sha` z boot9strap `.zip` do folderu `boot9strap` na karcie SD 1. Skopiuj `arm9.bin` oraz `arm11.bin` z SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` do katalogu głównego karty SD ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-2xrsa-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index c89bf8aae5..0caa352771 100644 --- a/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Instalacja boot9strap (Przeglądarka)" {% include toc title="Spis Treści" %} +### Wymagana Lektura + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### Czego Potrzebujesz +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * Najnowszej wersji [SafeB9SInstaller]( * Najnowszej wersji [boot9strap]( *(standardowa instalacja; nie `devkit` czy plik `ntr`)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instrukcje @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Instalacja boot9strap (Przeglądarka)" 1. Wyłącz konsolę 1. Włóż kartę SD do komputera +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Stwórz folder o nazwie `boot9strap` w katalogu głównym karty SD -1. Skopiuj `boot9strap.firm` i `boot9strap.firm.sha` z boot9strap `.zip` do folderu `/boot9strap/` na karcie SD -1. Skopiuj `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` oraz `Launcher.dat` z SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` do katalogu głównego karty SD - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Włóż ponownie kartę SD do konsoli 1. Włącz konsolę #### Sekcja II - Uruchamianie SafeB9SInstaller -1. Otwórz przeglądarkę internetową na swojej konsoli, a następnie przejdź do jednego z następujących adresów URL - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Pamiętaj aby wypróbować każdy z adresów jeśli pierwszy nie działa (na niektórych wersjach nie działa pierwszy, a na niektórych pozostałe dwa) +1. Włącz konsolę +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + Jeśli pojawi się błąd, [przejdź do rozwiązywania problemów](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. Jeśli operacja zakończyła się pomyślnie, uruchomi się SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Instalacja boot9strap (Przeglądarka)" 1. Użyj przycisku (A) oraz D-Pada aby zaznaczyć: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Naciśnij (Start) aby zapisać zmiany i uruchomić konsolę ponownie - + Jeśli wyświetli się błąd po prostu kontynuuj ___ diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..728e039e66 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Spis Treści" %} + +### Wymagana Lektura + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### Czego Potrzebujesz + +* Najnowszej wersji [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* Najnowszej wersji [boot9strap]( *(standardowa instalacja; nie `devkit` czy plik `ntr`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instrukcje + +#### Sekcja I - Przygotowanie +1. Wyłącz konsolę +1. Włóż kartę SD do komputera +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Stwórz folder o nazwie `boot9strap` w katalogu głównym karty SD +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Włóż ponownie kartę SD do konsoli +1. Włącz konsolę + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Wyłącz konsolę + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. Jeśli operacja zakończyła się pomyślnie, uruchomi się SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Poczekaj aż weryfikacja instalacji się zakończy +1. Kiedy zostaniesz poproszony, wprowadź podaną kombinację klawiszy aby zainstalować boot9strap +1. Po zakończeniu, naciśnij (A), aby ponownie uruchomić urządzenie + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Twoje urządzenie powinno uruchomić się ponownie i załadować menu konfiguracji Luma3DS + + Jeśli wyświetli się pusty czarny ekran [przejdź do rozwiązywania problemów](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Użyj przycisku (A) oraz D-Pada aby zaznaczyć: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Naciśnij (Start) aby zapisać zmiany i uruchomić konsolę ponownie + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Wyłącz konsolę + +___ + +### Kontynuuj do [Finalizowanie Instalacji](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt index 79ae8756f9..2cb66d675c 100644 --- a/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).txt @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Soundhax (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with versions 1.0 1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Stwórz folder o nazwie `boot9strap` w katalogu głównym karty SD -1. Skopiuj `boot9strap.firm` i `boot9strap.firm.sha` z boot9strap `.zip` do folderu `/boot9strap/` na karcie SD +1. Skopiuj `boot9strap.firm` i `boot9strap.firm.sha` z boot9strap `.zip` do folderu `boot9strap` na karcie SD 1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Włóż ponownie kartę SD do konsoli 1. Włącz konsolę diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f28232db83 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Spis Treści" %} + +### Wymagana Lektura + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### Czego Potrzebujesz + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* Najnowszej wersji [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* Najnowszej wersji [boot9strap]( *(standardowa instalacja; nie `devkit` czy plik `ntr`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Sekcja I - Przygotowanie + +1. Wyłącz konsolę +1. Włóż kartę SD do komputera +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Stwórz folder o nazwie `boot9strap` w katalogu głównym karty SD +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Włóż ponownie kartę SD do konsoli +1. Włącz konsolę + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Wyłącz konsolę + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + Jeśli pojawi się błąd, [przejdź do rozwiązywania problemów](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. Jeśli operacja zakończyła się pomyślnie, uruchomi się SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Poczekaj aż weryfikacja instalacji się zakończy +1. Kiedy zostaniesz poproszony, wprowadź podaną kombinację klawiszy aby zainstalować boot9strap +1. Po zakończeniu, naciśnij (A), aby ponownie uruchomić urządzenie + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Twoje urządzenie powinno uruchomić się ponownie i załadować menu konfiguracji Luma3DS + + Jeśli wyświetli się pusty czarny ekran [przejdź do rozwiązywania problemów](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Użyj przycisku (A) oraz D-Pada aby zaznaczyć: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Naciśnij (Start) aby zapisać zmiany i uruchomić konsolę ponownie + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Wyłącz konsolę + +___ + +### Kontynuuj do [Finalizowanie Instalacji](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/pl_PL/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/pl_PL/site-navigation.txt index 65a5c8cf6c..0c09439ebc 100644 --- a/_pages/pl_PL/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/pl_PL/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizowanie Instalacji](finalizing-setup) + [Instalacja boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Wprowadzenie](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [Używanie GodMode9](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Strona główna](/pl_PL) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Instalacja boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Instalacja boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Instalacja boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Przenoszenie EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index b077f562fa..39515530f2 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Começar (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} -### Leitura Obrigatória +### Required Reading -Selecione a página correspondente à sua versão na tabela abaixo. Note que os campos "de" e "para" são inclusivos. Isso significa que, por exemplo, a linha "de 9.0.0 para 9.2.0" inclui o 9.0.0, 9.1.0 e 9.2.0. - -Além disso, observe que o último número da versão do seu sistema (que é precedida por um traço) refere-se a versão do seu navegador. Atualmente, a versão do navegador é irrelevante para o New 3DS neste guia. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Selecione a página correspondente à sua versão na tabela abaixo. Note que os campos "de" e "para" são inclusivos. A versão do seu dispositivo pode ser encontrada no canto inferior direito da tela superior na Confirguração do Console. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
DeParaDeParaAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requer um flashcart compatível)


Instalando boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requer soldagem)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 7d9248045a..1082a38ada 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Começar (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} -### Leitura Obrigatória +### Required Reading -Selecione a página correspondente à sua versão na tabela abaixo. Note que os campos "de" e "para" são inclusivos. Isso significa que, por exemplo, a linha "de 9.0.0 para 9.2.0" inclui o 9.0.0, 9.1.0 e 9.2.0. - -Além disso, observe que as duas últimas colunas do gráfico referem-se ao último número de sua versão (que corresponde à versão do navegador instalada no sistema). Se a versão for -0, então você não tem um navegador, enquanto que qualquer número acima de -0 indica que um navegador está instalado. - -No caso da versão "5.0.0-0U" por exemplo, você seguiria a coluna "Sem Navegador" e a linha 5.0.0 a 5.1.0 porque o sistema está na versão do sistema nesse intervalo e não possui navegador instalado. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Selecione a página correspondente à sua versão na tabela abaixo. Note que os campos "de" e "para" são inclusivos. A versão do seu dispositivo pode ser encontrada no canto inferior direito da tela superior na Confirguração do Console. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ A versão do seu dispositivo pode ser encontrada no canto inferior direito da te - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
De ParaSem NavegadorCom NavegadorAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requer um flashcart compatível)


Instalando boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requer soldagem)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/get-started.txt b/_pages/pt_BR/get-started.txt index 47ce415e13..943cd1cd97 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Começar" ### Required Reading -Selecione a página correspondente à sua versão na tabela abaixo. Note que os campos "de" e "para" são inclusivos. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -A versão do seu dispositivo pode ser encontrada no canto inferior direito da tela superior na Confirguração do Console. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Se você já hackeou seu 3DS antes e tem uma instalação de CFW que faz uso de uma EmuNAND, basta seguir todas as instruções na SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -Esta página é para instruções de como instalar boot9strap em um 3DS ou 2DS *sem modificações*. Se você já tem o arm9loaderhax instalado e deseja atualizar para boot9strap, siga [Atualizando para B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Antes de começar, usuários de Windows devem habilitar a opção para exibir extensões de arquivos usando [Extensões de Arquivos (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Antes de iniciar, você pode querer verificar se o seu cartão SD possui erros utilizando [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), ou [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
DeParaAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index f0fa911595..510b92fd66 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (Navegador)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (Navegador)" 1. Desligue seu dispositivo 1. Insira o cartão SD no seu computador +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Crie uma pasta chamada `boot9strap` na raiz do seu cartão SD -1. Copie os arquivos `boot9strap.firm` e `boot9strap.firm.sha` do `.zip` do boot9strap para a pasta `/boot9strap/` no seu cartão SD -1. Copie `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` e `Launcher.dat` do `.zip` do SafeB9SInstaller para a raiz de seu cartão SD - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsira seu cartão SD no seu dispositivo 1. Ligue o seu dispositivo #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Inicie o navegador e vá para uma das seguintes URLs no seu dispositivo - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Ligue o seu dispositivo +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. Se o exploit tiver sucesso, você terá entrado no SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Instalando boot9strap (Navegador)" 1. Use o botão (A) e os botões direcionais para ativar o seguinte: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Aperte (Start) para salvar e reiniciar - + Se você receber um erro, apenas continue a próxima página ___ diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..110b66d01f --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Desligue seu dispositivo +1. Insira o cartão SD no seu computador +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Crie uma pasta chamada `boot9strap` na raiz do seu cartão SD +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsira seu cartão SD no seu dispositivo +1. Ligue o seu dispositivo + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Desligue seu dispositivo + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. Se o exploit tiver sucesso, você terá entrado no SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Espere todos as verificações de segurança finalizarem +1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões solicitada para instalar o boot9strap +1. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Seu dispositivo deve ter reiniciado no menu de configuração de Luma3DS + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use o botão (A) e os botões direcionais para ativar o seguinte: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Aperte (Start) para salvar e reiniciar + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Desligue seu dispositivo + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d53cd131d3 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Desligue seu dispositivo +1. Insira o cartão SD no seu computador +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Crie uma pasta chamada `boot9strap` na raiz do seu cartão SD +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsira seu cartão SD no seu dispositivo +1. Ligue o seu dispositivo + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Desligue seu dispositivo + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. Se o exploit tiver sucesso, você terá entrado no SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Espere todos as verificações de segurança finalizarem +1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões solicitada para instalar o boot9strap +1. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Seu dispositivo deve ter reiniciado no menu de configuração de Luma3DS + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use o botão (A) e os botões direcionais para ativar o seguinte: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Aperte (Start) para salvar e reiniciar + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Desligue seu dispositivo + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/pt_BR/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/pt_BR/site-navigation.txt index d65d980d73..d8bb27c763 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_BR/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/pt_BR/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizando a instalação](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Começar](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/pt_BR/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Instalando boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Mover EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/pt_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/pt_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index fd822822cd..4117cfacfa 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_PT/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Leitura Obrigatória -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromAtéAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/pt_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/pt_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index febd9d401a..1a5bae51cb 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_PT/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Leitura Obrigatória -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From AtéNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/pt_PT/get-started.txt b/_pages/pt_PT/get-started.txt index 8c720e91e9..1cc41fe0d6 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_PT/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/pt_PT/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Leitura Obrigatória -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Se já tiveres hackeado a tua 3DS e tiveres um sistema CFW baseado em EmuNAND, segue todas as instruções na SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Antes de começar, pode ser boa ideia verificar se o teu cartão SD tem erros, com o [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), o [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), ou o [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromAtéAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..8f11eec81c 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Leitura Obrigatória + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e3dc3f580f --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Leitura Obrigatória + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d8086b9c83 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/pt_PT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Leitura Obrigatória + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/pt_PT/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/pt_PT/site-navigation.txt index 1121c62bcb..7fa5f067b2 100644 --- a/_pages/pt_PT/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/pt_PT/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Começar](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/ro_RO/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/ro_RO/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a859d28f9e..12798ab3a1 100644 --- a/_pages/ro_RO/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ro_RO/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Începeți (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Cuprins" %} ### Lectură obligatorie -Alegeți pagina corespunzătore versiunii dumneavoastră din tabelul de mai jos. Țineți cont cum câmpurile "de la" și "până la" sunt inclusiv. Asta înseamnă că, de exemplu, rândul "de la 9.0.0 până la 9.2.0" cuprinde 9.0.0, 9.1.0, și 9.2.0. - -În plus, țineți cont că ultimul număr al versiunii sistemului dumneavoastră (care este precedat de o linie) se referă la versiunea browserului. În prezent, versiunea de browser este irelevantă pentru New 3DS în acest ghid. - -**Dacă nu puteți să urmați toate instrucțiunile corespunzătoare versiunii specifice din cauza lipsei de cerințe, atunci ar trebui să vedeți rândul "Toate Versiunile" pentru metode care funcționează indiferent de versiunea de sistem.** - -Pentru toate versiunile puteți de asemenea face [actualizare cu cardul de joc](cart-update) (sau să faceți o actualizare de sistem obișnuită) spre o versiune superioară din aceeași coloană pentru a urma instrucțiunile. +Alegeți pagina corespunzătore versiunii dumneavoastră din tabelul de mai jos. Țineți cont cum câmpurile "de la" și "până la" sunt inclusiv. Versiunea dispozitvului poate fi găsit în colțul din dreapta jos al ecranului superior din System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tabel de versiuni - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
De laPână laDe laPână laAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax)ți o metodă pentru "Toate versiunile"11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)ând boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Necesită un flashcart compatibil)


Instalând boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Necesită sudură)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/ro_RO/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/ro_RO/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index f7343fa7bf..807fc98eba 100644 --- a/_pages/ro_RO/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ro_RO/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Începeți (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Cuprins" %} ### Lectură obligatorie -Alegeți pagina corespunzătore versiunii dumneavoastră din tabelul de mai jos. Țineți cont cum câmpurile "de la" și "până la" sunt inclusiv. Asta înseamnă că, de exemplu, rândul "de la 9.0.0 până la 9.2.0" cuprinde 9.0.0, 9.1.0, și 9.2.0. - -În plus, țineţi cont că ultimele două coloane ale tabelului se referă la ultimul număr al versiunii (care corespunde versiunii browserului instalat pe dispozitiv). Dacă versiunea este -0 atunci nu aveți un browser, în timp ce orice alt număr mai mare decât -0 arată că aveți browser instalat. - -În cazul versiunii "5.0.0-0U" de exemplu, urmăriți coloana "Fără Browser" și rândul 5.0.0 până la 5.1.0 din cauza că sistemul este pe o versiune din acel interval și nu are browserul instalat. - -**Dacă nu puteți să urmați toate instrucțiunile corespunzătoare versiunii specifice din cauza lipsei de cerințe, atunci ar trebui să vedeți rândul "Toate Versiunile" pentru metode care funcționează indiferent de versiunea de sistem.** - -Pentru toate versiunile puteți de asemenea face [actualizare cu un card de joc](cart-update) (sau să faceți o actualizare de sistem obișnuită) spre o versiune superioară din aceeași coloană pentru a urma instrucțiunile. +Alegeți pagina corespunzătore versiunii dumneavoastră din tabelul de mai jos. Țineți cont cum câmpurile "de la" și "până la" sunt inclusiv. Versiunea dispozitvului poate fi găsit în colțul din dreapta jos al ecranului superior din System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Tabel de versiuni @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Versiunea dispozitvului poate fi găsit în colțul din dreapta jos al ecranului - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
De la Până laFără BrowserCu BrowserActionți o metodă pentru "Toate versiunile"ți o metodă pentru "Toate versiunile"Installing boot9strap (2xrsa)ți o metodă pentru "Toate versiunile" boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0 Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)ți o metodă pentru "Toate versiunile"Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)ând boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Necesită un flashcart compatibil)


Instalând boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Necesită sudură)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/ro_RO/get-started.txt b/_pages/ro_RO/get-started.txt index faff635935..b4531f45b8 100644 --- a/_pages/ro_RO/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/ro_RO/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Începeți" ### Lectură obligatorie -Alegeți pagina corespunzătore versiunii dumneavoastră din tabelul de mai jos. Țineți cont cum câmpurile "de la" și "până la" sunt inclusiv. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Versiunea dispozitvului poate fi găsit în colțul din dreapta jos al ecranului superior din System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**Dacă nu puteți să urmați toate instrucțiunile corespunzătoare versiunii specifice din cauza lipsei de cerințe, atunci ar trebui să actualizați spre ultima versiune sau să folosiți rândul "Toate Versiunile" pentru metode care funcționează indiferent de versiunea de sistem.** - -Pentru toate versiunile puteți de asemenea face [actualizare cu un card de joc](cart-update) (sau să faceți o actualizare de sistem obișnuită) spre o versiune superioară din aceeași coloană pentru a urma instrucțiunile. - -Dacă v-ați modat deja 3DS-ul înainte și aveți instalat un CFW bazat pe EmuNAND, urmați toate instrucțiunile în SysNAND. Înlocuiţi orice fişiere care există deja. Datele dumneavoastră vor fi transferate de pe EmuNAND pe noua instalare de B9S la sfărșit. Dacă folosiți menuhax, ar trebui să [curățați exdata-ul meniului Home](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) pentru a-l elimina înainte de a începe. - -Această pagină este pentru instrucţiuni despre cum să instalaţi boot9strap pe un 3DS sau 2DS din *stoc*. Dacă aveţi deja arm9loaderhax instalat şi vreți să actualizați către boot9strap, urmaţi [A9LH către B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Înainte să începeți, utilizatorii de Windows ar trebui să activeze opțiunea de a arăta extensiile de fișier folosind [Extensii de fișier (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Înainte să începeți, este de dorit să vă verificați cardul SD pentru erori folosind [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), sau [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Tabel de versiuni - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
De laPână laAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index ea804a3781..054f745e09 100644 --- a/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Instalând boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Cuprins" %} +### Lectură obligatorie + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### Ce aveți nevoie +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * Cea mai nouă versiune de [SafeB9SInstaller]( * Cea mai nouă versiune de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap standard; nu fișierul `devkit`, nici cel `ntr`)* -* Cea mai recentă versiune de [Luma3DS] ( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instrucțiuni @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Instalând boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Închideți dispozitivul 1. Introduceți cardul SD în calculator +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copiați `boot.firm` și `boot.3dsx` de la Luma3DS `.zip` pe rădăcina cardului SD 1. Creați un folder numit 'boot9strap' pe rădăcina cardului SD -1. Copiați `boot9strap.firm` și `boot9strap.firm.sha` din arhiva `.zip` boot9strap în folderul `/boot9strap/` de pe cardul SD -1. Copiați `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` și `Launcher.dat` din arhiva `.zip` SafeB9SInstaller în rădăcina cardului SD - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reintroduceți cardul SD în dispozitivul dumneavoastră 1. Porniți dispozitivul #### Secțiunea II - Lansând SafeB9SInstaller -1. Porniți browserul și mergeți la una dintre următoarele URL-uri pe dispozitivul dumneavoastră - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Asigurați-vă că încercați fiecare URL dacă primul nu funcționează (unele versiuni nu îl pot folosi pe primul, iar altele nu le pot folosi pe ultimele două) +1. Porniți dispozitivul +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + Dacă primiți o eroare, [urmați acest ghid de depanare](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. Dacă exploit-ul a avut succes, veți porni în SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Instalând boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Folosiți butonul (A) si D-Pad-ul ca să activați următoarele: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Apăsați (Start) pentru a salva și reporni - + Dacă primiţi o eroare, doar continuați spre pagina următoare ___ diff --git a/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..63623ae24a --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Cuprins" %} + +### Lectură obligatorie + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### Ce aveți nevoie + +* Cea mai nouă versiune de [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* Cea mai nouă versiune de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap standard; nu fișierul `devkit`, nici cel `ntr`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instrucțiuni + +#### Secțiunea I - Preparații +1. Închideți dispozitivul +1. Introduceți cardul SD în calculator +1. Copiați `boot.firm` și `boot.3dsx` de la Luma3DS `.zip` pe rădăcina cardului SD +1. Creați un folder numit 'boot9strap' pe rădăcina cardului SD +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reintroduceți cardul SD în dispozitivul dumneavoastră +1. Porniți dispozitivul + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Închideți dispozitivul + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. Dacă exploit-ul a avut succes, veți porni în SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Așteptaţi ca toate verificările de siguranță să fie completate +1. Când vi se solicită, introduceți combinația de butoane ca să instalați boot9strap +1. Odată terminat, apăsați (A) pentru a reporni dispozitivul + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Dispozitivul dumneavoastră ar trebui să fi repornit în meniul de configurare Luma3DS + + Dacă vedeți un ecran negru [urmați acest ghid de depanare](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Folosiți butonul (A) si D-Pad-ul ca să activați următoarele: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Apăsați (Start) pentru a salva și reporni + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Închideți dispozitivul + +___ + +### Continuați la [Finalizând instalarea](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..ebc9496b97 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ro_RO/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Cuprins" %} + +### Lectură obligatorie + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### Ce aveți nevoie + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* Cea mai nouă versiune de [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* Cea mai nouă versiune de [boot9strap]( *(boot9strap standard; nu fișierul `devkit`, nici cel `ntr`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Secțiunea I - Preparații + +1. Închideți dispozitivul +1. Introduceți cardul SD în calculator +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copiați `boot.firm` și `boot.3dsx` de la Luma3DS `.zip` pe rădăcina cardului SD +1. Creați un folder numit 'boot9strap' pe rădăcina cardului SD +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reintroduceți cardul SD în dispozitivul dumneavoastră +1. Porniți dispozitivul + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Închideți dispozitivul + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + Dacă primiți o eroare, [urmați acest ghid de depanare](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. Dacă exploit-ul a avut succes, veți porni în SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Așteptaţi ca toate verificările de siguranță să fie completate +1. Când vi se solicită, introduceți combinația de butoane ca să instalați boot9strap +1. Odată terminat, apăsați (A) pentru a reporni dispozitivul + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Dispozitivul dumneavoastră ar trebui să fi repornit în meniul de configurare Luma3DS + + Dacă vedeți un ecran negru [urmați acest ghid de depanare](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Folosiți butonul (A) si D-Pad-ul ca să activați următoarele: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Apăsați (Start) pentru a salva și reporni + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Închideți dispozitivul + +___ + +### Continuați la [Finalizând instalarea](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/ro_RO/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/ro_RO/site-navigation.txt index 9cc4acbd18..83aa255b5b 100644 --- a/_pages/ro_RO/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/ro_RO/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizând instalarea](finalizing-setup) + [Instalând boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Începeți](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [Folosind GodMode9](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Acasă](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Instalând boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Instalând boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Instalând boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Instalând boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Mutare EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/ru_RU/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/ru_RU/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 8f6606ddbc..1df1a637df 100644 --- a/_pages/ru_RU/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ru_RU/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Начало (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Содержание" %} ### Обязательно к прочтению -Выберите подходящую для вашей версии страницу из таблицы ниже. Обратите внимание, что столбцы "С" и "По" обозначают границы диапазона. Это означает, к примеру, что диапазон "с 9.0.0 по 9.2.0" включает в себя 9.0.0, 9.1.0 и 9.2.0. - -Кроме того, последнее число вашей версии прошивки (после тире) относится к версии браузера. В настоящее время версия браузера не имеет значения для New 3DS в данном руководстве. - -**Если вы не можете следовать инструкциям для конкретной версии из-за невыполненных предварительных условий, обратите внимание на строку "Все версии". Эти методы работают вне зависимости от версии прошивки.** - -Любую версию прошивки можно обновить на более высокую из этой же колонки [с помощью картриджа](cart-update) (или выполнив Обновление системы), и после этого продолжить выполнять инструкцию. +Выберите подходящую для вашей версии страницу из таблицы ниже. Обратите внимание, что столбцы "С" и "По" обозначают границы диапазона. Версия программного обеспечения отображается в правом нижнем углу верхнего экрана в приложении Системные настройки (System settings). ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Таблица версий - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - - - - - + - + - + - - + + - - - + + - +
СПоСПоActionУстановка boot9strap (2xrsa)Установка boot9strap (Soundhax) 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)Используйте метод "Все версии"11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)Установка boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Требуется совместимый флешкартридж)


Установка boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Требуется пайка)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/ru_RU/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/ru_RU/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index c47b7e0b89..17274c948f 100644 --- a/_pages/ru_RU/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/ru_RU/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Начало (Old 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="Содержание" %} ### Обязательно к прочтению -Выберите подходящую для вашей версии страницу из таблицы ниже. Обратите внимание, что столбцы "С" и "По" обозначают границы диапазона. Это означает, к примеру, что диапазон "с 9.0.0 по 9.2.0" включает в себя 9.0.0, 9.1.0 и 9.2.0. - -Кроме того, два последних столбца относятся к последнему числу версии прошивки вашего устройства (которая обозначает версию установленного в системе браузера). Если версия оканчивается на -0, значит, у вас отсутствует браузер, любое другое число больше 0 говорит о том, что браузер установлен. - -Например, если у вас версия прошивки "5.0.0-0E", необходимо выбрать ячейку на пересечении колонки "Без браузера" и ряда "С 5.0.0 по 5.1.0" так как версия системы находится в этом диапазоне и в системе не установлен браузер. - -**Если вы не можете следовать инструкциям для конкретной версии из-за невыполненных предварительных условий, обратите внимание на строку "Все версии". Эти методы работают вне зависимости от версии прошивки.** - -Любую версию прошивки можно обновить на более высокую из этой же колонки [с помощью картриджа](cart-update) (или выполнив Обновление системы), и после этого продолжить выполнять инструкцию. +Выберите подходящую для вашей версии страницу из таблицы ниже. Обратите внимание, что столбцы "С" и "По" обозначают границы диапазона. Версия программного обеспечения отображается в правом нижнем углу верхнего экрана в приложении Системные настройки (System settings). ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Таблица версий @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ title: "Начало (Old 3DS)" - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
С ПоБез браузераС браузеромActionИспользуйте метод "Все версии"Используйте метод "Все версии"Установка boot9strap (2xrsa)Используйте метод "Все версии"Установка boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)Используйте метод "Все версии"Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)Установка boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Требуется совместимый флешкартридж)


Установка boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Требуется пайка)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/ru_RU/get-started.txt b/_pages/ru_RU/get-started.txt index aa2df07c88..6550597e71 100644 --- a/_pages/ru_RU/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/ru_RU/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Начало" ### Обязательно к прочтению -Выберите подходящую для вашей версии страницу из таблицы ниже. Обратите внимание, что столбцы "С" и "По" обозначают границы диапазона. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Версия программного обеспечения отображается в правом нижнем углу верхнего экрана в приложении Системные настройки (System settings). - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**Если вы не можете следовать инструкциям для конкретной версии из-за невыполненных предварительных условий, обновитесь до последней версии либо обратите внимание на строку "Все версии". Эти методы работают вне зависимости от версии прошивки.** - -Любую версию прошивки можно обновить на более высокую из этой же колонки [с помощью картриджа](cart-update) (или выполнив Обновление системы), и после этого продолжить выполнять инструкцию. - -Если вы уже взламывали вашу 3DS ранее и использовали кастомную прошивку на основе EmuNAND, следуйте инструкциям, находясь на SysNAND. Заменяйте любые существующие файлы. В конце все ваши данные будут перенесены из EmuNAND в SysNAND с B9S. Если вы используете menuhax, вы должны [очистить данные меню HOME](troubleshooting#очистка-данных-меню-home), чтобы удалить menuhax перед тем, как начать. - -Эта страница содержит инструкции по установке boot9strap на *не взломанную* 3DS или 2DS. Если у вас уже установлен arm9loaderhax, и вы хотите обновиться до boot9strap, следуйте инструкциям в разделе [с A9LH до B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Перед началом, пользователям Windows необходимо включить отображение расширений файлов следуя [Расширения файлов (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Прежде чем начать, рекомендуется проверить свою SD-карту на ошибки с помощью [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), или [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Таблица версий - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
СПоAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 0f4e4c3491..de0855cb87 100644 --- a/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Установка boot9strap (Браузер)" {% include toc title="Содержание" %} +### Обязательно к прочтению + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### Что понадобится +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * Свежая версия [SafeB9SInstaller]( * Свежая версия [boot9strap]( *(стандартный boot9strap; не `devkit-файл`, не `ntr-файл`)* -* Свежая версия [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Инструкция @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Установка boot9strap (Браузер)" 1. Выключите консоль 1. Вставьте SD-карту в компьютер +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Скопируйте файлы `boot.firm` и `boot.3dsx` из `.zip-архива` Luma3DS в корень SD-карты 1. Создайте папку `boot9strap` в корне SD-карты -1. Скопируйте `boot9strap.firm` и `boot9strap.firm.sha` из `.zip-архива` boot9strap в папку `/boot9strap/` в корне SD-карты -1. Скопируйте `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` и `Launcher.dat` из `.zip-ахрива` SafeB9SInstaller в корень SD-карты - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Вставьте SD-карту обратно в консоль 1. Включите консоль #### Часть II - Запуск SafeB9SInstaller -1. Запустите браузер на консоли и перейдите по одной из следующих ссылок - + `` - + `` - + `` - + В случае, если первая ссылка не сработала, попробуйте все остальные (некоторое консоли не могут использовать первую ссылку, в то время как другие не могут использовать последние две) +1. Включите консоль +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + При возникновении ошибки, обратитесь к разделу [Проблемы и их решения](troubleshooting#не-работает-эксплойт-на-основе-браузера) 1. Если эксплойт сработал, запустится SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Установка boot9strap (Браузер)" 1. Нажимая (A) выберите следующие пункты: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Нажмите (Start), чтобы сохранить настройки и перезагрузиться - + Если появляется ошибка, просто переходите к следующей странице ___ diff --git a/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..3118a17ec6 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Содержание" %} + +### Обязательно к прочтению + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). Если вам нужна помощь в этом деле, зайдите на сервер [Nintendo Homebrew в Discord]( и попросите (на английском языке) вам помочь. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### Что понадобится + +* Свежая версия [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* Свежая версия [boot9strap]( *(стандартный boot9strap; не `devkit-файл`, не `ntr-файл`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Инструкция + +#### Часть I - Подготовительные работы +1. Выключите консоль +1. Вставьте SD-карту в компьютер +1. Скопируйте файлы `boot.firm` и `boot.3dsx` из `.zip-архива` Luma3DS в корень SD-карты +1. Создайте папку `boot9strap` в корне SD-карты +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Вставьте SD-карту обратно в консоль +1. Включите консоль + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Выключите консоль + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Нажмите "OK" чтобы начать обновление + + Обновления не будет. Это часть эксплойта +1. Нажмите "Я принимаю" чтобы принять условия + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. Если эксплойт сработал, запустится SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Дождитесь окончания всех проверок безопасности +1. При появлении запроса, введите указанную комбинацию кнопок для установки boot9strap +1. После завершения процесса, нажмите (A) для перезагрузки + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Ваша консоль должна перезагрузиться в меню конфигурации Luma3DS + + Если экран остаётся чёрным, обратитесь к разделу [Проблемы и их решения](troubleshooting#черный-экран-при-загрузке-sysnand-после-установки-boot9strap) +1. Нажимая (A) выберите следующие пункты: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Нажмите (Start), чтобы сохранить настройки и перезагрузиться + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Выключите консоль + +___ + +### Следующий шаг: [Завершение установки](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..15e900cc3a --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/ru_RU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Содержание" %} + +### Обязательно к прочтению + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### Что понадобится + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* Свежая версия [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* Свежая версия [boot9strap]( *(стандартный boot9strap; не `devkit-файл`, не `ntr-файл`)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Часть I - Подготовительные работы + +1. Выключите консоль +1. Вставьте SD-карту в компьютер +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Скопируйте файлы `boot.firm` и `boot.3dsx` из `.zip-архива` Luma3DS в корень SD-карты +1. Создайте папку `boot9strap` в корне SD-карты +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Вставьте SD-карту обратно в консоль +1. Включите консоль + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Выключите консоль + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + При возникновении ошибки, обратитесь к разделу [Проблемы и их решения](troubleshooting#не-работает-эксплойт-на-основе-браузера) +1. Если эксплойт сработал, запустится SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Дождитесь окончания всех проверок безопасности +1. При появлении запроса, введите указанную комбинацию кнопок для установки boot9strap +1. После завершения процесса, нажмите (A) для перезагрузки + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Ваша консоль должна перезагрузиться в меню конфигурации Luma3DS + + Если экран остаётся чёрным, обратитесь к разделу [Проблемы и их решения](troubleshooting#черный-экран-при-загрузке-sysnand-после-установки-boot9strap) +1. Нажимая (A) выберите следующие пункты: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Нажмите (Start), чтобы сохранить настройки и перезагрузиться + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Выключите консоль + +___ + +### Следующий шаг: [Завершение установки](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/ru_RU/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/ru_RU/site-navigation.txt index cb5f60fe1b..afcc2951c9 100644 --- a/_pages/ru_RU/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/ru_RU/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Завершение установки](finalizing-setup) + [Установка boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Начало](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [Использование GodMode9](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Главная](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Установка boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Установка boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Установка boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Установка boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Перенос EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/sv_SE/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/sv_SE/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a356bbb8ee..99c63cfa26 100644 --- a/_pages/sv_SE/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/sv_SE/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -4,65 +4,62 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} -### Required Reading +### Obligatorisk läsning -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/sv_SE/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/sv_SE/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fc9ad47a9..9c6a5415d5 100644 --- a/_pages/sv_SE/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/sv_SE/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -4,23 +4,29 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} -### Required Reading +### Obligatorisk läsning -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/sv_SE/get-started.txt b/_pages/sv_SE/get-started.txt index 81ae823806..56b6c13aa9 100644 --- a/_pages/sv_SE/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/sv_SE/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ titel: ”Kom igång” ### Obligatorisk läsning -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Om du redan har hackat din 3Ds och har en EmuNAND-baserad konfiguration med CFW så följ alla instruktioner medan du är på SysNAND. Ersätt alla filer som redan finns. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -Denna sida är för instruktioner om hur du installerar boot9strap till en 3DS eller 2DS *Ofw*. Om du redan har arm9loaderhax installerad och funderar på att uppdatera till boot9strap, följ [A9LH till B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Innan du börjar, bör Windows-användare aktivera alternativet att Visa filändelser [filändelser (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Innan du börjar så bör du söka igenom ditt SD-kort efter fel med [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), eller [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 95adc19753..a174f92538 100644 --- a/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Obligatorisk läsning + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Stäng av din enhet 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Sätt tillbaka ditt SD-kort i din enhet 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c44d01fa68 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Obligatorisk läsning + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Stäng av din enhet +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Sätt tillbaka ditt SD-kort i din enhet +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Stäng av din enhet + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Stäng av din enhet + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5e4a0072d0 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/sv_SE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Obligatorisk läsning + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Stäng av din enhet +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Sätt tillbaka ditt SD-kort i din enhet +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Stäng av din enhet + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Stäng av din enhet + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/sv_SE/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/sv_SE/site-navigation.txt index 478de439bf..f9c79294c3 100644 --- a/_pages/sv_SE/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/sv_SE/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Slutför installationen](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Kom igång](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Hem](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installera boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installera boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Flytta EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/th_TH/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/th_TH/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a356bbb8ee..0b3ac65542 100644 --- a/_pages/th_TH/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/th_TH/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/th_TH/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/th_TH/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fc9ad47a9..fc438fb876 100644 --- a/_pages/th_TH/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/th_TH/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/th_TH/get-started.txt b/_pages/th_TH/get-started.txt index 00833936df..dd06d73a0c 100644 --- a/_pages/th_TH/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/th_TH/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -If you have already hacked your 3DS before and have an EmuNAND based CFW setup, just follow all instructions while on SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..34c79d4b05 100644 --- a/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e6a3904af --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22cc8e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/th_TH/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/th_TH/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/th_TH/site-navigation.txt index dca1e3bba0..e37798217c 100644 --- a/_pages/th_TH/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/th_TH/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/tr_TR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/tr_TR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index af3a4d1780..a4de7f8572 100644 --- a/_pages/tr_TR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/tr_TR/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Okumanız Gerekli -Uygun sayfaya ulaşmak için aşağıdaki tablodan sürümünüze uyanı seçin. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Bu şu anlama gelir,örneğin, "9.0.0 'dan 9.2.0 ye kadar" sırasına 9.0.0, 9.1.0, ve 9.2.0 dahildir. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Uygun sayfaya ulaşmak için aşağıdaki tablodan sürümünüze uyanı seçin. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Cihaz versiyonu, sistem ayarlarındayken üst ekranın sağ alt kısmında görülebilir. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromTo-dan-e kadarAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/tr_TR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/tr_TR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 19461c51b9..bc784954d1 100644 --- a/_pages/tr_TR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/tr_TR/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Okumanız Gerekli -Uygun sayfaya ulaşmak için aşağıdaki tablodan sürümünüze uyanı seçin. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Bu şu anlama gelir,örneğin, "9.0.0 'dan 9.2.0 ye kadar" sırasına 9.0.0, 9.1.0, ve 9.2.0 dahildir. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). Eğer versiyon numaranız -0 ise tarayıcınız yoktur, -0 dışındaki her hangi bir numaraya sahipseniz tarayıcınız yüklüdür. - -Örneğin "5.0.0-0U" söz konusu olduğunda, "Tarayıcı yok" sütununu ve 5.0.0'dan 5.1.0'a kadar seçeneğini seçerek devam edilmesi gerekir. Çünkü sistem o versiyon aralığında ve tarayıcı yüklü değil. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Uygun sayfaya ulaşmak için aşağıdaki tablodan sürümünüze uyanı seçin. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Cihaz versiyonu, sistem ayarlarındayken üst ekranın sağ alt kısmında görülebilir. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Cihaz versiyonu, sistem ayarlarındayken üst ekranın sağ alt kısmında gör - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
-dan -e kadarTarayıcı YokTarayıcı VarAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/tr_TR/get-started.txt b/_pages/tr_TR/get-started.txt index aaf72c6f70..fc7de97fc3 100644 --- a/_pages/tr_TR/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/tr_TR/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Okumanız Gerekli -Uygun sayfaya ulaşmak için aşağıdaki tablodan sürümünüze uyanı seçin. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Cihaz versiyonu, sistem ayarlarındayken üst ekranın sağ alt kısmında görülebilir. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Eğer daha önceden 3DS cihazınızı hacklediyseniz ve EmuNAND tabanlı CFW yüklediyseniz, SysNAND bölümündeki adımları takip ediniz. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Başlamadan önce, SD kartınızı hatalara karşı kontrol edebilirsiniz. [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), ya da [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
-dan-e kadarAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 012961a361..c5154c6c85 100644 --- a/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title = "İçindekiler"%} +### Okumanız Gerekli + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Cihazınızı kapatın 1. SD kartınızı bilgisayarınıza takın +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. SD kartınızı cihazınıza tekrar takın 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Kaydedip yeniden başlatmak için (Start) basın - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..015a592615 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title = "İçindekiler"%} + +### Okumanız Gerekli + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Cihazınızı kapatın +1. SD kartınızı bilgisayarınıza takın +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. SD kartınızı cihazınıza tekrar takın +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Cihazınızı kapatın + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Kaydedip yeniden başlatmak için (Start) basın + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Cihazınızı kapatın + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..d0b4b14a58 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/tr_TR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title = "İçindekiler"%} + +### Okumanız Gerekli + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Cihazınızı kapatın +1. SD kartınızı bilgisayarınıza takın +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. SD kartınızı cihazınıza tekrar takın +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Cihazınızı kapatın + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Kaydedip yeniden başlatmak için (Start) basın + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Cihazınızı kapatın + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/tr_TR/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/tr_TR/site-navigation.txt index d2b5710917..a622d9dd98 100644 --- a/_pages/tr_TR/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/tr_TR/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Başlarken](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [EmuNAND' Taşıma](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/uk_UA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/uk_UA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a356bbb8ee..0b3ac65542 100644 --- a/_pages/uk_UA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/uk_UA/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/uk_UA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/uk_UA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fc9ad47a9..fc438fb876 100644 --- a/_pages/uk_UA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/uk_UA/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/uk_UA/get-started.txt b/_pages/uk_UA/get-started.txt index 00833936df..dd06d73a0c 100644 --- a/_pages/uk_UA/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/uk_UA/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -If you have already hacked your 3DS before and have an EmuNAND based CFW setup, just follow all instructions while on SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..34c79d4b05 100644 --- a/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e6a3904af --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22cc8e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/uk_UA/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/uk_UA/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/uk_UA/site-navigation.txt index dca1e3bba0..e37798217c 100644 --- a/_pages/uk_UA/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/uk_UA/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/vi_VN/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/vi_VN/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index a356bbb8ee..0b3ac65542 100644 --- a/_pages/vi_VN/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/vi_VN/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -6,63 +6,60 @@ title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
FromToFromToAction boot9strap (2xrsa) Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

diff --git a/_pages/vi_VN/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/vi_VN/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 8fc9ad47a9..fc438fb876 100644 --- a/_pages/vi_VN/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/vi_VN/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -6,21 +6,27 @@ title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. This means that, for example, the "from 9.0.0 to 9.2.0" row includes 9.0.0, 9.1.0, and 9.2.0. - -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). If the version is -0 then you do not have a browser, while any number above -0 indicates a browser is installed. - -In the case of "5.0.0-0U" for example, you would follow the "No Browser" column and 5.0.0 to 5.1.0 row because the system is on the a system version in that range and has no browser installed. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. +Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### Version Table @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
From ToNo BrowserBrowserAction an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax) an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (Soundhax) boot9strap (DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/vi_VN/get-started.txt b/_pages/vi_VN/get-started.txt index 00833936df..dd06d73a0c 100644 --- a/_pages/vi_VN/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/vi_VN/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "Get Started" ### Required Reading -Select the appropriate page for your version from the chart below. Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -If you have already hacked your 3DS before and have an EmuNAND based CFW setup, just follow all instructions while on SysNAND. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. - -This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -Before starting, Windows users should enable the option to show file extensions using [File Extensions (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### Version Table - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
FromToAction boot9strap (Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index 35b6370080..34c79d4b05 100644 --- a/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +### Required Reading + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### What You Need +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( * The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* -* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### Instructions @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Power off your device 1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card -1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card -1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` and `Launcher.dat` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. Reinsert your SD card into your device 1. Power on your device #### Section II - Launching SafeB9SInstaller -1. Launch the browser and go to one of the following URLs on your device - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. Power on your device +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "Installing boot9strap (Browser)" 1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 1. Press (Start) to save and reboot - + If you get an error, just continue the next page ___ diff --git a/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..9e6a3904af --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### Instructions + +#### Section I - Prep Work +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..c22cc8e900 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/vi_VN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} + +### Required Reading + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### What You Need + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* The latest release of [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* The latest release of [boot9strap]( *(standard boot9strap; not the `devkit` file, not the `ntr` file)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### Section I - Prep Work + +1. Power off your device +1. Insert your SD card into your computer +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Create a folder named `boot9strap` on the root of your SD card +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. Reinsert your SD card into your device +1. Power on your device + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + If you get an error, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. If the exploit was successful, you will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. Wait for all safety checks to complete +1. When prompted, input the key combo given to install boot9strap +1. Once it has completed, press (A) to reboot your device + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. Your device should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu + + If you get a black screen, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. Use the (A) button and the D-Pad to turn on the following: + + **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** +1. Press (Start) to save and reboot + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. Power off your device + +___ + +### Continue to [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/vi_VN/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/vi_VN/site-navigation.txt index dca1e3bba0..e37798217c 100644 --- a/_pages/vi_VN/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/vi_VN/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Finalizing Setup](finalizing-setup) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [Get Started](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [Home](/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [Installing boot9strap (MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [Installing boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/zh_CN/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index 07435110e6..61397fbe75 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_CN/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" +title: "新手入门(New 3DS)" --- -{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +{% include toc title="目录内容" %} -### Required Reading +### 必读事项 -请在下表中按照你的系统版本选择对应的页面。 Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. 举个例子,“从9.0.0到9.2.0”这一行包括9.0.0,9.1.0,和9.2.0。 +请在下表中按照你的系统版本选择对应的页面。 需要注意的是,下文中所述 “从” 和 “到” 的版本号之间的任何版本均在适用范围。 -Additionally, note that the last number of your system version (which is preceded by a dash) refers to your browser version. Currently, the browser version is irrelevant to the New 3DS in this guide. - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -你可以在系统设置中上屏的右下角找到你的设备版本号。 +你可以在系统设置中上屏的右下角找到你的主机版本号。 ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} -### Version Table +{% capture notice-1 %} +虽然我们认为在此时破解是很安全的一件事,但这并不代表“永远不会受到封禁”。 + +如果你要防止封禁,则你应该避免做以下事: +1. 玩盗版 +1. 在联机游戏中作弊 +1. 在 eShop 上做可疑的动作(例如使用信用卡退款) + +我们认为目前悄然连接(SpotPass)和擦肩通信(StreetPass)功能也不会受到影响了。 + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ +### 版本列表 - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - - - - - + - + - + - - + + - - - + + - - + +
FromTo使用方法 boot9strap (2xrsa) boot9strap (Soundhax) 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)安装 boot9strap(通过Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.13.0安装 boot9strap(通过 SSLoth-Browser) boot9strap (DSiWare)11.14.0(最新版)安装boot9strap(通过浏览器)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)


安装 bootstrap(通过 ntrboot)

安装 boot9strap(通过硬改)

diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/zh_CN/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index b0561ae6d0..da2328f3b9 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_CN/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" +title: "新手入门(旧版 3DS)" --- -{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} +{% include toc title="目录内容" %} -### Required Reading +### 必读事项 -请在下表中按照你的系统版本选择对应的页面。 Note that the "from" and "to" fields are inclusive. 也就是说,举个例子“从9.0.0到9.2.0”这一行表示9.0.0,9.1.0,和9.2.0。 +请在下表中按照你的系统版本选择对应的页面。 需要注意的是,下文中所述 “从” 和 “到” 的版本号之间的任何版本均在适用范围。 -Additionally, note that the last two columns of the chart refer to the last number of your version (which corresponds to the browser version installed to the system). 如果版本号以0结尾,则说明没有浏览器,如果大于0则表示浏览器已经安装。 - -例如,如果系统版本为“5.0.0-0U”,你需要定位到“无浏览器”这一列和“从5.0.0到5.1.0”这一行,因为系统版本在那个范围内并且无浏览器 。 - -**If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should see the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** - -For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. - -Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the System Settings. +你可以在系统设置中上屏的右下角找到你的主机版本号。 ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +虽然我们认为在此时破解是很安全的一件事,但这并不代表“永远不会受到封禁”。 + +如果你要防止封禁,则你应该避免做以下事: +1. 玩盗版 +1. 在联机游戏中作弊 +1. 在 eShop 上做可疑的动作(例如使用信用卡退款) + +我们认为目前悄然连接(SpotPass)和擦肩通信(StreetPass)功能也不会受到影响了。 + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### 版本列表 @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ Your device version can be found at the bottom right of the top screen of the Sy - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + + + - - + + - - - - - - - + + -
无浏览器浏览器使用方法 an "All Versions" Method an "All Versions" MethodInstalling boot9strap (2xrsa) an "All Versions" Method boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)
安装 boot9strap(通过Soundhax) an "All Versions" Method11.14.0安装 boot9strap(通过 safecerthax) boot9strap (DSiWare)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)


安装 bootstrap(通过 ntrboot)

安装 boot9strap(通过硬改)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/get-started.txt b/_pages/zh_CN/get-started.txt index 6374ed3277..d68a4bdf52 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_CN/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "新手入门" ### 必读事项 -请在下表中按照你的系统版本选择对应的页面。 需要注意的是,下文中所述 “从” 和 “到” 的版本号之间的任何版本均在适用范围。 +图片中机器的颜色可能会不同,不过这不是重点。请特别关注按键的布局和每台机器的特点,以确保你选择了正确的机型。 +{: .notice} -你可以在系统设置中上屏的右下角找到你的主机版本号。 - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**如果你因缺少某些先决条件而无法使用对应你系统版本的破解方法,那么请更新至最新的系统版本或看表格中适用于任意系统的“所有版本”行。** - -所有版本都可以通过[卡带升级](cart-update)或正常系统更新到更高版本并使用对应版本的方法步骤。 - -如果你已经破解过你的 3DS,并安装了基于 EmuNAND 的自制系统,那么请切换到 SysNAND 上进行本教程的所有操作。 替换所有已存在的文件。 你的数据将在最后从 EmuNAND 迁移到新的 B9S 系统上。 如果你现在使用的是 menuhax(主题破解),你应该在开始前先[清除主菜单外存](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) 。 - -本页面将指导你安装 boot9strap 至**原厂尚未破解**的 3DS 或 2DS 上。 如果你已经安装了 arm9loaderhax,并想要升级到 boot9strap,请参考 [A9LH 升级 B9S](a9lh-to-b9s)。 +请点击对应你设备的图片,进入相应的教程页面。 {: .notice--primary} -开始前,windows用户需要开启[显示文件后辍](file-extensions-(windows)) 选项! +不同的机型、系统版本和区域需要不同的步骤以实现基于 boot9strap 驱动的自制固件。 下面的一系列页面将会帮助你针对你的设备找到适合的开始方案。 {: .notice--info} 开始之前,如果你想检测一下 SD 卡是否有错误,那么你可以使用 [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)),[F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)) 或 [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))。 {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -虽然我们认为在此时破解是很安全的一件事,但这并不代表“永远不会受到封禁”。 - -如果你要防止封禁,则你应该避免做以下事: -1. 玩盗版 -1. 在联机游戏中作弊 -1. 在 eShop 上做可疑的动作(例如使用信用卡退款) - -我们认为目前悄然连接(SpotPass)和擦肩通信(StreetPass)功能也不会受到影响了。 - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### 版本列表 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
使用方法安装 boot9strap(通过Soundhax)升级至最新版本或使用“所有版本”方法

安装 bootstrap(通过 ntrboot)

安装 boot9strap(通过硬改)

+| New 3DS 或 New 2DS | 旧版 3DS 或旧版 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/home.txt b/_pages/zh_CN/home.txt index 3ce1ed66b2..3ef3be1150 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_CN/home.txt +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/home.txt @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ Boot9strap 拥有许多其他自制固件所没有的优点,因此我们推荐 + **在开始之前,你要知道破解 3DS 的风险:每次你修改系统的时候,都有可能会使你的 3DS 不可恢复的变砖。 这种情况很少见,但仍然存在这样的可能性,所以请确保你完全按照本教程的指导进行操作。** + 如果你之前破解过你的 3DS 并安装了 EmuNAND,且想将原 EmuNAND 中的内容迁移到 SysNAND 中,请依操作进行,并在[完成安装](finalizing-setup)这一步中依照提示还原你的 EmuNAND。 -+ 此教程适用于全区且系统版本为最新(11.14.0)的 New 3DS、老版 3DS、New 2DS 和老版 2DS。 ++ 此教程适用于全区且系统版本为最新(11.14.0)的 New 3DS、旧版 3DS、New 2DS 和旧版 2DS。 + 如果一切顺利,在安装完自制系统后你不会丢失任何数据(包括游戏、NNID、存档等)。 + 在进行所有操作时请将主机充电,避免意外关机造成数据丢失或损坏! + 你的 SD 卡的分区表格式必须是 [MBR,而不是 GPT](原厂 SD 卡的分区表格式默认是 MBR)。 如果你想测试是否为 MBR 格式,那么,最简单的方法是将其插入 3DS。 如果 SD 卡能被读取,那么它的分区表格式就是 MBR。 diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt b/_pages/zh_CN/homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt index 7a52b4ff81..ef72d563ca 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_CN/homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/homebrew-launcher-(alternatives).txt @@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ Homebrew Launcher 有许多不同的入口和启动方式。 | [supermysterychunkhax]( | 《[*精灵宝可梦:超不可思议的迷宫*](》、
可以使用 Homebrew Launcher 的 3DS | 卡带 | New、老型号、2DS | 欧版、日版、美版 | 全部 | 从 9.0.0-X(美版/日版)/10.2.0-X(欧版)到11.0.0-X(包括) | | [freakyhax]( | [*Freakyforms Deluxe*]( | eShop, 卡带 | New、老型号、2DS | 欧版,美版,日版 | 全部 | 9.0.0-X 至 11.7.0-X | | [basehaxx]( | *《精灵宝可梦:[终极红宝石]([始源蓝宝石](》*、
一台可以使用 Homebrew Launcher 的3DS | 卡带 | New、老型号、2DS | 欧版、日版、美版 | 1.0、1.4 | 从9.0.0-X 至 11.0.0-X(包括) | - | [BASICSploit]( | [*SmileBASIC*]( | eShop | 新、老版本、2DS | 美版 | 3.2.1 | 从9.0.0-X到11.0.0-X(包括) | + | [BASICSploit]( | [*SmileBASIC*]( | eShop | 新、旧版本、2DS | 美版 | 3.2.1 | 从9.0.0-X到11.0.0-X(包括) | | [smilehax]( | [*SmileBASIC*]( | eShop | 新、老型号、2DS | 日版、美版 | 3.3.1 | 从9.0.0-X到11.0.0-X(包括) | | [stickerhax]( | 《[*纸片马里奥:超级贴纸*](》、
一台可以使用 Homebrew Launcher 的 3DS | eShop、卡带 | 新、老、2DS | 欧版、日版、韩版、美版 | 全部 | 9.0.0-X至11.3.0-X | | [Ninjhax 2]( | 《[*方块忍者*](》 | eShop,卡带 | New、老型号、2DS | 欧版、日版、美版 | 全部 | 9.0.0-X 至 11.7.0-X | diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index bb8d045ca6..b30f699dcd 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "安装 boot9strap(通过浏览器)" {% include toc title="目录内容" %} +### 必读事项 + +new-browserhax-xl(与 universal-otherapp 一起使用时)兼容所有区域的 11.14.0 New 3DS 和 New 2DS。 + +此漏洞无法用于旧版 3DS、旧版 3DS XL 或旧版 2DS XL。 请确保你准备破解的主机是 New 3DS、 New 3DS XL 或 New 2DS 中的一种型号后再继续教程。 +{: .notice--info} + ### 你需要准备点啥? +* 最新版 [universal-otherapp]( * 最新版 [SafeB9SInstaller]( * 最新版 [boot9strap]( **(下载标准的 boot9strap 压缩包文件,而不是带有 `devkit` 或 `ntr` 名字的文件)** -* 最新版 [Luma3DS]( +* 最新版 [Luma3DS]( ### 操作步骤 @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "安装 boot9strap(通过浏览器)" 1. 关闭你的设备的电源 1. 将 SD 卡插入电脑 +1. 复制 `otherapp.bin` 到你 SD 卡的根目录下,然后重命名为 `arm11code.bin` + + 如果你没看到 `.bin` 后缀,则请不要不要不要手动加上 `.bin` 后缀 1. 解压 Luma3DS `.zip` 里的 `boot.firm` 和 `boot.3dsx` 到你 SD 卡的根目录 1. 在 SD 卡根目录创建一个名为 `boot9strap` 的文件夹 -1. 从 boot9strap `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `boot9strap.firm` 和 `boot9strap.firm.sha` 到你 SD 卡的 `/boot9strap/` 文件夹中 -1. 从 SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` 和 `Launcher.dat` 到 SD 卡根目录下 - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. 从boot9strap `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `boot9strap.firm` 和 `boot9strap.firm.sha` 到你 SD 卡的 `boot9strap` 文件夹中 +1. 从 SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` 到 SD 卡根目录下 1. 将 SD 卡重新插入你的设备 1. 启动你的主机 #### 第二步 – 启动 SafeB9SInstaller -1. 启动浏览器,并打开下列网址中的一个 - + `` - + `` - + `` - + 如果第一个网址用不了,把剩下的都试一下(有些机器用不了第一个网址,有些用不了后两个) +1. 启动你的主机 +1. 在主菜单中,同时按下 L 和 R 键来打开摄像头 + + 如果你无法打开摄像头,请直接进入 3DS 自带的浏览器然后输入 URL 访问(``) +1. 扫描[这个二维码]( + 如果出现错误,参见[此故障排查章节](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. 如果一切成功的话,你将自动进入 SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "安装 boot9strap(通过浏览器)" 1. 使用方向键和 “A” 键来启用以下设置: + **“Show NAND or user string in System Settings”** 1. 按下 “Start” 键保存设置并重启 - + 如果出现错误,继续至下一个页面即可解决 ___ diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..e2c1e7c273 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "安装 boot9strap(通过 safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="目录内容" %} + +### 必读事项 + +safecerthax 兼容所有区域的旧版 3DS 和旧版 2DS。 + +如果你的主机 L 键、R 键、↑ 键和 A 键有中一个坏了无法使用,则你只能使用替代方法,如 [Seedminer](seedminer)。 如需帮助,请加入 [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( 并使用英文求助。(请注意,如果你身处中国大陆,访问 Discord 可能需要科学上网),你也可以到译者的 [QQ 群](寻求帮助,群号为942052497。 +{: .notice--warning} + +此漏洞无法用于 New 3DS、New 3DS XL 或 New 2DS XL。 请确保你准备破解的主机是旧版 3DS、旧版 3DS XL 或旧版 2DS 中的一种型号后再继续教程。 +{: .notice--info} + +### 你需要准备点啥? + +* 最新版 [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* 最新版 [boot9strap]( **(下载标准的 boot9strap 压缩包文件,而不是带有 `devkit` 或 `ntr` 名字的文件)** +* 最新版 [Luma3DS]( + +### 操作步骤 + +#### 第一步 – 准备工作 +1. 将设备关机 +1. 将你的 SD 卡插入到电脑 +1. 解压 Luma3DS `.zip` 里的 `boot.firm` 和 `boot.3dsx` 到你 SD 卡的根目录 +1. 在 SD 卡根目录创建一个名为 `boot9strap` 的文件夹 +1. 从boot9strap `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `boot9strap.firm` 和 `boot9strap.firm.sha` 到你 SD 卡的 `boot9strap` 文件夹中 +1. 从 SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` 到 SD 卡根目录下 +1. 将SD卡重新插入你的主机 +1. 启动你的主机 + +#### 第二步 – safecerthax DNS +1. 打开系统设置(本体設定 / System Settings) +1. 移动至 `互联网设置(インターネット設定 / Internet Settings)` -> `连接设置(インターネット接続設定 / Connection Settings)` +1. 点击你目前在用的连接点槽位,然后移动至 `设置变更(設定変更 / Change Settings)` -> `下一页(右箭头)` -> `DNS` +1. 设置“自动获取 DNS (DNS 自動取得 / Auto-Obtain DNS)”为“否(しない / No)”,然后点击`详细设置(詳細設定 / Detailed Setup)` +1. 设置主 DNS(プライマリ DNS / Primary DNS)和备用 DNS(セカンダリ DNS / Secondary DNS)为`` +1. 点击 OK,然后点击保存(保存する / Save) +1. 当提示时,点击“测试(テスト / Test)”进行连接测试 + + 测试应该会成功 +1. 将设备关机 + +#### 第三步 – safecerthax +1. 将你的主机置于关机状态,按住 L + R + ↑ + A 按键,然后按下电源键 + + 按住这几个按钮,直到主机进入安全模式 +1. 点击 “OK” 来允许更新 + + 这个步骤实际上不存在更新。 这只是触发漏洞的一部分 +1. 点击 “I accept(我同意/同意する)” + + 更新应该会失败并出现错误信息 +1. 点击“OK”关闭错误信息 +1. 如果一切成功的话,你将自动进入 SafeB9SInstaller + + 如果主机死机或崩溃,请强制关闭主机,然后再试一次本步骤 + +#### 第四步 – 安装 boot9strap + +1. 等待所有安全检查完成 +1. 出现提示时,按照提示输入按键组合来安装boot9strap +1. 安装完成后,按下 “A” 键重启设备 + +#### 第五步 – 配置 Luma3DS + +1. 你的主机将会在重启后进入至 Luma3DS 配置菜单中 + + 如果黑屏,[请参见此故障排查章节](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. 使用方向键和 “A” 键来启用以下设置: + + **“Show NAND or user string in System Settings”** +1. 按下 “Start” 键保存设置并重启 + +#### 第六步 – 还原默认的 DNS +1. 打开系统设置(本体設定 / System Settings) +1. 移动至 `互联网设置(インターネット設定 / Internet Settings)` -> `连接设置(インターネット接続設定 / Connection Settings)` +1. 点击你目前在用的连接点槽位,然后移动至 `设置变更(設定変更 / Change Settings)` -> `下一页(右箭头)` -> `DNS` +1. 设置“自动获取 DNS (DNS 自動取得 / Auto-Obtain DNS)”为“是(する / Yes)” +1. 点击 OK,然后点击保存(保存する / Save) +1. 当提示时,点击“测试(テスト / Test)”进行连接测试 + + 测试应该会成功 +1. 将设备关机 + +___ + +### 继续至[完成安装](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..f488c015ea --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "安装 boot9strap(通过 SSLoth-浏览器破解)" +--- + +{% include toc title="目录内容" %} + +### 必读事项 + +SSLoth 允许目前系统版本在 11.13.0 及其以下的主机绕过浏览器版本检查,然后就可以使用到利用 universal-otherapp 的方法了,如 new-browserhax 或 old-browserhax + +如果你使用过卡带更新,则你的浏览器将无法打开。 如果是这样,则你需要通过系统更新将你的主机更新到最新版本,并按照最新版本的操作进行破解。 +{: .notice--warning} + +### 你需要准备点啥? + +* 最新版 [universal-otherapp]( +* 最新版 [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* 最新版 [boot9strap]( **(下载标准的 boot9strap 压缩包文件,而不是带有 `devkit` 或 `ntr` 名字的文件)** +* 最新版 [Luma3DS]( + +#### 第一步 – 准备工作 + +1. 将设备关机 +1. 将你的 SD 卡插入到电脑 +1. 复制 `otherapp.bin` 到你 SD 卡的根目录下,然后重命名为 `arm11code.bin` + + 如果你没看到 `.bin` 后缀,则请不要不要不要手动加上 `.bin` 后缀 +1. 解压 Luma3DS `.zip` 里的 `boot.firm` 和 `boot.3dsx` 到你 SD 卡的根目录 +1. 在 SD 卡根目录创建一个名为 `boot9strap` 的文件夹 +1. 从boot9strap `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `boot9strap.firm` 和 `boot9strap.firm.sha` 到你 SD 卡的 `boot9strap` 文件夹中 +1. 从 SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` 到 SD 卡根目录下 +1. 将SD卡重新插入你的主机 +1. 启动你的主机 + +#### 第二步 – SSLoth +1. 打开系统设置(本体設定 / System Settings) +1. 移动至 `互联网设置(インターネット設定 / Internet Settings)` -> `连接设置(インターネット接続設定 / Connection Settings)` +1. 点击你目前在用的连接点槽位,然后移动至 `设置变更(設定変更 / Change Settings)` -> `下一页(右箭头)` -> `DNS` +1. 设置“自动获取 DNS (DNS 自動取得 / Auto-Obtain DNS)”为“否(しない / No)”,然后点击`详细设置(詳細設定 / Detailed Setup)` +1. 设置主 DNS(プライマリ DNS / Primary DNS)和备用 DNS(セカンダリ DNS / Secondary DNS)为`` +1. 点击 OK,然后点击保存(保存する / Save) +1. 当提示时,点击“测试(テスト / Test)”进行连接测试 + + 测试应该会成功 +1. 将设备关机 + +#### 第三步 – 启动 SafeB9SInstaller +1. 启动浏览器,并打开下面的网址 + + `` +1. 点击“PROCEED TO HAXX” + + 如果出现错误,参见[此故障排查章节](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. 如果一切成功的话,你将自动进入 SafeB9SInstaller + +#### 第四步 – 安装 boot9strap + +1. 等待所有安全检查完成 +1. 出现提示时,按照提示输入按键组合来安装boot9strap +1. 安装完成后,按下 “A” 键重启设备 + +#### 第五步 – 配置 Luma3DS + +1. 你的主机将会在重启后进入至 Luma3DS 配置菜单中 + + 如果黑屏,[请参见此故障排查章节](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. 使用方向键和 “A” 键来启用以下设置: + + **“Show NAND or user string in System Settings”** +1. 按下 “Start” 键保存设置并重启 + +#### 第六步 – 还原默认的 DNS +1. 打开系统设置(本体設定 / System Settings) +1. 移动至 `互联网设置(インターネット設定 / Internet Settings)` -> `连接设置(インターネット接続設定 / Connection Settings)` +1. 点击你目前在用的连接点槽位,然后移动至 `设置变更(設定変更 / Change Settings)` -> `下一页(右箭头)` -> `DNS` +1. 设置“自动获取 DNS (DNS 自動取得 / Auto-Obtain DNS)”为“是(する / Yes)” +1. 点击 OK,然后点击保存(保存する / Save) +1. 当提示时,点击“测试(テスト / Test)”进行连接测试 + + 测试应该会成功 +1. 将设备关机 + +___ + +### 继续至[完成安装](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/region-changing.txt b/_pages/zh_CN/region-changing.txt index f4c56ad46b..21c0bf8850 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_CN/region-changing.txt +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/region-changing.txt @@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ title: "区域变更" 本过程将会把你的设备系统中的 NNID 绑定移除,因为在区域变更后它们将不再兼容。 NNID 在创建后就会被锁定在当前设备所在的区域,除非经过[一个非常复杂且进阶流程](,不能在区域间迁移。 {: .notice--warning} -After this process, **you will not be able to access the eShop**. This includes any feature that uses an NNID, such as game updates, purchasing DLC, or online play in certain games. Region changing to your original region will usually not fix this issue. +做完这些步骤之后,**你将无法进入eShop**。 这包括需要使用到 NNID 的任何功能,如:游戏更新、购买 DLC 和在某些游戏中的联机功能。 再改回原区域通常也不会修复这个问题。 {: .notice--warning} -请注意,有时候 eShop 在某些本应该可以访问的设备上还是莫名其妙地无法正常访问。 这完全是任天堂的服务器的问题,我真的背不了这个锅。 而且,有时候 eShop 突然会在照理说不能使用的主机上(比如某些 New 3DS 主机)变得可以使用。 我也不清楚是什么玄学修复的。 +请注意,有时候 eShop 会在某些本应该可以访问的主机上还是会莫名其妙地无法正常访问。 这完全是任天堂的服务器的问题,我真的背不了这个锅。 而且,有时候 eShop 突然会在照理说不能使用的主机上(比如某些 New 3DS 主机)变得可以使用。 我也不清楚是什么玄学修复的。 使用 CTR 转移进行区域变更(本章节使用的就是此法)似乎会造成重启补丁失效,原因未知。 也就是说,做完本章节后老型号的 3DS 将无法运行扩展内存模式的游戏(比如怪物猎人,任天堂明星大乱斗和精灵宝可梦日/月)直到设备恢复出厂设置。 @@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ After this process, **you will not be able to access the eShop**. This includes 1. 复制 `FBI.3dsx` 到 SD 卡的 `/3ds/` 目录下 1. 将 SD 卡重新插入你的设备 -#### Section II - NAND Backup +#### 第二步 – 备份 NAND 1. 开机时按住 “Start” 键启动 GodMode9 1. 如果提示创建重要文件备份,按下 “A” 键确认,在完成后再次按下 “A” 键来继续。 1. 如果出现修复 RTC 日期与时间的提示,按 “A” 键执行修复,然后设置好日期和时间,并按 “A” 继续 @@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ After this process, **you will not be able to access the eShop**. This includes 1. 将SD卡重新插入你的主机 + 如果你的 SD 卡没有被工具检测到,请同时按下 “R” + “B” 键来重新将其挂载 -#### Section III - CTRTransfer +#### 第三步 – CTRTransfer 1. 移动至 `[0:] SDCARD` -> `gm9` 1. 在 CTRTransfer `.bin` 上按 “A” 键以选中它 @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ After this process, **you will not be able to access the eShop**. This includes + 你使用 B9S 和 Luma 时升级系统是安全的 + 如果在更新中途出错,请将主机的 DNS 设置改为 “自动(auto)” -#### Section IV - Launching FBI +#### 第四步 – 启动 FBI 应用 1. 启动“下载通信(Download Play)”程序 (它长[这样]({{ "/images/download-play-icon.png" | absolute_url }}) 1. 同时按下“L”+“下”+“Select” 键来打开 Rosalina 菜单 @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ After this process, **you will not be able to access the eShop**. This includes 1. 运行“下载通信(Download Play)”程序 1. 此时你的主机应该会启动 Homebrew Launcher了 -#### Section V - Reinstalling Tickets +#### 第五步 – 重装 Tickets 如果脚本没有找到任何使用者的 tickets 并且告诉你跳过本小节,那么就跳过本小节 {: .notice--info} @@ -142,14 +142,14 @@ After this process, **you will not be able to access the eShop**. This includes + 按 “B” 键来拒绝从 CDN 安装 tickets。 1. 按 “Home” 键退出 FBI -#### Section VI - Region settings +#### 第六步 – 区域设置 1. 启动“系统设置(System Settings)” 1. 选择“其他设置(Other Settings)”,然后点击“个人资料(Profile)”,然后“区域设置(Region Settings)” 1. 选择你变更区域后的国家 1. 如果出现提示,州(state)的部分无需设置 -#### Section VII - Remove CTRTransfer image +#### 第七步 – 删除 CTRTransfer 镜像 1. 开机时按住 “Start” 键启动 GodMode9 1. 移动至 `[0:] SDCARD` -> `gm9` diff --git a/_pages/zh_CN/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/zh_CN/site-navigation.txt index a47a51bdb0..c03cab7ec5 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_CN/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/zh_CN/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [完成安装](finalizing-setup) + [安装 boot9strap(通过 Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**:[安装 boot9strap(通过浏览器)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**:[安装 boot9strap(通过 safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,11 +37,13 @@ sitemap: false + [格式化 SD 卡(通过 Mac 操作系统)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [格式化 SD 卡(通过 Windows 操作系统)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [新手入门](get-started) ++ [新手入门(New 3DS)](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [新手入门(老 3DS)](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [如何使用 GodMode9](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw(Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [首页](/zh_CN/) -+ [启动 Homebrew Launcher (通过其他方法)](homebrew-launcher-(alternatives)) -+ [启动 Homebrew Launcher (通过PicHaxx)](homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx)) ++ [启动 Homebrew Launcher(通过其他方法)](homebrew-launcher-(alternatives)) ++ [启动 Homebrew Launcher(通过PicHaxx)](homebrew-launcher-(pichaxx)) + [启动 Homebrew Launcher(通过Soundhax)](homebrew-launcher-(soundhax)) + [安装 boot9strap(通过 2xrsa)](installing-boot9strap-(2xrsa)) + [安装 boot9strap(通过浏览器)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) @@ -48,9 +52,11 @@ sitemap: false + [安装 boot9strap(通过拆机硬改)](installing-boot9strap-(hardmod)) + [安装 boot9strap(通过 HBL-USM)](installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm)) + [安装 boot9strap(通过 MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) -+ [安装 boot9strap (通过 ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) -+ [安装 boot9strap (通过 SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [安装 boot9strap(通过 ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot) ++ [安装 boot9strap(通过 SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [安装 boot9strap(通过 safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [安装 boot9strap(通过 Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [安装 boot9strap(SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [安装 boot9strap(通过 USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [传统方法](legacy-methods) + [迁移 EmuNAND 数据](move-emunand) diff --git a/_pages/zh_TW/get-started-(new-3ds).txt b/_pages/zh_TW/get-started-(new-3ds).txt index e15eff2b66..c41114b2ed 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_TW/get-started-(new-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/zh_TW/get-started-(new-3ds).txt @@ -1,68 +1,65 @@ --- -title: "新手入門 (New 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (New 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="條目內容" %} ### 必讀事項 -請於下表中選擇與您系統版本相符的頁面。 請注意,在『從』和『到』區域中的任何版本將包括在內。 比方說,『從 9.0.0 到 9.2.0』,包括著9.0.0版、9.1.0版和 9.2.0版。 - -另外請注意,系統版本的最後一個數字 (前面是破折號) 指的是您的瀏覽器版本。 目前,瀏覽器版本與本教學中的 New 3DS 無關。 - -**如果您因缺少某些先決條件而無法使用對應您系統版本的改機方法,請見表格中適用於任意系統的『所有版本』行。** - -所有系統版本都可以透過[卡帶更新](cart-update)中所提到的步驟或透過系統更新以升級至更新的版本。 +請於下表中選擇與您系統版本相符的頁面。 請注意,在『從』和『到』區域中的任何版本將包括在內。 主機版本可以在『系統設置 (System Settings)』中的上方螢幕的右下角找到。 ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### 版本列表 - + - - - + + + - - - - - - - + + - - - - - - + - - + + - - - + + - +
使用方法安裝 boot9strap (透過 2xrsa) 安裝boot9strap (透過 Soundhax) Launcher (透過 Soundhax)請見『任意版本』11.13.0Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)安裝 boot9strap (透過 DSiWare)11.14.0 (latest version)Installing boot9strap (Browser)

安裝 boot9strap (透過 ntrboothax)


安裝 boot9strap (透過硬改)

安裝 boot9strap (透過 ntrboothax)


安裝 boot9strap (透過硬改)

diff --git a/_pages/zh_TW/get-started-(old-3ds).txt b/_pages/zh_TW/get-started-(old-3ds).txt index 9334d961e1..8b5976e9a0 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_TW/get-started-(old-3ds).txt +++ b/_pages/zh_TW/get-started-(old-3ds).txt @@ -1,26 +1,32 @@ --- -title: "新手入門 (舊型 3DS)" +title: "Get Started (Old 3DS)" --- {% include toc title="條目內容" %} ### 必讀事項 -請於下表中選擇與您系統版本相符的頁面。 請注意,在『從』和『到』區域中的任何版本將包括在內。 比方說,『從 9.0.0 到 9.2.0』,包括著9.0.0版、9.1.0版和 9.2.0版。 - -另外請注意,表格的最後兩列可以參考您系統版本結尾的數字 (此為系統安裝的瀏覽器版本)。 若系統版本結尾為『-0』,這就表示您系統並未安裝瀏覽器;若為任何其他大於『-0』的數字,這就表示您系統已安裝瀏覽器。 - -舉例來說,版本 5.0.0-0U 將到『無瀏覽器』行及『5.0.0 到 5.1.0』列,因為此系統版本是在 5.0.0 到 5.1.0 間,且沒有安裝網頁瀏覽器。 - -**如果您因缺少某些先決條件而無法使用對應您系統版本的改機方法,請見表格中適用於任意系統的『所有版本』行。** - -所有系統版本都可以透過[卡帶更新](cart-update)中所提到的步驟或透過系統更新以升級至更新的版本。 +請於下表中選擇與您系統版本相符的頁面。 請注意,在『從』和『到』區域中的任何版本將包括在內。 主機版本可以在『系統設置 (System Settings)』中的上方螢幕的右下角找到。 ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} +{% capture notice-1 %} +While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". + +You should avoid the following actions: +1. Piracy +1. Cheating online +1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) + +We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. + +{% endcapture %} + +
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
+ ### 版本列表 @@ -33,49 +39,23 @@ title: "新手入門 (舊型 3DS)" - - + - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - + - - - - + + + + - + -
無瀏覽器瀏覽器使用方法使用『所有版本』的方法請見『任意版本』安裝 boot9strap (透過 2xrsa)使用『所有版本』的方法安裝 boot9strap (透過 Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0Homebrew Launcher (透過 Soundhax)使用『所有版本』的方法安裝boot9strap (透過 Soundhax)安裝 boot9strap (透過 DSiWare) boot9strap (safecerthax)

安裝 boot9strap (透過 ntrboothax)


安裝 boot9strap (透過硬改)

安裝 boot9strap (透過 ntrboothax)


安裝 boot9strap (透過硬改)

\ No newline at end of file + diff --git a/_pages/zh_TW/get-started.txt b/_pages/zh_TW/get-started.txt index 682019a954..a9bb584263 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_TW/get-started.txt +++ b/_pages/zh_TW/get-started.txt @@ -6,75 +6,18 @@ title: "新手入門" ### 必讀事項 -請於下表中選擇與您系統版本相符的頁面。 請注意,在『從』和『到』區域中的任何版本將包括在內。 +The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one. +{: .notice} -主機版本可以在『系統設置 (System Settings)』中的上方螢幕的右下角找到。 - -![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) -{: .notice--info} - -**如果您因缺少某些先決條件而無法使用對應您系統版本的改機方法,請更新至最新的系統版本或見表格中適用於任意系統的『任意版本』行。** - -所有系統版本都可以透過[卡帶更新](cart-update)中所提到的步驟或透過系統更新以升級至更新的版本。 - -如果您先前已改機過,且已經安裝了基於 EmuNAND 的自製韌體,請在 SysNAND 上進行本教學的所有操作。 覆蓋所有現有檔案。 您的資料最終將會從 EmuNAND 移植到您新的 B9S 系統上。 如果您有使用 menuhax,您應先[清除 HOME 主選單的 extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) 再行繼續。 - -本頁面將帶領您安裝 boot9strap 至*原廠尚未改機*的 3DS 或 2DS 上。 如果您先前已經安裝了 arm9loaderhax 而且您想要更新至 boot9strap,請依照[升級 A9LH 至 boot9strap](a9lh-to-b9s) 的步驟進行。 +Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page. {: .notice--primary} -在開始前,Windows 使用者應該先透過[顯示副檔名 (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows))教學將副檔名顯示! +Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device. {: .notice--info} 在開始前,建議先透過 [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows))、[F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux))、或 [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac)) 來檢查您主機的 SD 卡有沒有問題! {: .notice--warning} -{% capture notice-1 %} -While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". - -You should avoid the following actions: -1. Piracy -1. Cheating online -1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) - -We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. - -{% endcapture %} - -
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
- -### 版本列表 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
使用方法安裝boot9strap (透過 Soundhax) to latest version or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 (latest version)Seedminer

安裝 boot9strap (透過 ntrboothax)


安裝 boot9strap (透過硬改)

+| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS | +|:-:|:-:| +| [![New 3DS](/images/new3ds.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))    [![New 3DS XL](/images/new3dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds))

[![New 2DS XL](/images/new2dsxl.png)](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [![Old 3DS](/images/old3ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))    [![Old 3DS XL](/images/old3dsxl.png)](get-started-(old-3ds))

[![2DS](/images/2ds.png)](get-started-(old-3ds)) | diff --git a/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt b/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt index ca87644d95..b01718cfc1 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt +++ b/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(browser).txt @@ -4,11 +4,19 @@ title: "安裝 boot9strap (透過網頁瀏覽器)" {% include toc title="條目內容" %} +### 必讀事項 + +new-browserhax-xl (when combined with universal-otherapp) is compatible with version 11.14.0 on New 3DS and New 2DS in all regions. + +This exploit will not work on the Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS. Please ensure that the device you are modding is a New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + ### 必備項目 +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( * 最新版的 [SafeB9SInstaller]( * 最新版的 [boot9strap]( *(正常版的 boot9strap;非 `devkit` 或 `ntr` 檔案)* -* 最新版本的 [Luma3DS]( +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( ### 操作說明 @@ -16,24 +24,21 @@ title: "安裝 boot9strap (透過網頁瀏覽器)" 1. 關閉您的主機 1. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中 +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. 在 SD 卡的根目錄底下建立一個新的資料夾 `boot9strap` -1. 解壓 boot9strap `.zip` 的 `boot9strap.firm` 及 `boot9strap.firm.sha` 檔案至 SD 卡的 `/boot9strap/` 資料夾中 -1. 解壓 SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` 的 `SafeB9SInstaller.dat` 及 `Launcher.dat` 至 SD 卡的根目錄中 - - ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/boot9strap-browser-file-layout.png" | absolute_url }}) - {: .notice--info} - +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. 將 SD 卡插回主機中 1. 啟動您的主機 #### 第二節 — 啟動 SafeB9SInstaller -1. 啟動主機上的網頁瀏覽器,並開啟下列網址的其中之一 - + `` - + `` - + `` - + Make sure to try each URL if the first one doesn't work (some versions cannot use the first one, and some versions cannot use the last two) +1. 啟動您的主機 +1. On the HOME Menu, press the Left and Right shoulder buttons together to open the camera + + If you are unable to open the camera, open the Internet Browser manually type the URL instead (``) +1. Scan [this QR code]( + 如果遇到錯誤的話, [請依循此疑難排解之步驟](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) 1. 如果一切成功的話,您將自動進入 SafeB9SInstaller @@ -50,7 +55,6 @@ title: "安裝 boot9strap (透過網頁瀏覽器)" 1. 透過方向鍵及『A』以開啟下列選項: + **『Show NAND or user string in System Settings』** 1. 按『Start』鍵以存檔並重新啟動系統 - + 如果您遇到了錯誤訊息,繼續到下一頁即可 ___ diff --git a/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt b/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..5253f71028 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).txt @@ -0,0 +1,84 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)" +--- + +{% include toc title="條目內容" %} + +### 必讀事項 + +safecerthax is compatible with all Old 3DS and Old 2DS devices in all regions. + +If your (Right/Left Shoulder), (D-Pad Up) or (A) buttons do not work, you will need to use an alternate method, like [Seedminer](seedminer). For assistance with this matter, join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord]( and ask, in English, for help. +{: .notice--warning} + +This exploit will not work on the New 3DS, New 3DS XL, or New 2DS XL. Please ensure that the device you are modding is an Old 3DS, Old 3DS XL, or Old 2DS before continuing. +{: .notice--info} + +### 必備項目 + +* 最新版的 [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* 最新版的 [boot9strap]( *(正常版的 boot9strap;非 `devkit` 或 `ntr` 檔案)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +### 操作說明 + +#### 第一節 — 準備工作 +1. 關閉您的主機 +1. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中 +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. 在 SD 卡的根目錄底下建立一個新的資料夾 `boot9strap` +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. 將 SD 卡插回主機中 +1. 啟動您的主機 + +#### Section II - safecerthax DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. 關閉您的主機 + +#### Section III - safecerthax +1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), then press (Power) + + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode +1. Press "OK" to accept the update + + There is no update. This is part of the exploit +1. Press "I accept" to accept the terms and conditions + + The update should fail and an error message should appear +1. Press "OK" to close the error message +1. 如果一切成功的話,您將自動進入 SafeB9SInstaller + + If the console freezes or crashes, force power off the console, then retry this section + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. 等待所有安全性檢查完畢 +1. 出現提示時,輸入提示的按鍵組合以安裝 boot9strap +1. 過程結束後,按下『A』重啟主機 + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. 您的主機將會重啟至 Luma3DS 設定選單中 + + 如果黑屏,[請依循本疑難排解之步驟](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. 透過方向鍵及『A』以開啟下列選項: + + **『Show NAND or user string in System Settings』** +1. 按『Start』鍵以存檔並重新啟動系統 + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. 關閉您的主機 + +___ + +### 繼續至[完成安裝](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} diff --git a/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt b/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000000..8868bb7a04 --- /dev/null +++ b/_pages/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).txt @@ -0,0 +1,81 @@ +--- +title: "Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)" +--- + +{% include toc title="條目內容" %} + +### 必讀事項 + +SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax, which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp. + +If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version. +{: .notice--warning} + +### 必備項目 + +* The latest release of [universal-otherapp]( +* 最新版的 [SafeB9SInstaller]( +* 最新版的 [boot9strap]( *(正常版的 boot9strap;非 `devkit` 或 `ntr` 檔案)* +* The latest release of [Luma3DS]( + +#### 第一節 — 準備工作 + +1. 關閉您的主機 +1. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中 +1. Copy `otherapp.bin` to the root of your SD card and rename it to `arm11code.bin` + + If you do not see the `.bin` extension, do not add it to the end of the filename +1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. 在 SD 卡的根目錄底下建立一個新的資料夾 `boot9strap` +1. Copy `boot9strap.firm` and `boot9strap.firm.sha` from the boot9strap `.zip` to the `boot9strap` folder on your SD card +1. Copy `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` from the SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` to the root of your SD card +1. 將 SD 卡插回主機中 +1. 啟動您的主機 + +#### Section II - SSLoth +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "No", then click `Detailed Setup` +1. Set both the Primary DNS and Secondary DNS to `` +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. 關閉您的主機 + +#### Section III - Launching SafeB9SInstaller +1. Launch the browser and go to this URL on your device + + `` +1. Tap the "PROCEED TO HAXX" button + + 如果遇到錯誤的話, [請依循此疑難排解之步驟](troubleshooting#a-browser-based-exploit-is-not-working) +1. 如果一切成功的話,您將自動進入 SafeB9SInstaller + +#### Section IV - Installing boot9strap + +1. 等待所有安全性檢查完畢 +1. 出現提示時,輸入提示的按鍵組合以安裝 boot9strap +1. 過程結束後,按下『A』重啟主機 + +#### Section V - Configuring Luma3DS + +1. 您的主機將會重啟至 Luma3DS 設定選單中 + + 如果黑屏,[請依循本疑難排解之步驟](troubleshooting#black-screen-on-sysnand-boot-after-installing-boot9strap) +1. 透過方向鍵及『A』以開啟下列選項: + + **『Show NAND or user string in System Settings』** +1. 按『Start』鍵以存檔並重新啟動系統 + +#### Section VI - Restoring default DNS +1. Launch the System Settings application +1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Connection Settings` +1. Click on your network connection slot and navigate to `Change Settings` -> `Next Page (right arrow)` -> `DNS` +1. Set "Auto-Obtain DNS" to "Yes" +1. Click OK, then click Save +1. When prompted, click "Test" to perform the connection test + + The test should succeed +1. 關閉您的主機 + +___ + +### 繼續至[完成安裝](finalizing-setup) +{: .notice--primary} + + diff --git a/_pages/zh_TW/site-navigation.txt b/_pages/zh_TW/site-navigation.txt index 0ae440c07b..c553799016 100644 --- a/_pages/zh_TW/site-navigation.txt +++ b/_pages/zh_TW/site-navigation.txt @@ -9,7 +9,9 @@ sitemap: false + [完成安裝](finalizing-setup) + [安裝 boot9strap (透過 Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) -+ [Seedminer](seedminer) ++ **New 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(browser)) ++ **Old 3DS**: [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
@@ -35,6 +37,8 @@ sitemap: false + [Formatting SD (Mac)](formatting-sd-(mac)) + [Formatting SD (Windows)](formatting-sd-(windows)) + [新手入門](get-started) ++ [Get Started (New 3DS](get-started-(new-3ds)) ++ [Get Started (Old 3DS](get-started-(old-3ds)) + [GodMode9 用法](godmode9-usage) + [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) + [首頁](/zh_TW/) @@ -50,7 +54,9 @@ sitemap: false + [安裝 boot9strap (透過 MSET)](installing-boot9strap-(mset)) + [安裝 boot9strap (透過 ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) + [Installing boot9strap (SafeB9SInstaller)](installing-boot9strap-(safeb9sinstaller)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (safecerthax)](installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax)) + [安裝 boot9strap (透過 Soundhax)](installing-boot9strap-(soundhax)) ++ [Installing boot9strap (SSLoth-Browser)](installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser)) + [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) + [Legacy Methods](legacy-methods) + [移植 EmuNAND](move-emunand)