diff --git a/de_DE/a9lh-to-b9s.html b/de_DE/a9lh-to-b9s.html index ecc2959181..77eff3206e 100644 --- a/de_DE/a9lh-to-b9s.html +++ b/de_DE/a9lh-to-b9s.html @@ -534,7 +534,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Bekommst du einen “OTP Crypto Fail”-Fehler, lade - aeskeydb.bin herunter und kopiere is in deinen /boot9strap/ Ordner auf deiner SD Karte und versuche es erneut
  • -
  • Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
  • +
  • Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
  • Sobald es abgeschlossen ist, drücke (A) um die Konsole neuzustarten
  • Dein Gerät sollte neu starten und die Luma3DS Konfiguration anzeigen
  • -
  • Drücke (A) um fortzufahren
  • +
  • Drücke (A), um fortzufahren
  • Drücke (Home), um das Aktionsmenü aufzurufen
  • Select “Poweroff system” to power off your device
  • Stecke deine SD-Karte in deinen Computer
  • @@ -675,7 +691,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • If you have it, copy the /luma/backups/ folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer
  • -
  • Stecke deine SD-Karte wieder in dein Gerät
  • +
  • Stecke deine SD-Karte nun wieder in deinen 3DS
  • Schalte deine Konsole an
  • diff --git a/de_DE/get-started.html b/de_DE/get-started.html index 0e83ce8d48..78e3186e1a 100644 --- a/de_DE/get-started.html +++ b/de_DE/get-started.html @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Öffne die Systemeinstellungen
    2. -
    3. Your system version will be displayed on the bottom right of the top screen (e.g. “Ver. 11.16.0-49U”)
    4. +
    5. Your system version will be displayed on the bottom right of the top screen (e.g. “Ver. 11.17.0-50U”)

    Abschnitt III - Wähle eine Methode

    @@ -608,6 +608,8 @@ This doesn't seem to be a valid system version.

    diff --git a/de_DE/homebrew-launcher-(super-skaterhax).html b/de_DE/homebrew-launcher-(super-skaterhax).html index f827e3858e..e05d93f62d 100644 --- a/de_DE/homebrew-launcher-(super-skaterhax).html +++ b/de_DE/homebrew-launcher-(super-skaterhax).html @@ -454,10 +454,9 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ -

    Section I - Updating the System

    - -
    1. Update your device by going to System Settings, then “Other Settings”, then going all the way to the right and using “System Update” - -
    2. -
    - -

    Abschnitt II - Vorbereitungen


    Abschnitt I - Vorbereitungen

    In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger both super-skaterhax and the Homebrew Launcher.

    @@ -515,7 +503,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({


    Section III - super-skaterhax


    Section II - super-skaterhax

    In this section, you will visit the browser exploit webpage, which will launch the Homebrew Launcher.

    @@ -553,38 +541,34 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • If any prompts appear, approve all of them
  • If your device freezes on a yellow screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
  • If your device freezes on a red screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, redo step Step 3 of Section II, then retry this section
  • -
  • If you get another error, follow this troubleshooting guide
  • +
  • If you get another error, try again up to 5 times, and if it still doesn’t work, follow this troubleshooting guide
  • If the exploit was successful, your device will have booted into the Homebrew Launcher
  • Schalte deine Konsole aus
  • -

    Section IV - Hardware Button Check


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. Während deine Konsole noch ausgeschalten ist, halte die folgenden Tasten: (L) + (R) + (Steuerkreuz oben) + (A), und während du all diese Tasten zusammen gedrückt hältst, schalte deine Konsole an +
    2. Schalte deine Konsole an
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
    7. +
    8. Schalte deine Konsole aus

    Next step: Choose an exploit


    If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/de_DE/index.html b/de_DE/index.html index f799dde93d..7a7e2f4074 100644 --- a/de_DE/index.html +++ b/de_DE/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Lies alle Einleitungsseiten gründlich durch (einschließlich dieser), bevor du fortfährst.


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Hier ist, was du wissen solltest:

    + + + +

    Was ist Custom Firmware?

    Custom Firmware (“CFW”) ist eine vollständige Software-Modifikation zu deinem 3DS, vergleichbar mit dem “Administrator-Zugriff” auf einem Computer. Es erlaubt dir, alles zu tun, was der 3DS physisch tun kann, anstatt von Nintendo eingeschränkt zu sein.

    diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index ac2c59c0dd..2bdd04b6d6 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -576,23 +576,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Launch System Settings on your device
    2. Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare-> SD Card (image)
    3. -
    4. Select the “Haxxxxxxxxx!” title
    5. +
    6. Select the “Haxxxxxxxxx!” title + +
    7. Select “Copy”, then select “OK”
    8. Return to main menu of the System Settings
    9. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Nintendo DS Connections, then select “OK” (image)
    10. -
    11. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the JPN version of Flipnote Studio
    12. +
    13. If the exploit was successful, your device will have loaded the JPN version of Flipnote Studio + +

    Abschnitt V - Flipnote Exploit

    Falls du eine visuelle Anleitung für diesen Abschnitt brauchst, findest du diese [hier] (https://zoogie.github.io/web/flipnote_directions/).


    In diesem Abschnitt führst du eine Reihe sehr spezifischer Schritte innerhalb von Flipnote Studio aus, die wenn korrekt ausgeführt, den boot9strap (Custom Firmware) Installer startet.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Schließe den ersten Setup-Vorgang für das gestartete Spiel ab, bis du das Hauptmenü erreichst
    2. Mit dem Touchscreen, wähle die große linke Box aus, dann die Box mit dem SD-Kartenicon
    3. diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index 5213d0ce3e..b148e7a441 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -532,12 +532,13 @@ If you are unable to install one, follow Bannerbomb3 i

      Falls du eine visuelle Anleitung für diesen Abschnitt brauchst, findest du diese [hier] (https://zoogie.github.io/web/flipnote_directions/).


      In diesem Abschnitt führst du eine Reihe sehr spezifischer Schritte innerhalb von Flipnote Studio aus, die wenn korrekt ausgeführt, den boot9strap (Custom Firmware) Installer startet.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Schließe den ersten Setup-Vorgang für das gestartete Spiel ab, bis du das Hauptmenü erreichst
        • Wähle immer die linke Option aus, wenn du während des Setup-Vorgangs zu etwas aufgefordert wirst
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. Mit dem Touchscreen, wähle die große linke Box aus, dann die Box mit dem SD-Kartenicon
      3. diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index 2446ba4a09..cf6c8993e6 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.

      1. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
      2. +
      3. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
      4. Sobald es abgeschlossen ist, drücke (A) um die Konsole neuzustarten
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index 0572d9ad26..f60178c0b0 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Section I - Hardware Button Check (target 3DS)

          1. Während deine Konsole noch ausgeschalten ist, halte die folgenden Tasten: (L) + (R) + (Steuerkreuz oben) + (A), und während du all diese Tasten zusammen gedrückt hältst, schalte deine Konsole an +
          2. Schalte deine Konsole an
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
            • -
          5. -
          6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
            • Deine Konsole wird sich ausschalten
            • -
            • Wenn die Konsole ins HOME-Menü startet, schalte sie einfach aus
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. Schalte deine Konsole aus

          If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. Wenn das der Fall ist, trete dem Nintendo Homebrew on Discord Server bei und frage, auf Englisch, nach Hilfe.

          @@ -656,6 +652,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -665,7 +662,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.

      1. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
      2. +
      3. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
      4. Sobald es abgeschlossen ist, drücke (A) um die Konsole neuzustarten
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index 0ee06a0aaf..b5131b3fd1 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -548,7 +548,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.

          1. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
          2. +
          3. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
          4. Sobald es fertig ist, schalte deine Konsole aus indem du den Power-Knopf gedrückt hältst
            • Deine Konsole wird nur den SafeB9SInstaller-Bildschirm starten bis der nächste Abschnitt abgeschlossen ist
            • diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 2fa15829b5..00fc03f76e 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -494,17 +494,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              Section I - Hardware Button Check

              1. Während deine Konsole noch ausgeschalten ist, halte die folgenden Tasten: (L) + (R) + (Steuerkreuz oben) + (A), und während du all diese Tasten zusammen gedrückt hältst, schalte deine Konsole an +
              2. Schalte deine Konsole an
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
                • -
              5. -
              6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
                • Deine Konsole wird sich ausschalten
                • -
                • Wenn die Konsole ins HOME-Menü startet, schalte sie einfach aus
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. Schalte deine Konsole aus

              If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, use Seedminer instead.

              @@ -545,9 +541,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Der Test sollte erfolgreich sein
          5. -
          6. -

            Click “OK” to continue

          7. +
          8. Click “OK” to continue
          9. Schalte deine Konsole aus
          @@ -581,7 +575,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.

          1. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
          2. +
          3. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
          4. Sobald es abgeschlossen ist, drücke (A) um die Konsole neuzustarten
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index 0c9033ff4b..193c564cba 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • This may take many (up to 10) tries
            • If you see the message “Could not play”, you are either on a system version incompatible with Soundhax or downloaded the wrong Soundhax release
            • If it freezes, force the console to power off by holding the power button, then try again
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -551,7 +552,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.

            1. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
            2. +
            3. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
            4. Sobald es abgeschlossen ist, drücke (A) um die Konsole neuzustarten
            5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
                diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index abffa1d84c..bb26814db1 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.


                If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.


                If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.

                Was du brauchst

                @@ -534,9 +534,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • Der Test sollte erfolgreich sein
            6. -
            7. -

              Click “OK” to continue

            8. +
            9. Click “OK” to continue
            10. Press “Back” twice, then “Close” to go back to the HOME Menu
            @@ -552,12 +550,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. Tap the QR code button and scan this QR code
          7. Tap the “PROCEED TO HAXX” button
          8. -
          9. Wenn der Exploit erfolgreich war, wird SafeBS9Installer gestartet
          10. +
          11. Wenn der Exploit erfolgreich war, wird SafeBS9Installer gestartet + +

          Section IV - Installing boot9strap

          @@ -565,7 +567,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.

          1. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
          2. +
          3. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
          4. Sobald es abgeschlossen ist, drücke (A) um die Konsole neuzustarten
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index 25d5ea555c..f23eac377c 100644 --- a/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/de_DE/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare-> SD Card (image)
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Your device will automatically power off
          6. +
          7. Schalte deine Konsole an
          8. +
          9. Launch System Settings on your device
          10. +
          11. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Connection Settings
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. Schalte deine Konsole aus

          Section III - unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In diesem Abschnitt wirst du Custom Firmware auf deinem Gerät installieren.

      1. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
      2. +
      3. Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
      4. Sobald es abgeschlossen ist, drücke (A) um die Konsole neuzustarten
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/de_DE/key-information.html b/de_DE/key-information.html index 54a5b3e7bc..98b92a13d7 100644 --- a/de_DE/key-information.html +++ b/de_DE/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Hier ist, was du wissen solltest:

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. Du kannst deine Luma Version überprüfen, indem du (Select) gedrückt hältst während du deine Konsole hochfährst.
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.

          This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.

          diff --git a/de_DE/region-changing.html b/de_DE/region-changing.html index 703a7549ba..a93470feb7 100644 --- a/de_DE/region-changing.html +++ b/de_DE/region-changing.html @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Lesen erforderlich


          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. This is done by installing the 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image for the region you want to switch to. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).


          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. This is done by installing the 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image for the region you want to switch to. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          Note that region changing is almost completely unnecessary since Luma3DS supports out-of-region games and individual title Locale Emulation. Additionally, running NDS games with alternative out-of-region languages is supported by TWiLight Menu++. You should only perform a region change if you wish to have your system UI is in a language that is not available on your console’s current region.

          diff --git a/de_DE/seedminer-(twn).html b/de_DE/seedminer-(twn).html index ae943de6f8..f984be7b0d 100644 --- a/de_DE/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/de_DE/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Section III - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
    5. During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
    6. If you are still waiting after half an hour, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
    7. - - -
    8. When the process is completed, download your movable.sed file from the site -
    9. diff --git a/de_DE/seedminer.html b/de_DE/seedminer.html index cd0f3d8749..cf1d835874 100644 --- a/de_DE/seedminer.html +++ b/de_DE/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Section III - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
  • During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
  • If you are still waiting after half an hour, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
  • - - -
  • When the process is completed, download your movable.sed file from the site -
  • diff --git a/de_DE/updating-b9s.html b/de_DE/updating-b9s.html index 46b63f22c2..60884c3662 100644 --- a/de_DE/updating-b9s.html +++ b/de_DE/updating-b9s.html @@ -510,7 +510,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Dies sollte den SafeB9SInstaller automatisch starten
  • -
  • Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren
  • +
  • Wenn du gebeten wirst, eine Tastenkombination einzugeben, gib die Tastenkombination auf dem oberen Bildschirm ein, um boot9strap zu installieren + +
  • Sobald es fertig ist, schalte deine Konsole aus indem du den Power-Knopf gedrückt hältst
  • -
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
  • +
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
  • Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
  • Tu consola debería haber reiniciado en el menú de configuración de Luma3DS
  • If the exploit was successful, your device will have booted into the Homebrew Launcher
  • Apaga tu consola
  • -

    Section IV - Hardware Button Check


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
    2. Enciende tu consola
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
    7. +
    8. Apaga tu consola

    Next step: Choose an exploit


    If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/es_ES/index.html b/es_ES/index.html index 7be350adc3..3de33c429d 100644 --- a/es_ES/index.html +++ b/es_ES/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Lee detenidamente todas las páginas de introducción (incluido ésta) antes de proceder.


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Esto es lo que deberías saber:

    + + + +

    ¿Qué es Custom Firmware?

    Custom Firmware (Abreviado “CFW”) es una modificación completa de software a tu 3DS, comparable a los “permisos de administrador” en una computadora. Te permite hacer cualquier cosa que la 3DS sea físicamente capaz de hacer, en lugar de estar limitada por lo que Nintendo te permita hacer.

    diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index e93b8b0176..7af78bad35 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -576,23 +576,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Entra a Configuración de la consola
    2. Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare-> SD Card (image)
    3. -
    4. Select the “Haxxxxxxxxx!” title
    5. +
    6. Select the “Haxxxxxxxxx!” title + +
    7. Selecciona “Copiar”, luego “OK”
    8. Regresa al menú principal de Configuración de la Consola
    9. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Nintendo DS Connections, then select “OK” (image)
    10. -
    11. Si el exploit fue exitoso, tu consola habrá cargado la versión japonesa de Flipnote Studio
    12. +
    13. Si el exploit fue exitoso, tu consola habrá cargado la versión japonesa de Flipnote Studio + +

    Section V - Flipnote Exploit

    If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
    2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
    3. diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index 970e9d50f8..ed1be5a10f 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -532,12 +532,13 @@ If you are unable to install one, follow Bannerbomb3 i

      If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
        • Select the left option whenever prompted during the setup process
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
      3. diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index 51da6095b0..b2a2b0eb87 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index 3cc0cb8ca6..90c40c14ae 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Section I - Hardware Button Check (target 3DS)

          1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
          2. Enciende tu consola
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
            • -
          5. -
          6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
            • Your device will power off
            • -
            • If the device boots to the HOME Menu, just power off your device
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. Apaga tu consola

          If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.

          @@ -656,6 +652,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -665,7 +662,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index dabb38a146..7ed76b7671 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -548,7 +548,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is completed, force your device to power off by holding down the power button
            • Your device will only boot to the SafeB9SInstaller screen until the next section is completed
            • diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index a5b901fd5b..777ba0dba0 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -494,17 +494,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              Section I - Hardware Button Check

              1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
              2. Enciende tu consola
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
                • -
              5. -
              6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
                • Your device will power off
                • -
                • If the device boots to the HOME Menu, just power off your device
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. Apaga tu consola

              If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, use Seedminer instead.

              @@ -545,9 +541,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • The test should succeed
          5. -
          6. -

            Click “OK” to continue

          7. +
          8. Click “OK” to continue
          9. Apaga tu consola
          @@ -581,7 +575,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index bf0336104f..dedcb9ed36 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • This may take many (up to 10) tries
            • If you see the message “Could not play”, you are either on a system version incompatible with Soundhax or downloaded the wrong Soundhax release
            • Si se congela, fuerza el apagado de la consola manteniendo presionado el botón de apagado y luego intenta el proceso de nuevo
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -551,7 +552,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

            1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
            2. +
            3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
            4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
            5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
                diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index 09721abcbe..1ef8e744f2 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.


                If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.


                If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.

                Qué necesitas

                @@ -534,9 +534,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • The test should succeed
            6. -
            7. -

              Click “OK” to continue

            8. +
            9. Click “OK” to continue
            10. Press “Back” twice, then “Close” to go back to the HOME Menu
            @@ -552,12 +550,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. Tap the QR code button and scan this QR code
          7. Tap the “PROCEED TO HAXX” button
          8. -
          9. Si el exploit ha funcionado, habrás iniciado SafeB9SInstaller
          10. +
          11. Si el exploit ha funcionado, habrás iniciado SafeB9SInstaller + +

          Section IV - Installing boot9strap

          @@ -565,7 +567,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index 9f508423b2..2cdd80dda6 100644 --- a/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/es_ES/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare-> SD Card (image)
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Tu consola se apagará automáticamente
          6. +
          7. Enciende tu consola
          8. +
          9. Entra a Configuración de la consola
          10. +
          11. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Connection Settings
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. Apaga tu consola

          Sección III - unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/es_ES/key-information.html b/es_ES/key-information.html index 3c43473bbb..405ab75f5a 100644 --- a/es_ES/key-information.html +++ b/es_ES/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Esto es lo que deberías saber:

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. You can check your Luma version by holding (Select) while booting your device.
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.

          This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.

          diff --git a/es_ES/region-changing.html b/es_ES/region-changing.html index 5034dac785..a43a86cdfe 100644 --- a/es_ES/region-changing.html +++ b/es_ES/region-changing.html @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Lectura requerida


          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. This is done by installing the 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image for the region you want to switch to. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).


          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. This is done by installing the 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image for the region you want to switch to. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          Note that region changing is almost completely unnecessary since Luma3DS supports out-of-region games and individual title Locale Emulation. Additionally, running NDS games with alternative out-of-region languages is supported by TWiLight Menu++. You should only perform a region change if you wish to have your system UI is in a language that is not available on your console’s current region.

          diff --git a/es_ES/seedminer-(twn).html b/es_ES/seedminer-(twn).html index 0baf05b538..1c2569749f 100644 --- a/es_ES/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/es_ES/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Section III - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
    5. During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
    6. If you are still waiting after half an hour, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
    7. - - -
    8. When the process is completed, download your movable.sed file from the site -
    9. diff --git a/es_ES/seedminer.html b/es_ES/seedminer.html index 75278dc531..7e05fcb205 100644 --- a/es_ES/seedminer.html +++ b/es_ES/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Section III - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
  • During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
  • If you are still waiting after half an hour, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
  • - - -
  • When the process is completed, download your movable.sed file from the site -
  • diff --git a/es_ES/updating-b9s.html b/es_ES/updating-b9s.html index c98ef072f9..4a6f858d46 100644 --- a/es_ES/updating-b9s.html +++ b/es_ES/updating-b9s.html @@ -510,7 +510,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Esto debería iniciar SafeB9SInstaller automáticamente
  • -
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
  • +
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
  • Once it is completed, force your device to power off by holding down the power button
  • -
  • Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
  • +
  • Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
  • Une fois l’opération terminée, appuyez sur (A) pour redémarrer votre console
  • Votre console devrait avoir redémarré dans le menu de configuration de Luma3DS
  • Appuyez sur (A) pour continuer
  • -
  • Appuyez sur (HOME) pour faire apparaître le menu d’actions
  • +
  • Appuyez sur (Home) pour faire apparaître le menu d’actions (action menu)
  • Sélectionnez “Poweroff system” pour éteindre votre appareil
  • Insérez votre carte SD dans votre ordinateur
  • Copiez <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin, <date>_<serialnumber>_sysnand_##.bin.sha, et essentiel.exefs du dossier /gm9/out/ de votre carte SD vers un emplacement sûr sur votre ordinateur @@ -677,7 +693,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Si vous l’avez, copiez le dossier /luma/backups/ de votre carte SD vers un endroit sûr sur votre ordinateur
  • -
  • Réinsérez votre carte SD dans votre console
  • +
  • Retirez la carte SD de votre ordinateur et réinsérez-la dans votre console
  • Allumez votre console
  • diff --git a/fr_FR/get-started.html b/fr_FR/get-started.html index 7ce54181fc..1099f92fc2 100644 --- a/fr_FR/get-started.html +++ b/fr_FR/get-started.html @@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Ouvrez l’application Paramètres de la console
    2. -
    3. La version de votre logiciel système sera affichée en bas à droite de l’écran supérieur (par ex. “Ver. 11.16.0-49U”)
    4. +
    5. La version de votre logiciel système sera affichée en bas à droite de l’écran supérieur (par ex. “Ver. 11.17.0-50U”)

    Section III – Sélectionner une méthode

    @@ -608,6 +608,8 @@ Il semblerait que ce numéro de version soit invalide.

    diff --git a/fr_FR/homebrew-launcher-(super-skaterhax).html b/fr_FR/homebrew-launcher-(super-skaterhax).html index e02fc1a58d..4648614e13 100644 --- a/fr_FR/homebrew-launcher-(super-skaterhax).html +++ b/fr_FR/homebrew-launcher-(super-skaterhax).html @@ -454,10 +454,9 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ -

    Section I - Mise à jour de la console

    - -
    1. Mettez à jour votre console en vous rendant dans les Paramètres de la console, puis “Autres paramètres”, puis tout à droite sur l’option “Mise à jour” - -
    2. -
    - -

    Section II - Préparatifs


    Section I - Préparatifs

    Dans cette section, vous copierez les fichiers nécessaires pour déclencher à la fois super-skaterhax et l’Homebrew Launcher.

    @@ -515,7 +503,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({


    Section III - super-skaterhax


    Section II - super-skaterhax

    Dans cette section, vous allez visiter la page web d’exploit du Navigateur Internet, qui lancera l’Homebrew Launcher.

    @@ -553,38 +541,34 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Si des invites apparaissent, approuvez les tous
  • Si votre console se bloque sur un écran jaune, maintenez le bouton POWER jusqu’à ce qu’elle s’éteigne, puis réessayez cette section
  • Si votre console se bloque sur un écran rouge, maintenez le bouton POWER jusqu’à ce qu’elle s’éteigne, refaites l’étape 3 de la section II, puis recommencez cette section
  • -
  • Si vous recevez un autre message d’erreur, suivez ce guide de dépannage
  • +
  • If you get another error, try again up to 5 times, and if it still doesn’t work, follow this troubleshooting guide
  • Si l’exploit a réussi, votre console aura démarré dans l’Homebrew Launcher
  • Éteignez votre console
  • -

    Section IV - Contrôle matériel des boutons


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. Lorsque votre console encore éteinte, maintenez enfoncés les boutons suivants : (L) + (R) + (Haut sur la croix directionnelle) + (A), et tout en maintenant ces boutons enfoncés, allumez votre console +
    2. Allumez votre console
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. Si vous voyez l’écran de mise à jour de la console, appuyez sur Annuler -
    7. +
    8. Éteignez votre console

    Étape suivante : Choisissez un exploit


    Si vous avez vu l’écran de mise à jour de la console dans la section précédente, le mode sans échec fonctionne sur votre console.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    Si votre console a démarré en mode sans échec, continuez vers Installer boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    Si votre console ne démarre PAS en mode sans échec, continuez vers Dumping du Movable (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/fr_FR/index.html b/fr_FR/index.html index bab21d8efa..a577c5a69c 100644 --- a/fr_FR/index.html +++ b/fr_FR/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Lisez attentivement toutes les pages d’introduction (y compris celle-ci !) avant de continuer.


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Voici ce que vous devriez savoir :

    + + + +

    Qu’est-ce qu’un custom firmware ?

    Un custom firmware (“CFW”) est une modification complète du logiciel système de votre 3DS, comparable à “l’accès administrateur” sur un ordinateur. Il vous permet de faire tout ce que la 3DS est physiquement capable de faire, plutôt que d’être limité par tout ce que Nintendo vous permet de faire.

    diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index 70bc77f1bf..0361df51f8 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -576,23 +576,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Lancez les Paramètres de la console
    2. Naviguez vers Gestion des données -> DSiWare-> Carte SD (image)
    3. -
    4. Sélectionnez le titre “Haxxxxxxxxx!”
    5. +
    6. Sélectionnez le titre “Haxxxxxxxxx!” + +
    7. Sélectionnez “Copier”, puis sélectionnez “OK”
    8. Retournez au menu principal des Paramètres de la console
    9. Naviguez vers Paramètres Internet -> Connexions Nintendo DS, puis sélectionnez “OK” (image)
    10. -
    11. Si l’exploit a réussi, votre console devrait avoir démarré la version japonaise de Flipnote Studio
    12. +
    13. Si l’exploit a réussi, votre console devrait avoir démarré la version japonaise de Flipnote Studio + +

    Section V - Exploit Flipnote

    Si vous préférez un guide visuel pour cette section, un tel guide est disponible ici.


    Dans cette section, vous allez effectuer une série d’étapes très spécifiques dans Flipnote Studio qui, une fois effectuées correctement, déclencheront le lancement l’installateur de boot9strap (custom firmware).


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Terminez le processus de configuration initial de Flipnote Studio jusqu’à ce que vous atteigniez le menu principal
    2. En utilisant l’écran tactile, sélectionnez la grande case à gauche, puis sélectionnez la boîte avec une icône de carte SD
    3. diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index b5d4b96bc9..b5c4c49ddf 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -532,12 +532,13 @@ Si vous ne pouvez pas en installer un, suivez Bannerbomb3<

      Si vous préférez un guide visuel pour cette section, un tel guide est disponible ici.


      Dans cette section, vous allez effectuer une série d’étapes très spécifiques dans Flipnote Studio qui, une fois effectuées correctement, déclencheront le lancement l’installateur de boot9strap (custom firmware).


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Terminez le processus de configuration initial de Flipnote Studio jusqu’à ce que vous atteigniez le menu principal
        • Sélectionnez l’option de gauche chaque fois que vous y êtes invité durant le processus de configuration
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. En utilisant l’écran tactile, sélectionnez la grande case à gauche, puis sélectionnez la boîte avec une icône de carte SD
      3. diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index c435dc3152..fee644060d 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.

      1. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
      4. Une fois l’opération terminée, appuyez sur (A) pour redémarrer votre console
      5. Votre console devrait avoir démarré dans le menu de configuration de Luma3DS
          diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index 39e20e8459..ad9783f7fc 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Section I - Contrôle matériel des boutons (3DS cible)

          1. Lorsque votre console encore éteinte, maintenez enfoncés les boutons suivants : (L) + (R) + (Haut sur la croix directionnelle) + (A), et tout en maintenant ces boutons enfoncés, allumez votre console +
          2. Allumez votre console
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Maintenez les boutons enfoncés jusqu’à ce que la console démarre sur un écran de mise à jour de la console (c’est le mode sans échec)
            • -
          5. -
          6. Si vous voyez l’écran de mise à jour de la console, appuyez sur Annuler -
            • Votre console va s’éteindre
            • -
            • Si la console démarre à partir du menu HOME, éteignez simplement votre console
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. Éteignez votre console

          Si vous ne démarrez pas en mode sans échec, le menu de mise à jour de la console après plusieurs tentatives, vous ne pouvez pas suivre cette méthode. Si c’est le cas, rejoignez Nintendo Homebrew sur Discord et demandez de l’aide, en anglais.

          @@ -656,6 +652,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • Si votre console se bloque sur un écran blanc, maintenez le bouton POWER jusqu’à ce qu’elle s’éteigne, puis réessayez cette section
          • Si votre console se bloque sur un écran rouge, il vous manque usm.bin à la racine de votre carte SD
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -665,7 +662,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.

      1. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
      4. Une fois l’opération terminée, appuyez sur (A) pour redémarrer votre console
      5. Votre console devrait avoir démarré dans le menu de configuration de Luma3DS
          diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index e75010a410..091ade8069 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -550,7 +550,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.

          1. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
          4. Une fois terminé, forcez votre console à s’éteindre en maintenant le bouton Power enfoncé
            • Votre console ne démarrera que sur l’écran de SafeB9SInstaller tant que la section suivante n’aura pas été complétée
            • diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 77c8feb0c0..0a912f347e 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -496,17 +496,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              Section I - Contrôle matériel des boutons

              1. Lorsque votre console encore éteinte, maintenez enfoncés les boutons suivants : (L) + (R) + (Haut sur la croix directionnelle) + (A), et tout en maintenant ces boutons enfoncés, allumez votre console +
              2. Allumez votre console
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Maintenez les boutons enfoncés jusqu’à ce que la console démarre sur un écran de mise à jour de la console (c’est le mode sans échec)
                • -
              5. -
              6. Si vous voyez l’écran de mise à jour de la console, appuyez sur Annuler -
                • Votre console va s’éteindre
                • -
                • Si la console démarre à partir du menu HOME, éteignez simplement votre console
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. Éteignez votre console

              Si votre console ne démarre pas en mode sans échec (le menu de mise à jour de la console) après plusieurs tentatives, vous ne pouvez pas suivre cette méthode. Si c’est le cas, utilisez Seedminer à la place.

              @@ -547,9 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Le test devrait réussir
          5. -
          6. -

            Cliquez sur “OK” pour continuer

          7. +
          8. Cliquez sur “OK” pour continuer
          9. Éteignez votre console
          @@ -583,7 +577,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.

          1. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
          4. Une fois l’opération terminée, appuyez sur (A) pour redémarrer votre console
          5. Votre console devrait avoir démarré dans le menu de configuration de Luma3DS
              diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index fb60a82229..a6e2e06ba5 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -541,6 +541,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Il se peut que cela nécessite plusieurs tentatives (jusqu’à 10)
            • Si vous voyez le message “Lecture impossible”, vous êtes soit sur une version du système incompatible avec Soundhax ou vous avez téléchargé la mauvaise version de Soundhax
            • Si la console ne répond plus, forcez-la simplement à s’éteindre en maintenant le bouton POWER, puis réessayez
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -553,7 +554,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.

            1. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
            2. +
            3. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
            4. Une fois l’opération terminée, appuyez sur (A) pour redémarrer votre console
            5. Votre console devrait avoir démarré dans le menu de configuration de Luma3DS
                diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index ad74a1e630..3fb8d28153 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ la dernière version du système.

                SSLoth permet aux utilisateurs de consoles en version 11.13.0 et versions antérieures de contourner la vérification de la version du Navigateur Internet, permettant l’utilisation de new-browserhax ou old-browserhax (compatible avec les versions 11.4.0 à 11.13.0 dans toutes les régions), qui peuvent ensuite être utilisés conjointement avec universal-otherapp.


                Si vous avez mis à jour votre console vers votre version actuelle en utilisant une carte de jeu, votre Navigateur Internet ne sera pas accessible. Si c’est le cas, vous devrez mettre à jour votre console vers la dernière version via les Paramètres de la console, puis suivre la méthode pour la dernière version.


                Si vous avez mis à jour votre console vers votre version actuelle en utilisant une carte de jeu, votre Navigateur Internet ne sera pas accessible. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.

                Ce dont vous avez besoin

                @@ -535,9 +535,7 @@ la dernière version du système.

              • Le test devrait réussir
            6. -
            7. -

              Cliquez sur “OK” pour continuer

            8. +
            9. Cliquez sur “OK” pour continuer
            10. Appuyez deux fois sur « Retour », puis « Fermer » pour revenir au Menu HOME
            @@ -553,12 +551,16 @@ la dernière version du système.

          6. Touchez le bouton QR code et scannez ce QR code
          7. Appuyez sur le bouton “PROCEED TO HAXX”
          8. -
          9. Si l’exploit a réussit, vous devriez avoir démarré dans SafeB9SInstaller
          10. +
          11. Si l’exploit a réussit, vous devriez avoir démarré dans SafeB9SInstaller + +

          Section IV - Installation de boot9strap

          @@ -566,7 +568,11 @@ la dernière version du système.

          Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.

          1. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
          4. Une fois l’opération terminée, appuyez sur (A) pour redémarrer votre console
          5. Votre console devrait avoir démarré dans le menu de configuration de Luma3DS
              diff --git a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index 188f102f0b..2f25e9678e 100644 --- a/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/fr_FR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Naviguez vers Gestion des données -> DSiWare-> Carte SD (image)
              • Votre console devrait afficher le menu BB3 multihax
              • -
              • Si cette étape provoque un plantage de votre console, suivez ce guide de dépannage
              • +
              • If the BB3 multihax menu doesn’t open, follow this troubleshooting guide
              • Si le menu multihax BB3 dit “cfw installed already”, vous avez déjà un custom firmware et devriez continuer ici
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Votre console s’éteindra automatiquement
          6. +
          7. Allumez votre console
          8. +
          9. Lancez les Paramètres de la console
          10. +
          11. Naviguez vers Paramètres Internet -> Paramètres de connexion
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. Éteignez votre console

          Section III - unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • Si votre console se bloque sur un écran blanc, maintenez le bouton POWER jusqu’à ce qu’elle s’éteigne, puis réessayez cette section
          • Si votre console se bloque sur un écran rouge, il vous manque usm.bin à la racine de votre carte SD
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Dans cette section, vous installerez un custom firmware sur votre console.

      1. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
      4. Une fois l’opération terminée, appuyez sur (A) pour redémarrer votre console
      5. Votre console devrait avoir démarré dans le menu de configuration de Luma3DS
          diff --git a/fr_FR/key-information.html b/fr_FR/key-information.html index 8465be8ffc..aeb18c412f 100644 --- a/fr_FR/key-information.html +++ b/fr_FR/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Voici ce que vous devriez savoir :

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. Vous pouvez vérifier votre version de Luma3DS en maintenant (Select) pendant le démarrage de votre console.
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          Lisez attentivement cette page s’il s’agit de la première fois que vous hackez une 3DS (ou si vous n’êtes pas familier avec la technologie en général) ! Si vous savez ce que vous faites et que vous avez une expérience antérieure, continuez vers Bien démarrer.

          Cette page couvre une partie de la terminologie informatique de base et des informations spécifiques à la 3DS que vous devriez connaître avant de suivre ce guide.

          diff --git a/fr_FR/region-changing.html b/fr_FR/region-changing.html index 9bb352774c..17b5eaa896 100644 --- a/fr_FR/region-changing.html +++ b/fr_FR/region-changing.html @@ -472,7 +472,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Lecture requise


          Ceci est une section complémentaire pour ceux qui voudraient changer la région de leur console. Cette opération peut être effectuée en installant l’image CTRTransfer 11.15.0 de la région à laquelle vous souhaitez passer. Après avoir installé l’image, vous pouvez mettre à jour votre console normalement vers le dernier firmware (11.16.0).


          Ceci est une section complémentaire pour ceux qui voudraient changer la région de leur console. Cette opération peut être effectuée en installant l’image CTRTransfer 11.15.0 de la région à laquelle vous souhaitez passer. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          Notez que le changement de région est presque totalement inutile puisque Luma3DS prend en charge les jeux hors région et la prise en charge des langues de ces jeux via l’option Locale Emulation. De plus, l’exécution de jeux NDS avec d’autres langues hors région est prise en charge par TWiLight Menu++. Vous ne devriez effectuer un changement de région que si vous souhaitez que l’interface utilisateur de votre console soit dans une langue qui n’est pas disponible dans la région actuelle de votre console.

          diff --git a/fr_FR/seedminer-(twn).html b/fr_FR/seedminer-(twn).html index 8d8ff3dd5e..66df74768e 100644 --- a/fr_FR/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/fr_FR/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Section III - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      Dans cette section, vous utiliserez le site Web Bruteforce Movable pour récupérer la clé de chiffrement de votre console sous la forme d’un fichier movable.sed.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. Ceci est généralement rapide (1-5 minutes)
    5. Au cours de ce processus, le bot que vous avez ajouté peut ne pas apparaître sur votre 3DS. Tant que le site se met à jour, ce n’est pas un problème
    6. Si vous êtes toujours en train d’attendre après une demi-heure, veuillez rejoindre Nintendo Homebrew sur Discord et demandez (en anglais) à quelqu’un de vous aider
    7. - - -
    8. Une fois le processus terminé, téléchargez votre fichier movable.sed depuis le site -
    9. diff --git a/fr_FR/seedminer.html b/fr_FR/seedminer.html index 1cec8284e2..38e96b4050 100644 --- a/fr_FR/seedminer.html +++ b/fr_FR/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Section III - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    Dans cette section, vous utiliserez le site Web Bruteforce Movable pour récupérer la clé de chiffrement de votre console sous la forme d’un fichier movable.sed.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Ceci est généralement rapide (1-5 minutes)
  • Au cours de ce processus, le bot que vous avez ajouté peut ne pas apparaître sur votre 3DS. Tant que le site se met à jour, ce n’est pas un problème
  • Si vous êtes toujours en train d’attendre après une demi-heure, veuillez rejoindre Nintendo Homebrew sur Discord et demandez (en anglais) à quelqu’un de vous aider
  • - - -
  • Une fois le processus terminé, téléchargez votre fichier movable.sed depuis le site -
  • diff --git a/fr_FR/updating-b9s.html b/fr_FR/updating-b9s.html index 169048f14e..5dbbc4596f 100644 --- a/fr_FR/updating-b9s.html +++ b/fr_FR/updating-b9s.html @@ -512,7 +512,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Cela devrait automatiquement lancer SafeB9SInstaller
  • -
  • Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap
  • +
  • Lorsque vous y êtes invité, entrez la combinaison de touches indiquée sur l’écran supérieur pour installer boot9strap + +
  • Une fois terminé, forcez votre console à s’éteindre en maintenant le bouton Power enfoncé
  • -
  • Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
  • +
  • Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
  • Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához
  • A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia
  • Ha az exploit sikeres volt, a készülékének ezt követően be kell bootolnia a Homebrew Launcherbe
  • Kapcsold ki a készüléked
  • -

    IV. rész - Fizikai gombok ellenőrzése


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. Az eszközöd kikapcsolt állapotában tartsd nyomva a következő gombokat: (Bal Váll) + (Jobb Váll) + (D-Pad Fel) + (A), majd ezen gombok nyomva tartása mellett kapcsold be az eszközöd +
    2. Kapcsold be a készülékedet
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. Ha a rendszer frissítés képernyőt látod, nyomj Cancel-t -
    7. +
    8. Kapcsold ki a készüléked

    Következő lépés: Válassz egy exploit-ot


    Ha láttad a rendszer frissítés képernyőt az előző részben, a Safe Mode működik az eszközödön.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    Ha az eszközöd a Safe Mode-ba bootol, folytasd a boot9strap (HBL-USM) telepítésével


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    Ha az eszközöd NEM bootol Safe Mode-ba, folytasd a Movable dumpolásával (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/hu_HU/index.html b/hu_HU/index.html index 347ba4f585..6b10c39690 100644 --- a/hu_HU/index.html +++ b/hu_HU/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Alaposan olvasd végig az összes bevezető oldalt (beleértve ezt is) mielőtt bármibe belekezdenél.


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Amit érdemes tudnod:

    + + + +

    Mi az a Custom Firmware?

    A Custom firmware (“CFW”) egy teljes szoftver módosítása a 3DS-ednek, ami a számítógéped “rendszergazdai hozzáféréséhez” hasonlítható. Lehetővé teszi, hog bármit csinál amire a 3DS fizikailag képes, a helyett, hogy korlátozva lennél arra amit a Nintendo enged meg számodra.

    diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index cf1542503e..d0dafbca16 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -576,23 +576,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Lépj be a System Settings-be a készülékeden
    2. Navigálj ide: Data Management -> DSiWare -> SD Card (kép)
    3. -
    4. Válaszd a “Haxxxxxxxxx!” címet
    5. +
    6. Válaszd a “Haxxxxxxxxx!” címet + +
    7. Válaszd a “Copy”-t, majd az “OK”-t
    8. Térj vissza a System Settings főmenüjébe
    9. Navigálj az Internet Settings -> Nintendo DS Connections opcióhoz, majd válaszd az “OK”-t (kép)
    10. -
    11. Ha az exploit sikeres volt, a készülékednek ezt követően be kell töltenie a JPN verzióját a Flipnote Studio-nak
    12. +
    13. Ha az exploit sikeres volt, a készülékednek ezt követően be kell töltenie a JPN verzióját a Flipnote Studio-nak + +

    V. rész - Flipnote Exploit

    Ha inkább egy vizuális útmutatót szeretnél ehhez a fejezethez, itt elérhető egy.


    Ebben a fejezetben végrehajtasz egy specifikus lépés sorozatot a Flipnote Studio-val, ami ha helyesen került végrehajtásra, elindítja a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Fejezd be a kezdeti telepítését az elindított játéknak, amíg el nem éri a fő menüt
    2. Az érintőképernyőt használva válaszd ki a bal nagy dobozt, majd válaszd a dobozt az SD kártya ikonnal
    3. diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index 46ae4f1c81..7c65d91c7c 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -532,12 +532,13 @@ Ha nem tudsz egy ilyet telepíteni, folytasd a Bannerbomb3

      Ha inkább egy vizuális útmutatót szeretnél ehhez a fejezethez, itt elérhető egy.


      Ebben a fejezetben végrehajtasz egy specifikus lépés sorozatot a Flipnote Studio-val, ami ha helyesen került végrehajtásra, elindítja a boot9strap (egyedi firmware) telepítőt.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Fejezd be a kezdeti telepítését az elindított játéknak, amíg el nem éri a fő menüt
        • Válaszd a bal opciót, ha kérdezi a telepítési folyamat során
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. Az érintőképernyőt használva válaszd ki a bal nagy dobozt, majd válaszd a dobozt az SD kártya ikonnal
      3. diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index fac75a1528..1e6e8ee7b0 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.

      1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
      2. +
      3. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
      4. Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához
      5. A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia
          diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index 90149ddd31..5fd2eef179 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          I. rész - Fizikai gombok ellenőrzése (cél 3DS)

          1. Az eszközöd kikapcsolt állapotában tartsd nyomva a következő gombokat: (Bal Váll) + (Jobb Váll) + (D-Pad Fel) + (A), majd ezen gombok nyomva tartása mellett kapcsold be az eszközöd +
          2. Kapcsold be a készülékedet
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Tartsd nyomva a gombokat, amíg a konzolod be nem bootol a rendszer frissítés képernyőre (ez a Safe Mode)
            • -
          5. -
          6. Ha a rendszer frissítés képernyőt látod, nyomj Cancel-t -
            • Az eszközöd ki fog kapcsolni
            • -
            • Ha az eszközöd a HOME menübe bootol, csak kapcsold ki az eszközöd
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. Kapcsold ki a készüléked

          Ha nem sikerül Safe Mode-ba bootolni több próbálkozás ellenére sem, akkor nem tudod követni ezt a metódust. Ebben az esetben csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew-hoz Discord-on és kérj, támogatást angolul.

          @@ -653,6 +649,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • Ha az eszközöd lefagy egy fehér képernyőn, tartsd nyomva a PWER gombot, amíg ki nem kapcsol, és próbáld újra ezt a részt
          • Ha az eszközöd e helyett egy piros képernyőn fagy le, akkor hiányzik az usm.bin az SD kártya gyökerébőln
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -662,7 +659,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.

      1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
      2. +
      3. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
      4. Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához
      5. A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia
          diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index 4057ca5d5f..eef025940e 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -548,7 +548,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.

          1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
          2. +
          3. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
          4. Ha ez elkészült, kényszerítsd a készülékedet leállásra a bekapcsológomb lenyomva tartásával
            • A készüléked csak addig fog a SafeB9SInstaller képernyőre bootolni, amíg a következő részt be nem fejezed
            • diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 5bd2474044..d6f02b3365 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -494,17 +494,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              I. rész - Fizikai gombok ellenőrzése

              1. Az eszközöd kikapcsolt állapotában tartsd nyomva a következő gombokat: (Bal Váll) + (Jobb Váll) + (D-Pad Fel) + (A), majd ezen gombok nyomva tartása mellett kapcsold be az eszközöd +
              2. Kapcsold be a készülékedet
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Tartsd nyomva a gombokat, amíg a konzolod be nem bootol a rendszer frissítés képernyőre (ez a Safe Mode)
                • -
              5. -
              6. Ha a rendszer frissítés képernyőt látod, nyomj Cancel-t -
                • Az eszközöd ki fog kapcsolni
                • -
                • Ha az eszközöd a HOME menübe bootol, csak kapcsold ki az eszközöd
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. Kapcsold ki a készüléked

              Ha nem sikerül Safe Mode-ba bootolni több próbálkozás ellenére sem, akkor nem tudod követni ezt a metódust. Ha ez a helyzet, használd a Seedminer-t helyette.

              @@ -545,9 +541,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • A tesztnek sikeresnek kell lennie
          5. -
          6. -

            Kattintson az OK gombra a folytatáshoz

          7. +
          8. Kattintson az OK gombra a folytatáshoz
          9. Kapcsold ki a készüléked
          @@ -581,7 +575,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.

          1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
          2. +
          3. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
          4. Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához
          5. A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia
              diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index 7c0bc958db..3046e10127 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Ez lehet, hogy csak sok (akár 10) próba után fog működni
            • Ha azt az üzenetet látod, hogy “Could not play”, vagy olyan rendszer verzión vagy, ami inkompatiblis a soundhax-szal, vagy rossz Soundhax kiadást töltöttél le
            • Ha lefagyna, kényszerítsd leállásra a konzolt a bekapcsológomb lenyomva tartásával, majd próbálkozz újra
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -551,7 +552,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.

            1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
            2. +
            3. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
            4. Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához
            5. A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia
                diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index 0ba7bc4af7..d58badaac5 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                Az SSLoth lehetővé teszi a 11.13.0 és alatti verziók számára, hogy megkerüld a böngésző verzió ellenőrzést, ezáltal lehetővé tegye a new-browserhax vagy az old-browserhax (kompatibilis a 11.4.0 verziótól 11.13.0-ig minden régió esetén) használatát, amik az universal-otherapp-pal együtt használhatók.


                Ha frissítetted az eszközödet az aktuális verzióra, cartridge használatával, az Internet Browser-ed nem lesz elérhető. Ha ez az eset áll fenn, frissítened kell az eszközödet az utolsó verzióra a System Settings-en keresztül, és a legutolsó verzióhoz készült metódust használnod.


                Ha frissítetted az eszközödet az aktuális verzióra, cartridge használatával, az Internet Browser-ed nem lesz elérhető. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.

                Amire szükséged lesz

                @@ -534,9 +534,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • A tesztnek sikeresnek kell lennie
            6. -
            7. -

              Kattintson az OK gombra a folytatáshoz

            8. +
            9. Kattintson az OK gombra a folytatáshoz
            10. Nyomj a “Back”-re kétszer, majd a “Close”-ra, hogy visszajuszz a HOME Menübe
            @@ -552,12 +550,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. Érintsd meg a QR Code gombot és olvasd le ezt a QR kódot
          7. Nyomj a “PROCEED TO HAXX” gombra
          8. -
          9. Ha az exploit sikerrel járt, készüléked bebootolja a SafeB9SInstallert
          10. +
          11. Ha az exploit sikerrel járt, készüléked bebootolja a SafeB9SInstallert + +

          IV. rész - boot9strap telepítése

          @@ -565,7 +567,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.

          1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
          2. +
          3. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
          4. Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához
          5. A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia
              diff --git a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index d67df21521..eeb0c7cc09 100644 --- a/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/hu_HU/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Navigálj ide: Data Management -> DSiWare -> SD Card (kép)
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Az eszközöd automatikusan ki fog kapcsolni
          6. +
          7. Kapcsold be a készülékedet
          8. +
          9. Lépj be a System Settings-be a készülékeden
          10. +
          11. Navigálj az Internet Settings -> Connection Settings opciókhoz
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. Kapcsold ki a készüléked

          III. rész - unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • Ha az eszközöd lefagy egy fehér képernyőn, tartsd nyomva a PWER gombot, amíg ki nem kapcsol, és próbáld újra ezt a részt
          • Ha az eszközöd e helyett egy piros képernyőn fagy le, akkor hiányzik az usm.bin az SD kártya gyökerébőln
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Ebben a fejezetben egyedi firmware-t fogsz telepíteni az eszközödre.

      1. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
      2. +
      3. Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
      4. Ha ez elkészült, nyomd meg az (A) gombot az eszközöd újraindításához
      5. A készülékednek az előzőekben a Luma3DS-be kellett bootolnia
          diff --git a/hu_HU/key-information.html b/hu_HU/key-information.html index 7d401f86d2..afc314d0f0 100644 --- a/hu_HU/key-information.html +++ b/hu_HU/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Amit érdemes tudnod:

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. Ellenőrizheted a Luma verziódat a (Select) lenyomva tartásával az eszközöd elindítása közben.
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          Ha ez az első alkalom, hogy moddolsz egy 3DS-t (vagy nem vagy ismerős a technológiával) akkor folytasd az olvasást! Egyébként, ha rendelkezel tapasztalattal és tudod, hogy mit csinálsz, folytasd a Kezdeti lépésekkel.

          Ez az oldal néhány alap számitástechnikai információt és 3DS specifikus információkat tartalmaz, amiket ismerned kell, mielőtt követnéd ezt az útmutatót.

          diff --git a/hu_HU/region-changing.html b/hu_HU/region-changing.html index 59f963f9ea..220fe276bb 100644 --- a/hu_HU/region-changing.html +++ b/hu_HU/region-changing.html @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Fontos tudnivalók


          Ez egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben régióváltást végzünk az eszközödön. Ezt úgy hajtjuk végre, hogy telepítünk egy olyan 11.15.0-s CTRTransfer képfájlt, ami az általad kívánt régiójú. A képfájl telepítését követően frissítheted az eszközödet a szokásos módon a legutolsó firmware-re (11.16.0).


          Ez egy kiegészítő rész, amelyben régióváltást végzünk az eszközödön. Ezt úgy hajtjuk végre, hogy telepítünk egy olyan 11.15.0-s CTRTransfer képfájlt, ami az általad kívánt régiójú. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          Fontos, hogy tudd, hogy a régióváltás majdnem teljesen felesleges, mivel a Luma3DS támogatja a régiódon kívüli játékokat, illetve a játékonkénti lokalizáció emulációt is. Ezen felül, NDS játékok futtatása más, régión kívüli nyelveken is támogatott TWiLight Menu++ segítségével. Csak akkor van szükséged régió módosításra, ha az szeretnéd, hogy a rendszer felülete olyan nyelven legyen, ami nem elérhető a konzolod aktuális régiójában.

          diff --git a/hu_HU/seedminer-(twn).html b/hu_HU/seedminer-(twn).html index 7831ca7bf8..8b585d0c88 100644 --- a/hu_HU/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/hu_HU/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      III. rész - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      Ebben a fejezetben a Bruteforce Movable weboldalt fogod használni, hogy megszerezd az eszközöd titkosító kulcsát movable.sed formában.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. Ez általában gyors (1-5 perc)
    5. Ez alatt a folyamat alatt, a bot, amit hozzáadtál nem biztos, hogy feltűnik a 3DS-eden. Egészen addig, amíg a weboldal frissül, ez nem probléma
    6. Ha egy fél óra után is még mindig várakozol, csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew Discord-on csatornához, és kérj segítséget (angol nyelven) valakitől
    7. - - -
    8. Amikor a folyamat befejeződött, töltsd le a movable.sed fájlodat az oldalról -
    9. diff --git a/hu_HU/seedminer.html b/hu_HU/seedminer.html index e0c9b7b71d..ad1b15c015 100644 --- a/hu_HU/seedminer.html +++ b/hu_HU/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    III. rész - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    Ebben a fejezetben a Bruteforce Movable weboldalt fogod használni, hogy megszerezd az eszközöd titkosító kulcsát movable.sed formában.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Ez általában gyors (1-5 perc)
  • Ez alatt a folyamat alatt, a bot, amit hozzáadtál nem biztos, hogy feltűnik a 3DS-eden. Egészen addig, amíg a weboldal frissül, ez nem probléma
  • Ha egy fél óra után is még mindig várakozol, csatlakozz a Nintendo Homebrew Discord-on csatornához, és kérj segítséget (angol nyelven) valakitől
  • - - -
  • Amikor a folyamat befejeződött, töltsd le a movable.sed fájlodat az oldalról -
  • diff --git a/hu_HU/updating-b9s.html b/hu_HU/updating-b9s.html index 005634c856..591235546f 100644 --- a/hu_HU/updating-b9s.html +++ b/hu_HU/updating-b9s.html @@ -510,7 +510,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Ennek automatikusan indítania a SafeB9SInstaller-t
  • -
  • Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et
  • +
  • Ha kéri, akkor nyomd meg a gombokat egyszerre, amiket kijelez a felső képernyőn, hogy telepíthesd a boot9strap-et + +
  • Ha ez elkészült, kényszerítsd a készülékedet leállásra a bekapcsológomb lenyomva tartásával
  • -
  • Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
  • +
  • Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
  • Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console
  • La tua console dovrebbe riavviarsi all’interno del menu di configurazione di Luma3DS
  • Se l’exploit ha avuto successo, la tua console avrà avviato l’Homebrew Launcher
  • Spegni il tuo 3DS
  • -

    Sezione IV - Verifica Pulsanti Hardware


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. Con la console ancora spenta, tieni premuto i pulsanti (L) + (R) + (Su) + (A), dopodiché, tenendo premuti i pulsanti, accendi la console +
    2. Accendi la console
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. Se viene mostrata la schermata di aggiornamento del sistema, premi Annulla -
    7. +
    8. Spegni il tuo 3DS

    Passaggio successivo: Scelta di un exploit


    Se nella sezione precedente hai visto la schermata di aggiornamento del sistema, la Modalità Provvisoria è funzionante sulla tua console.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    Se la console ha avviato la Modalità Provvisoria, prosegui con Installazione di boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    Se la console NON ha avviato la Modalità Provvisoria, continua con Dump di Movable (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/it_IT/index.html b/it_IT/index.html index 35655e7073..0e2ce57863 100644 --- a/it_IT/index.html +++ b/it_IT/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Leggi attentamente tutte le pagine introduttive (compresa questa!) prima di continuare.


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Ecco cosa dovresti sapere:

    + + + +

    Cosa vuol dire custom firmware?

    Un custom firmware (“CFW”) è una modifica software per il 3DS, paragonabile ad un “amministratore di sistema” su un computer. Ti permette di fare tutto quello che un 3DS può fisicamente fare, invece di essere limitati da quello che permette Nintendo.

    diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index 5b5ffeeb8a..c445bf72bd 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -576,23 +576,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Avvia “Impostazioni della console”
    2. Entra in Gestione dati -> DSiWare -> Scheda SD (image)
    3. -
    4. Seleziona “Haxxxxxxxxx!”
    5. +
    6. Seleziona “Haxxxxxxxxx!” + +
    7. Seleziona “Copia”, quindi “OK”
    8. Ritorna al menu principale delle Impostazioni della console
    9. Entra in Impostazioni Internet -> Connessioni Nintendo DS, quindi seleziona “OK” (image)
    10. -
    11. Se l’exploit ha avuto successo, la tua console avrà caricato la versione JPN di Flipnote Studio
    12. +
    13. Se l’exploit ha avuto successo, la tua console avrà caricato la versione JPN di Flipnote Studio + +

    Sezione V - Exploit Flipnote

    Se desideri una guida visiva per questa parte, è disponibile qui.


    In questa sezione eseguirai una serie di passaggi molto specifici all’interno di Flipnote Studio che, eseguiti correttamente, avvieranno l’installazione di boot9strap (custom firmware).


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Completa la configurazione iniziale del gioco finché non avrai raggiunto il menu principale
    2. Con il touch screen, seleziona il riquadro grande a sinistra, poi il riquadro con l’icona di una scheda SD
    3. diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index 0dba9ee7da..b908b43f4e 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -532,12 +532,13 @@ Se non sei in grado di installarne uno, segui invece Banne

      Se desideri una guida visiva per questa parte, è disponibile qui.


      In questa sezione eseguirai una serie di passaggi molto specifici all’interno di Flipnote Studio che, eseguiti correttamente, avvieranno l’installazione di boot9strap (custom firmware).


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Completa la configurazione iniziale del gioco finché non avrai raggiunto il menu principale
        • Seleziona l’opzione di sinistra quando richiesto durante la configurazione
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. Con il touch screen, seleziona il riquadro grande a sinistra, poi il riquadro con l’icona di una scheda SD
      3. diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index 62c9a66fe7..36066f2ca2 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.

      1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
      4. Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console
      5. La tua console dovrebbe aver avviato il menu di configurazione di Luma3DS
          diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index fc114861ab..5ab3a7918c 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Sezione I - Verifica Pulsanti Hardware (3DS di destinazione)

          1. Con la console ancora spenta, tieni premuto i pulsanti (L) + (R) + (Su) + (A), dopodiché, tenendo premuti i pulsanti, accendi la console +
          2. Accendi la console
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Tieni premuti i pulsanti finché la console non mostrerà una schermata di aggiornamento dei sistema (cioè la Modalità Provvisoria)
            • -
          5. -
          6. Se viene mostrata la schermata di aggiornamento del sistema, premi Annulla -
            • La console si spegnerà
            • -
            • Se la console si avvia nel menu HOME, spegni la console
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. Spegni il tuo 3DS

          Se non si riesce ad avviare la Modalità Provvisoria, il menu di aggiornamento di sistema, dopo più tentativi, non è possibile seguire questo metodo. In tal caso, puoi ricevere assistenza chiedendo, in inglese, nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew.

          @@ -656,6 +652,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • Se la tua console invece si blocca con una schermata bianca, tieni premuto il pulsante POWER finché non si spegne, quindi riprova questa sezione
          • Se invece la console invece si blocca con una schermata rossa, manca il file usm.bin dalla directory principale della tua scheda SD
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -665,7 +662,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.

      1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
      4. Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console
      5. La tua console dovrebbe aver avviato il menu di configurazione di Luma3DS
          diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index 657d0ca25f..b284ff1fb6 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -548,7 +548,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.

          1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
          4. Al termine, forza lo spegnimento della console tenendo premuto il pulsante di accensione
            • Finché non verrà completata la successiva sezione, la console visualizzerà soltanto la schermata di SafeB9SInstaller all’accensione
            • diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 031bce4d09..0c2999949f 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -494,17 +494,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              Sezione I - Verifica Pulsanti Hardware

              1. Con la console ancora spenta, tieni premuto i pulsanti (L) + (R) + (Su) + (A), dopodiché, tenendo premuti i pulsanti, accendi la console +
              2. Accendi la console
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Tieni premuti i pulsanti finché la console non mostrerà una schermata di aggiornamento dei sistema (cioè la Modalità Provvisoria)
                • -
              5. -
              6. Se viene mostrata la schermata di aggiornamento del sistema, premi Annulla -
                • La console si spegnerà
                • -
                • Se la console si avvia nel menu HOME, spegni la console
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. Spegni il tuo 3DS

              Se non si riesce ad avviare la Modalità Provvisoria, il menu di aggiornamento di sistema, dopo più tentativi, non è possibile seguire questo metodo. Se questo è il caso, utilizza Seedminer.

              @@ -545,9 +541,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Il test dovrebbe andare a buon fine
          5. -
          6. -

            Clicca “OK” per continuare

          7. +
          8. Clicca “OK” per continuare
          9. Spegni il tuo 3DS
          @@ -581,7 +575,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.

          1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
          4. Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console
          5. La tua console dovrebbe aver avviato il menu di configurazione di Luma3DS
              diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index 2769fc71a5..2a600f02b0 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Potrebbero essere necessari molti tentativi (anche 10)
            • Se vedi il messaggio “Impossibile riprodurre”, hai una versione di sistema incompatibile con Soundhax oppure hai scaricato una versione sbagliata di Soundhax
            • Se la console dovesse bloccarsi, forzane lo spegnimento tenendo premuto il pulsante di accensione, quindi riprova
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -551,7 +552,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.

            1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
            2. +
            3. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
            4. Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console
            5. La tua console dovrebbe aver avviato il menu di configurazione di Luma3DS
                diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index 7b2ba01f48..fd1b916a7b 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                SSLoth consente agli utenti alla versione di sistema 11.13.0 e precedenti di bypassare il controllo sulla versione del browser, permettendo l’uso di new-browserhax o old-browserhax (compatibile con tutte le versioni da 11.4.0 a 11.13.0 di ogni regionalità), che può quindi essere utilizzato in combinazione con universal-otherapp.


                Se hai aggiornato la tua console alla versione corrente utilizzando una cartuccia, il tuo Browser Internet sarà inaccessibile. In tal caso, dovrai aggiornare la tua console all’ultima versione tramite Impostazioni della console, quindi seguire il metodo per la versione più recente.


                Se hai aggiornato la tua console alla versione corrente utilizzando una cartuccia, il tuo Browser Internet sarà inaccessibile. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.

                Cosa serve

                @@ -534,9 +534,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • Il test dovrebbe andare a buon fine
            6. -
            7. -

              Clicca “OK” per continuare

            8. +
            9. Clicca “OK” per continuare
            10. Premi “Indietro” due volte, poi “Chiudi” per tornare al menu HOME
            @@ -552,12 +550,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. Tocca il pulsante Codice QR e scansiona questo codice QR
          7. Tocca il pulsante “PROCEED TO HAXX”
          8. -
          9. Se l’exploit è andato a buon fine, si avvierà SafeB9SInstaller
          10. +
          11. Se l’exploit è andato a buon fine, si avvierà SafeB9SInstaller + +

          Sezione IV - Installazione di boot9strap

          @@ -565,7 +567,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.

          1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
          4. Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console
          5. La tua console dovrebbe aver avviato il menu di configurazione di Luma3DS
              diff --git a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index 73f048cb2e..22d79a2e0a 100644 --- a/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/it_IT/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Entra in Gestione dati -> DSiWare -> Scheda SD (image)
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • La tua console si spegnerà automaticamente
          6. +
          7. Accendi la console
          8. +
          9. Avvia “Impostazioni della console”
          10. +
          11. Entra in Impostazioni Internet -> Impostazioni di collegamento
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. Spegni il tuo 3DS

          Sezione III - unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • Se la tua console invece si blocca con una schermata bianca, tieni premuto il pulsante POWER finché non si spegne, quindi riprova questa sezione
          • Se invece la console invece si blocca con una schermata rossa, manca il file usm.bin dalla directory principale della tua scheda SD
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In questa sezione installerai il custom firmware nella tua console.

      1. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
      4. Una volta completato il processo, premi (A) per riavviare la tua console
      5. La tua console dovrebbe aver avviato il menu di configurazione di Luma3DS
          diff --git a/it_IT/key-information.html b/it_IT/key-information.html index eae74c8c1a..d2429c78af 100644 --- a/it_IT/key-information.html +++ b/it_IT/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Ecco cosa dovresti sapere:

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. Puoi controllare la versione di Luma tenendo premuto (Select) durante l’avvio della console.
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          Se è la prima volta che modifichi un Nintendo 3DS (o non hai esperienza con la tecnologia), continua a leggere! Altrimenti, se hai già qualche esperienza e sai cosa tu stia facendo, prosegui con Cominciamo!.

          Questa pagina contiene alcune terminologie informatiche di base e informazioni specifiche dei 3DS che dovresti conoscere prima di seguire questa guida.

          diff --git a/it_IT/region-changing.html b/it_IT/region-changing.html index 4d7fa36f77..fda3295261 100644 --- a/it_IT/region-changing.html +++ b/it_IT/region-changing.html @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Lettura necessaria


          In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come cambiare regionalità sulla tua console. Per questo scopo, verrà eseguito un CTRTransfer alla versione 11.15.0 della regione alla quale si desidera passare. Dopo aver installato l’immagine, potrai aggiornare normalmente la console al firmware più recente (11.16.0).


          In questa sezione aggiuntiva verrà spiegato come cambiare regionalità sulla tua console. Per questo scopo, verrà eseguito un CTRTransfer alla versione 11.15.0 della regione alla quale si desidera passare. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          Tuttavia, il cambio della regione è quasi completamente inutile in quanto Luma3DS supporta l’avvio di giochi di altre regioni e l’Emulazione Regionale su titoli individuali. Inoltre, è possibile avviare giochi NDS con lingue alternative TWiLight Menu++. Dovresti eseguire un cambio di regionalità solo se desideri che l’interfaccia utente del tuo sistema sia in una lingua non disponibile nella regione corrente della tua console.

          diff --git a/it_IT/seedminer-(twn).html b/it_IT/seedminer-(twn).html index 17053c132a..4b83d77e02 100644 --- a/it_IT/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/it_IT/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Sezione III - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      In questa sezione utilizzerai il sito web Bruteforce Movable per recuperare la chiave di crittografia della tua console sotto forma di movable.sed.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. Di solito è veloce (1-5 minuti)
    5. Durante questo processo, il bot che hai aggiunto potrebbe non apparire sul tuo 3DS. Finché il sito web si aggiorna, non sarà un problema
    6. Se dopo mezz’ora non è successo nulla, entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew (in Inglese) per richiedere assistenza
    7. - - -
    8. Al termine del processo, scarica il tuo file movable.sed dal sito -
    9. diff --git a/it_IT/seedminer.html b/it_IT/seedminer.html index fba77644fb..331f39cee6 100644 --- a/it_IT/seedminer.html +++ b/it_IT/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Sezione III - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    In questa sezione utilizzerai il sito web Bruteforce Movable per recuperare la chiave di crittografia della tua console sotto forma di movable.sed.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Di solito è veloce (1-5 minuti)
  • Durante questo processo, il bot che hai aggiunto potrebbe non apparire sul tuo 3DS. Finché il sito web si aggiorna, non sarà un problema
  • Se dopo mezz’ora non è successo nulla, entra nel canale Discord di Nintendo Homebrew (in Inglese) per richiedere assistenza
  • - - -
  • Al termine del processo, scarica il tuo file movable.sed dal sito -
  • diff --git a/it_IT/updating-b9s.html b/it_IT/updating-b9s.html index 6f6a3808dc..aeb2eff3ac 100644 --- a/it_IT/updating-b9s.html +++ b/it_IT/updating-b9s.html @@ -510,7 +510,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • SafeB9SInstaller dovrebbe avviarsi automaticamente
  • -
  • Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap
  • +
  • Quando richiesto, inserisci la combinazione di tasti richiesta sullo schermo superiore per installare boot9strap + +
  • Al termine, forza lo spegnimento della console tenendo premuto il pulsante di accensione
  • -
  • 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
  • +
  • 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
  • 작업이 완료되면, (A) 를 눌려 기기를 재부팅해 주세요
  • 기기는 Luma3DS 구성 메뉴로 부팅되었을 겁니다
  • 익스플로잇이 성공적이었다면 Homebrew Launcher로 부팅되었을 것입니다
  • 기기를 종료해 주세요
  • -

    섹션 IV - 하드웨어 버튼 작동 확인


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. 전원이 꺼져 있는 상태에서 (L 어깨) + (R 어깨) + (십자 Up) + (A) 를 길게 눌르고, 누르는 상태에서 전원을 켜 주세요 +
    2. 기기를 시작해 주세요
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. 만약 업데이트 메세지가 표시되면, 그만두기 버튼을 눌러 주세요 -
    7. +
    8. 기기를 종료해 주세요

    다음 단계: 익스플로잇 선택


    만약 본체 업데이트 화면이 표시 되었다면, 안전 모드로 부팅을 성공하였다는 의미 입니다.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    기기가 안전 모드로 부팅 되었다면, boot9strap 설치 (HBL-USM)으로 계속합니다


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/ko_KR/index.html b/ko_KR/index.html index bf1c4fd6ef..99f42baa37 100644 --- a/ko_KR/index.html +++ b/ko_KR/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    진행하기 전에 모든 소개 페이지(이 페이지 포함) 를 철저히 읽어 주세요.


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. 다음 사항을 참고해 주세요.

    + + + +

    커스텀 펌웨어란 무엇입니까?

    커스텀 펌워어 (“CFW”)란, 3DS의 소프트웨어 개조이며, 컴퓨터의 “관리자 권한”과 비슷한 것입니다. 할 수 있는 걸 닌텐도에서 제한하는 것을 해제하고, 3DS가 하드웨어적으로 가능한 모든 것을 할 수 있게 합니다.

    diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index 6e9ef93902..94d5657a05 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -576,23 +576,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. 기기에서 본체 설정을 열어 주세요
    2. 데이터 관리 -> DSiWare -> SD 카드로 들어가주세요 (사진)
    3. -
    4. “Haxxxxxxxxx!” 타이틀을 선택해 주세요
    5. +
    6. “Haxxxxxxxxx!” 타이틀을 선택해 주세요 + +
    7. “복사”를 선택한 후, “OK”를 선택해 주세요
    8. 본체 설정의 메인 메뉴로 돌아가 주세요
    9. 인터넷 설정 -> DS 소프트웨어용 설정으로 들어가 “OK”를 선택해 주세요 (사진 (영어))
    10. -
    11. 만약 익스플로잇이 성공적이었다면, 기기는 JPN 버전의 Flipnote Studio를 실행할 겁니다
    12. +
    13. 만약 익스플로잇이 성공적이었다면, 기기는 JPN 버전의 Flipnote Studio를 실행할 겁니다 + +

    섹션 V - Flipnote 익스플로잇

    만약 이 섹션의 비주얼 가이드를 선호한다면, [여기서] (https://zoogie.github.io/web/flipnote_directions/) 그 중 하나를 보실 수가 있습니다.


    이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행 할 수 있도록 Flipnote Studio에서 여러 가지 단계를 진행 합니다.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. 메인 메뉴로 갈 때까지의 초기 설정을 완료하세요
    2. 터치 스크린을 사용해서, 오른쪽의 큰 버튼을 선택하고, 그 후 SD 카드 아이콘이 붙은 버튼을 선택해 주세요
    3. diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index 5e76b000d9..038879c36a 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -532,12 +532,13 @@ If you are unable to install one, follow Bannerbomb3 i

      만약 이 섹션의 비주얼 가이드를 선호한다면, [여기서] (https://zoogie.github.io/web/flipnote_directions/) 그 중 하나를 보실 수가 있습니다.


      이 섹션에서는, boot9strap (커스텀 펌웨어) 설치 도구를 실행 할 수 있도록 Flipnote Studio에서 여러 가지 단계를 진행 합니다.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. 메인 메뉴로 갈 때까지의 초기 설정을 완료하세요
        • 만약 설정 중 선택이 표시될 시는 왼쪽을 선택해 주세요
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. 터치 스크린을 사용해서, 오른쪽의 큰 버튼을 선택하고, 그 후 SD 카드 아이콘이 붙은 버튼을 선택해 주세요
      3. diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index 693f3d7440..4dd678de6e 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.

      1. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
      2. +
      3. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
      4. 작업이 완료되면, (A) 를 눌려 기기를 재부팅해 주세요
      5. 기기는 Luma3DS 구성 메뉴로 부팅되었을 겁니다
          diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index 35b7f86db0..cc36bf0290 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          섹션 I - 하드웨어 버튼 작동 확인 (타겟 3DS)

          1. 전원이 꺼져 있는 상태에서 (L 어깨) + (R 어깨) + (십자 Up) + (A) 를 길게 눌르고, 누르는 상태에서 전원을 켜 주세요 +
          2. 기기를 시작해 주세요
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • 본체 업데이트 화면으로 부팅 될 때 까지 버튼들을 눌러 주세요 (이것이 안전 모드 입니다)
            • -
          5. -
          6. 만약 업데이트 메세지가 표시되면, 그만두기 버튼을 눌러 주세요 -
            • 기기가 종료될 겁니다
            • -
            • 만약 기기가 HOME 메뉴로 부팅 한다면, 그냥 기기를 종료해 주세요
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. 기기를 종료해 주세요

          만약, 여러번 시도했음에도 불구하고 시스템 업데이트 (안전 모드) 화면이 나오지 않는다면, 이 방법을 사용하실 수 없습니다. 이 경우, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에 오셔서 도움을 요청하세요.

          @@ -656,6 +652,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • 만약 기기에 하얀 화면이 표시되면, 전원 버튼을 길게 눌러 기기를 종료하고, 이 섹션을 다시 시도해 주세요
          • 만약 기기에 붉은 화면이 표시되면, SD 카드 루트에 usm.bin이 존재하지 않습니다
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -665,7 +662,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.

      1. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
      2. +
      3. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
      4. 작업이 완료되면, (A) 를 눌려 기기를 재부팅해 주세요
      5. 기기는 Luma3DS 구성 메뉴로 부팅되었을 겁니다
          diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index 3e06ab21ef..5e3982bbeb 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -551,7 +551,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.

          1. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
          2. +
          3. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
          4. 이 작업이 끝나면, 전원 버튼을 길게 눌러 기기를 종료해 주세요
            • 다음 작업이 완료되기 전까지는 기기는 SafeB9SInstaller로만 부팅 됩니다
            • diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 15c13ca04e..77750c31ef 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -494,17 +494,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              섹션 I - 하드웨어 버튼 작동 확인

              1. 전원이 꺼져 있는 상태에서 (L 어깨) + (R 어깨) + (십자 Up) + (A) 를 길게 눌르고, 누르는 상태에서 전원을 켜 주세요 +
              2. 기기를 시작해 주세요
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • 본체 업데이트 화면으로 부팅 될 때 까지 버튼들을 눌러 주세요 (이것이 안전 모드 입니다)
                • -
              5. -
              6. 만약 업데이트 메세지가 표시되면, 그만두기 버튼을 눌러 주세요 -
                • 기기가 종료될 겁니다
                • -
                • 만약 기기가 HOME 메뉴로 부팅 한다면, 그냥 기기를 종료해 주세요
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. 기기를 종료해 주세요

              If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, use Seedminer instead.

              @@ -545,9 +541,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • 이 테스트가 성공적일 겁니다
          5. -
          6. -

            “OK”을 눌러 진행해 주세요

          7. +
          8. “OK”을 눌러 진행해 주세요
          9. 기기를 종료해 주세요
          @@ -581,7 +575,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.

          1. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
          2. +
          3. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
          4. 작업이 완료되면, (A) 를 눌려 기기를 재부팅해 주세요
          5. 기기는 Luma3DS 구성 메뉴로 부팅되었을 겁니다
              diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index 8e7eda00bb..0fda5bcc73 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • This may take many (up to 10) tries
            • If you see the message “Could not play”, you are either on a system version incompatible with Soundhax or downloaded the wrong Soundhax release
            • 재생 중 화면이 멈출 경우 전원 버튼을 길게 눌러서 기기를 강제로 종료시킨 후 다시 시도해 주세요
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -551,7 +552,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.

            1. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
            2. +
            3. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
            4. 작업이 완료되면, (A) 를 눌려 기기를 재부팅해 주세요
            5. 기기는 Luma3DS 구성 메뉴로 부팅되었을 겁니다
                diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index 9ff8a4c5c4..17e7f540a0 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                SSLoth는 시스템 버전 11.13.0 및 이전 버전에 있는 사용자가 브라우저 버전 확인을 건너뛰고, 이후 universal-otherapp과 함께 사용할 수 있는 new-broserhax 또는 old-browserhax (모든 지역의 시스템 버전 11.4.0에서 11.13.0에서 호환됨) 을 사용할 수 있게 합니다.


                카트리지를 통해 기기를 업데이트하는 경우, 인터넷 브라우저의 접근이 제한될 것입니다. 그런 경우에는 기기를 본체 설정 앱을 통해 최신 버전으로 업데이트한 후 그에 맞는 방법을 따라야 합니다.


                카트리지를 통해 기기를 업데이트하는 경우, 인터넷 브라우저의 접근이 제한될 것입니다. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.


                @@ -534,9 +534,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • 이 테스트가 성공적일 겁니다
            6. -
            7. -

              “OK”을 눌러 진행해 주세요

            8. +
            9. “OK”을 눌러 진행해 주세요
            10. “뒤로”을 두 번 누르고 “종료”를 눌러 HOME 메뉴로 돌아가 주세요
            @@ -552,12 +550,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. QR 코드 버튼을 눌러 이 QR 코드 를 스캔해 주세요
          7. “PROCEED TO HAXX” 버튼을 눌러주세요
          8. -
          9. 익스플로잇이 성공적이었다면 SafeB9SInstaller로 부팅되었을 것입니다
          10. +
          11. 익스플로잇이 성공적이었다면 SafeB9SInstaller로 부팅되었을 것입니다 + +

          섹션 IV - boot9strap 설치

          @@ -565,7 +567,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.

          1. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
          2. +
          3. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
          4. 작업이 완료되면, (A) 를 눌려 기기를 재부팅해 주세요
          5. 기기는 Luma3DS 구성 메뉴로 부팅되었을 겁니다
              diff --git a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index fd092e5529..f4d8610f95 100644 --- a/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/ko_KR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • 데이터 관리 -> DSiWare -> SD 카드로 들어가주세요 (사진)
              • 기기는 BB3 multihax 메뉴를 표시할 겁니다
              • -
              • 이 과정에서 기기가 갑자기 꺼진다면, 이 문제 해결 가이드를 참고해 주세요.
              • +
              • If the BB3 multihax menu doesn’t open, follow this troubleshooting guide
              • 만약 BB3 multihax 메뉴에서 “cfw installed already”를 표시한다면, 해당 기기는 이미 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있다는 뜻으로 여기로 계속해야 합니다
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • 기기가 자동으로 종료될 겁니다
          6. +
          7. 기기를 시작해 주세요
          8. +
          9. 기기에서 본체 설정을 열어 주세요
          10. +
          11. 인터넷 설정 -> 인터넷 접속 설정으로 이동해 주세요
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. 기기를 종료해 주세요

          섹션 III - unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • 만약 기기에 하얀 화면이 표시되면, 전원 버튼을 길게 눌러 기기를 종료하고, 이 섹션을 다시 시도해 주세요
          • 만약 기기에 붉은 화면이 표시되면, SD 카드 루트에 usm.bin이 존재하지 않습니다
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.

      1. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
      2. +
      3. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
      4. 작업이 완료되면, (A) 를 눌려 기기를 재부팅해 주세요
      5. 기기는 Luma3DS 구성 메뉴로 부팅되었을 겁니다
          diff --git a/ko_KR/key-information.html b/ko_KR/key-information.html index d325a17499..85479dc56a 100644 --- a/ko_KR/key-information.html +++ b/ko_KR/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. 다음 사항을 참고해 주세요.

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. 기기를 부팅할 때 (Select) 버튼을 누르고 있으면 Luma의 버전을 확인할 수 있습니다.
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          만약 이번이 3DS를 처음으로 모딩하는 것 (혹은 모딩에 익숙하지 않다면) 이라면, 계속 정독하세요! 반면, 사전에 모딩을 해봤거나 할 줄 안다면, 시작하기 페이지로 계속하세요.

          이 페이지는 일부 컴퓨터 용어를 다루고, 이 가이드를 따르기 전에 당신이 알아야 할 3DS의 특정한 정보가 담겨있습니다.

          diff --git a/ko_KR/region-changing.html b/ko_KR/region-changing.html index d3201fbfd6..a722d13e9d 100644 --- a/ko_KR/region-changing.html +++ b/ko_KR/region-changing.html @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({



          이 페이지는 기기의 지역을 변경하는 방법을 안내하는 부가 섹션입니다. 이 작업은 바꾸고자 하는 지역의 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 이미지를 설치합니다. 이미지 설치 후, 장치를 최신 펌웨어 버전(11.16.0)으로 업데이트할 수 있습니다.


          이 페이지는 기기의 지역을 변경하는 방법을 안내하는 부가 섹션입니다. 이 작업은 바꾸고자 하는 지역의 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 이미지를 설치합니다. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          Luma3DS가 지역 외 게임들과 타이틀별 지역 에뮬레이션을 지원하기 때문에, 지역 변경은 거의 불필요하다는 점을 참고해 주시기 바랍니다. 또한, 다른 지역의 NDS게임을 실행하는 것 또한 TWiLight Menu++에 의해 지원됩니다. You should only perform a region change if you wish to have your system UI is in a language that is not available on your console’s current region.

          diff --git a/ko_KR/seedminer-(twn).html b/ko_KR/seedminer-(twn).html index e690410295..885b7ba5d8 100644 --- a/ko_KR/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/ko_KR/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      섹션 III - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      이 섹션에서는 Bruteforce Movable 웹사이트를 이용하여 기기의 암호화 키를 계산하고, 이것을 movable.sed 파일로 저장합니다.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. 보통 1~5분 안에 끝납니다
    5. 이 과정을 하는 동안 봇이 기기에 표시가 안 될수도 있습니다. 웹사이트가 계속 업데이트 하는 경우, 이것은 문제가 아닙니다
    6. 만약 30분이 지나서도 완료가 안된다면, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에서 영어로 물어보세요. “Bruteforce Movable is not working. Could someone help me?”정도 질문이 적당할 것 입니다
    7. - - -
    8. 과정이 끝나면, movable.sed 파일을 다운로드 해 주세요 -
    9. diff --git a/ko_KR/seedminer.html b/ko_KR/seedminer.html index 083dcf043e..74b2682f22 100644 --- a/ko_KR/seedminer.html +++ b/ko_KR/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    섹션 III - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    이 섹션에서는 Bruteforce Movable 웹사이트를 이용하여 기기의 암호화 키를 계산하고, 이것을 movable.sed 파일로 저장합니다.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • 보통 1~5분 안에 끝납니다
  • 이 과정을 하는 동안 봇이 기기에 표시가 안 될수도 있습니다. 웹사이트가 계속 업데이트 하는 경우, 이것은 문제가 아닙니다
  • 만약 30분이 지나서도 완료가 안된다면, Nintendo Homebrew Discord 서버에서 영어로 물어보세요. “Bruteforce Movable is not working. Could someone help me?”정도 질문이 적당할 것 입니다
  • - - -
  • 과정이 끝나면, movable.sed 파일을 다운로드 해 주세요 -
  • diff --git a/ko_KR/updating-b9s.html b/ko_KR/updating-b9s.html index 09c14abe59..08634b5c3b 100644 --- a/ko_KR/updating-b9s.html +++ b/ko_KR/updating-b9s.html @@ -510,7 +510,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • SafeB9SInstaller가 자동으로 시작할 겁니다
  • -
  • 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
  • +
  • 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요 + +
  • 이 작업이 끝나면, 전원 버튼을 길게 눌러 기기를 종료해 주세요
  • -
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
  • +
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
  • Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
  • Je apparaat zou opnieuw moeten opgestart zijn naar het configuratiemenu van Luma3DS
  • If the exploit was successful, your device will have booted into the Homebrew Launcher
  • Schakel je 3DS uit
  • -

    Section IV - Hardware Button Check


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
    2. Zet je 3DS aan
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
    7. +
    8. Schakel je 3DS uit

    Next step: Choose an exploit


    If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/nl_NL/index.html b/nl_NL/index.html index 6af3e77744..c503cc2c5d 100644 --- a/nl_NL/index.html +++ b/nl_NL/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Neem alle inleidende pagina’s (inclusief deze pagina!) grondig door voordat je verdergaat.


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Dit is wat je moet weten:

    + + + +

    Wat is custom firmware?

    Custom firmware (“CFW”) is een volledige software-wijziging van je 3DS, vergelijkbaar met “beheerderstoegang” op een computer. Het stelt je in staat om alles te doen wat de 3DS fysiek in staat is te doen, in plaats van te worden beperkt door wat Nintendo toelaat.

    diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index f42ffda2e9..5c392c5af1 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -576,23 +576,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Open System Settings op je apparaat
    2. Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare-> SD Card (image)
    3. -
    4. Select the “Haxxxxxxxxx!” title
    5. +
    6. Select the “Haxxxxxxxxx!” title + +
    7. Selecteer “Copy” en selecteer dan “OK”
    8. Ga terug naar het hoofdmenu van System Settings
    9. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Nintendo DS Connections, then select “OK” (image)
    10. -
    11. Als de exploit successful was, zal jouw 3DS de JPN versie van Flipnote Studio hebben opgestart
    12. +
    13. Als de exploit successful was, zal jouw 3DS de JPN versie van Flipnote Studio hebben opgestart + +

    Deel V - Flipnote Exploit

    If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
    2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
    3. diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index e5b68ea0ce..8f236b0419 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -532,12 +532,13 @@ If you are unable to install one, follow Bannerbomb3 i

      If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
        • Select the left option whenever prompted during the setup process
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
      3. diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index 79813f0b3b..5c13c14e4b 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index c08d9c3754..b2c56e240b 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Section I - Hardware Button Check (target 3DS)

          1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
          2. Zet je 3DS aan
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
            • -
          5. -
          6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
            • Your device will power off
            • -
            • If the device boots to the HOME Menu, just power off your device
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. Schakel je 3DS uit

          If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.

          @@ -656,6 +652,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -665,7 +662,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index 81c133e2ae..2168d69d5f 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -536,7 +536,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is completed, force your device to power off by holding down the power button
            • Your device will only boot to the SafeB9SInstaller screen until the next section is completed
            • diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 2639d7db13..9cd4598d48 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -494,17 +494,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              Section I - Hardware Button Check

              1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
              2. Zet je 3DS aan
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
                • -
              5. -
              6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
                • Your device will power off
                • -
                • If the device boots to the HOME Menu, just power off your device
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. Schakel je 3DS uit

              If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, use Seedminer instead.

              @@ -545,9 +541,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • De test zou moeten lukken
          5. -
          6. -

            Klik op “OK” om verder te gaan

          7. +
          8. Klik op “OK” om verder te gaan
          9. Schakel je 3DS uit
          @@ -581,7 +575,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index a312ee2ae8..c8167b459e 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • This may take many (up to 10) tries
            • If you see the message “Could not play”, you are either on a system version incompatible with Soundhax or downloaded the wrong Soundhax release
            • Als het bevriest, forceer de console om uit te schakelen door de power knop ingedrukt te houden, probeer het dan opnieuw
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -551,7 +552,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

            1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
            2. +
            3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
            4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
            5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
                diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index 9f96f0fa4a..67b6784b5f 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.


                If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.


                If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.

                Wat je nodig hebt

                @@ -534,9 +534,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • De test zou moeten lukken
            6. -
            7. -

              Klik op “OK” om verder te gaan

            8. +
            9. Klik op “OK” om verder te gaan
            10. Press “Back” twice, then “Close” to go back to the HOME Menu
            @@ -552,12 +550,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. Tap the QR code button and scan this QR code
          7. Tap the “PROCEED TO HAXX” button
          8. -
          9. Als de exploit succesvol was, zal je SafeB9SInstaller hebben opgestart
          10. +
          11. Als de exploit succesvol was, zal je SafeB9SInstaller hebben opgestart + +

          Deel IV - Boot9strap installeren

          @@ -565,7 +567,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index 7dc0e14086..f7b233607f 100644 --- a/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/nl_NL/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare-> SD Card (image)
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Je apparaat zal automatisch uitschakelen
          6. +
          7. Zet je 3DS aan
          8. +
          9. Open System Settings op je apparaat
          10. +
          11. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Connection Settings
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. Schakel je 3DS uit

          Deel III - unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/nl_NL/key-information.html b/nl_NL/key-information.html index 4e8b3a3325..8b25ff0a6b 100644 --- a/nl_NL/key-information.html +++ b/nl_NL/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Dit is wat je moet weten:

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. You can check your Luma version by holding (Select) while booting your device.
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.

          This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.

          diff --git a/nl_NL/region-changing.html b/nl_NL/region-changing.html index b4c824dd9e..e335542639 100644 --- a/nl_NL/region-changing.html +++ b/nl_NL/region-changing.html @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Verplicht te lezen


          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. Dit wordt gedaan door het installeren van de 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image voor de regio waarnaar je wilt overschakelen. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).


          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. Dit wordt gedaan door het installeren van de 11.15.0 CTRTransfer image voor de regio waarnaar je wilt overschakelen. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          Merk wel op dat je regio veranderen bijna altijd compleet onnodig zal zijn omdat Luma3DS ook spellen uit een andere regio kan spelen, en ook individuele Lokale emulatie. Daarnaast worden ook NDS spellen uit andere regio’s ondersteund door TWiLight Menu++. You should only perform a region change if you wish to have your system UI is in a language that is not available on your console’s current region.

          diff --git a/nl_NL/seedminer-(twn).html b/nl_NL/seedminer-(twn).html index 962c89f9e2..6e1c382d5c 100644 --- a/nl_NL/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/nl_NL/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Section III - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
    5. During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
    6. If you are still waiting after half an hour, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
    7. - - -
    8. When the process is completed, download your movable.sed file from the site -
    9. diff --git a/nl_NL/seedminer.html b/nl_NL/seedminer.html index 8dcbfcc862..91da408774 100644 --- a/nl_NL/seedminer.html +++ b/nl_NL/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Section III - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
  • During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
  • If you are still waiting after half an hour, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
  • - - -
  • When the process is completed, download your movable.sed file from the site -
  • diff --git a/nl_NL/updating-b9s.html b/nl_NL/updating-b9s.html index 47ce446b6d..072ee33309 100644 --- a/nl_NL/updating-b9s.html +++ b/nl_NL/updating-b9s.html @@ -510,7 +510,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Dit zou SafeB9SInstaller automatisch moeten starten
  • -
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
  • +
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
  • Once it is completed, force your device to power off by holding down the power button
  • -
  • Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
  • +
  • Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
  • Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo
  • Seu dispositivo deve ter reiniciado no menu de configuração de Luma3DS
  • Se o exploit foi bem sucedido, seu dispositivo terá inicializado o Homebrew Launcher
  • Desligue seu dispositivo
  • -

    Seção IV - Verificação de Botões


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. Com o seu dispositivo ainda desligado, segure os seguintes botões: (Gatilho Esquerdo) + (Gatilho Direito) + (Botão Direcional para Cima) + (A), e enquanto segura esses botões juntos, ligue seu dispositivo +
    2. Ligue o seu dispositivo
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. Se você ver a tela de atualização do sistema, pressione Cancelar -
    7. +
    8. Desligue seu dispositivo

    Próximo passo: Escolha um exploit


    Se você viu a tela de atualização do sistema na seção anterior, o Modo de Segurança está funcionando em seu dispositivo.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    Caso o seu dispositivo inicie no Modo de Segurança, continue em Instalando boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    Se o seu dispositivo NÃO inicializou no Modo de Segurança, continue em Dump do Movable(nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/pt_BR/index.html b/pt_BR/index.html index 23af9d9a11..52cfd8926b 100644 --- a/pt_BR/index.html +++ b/pt_BR/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Leia atentamente todas as páginas introdutórias (incluindo essa aqui!) antes de prosseguir.


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Veja aqui o que você deve saber:

    + + + +

    O que é Custom Firmware?

    Custom Firmware (“CFW”) é uma modificação completa de software para seu 3DS, comparável ao “acesso de administrador” de um computador. Ele permite que você faça qualquer coisa que o 3DS seja fisicamente capaz de fazer, ao invés de ser limitado por qualquer coisa que a Nintendo permite que você faça.

    diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index 1ecd1aee80..a724b7752a 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -576,23 +576,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. Abra a Configuração do Console em seu dispositivo
    2. Navegue para Gerenciamento de Dados -> DSiWare -> Cartão SD (imagem)
    3. -
    4. Selecione o aplicativo “Haxxxxxxx!”
    5. +
    6. Selecione o aplicativo “Haxxxxxxx!” + +
    7. Selecione “Copy”, então selecione “OK”
    8. Retorne ao menu principal da Configuração do Console
    9. Navegue até Configurações da Internet -> Conexões Nintendo DS, depois selecione “OK” (imagem)
    10. -
    11. Se o exploit foi bem sucedido, seu dispositivo irá abrir a versão JPN do Flipnote Studio
    12. +
    13. Se o exploit foi bem sucedido, seu dispositivo irá abrir a versão JPN do Flipnote Studio + +

    Seção V - Flipnote Exploit

    Caso você prefira um guia visual para esta seção, há um disponível aqui.


    Nesta seção, você executará uma série de passos muito específicos dentro do Flipnote Studio, que quando executado corretamente, irá iniciar o instalador boot9strap (custom firmware).


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Complete o processo inicial do jogo até você chegar no menu principal
    2. Usando a touch-screen, selecione a caixa grande da esquerda, então selecione a caixa com um ícone do cartão SD
    3. diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index d36984bd74..9f5e1b27dd 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -534,12 +534,13 @@ Caso não seja possível instalar um, siga Bannerbomb3

      Caso você prefira um guia visual para esta seção, há um disponível aqui.


      Nesta seção, você executará uma série de passos muito específicos dentro do Flipnote Studio, que quando executado corretamente, irá iniciar o instalador boot9strap (custom firmware).


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Complete o processo inicial do jogo até você chegar no menu principal
        • Selecione a opção da esquerda sempre que solicitado durante o processo de instalação
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. Usando a touch-screen, selecione a caixa grande da esquerda, então selecione a caixa com um ícone do cartão SD
      3. diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index 2ca14b1b3d..eda6764535 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.

      1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
      4. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo
      5. Seu dispositivo deve ter inicializado no menu de configuração do Luma3DS
          diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index 39b7186b82..00c2d857bb 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Seção I - Verificação de botões (3DS de destino)

          1. Com o seu dispositivo ainda desligado, segure os seguintes botões: (Gatilho Esquerdo) + (Gatilho Direito) + (Botão Direcional para Cima) + (A), e enquanto segura esses botões juntos, ligue seu dispositivo +
          2. Ligue o seu dispositivo
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Continue segurando os botões até que o dispositivo inicie a tela de atualização do sistema (este é o Modo de Segurança)
            • -
          5. -
          6. Se você ver a tela de atualização do sistema, pressione Cancelar -
            • Seu dispositivo será desligado
            • -
            • Caso o dispositivo inicie no Menu HOME, basta desligar seu dispositivo
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. Desligue seu dispositivo

          Se você não inicializar no Modo de Segurança, o menu de atualização do sistema após várias tentativas, você não pode seguir este método. Se for esse o caso, junte-se ao Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e peça ajuda, em Inglês.

          @@ -656,6 +652,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • Se seu dispositivo congela uma tela branca, segure o botão POWER até que ele desligue e tente novamente esta seção
          • Se, em vez disso, o seu dispositivo congelar uma tela vermelha, você não tem usm.bin na raiz do seu cartão SD
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -665,7 +662,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.

      1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
      4. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo
      5. Seu dispositivo deve ter inicializado no menu de configuração do Luma3DS
          diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index b468cd9543..edf375be74 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -548,7 +548,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.

          1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
          4. Quando concluído, force o seu dispositivo a desligar segurando o botão POWER
            • O seu dispositivo somente irá ligar na tela do SafeB9SInstaller quando a próxima seção estiver completa
            • diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 9e7af8e31c..64d479f7bf 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -496,17 +496,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              Section I - Hardware Button Check

              1. Com o seu dispositivo ainda desligado, segure os seguintes botões: (Gatilho Esquerdo) + (Gatilho Direito) + (Botão Direcional para Cima) + (A), e enquanto segura esses botões juntos, ligue seu dispositivo +
              2. Ligue o seu dispositivo
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Continue segurando os botões até que o dispositivo inicie a tela de atualização do sistema (este é o Modo de Segurança)
                • -
              5. -
              6. Se você ver a tela de atualização do sistema, pressione Cancelar -
                • Seu dispositivo será desligado
                • -
                • Caso o dispositivo inicie no Menu HOME, basta desligar seu dispositivo
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. Desligue seu dispositivo

              Se você não inicializar no Modo de Segurança, o menu de atualização do sistema após várias tentativas, você não pode seguir este método. Se este for o caso, use Seedminer.

              @@ -547,9 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • O teste deve ser bem-sucedido
          5. -
          6. -

            Clique em “OK” para continuar

          7. +
          8. Clique em “OK” para continuar
          9. Desligue seu dispositivo
          @@ -583,7 +577,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.

          1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
          4. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo
          5. Seu dispositivo deve ter inicializado no menu de configuração do Luma3DS
              diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index 24cfabced1..3134e57e04 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Isso pode levar várias tentativas (até 10)
            • Se você ver a mensagem “Não foi possível reproduzir”, você está em uma versão do sistema incompatível com o Soundhax ou baixou a versão errada do Soundhax
            • Se ele congelar, force o console a desligar segurando o botão de liga/desliga, e então tente novamente
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -551,7 +552,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.

            1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
            2. +
            3. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
            4. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo
            5. Seu dispositivo deve ter inicializado no menu de configuração do Luma3DS
                diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index dc4f51934e..9258b8dada 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                O SSLoth permite que os usuários na versão 11.13.0 e inferior ignorem a verificação da versão do navegador, permitindo o uso de novo browserhax ou old-browserhax (compatível com as versões 11.4.0 através de 11.13.0 em todas as regiões), que podem então ser usados em conjunto com aplicativos universal-otherapp.


                Se você atualizou seu dispositivo para a versão atual usando um cartucho, seu Navegador de Internet ficará inacessível. Se for esse o caso, você precisará atualizar seu dispositivo para a versão mais recente através das Configurações do Sistema e, em seguida, seguir o método para a versão mais recente.


                Se você atualizou seu dispositivo para a versão atual usando um cartucho, seu Navegador de Internet ficará inacessível. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.

                O que é necessário

                @@ -534,9 +534,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • O teste deve ser bem-sucedido
            6. -
            7. -

              Clique em “OK” para continuar

            8. +
            9. Clique em “OK” para continuar
            10. Pressione “Voltar” duas vezes e, em seguida, “Fechar” para voltar ao Menu HOME
            @@ -552,12 +550,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. Toque no botão do código QR e escaneie este código QR
          7. Toque no botão “PROCEED TO HAXX”
          8. -
          9. Se o exploit for bem-sucedido, você terá entrado no SafeB9SInstaller
          10. +
          11. Se o exploit for bem-sucedido, você terá entrado no SafeB9SInstaller + +

          Seção IV - Instalando o boot9strap

          @@ -565,7 +567,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.

          1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
          2. +
          3. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
          4. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo
          5. Seu dispositivo deve ter inicializado no menu de configuração do Luma3DS
              diff --git a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index 619cfa439e..25b9145f38 100644 --- a/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/pt_BR/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Navegue para Gerenciamento de Dados -> DSiWare -> Cartão SD (imagem)
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Seu dispositivo será desligado automaticamente
          6. +
          7. Ligue o seu dispositivo
          8. +
          9. Abra a Configuração do Console em seu dispositivo
          10. +
          11. Navegue para Configurações da Internet -> Configurações de Conexão
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. Desligue seu dispositivo

          Seção III - unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • Se seu dispositivo congela uma tela branca, segure o botão POWER até que ele desligue e tente novamente esta seção
          • Se, em vez disso, o seu dispositivo congelar uma tela vermelha, você não tem usm.bin na raiz do seu cartão SD
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu dispositivo.

      1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
      2. +
      3. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
      4. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu dispositivo
      5. Seu dispositivo deve ter inicializado no menu de configuração do Luma3DS
          diff --git a/pt_BR/key-information.html b/pt_BR/key-information.html index 10db9c34ca..1ccd55d42f 100644 --- a/pt_BR/key-information.html +++ b/pt_BR/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. Veja aqui o que você deve saber:

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. Você pode checar sua versão do Luma apertando e segurando (Select) enquanto inicia o console.
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          Se esta for sua primeira vez modificando um 3DS (ou você não é familiarizado com tecnologia), continue lendo! Caso contrário, se você tiver experiência prévia e souber o que está fazendo, volte para Começando.

          Esta página cobre algumas das terminologias de computador e informações específicas do 3DS que você deve saber antes de seguir este guia.

          diff --git a/pt_BR/region-changing.html b/pt_BR/region-changing.html index 04c7c0e856..4dcc87c1e1 100644 --- a/pt_BR/region-changing.html +++ b/pt_BR/region-changing.html @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Leitura Obrigatória


          Esta é uma seção adicional para a mudança de região do seu dispositivo. Isto é feito através da instalação da imagem CTRTransfer 11.15.0 da região para qual você deseja trocar. Após instalar a imagem, você pode atualizar seu dispositivo normalmente para o firmware mais recente (11.16.0).


          Esta é uma seção adicional para a mudança de região do seu dispositivo. Isto é feito através da instalação da imagem CTRTransfer 11.15.0 da região para qual você deseja trocar. After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          Note que a mudança de região é quase completamente desnecessária uma vez que o Luma3DS suporta jogos de outras regiões e aplicativos inidividuais através de [Locale Emulation] (https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/wiki/Optional-features). Além, disso, rodar jogos do Nintendo DS com idiomas de outras regiões é possível através do TWiLight Menu++. Você só deve executar uma mudança de região se você deseja que sua interface de usuário do sistema esteja em um idioma que não está disponível na região atual do seu console.

          diff --git a/pt_BR/seedminer-(twn).html b/pt_BR/seedminer-(twn).html index 2051ca7df9..ca5961aa20 100644 --- a/pt_BR/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/pt_BR/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Seção III - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      Nesta seção, você usará o site Bruteforce Movable para obter a chave de criptografia do seu dispositivo na forma de movable.sed.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. Isto é geralmente rápido (1-5 minutos)
    5. Durante esse processo, o bot que você adicionou poderá não aparecer no seu 3DS. Enquanto o site atualizar, isso não é um problema
    6. Se você ainda está esperando após o período de meia hora, entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e pergunte (em Inglês) para alguém te ajudar
    7. - - -
    8. Quando o processo for concluído, baixe seu arquivo movable.sed do site -
    9. diff --git a/pt_BR/seedminer.html b/pt_BR/seedminer.html index 3677ee93db..e877272aa3 100644 --- a/pt_BR/seedminer.html +++ b/pt_BR/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Seção III - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    Nesta seção, você usará o site Bruteforce Movable para obter a chave de criptografia do seu dispositivo na forma de movable.sed.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Isto é geralmente rápido (1-5 minutos)
  • Durante esse processo, o bot que você adicionou poderá não aparecer no seu 3DS. Enquanto o site atualizar, isso não é um problema
  • Se você ainda está esperando após o período de meia hora, entre no Discord do Nintendo Homebrew e pergunte (em Inglês) para alguém te ajudar
  • - - -
  • Quando o processo for concluído, baixe seu arquivo movable.sed do site -
  • diff --git a/pt_BR/updating-b9s.html b/pt_BR/updating-b9s.html index f9d359447e..26a99e91f7 100644 --- a/pt_BR/updating-b9s.html +++ b/pt_BR/updating-b9s.html @@ -507,7 +507,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • Isso deve iniciar o SafeB9SInstaller automaticamente
  • -
  • Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
  • +
  • Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap + +
  • Quando concluído, force o seu dispositivo a desligar segurando o botão POWER
  • If the exploit was successful, your device will have booted into the Homebrew Launcher
  • 将主机关机
  • -

    Section IV - Hardware Button Check


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. 将你的主机置于关机状态,按住 L + R + ↑ + A 四个按键,然后按下电源键 +
    2. 启动你的主机
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
    7. +
    8. 将主机关机

    Next step: Choose an exploit


    If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/zh_CN/index.html b/zh_CN/index.html index e9bac68192..cf09b84d8a 100644 --- a/zh_CN/index.html +++ b/zh_CN/index.html @@ -331,6 +331,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({



    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. 以下是一些你应该知道的事情:

    + + + +


    “自制固件(CFW)”类似于电脑上的“管理员账户”,能够使你拥有对 3DS 安装的软件完整修改的权限。 能够让你做任何 3DS 力所能及的事情,不受任天堂的限制。

    diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index ee7e751de9..98aa3982db 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -577,23 +577,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. 启动你主机上的 “系统设置(System settings)”
    2. 依次点击 数据管理(データ管理/Data Management) -> DSiWare 数据管理(DSiWareデータ管理/DSiWare) -> SD卡(micro SDカード/SDカード/SD/microSD)例图
    3. -
    4. 选择 “Haxxxxxxxxx!”
    5. +
    6. 选择 “Haxxxxxxxxx!” + +
    7. 选择 “Copy” ,然后选择 “OK”
    8. 返回系统设置的主菜单
    9. 进入至 网络设置(インターネツト設定/Internet Settings) -> DS 连接设置(DSソフト用設定/Nintendo DS Connections),然后点击 “OK”(例图
    10. -
    11. 如果漏洞执行成功,你的主机将进入到日版的“うごくメモ帳 (Flipnote Studio)”
    12. +
    13. 如果漏洞执行成功,你的主机将进入到日版的“うごくメモ帳 (Flipnote Studio)” + +

    第五步 – 触发 Flipnote 漏洞

    If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
    2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
    3. diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index e2190ef06c..cafa5481e7 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -533,12 +533,13 @@ If you are unable to install one, follow Bannerbomb3 i

      If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
        • Select the left option whenever prompted during the setup process
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
      3. diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index 2c4bb4ceac..1475ec3f9f 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -544,6 +544,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -553,7 +554,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index a57f4e0fba..955914af78 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -520,17 +520,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Section I - Hardware Button Check (target 3DS)

          1. 将你的主机置于关机状态,按住 L + R + ↑ + A 四个按键,然后按下电源键 +
          2. 启动你的主机
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
            • -
          5. -
          6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
            • 主机将关机
            • -
            • 如果主机启动到了主菜单,则请关机
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. 将主机关机

          If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.

          @@ -657,6 +653,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -666,7 +663,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index 5d2fff9f0f..cce29bedec 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -549,7 +549,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is completed, force your device to power off by holding down the power button
            • Your device will only boot to the SafeB9SInstaller screen until the next section is completed
            • diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 0d1d09873b..19faaea561 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -495,17 +495,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              Section I - Hardware Button Check

              1. 将你的主机置于关机状态,按住 L + R + ↑ + A 四个按键,然后按下电源键 +
              2. 启动你的主机
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
                • -
              5. -
              6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
                • 主机将关机
                • -
                • 如果主机启动到了主菜单,则请关机
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. 将主机关机

              If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, use Seedminer instead.

              @@ -546,9 +542,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • 测试应该会成功
          5. -
          6. -

            点击 “OK” 继续

          7. +
          8. 点击 “OK” 继续
          9. 将主机关机
          @@ -582,7 +576,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index 2f6be1b989..f65ef852bd 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -540,6 +540,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • This may take many (up to 10) tries
            • If you see the message “Could not play”, you are either on a system version incompatible with Soundhax or downloaded the wrong Soundhax release
            • 如果主机死机了,请长按电源键关闭主机,然后再试一次
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

            1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
            2. +
            3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
            4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
            5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
                diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index 5c131938ef..2e0865bb67 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                SSLoth 允许目前系统版本在 11.13.0 及其以下的主机绕过浏览器版本检查,然后就可以使用到利用 universal-otherapp 的方法了,如 new-browserhax 或 old-browserhax(兼容 11.4.0 至 11.13.0 的所有区域主机)


                如果你使用过卡带更新,则你的浏览器将无法打开。 如果是这样,则你需要通过系统更新将你的主机更新到最新版本,并按照最新版本的操作进行破解。


                如果你使用过卡带更新,则你的浏览器将无法打开。 If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.


                @@ -535,9 +535,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • 测试应该会成功
            6. -
            7. -

              点击 “OK” 继续

            8. +
            9. 点击 “OK” 继续
            10. 点两次 “返回”,然后点“关闭”来返回主菜单。
            @@ -553,12 +551,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. 扫描这个二维码(点击这里查看)
          7. 点击“PROCEED TO HAXX”
          8. -
          9. 如果一切成功的话,你将自动进入 SafeB9SInstaller
          10. +
          11. 如果一切成功的话,你将自动进入 SafeB9SInstaller + +

          第四步 – 安装 boot9strap

          @@ -566,7 +568,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index f1f31ea6ad..9a9f2d40e6 100644 --- a/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/zh_CN/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -530,7 +530,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • 依次点击 数据管理(データ管理/Data Management) -> DSiWare 数据管理(DSiWareデータ管理/DSiWare) -> SD卡(micro SDカード/SDカード/SD/microSD)例图
            • @@ -539,6 +539,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • 主机将会自动关机
          6. +
          7. 启动你的主机
          8. +
          9. 启动你主机上的 “系统设置(System settings)”
          10. +
          11. 进入到 互联网设置(インターネット設定 / Internet Settings) -> 连接设置(インターネット接続設定 / Connection Settings)
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. 将主机关机

          第三步 – unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -564,6 +574,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -573,7 +584,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/zh_CN/key-information.html b/zh_CN/key-information.html index 85c9523615..02abb6cb9c 100644 --- a/zh_CN/key-information.html +++ b/zh_CN/key-information.html @@ -461,6 +461,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. 以下是一些你应该知道的事情:

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. 你可以在关机状态下按住 SELECT 键,然后按下电源键开机以检查主机的 Luma 版本。
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.

          This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.

          diff --git a/zh_CN/region-changing.html b/zh_CN/region-changing.html index d647ef6993..3a902c0ab4 100644 --- a/zh_CN/region-changing.html +++ b/zh_CN/region-changing.html @@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({



          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. 这是通过安装你想要切换到的地区的 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 镜像而达成的。 安装完镜像后,你可以正常更新主机到最新的系统版本(11.16.0)。


          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. 这是通过安装你想要切换到的地区的 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 镜像而达成的。 After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          注意,Luma3DS 本身就自带了区域模拟的功能,这使得变更区域几乎是不必要的。 顺带一提,你可以使用 TWiLight Menu++ 来运行其他区域的 NDS 游戏。 You should only perform a region change if you wish to have your system UI is in a language that is not available on your console’s current region.

          @@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
        • - 旧版 3DS 或 2DS - 11.15.0 - 神游版 - CTRTransfer
        • - 旧版 3DS 或 2DS - 11.15.0 - 欧版 - CTRTransfer
        • - 旧版 3DS 或 2DS - 11.15.0 - 日版 - CTRTransfer
        • -
        • - 旧版 3DS 或 2DS - 11.15.0 - 韩版 - CTRTransfer
        • +
        • - 旧版 3DS 或 2DS - 11.15.0 - 韩版 - CTRTransfer
        • - 旧版 3DS 或 2DS - 11.15.0 - 港台版 - CTRTransfer
        • - 旧版 3DS 或 2DS - 11.15.0 - 美版 - CTRTransfer
        diff --git a/zh_CN/seedminer-(twn).html b/zh_CN/seedminer-(twn).html index 9ae8b113fd..0009fe5073 100644 --- a/zh_CN/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/zh_CN/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -453,9 +453,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      Section III - Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      本节中,你将会使用 Bruteforce Movable 网站来获取你主机的加密密钥(movable.sed)。

      @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. 这通常很快(1-5分钟)
    5. 在这个过程中,你之前添加的机器人好友可能不会在你的 3DS 上面展示 不过只要网站还在更新,这就不是个问题
    6. 如果你已经等待了半个小时,那么请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器 并使用英文求助。你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497
    7. - - -
    8. 等待程序自动完成后,从站点下载 movable.sed 文件 -
    9. diff --git a/zh_CN/seedminer.html b/zh_CN/seedminer.html index e88fc070a3..c38c6f43c4 100644 --- a/zh_CN/seedminer.html +++ b/zh_CN/seedminer.html @@ -453,9 +453,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    Section III - Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    本节中,你将会使用 Bruteforce Movable 网站来获取你主机的加密密钥(movable.sed)。

    @@ -564,10 +550,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • 这通常很快(1-5分钟)
  • 在这个过程中,你之前添加的机器人好友可能不会在你的 3DS 上面展示 不过只要网站还在更新,这就不是个问题
  • 如果你已经等待了半个小时,那么请加入 Nintendo Homebrew Discord 服务器 并使用英文求助。你也可以到译者的 QQ 群寻求帮助,群号为 942052497
  • - - -
  • 等待程序自动完成后,从站点下载 movable.sed 文件 -
  • diff --git a/zh_CN/updating-b9s.html b/zh_CN/updating-b9s.html index 283348456a..dfc72707d4 100644 --- a/zh_CN/updating-b9s.html +++ b/zh_CN/updating-b9s.html @@ -511,7 +511,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • 你的主机应该会自动进入到 SafeB9SInstaller
  • -
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
  • +
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
  • Once it is completed, force your device to power off by holding down the power button
  • -
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
  • +
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
  • Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
  • 您的主機將會重啟至 Luma3DS 設定選單中
  • If the exploit was successful, your device will have booted into the Homebrew Launcher
  • 關閉您的主機
  • -

    Section IV - Hardware Button Check


    Section III - Hardware Button Check

    1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
    2. 啟動您的主機
    3. +
    4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time -
    5. -
    6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
    7. +
    8. 關閉您的主機

    Next step: Choose an exploit


    If you saw the system update screen in the previous section, Safe Mode is working on your device.


    If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your device.


    If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If the camera appeared, continue to Installing boot9strap (HBL-USM)


    If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)


    If the camera did NOT appear, continue to Dumping Movable (nimhax)

    diff --git a/zh_TW/index.html b/zh_TW/index.html index c14a8fbf96..205a684406 100644 --- a/zh_TW/index.html +++ b/zh_TW/index.html @@ -330,6 +330,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    請在繼續前讀完所有的前言頁面 (包括本頁!)。


    3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. 以下是你該知道的:

    + + + +

    什麼是自製韌體 (Custom Firmware)?

    自製韌體 (CFW) 可讓您在您的主機上進行任何軟體上的修改,好比你電腦上的系統管理員權限一樣。 改機後,你能夠隨意修改你的 3DS,而非侷限於任天堂官方所允許的事。

    diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html index e414a3b526..a286a7ddd0 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(fredtool).html @@ -578,23 +578,32 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    1. 於您主機上啟動系統設定 (System Settings)
    2. Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare-> SD Card (image)
    3. -
    4. Select the “Haxxxxxxxxx!” title
    5. +
    6. Select the “Haxxxxxxxxx!” title + +
    7. 選擇『複製 (Copy)』並選擇『OK』
    8. 回到系統設定主選單
    9. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Nintendo DS Connections, then select “OK” (image)
    10. -
    11. 如果漏洞成功執行,您的主機將自動啟動『うごくメモ帳 (Flipnote Studio)』
    12. +
    13. 如果漏洞成功執行,您的主機將自動啟動『うごくメモ帳 (Flipnote Studio)』 + +
    第五節 — Flipnote 漏洞

    If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.


    In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

    1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
    2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
    3. diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html index 6ef6e75791..c7c44b1db5 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(frogtool).html @@ -532,12 +532,13 @@ If you are unable to install one, follow Bannerbomb3 i

      If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.


      In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

      1. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
        • Select the left option whenever prompted during the setup process
        • +
        • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
      2. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
      3. diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html index 2d37129209..5f314b7dbf 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm).html @@ -543,6 +543,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
      @@ -552,7 +553,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html index e565297241..b74370a449 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(kartdlphax).html @@ -519,17 +519,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          Section I - Hardware Button Check (target 3DS)

          1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
          2. 啟動您的主機
          3. +
          4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
            • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
            • -
          5. -
          6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
            • Your device will power off
            • -
            • If the device boots to the HOME Menu, just power off your device
            • +
            • The camera applet should appear
          7. +
          8. 關閉您的主機

          If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask, in English, for help.

          @@ -656,6 +652,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -665,7 +662,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html index 52cd3aa09a..d9589e2271 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot).html @@ -548,7 +548,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is completed, force your device to power off by holding down the power button
            • Your device will only boot to the SafeB9SInstaller screen until the next section is completed
            • diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html index 86317238dc..7c06c43174 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(safecerthax).html @@ -494,17 +494,13 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

              Section I - Hardware Button Check

              1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device +
              2. 啟動您的主機
              3. +
              4. Press the (Left Shoulder) and (Right Shoulder) buttons at the same time
                • Keep holding the buttons until the device boots to a system update screen (this is Safe Mode)
                • -
              5. -
              6. If you see the system update screen, press Cancel -
                • Your device will power off
                • -
                • If the device boots to the HOME Menu, just power off your device
                • +
                • The camera applet should appear
              7. +
              8. 關閉您的主機

              If you do not boot into Safe Mode, the system update menu after multiple attempts, you cannot follow this method. If this is the case, use Seedminer instead.

              @@ -545,9 +541,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • The test should succeed
          5. -
          6. -

            Click “OK” to continue

          7. +
          8. Click “OK” to continue
          9. 關閉您的主機
          @@ -581,7 +575,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html index 03a7991622..e72bf0d2b6 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(soundhax).html @@ -539,6 +539,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • This may take many (up to 10) tries
            • If you see the message “Could not play”, you are either on a system version incompatible with Soundhax or downloaded the wrong Soundhax release
            • 如果當機的話,透過電源按鈕將您的主機強制關機,並再試一次
            • +
            • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide

            @@ -551,7 +552,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

            In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

            1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
            2. +
            3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
            4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
            5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
                diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html index e91c3b51e1..f3725153df 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(ssloth-browser).html @@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

                SSLoth allows users on version 11.13.0 and below to bypass the browser version check, allowing the use of new-browserhax or old-browserhax (compatible with versions 11.4.0 through 11.13.0 in all regions), which can then be used in conjunction with universal-otherapp.


                If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you will need to update your device to the latest version through System Settings and then follow the method for the latest version.


                If you have updated your device to your current version using a cartridge, your Internet Browser will be inaccessible. If this is the case, you cannot follow this method. Stay on your current firmware and ask Nintendo Homebrew on Discord for help.


                @@ -534,9 +534,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
              • The test should succeed
            6. -
            7. -

              Click “OK” to continue

            8. +
            9. Click “OK” to continue
            10. Press “Back” twice, then “Close” to go back to the HOME Menu
            @@ -552,12 +550,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          6. Tap the QR code button and scan this QR code
          7. Tap the “PROCEED TO HAXX” button
          8. -
          9. 如果一切成功的話,您將自動進入 SafeB9SInstaller
          10. +
          11. 如果一切成功的話,您將自動進入 SafeB9SInstaller + +

          第四節 — 安裝 boot9strap

          @@ -565,7 +567,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

          In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

          1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
          2. +
          3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
          4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
          5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
              diff --git a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html index 32afe6c3dc..9305b3276c 100644 --- a/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html +++ b/zh_TW/installing-boot9strap-(usm).html @@ -529,7 +529,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare-> SD Card (image)
            • @@ -538,6 +538,16 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
            • 主機將會自動關機
          6. +
          7. 啟動您的主機
          8. +
          9. 於您主機上啟動系統設定 (System Settings)
          10. +
          11. Navigate to Internet Settings -> Connection Settings
          12. +
          13. Ensure that all three connections are named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…” +
            • Do NOT change these settings!
            • +
            • If all three connections are NOT all named “Haaaaaaaxxxxxxxxx…”, STOP! Something went wrong in this section and MUST be fixed before you can continue
            • +
          14. +
          15. 關閉您的主機

          第三節 — unSAFE_MODE

          @@ -563,6 +573,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
          • If your device instead freezes on a white screen, hold the POWER button until it turns off, then retry this section
          • If your device instead freezes on a red screen, you are missing usm.bin from the root of your SD card
          • +
          • If you get a different error, follow this troubleshooting guide
      @@ -572,7 +583,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your device.

      1. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
      2. +
      3. When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
      4. Once it is complete, press (A) to reboot your device
      5. Your device should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
          diff --git a/zh_TW/key-information.html b/zh_TW/key-information.html index 761612294a..19215d1c88 100644 --- a/zh_TW/key-information.html +++ b/zh_TW/key-information.html @@ -460,6 +460,18 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({ +

          3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. 以下是你該知道的:

          + +
          • If your device is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. 您可以在啟動主機時按住「Select」鍵來檢查您的 Luma 版本。
          • +
          • If your device is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your device to 11.17.0.
          • +
          • If your device does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version, as installation methods are currently unclear.
          • +
          • Information about firmware 11.17.0 is rapidly evolving. For the latest information, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord.
          • +
          + +

          If this is your first time modding a 3DS (or you’re unfamiliar with technology), keep reading! Otherwise, if you have prior experience and know what you’re doing, continue to Get Started.

          This page covers some of the base computer terminology and 3DS-specific information that you should know before following this guide.

          diff --git a/zh_TW/region-changing.html b/zh_TW/region-changing.html index 2eefe83c85..7e5c23fd2f 100644 --- a/zh_TW/region-changing.html +++ b/zh_TW/region-changing.html @@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({



          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. 這是透過安裝所選區域的 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 鏡像檔達成的。 After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.16.0).


          This is an add-on section for region changing your device. 這是透過安裝所選區域的 11.15.0 CTRTransfer 鏡像檔達成的。 After installing the image, you can update your device normally to the latest firmware (11.17.0).

          請注意,區碼變更通常是不需要的,因為 Luma3DS 本身就支援跨區遊玩及程式語碼模擬的功能。 另外,您也可透過TWiLight Menu++來運行非支援語系的 NDS 遊戲。 You should only perform a region change if you wish to have your system UI is in a language that is not available on your console’s current region.

          diff --git a/zh_TW/seedminer-(twn).html b/zh_TW/seedminer-(twn).html index 74158861f3..b7d6fc1dd3 100644 --- a/zh_TW/seedminer-(twn).html +++ b/zh_TW/seedminer-(twn).html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

      第三節 — Seedminer


      Section II - Seedminer

      In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed.

      @@ -562,10 +548,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
    4. This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
    5. During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
    6. If you are still waiting after half an hour, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
    7. - - -
    8. When the process is completed, download your movable.sed file from the site -
    9. diff --git a/zh_TW/seedminer.html b/zh_TW/seedminer.html index 5439b21b6a..059fe96256 100644 --- a/zh_TW/seedminer.html +++ b/zh_TW/seedminer.html @@ -452,9 +452,8 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({

    第三節 — Seedminer


    Section II - Seedminer

    In this section, you will use the Bruteforce Movable website to retrieve your device’s encryption key in the form of movable.sed.

    @@ -563,10 +549,7 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • This is usually fast (1-5 minutes)
  • During this process, the bot you added may not show up on your 3DS. As long as the website updates, this is not an issue
  • If you are still waiting after half an hour, join Nintendo Homebrew on Discord and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you
  • - - -
  • When the process is completed, download your movable.sed file from the site -
  • diff --git a/zh_TW/updating-b9s.html b/zh_TW/updating-b9s.html index f6968e2c78..10952a3f90 100644 --- a/zh_TW/updating-b9s.html +++ b/zh_TW/updating-b9s.html @@ -510,7 +510,11 @@ window.cookieconsent.initialise({
  • 你的主機應該會自動進入到 SafeB9SInstaller
  • -
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap
  • +
  • When prompted, input the key combo given on the top screen to install boot9strap + +
  • Once it is completed, force your device to power off by holding down the power button