title: "Dumping Movable (nimhax)"
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为了在你的主机上安装 boot9strap,我们需要获得你主机上的唯一加密密钥。 To accomplish this, we use the Homebrew Launcher to launch nimhax and dump the data encryption key (movable.sed) from your device.
For a more technical explanation, see [here](https://github.com/luigoalma/nimhax/) for information about the nimhax exploit.
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{{ technical_info | markdownify }}
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### 你需要准备点啥?
* The latest release of [nimhax](https://github.com/luigoalma/nimhax/releases/latest) (the nimhax `.zip` file)
### 操作步骤
#### 第一步 – 准备工作
1. 将主机关机
1. 将你的 SD 卡插入到电脑
1. Copy the `nimhax` folder from the nimhax `.zip` to the `/3ds/` folder on your SD card
1. 将 SD 卡重新插入你的主机
1. 启动你的主机

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#### Section II - nimhax
1. Open the Homebrew Launcher through your method of choice (likely the Internet Browser)
1. Launch nimhax from the list of homebrew
1. If the exploit was successful, a `movable.sed` file will appear on the root of your SD card
### Next step: Choose an exploit
#### Bannerbomb3 (recommended)
Once you have your device's encryption key (`movable.sed`), you can use it in conjunction with BannerBomb3, which uses your `movable.sed` file to take advantage of exploits in the System Settings application.
继续至 [BannerBomb3](bannerbomb3)
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#### Frogtool
Once you have your device's encryption key (`movable.sed`), you can use it in conjunction with Frogtool, which uses your `movable.sed` file to inject and take advantage of JPN Flipnote Studio. \
While this method is faster, it requires downloading a file with a torrent client. Do not follow this method if you're unable to use a torrent client.
Continue to [Installing boot9strap (Frogtool)](installing-boot9strap-(frogtool))
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