--- title: "BannerBomb3 (Legacy)" --- {% include toc title="目录内容" %} {% capture technical_info %} 技术细节(选看) 我们使用了 3DS 系统设置中的 DSiWare 数据管理中的一个漏洞来启动自制代码。 为达到此目的,我们将使用你主机系统中的加密密钥(movable.sed)来构建一个带有漏洞的 DSiWare 备份。 若想知道更多技术细节,请见[这里](https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3)。 {% endcapture %}
{{ technical_info | markdownify }}
{: .notice--info} ### 兼容性注意 这些操作可在美、欧、日、韩版的主机上工作,你可通过系统版本号末尾的 U,E,J,K 字符来区分主机版本。 ### 你需要准备点啥? * Your `movable.sed` file from completing Seedminer or nimhax #### 第一步 – 准备工作 {% include_relative include/bb3-prep.txt %} #### 第二步 – 按键检查 In this section, you will see whether you can access Safe Mode on your console. This will determine which method you will follow on the next page. Your SD card should remain in your computer while you perform this check. {% include_relative include/safemodecheck.txt %} ___ ### 下一步:选择漏洞 If the camera appeared in the previous section, Safe Mode is likely to be working on your console. If the camera appeared, continue to [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) {: .notice--primary} If the camera did NOT appear, continue to [Installing boot9strap (Fredtool, Legacy)](installing-boot9strap-(fredtool-legacy)) {: .notice--info}