title: "Installing boot9strap (Fredtool)"
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Technical Details (optional)
This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to decrypt any DSiWare title for the purposes of injecting an exploitable DSiWare title into the DS Internet Settings application.
This is a currently working implementation of the "FIRM partitions known-plaintext" exploit detailed [here](https://www.3dbrew.org/wiki/3DS_System_Flaws).
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{{ technical_info | markdownify }}
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### Ce aveți nevoie
* Fișierul 'movable.sed' de la completarea lui [Seedminer](seedminer)
* The latest release of [Frogminer_save](https://github.com/zoogie/Frogminer/releases/latest) (`Frogminer_save.zip`)
* The latest release of [b9sTool](https://github.com/zoogie/b9sTool/releases/latest) (`boot.nds`)
* The latest release of [Luma3DS](https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases/latest) (the Luma3DS `.zip` file)
#### Section I - CFW Check
As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like [ntrboot](ntrboot)).
1. Închideți dispozitivul
1. Hold the (Select) button
1. Power on your device while still holding the (Select) button
1. If the check was successful, you will boot to the HOME Menu and you may proceed with this guide
1. Închideți dispozitivul
If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your device! Follow [Checking for CFW](checking-for-cfw) to upgrade your existing CFW.
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#### Section II - BannerBomb3
In this section, you will trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit using the DSiWare Management menu and copy the resulting file dump to your computer so that you can use it on the next section.
1. Reintroduceți cardul SD în dispozitivul dumneavoastră
1. Porniți dispozitivul
1. Porniți System Settings pe consolă
1. Navigate to `Data Management` -> `DSiWare`-> `SD Card` ([image](/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-management.png))
+ Your device should show the BB3 multihax menu
+ If this step causes your device to crash, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#installing-boot9strap-fredtool)
1. Use the D-Pad to navigate and press the (A) button to select "Dump DSiWare"
+ Your device will automatically reboot
1. Închideți dispozitivul
#### Section III - Prep Work
In this section, you will copy the files necessary to temporarily replace DS Connection Settings with Flipnote Studio, which is used to launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
1. Introduceți cardul SD în calculator
1. Open the [DSIHaxInjector_new](https://jenkins.nelthorya.net/job/DSIHaxInjector_new/build?delay=0sec) website on your computer
1. Under the "Username" field, enter any alphanumeric name (no spaces or special characters)
1. Under the "DSiBin" field, upload your `42383841.bin` file from the root of your SD card using the first "Browse..." option
1. Under the "MovableSed" field, upload your `movable.sed` file using the second "Browse..." option
1. Under the "InjectionTarget" field, set the injection target to `DSinternet` (NOT memorypit)
1. Click "Build"
+ Wait a few seconds for the build process to complete
1. In the Build History section on the left, type the Username into the "Filter Builds" field
1. Click on the first search result
+ This result should have the latest timestamp
1. Click the "output_(name).zip" link
1. Navigați spre `Nintendo 3DS` -> `` -> `` -> `Nintendo DSiWare` pe cardul SD
+ `` is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in [Seedminer](seedminer)
+ `` is a 32-letter folder inside of the ``
1. Delete `F00D43D5.bin` from your Nintendo DSiWare folder
1. Copy the `42383841.bin` file from the `hax` folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the `Nintendo DSiWare` folder
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1. Copiați `boot.firm` și `boot.3dsx` de la Luma3DS `.zip` pe rădăcina cardului SD
+ The root of the SD card refers to the initial directory on your SD card where you can see the Nintendo 3DS folder, but are not inside of it
1. Copiați `boot.nds` (B9STool) în rădăcina cardului SD
1. Copiați folderul `private` de pe arhiva Frogminer_save `.zip` în rădăcina cardului SD
1. Reintroduceți cardul SD în dispozitivul dumneavoastră
1. Porniți dispozitivul

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#### Section IV - Overwriting DS Connection Settings
In this section, you will copy the hacked DS Connection Settings DSiWare to internal memory, which will temporarily replace it with Flipnote Studio.
1. Porniți System Settings pe consolă
1. Navigate to `Data Management` -> `DSiWare`-> `SD Card` ([image](/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-management.png))
1. Select the "Haxxxxxxxxx!" title
1. Selectaţi "Copy", apoi selectaţi "OK"
1. Reveniți la meniul principal de System Settings
1. Navigate to `Internet Settings` -> `Nintendo DS Connections`, then select "OK" ([image](/images/screenshots/fredtool/dsconnection.png))
1. În cazul în care exploit-ul a mers, dispozitivul va încărca versiunea JPN de Flipnote Studio
#### Section V - Flipnote Exploit
Dacă preferați un ghid vizual pentru aceasta secțiune, deja este disponibil unul [aici](https://zoogie.github.io/web/flipnote_directions/).
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In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.
1. Finalizați procesul de configurare iniţială pentru jocul lansat până când ajungeți la meniul principal
+ Selectaţi opţiunea stângă ori de câte ori se solicită în timpul procesului de instalare
1. Folosind ecranul tactil, selectaţi căsuța mare din stânga, apoi selectaţi căsuța cu o pictogramă de card SD
1. Odată ce se încarcă meniul, selectaţi iconița cu o față apoi iconița din dreapta jos pentru a continua
1. Apăsați (X) sau (Sus) pe D-Pad în funcție de care este afișat pe ecranul superior
1. Alegeți al doilea buton de sus cu o iconiță de rolă de film
1. Derulați dreapta până când este selectat rola "3/3"
1. Atingeţi căsuța a treia cu litera "A" în ea
1. Derulați stânga până când este selectat rola "1/3"
1. Atingeţi căsuța a patra cu litera "A" în ea
1. În cazul în care exploit-ul a mers, dispozitivul va încărca b9sTool
1. Folosind D-Padul, selectați "Install boot9strap"
+ If you miss this step, the system will exit to HOME Menu instead of installing boot9strap and you will need to open System Settings, then start over from Step 6 of Section IV
1. Apăsați (A), apoi apăsați START și SELECT în același timp pentru a începe procedeul
1. Odată completat și cu ecranul inferior zicând "done.", ieșiți din b9sTool, apoi închideți dispozitivul
+ Este posibil să aveţi nevoie să forțați oprirea dispozitivului apăsând butonul de pornire
+ If your device shuts down when you try to power it on, ensure that you have copied `boot.firm` from the Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card
+ If you see the Luma Configuration screen, power off your device and continue to the next section
#### Section VI - Luma3DS Configuration
1. Press and hold (Select), and while holding (Select), power on your device. This will launch Luma3DS configuration
+ Luma3DS configuration menu are settings for the Luma3DS custom firmware. Many of these settings may be useful for customization or debugging
+ For the purpose of this guide, these settings will be left on default settings
+ If you boot to HOME Menu, [follow this troubleshooting guide](https://github.com/zoogie/b9sTool/blob/master/TROUBLESHOOTING.md)
1. Apăsați (Start) pentru a salva și reporni
At this point, your console will boot to Luma3DS by default.
+ Luma3DS does not look any different from the normal HOME Menu. If your console has booted into the HOME Menu, it is running custom firmware.
+ On the next page, you will install useful homebrew applications to complete your setup.
#### Section VII - Restoring DS Connection Settings
In this section, you will restore DS Connection Settings to the way it was before it was temporarily replaced with Flipnote Studio in Section IV.
1. Navigați spre `Nintendo 3DS` -> `` -> `` -> `Nintendo DSiWare` pe cardul SD
1. Copy the `42383841.bin` file from the `clean` folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the `Nintendo DSiWare` folder, replacing the existing one
1. Reintroduceți cardul SD în dispozitivul dumneavoastră
1. Porniți dispozitivul
1. Porniți System Settings pe consolă
1. Navigate to `Data Management` -> `DSiWare`-> `SD Card` ([image](/images/screenshots/bb3/dsiware-management.png))
1. Select the "Nintendo DSi™" title
1. Selectaţi "Copy", apoi selectaţi "OK"
### Continuați la [Finalizând instalarea](finalizing-setup)
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