--- title: "Uninstall CFW" --- {% include toc title="目次" %} ### 必読事項 This will completely remove CFW from your device, including Boot9Strap and Luma3DS, for the purpose of restoring the device to stock. This is almost never the solution to fix any issues you encounter with your CFW installation. A better idea would be to read the [troubleshooting](troubleshooting) page or ask (in English) for help at [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp). {: .notice--danger} Any unsigned (illegitimate) games will be rendered unusable and should be manually removed before starting this process by using the Data Management section of the System Settings. Use a [save manager](https://github.com/FlagBrew/Checkpoint/releases/latest) to backup any saves for these unsigned (illegitimate) games you care about. This will not affect your NNID, any legitimately purchased games, or any saves for those legitimately purchased games. If you have modified critical system software (such as editing the home menu, unbanning your console, etc), uninstalling CFW may BRICK your device! {: .notice--danger} SDカードの/luma/payloadsフォルダに godmode9.firm以外のペイロードがある場合、 起動時に (start) を長押しするとchainloaderメニューが表示されます。 十字キーでgodmode9を選択して (A) ボタンを押してください。 ### 必要なもの * v1.9.2pre1バージョンのの[GodMode9](https://github.com/d0k3/GodMode9/releases/tag/v1.9.2pre1) ### 手順 #### Section I - Safety Test 1. 本体の電源を切ります。 1. パソコンにSDカードを入れます 1. `GodMode9.firm` を GodMode9の `.zip` から取り出し、SDカードの `/luma/payloads/` フォルダにコピーします。 1. `gm9`フォルダをGodMode9`.zip`からSDカードのルートにコピーします。 1. 再度、SDカードを本体に挿入してください。 1. (START)ボタンを押しながらデバイスを起動させ、GodMode9を起動します。 1. If you are prompted to create an essential files backup, press (A) to do so, then press (A) to continue once it has completed 1. RTC日付/時刻を修正するには、(A) ボタンを押し、日付や時刻を設定してください。終わったら、(A) を押して続けてください。 +補足 RTCの日付と時刻を修正する必要がある場合は、このガイドの後にシステム設定で時刻を同じように修正する必要があります 1. Navigate to `[1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND > title > 00040138 > (X)0000002 > content` + On a "New" edition console, the (X) will instead be 2 + On an "Old" edition console, the (X) will instead be 0 1. Select the `.app` file 1. Select `NCCH image options` 1. Select `Mount image to drive` 1. In the window that appears, open the `exefs` folder 1. In this folder, select the `.firm` file 1. Select "FIRM image options" 1. Select "Boot FIRM" 1. When prompted, choose to decrypt and make a copy 1. You should boot into the regular 3DS Home Menu. If you do, power your device off and continue to the next section + If you do NOT boot into the regular 3DS Home Menu, continuing with these instructions **WILL** brick your device. You should join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp) and ask (in English) for someone there to assist you ####セクションⅡ-準備 1. デバイスの電源を入れます 1. Navigate to System Settings > Data Management > Nintendo 3DS > Software 1. In this list of software, delete any non-Nintendo content you installed while using CFW + This includes common system software such as FBI, Anemone3DS, Luma Updater, Homebrew Launcher, Checkpoint, and others, along with any non-eShop games 1. Navigate to Data Management > DSiWare 1. In this list of software, delete any non-Nintendo content you installed while using CFW + This includes software such as TWiLightMenu++, along with any non-eShop games + Failure to remove all CFW software from both the 3DS and DSiWare sections before uninstalling CFW may prevent or disable access to the Data Management menu after uninstalling CFW 1. 本体の電源を切ります。 #### Section III - Running Uninstall Script 1. (START)ボタンを押しながらデバイスを起動させ、GodMode9を起動します。 1. (Home) ボタンを押してアクションメニューを呼び出します 1. "Scripts..."を選択します 1. "GM9Megascript"を選択します 1. Select "Hax Options" 1. Select "Un-install Hax" 1. メッセージが表示されたら、(A) ボタンを押して続行します 1. (A) ボタンを押し、表示されるコンボを入力することで、 SysNAND (lvl3) への書き込みを許可します 1. (A) で続行します 1. Bキーを押してメインメニューに戻ります 1. "Exit"を選択します。 1. (A) ボタンを押すとNANDへの書き込みを再ロックできます 1. (Start) ボタンを押して本体を再起動します ___ All custom firmware has been removed from your device. {: .notice--success} You can now remove any extra files and folders from the root of your SD card that are *not* the `Nintendo 3DS` or `DCIM` folders. {: .notice--info}