--- title: "Aloitus" --- {% include toc title="Sisällysluettelo" %} ### Tärkeää tietoa If you have hacked your 3DS in the past, or you purchased your 3DS second-hand, it is possible that your console already has custom firmware. You should [check for CFW](checking-for-cfw) before proceeding. {: .notice--warning} Valitse konsolisi versiota vastaava sivu alta löytyvästä taulukosta. Huomaa, että versionumerot kentissä "versiosta" ja "versioon" ovat sisältyviä. Järjestelmäsi versio löytyy yläruudun oikeasta alakulmasta järjestelmäasetuksissa (System Settings).  {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3XSwift (Mac)](f3xswift-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} While we believe that custom firmware is safe for online use, there have been online network bans in the past, primarily for cheating and suspicious eShop behavior. {: .notice--warning} ### Versiotaulukko The letter and number after the system version (for example, 11.15.0-**47U**) is not relevant in this version table.
Versiosta | Versioon | Action |
11.15.0 (latest version) | Seedminer | |
11.4.0 | 11.14.0 | Update your 3DS to the latest version through System Settings |
1.0.0 | 11.3.0 | Installing boot9strap (Soundhax) |