--- title: "Why Ads?" layout: single-no-ads lang: en # see http://www.w3schools.com/TagS/ref_language_codes.asp for lang codes permalink: /why-ads.html # translations should be //.html i.e.: /es_ES/credits.html --- This project is the culmination of hundreds upon hundreds of hours of constant work. I maintain this guide, for free, and ensure it is always up to date. Because of this effort, I feel that it is fair for me to attempt to gain a meager income from my work (I receive next to no donations anymore). This site costs you nothing to use, and all that I display are non-intrusive ads. If you still have a problem with this, feel free to block these ads. If you do block ads, I would like to also remind you of the [Donations](donations) page, but once again that is optional too. Thanks,