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3DS firmware 11.17.0 was recently released. 以下是一些你应该知道的事情:
- If your console is running Luma 10.2.1 or higher, it is 100% safe to update. You can check your Luma version by holding (Select) while booting your console.
- If your console is on an older Luma version, you should update Luma before you update your console to 11.17.0.
- If your console does not yet have custom firmware, do NOT update to the latest version unless this guide instructs you to.
- If your unmodified console is ALREADY on 11.17.0, this guide has been updated accordingly. Specifically, New3DS-family consoles have a free software method, while Old3DS-family consoles will need to use alternate exploits that rely on external hardware or software.
“自制固件(CFW)”类似于电脑上的“管理员账户”,能够使你拥有对 3DS 安装的软件完整修改的权限。 能够让你做任何 3DS 力所能及的事情,不受任天堂的限制。
- 运行为 Nintendo 3DS 制作或移植的自制软件和游戏
- 解除锁区,让你玩其他地区的游戏
- HOME Menu customization, using community-created themes and badges
- 使用 LayeredFS 修改游戏(“金手指”)
- 编辑、备份和恢复用户存档
- 模拟老主机游戏,还有原生支持运行的 DS 和 GBA 游戏
- 从游戏卡带中安装一份数字版的相同游戏
- Install boot9strap and Luma3DS custom firmware on unmodified retail 3DS/2DS consoles
- Luma3DS 能够自动移除区域锁并让你运行未签名的软件
- 安装各种自制程序软件,例如:CIA 安装器、存档管理器以及自制程序商店
- 导出关键系统文件备份,用于在砖机时救急用(并可用于恢复数据)