--- title: "Get Started" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} ### Required Reading 아래 표에서 본인 기기의 버전에 해당하는 페이지를 선택해 주세요. "이상" 및 "이하" 란은 그 칸에 적힌 버전을 포함한다는 점을 참고해 주세요. 예를 들어, "9.0.0 이상 9.2.0 이하"는 9.0.0, 9.1.0및 9.2.0을 모두 포함합니다. 기기의 버전은 본체 설정에 어가서 위쪽 화면의 우측 하단에서 확인할 수 있습니다. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} **If you are unable to follow the instructions corresponding to your specific version due to missing prerequisites, then you should either update to the latest version or use the "All Versions" row for methods that work regardless of system version.** For all versions you can also [Cartridge Update](cart-update) (or use a standard system update) to get to a higher version in the same column to follow its instructions. EmuNAND 기반의 CFW 3DS를 보유한 경우 모든 과정을 SysNAND에 적용해 주세요. Replace any files that already exist. Your data will be transferred from EmuNAND to your new B9S install at the end. If you use menuhax, you should [clear Home Menu's extdata](troubleshooting#clear-home-menu-extdata) to remove it before beginning. This page is for instructions on how to install boot9strap to a *stock* 3DS or 2DS. If you already have arm9loaderhax installed and are looking to update to boot9strap, follow [A9LH to B9S](a9lh-to-b9s). {: .notice--primary} 시작하기에 앞서, Windows 사용자는 [파일 확장자명 (Windows)](file-extensions-(windows)) 가이드를 이용해 파일 확장자명이 표시되게 해야 합니다! {: .notice--info} 시작하기 전에 [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), 또는 [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))을 사용해 SD 카드의 오류 여부를 확인해 주세요! {: .notice--warning} {% capture notice-1 %} While we believe custom firmware is relatively safe at this time, it is important to note that it will never be "ban free". You should avoid the following actions: 1. Piracy 1. Cheating online 1. Suspicious behaviour on eShop (for example, credit card chargebacks) We believe SpotPass and StreetPass are also safe for use at this time. {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-1 | markdownify }}
### Version Table
이상 이하 Action
1.0.0 2.0.0 Update to latest firmware or use an "All Versions" Method
2.1.0 8.1.0 Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)
9.0.0 11.3.0 Homebrew Launcher (Soundhax)
11.4.0 11.13.0 Update to latest firmware or use an "All Versions" Method
11.14.0 11.14.0 Seedminer

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)