Installing boot9strap (MSET9)

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Detalhes técnicos (opcional)

MSET9 is an exploit for the System Settings application developed by zoogie. It exploits a flaw where the ID1 (the second 32-character folder name inside of the Nintendo 3DS folder, inside of the ID0) can be any name as long as it is 32 characters. Performing a specific sequence of actions results in the console executing the instructions that are encoded into the ID1 folder name, which can be used to grant full control over the 3DS.

Notas de Compatibilidade

This method requires a computer running Windows or Linux. macOS is NOT supported, nor are phones or tablets. If you do not have access to Windows or Linux, you will need to use an alternate exploit.

O que é necessário

  • The latest prerelease of MSET9 (the Release .zip file)
  • Any 3.x version of Python installed on your computer
    • If you are on Linux, you likely already have Python 3. Verifique abrindo um terminal e digitando python3 -V. Se este retornar um número de versão, ele funcionará para este guia.


Seção I - Preparação

In this section, you will prepare the SD card data necessary for the MSET9 exploit to trigger.

  1. Power on your console with your SD card inserted
  2. Open Mii Maker
  3. Wait for your console to reach the “Welcome to Mii Maker” screen, then exit Mii Maker
    • You may see this screen, which indicates the necessary data has been created
    • If you just reach the normal Mii Maker screen, exit Mii Maker and continue to the next step
  4. Desligue seu console
  5. Insira o cartão SD no seu computador
  6. Copy everything from the Release .zip to the root of your SD card, overwriting any existing files

    MSET9 root layout

  7. Execute the script on the root of your SD card
    • Windows: Double-click mset9.bat
      • If this doesn’t work: hold SHIFT and right-click anywhere in the SD card window, then click the option that opens Terminal, PowerShell, or Command Prompt, then type py -3 and press Enter
    • Linux: open a Terminal window, cd to the root of your SD card, then type python3 and press Enter
    • You should see a window that says “MSET9 … SETUP by zoogie”
    • You should keep this window open until the end of this page, but if you close it by accident, you can open it again by redoing this step

    Image: MSET9 setup

  8. Type the number corresponding to your console model and version, then press Enter
    • The window should change to this:

    Image: MSET9 setup

    • Ensure that the correct console model and version is displayed
  9. Type 1, then press Enter to setup MSET9
    • If you see “(title.db/import.db) does not exist on SD card!”:
      • Type “yes”, then press Enter
      • Close the MSET9 window
      • Safely eject your SD from your computer
      • Insert your SD card into your console
      • Ligue o seu console
      • Navigate to System Settings -> Data Management -> Nintendo 3DS -> Software -> Reset (visual instructions)
      • Desligue seu console
      • Insert your SD card into your computer
      • Go back to Step 7 (“Execute the script”)
  10. Once the window says “Setting up… done”, safely eject your SD card from your computer
    • Keep the MSET9 window open
  11. Reinsira o cartão SD no seu console
  12. Ligue o seu console

Section II - MSET9

In this section, you will trigger MSET9 to launch SafeB9SInstaller (the custom firmware installer).

These instructions must be followed EXACTLY, so double-check EVERYTHING you are doing to avoid errors!

  1. Hover over the System Settings icon using the D-Pad (do not select it yet)
  2. Power off, then power on your console
  3. Press (A) to launch System Settings
  4. Navigate to Data Management -> Nintendo 3DS -> Extra Data (image)
  5. Do not press any buttons or touch the screen - ensure that you see the Mii Maker icon
  6. With the console STILL ON, and without pressing any buttons or touching the screen, remove your SD card from your console
    • The menu will refresh and say that no SD card is inserted, which is expected
  7. Insira o cartão SD no seu computador
  8. In the MSET9 window, type 2, then press Enter to trigger MSET9
    • You should see “Injecting… done.”
  9. Safely eject your SD card from your computer
    • Keep the MSET9 window open
  10. Reinsert your SD card into your console without pressing any buttons or touching the screen
  11. Se o exploit for bem-sucedido, você terá entrado no SafeB9SInstaller

Seção III - Instalando o boot9strap

Nesta seção, você instalará custom firmware no seu console.

  1. Quando solicitado, aperte a sequência de botões fornecida na tela superior para instalar o boot9strap
  2. Quando concluído, aperte (A) para reiniciar o seu console
  3. Seu console deve ter inicializado o menu de configuração do Luma3DS
    • O menu de configuração do Luma3DS são configurações para o custom firmware do Luma3DS. Muitas dessas configurações podem ser úteis para personalização ou depuração
    • Para o propósito deste guia, deixe essas opções nas configurações padrão (não marque ou desmarque nada)
    • Se o seu console desligar quando você tentar ligá-lo, certifique-se de que você copiou boot.firm do .zip do Luma3DS para a raiz do seu cartão SD
  4. Aperte (Start) para salvar e reiniciar

Section IV - Uninstalling MSET9

In this section, you will remove MSET9 to prevent further issues. (This will not remove the custom firmware that you just installed.)

Do NOT skip this section! If you do, applications may crash unexpectedly and you may encounter errors on the next page!

  1. Desligue seu console
  2. Insira o cartão SD no seu computador
  3. In the MSET9 window, type 4, then press Enter to remove MSET9
    • You should see “Removing… done”
  4. Close the MSET9 window; you will not need it for any of the upcoming steps

A partir deste momento, o seu console iniciará no Luma3DS por padrão.

  • O Luma3DS não é diferente do HOME Menu normal. Se seu console foi inicializado no Menu HOME, ele está executando custom firmware.
  • Na próxima página, você irá instalar aplicativos homebrew úteis para concluir sua instalação.

Continue para Finalizando a instalação