--- layout: splash titel: "3DS Hacks Guide" # header: overlay_color: "#5e616c" # overlay_image: /images/home-page-feature.jpg overlay_filter: 0.5 caption: excerpt: "Eine vollständige Anleitung für 3DS Custom Firmware,
von Original zu boot9strap.
" --- Lies alle Einleitungsseiten gründlich durch (einschließlich dieser), bevor du fortfährst. {: .notice--info} ## Was ist Custom Firmware? **Custom Firmware** ("CFW") ist eine vollständige Software-Modifikation zu deinem 3DS, vergleichbar mit dem "Administrator-Zugriff" auf einem Computer. Es erlaubt dir, alles zu tun, was der 3DS physisch tun kann, anstatt von Nintendo eingeschränkt zu sein. Popular uses for custom firmware include: * Running homebrew software and games made for or ported to the Nintendo 3DS * Bypassing the region lock, allowing you to play games from other regions * HOME Menu customization, using community-created [themes and badges](https://themeplaza.art) * Modification of games ("ROM hacks") through [LayeredFS](https://github.com/knight-ryu12/godmode9-layeredfs-usage/wiki/Using-Luma3DS'-layeredfs-(Only-version-8.0-and-higher)) * Save data editing, backup, and restore * Emulation of older consoles, as well as native playback of DS and GBA games * Installation deiner physichen Karten zur digitalen Nutzung ## Was wird mit dieser Anleitung installiert? Diese Anleitung wird: + **boot9strap** und **Luma3DS Custom Firmware** auf unmodifizierten Standard 3DS/2DS Konsolen installieren + Luma3DS wird automatisch die Regionsbegrenzung entfernen und erlaubt dir, unsignierte Software auszuführen + verschiedene Homebrew Apps, wie einen Paketinstaller, Save Manager, und einen Homebrew App Store installieren + wichtige Sicherheitskopien die Bricks verhindern (und Datenverlust im Fall eines Bricks verhindern) erstellen ## Was muss ich wissen, bevor ich anfange? * While the risks of bricking have been minimized over the years, **we are not responsible for anything that goes wrong with your device**. Incorrect file placement will not brick your device, but reckless behavior might. * This guide is compatible with every retail device in the Nintendo 3DS family of consoles (including the New 3DS series and the 2DS), regardless of region or firmware. * While we believe that custom firmware is safe for online use, there have been online network bans in the past, primarily for cheating and suspicious eShop behavior. * Following this guide alone should not result in data loss, but SD card corruption is always a possibility. You should make a backup of your SD card contents if you have important data. * You will need a working SD card in your 3DS, as well as the ability to write files to the SD card. The 3DS can read SD cards formatted as MBR/FAT32. + You may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3XSwift (Mac)](f3xswift-(mac)). * If you are using Windows to move files to/from the SD card, you may want to [enable file extensions](file-extensions-(windows)) to avoid misnaming files. ___ ### Continue to [Get Started](get-started) {: .notice--primary}