--- title: "Contribute" --- We're glad to hear that you'd like to contribute to 3ds.hacks.guide! 你可以做以下内容来帮助我们: ## 维护 This guide is open-source; our repository is available [here](https://github.com/hacks-guide/Guide_3DS). If you've noticed an issue on this guide, you can file an issue to make us aware, or file a pull request to make the necessary changes yourself. ## 翻译 If you'd like to translate this guide into other languages (or help keep the existing translations up-to-date), check out our [Crowdin](https://crowdin.com/project/3ds-guide). ## 做种 本手册中大部分文件只提供 Torrent 种子。 If you'd like to help seed these torrents to ensure their availability in the future, you can download the `.zip` file containing all our `.torrent` files: [torrents.zip](/assets/torrents.zip) (last updated 2023-03-16) 这里还有一个 [RSS 订阅]({{ "rss.xml" | absolute_url }})用来更新未来可能会用到的种子,你也可以订阅一下。 ## 捐赠 Maintaining this guide (as well as our support channels) is primarily a volunteer effort, so if this guide has helped you in some way, donations are greatly appreciated! [![Paypal]({{ "/images/paypal_white.png" | absolute_url }}){:height="72px" width="256px"}{: style="padding-bottom: .35em"}](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew){: .align-center} [https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew](https://paypal.me/NintendoHomebrew) {: .text-center} {: .notice--info}