Installing boot9strap (MSET9 Play Store)

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기술적 상세 정보 (선택 사항)

MSET9 is an exploit for the System Settings application developed by zoogie. It exploits a flaw where the ID1 (the second 32-character folder name inside of the Nintendo 3DS folder, inside of the ID0) can be any name as long as it is 32 characters. Performing a specific sequence of actions results in the console executing the instructions that are encoded into the ID1 folder name, which can be used to grant full control over the 3DS.

호환성 안내

This page requires an Android phone/tablet or a Chromebook. If you have a computer running Windows, macOS, or Linux, follow Installing boot9strap (MSET9) instead. If you do not have access to any of these devices, you will need to use an alternate exploit.

On Android phones/tablets, the minimum Android version required is 6.0 (Marshmallow).


  • The following applications installed from the Google Play Store:
  • 최신 버전의 MSET9 (Release .zip 파일)

진행 방법

섹션 I - 준비 작업

In this section, you will prepare the SD card data necessary for the MSET9 exploit to trigger.

  1. Power on your console with your SD card inserted
  2. Open Mii Maker
  3. Wait for your console to reach the “Welcome to Mii Maker” screen, then exit Mii Maker
    • You may see this screen, which indicates the necessary data has been created
    • If you just reach the normal Mii Maker screen, exit Mii Maker and continue to the next step
  4. 콘솔의 전원을 꺼 주세요
  5. Insert your SD card into your phone/tablet/computer
  6. Copy everything from the Release .zip to the root of your SD card, overwriting any existing files:

    MSET9 root layout

  7. Run the MSET9 Installer application
  8. Tap on Select "Nintendo 3DS" Folder, then navigate to your Nintendo 3DS folder on your SD card (image)
  9. Once inside the Nintendo 3DS folder, tap on “Use this folder”, then “Allow” if asked (image)
  10. If “Setup MSET9” is highlighted, MSET9 is ready to be injected. Close the MSET9 Installer for now
    • If “Check Again” is highlighted, there is a problem that you need to resolve before you can use MSET9. Refer to the troubleshooting
  11. SD 카드를 콘솔에 다시 삽입해 주세요
  12. 콘솔의 전원을 켜 주세요

Section II - MSET9

In this section, you will trigger MSET9 to launch SafeB9SInstaller (the custom firmware installer).

These instructions must be followed EXACTLY, so double-check EVERYTHING you are doing to avoid errors!

  1. Hover over the System Settings icon using the D-Pad (do not select it yet)
  2. Power off, then power on your console
  3. Press (A) to launch System Settings
  4. Navigate to Data Management -> Nintendo 3DS -> Extra Data (image)
  5. Do not press any buttons or touch the screen - ensure that you see the Mii Maker icon
  6. With the console STILL ON, and without pressing any buttons or touching the screen, remove your SD card from your console
    • The menu will refresh and say that no SD card is inserted, which is expected
  7. Insert your SD card into your phone/tablet/computer
  8. Open the MSET9 Installer application
  9. Tap “Setup MSET9”
  10. Tap on the photo corresponding to your console model, then on the button corresponding to your current firmware version
    • If the injection was successful, all buttons should become grayed out except for “Remove MSET9”
  11. Reinsert your SD card into your console without pressing any buttons or touching the screen
  12. 익스플로잇이 성공적이었다면 SafeB9SInstaller로 부팅되었을 것입니다
    • If you get a red screen or the console gets stuck on a loading screen, follow the troubleshooting guide

섹션 III - boot9strap 설치하기

이 섹션에서는, 커스텀 펌웨어를 설치할 것입니다.

  1. 메시지가 나타나면, boot9strap을 설치하기 위하여 화면에 주어진 키 조합을 입력해 주세요
    • 아래 화면의 단계가 붉은 텍스트로 표시되고 키 콤보 입력을 요구하지 않는다면, 이 문제 해결 가이드를 참고해 주세요
  2. 작업이 완료되면, (A) 를 눌려 콘솔을 재부팅해 주세요
  3. 콘솔은 Luma3DS 구성 메뉴로 부팅되었을 겁니다
    • Luma3DS 구성 메뉴는 Luma3DS 커스텀 펌웨어의 설정들 입니다. 이 설정들은 디버깅 또는 맞춤화의 유용합니다
    • 일단 이 가이드에서는 모든 설정을 기본으로 남겨 두세요 (켜기 또는 끄기를 누르지 마세요)
    • 만약 콘솔이 부팅시에 꺼진다면 Luma3DS .zip 파일 안에 압축 되있는 boot.firm을 SD 카드의 루트로 복사 했는지 확인해 주세요
  4. (Start)를 눌러 저장하고 콘솔을 다시 시작해 주세요

Section IV - Removing MSET9

In this section, you will remove MSET9 to prevent further issues. (This will not remove the custom firmware that you just installed.)

Do NOT skip this section! If you skip it, applications may crash unexpectedly and you will encounter errors on the next page!

  1. 콘솔의 전원을 꺼 주세요
  2. Insert your SD card into your phone/tablet/computer
  3. Open the MSET9 Installer application
  4. Tap “Remove MSET9”
  5. Close the MSET9 Installer application

이제 콘솔은 Luma3DS를 기본으로 부팅 됩니다.

  • Luma3DS는 보통 HOME 메뉴와 똑같이 보입니다. 만약 콘솔이 HOME 메뉴로 부팅되었다면, 커스텀 펌웨어가 설치되어 있습니다.
  • 다음 페이지에서는 커펌에 유용한 홈브류를 설치해 콘솔 준비를 완료할 것 입니다.

Did you follow Section IV (Removing MSET9)? That section is MANDATORY!

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