--- title: "BannerBomb3" --- {% include toc title="Содержание" %} <details> <summary><em>Technical Details (optional)</em></summary> <p>To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.</p> <p>To accomplish this, we use your system's encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system.</p> <p>For a more technical explanation, see <a href="https://github.com/zoogie/Bannerbomb3">here</a>.</p> </details> {: .notice--info} ### Compatibility Notes Эти инструкции работают на консолях регионов USA, Europe, Japan и Korea. На регион консоли указывает буква U, E, J или K после версии прошивки. If you have a Taiwanese console (indicated by a T after the system version), follow [this page](bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn)) instead. {: .notice--warning} ### Что понадобится * Ваш файл `movable.sed`, полученный на странице [Seedminer](seedminer) #### Часть I - Подготовительные работы In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit onto your device's SD card. 1. Выключите консоль 1. Вставьте SD-карту в компьютер 1. Open [Bannerbomb3 Injector](http://3dstools.nhnarwhal.com/#/bb3gen) on your computer 1. Upload your movable.sed using the “Choose File” option 1. Click “Build and Download” + This will download an exploit DSiWare called `F00D43D5.bin` and a payload called `bb3.bin` inside of a zip archive (`DSIWARE_EXPLOIT.zip`) 1. Copy `bb3.bin` from `DSIWARE_EXPLOIT.zip` to the root of your SD card + The root of the SD card refers to the initial directory on your SD card where you can see the Nintendo 3DS folder, but are not inside of it {: .notice--info} 1. Navigate to `Nintendo 3DS` -> `<ID0>` -> `<ID1>` on your SD card + `<ID0>` is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in [Seedminer](seedminer) + `<ID1>` is a 32-letter folder inside of the `<ID0>` {: .notice--info} 1. Create a folder named `Nintendo DSiWare` inside of the `<ID1>` + If you already had the folder *and* there are any existing DSiWare backup files (`<8-character-id>.bin`) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD card 1. Copy the `F00D43D5.bin` file from `DSIWARE_EXPLOIT.zip` to the `Nintendo DSiWare` folder  {: .notice--info} #### Section II - Hardware Button Check In this section, you will test the SAFE_MODE function of your device. This will determine which method you will follow in the next page. 1. With your device still powered off, hold the following buttons: (Left Shoulder) + (Right Shoulder) + (D-Pad Up) + (A), and while holding these buttons together, power on your device + Keep holding the buttons until the device boots into Safe Mode (a "system update" menu) 1. If prompted to update, press Cancel + Your device will power off + If the device boots to the HOME Menu, just power off your device ___ ### Next steps: Choose an exploit If your device booted into Safe Mode and prompted to you to do a system update in Section II, Safe Mode is working on your device. If your device booted into Safe Mode, continue to [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) {: .notice--primary} If your device did NOT boot into Safe Mode, continue to [Installing boot9strap (Fredtool)](installing-boot9strap-(fredtool)) {: .notice--warning}