--- title: "Installing boot9strap (kartdlphax)" --- {% include toc title="目录内容" %} ### 必读事项 kartdlphax is an exploit for the Download Play mode of Mario Kart 7. It can be used with universal-otherapp to install custom firmware on target devices. In order to follow these instructions, you will need the following: - A second 3DS with custom firmware (the **source 3DS**) that is the same region as the 3DS you are trying to modify (the **target 3DS**) - A physical or digital copy of Mario Kart 7 that is the same region as both consoles - An SD card for both devices ### 你需要准备点啥? On the **source 3DS** (the 3DS with custom firmware): * The latest release of [kartdlphax](https://github.com/mariohackandglitch/kartdlphax/releases/latest) * The latest release of [Luma3DS 3GX Loader Edition](https://github.com/Nanquitas/Luma3DS/releases/tag/v10.2.1) On the **target 3DS** (the 3DS that you are trying to modify): * 最新版 [SafeB9SInstaller](https://github.com/d0k3/SafeB9SInstaller/releases/latest) * 最新版 [boot9strap](https://github.com/SciresM/boot9strap/releases/download/1.3/boot9strap-1.3.zip) * The latest release of [standard Luma3DS](https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases/latest) #### Section I - Prep Work (source 3DS) 1. Insert the SD card of your **source 3DS** in your computer 1. Copy Luma 3GX Loader Edition's `boot.firm` to the root of the **source 3DS**'s SD card 1. Copy kartdlphax's `plugin.3gx` to the following directory on the **source 3DS**'s SD card, depending on the **region of your copy of Mario Kart 7**: - USA: `luma/plugins/0004000000030800` - EUR: `luma/plugins/0004000000030700` - JPN: `luma/plugins/0004000000030600` - Create the `plugins` and `00040000...` folders if they do not already exist 1. Eject the SD card and put it in the **source 3DS** #### Section II - Prep Work (target 3DS) 1. Insert the SD card of your **target 3DS** in your computer 1. Copy `boot.firm` and `boot.3dsx` from the standard Luma3DS `.zip` to the root of your SD card 1. 在 SD 卡根目录创建一个名为 `boot9strap` 的文件夹 1. 从 boot9strap `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `boot9strap.firm` 和 `boot9strap.firm.sha` 到你 SD 卡的 `/boot9strap/` 文件夹中 1. 从 SafeB9SInstaller `.zip` 压缩包中复制 `SafeB9SInstaller.bin` 到 SD 卡根目录下 1. Eject the SD card and put it in the **target 3DS** #### Section III - kartdlphax 1. Power on the **source 3DS** - If you are prompted to set up Luma3DS, just press START to save the configuration 1. Once in the home menu, press (Left Shoulder) + (Down D-Pad) + (Select) to bring up the Rosalina menu 1. Select "Enable plugin loader" 1. 按 “B” 键退出 Rosalina 菜单 1. Launch Mario Kart 7 - Ensure that wireless connectivity is enabled - kartdlphax should tell you that it is running 1. Navigate to `Local Multiplayer` -> `Create Group` 1. Power on the **target 3DS** - Ensure that wireless connectivity is enabled 1. On the **target 3DS**, open the Download Play application (![]({{ "/images/download-play-icon.png" | absolute_url }}){: height="24px" width="24px"}), then select "Nintendo 3DS" 1. Join the group created by the **source 3DS** 1. Select "Start" on the **source 3DS** once it has detected the **target 3DS** 1. Once multiplayer has loaded, navigate to `Grand Prix` -> `50cc` -> (any driver) -> `Mushroom Cup` 1. Wait a while (a percentage should be displayed on the **source 3DS**) 1. If the exploit was successful, the **target 3DS** will have booted into SafeB9SInstaller #### Section IV - SafeB9SInstaller 1. 等待所有检查完成 1. 出现提示时,按照上屏的提示输入按键组合来安装 boot9strap 1. 安装完成后,按下 “A” 键重启主机 #### 第五步 – 配置 Luma3DS 1. Your target 3DS should have rebooted into the Luma3DS configuration menu 1. 使用方向键和 “A” 键来启用以下设置: - **"Show NAND or user string in System Settings"** 现在,你的主机会在插入 SD 卡的情况下自动启动 Luma3ds。 + Luma3DS 不会给正常的主菜单增添任何看上去十分显眼的东西。 如果你的主机已经启动到了主菜单,这说明自制固件已经在运行了。 + 在下一页中,我们将会教你复制 Luma3DS 到内部存储当中,使得主机能在没有 SD 卡的情况下启动系统。 + You will **not** need to use your **source 3DS** to complete any further steps on this guide. ___ ### 继续至[完成安装](finalizing-setup) {: .notice--primary}