--- title: "Finalizing Setup" --- ### Oversikt over trinn {% capture notice-2 %} The file `boot.firm` is what is launched by boot9strap itself after it finishes loading off of NAND, and can be any valid arm9 payload in the FIRM format. This file can be replaced at any time, although Luma3DS allows for the launch of other arm9 payloads in the FIRM format using the Luma3DS chainloader.

I dette tilfellet bruker vi Luma3DS fra [AuroraWright](https://github.com/AuroraWright/) for å starte et patchet SysNAND direkte, slik at vi kan omgå behovet for alle slags EmuNAND fullstendig, og dermed forenkle bruken av en hacket 3DS utover det å spare plass på SD-kort.

Under denne prossesen, vil vi også sette opp program som følgende: + **FBI** *(installerer CIAformaterte spill og applikasjoner)* + **Themely** *(installs custom themes)* + **Luma3DS Updater** *(oppdaterer CFWinstallasjonen vår)* + **GodMode9** *(multipurpose tool which can do NAND and cartridge functions)* + **Homebrew Launcher Loader** *(launches the Homebrew Launcher as a regular application thanks to Rosalina magic)* {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-2 | markdownify }}
#### Det du trenger * The latest release of [Themely](https://github.com/ErmanSayin/Themely/releases/latest) *(the `.cia` file)* * Siste utgave av [hblauncher_loader](https://github.com/yellows8/hblauncher_loader/releases/latest) * Siste utgave av [GodMode9](https://github.com/d0k3/GodMode9/releases/latest) * The latest release of [DSP1](https://github.com/zoogie/DSP1/releases/latest) * The latest release of [FBI](https://github.com/Steveice10/FBI/releases/latest) *(the `.cia` and `.3dsx` files)* * The latest fork of [Luma3DS Updater](https://github.com/KunoichiZ/lumaupdate/releases/latest) *(the `.cia` file)* #### Instruksjoner ##### Seksjon I - Forarbeid 1. Slå av enheten 1. Sett inn SD-kortet i datamaskinen din 1. Copy `FBI.3dsx` to the `/3ds/` folder on your SD card 1. Opprett en mappe kalt `cias` på roten av SD-kortet hvis den ikke allerede er der 1. Create a folder named `hblauncherloader` on the root of your SD card if it does not already exist 1. Kopier `hblauncher_loader.cia` fra hblauncher_loader `.zip` til `/cias/` mappen på SD-kortet 1. Copy `lumaupdater.cia` to the `/cias/` folder on your SD card 1. Copy `FBI.cia` to the `/cias/` folder on your SD card 1. Copy `DSP1.cia` to the `/cias/` folder on your SD card 1. Copy `Themely.cia` to the `/cias/` folder on your SD card ![]({{ base_path }}/images/screenshots/cias-file-layout.png) {: .notice--info} 1. Opprett en mappe med navnet `payloads` i `luma` mappen på SD-kortet 1. Kopier `GodMode9.firm` fra GodMode9 `.zip` til `/luma/payloads/` på SD-kortet ditt ![]({{ base_path }}/images/screenshots/finalizing-setup-file-layout.png) {: .notice--info} 1. If your device is on a version below 9.0.0, your device will not boot unless you use an alternative version of Luma3DS: + Download [a legacy version of Luma3DS]({{ base_path }}/luma_legacy/boot.firm) + Copy `boot.firm` to the root of your SD card *(overwrite existing files)* + Replace this `boot.firm` with the one from [the latest release of Luma3DS](https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/latest) after updating your device later in these instructions 1. If your device is on a version between 3.0.0 and 4.5.0 (inclusive), your device will not boot until you manually download the required firmware: + Download [this file](http://nus.cdn.c.shop.nintendowifi.net/ccs/download/0004013800000002/00000056) and rename it to `native.firm` + Last ned [denne filen](http://nus.cdn.c.shop.nintendowifi.net/ccs/download/0004013800000002/cetk) + Copy `native.firm` and `cetk` to the `/luma/` folder on your SD card + Delete both of these files after updating your device later in these instructions 1. Sett inn SD-kortet i konsollen igjen 1. Power on your device ##### Section II - Updating the System If, while following a previous version of this guide, you CTRTransfered your *New 3DS* to 2.1.0, now is the time to [restore your NAND backup](godmode9-usage#nand_restore) before doing this section. {: .notice--danger} If, before following this guide, you already had an EmuNAND setup and would like to move the contents of your previous EmuNAND to your new SysNAND CFW, now is the time to [follow Move EmuNAND](move-emunand) before doing this section. {: .notice--info} 1. Oppdater konsollen ved å gå til Systeminnstillinger, deretter "Other Settings", så helt til høyre og start "System Update" + Oppdateringer mens du bruker B9S + Luma (det du har) er trygt + Hvis dette gir deg en feil, sett DNS-innstillingene til "auto" + If this still gives you an error and your NAND is below 9.2.0, [follow 9.2.0 CTRTransfer](9.2.0-ctrtransfer), then try updating again 1. If your device was on a version below 9.0.0 before updating, replace `boot.firm` on the root of your SD card with the one from [the latest release of Luma3DS](https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/latest) 1. If your device was on a version between 3.0.0 and 4.5.0 before updating, delete `native.firm` and `cetk` from the `/luma/` folder on your SD card ##### Section III - Launching FBI 1. Launch the Download Play application 1. Press (L) + (Down) + (Select) at the same time to open the Rosalina menu 1. Select "Miscellaneous options" 1. Select "Switch the hb. title to the current app." 1. Press (B) to continue 1. Press (B) to return to the Rosalina main menu 1. Press (B) to exit the Rosalina menu 1. Press (Home), then close Download Play 1. Launch the Download Play application 1. Your device should load the Homebrew Launcher ##### Section IV - Installing CIAs 1. Launch FBI from the list of homebrew 1. Navigér til `SD` -> `cias` 1. Velg "\" 1. Select the "Install and delete all CIAs" option, then press (A) to confirm 1. Press (Home), then close Download Play ##### Section V - DSP Dump 1. Launch the DSP1 application 1. Once it has completed, press (B) to self-delete the app and return to the home menu ##### Section VI - CTRNAND Luma3DS 1. Reboot holding (Start) during boot to launch GodMode9 1. Navigér til `[0:] SDCARD` 1. Press (Y) on `boot.firm` to copy it 1. Press (B) to return to the main menu 1. Navigér til `[1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND` 1. Press (Y) to paste a copy of `boot.firm` 1. Velg "Copy path(s)" 1. Trykk (A) for å låse opp SysNAND (lvl1) skriving, deretter trykk in den gitte tastekombinasjonen 1. Press (B) to return to the main menu 1. Navigér til `[0:] SDCARD` 1. Press (Y) on the `luma` folder to copy it 1. Press (B) to return to the main menu 1. Navigér til `[1:] SYSNAND CTRNAND` -> `rw` 1. Press (Y) to paste a copy of the `luma` folder from your SD card 1. Velg "Copy path(s)" ##### Section VII - NAND Backup 1. Trykk (B) to ganger for å gå tilbake til hovedmenyen 1. Press (Home) to bring up the action menu 1. Velg "More..." 1. Velg "Backup NAND" 1. Trykk (A) for å fortsette 1. Hold (R) og trykk (B) for å løse ut SD-kortet 1. Sett inn SD-kortet i datamaskinen din 1. Copy `nand.bin` and `nand.bin.sha` from the `/gm9out/` folder on your SD card to a safe location on your computer + Make backups in multiple locations (such as online file storage) + Denne sikkerhetskopien vil spare deg fra en brick hvis noe går galt i fremtiden 1. Delete `nand.bin` and `nand.bin.sha` from the `/gm9out/` folder on your SD card after copying it 1. Sett inn SD-kortet i konsollen igjen 1. Trykk (Start) for å lagre og starte på nytt ___ {% capture notice-10 %} Du kan nå bruke "Luma3DS Updater" for å oppdatere din Luma3DS til siste versjon, ved å åpne den og trykke (A). Dette er ikke det samme som en systemoppdatering; den bare laster ned og pakker ut de nyeste Luma3DS-filene. This will only update the Luma3DS files on your SD card. If you boot your device without an SD card, it will use the version you placed in CTRNAND. {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-10 | markdownify }}
{% capture notice-6 %} You will now boot Luma3DS CFW SysNAND by default. Du kan holde (Select) ved oppstart for å laste Luma3DSs konfigurasjonsmeny. You can now hold (Start) on boot to launch the Luma3DS chainloader menu (note that the Luma3DS chainloader menu is only displayed if there is more than one payload detected). You can now hold (Start) + (Select) + (X) on boot to dump the ARM11 bootrom (`boot11.bin`), the ARM9 bootrom (`boot9.bin`), and your console unique OTP (`OTP.bin`) to the `/boot9strap/` folder on your SD card (note that this will not have any kind of prompt or message). You can now press (L) + (Down) + (Select) while the system is booted to open the Rosalina menu integrated into Luma3DS. For a full list of Rosalina features, please see the [Luma3DS v8.0 Release](https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/releases/tag/v8.0) {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-6 | markdownify }}
To use [NTR CFW](https://github.com/44670/BootNTR/), install [BootNTR Selector](https://gbatemp.net/threads/432911/). {: .notice--info} {% capture notice-7 %} Remove any extra files and folders from the root of your SD card that are *not* in the following image:

![]({{ base_path }}/images/screenshots/final-file-layout.png) {% endcapture %}
{{ notice-7 | markdownify }}
For informasjon om hvordan du endrer enheten til en annen region, sjekk ut [regionsbyttesiden](region-changing). {: .notice--success} For information on using GodMode9's various features, check out the [GodMode9 Usage](godmode9-usage) page. {: .notice--success} For informasjon om bruk av Luma3DS sine forskjellige funksjoner, sjekk ut [Lumas wiki](https://github.com/AuroraWright/Luma3DS/wiki/Options-and-usage). {: .notice--success} For information on installing custom themes, badges, and splash screens, check out [3dsthem.es](https://3dsthem.es/about.php). {: .notice--success}