title: "完成安裝"
{% include toc title="條目內容" %}
### 必讀事項
在載入完 NAND 的內容後,boot9strap 會自動加載 `boot.firm` 中的內容。 In this case, we are using Luma3DS by [LumaTeam](https://github.com/LumaTeam/) to patch the console, allowing it to run homebrew software.
On this page, we will make critical system file backups and install some homebrew programs. Most of these steps will be automated using a script that you will run on your console.
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List of homebrew applications that will be installed
Click the links to view the GitHub repository of each application. (Give them a star if you appreciate them!)
+ **[FBI](https://github.com/Steveice10/FBI)** *(installs CIA formatted applications)*
+ **[Homebrew Launcher Loader](https://github.com/PabloMK7/homebrew_launcher_dummy)** *(launches the Homebrew Launcher)*
+ **[Anemone3DS](https://github.com/astronautlevel2/Anemone3DS)** *(installs custom themes)*
+ **[Checkpoint](https://github.com/FlagBrew/Checkpoint)** *(backs up and restores save files for 3DS and DS games)*
+ **[ftpd](https://github.com/mtheall/ftpd)** *(access your 3DS SD card wirelessly)*
+ **[Universal-Updater](https://github.com/Universal-Team/Universal-Updater/)** *(a homebrew app store for downloading homebrew from the 3DS over Wi-Fi)*
+ **[GodMode9](https://github.com/d0k3/GodMode9)** *(multipurpose tool which can do NAND and cartridge functions)*
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### 相容性資訊
If your **New 3DS** was on version 2.1.0 before following this guide, you should [restore your NAND backup](godmode9-usage#restoring-a-nand-backup) before continuing. This likely doesn't apply to you unless you were following this guide in 2017.
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如果您先前的自製韌體為基於 EmuNAND 的系統,且您希望將您的 EmuNAND/RedNAND 移植至 SysNAND,請在繼續前進行 [移植 EmuNAND](move-emunand) 頁面中的指示。 如果您不知道 EmuNAND 是什麼的話,這部分大概不適用於您。
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### 必備項目
* [finalizing.zip]({{ base_path }}/assets/finalizing.zip) (direct download)
### 操作說明
#### 第一節 — 準備工作
In this section, you will copy the files necessary to follow the rest of the instructions on this page.
1. Power off your console
1. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中
1. Copy the contents of `finalizing.zip` to the root of your SD card, merging/replacing any existing folders if prompted
1. Insert your SD card into your console
The screenshot below indicates the minimum SD card layout that is required to follow this page. 您可能在遵循其他頁面指示中會有一些多的資料夾及檔案在您的 SD 卡中。

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#### Section II - CFW Check
As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. If custom firmware is not installed by this point for any reason, the next section may render your console unable to be hacked without external hardware.
1. Power off your console
1. 按住「Select」鍵
1. Power on your console while still holding the (Select) button
1. If the check was successful, your console should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
1. 按『Start』鍵以存檔並重新啟動系統
1. Power off your console
If you do NOT boot into the Luma3DS configuration menu, custom firmware was not installed on your console. Join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp) and ask, in English, for help.
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#### Section III - Updating the System
In this section, you will update your system to the latest version, which is safe to do with custom firmware.
{% include_relative include/sysupdate.txt cfw="true" %}
#### Section IV - RTC and DSP setup
In this section, you will sync your 3DS internal clock with the actual time and dump the sound firmware (which is necesssary for some homebrew software to use sound properly).
1. 同時按下『L』+『下』+『Select』鍵以啟動 Rosalina 選單
+ If one of these buttons is broken, download [config.ini]({{ base_path }}/assets/config.ini) and put it in your `luma` folder, replacing the existing one. This will change the Rosalina menu key combination to (X) + (Y)
1. 選擇『Miscellaneous options』
1. 選擇『Dump DSP firmware』
1. 按『B』繼續
1. 選擇『Nullify user time offset』
1. 按『B』繼續
1. 按『B』回到 Rosalina 主選單
1. 按『B』退出 Rosalina 選單
#### Section V - Setup Script
In this section, you will use a script to automate homebrew installation, SD card cleanup, and system file backup.
1. Power off your console
1. Press and hold (Start), and while holding (Start), power on your console. 這將會啟動 GodMode9
+ 如果沒有進入 GodMode9,請確保 `GodMode9.firm` 檔案已存在於 `/luma/payloads/` 資料夾中,並確保 `payload` 沒有拼錯。
1. 當提示重要檔案備份時,按下『A』繼續,並在完畢後按下『A』繼續
1. 當提示修正 RTC 日期及時間時,按『A』繼續並設定日期及時間,再按『A』繼續
1. 按『Home』鍵以叫出主選單
1. 選擇『Scripts...』
1. Select "finalize"
1. Follow the prompts in the script, answering each question that you are asked
+ If you encounter an error, follow the instructions in the error message or consult the [troubleshooting](troubleshooting#finalizing-setup) page
1. Once the script says "Setup complete!", press (A) to power off the device
+ If you do NOT see the message "Setup complete!", the script was not successful and you will need to redo this section
1. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中
1. Copy the `/gm9/out/` folder to a safe location on your computer
+ This folder contains critical file backups and should be backed up to multiple locations (i.e. cloud storage) if possible
+ The two SysNAND files are your NAND backup and can be used to revert your console to a working state if it is bricked by a software issue
+ The `essential.exefs` file contains your console's system-unique files and can be used to recover your data in the event of a hardware failure
1. Delete the contents of the `/gm9/out/` folder from your SD card
大功告成! Custom firmware is now fully configured on your console.
{: .notice--success}
### Information and Notes
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- 開機時,按住『Select』鍵將會進入 Luma3DS 的設定選單。
- 開機時,按住『Start』鍵將會進入 GodMode9 選單;或者如果你的 `/luma/payloads/` 資料夾中有多個 Payload,則會進入 Luma3DS 加載選單。
- 預設情況下,在 3DS 模式下按住 『L』鍵 +『下』鍵 +『Select』鍵,將會開啟 Rosalina 選單;在本選單中,你能檢視系統資訊、進行截圖、開啟作弊、及其他功能。 這可以從 Rosalina 選單更改。
- Holding (Start) + (Select) + (X) on boot will make the notification LED show a color for debug purposes. See the [changelog](https://github.com/SciresM/boot9strap/releases/tag/1.4) for a list.
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有關如何使用 GodMode9 的各種功能,請見[GodMode9 用法](godmode9-usage) 及 [轉存程式及遊戲卡帶](dumping-titles-and-game-cartridges) 頁面。
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