--- title: "F3XSwift (Mac)" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} ### Required Reading This is an add-on section for checking your SD card for errors using F3XSwift. Avhengig av størrelsen på SD-kortet og hastigheten på datamaskinen din, kan denne prosessen ta opptil flere timer! Denne siden er kun for Mac-brukere. If you are not on Mac, check out the [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)) or [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)) pages. F3XSwift is only compatible with macOS 10.13 (High Sierra) and above. If you have an older version of macOS, follow [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac)) instead. {: .notice--primary} ### What You Need * The latest release of [F3XSwift](https://github.com/vrunkel/F3XSwift/releases/latest) ### Instructions 1. Sett inn SD-kortet i datamaskinen din 1. Run the F3XSwift app 1. Select your SD card from the list of volumes 1. Click "Test" 1. Click "Open" to confirm writing to your SD card 1. Wait until the process is complete ___ Hvis testen viser `Success! Your card is ok!`, your SD card is good and you can delete all `.h2w` files on your SD card. {: .notice--success} Hvis testen viser noe annet resultat kan det hende SD-kortet er korrupt eller skadet og du bør bytte det! {: .notice--danger} ### Return to [Get Started](get-started) {: .notice--primary}