BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (僅限臺版主機)

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為了匯出系統的 DSiWare 軟體, 我們使用了在系統設定內的 DSiWare 數據管理的一個漏洞。

為了做到這一點,我們將使用你裝置的系統加密金鑰 (movable.sed) 來建構一個可使用的 DSiWare 系統備份,以便將 DSi 網路設定程式匯出到 SD 卡的根目錄。

Once you have a DSiWare backup, an exploitable DSiWare title can be injected into DS Download Play, which can be used to install custom firmware.

These instructions are for Taiwanese consoles ONLY (as indicated by a T at the end of the system version, e.g. 11.16.0-39T)! If your console is from any other region, choose the other method.


  • Your movable.sed file completing Seedminer
  • The latest release of Luma3DS (the Luma3DS .zip file)
  • The latest release of b9stool (direct download)
  • The latest release of Frogminer_save (

第一節 — 檢查自製韌體

As an additional safety measure, we will perform an additional check for custom firmware. This is because using this method when custom firmware is already installed has a risk of bricking the console (rendering it unusable without recovery methods like ntrboot).

  1. Power off your console
  2. 按住「Select」鍵
  3. Power on your console while still holding the (Select) button
  4. If the check was successful, you will boot to the HOME Menu and you may proceed with this guide
  5. Power off your console

If you see a configuration menu or the console immediately powers off, you already have CFW, and continuing with these instructions may BRICK your console! Follow Checking for CFW to upgrade your existing CFW.

第二節 — 準備工作

  1. Power off your console
  2. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中
  3. 解壓 Luma3DS .zip 內的 boot.firmboot.3dsx 到 SD 卡的根目錄底下
    • 「SD 卡的根目錄」指的是你的 SD 卡含有 Nintendo 3DS 資料夾的目錄,而非該資料夾內部
  4. Copy boot.nds (B9STool) from the release .zip to the root of your SD card
  5. 解壓 Frogminer_save .zip 中的 private 資料夾到 SD 卡的根目錄底下
  6. Keep your SD card in your computer - there are more things to do in the next section

第三節 — BannerBomb3

  1. 在電腦上開啟 DSIHaxInjector V2
  2. Under the “Username” field, enter any alphanumeric name (no spaces or special characters)
  3. Under the “MovableSed” field, upload your movable.sedusing the “Browse…” option
  4. 選擇『Build』
    • Wait a few seconds for the build process to complete
  5. In the Build History section on the left, type the Username into the “Filter Builds” field
  6. Click on the first search result
    • This result should have the latest timestamp
  7. Click the “output_(name).zip” link
  8. Navigate to Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> on your SD card
    • <ID0> is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in Seedminer
    • <ID1> is a 32-letter folder inside of the <ID0>
    • If you have multiple <ID1> folders, follow the instructions here
  9. Create a folder named Nintendo DSiWare inside of the <ID1>
    • If you already had the folder and there are any existing DSiWare backup files (<8-character-id>.bin) inside, copy them to your computer and remove them from your SD card
  10. Open the output_(name) .zip file and navigate to China_Taiwan -> output_setup
  11. Copy all six .bin files to the Nintendo DSiWare folder
  12. Reinsert your SD card into your console
  13. Power on your console
  14. Launch System Settings on your console
  15. 移動至 資料管理 (Data Management) -> DSiWare -> SD Card -> (第二頁)
  16. Take note of what number is on the DSiWare title on the second page (it will be a number between 1 and 6)
  17. Power off your console
  18. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中
  19. 於您的 SD 卡中,移動至 Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> -> Nintendo DSiWare
  20. Open the output_(name) .zip file and navigate to China_Taiwan -> output_hax
  21. Copy the .bin file that is the same number as the one that was on the second page of the DSiWare Management menu to the Nintendo DSiWare folder, and overwrite when prompted
  22. Power on your console
  23. Launch System Settings on your console
  24. Navigate to Data Management -> DSiWare -> SD Card (image)
  25. 稍息等待
    • The following should happen, in this order: A progress swirl, a short freeze, the bottom screen turning purple, the music stopping, then the console showing an error message and rebooting
    • 如果您沒看到紫屏,那麼您可能某步驟做錯了
  26. You should now have the file 42383821.bin on the root of your SD card
  27. 於您的 SD 卡中,移動至 Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> -> Nintendo DSiWare
  28. Delete all of the .bin files in the Nintendo DSiWare folder

第四節 — Fredtool

  1. 在電腦上開啟 DSIHaxInjector_new
  2. Under the “Username” field, enter any alphanumeric name (no spaces or special characters)
    • You might want to put in a different name to differentiate it from BannerBomb3’s output
  3. Under the “DSiBin” field, upload your 42383821.bin file using the first “Browse…” option
  4. Under the “MovableSed” field, upload your movable.sed file using the second “Browse…” option
  5. Under the “InjectionTarget” field, set the injection target to DSdownloadplay(NOT memorypit)
  6. 選擇『Build』
    • Wait a few seconds for the build process to complete
  7. In the Build History section on the left, type the Username into the “Filter Builds” field
  8. Click on the first search result
    • This result should have the latest timestamp
  9. Click the “output_(name).zip” link
  10. 於您的 SD 卡中,移動至 Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> -> Nintendo DSiWare
  11. Copy the 484E4441.bin file from the hax folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare folder
  12. Reinsert your SD card into your console
  13. Power on your console
  14. Launch System Settings on your console
  15. 移動至 檔案管理 (Data Management) -> DSiWare
  16. 在 SD 卡欄位中選擇『Haxxxxxxxxx!』程式
  17. 選擇『複製 (Copy)』並選擇『OK』
第五節 — Flipnote 漏洞

In this section, you will perform a series of very specific steps within Flipnote Studio that, when performed correctly, will launch b9sTool, the boot9strap (custom firmware) installer.

If you would prefer a visual guide to this section, one is available here.

  1. 退出系統設定
  2. Launch Download Play on your console (the orange icon with a 3DS on it)
  3. 選擇『任天堂 DS (Nintendo DS)』
  4. 如果漏洞成功執行,您的 3DS 將自動啟動『うごくメモ帳 (Flipnote Studio)』
  5. Complete the initial setup process for the launched game until you reach the main menu
    • Select the left option whenever prompted during the setup process
    • If you encounter an issue while doing this section, check this troubleshooting guide for your issue
  6. Using the touch-screen, select the large left box, then select the box with an SD card icon
  7. Once the menu loads, select the face icon, then the bottom right icon to continue
  8. Press (X) or (UP) on the D-Pad depending on which is shown on the top screen
  9. Select the second button along the top with a film-reel icon
  10. Scroll right until reel “3/3” is selected
  11. Tap the third box with the letter “A” in it
  12. Scroll left until reel “1/3” is selected
  13. Tap the fourth box with the letter “A” in it
  14. If the exploit was successful, your console will have loaded b9sTool

Section VI - Installing boot9strap

In this section, you will install custom firmware onto your console.

  1. Using the D-Pad, move to “Install boot9strap”
    • If you miss this step, the system will exit to HOME Menu instead of installing boot9strap and you will need to start over from the previous section
  2. Press (A), then press START and SELECT at the same time to begin the process
  3. Once completed and the bottom screen says “done.”, exit b9sTool, then power off your console
    • You may have to force power off by holding the power button
    • If your console shuts down when you try to power it on, ensure that you have copied boot.firm from the Luma3DS .zip to the root of your SD card
    • If you see the Luma Configuration screen, power off your console and continue to the next section

Section VII - Luma3DS Configuration

  1. Press and hold (Select), and while holding (Select), power on your console
  2. Your console should have booted into the Luma3DS configuration menu
    • Luma3DS configuration menu are settings for the Luma3DS custom firmware. Many of these settings may be useful for customization or debugging
    • For the purpose of this guide, leave these options on the default settings (do not check or uncheck anything)
    • If your console shuts down when you try to power it on, ensure that you have copied boot.firm from the Luma3DS .zip to the root of your SD card
  3. 按『Start』鍵以存檔並重新啟動系統

Section VIII - Restoring DS Download Play

  1. 於您的 SD 卡中,移動至 Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> -> Nintendo DSiWare
  2. Copy the 484E4441.bin file from the clean folder of the downloaded DSiWare archive (output_(name).zip) to the Nintendo DSiWare folder
  3. Reinsert your SD card into your console
  4. Power on your console
  5. Launch System Settings on your console
  6. 移動至 檔案管理 (Data Management) -> DSiWare
  7. 在 SD 卡欄位中選擇『Haxxxxxxxxx!』程式
  8. 選擇『複製 (Copy)』並選擇『OK』
  9. 退出系統設定
  10. Power off your console
