--- title: "Wprowadzenie" --- {% include toc title="Spis Treści" %} ### Wymagana Lektura If you have hacked your 3DS in the past, or you purchased your 3DS second-hand, it is possible that your console already has custom firmware. You should [check for CFW](checking-for-cfw) before proceeding. {: .notice--warning} Wybierz odpowiednią podstronę dla swojej wersji firmware z poniższej tabeli. Pola "od" oraz "do" są włączne dla wersji. Wersja twojej konsoli jest widoczna w prawym dolnym rogu górnego ekranu System Settings. ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/system-version.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} Before starting, you may want to check your SD card for errors using [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), or [F3XSwift (Mac)](f3xswift-(mac))! {: .notice--warning} While we believe that custom firmware is safe for online use, there have been online network bans in the past, primarily for cheating and suspicious eShop behavior. {: .notice--warning} ### Tabela wersji The letter and number after the system version (for example, 11.14.0-**46U**) is not relevant in this version table.
Od Do Action
1.0.0 11.3.0 Installing boot9strap (Soundhax)
11.4.0 11.13.0 Update your 3DS to the latest version through System Settings
11.14.0 (latest version) Installing boot9strap (Browser)

(Requires a Compatible Flashcart)


Installing boot9strap (Hardmod)
(Requires Soldering)