BannerBomb3 (Legacy)

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Technical Details (optional)

To launch custom code, we exploit a flaw in the DSiWare Data Management window of the Settings application.

To accomplish this, we use your system’s encryption key (movable.sed) to build a DSiWare backup that exploits the system.

For a more technical explanation, see here.


這些操作在美、歐、日、韓版可用,可透過系統版本號末尾的 「U、E、J、K」 字元來辨別。


  • Your movable.sed file from completing Seedminer or nimhax

第一節 — 準備工作

In this section, you will copy the files needed to trigger the BannerBomb3 exploit onto your console’s SD card.

  1. Power off your console
  2. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中
  3. Open Bannerbomb3 Injector on your computer
  4. Upload your movable.sed using the “Choose File” option
  5. Click “Build and Download”
    • This will download an exploit DSiWare called F00D43D5.bin and a payload called bb3.bin inside of a zip archive (
  6. Copy bb3.bin from to the root of your SD card
    • 「SD 卡的根目錄」指的是你的 SD 卡含有 Nintendo 3DS 資料夾的目錄,而非該資料夾內部
    • This file does not need to be opened or extracted
  7. Navigate to Nintendo 3DS -> <ID0> -> <ID1> on your SD card
    • <ID0> is the 32-letter folder name that you copied in Seedminer
    • <ID1> is a 32-letter folder inside of the <ID0>
    • If you have multiple <ID1> folders, follow the instructions here
  8. Create a folder named Nintendo DSiWare inside of the <ID1>
    • If you already had the folder and there are any existing DSiWare backup files (<8-character-id>.bin) inside, copy them to your PC and remove them from your SD card
  9. Copy the F00D43D5.bin file from to the Nintendo DSiWare folder

Continue to Installing boot9strap (menuhax)