--- title: "Flashing ntrboot (NDS)" --- {% include toc title="Table of Contents" %} Antes de prosseguir, certifique-se de que você tenha lido todas as informações em [ntrboot](ntrboot) Note that R4i Gold 3DS RTS flashcarts will not be able to be used for their standard functions (such as launching `.nds` files) while the ntrboot exploit is installed on it. This does not apply to the Acekard 2i. There are optional steps at the end of the ntrboot boot9strap installation instructions to remove the ntrboot exploit from your flashcart when you are done. This method requires temporary access to a Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite that is compatible with your flashcart. Note that this method is *not* compatible with the Nintendo DSi. It is compatible with the following flashcarts: + [R4i Gold 3DS (RTS)](http://www.nds-card.com/ProShow.asp?ProID=149) + [Acekard 2i](http://www.nds-card.com/ProShow.asp?ProID=160) + R4i Gold 3DS "Starter" + R4i Ultra + R4 3D Revolution + Infinity 3 R4i + [DSTT](http://www.nds-card.com/ProShow.asp?ProID=157) ([some flash chips only!](https://gist.github.com/Hikari-chin/6b48f1bb8dd15136403c15c39fafdb42)) Note que em algumas raras circunstâncias, pode ser possível que o processo de instalação cause um **brick** em um flashcart falso e torne-o permanentemente inutilizável. É pouco provável que isso ocorra, mas mesmo assim somente os flashcarts originais listados são suportados. Para reduzir a chance de receber um flashcart falso, é recomendado que você use um site com uma boa reputação para comprar o seu flashcart, (como o [NDS Card](http://www.nds-card.com/)) {: .notice--danger} ### What you need * Your ntrboot compatible flashcart * Two devices + **The source NDS / NDSL**: the Nintendo DS or Nintendo DS Lite which is compatible with your flashcart + **The target 3DS**: the 3DS family device on stock firmware * The latest release of [ak2i_ntrcardhax_flasher](https://github.com/d3m3vilurr/ak2i_ntrcardhax_flasher/releases/latest) *(standard flasher; not the `dsi` flasher)* ### Instructions #### Section I - Prep Work 1. Power off **the source NDS / NDSL** 1. Insert your flashcart's SD card into your computer 1. Copy `ak2i_ntrcardhax_flasher.nds` to your flashcart's SD card 1. Reinsert your flashcart's SD card back into your flashcart 1. Insert your ntrboot compatible DS / DSi flashcart into **the source NDS / NDSL** #### Section II - Flashing ntrboot 1. Launch `ak2i_ntrcardhax_flasher.nds` on **the source NDS / NDSL** using your flashcart 1. Aperte (A) para continuar 1. Use (Up) and (Down) to select your flashcart 1. Aperte (A) para continuar 1. Press (X) to "load flashrom" 1. Aperte (A) para continuar 1. Eject your flashcart from **the source NDS / NDSL** 1. Eject the SD card from your flashcart 1. Reinsert your flashcart into **the source NDS / NDSL** with the SD card removed 1. Aperte (A) para continuar 1. Press (A) to "inject ntrboothax" 1. Press (A) to select "RETAIL" 1. Eject your flashcart from **the source NDS / NDSL** ___ Continuar para [Instalando boot9strap (ntrboot)](installing-boot9strap-(ntrboot)) {: .notice--primary}