title: "Homebrew Launcher (PicHaxx)"
{% include toc title="條目內容" %}
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Technical Details (optional)
This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to write a custom save file for Pokémon Picross, which can then be used with unSAFE_MODE (via Homebrew Launcher) to run SafeB9SInstaller.
For information on PicHaxx itself, see [here](https://github.com/zoogie/pichaxx).
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{{ technical_info | markdownify }}
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### 相容性資訊
These instructions work on USA, Europe, and Japan consoles as indicated by the letters U, E, or J after the system version.
You will need a Nintendo Network ID to download Pokémon Picross.
This process will overwrite your Pokémon Picross save file, if you have one. If you wish to preserve your Pokémon Picross game data, you should make a backup of your `00000001.sav` file before overwriting it.
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### 必備項目
* 主機已安裝『寶可夢繪圖方塊 (Pokémon Picross)』遊戲 (可在 eShop 上免費下載)
+ 您也可以透過主機的相機掃取[此二維碼](http://api.qrserver.com/v1/create-qr-code/?color=000000&bgcolor=FFFFFF&data=ESHOP://50010000037815&margin=0&qzone=1&size=400x400&ecc=L)在 eShop 中開啟本遊戲的連結
+ 你必須插入一張 SD 卡到主機中才能安裝『寶可夢繪圖方塊 (Pokémon Picross)』。
* 您自 [Seedminer](seedminer) 步驟中所取得的 `movable.sed` 檔案
* The latest release of [Luma3DS](https://github.com/LumaTeam/Luma3DS/releases/latest) (the Luma3DS `.zip` file)
* 最新版的 [unSAFE_MODE](https://github.com/zoogie/unSAFE_MODE/releases/latest) (選擇 RELEASE `.zip` 檔案)
### 操作說明
#### 第一節 — 準備工作
In this section, you will copy some of the files that will be used to launch the Homebrew Launcher.
1. 將 SD 卡插入至電腦中
1. 解壓 Luma3DS `.zip` 內的 `boot.firm` 及 `boot.3dsx` 到 SD 卡的根目錄底下
+ 「SD 卡的根目錄」指的是你的 SD 卡含有 Nintendo 3DS 資料夾的目錄,而非該資料夾內部
1. Create a folder named `3ds` on the root of your SD card
1. Copy the `slotTool` folder from the unSAFE_MODE `.zip` to the `3ds` folder on your SD card
1. Copy the otherapp payload for your region/version from the unSAFE_MODE `.zip`'s `otherapps_with_CfgS` folder to the root of your SD card and rename it to `otherapp.bin`

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#### 第二節 — PicHaxx
In this section, you will create a hacked Pokémon Picross save file that, when used, will load the Homebrew Launcher on your device.
1. Open [the PicHaxx Injector website](https://3dstools.nhnarwhal.com/#/pichaxx) on your computer
1. 上傳您的 `movable.sed` 檔案
1. 選擇『構建並下載 (Build and Download)』
1. 等待程序完畢為止
1. 打開您 SD 中的 `Nintendo 3DS` -> `` -> `` -> `title` -> `00040000` -> `0017c100` -> `data` 資料夾
+ 此 `` 字串將與您在 [Seedminer](seedminer) 中所使用的字串一樣
+ 此 `` 字串指的是 `` 內 32 字元的資料夾名稱
1. 複製您剛剛下載的 `00000001.sav` 檔案到 `data` 資料夾
+ 如提示時複寫遊戲存檔

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1. 將 SD 卡插回主機中
1. 啟動您的主機
1. 啟動『精靈寶可夢:繪圖方塊 (Pokémon Picross)』
1. If the exploit was successful, your device will have booted into the Homebrew Launcher
+ If you get an error message, [follow this troubleshooting guide](troubleshooting#homebrew-launcher-pichaxx)
### 繼續至[安裝 boot9strap (透過 HBL-USM)](installing-boot9strap-(hbl-usm))
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