title: "Get Started"
{% include toc title="Table of Contents" %}
### Required Reading
The colors of the devices in the image may vary, but note the button placement and features of each device carefully to ensure you select the correct one.
{: .notice}
Click the image of your device to take you to the appropriate page.
{: .notice--primary}
Different device models, versions, and regions will require different steps to achieve the end goal of boot9strap powered Custom Firmware. This page will help you find where to start for your device.
{: .notice--info}
시작하기 전에 [H2testw (Windows)](h2testw-(windows)), [F3 (Linux)](f3-(linux)), 또는 [F3X (Mac)](f3x-(mac))을 사용해 SD 카드의 오류 여부를 확인해 주세요!
{: .notice--warning}
| New 3DS or New 2DS | Old 3DS or Old 2DS |
| [](get-started-(new-3ds)) [](get-started-(new-3ds))
[](get-started-(new-3ds)) | [](get-started-(old-3ds)) [](get-started-(old-3ds))
[](get-started-(old-3ds)) |