--- title: "Seedminer" --- {% include toc title="Spis Treści" %} ### Wymagana Lektura To install boot9strap on your device, we derive your device's unique encryption key. To accomplish this, we use a tool called Seedminer to calculate the data encryption key (movable.sed) for your device. For information on how Seedminer works, see [this presentation](https://zoogie.github.io/web/34⅕c3). Metoda ta wymaga użycia wydajnej karty graficznej, aby wykonać potrzebne obliczenia. Strona prowadzona przez wolontariuszy zostanie użyta w celu pomocy Ci z tą metodą. ### Instrukcje #### Sekcja I - Przygotowanie 1. Włóż kartę SD do komputera 1. Przejdź do folderu `Nintendo 3DS` na karcie SD 1. Skopiuj 32 znakową nazwę folderu który widzisz w folderze Nintendo 3DS + Nie wchodź w żadne inne foldery + If you see multiple 32 character long folders, follow [these instructions](troubleshooting#multiple-long-folder-names-in-nintendo-3ds-folder) + You can ignore the `private` folder if you have it ![]({{ "/images/screenshots/id0-example.png" | absolute_url }}) {: .notice--info} 1. Wklej skopiowaną 32 znakową nazwę folderu do np. notatnika i zapisz w łatwo dostępnym miejscu na komputerze + Nazwa folderu, która została skopiowana to Twoje tzw. "ID0" 1. Włącz konsolę + Your SD card does not need to be inserted at this point 1. Go to your Friend List (the [orange Face Icon]({{ "/images/friend-list-icon.png" | absolute_url }}) in the top row of your HOME Menu) + If you receive an error and are kicked out of the menu, you either must create a new Mii or your device cannot connect to Nintendo's servers (due to a ban or connection issues) 1. Wejdź na profil swojego Mii, a następnie znajdź pole "Friend Code" na górnym ekranie #### Section II - Seedminer 1. Join [Nintendo Homebrew on Discord](https://discord.gg/MWxPgEp) on Discord and follow the instructions in the #mining-assistance channel + You will need to provide your friend code and ID0, after which a human will manually process your request + If you are unable to join the Discord server, wait for [Bruteforce Movable](https://seedminer.hacks.guide/) to come back online 1. When the process is completed, you will be provided your `movable.sed` file + Keep this file as you will need it in the upcoming pages ___ ### Next Steps Once you have your device's encryption key (`movable.sed`), you will use it in conjunction with other exploits to install custom firmware on your 3DS. #### unSAFE_MODE (Recommended) This method of using Seedminer for further exploitation uses your `movable.sed` file to take advantage of exploits in the SAFE_MODE firmware present in all 3DS units. Continue to [Installing boot9strap (USM)](installing-boot9strap-(usm)) {: .notice--primary} ___ #### Taiwan consoles only If you have a Taiwanese device (indicated with a T at the end of the system version, such as 11.15.0-39**T**), you must follow this route. **Other regions may not follow this route.** Continue to [BannerBomb3 + Fredtool (TWN)](bannerbomb3-fredtool-(twn)) {: .notice--warning}